Abstract- In this review paper, their applications were discussed on the current solar water heating systems.
Today, a day is spent on hot water for home, business and industry. Different resources such as coal, diesel,
gas, etc. for heating water and sometimes steam production are used. The main alternative to the
replacement of conventional energy sources is solar energy. The solar thermal water heating system is the
technology to make the most of the free solar thermal energy available. The solar thermal system is designed
to satisfy the energy requirements. System size depends on solar radiation availability, customer temperature
requirement, geographical conditions and solar system set-up, etc. The solar water heating system according
to the above parameters must therefore be designed. To understand construction, design, use and size of the
solar thermal system, the available literature is reviewed.
Keywords-Solar water heater, Solar energy collector, storage tank, heat transfer fluid.
Solar heater is a device for hot water production by III. SOLAR WATER HEATER
using solar energy to produce steam for domestic
and industrial uses.Solar heating is a device that is Solar water heating systems are normally very easy
used to heat the water and to generate steam using to use with heat water only with sunlight. A working
solar energy for domestic and industrial purposes. liquid touches a dark surface exposed to the sun
The solar energy comes from the sun in infinitely which increases the fluid temperature. The fluid can
large quantities in the form of solar radiation. This be directly heated water or a heat transfer fluid such
heat is used to heat the water when these solar as a glycol / water mixture passing through a form of
radiations fall on the absorbing surface and are heat exchangers known as an indirect system.
converted into heat. This type of thermal collector is
subject to radiation and convection heat loss. These
© 2021 Prashant Khash. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly credited.
Prashant Khash. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, 9:6 International Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology
An Open Access Journal
There are a number of major components in a solar and forced mode of circulation. solar hot water
water heating system (SWHS), one or more panels, system performance in solar water heater design can
pump, heat exchanger, a storage tank (or various be improved. Previous studies of literature are
storage tanks) and a storage back-up tank. Possibly discussed here.
passive or active solar heating is considered. Usual Abdellah Shafieian et. Al. (2019) This study
practice is for water heating purposes to use flat- evaluates the performance of a solar water heating
plate solar energy collectors (FPCs). While the ETC system for heating the hot water heat in Perth (West
and the ETHP (Evacuated Tube Pipe Pipes) are more Australia) during a cold day in theoretical and
effective, the original price is comparatively greater. experimental terms. An optimum number of glass
The original price is more effective than that. tubes of the solar heat pipe collector has been
developed and used for calculating the mathematical
model. Studies have shown that hot water extraction
has a major impact on solar water heating systems '
thermal quality, by increasing the absorption and
overall efficiency and reducing exergy destruction.
This shows the importance of the design and analysis
of these systems taking into account the pattern of
heat water consumption. The auxiliary heating
element constituted a required part of the system
and played an important role in the early morning of
the operation (19 minutes of operation) and in the
cloudy and overcast time, in part.
Figure: schematic view of solar water heater
(vasan wala et. al. 2017) D Prakash et. al. (2018)This work focuses on the
efficient utilization of solar energy by means of a new
solar water system, and adequate ceiling insulation
material stop the flow of heat within the indoor
construction. The changed solar water heater
Solar energy collectors operate in similar ways with
insulation ceiling is intended to be simulated
heat exchangers by transforming one type of energy
numerically and validated in commercial dynamics
into another form of solar radiation in the form of
software computation fluids. The research analyses
hot water. A solar collector is the component that
the variables that affect the efficiency and thermal
enables this energy exchange. The solar collector
insulation of Solar Water Heating Scheme and the
absorbs and transforms radiation into heat. The
optimum design of the adapted ceilings. The
energy is then converted through the collector to a
updated roof system generates 25 liters of hot water
liquid, normally water or a Glycol combination. The
per day with a rise in the summer temperature of 60
energy obtained from the mentioned process is then
° C. The same roof structure also sets the roof
transferred directly from the fluid to where it is
temperature at approximately 27 ° C for a day in
necessary, or to the solar water heating tank, which
can be used if required. The mounting of solar
collectors is possible in two ways; stationary or
S. Sadhish kumar et. al. (2018)This study examined
tracking. The measurement is carried out at the
the probability of the use of Phase Change Materials
design stage to ensure an acceptable inclination of
for the store and use of solar energy during the night
the panels for location and use in the installation of
for domestic water heating. In this work the efficient
the collector in a stationary position. The collectors use of three (i.e.) methods with no reflective,
are then set to this inclination angle throughout the
reflecting, and cum reflectant PCM (Paraffin Wax) for
year and for the life of the system.
an enclosed liquid-in-glass solar water heater has
been investigated. Factors affecting the efficiency of
V.LITERATURE REVIEW tube pipe evacuation will be analyzed and a
numerical analysis will be given of the water
Different studies in the field of solar hot water circulation in the tubes. The simulation findings were
systems, including in the past and present, natural subsequently generated with the test results. The use
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Prashant Khash. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, 9:6 International Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology
An Open Access Journal
of the proposed solution was found to lead to 5 °C battery of a solar water heater with fins externally
to 7 °C advantages over long periods at the stored attached to the riser pipe. To gain a better view of
warm water temperature. the heat exchange capacities of the collector, study
the solar collector with or without computational
K. Vasudeva Karanth et. al. (2017)This research fluid dynamics (CFD) to detect the solar collector. For
analyzes the results of the energy efficiency when the finned tube obtained from CFD, the tests were
absorber system tubes select different size and confirmed by CFD and test values for plain tube and
shape. The CFD analysis shows that the circular cross the temperature increases of 3-4 degrees C are
section pipe of the collector that flattened the observed for finned tube. On this basis, manufacture
contact surface with that of the absorber plate is carried out and experimental testing with the latest
significantly improves thermal performance collector collection is carried out. The findings of the
compared to other Nusselt number settings. test indicate that the efficacy of the finned pipes
Numerical studies show that the variations in heat instead of the basic tube is improved by around 3-5
efficiency are significant while different forms and percent.
dimensions are taken into account for the solar panel
pipes based upon the requirements for a clear Sukrut Surendra Prabhu (2016)The current project
intersection and a stable perimeter. The cross- is performing a three-dimensional CFD study to
sectional test shows that the pressure drop and improve solar air heater efficiency. A circular obstacle
absolute temperature rise across the tube are in the flow path is used in this study to improve the
comparably high for the construction of triangular flow turbulence and thereby enhance the convective
pipes. heat transfer to air. The numerical results are
validated with experimental results for the model
Mohammed Abdul Junaid et.al. (2017)The main with and without obstacles. The results show
aim of this study is the development and use of CAD numerically that barriers are useful for increasing the
software to carry out thermal analysises in the month rate of heat transfer. Nevertheless, the pressure drop
of March at 11 a.m., 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to maintain a has increased relative to the plane template with the
consistent rate of mass flow. For simulation purposes addition of the obstacle. By inserting fillet in the flow
is used GAMBIT 2.4 and for the analysis ANSYS direction, this increased pressure drop was reduced.
FLUENT 14.5 is used. The FPC simulation is calculated
from 11.00 to 2 p.m. At 12.00, the initial temperature Vishal G. Shelke et. al. (2015) The purpose of this
is higher at 40.89 ° C when the temperature of the analysis was to examine the effect on the flat
water intake is 25 ° C, so the temperature increases platform solar collector of variations in tube size. This
to 15.890 C and the output temperature decreases as thesis considered a circular tube with a diameter of
time increases. 12.7 mm and conducted numerical analysis with the
program ANSYS CFD FLUENT. The temperature of
V. Y. Chaudhary et. al. (2017)The study shows how the inlet and outlet for different heat streams was
solar energy is being used by using CFD analysis compared. For separate elliptical pipe forms further
which includes an evacuated tube heat pipe, which analyzes have been undertaken. The temperature of
converts radiation into useful heat. The current use the liquid outlet is compared with the circulating
of nanofluids to improve heat transfer in solar tests. It is inferred from above that case 5 (b=0.5A)
thermal technology is of concern. There are two elliptical pipe provides peak outlet water
water pipes in geometry. Water and Al2O3 temperature in contrast to the ring and other
respectively are the working fluids used for heat elliptical configuration for the same heat flow and
pipes. The thermal efficiency of nanofluid includes inlet temperature. The maximum temperature
the solar water heater solar tube tube is better than difference between the circular and elliptical tube is
normal solar water heater (SWH) tubular heater. The also shown to be 4.17 °C.
effects on the condenser of the mass flow rate and
the angle of inclination of the evacuated air pipeline Zaw Min Thant et. al. (2015)The following
results were also investigated. numerical work is given on the collector of water-in-
glass solar tube evacuated using CFDs. An essential
M. Dinesh Babu et.al. (2016)There have been part of the solar-heated water heater is the
attempts to explore the effect on the efficiency of the evacuated water-in-glass tank. A water-in-glass
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Prashant Khash. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, 9:6 International Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology
An Open Access Journal
collector, because its hot spring efficiency and simple panel. The heat transfer event is modelled by Fluent
construction conditions are the most widely used CFD code between the collector and air. The
type of evacuated collector and therefore its low temperature in the lower panel of the absorber is
production costs. The purpose of this paper is to great because of the fact that this set-up tube has a
complement the above studies, to approach the larger contact area between the tube and a plate and
transitional analysis of an removed tube collector therefore more heat absorption and more fan
using different geometries and different tube efficiency.
geometries, to allow better heat removal from the P.W. Ingle et. al. (2013)Presented numerical
tube and to evaluate the behaviour, and the simulation of the solar collector provided only for
potential improvements to be applied in the model drying grapes. Technically and economically highly
of this solar collector. viable is the solar drying of grapes. For current
studies, CFD is used to mimic the solar collector to
Jinshah Basheer Sheeba et. al. (2014) This work better understand the heat transfer potential of a
includes a mixed heat and structural analysis on the computer-generated fluid dynamics instrument.
use of finite element techniques by the asphalt solar ANSYS Workbench is a collector's 3D model
collector. Different models for optimum tube length, featuring an air inlet, a wave-built absorber sheet, a
tube size, tubing deepness and tube layout were winding glass wrap plate and a stem board, as well
evaluated in the given situation. The statistical as the organized ANSYS ICEM grid. The CFD analysis
analysis carried out on ASC shows that both the pipe shows that the air flow is not properly distributed in
lengths and the tube length have a major impact on the solar flat panel holders. In order to resolve this
the temperature distribution within the ground. issue, a fan inlet can be used to make the flat solar
Within a certain threshold, structural integrity is not panel stack more powerful.
greatly impacted. Because ASC's structural and
thermal properties vary from the current temperature Alkhair M. Abdul Majeed et. al. (2012)Concentrate
situation, blending ratios and compactness of the materials have been used to increase the output
paving, the exact results can only be predicted by temperature in the water that flows inside a flat plate
means of real-time testing of large designs. absorber solar water heater. In order to verify the
results obtained from the numerical solution that
Sohel Chaudhari et. al. (2014)An effort has been was made using another method, simulation
made to carry out a CFD-based analysis of solar air (modelling) technology was used. This study affected
heaters using FLUENT in fluid flow and heating. the thermal efficiency of the plate solar water heaters
ANSYS designed the prototype of the 3D Solar Air by increasing the temperature of the water along the
heater with water inlet, absorber base, glass, ANSYS length of the absorber pipe. Focusing components
Workbench template and unstructured grid. ANSYS have been used to increase the temperature of the
fluent code has achieved the tests. This is achieved water floating within a single panel solar water
with the use of a CFD system for flow distribution heater absorber. To verify the effects of the
and temperature in the solar air heater. A numerical solution obtained using another method
mathematical simulation of the solar air fine heater was used simulation (modelling) technology. This
on the ground of the absorber panel was carried out study has affected the energy efficiency of the solar
in the experiment to investigate the heat transfer and water heater plate by raise the water temperature of
fluid friction behaviour. The influence on solar air the absorber pipe along its length.
heaters of distinct heat flow values has shown that
heat flow prices increase the heat efficiency of solar VI.CONCLUSION
air heaters.
The technical basis of these installations has been
Basavanna et. al. (2013) The object of the
studied and it is known that the design process
investigation is to examine the solar collector using
produced has to be chosen, installed and monitored
the CFD to track the solar collection in order to
in accordance with the available sunlight and
obtain a clearer understanding of the heat transfer
geographical conditions of the solar water heating
capacities of the collector. Fluid flow and heating
system. A concise review was presented, mainly in
transfer are currently being studied with
terms of energy efficiency and cost effectiveness, of
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the collector
the design features and related technical
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Prashant Khash. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, 9:6 International Journal of Science,
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