* Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, 43600, Malaysia
** Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu 88400, Malaysia
([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
Abstract- The purpose of this study is to evaluate the thermal and electrical efficiency of PVT-PCM and PVT for photovoltaic
thermal collectors. A square absorber tube with PCM was utilized in the study, introducing a new approach to photovoltaic
thermal collectors. COMSOL computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software was employed to carry out the simulations, and the
tests were conducted as indoor experiments in a lab. Water was used as the transmission fluid in this study. Different volume
flow rates ranging from 1–3 LPM were assessed for both experiment and simulation by considering the radiation range of 400,
600, and 800W/m2. At a volume flow rate of 2 LPM, experimental results showed that PVT-PCM achieved higher electrical
and thermal efficiencies of 9.95% and 88.3%, respectively, compared to the simulation results of 10.0% and 86.5%. Comparable
outcomes were seen with both the simulation and experiment.
Keywords Jet impingement, Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT), Heat transfer, Solar collector, CFD simulation
1. Introduction reduced installation costs when the two systems are integrated
into one place [8]–[10]. Furthermore, it can be said that PVT
The overall efficiency of photovoltaic systems has systems could be further enhanced by employing alternative
increased with continuous expansion in solar energy design structures and materials in an appropriate quantity
applications. Conventional photovoltaic (PV panels) differs without resulting in bad energy prices or prolonged payback
based on the composition material, but in order to produce periods [11]–[14]. PVT units' combined thermal and electrical
electricity, the PV panels generally only need photon from efficiencies were identical to the overall efficiency because
light [1]–[3]. However, solar radiation's heat causes the PVT systems are segmented on the employed working fluid as
temperature of PV panels to inflate, which reduces their well as the configurations of the collector. Another option
electrical efficiency [4]. Cooling methods can be introduced would include the collector being a tube, heat pipe, sheet, or
to avoid this reduction [5], [6]. One method would be others [15], [16]. To enhance the overall system efficiency,
combining the collectors into a hybrid system called various collector configurations have been examined for
Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT). Most current PVT research different systems [17], [18].
studies have concentrated on systems that employ water as a
A water-based photovoltaic thermal simulation employed
heat transfer fluid because of the higher heat capacity when
seven new absorber collector design configurations. A range
contrasted with air, enabling the system to continue year-
of rectangular and round hollow tubes was considered to
round operation [7]. Due to this, better efficiencies of thermal
choose the cross-sectional shape of the absorber. The most
and electrical can be achieved with water systems versus air
efficient one was the spiral flow design, which had a cell
systems. Other benefits include space conservation and
M. S. Aziz et al., Vol.13, No.4, December, 2023
efficiency of 11.98% and a thermal efficiency of 50.12% [19]. of 68C for the PV module, while the spiral flow system
Ibrahim et al. built a pair of PVT water collectors. One achieved the lowest temperature of 45.2C. Al-Waeli et al. [30]
collector would be a spiral flow absorber, and the other would used a nanofluid and nano-PCM-based PVT to improve a PV
be a single-pass rectangular tunnel [20]. According to the module's electrical performance and characteristics, obtaining
data, the spiral flow configuration achieved the maximum a maximum PV efficiency of 13.7% compared to 7.1% for a
electrical and thermal efficiency levels. Three PVT water conventional PV module.
collectors were developed and compared by Sopian et al.
This paper presents a novel approach to enhancing the
regarding thermal performance before fabricating prototypes
thermal performance of the PVT system by using a square
[21]. The first was a direct collector, the second was a parallel
absorber tube with PCM. The study analyzed the impacts of
collector, and the third was a split flow collector. PVT
PCMs and thermal collectors separately for PVT systems. The
systems with split flow designs are deemed more efficient
numerical performance of the systems was evaluated and
since cold water passes from both sides of each flow. Thus, a
compared to different thermal collector designs. Additionally,
split-flow design can increase a water-based PVT system's
the effects of solar radiation level and mass flow rates on
thermal and electrical efficiency. Mihai et al. [22] propose an
temperature and overall system performance were assessed for
innovative technical solution for increasing PVT efficiency by
the system.
equipping PV panels with a cooling system and integrating a
water-to-water heat pump with hot water storage, resulting in
2. Research Description
an overall increase in efficiency of up to 45%, and making it
more competitive than separate use of PV panels and solar
collectors. Barbu et al. [23] investigated the potential solution Three different water flow rates (1, 2, and 2.5 L/min) and
of integrating solar renewable energy in the district heating by three different radiation levels (400, 600, and 800W/m2) were
using a system of PVT to cover the domestic hot water (DHW) used to evaluate the system numerically and experimentally.
requirements of the end-users, which generated both These systems were connected to solar panels, one without
electricity and heat in a micro-cogeneration system with good PCM signifying PVT while the other employing PCM
thermal and energy outputs. signifying PVT-PCM. The models were validated via
experiments. The systems have been designed based on
The main functions of PCMs in PVT include improved comparable-sized elements and generally use the same
cooling for PV modules and thermal energy for working fluid designs and calculations as the numerical models. The spiral-
flow via thermal collectors [24], [25]. Moreover, the heat of designed absorber tube is attached to the PV panel by
a PV module can be controlled using PCM materials, which eliminating any air gap between them to enhance heat
can hold a considerable amount of heat when they transition transmission.
from solid to liquid. Although such materials could be liquid
or solid, they absorb sensible heat. This phenomenon helps to 2.1. Numerical Investigations
eliminate heat from objects like solar panels when in close
contact. The 3D models have been created by using COMSOL
The performance pertaining to a PVT system in the software. Therefore, a square cross-section is present for the
presence and absence of PCM was numerically compared by absorber tubes of these models. Fig. 1 depicts the PVT and
Gaur et al. in France [26]. The temperatures of different PVT-PCM systems.
system components were evaluated by designing a thermal
model. During winter, achievement of 16.5% and 16.87% of
electrical efficiency was possible, while a specific range of
ambient temperature and solar irradiation was employed in
this study. As per Fayaz et al., the heat transfer and
performance of water-based PVT systems can be improved
with PCM [27]. Kyaligonza et al. [28] utilized a 3D numerical
model to compare four solar module configurations and
validate their proposed three configurations of PVT-PCM,
which achieved the highest conversion efficiency and specific
electrical power per unit area and found that a 0.5m/s increase
in inlet velocity resulted in a 0.06% increase in efficiency.
Hussein et al. [29] conducted experiments and numerical
simulations to evaluate the electrical and thermal performance
of three types of PVT flow configurations: direct, web, and
spiral flow. The results show that PVT systems have higher
efficiency in converting solar radiation energy to electrical and Fig. 1 PVT and PVT-PCM systems
thermal energy than conventional PV modules. The spiral
flow collector achieved the highest electrical efficiency of Table 1 Properties of solar module's layers [31]
9.1%, while the spiral flow and direct flow collectors had the Specific
highest overall efficiencies of 35% and 27.5%, respectively. Layer
Thickness Density
The PVT web flow system exhibited the highest temperature (m) (kg/m3) capacity
M. S. Aziz et al., Vol.13, No.4, December, 2023
0.032 2450 0.7 790 5. At all solid boundaries of the fluid passing path: no‐slip
glass condition
EVA 0.0005 960 0.311 2090
PV cell 0.00021 2330 130 677
PVF 0.0003 1200 0.15 1250 𝑢=𝑣=𝑤=0 (7)
The COMSOL software ran a 3D numerical simulation in Laboratory-based experimental data were used to verify
stationary state conditions. The simulation assumes the the present 3D simulation of the PVT. Comparing the
following: 100% transmissivity to be present in the EVA PV simulation's heat efficiency findings versus the experimental
layer, no dust on the PV surface can impact solar energy results and the results from Adnan et al.'s system [26].
absorption, and the flow is incompressible and laminar. The Furthermore, these numerical results aligned with
following can be regarded to be the key partial differential photovoltaic thermal collectors (PVT) performance with
equations as thermal energy equations for fluid and solid different absorbers designs [19]. As shown in Table 3, this
layers and continuity and momentum equations pertaining to simulation could offer reliable results to analyze and validate
fluid layers: the PV performance.
Thermal energy equation [33], [34]: Table 3 Simulation results validated with experimental.
Adnan et al. [19] Present Present
𝜌𝐶𝑃 𝑢. ∇𝑇 + ∇. q = Q + 𝑄𝑡𝑒𝑑 , 𝑞 = −𝑘∇𝑇 (1) simulation work experimental work
GT ηth GT ηth GT ηth
Continuity equation: 437.13 51.84 400 45.04 400 43.39
631.40 52.15 600 53.78 600 50.25
𝜌∇. 𝑢 = 0 (2) 812.72 52.13 800 58.11 800 58.64
−𝑛. 𝑞 = 0 (6)
M. S. Aziz et al., Vol.13, No.4, December, 2023
M. S. Aziz et al., Vol.13, No.4, December, 2023
M. S. Aziz et al., Vol.13, No.4, December, 2023
Although using Phase Change Material (PCM) can Fig. 13 shows the effect of solar radiation on the I-V and
significantly reduce the temperature in regions without PV properties of the photovoltaic cell measured at PVT and
cooling tubes under the PV module, the highest temperature PVT-PCM at irradiance of 800W/m2. In Fig. 13, it can be
of the PV surface can still be observed, as depicted in Figs. 9 observed that an increase in solar radiation leads to an increase
and 10. This could be attributed to the uneven heat in the current and voltage of the PV cell. However, the voltage
distribution on the PV surface, especially in areas with no decreases slightly at higher solar radiation levels while the
PCM. current increases. As a result, the power output of the PV cell
increases with increasing solar radiation up to a certain point,
beyond which it starts to decrease due to the decrease in
voltage. Additionally, as the volume flow rate increases, the
PV cell's temperature decreases, leading to increased PV
efficiency. Compares the thermal efficiency of the PVT,
which is difficult to evaluate due to varying factors such as
technology, absorber tube design, location, and configuration
in previous studies.
M. S. Aziz et al., Vol.13, No.4, December, 2023
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