Numerical Study On Temperature Distribution of Water-in-Glass Evacuated Tubes Solar Water Heater
Numerical Study On Temperature Distribution of Water-in-Glass Evacuated Tubes Solar Water Heater
Numerical Study On Temperature Distribution of Water-in-Glass Evacuated Tubes Solar Water Heater
Numerical Study on Temperature Distribution of Water-in-Glass Evacuated Tubes Solar Water Heater
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2015
S M ,buoy ref g (1)
Component y
U y U y U y
Ux U y Uz
x y z (5)
Uy Uy Uy
2 2 2
g y T Tref
x 2 y 2 z 2
Component z
U z U z U z
Ux U y U z
x y z (6)
1 P 2U z 2U z 2U z
z x 2 y 2 z 2
Fig.4. Boundary condition of water-in-glass evacuated solar water heater Energy equation
C. Mathematical Model cU x U y Uz
x y z (7)
The problem presented in this fluid-thermal analysis
consists in solving the combined equations of Navier-Stokes T T T
2 2 2
k 2 2
and energy equation for incompressible fluid and subjected to x y 2 z
density variation with temperature. For this case,
ANSYS-CFX uses the finite volume method for modeling For the buoyancy case, the equations of momentum neglect
the constitutive equations of the system in their conservation the hydrostatic gradient from the pressure term, called in this
form. case as "movement pressure" which is responsible for the
D. Boussinesq approximation fluid motion and corrects the absolute pressure to evaluate the
material properties.
For buoyancy calculations, a source term is added to the
momentum equations as follows:
Numerical Study on Temperature Distribution of Water-in-Glass Evacuated Tubes Solar Water Heater
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2015
temperatures were measured at the tank and tube connection.
The temperature stratifications in the tank for different
inclinations are described in Fig.11. At 45inclination, the
temperature is slightly higher than 30 and 60.
Numerical Study on Temperature Distribution of Water-in-Glass Evacuated Tubes Solar Water Heater
SM,buoy- the source term,
g - the gravitational acceleration,
- the corrected density,
ref - the reference density used in all terms related
to the density except the above source term,
- the thermal expansivity,
Fig.15. Temperature Stratification in the tank for different tube dimension T - the studied temperature and
Tref - the reference temperature set as an average
Analyzing the temperature for the three models, the value of the problem domain.
- dynamic viscosity
conventional collector acquired higher temperature values as k - conductivity
in Fig.14. For the tilt angle of 45, the maximum temperature c - specific heat
in the first model (47D1800L) was of 315 [K], the model with Ux ,Uy, Uz -velocity component
(47D1200L) achieved 312 [K] and the model (34D1400L)
314 [K].The simulation of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar
water at various diameters and lengths is showing in Fig.15,
the effect of increasing in diameters and lengths will increase
the temperature in solar water heater, it means there is more
heat transfer in the tube. [2] size.htmm2007.
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-9, September 2015
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