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Working together

for a safer world

Understanding ballast
water management
Guidance for shipowners and operators
Third edition, August 2016
Cover image: A fisherman holding an invasive Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, which is a native species in North East Asia and now well-established in
the River Thames, London. Photo courtesy of Paul Clark and taken by Phil Hurst, Natural History Museum, London.

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Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

1 Introduction 3

2 Regulation 4
2.1 The BWM Convention 4
2.2 The United States Coast Guard (USCG) regulations 5
2.3 European Union regulations 6
2.4 Other regulations 6
2.5 Ballast water treatment standards 6
2.6 Approval 7
2.7 Ballast Water Management Plans 8
2.8 Sampling and analysis 8
2.9 Port state control 8

3 How to comply 9
3.1 Planning for compliance 9
3.2 Achieving compliance in service 10
3.3 Alternative methods of compliance 10

4 Treatment processes 12
4.1 Overview 12

5 Selecting, installing and operating

a ballast water treatment system 15
5.1 Available ballast water treatment systems 15
5.2 Selecting a treatment system 15
5.3 Installing ballast water treatment systems
general considerations 17

6 Active substances hazards
and safety precautions 20

7 Frequently asked questions 21

8 Useful references 23

9 Downloadable spreadsheet
of available treatment systems 24

10 Consultancy capability 24

11 Glossary of symbols, terms and abbreviations 25

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Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

1. Introduction

Shipping moves over 80% of the worlds commodities and transfers approximately three to five billion tonnes of ballast
water internationally every year. Ballast water is essential to the safe and efficient operation of shipping, but it also poses a
serious ecological, economic and health threat through the transfer of invasive aquatic species inadvertently carried in it.

Ballast water contains a variety of organisms including bacteria and viruses and the adult and larval stages of the many
marine and coastal plants and animals. While the vast majority of such organisms will not survive to the point when the
ballast is discharged, some may survive and thrive in their new environment. These non-native species, if they become
established, can have a serious ecological, economic and public health impact on the receiving environment.

The transfer of invasive marine species into new environments via ballast water has been identified as one of the major
threats to the worlds oceans. In response, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held
in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, in its Agenda 21, called on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other international
bodies to take action to address the problem.

By this time, the IMO had been seeking a solution for over 10 years. In 1991, it published Guidelines for Preventing the
Introduction of Unwanted Organisms and Pathogens from Ships Ballast Waters and Sediment Discharges. These were
updated in 1993. In 1997, the IMO published Guidelines for Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water to Minimize
the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens (Resolution A.868(20)).

In February 2004, the IMO adopted the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water
and Sediments (the Ballast Water Management or BWM Convention) to regulate discharges of ballast water and reduce the
risk of introducing non-native species from ships ballast water. To complement the BWM Convention, the IMO has adopted
guidelines contained in its Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) resolutions and circulars.

The BWM Convention imposes a challenging ballast water discharge standard. In response to this, a number of technologies
have been developed and commercialised by different vendors. Many have their origins in land-based applications for
municipal and industrial water and effluent treatment, and have been adapted to meet the requirements of the BWM
Convention and shipboard operation. These systems must be tested and approved in accordance with the relevant IMO

In addition to the IMO, other national bodies have introduced regulations in response to national concerns. The most
influential of these is the United States Coast Guard (USCG) which has established both regulations and guidelines to
prevent the introduction and spread of aquatic nuisance species. The USCGs final rule was published on 23 March 2012 in
the Federal Register, and became effective on 21 June, 2012.

This publication gives an overview of the BWM Convention requirements and guidance on preparing for its implementation,
including what you need to consider when selecting, procuring and installing a ballast water treatment system. A supporting
spreadsheet listing available ballast water treatment systems can be downloaded at www.lr.org/bwm

The publication also includes a frequently asked questions section and a list of useful references for further information and

The continued assistance of the technology suppliers who contributed much of the information it contains is gratefully

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Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

2. Regulation

2.1 The BWM Convention

The BWM Convention applies to all ships including submersibles, floating craft, floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs. It does
not apply to:
ships not designed to carry ballast water
ships not operating in international waters
warships, naval auxiliary ships or other ships owned or operated by a state
ships only on non-commercial service, or
ships with permanent ballast water in sealed tanks.

Compliance schedule
The BWM Convention will enter into force 12 months after ratification by 30 states, representing 35 percent of the
worlds merchant shipping tonnage. For the current status of the BWM Convention please visit the IMOs website at

Once the BWM Convention has entered into force, all ships will be required to manage their ballast water on every voyage
by either exchanging or treating it using an approved ballast water treatment system. The compliance schedule for when a
ship can only use treatment is shown in Table 1.

Ballast capacity Existing ships Ships constructed after entry into force

Compliance by first IOPP* renewal

All Compliance on delivery
survey after entry into force

Table 1 The compliance schedule for treatment

* The IOPP renewal survey refers to the renewal survey associated with the IOPP Certificate required under MARPOL Annex I

All ships of 400 gross tonnes (gt) and above will be required to have on board an approved Ballast Water Management
Plan and a Ballast Water Record Book, and to be surveyed and issued with an International Ballast Water Management
Certificate. For ships whose flag administration has not ratified the BWM Convention a certificate or statement of
compliance can be issued.

Prototype technologies
Ships participating in a programme approved by the administration may use a prototype technology for up to five years
before being required to install an approved treatment system in accordance with the compliance schedule in Table 1.
A prototype system is a system under test and evaluation for meeting or exceeding the requirements of regulation D-2.

Surveys and certification

All ships over 400 gt are subject to surveys and certification. Ships below 400 gt will be subject to national survey and certification
regimes. The survey and certification scheme under the BWM Convention is similar to those of all other IMO conventions.

On completion of an initial survey, an International Ballast Water Management Certificate will be issued for a ship whose
flag has ratified the BWM Convention; for other ships, a Ballast Water Management Certificate of Compliance will be
issued. Both the Certificates and the Statement will be valid for five years subject to annual, intermediate and renewal

The IMO has published Interim Survey Guidelines (contained in the Circular, BWM.2/Circ.7) and it is expected that these will
be incorporated into the IMOs Harmonised System of Survey and Certification Guidelines (Resolution A.997(25)) once the
BWM Convention enters into force.

An exemption may be granted to a ship or ships on a voyage or voyages between specified ports or locations, or to a ship
which operates exclusively between specified ports or locations. An example of a ship that could qualify for this exemption
would be a ferry trading solely between one or more ports.

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

Any exemption granted is valid for a maximum of five years subject to an intermediate review and provided the ship does
not mix ballast water or sediments other than between the ports or locations specified in the exemption. However it should
be noted that the exemptions can be withdrawn at any time by the issuing administrations.

To be eligible for an exemption a risk assessment must be carried out in accordance with IMO Resolution MEPC.162(56)
Guidelines for Risk Assessment under Regulation A-4 of the BWM Convention. For further details on exemptions, you
should contact the flag administration.

2.2 The United States Coast Guard (USCG) regulations

All ships calling at US ports and planning to discharge ballast water must carry out ballast water exchange or treatment in
addition to sediment management. However, ballast water exchange will only be allowed until the implementation dates
for treatment systems shown in Table 2.

Compliance schedule
Table 2 indicates the dates by which ships discharging ballast water in US waters are required to install a treatment system.

Ballast water capacity Date constructed Compliance date

New vessels All On or after 1 December, 2013 On delivery

First scheduled drydocking

Less than 1,500m3 Before 1 December, 2013
after 1 January, 2016

First scheduled drydocking

Existing vessels 1,500 5,000m3 Before 1 December, 2013
after 1 January, 2014

First scheduled drydocking

Greater than 5,000m3 Before 1 December, 2013
after 1 January, 2016

Table 2 The USCG compliance schedule

The following vessels are exempt from ballast water management requirements, reporting requirements, and record-
keeping requirements:
crude oil tankers engaged in coastwise trade; and
vessels which operate exclusively within one Captain of the Port (COTP) zone.
The following vessels are exempt only from ballast water management requirements:
seagoing vessels that operate in more than one COTP Zone, do not operate outside of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ),
and are less than or equal to 1,600 gross register tons or less than or equal to 3,000 gross tons (International Convention
on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969).
non-seagoing vessels
vessels that take on and discharge ballast water exclusively in one COTP zone.

If the options given by the USCG are not practicably available despite all efforts, vessel owners can request an extension
from the USCG to the implementation schedule. The availability of an Alternate Management System (AMS) (see section
2.5) does not prohibit a vessel owner from receiving an extension. The USCG regulations provide the process for requesting
these extensions and when it can be documented.

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2.3 European Union regulations

According to the European Commission, invasive alien species are animals and plants that are introduced accidentally or
deliberately into a natural environment where they are not normally found, with serious negative consequences for their new

EU Regulation 1143/2014 on invasive alien species (Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the
Council on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species) entered into force on
1 January, 2015. The regulation seeks to address the problem of invasive alien species in a comprehensive manner so as to
protect native biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as to minimize and mitigate the human health or economic impacts
that these species can have.

The regulation states that a large proportion of invasive alien species are introduced unintentionally into the Union. It
is therefore crucial to manage the pathways of unintentional introduction more effectively. Action in this area should be
gradual, given the relatively limited experience in this field. Action should include voluntary measures, such as the actions
proposed by the International Maritime Organisations Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships Biofouling, and
mandatory measures. Action should build on the experience gained in the Union and in Member States in managing certain
pathways, including measures established through the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships
Ballast Water and Sediments adopted in 2004. Accordingly, the Commission should take all appropriate steps to encourage
Member States to ratify that Convention.

Full details of the regulation can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/invasivealien/index_en.htm

2.4 Other regulations

Other national requirements can be found in our National Ballast Water Management Requirements guidance
document. To download a copy, visit www.lr.org/bwm

2.5 Ballast water treatment standards

Regulation D-2 of the BWM Convention sets the standard that ballast water treatment systems must meet (Table 3). Ballast
water treatment systems must have a type approval certificate in compliance with the IMO Guidelines for the Approval of
Ballast Water Management Systems (Resolution MEPC. 174(58)), which updated Resolution MEPC.125(53)).

It should be noted that the numerical limits of the USCG treatment discharge standard are the same as those of the BWM
Convention D-2 standard. However, the BWM Convention standard specifies measurement of viable organisms, while the
USCG specifies measurement of living organisms.

Organism category Regulation

Plankton, >50 m in minimum dimensions <10 cells/m3

Plankton, 10-50 m <10 cells/ml
Toxicogenic Vibrio cholera (O1 and O139) <1 colony forming unit (cfu)/100ml or less than 1cfu/g (wet weight)
Escherichia coli <250 cfu/100ml
Intestinal Enterococci <100cfu/100ml

Table 3 The IMO D-2 standard for discharged ballast water

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

2.6 Approval
The BWM Convention
Technologies developed for ballast water treatment are subject to approval through specific IMO processes and testing
guidelines. These are designed to ensure that such technologies meet the relevant IMO standards, are sufficiently robust,
have minimal adverse environmental impact and are suitable for use in the specific shipboard environment.

Ballast water treatment systems are required to be tested against the following IMO guidelines:
All systems:
Guidelines for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (referred to as the G8 Guidelines). IMO resolution
MEPC.174(58) which revokes MEPC.125(53).
In addition, for systems employing active substances:
Procedure for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems that make use of Active Substances (referred to as the
G9 Guidelines). IMO resolution MEPC.169(57) which revokes MEPC.126(53).

Approval consists of both shore-based testing of a production model, to confirm that the D-2 discharge standards are met;
and shipboard testing, to confirm that the system works in service.

USCG regulations
The USCG requires that ballast water must be treated with a USCG type approved ballast water treatment system, in
accordance with the schedule in Table 2. Recognising that there are currently no USCG type approved systems, the USCG
has provided guidance on how to apply for an extension which would allow ships to operate in US waters without treating
ballast water for up to five years after the compliance date in Table 2.

In addition, to avoid penalising ships that have already fitted a treatment system approved by another flag administration,
the USCG has introduced the Alternate Management System (AMS). Some important facts about AMS are given below:
AMS are ballast water treatment systems which have been accepted for use in US waters by the USCG
AMS is a temporary solution until the USCG type approved systems are available
AMS approval does not necessarily mean that the system will achieve the USCG type approval
A ship with an AMS installed can only use this system for a period of five years beyond the date when the ship would
otherwise be required to comply with the USCG discharge standard
The list of AMS approved systems can be found through US Department of Homeland Securitys website at

LR class approval
For information on class approval, download our ShipRight Procedure for Installation of Ballast Water Treatment Systems
on LR Classed Ships at www.lr.org/shiprightbwts

2.7 Ballast Water Management Plans

All ships of 400 gt and above will be required to have on board an approved ship-specific Ballast Water Management Plan
and a Ballast Water Record Book to comply with the BWM Convention. The Ballast Water Management Plan is required to:
assist the ship in complying with international regulations to minimise the risk of the transfer of harmful aquatic
organisms and pathogens in ships ballast water and associated sediments
identify the ships Ballast Water Management Officer
consider ship safety elements, provide information to PSC officers on the ships ballast handling system and confirm that
ballast water management can be effectively planned
include training on BWM operational practices
be written in the working language of the ship. If this language is not English, French or Spanish a translation into one of
these languages must be included.

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2.8 Sampling and analysis

The BWM Convention
The IMOs guidance on ballast water sampling and analysis is given in the G2 Guidelines. The purpose of this guidance is to
provide general recommendations on methodologies and approaches to sampling and analysis to test for compliance with
the standards described in regulations D-1 and D-2 of the BWM Convention.

Sampling and analysis for compliance testing is a complex issue. According to the guidelines, testing for compliance can
be performed in two steps. An indicative analysis of ballast water discharge may be undertaken as a first step to establish
whether a ship is potentially in compliance with the BWM Convention prior to a detailed analysis.

When testing for compliance, the sampling protocol used should result in a representative sample of the whole discharge of
the ballast water from any single tank or any combination of tanks being discharged.

USCG regulations
The USCG assesses compliance as part of its regular vessel inspections. This compliance approach follows a similar regime in
place for all other equipment inspections. In general, a Coast Guard inspector would review documentation including the
type approval certificate and AMS acceptance letter; and verify the crews knowledge regarding use of equipment and its
condition. If the results of this inspection are not satisfactory, the USCG would take samples of the ballast water discharge
to test that the system is working effectively. It should be noted that the USCG continues to develop more rapid and
accurate methods for sampling and analysis.

In addition, the USCG and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2011
regarding the EPAs Vessel General Permit (VGP) program. The VGP program became effective in December 2013. The
Memorandum allows USCG and EPA to combine compliance efforts and share information. The VGP requires ship operators
to self-monitor ballast water treatment systems. This includes functional tests, and analysis of ballast water samples to
confirm biological performance and that concentrations of residual chemicals are within limits.

For more information on the USCGs generic protocol for verifying ballast water treatment technology, go to

2.9 Port state control

The BWM Convention
Once the BWM Convention enters into force, ships may be subject to inspections by port states to determine whether they
comply with the BWM Conventions requirements. These inspections are limited to:
verifying certification
inspecting the ballast water record book
sampling ballast water in accordance with the IMOs guidelines.

In 2014, the IMO adopted Guidelines for Port State Control under the BWM Convention (Resolution MEPC.252(67)). These
provide basic guidance for conducting port state control inspections to verify compliance with the requirements of the BWM
Convention. They are not intended to limit the rights the port state has in verifying compliance with the BWM Convention.

USCG regulations
A report is required to be submitted to the USCG COTP 24 hours before arriving at a US port. The ship must provide the
COTP with access to the vessel in order to take samples of ballast water and sediment; examine documents;
and make other enquiries to assess compliance with USCG requirements.

Other national regulations

Please download our National Ballast Water Management Requirements guidance32
for all other national and regional requirements.

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

3. How to comply

Follow the steps in this chapter to help you plan for compliance and achieve compliance in service.

3.1 Planning for compliance

1. Understand your obligations under the BWM Convention and other national and local regulations
Under the BWM Convention, you will need to:
ensure all ballast discharges comply with regulation D-1 or D-2, i.e., that ballast is exchanged or treated: this obligation
applies to ballast discharges both at sea and in port
ensure the procedures in the Ballast Water Management Plan are followed at all times
keep proper records in the Ballast Water Record Book
operate and maintain ballast water treatment systems in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

2. Review current shipboard ballast tank, pumping and piping arrangements

Review the ballast water tanks and pumping and piping arrangements on board to identify any changes required to
achieve compliance with the BWM Convention. Pay particular attention to:
a. multi-use tanks, for example, those used for ballast and as storage (temporary or otherwise) of grey and/or black water:
different water types should not be mixed and should only be discharged in accordance with the appropriate regulations.
b. eductors being used for stripping ballast tanks: it is common practice to use local sea water for the eductor drive
water; during MEPC 67, it was decided that ballast water discharged during stripping operations may not be a true
representation of what is in the ballast tanks as it is mixed with driving water. Therefore, no sampling should take place
during stripping operations.

3. Develop a Ballast Water Management Plan

Start developing your Ballast Water Management Plan at an early stage. It can then be reviewed as your preparations for
compliance proceed and amended with information such as the treatment system selected for installation, any safety issues
and mitigation measures, crew training requirements and the name of the designated Ballast Water Management Officer.

4. Select and install a ballast water treatment system

Selecting and installing a treatment system needs careful consideration and planning. You will need to ensure the required
resources are available when needed, that plans are submitted to class for approval in good time and that the system and
any ancillary equipment are delivered to the ship on schedule. For further information, see Section 5.

5. Develop training for ships staff and ensure they are adequately trained in BWM operations
A suitable staff training scheme will need to be developed and included in the Ballast Water Management Plan. Staff will
need to be trained in their obligations under the BWM Convention, the ballast operations on board the ship, the operation
and maintenance of the ballast water treatment system, and any safety risks and mitigation measures associated with the
ballasting operations or treatment system.

6. Develop a final Ballast Water Management Plan and submit for approval
Develop a final version of the Ballast Water Management Plan, get any required internal approvals and submit the Plan for
approval to class or flag as appropriate. It should be submitted in good time to avoid delays.

7. Survey and certification

When all your preparations for compliance are complete, arrange for an initial survey of the ship for issue of an
International Ballast Water Management Certificate or Certificate of Compliance.

8. Understand your obligations under the USCG regulations

If your ship is calling at US ports and planning to discharge ballast water, ballast water exchange or treatment must
be carried out in addition to sediment management. However ballast water exchange will only be allowed until the
implementation deadlines for treatment systems, mentioned in the previous section.

One other method which the USCG accepts for ballast water management is to use potable water (from the North
American municipal system). However, the ballast tanks must be cleaned of any sediments before this application.

The USCG also requires: a Ballast Water Management Plan; clean ballast tanks free from sediments; and a report which is to be
submitted to the US Authorities 24 hours before arriving at a US port.

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3.2 Achieving compliance in service

1. Manage ballast water and sediments in accordance with the Ballast Water Management Plan
Ensure that all discharges of ballast and sediments are managed in accordance with the requirements of the BWM
Convention and in accordance with the procedures in the approved Ballast Water Management Plan. Make sure that
records of ballasting operations and sediment management are properly recorded in the Ballast Water Record Book.

2. Keep the Ballast Water Management Plan and Ballast Water Record Book up to date
Carry out periodic reviews of the Ballast Water Management Plan and update it as necessary. Arrange for amendments to
be approved if required.

3. Ensure required surveys are carried out within the permitted range dates
Arrange for the required annual, intermediate and renewal surveys in good time and ensure they are carried out within the
permitted range dates.

4. Operate and maintain equipment in accordance with the manufacturers instructions

The ballast water treatment system should be operated and properly maintained in strict accordance with the
manufacturers instructions. The procedures in the approved Ballast Water Management Plan will reflect this requirement.

5. Monitor the treatment systems performance

The systems performance should be monitored using the installed monitoring equipment, meters or sensors. The
parameters you monitor will vary according to the type of system you install. They include: flow rate/back flush frequency;
active substance dosage rate; neutraliser dosage rate; power consumption; TRO (Total Residual Oxidant); and pH (acidity/

Having the system serviced and checked by the manufacturer on a regular basis and having biological efficacy checks
carried out periodically will also help ensure the system continues to function as designed and certified.

6. Manage ballast water and sediments in accordance with USCG requirements if they apply to you
Ensure that all discharges of ballast and sediments are managed in accordance with the requirements of the USCG and in
accordance with the procedures in the approved Ballast Water Management Plan. Make sure that records of ballasting
operations and sediment management are properly recorded in the Ballast Water Record Book.

3.3 Alternative methods of compliance

Although most deep water ships are expected to comply by installing a fixed ballast water treatment system on board,
a number of ships will choose to comply by using one or more of the alternative methods shown in Figure 1.

The BWM Convention considers the role of alternative methods of compliance as follows:
Alternatives BWMC Regulation B3-6: The requirements of this regulation (i.e. D-1 or D-2 compliance) do not apply
to ships that discharge ballast water to a reception facility designed taking into account the guidelines developed by the
organization for such facilities.

Other methods BWMC Regulation B3-7: Other methods of ballast water management may also be accepted as
alternatives to the ballast water exchange standard and ballast water performance standard, provided that such methods
ensure at least the same level of protection to the environment, human health, property of resources, and are approved in
principle by IMOs Marine Environment Protection Committee.

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

Ballast water Other

Alternatives No discharge
treatment methods

Permanent Reception Municipal

Ballast free
BWTS* facilities water

Temporary Backhaul Continuous

Exemptions flow system
BWTS* cargo

BWTS* on Sealed
Fixed route
another ship ballast


Figure 1 Alternative methods of compliance

* Ballast water treatment system

It should be noted that the USCG only accepts municipal water from North American supplies. However, this is not
currently accepted under the BWM Convention, although it is under discussion.

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4. Treatment processes

4.1 Overview
The technologies used for treating ballast water are generally derived from municipal and other industrial applications.
However, their use is constrained by key factors such as space, cost and efficacy (with respect to the IMO discharged ballast
water standards).

There are two generic types of process technology used in ballast water treatment:
solid-liquid separation, and

Solid-liquid separation is simply the separation of suspended solid material, including the larger suspended micro-
organisms, from the ballast water, either by sedimentation (allowing the solids to settle out by virtue of their own weight)
or by surface filtration (removal by straining; i.e. by virtue of the pores in the filtering material being smaller than the size
of the particle or organism). All solid-liquid separation processes produce a waste stream containing the suspended solids.
This waste stream comprises the backwash water from filtering operations or the underflow from hydrocyclone separation.
These waste streams require appropriate management and during ballasting they can be safely discharged at the point
where they were taken up. On deballasting, the solid-liquid separation operation is generally bypassed.

Disinfection removes and/or inactivates micro-organisms using one or more of the following methods:
chemical inactivation of the micro-organisms through either:
oxidising biocides general disinfectants which act by destroying organic structures, such as cell membranes
or nucleic acids; or
non-oxidising biocides these interfere with reproductive, neural, or metabolic functions of the organisms.
physicochemical inactivation of the micro-organisms through processes such as UV light, heat or cavitation
asphyxiation of the micro-organisms through deoxygenation.

All of these disinfection methods have been applied to ballast water treatment, with different products employing
different unit processes (see Table 4). Most commercial systems comprise two or more stages of treatment with a solid-liquid
separation stage being followed by disinfection (Figure 2).

Physical Disinfection
Chemical treatment: Residual control:

Chlorination Chemical reduction
Electrochlorination (sulphite/bisulphite)
or electrolysis
Treatment: Ozonation
Hydrocyclone Peracetic acid Physical
Surface SeaKleen enhancement:
filtration Chlorine dioxide Ultrasonic
OR Cavitation
UV irradiation
Chemical UV + TiO 2
enhancement: Deoxygenation
Coagulation/ Gas injection
Ultrasonic treatment
Pressure vacuum

Figure 2 Generic ballast water treatment technology process options

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

While disinfection by-products are an issue, and central to the approval of ballast water management systems that make
use of active substances, suppliers are confident that the levels generated are unlikely to be problematic. There is a large
amount of scientific and technical information on the formation of disinfection by-products that is likely to support this.
Where chemicals are used as part of the treatment process, they are typically provided as concentrated solids or liquids, so
that they may be easily stored on board a ship.

Ballast water treatment system processes

The range of system processes employed for ballast water treatment is shown in Table 4 with examples of filtration and UV
systems shown in Figures 3 and 4 respectively. As tends to be the case, systems which employ active substances will treat on
uptake only (with the exception of neutralisation prior to discharge) whereas other mechanical methods tend to treat on
both uptake and discharge. A typical treatment process is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 3 Filtration (a) and hydrocyclone (b) processes

Commercial systems differ mainly in the choice of disinfection technology and the overall system configuration (i.e., the
coupling of the disinfection part with solid-liquid separation, where the latter is used). Almost all have their basis in land-
based systems employed for municipal and industrial water and wastewater and thus can be expected to be effective for
the treatment of ballast water, albeit subject to constraints in the precise design arising from space and cost limitations.

Figure 4 UV tube and system

Figure 5 Typical treatment process

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Process Method Benefit Considerations Comments

Solid-liquid separation

Filtration Generally using discs Effective for larger particles Maintaining flow with minimum Mesh sizes are proportional to size of
or fixed screens with and organisms pressure drop requires backwashing. organism filtered (e.g., larger organisms
automatic backwashing Low membrane permeability means such as plankton require mesh between
surface filtration of smaller micro- 10 and 50 m)
organisms is not practical.

Hydrocyclone High velocity centrifugal Alternative to filtration and Effective only for Effectiveness depends on density of
rotation of water to can be more effective larger particles particle and surrounding water, particle
separate particles size, speed of rotation
and time

Coagulation Optional pre-treatment Increasing size of particles May require additional tank space to Ballasted flocculation uses ancillary
before separation to increases efficiency of store water which has been treated powder (e.g., magnetite or sand) to help
aggregate particles to filtration or hydrocyclone due to long residence time for process generate flocs which settle more quickly
increase their size separation to be effective

Chemical disinfection (oxidising biocides)

Chlorination Classed as an oxidising Well established and Virtually ineffective against cysts Efficiency of these processes varies
biocide that, when diluted used in municipal and unless concentration of at least 2 according to conditions of the water such
in water, destroys cell walls industrial water disinfection mg/l used. May lead to by-products as pH, temperature and type of organism
of micro-organisms applications (e.g., chlorinated hydrocarbons/

Electro- Creates oxidising solution As chlorination As chlorination. Brine, needed to Upstream pre-treatment of the water is
chlorination by employing direct current produce the chlorine, can be stored desirable to reduce the demand on the
into water which creates on board the vessel as feedstock for chlorination process
electrolytic reaction the system

Ozonation Ozone gas (12 mg/l) is Especially effective at killing Not as effective at killing larger Systems in which chemicals are added
bubbled into the water micro-organisms organisms. Produces bromate as a normally need to be neutralised before
which decomposes and by-product. Ozonate generators discharge to avoid environmental damage
reacts with other chemicals are required in order to treat large in the ballast water area of discharge. Most
to kill micro-organisms volumes of ballast water. These may ozone and chlorine systems are neutralised
be expensive and require sufficient but some are not.
installation space

Chlorine As chlorination Effective on all micro- Reagents used can be chemically Chlorine dioxide has a half life in the
dioxide organisms as well as hazardous region of 612 hours, according to
bacteria and other suppliers, but at the concentrations at
pathogens. It is also which it is typically employed it can be
effective in high turbidity safely discharged after a maximum of 24
waters as it does not hours.
combine with organics.

Peracetic acid As chlorination Infinitely soluble in water. Reagent is typically dosed at

and hydrogen Produces few harmful high levels, requires suitable
peroxide by-products and storage facilities and can be
relatively stable. relatively expensive

Chemical disinfection (non-oxidising biocides)

Menadione Menadione is toxic to Natural product often used Treated water will typically require
/Vitamin K invertebrates in catfish farming neutralising before discharge
but produced synthetically
for commercial use.
Safe to handle.

Physical disinfection

Ultraviolet (UV) Amalgam lamps surrounded Well established, used Relies on good UV transmission Can be enhanced by combining with
irradiation by quartz sleeves produce extensively in municipal and through the water. Hence, needs clear other reagents such as ozone, hydrogen
UV light which denatures industrial water treatment water and unfouled quartz sleeves to peroxide or titanium dioxide
the micro-organisms applications. Effective be effective
DNA and prevents it from against wide range of
reproducing micro-organisms

Deoxygenation Reduces pressure of oxygen Removal of oxygen may Typically, the time required for Process has been developed specifically
in space above the water result in a decrease in organisms to be asphyxiated is for ballast water treatment whereby
with inert gas injection or corrosion propensity. If between one and four days the de-aerated water is stored in sealed
by means of a vacuum to an inert gas generator ballast tanks
asphyxiate the micro- is already installed on
organisms the ship, deoxygenation
plant would take up little
additional space.

Cavitation Induced by ultra-sonic Useful as pre-treatment Must be used in conjunction with

energy or gas injection. to aid overall treatment additional treatment process
Disrupts the cell wall of process downstream in order to kill all micro-
organisms. organisms

Pressure/ The majority of organisms Easy installation with a Must be used in conjunction with
vacuum are eliminated with a small footprint as the additional treatment process to kill
low temperature boiling process does not require bacteria. Sediment build up must be
condition. However, the filters, chemicals and managed as the process does not use
process does not eliminate neutralisers. filter.
all of the bacteria.

Table 4 Ballast water treatment processes

Note: Descriptions provided in this table are general and may vary depending on the actual system. It is always recommended
that full details of individual systems are investigated and this table alone should not be used as a basis for decision making.

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

5. Selecting, installing and operating

a ballast water treatment system
5.1 Available ballast water treatment systems
There are a number of approved ballast water treatment systems available and more systems are expected to be submitted
for test and approval in the near future. It is highly likely that in the short term there will be significant lead times for some
of the more popular systems, particularly in the year leading up to entry into force of the BWM Convention and the years
following entry into force when a peak in demand is expected to occur. Available ballast water treatment systems and their
key features are summarised in a spreadsheet, described in Section 9 and available to download at www.lr.org/bwm

5.2 Selecting a treatment system

When selecting a treatment system, you need to consider:
the ship type
the ships operating profile
the maximum and minimum ballasting and de-ballasting rates
ballast capacity
the space required (foot print and volume)
the flexibility of location of system components
the effects of pressure drop
integration with existing systems
whether it is certified intrinsically safe
power availability
health and safety
the effects on tank structure/coatings
the availability of consumables, spares and support (servicing)
additional crew workload
crew training
capital and operating cost
system availability and delivery time.

Considerations for newbuilds

Shipbuilders should identify the options for installing ballast water treatment systems in their newbuild specifications
within the construction programme. This could involve providing system drawings to show how a selection of different
treatment options might be fitted.

Considerations for existing ships

Operators will need to be aware of all modifications necessary to fit treatment systems to existing ships. It will be necessary
to obtain schematic arrangements and equipment drawings from the system supplier in order for the technical department
to develop a work plan. The work plan may alternatively be provided by the supplier, but the ship operator will still need to
provide the ships ballast water system drawings, functional requirements and details of compartmental spaces where the
equipment is to be fitted.

Note: Although equipment manufacturers will have to obtain flag state certification for the type approval of systems, they
may not be fully conversant with all the maritime regulations and codes of practice that need to be considered during their
installation and operation (such as those relating to chemical hazards and confined space safety considerations). Owners
representatives should therefore carry out a review to ensure that regulations and codes of practice are not compromised.

Procurement specification considerations

In order to select a suitable system, ship operators will need to prepare a Procurement Specification for potential suppliers
which details their technical requirements. This should include the following information:
the ballast water pump flow rate that the treatment system will be required to cope with
(Note: the treatment equipment capacity should be greater than the ships ballast rate to allow for an operating margin.)
a copy of the ballast system pipework diagrams showing the connections, pumping capacities and valves
compartment details for the installation of treatment equipment and storage of consumable materials
power supply availability and routing for control cabling
certification requirements
details of the ballast tank coatings.

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Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

Ship operators should expect suppliers to include the following information in their offer:
confirmation that their system has sufficient capacity to meet the ships maximum ballast flow rates
the systems power consumption (excluding the ships fitted ballast pumps) and any other electrical requirements
the types of technology employed in the system
the chemicals required and their consumption rates
health and safety considerations in terms of working environment, handling and storage of chemicals
protection systems for normal and emergency operation
training requirements for system operation, calibration, monitoring and health and safety
the work plan for supply to ship, installation, commissioning and test
a statement of the effect that the treated ballast water will have on ballast tank coatings, including copies of relevant
studies that support such claims
an estimate of the reduction in the vessels ballasting/deballasting rate following installation of the treatment system
and a description of any mitigation measures (this should include details of pressure drops and the effect that the
introduction of the treatment equipment will have on ballast pump suction and delivery performance).

When short-listing potential suppliers, in addition to price, operators should consider:

installation and commissioning costs
training requirements
estimated operating costs including consumables
maintenance requirements; operating experience
delivery lead times for supply and fitting, and
any special docking requirements or ship modifications required for equipment installation.

Additional considerations
After technical data has been received from the suppliers, operators should carry out the following engineering checks:
Ensure that existing auxiliary generators and control systems can cope with the additional power requirements. (For some
systems it may be necessary to upgrade generators.)
Check that treatment equipment can be easily integrated into existing ballast systems.
Check the suitability of control requirements, including alarms and protective devices.
Conduct a review of local versus remote operating systems and ease of integration with existing machinery controls.
Assess ease of maintenance, calibration and ballast water sampling.
Assess the need for venting or other measures for compartments where active substances (chemical or otherwise) are
stored or at risk of escape.
Review manufacturers maintenance requirements to confirm which activities the ships staff are required to perform,
what spares and consumables would need to be carried, and what service requirements, if any, would have to be
undertaken by the original equipment manufacturer.
Assess how sediments will be managed.
Ensure ballast tank gauging will not be affected by the ballast water treatment system. (Pneumatic tank gauges may be
affected by inerting of ballast tanks.)
Ensure that the ballast water treatment system arrangements maintain the separation of ballast tanks located within gas
safe and gas dangerous zones. In some cases, separate ballast water systems may be required for each zone. Typically,
this applies to oil and chemical tankers.

Hazards and safety considerations and hazardous chemical storage and handling
A number of different chemicals or chemical processes are employed in the ballast water treatment systems available,
including: chlorination; electrochlorination; ozonation; chlorine dioxide; peracetic acid; hydrogen peroxide; menadine/
vitamin K and perchloric acid.

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

Some systems generate chemicals during the treatment process; for others, chemicals are required to be stored on board. If
chemicals are stored on board, the crew will require training on their use and handling. Suitable storage space for chemicals
and proper ventilation are of paramount importance. The Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals to be stored on board
need to be consulted and where necessary the appropriate fire protection and extinction arrangements will need to be
installed. Additional Information on the safety precautions for chemicals is provided in Section 6.

In the case of systems that generate chemicals during the treatment process, the crew will require training on the hazards
associated with them.

Advice on the storage and handling of chemicals is contained in the IMO Circular, BWM.2/Circ.20 Guidance to Ensure Safe
Handling and Storage of Chemicals and Preparations Used to Treat Ballast Water and the Development of Safety Procedures
for Risks to the Ship and Crew Resulting from the Treatment Process.

Inerted ballast tanks and gas hazards

Additional safety procedures need to be available to ships staff to warn them about the dangers of entering ballast tanks
that may have been inerted or have gas residues.

5.3 Installing ballast water treatment systems general considerations

Consideration must be given to any risks that the installation and operation of the system may introduce on board the ship
and how these risks can be mitigated. Risks include the storage of chemicals required for the operation of the system and
by-products generated by the system.

In general, the installation of the system must comply with Lloyds Registers Rules and Regulations for the Classification of
Ships (the LR Rules and Regulations) and the relevant statutory regulations such as the BWM Convention and SOLAS.

The system should have a type approval certificate issued by, or on behalf of, a national administration in accordance with
regulation D-3 of the BWM Convention and, if operating in US waters, an AMS acceptance.

To ensure that the ships sea water ballast system remains operational in the event of a ballast water treatment system
failure or emergency, a suitable by-pass which can be remotely and manually controlled is to be installed.

Operation of the by-pass valve is to activate an audible and visual alarm in all stations from which the ballast water
operations are controlled. Alarms are to be recorded by the control equipment.

Safety procedures are to be developed for managing and minimising risks in the design and operation of the treatment unit.

Controls, warnings and alarms

Ballast water management systems should incorporate a visual alarm which is always activated whenever the ballast water
treatment system is being cleaned, calibrated or repaired and these events should be recorded by the control equipment. It is
recommended that automatic ballast water treatment controls and alarms are integrated with, or located close to, the ships
ballast water controls.

Installation of ballast water treatment systems in hazardous areas

The installation of ballast water treatment systems in hazardous areas will be considered on a case-by-case basis against the
requirements of Part 6, Chapter 2, Section 13 of the LR Rules and Regulations (Electrical equipment for use in explosive gas
atmospheres or in the presence of combustible dusts). Installation is not to permit ballast water discharge from hazardous
areas to non-hazardous areas. By-products of treated ballast water in ballast water tanks located in non-hazardous areas
are not to render the area hazardous. Subject to full review and acceptance by LR, transfer of ballast water from machinery
spaces to a hazardous area can be accepted but not vice versa.

For existing ships (those already in service) and ships under construction, installation of ballast water treatment systems
within the cargo pump room is to be avoided if practical. For ships under construction, an alternative location for the
treatment system is to be considered at the design stage.

www.lr.org/bwm 17
Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

Treatment processes
Consideration should be given to selecting a treatment process that suits your vessels technical and operational profile.
Table 4 on page 14 lists the general processes ballast water treatment systems employ.

Flow capacity
Most systems are largely modular in design (other than the gas injection type) so there is no technical limit to the upper
flow rate other than that imposed by size and/or cost.

Effect on ballast tank coatings

The active substances used by ballast water treatment systems may affect tank coatings. The effect on ballast tank coatings
is still being researched. However, system manufacturers and coatings manufacturers state that treatment systems that are
purely mechanical and do not employ active substances generally do not show a detrimental effect on approved epoxy
ballast tank coatings. Research is continuing on the effect of active substances since in some cases the degrading effect on
epoxy coatings is not conclusive.

In a number of cases, system manufacturers can provide reports on the effect of their systems on coatings.
The Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection Ballast Water Working Group on
Active Substances (GESAMPBWWG or WG 34) was established in November 2005 to review any proposals submitted to
IMO in preparation for approval of ballast water treatment systems that use active substances. NACE International and
IPPIC developed a standard for determining the effect of active substances on ballast tank coatings. This standard has been
accepted by GESAMP BWWG and they will apply it in future.

Footprint and installation

The footprint of systems, as reported by manufacturers, varies between 2 and 16.2m2 for a 500 m3/h unit, and while the
units may be predominantly modular, this does not imply that the footprint increases proportionately with flow capacity.
For most systems it is recommended that installation takes place in the engine/machine room near the existing ballast water
pumps, although installation on deck may also be possible if appropriate precautions are taken. If the location is in an
explosion zone, then the installation will need explosion proofing.

The biggest operating cost for most systems is power, and for large power consumers (electrolytic, UV and advanced
oxidation processes) availability of shipboard power will be a factor. For chemical dosing systems, required power is low and
chemical costs may be a major factor.

Cost data is not provided within this guide. However, when selecting a system, care should be taken in interpreting the cost
information since there may be variation in the way underlying costs are calculated between suppliers. In general (except
for the few technologies that use stored chemicals and the gas injection units that use fossil fuel) opex should be based on
the power required to operate the process (e.g., UV irradiation, electrolysis or ozonation).

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

Initial key aspects

Vessel type and characteristics.
Trading pattern.
Ballast capacity and flow rate requirements.

Technical and operational considerations

Time required for treatment to be effective.
Ballast and treatment pumping rates.
Ballast system characteristics (for example, the number
of independent systems on board oil tankers).
Health and safety.
In-service requirements.
Explosion proof equipment (for oil tankers, for example).
Power requirements and onboard systems.
Effects on tank coatings and corrosion considerations.
Controls and alarms.
Space constraints.

Treatment options
Combination filtration and treatment.
Chemical options such as chlorination, ozone,
deoxygenation and peracetic acid.
Mechanical means such as cavitation.
UV radiation.

Vendor selection and specification reviews

Vendor experience in supplying similar systems.
Equipment approvals.
Commercial considerations.

Installation planning
At sea or dry docking considerations for existing ships.
Inclusion in build specifications for new builds.

Figure 6 Steps to selecting a treatment system

www.lr.org/bwm 19
Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

6. Active substances hazards

and safety precautions
Some treatment systems use or generate one or more active substances which are used in the treatment process. In
addition, some systems require a neutraliser to be used to ensure that on discharge of ballast any residues of the active
substance used in the treatment process are made safe.

The Materials Safety Data Sheet and manufacturers recommendations should also be obtained for:
handling and storage of chemicals
crew safety and emergency procedures in the event of a spill, fire or explosion, and
appropriate first aid measures in the event of chemicals coming into contact with the skin or being inhaled.

In addition, crews should be instructed in safe handling of chemicals. In some circumstances, further safety precautions may
be necessary, including placing special personal protective equipment close to working areas, such as:
full-face gas respirators or full body protection for dealing with leakages;
eye wash stations;
drenching showers; and
appropriate fire fighting equipment relevant to the hazard.

Some chemical spills may require special cleaning procedures and separate storage facilities should be made available for
the removal and temporary storage of clean-up residues.

In other systems an active substance is generated as part of the ballast water treatment process. Advice should be obtained
from the system manufacturer on the active substance produced and the associated requirements for crew safety and
emergency procedures in the event of a spill, fire or explosion.

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

7. Frequently asked questions

Q What does ships constructed in or after mean?

A This means ships with a keel laying date on or after 1 January in that year.

Q What does date of delivery mean?

A This means the date of delivery of a ship as stated on the ships IOPP Certificate.

Q What do ballast water and ballast water capacity mean?

A The BWM Convention defines ballast water as water with its suspended matter taken on board a ship to control trim,
list, draught, stability or stresses of the ship.
Ballast water capacity is the total (100% full) capacity of all ballast water tanks, as shown in the ships loading manual.

Q Hopper dredgers: is the water in the hoppers considered to be ballast and does it therefore need to be treated in
accordance with the BWM Convention?
A At MEPC 62, the IMO agreed that water in the hopper area of hopper dredgers is not considered as ballast and issued
BWM.2/Circ.32 Applicability of the Ballast Water Management Convention which clarifies the matter.

Q Can I be issued with a ballast water management certificate for my ship before the BWM Convention enters into force?
A Lloyds Register can issue on request a certificate of compliance or statement of compliance with the BWM Convention at
any time before entry into force.
At MEPC 63, the IMO agreed that once the date of entry into force of the BWM Convention is known, administrations
and recognised organisations may issue International Ballast Water Management Certificates endorsed to state they are
valid from the entry into force date.

Q All my ballast is discharged to a shore reception facility. Am I compliant with the BWM Convention?
A Yes. Ballast discharge ashore does comply with the BWM Convention but the ship will still require an International Ballast
Water Management Certificate or Certificate /Statement of Compliance with the BWM Convention, a Ballast Water
Management Plan and a Ballast Water Record Book.

Q Can I use fresh water as ballast and if I do will my ship be in compliance with the BWM Convention?
A Yes, but only if it is treated. The IMO decided at MEPC 59 that fresh water (even if generated on board) is ballast, as
defined by the BWM Convention. Therefore, fresh water used as ballast is to be treated by an approved treatment
system and must meet the D-2 standard.

Q What capacity ballast water treatment system do I need to install?

A The BWM Convention does not specify what capacity treatment system is required to be installed. Ideally the system
should be capable of treating ballast at the maximum ballast pumping rate of the ship.
Note that if you choose to install a system that has a rated treatment capacity below the maximum ballast water
treatment capacity of the ship then an operational restriction will be incurred. This will restrict the maximum ballast
pumping rate to that of the maximum treatment capacity of the system installed. This will need to be clearly
documented in the ships approved Ballast Water Management Plan.

Q Where will I be permitted to exchange ballast?

A Whenever possible, conduct ballast water exchange at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at
least 200 metres deep, taking into account the IMO Guidelines:
In cases where the ship is unable to conduct ballast water exchange as above, this should be as far from the nearest
land as possible, and in all cases at least 50 nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 metres in
When these requirements cannot be met areas may be designated where ships can conduct ballast water exchange.
All ships shall remove and dispose of sediments from spaces designated to carry ballast water in accordance with the
provisions of the ships Ballast Water Management Plan (Regulation B-4).

Q Which ships will require an approved Ballast Water Management Plan?

A All ships will be required have on board an approved Ballast Water Management Plan.

www.lr.org/bwm 21
Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

Q Is there a template to help me prepare my Ballast Water Management Plan?

A Yes. Lloyds Register has produced a Model Ballast Water Management Plan that can be used as a template to develop a
Plan for any ship. Download it at www.lr.org/bwm

Q How can I get my Ballast Water Management Plan approved?

A LR can approve your Plan. Contact your local office for assistance.

Q The BWM Convention entry into force date is known but I will not get my Ballast Water Management Plan approved in
time what can I do?
A At MEPC 63 the IMO agreed that provided the Ballast Water Management Plan has been submitted for approval and the
administration or a recognised organisation has issued a statement confirming receipt, the ship can trade for no more
than three (3) months with an un-approved Plan onboard.

Q I have a Ballast Water Management Plan approved to Res. A868(20), but not to IMO Resolution MEPC 127(53). What do I
need to do?
A The IMO at MEPC 63 agreed that a Ballast Water Management Plan approved in accordance with A.868(20) will remain
valid until the Plan is required to be updated. When a Plan does require updating, for example when a treatment system
is installed, then it will need to be amended in accordance with Resolution MEPC 127(53) and be re-approved.

Q Will port state control (PSC) authorities sample and test ballast?
A Yes. PSC will have the right to sample and analyse the ballast being discharged to ensure that it has been exchanged (a
salinity test) or treated to meet the regulation D-2 standard.

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

8. Useful references

Other Lloyds Register ballast water management publications and tools

National Ballast Water Management Requirements
Model Ballast Water Management Plan
Spreadsheet of available ballast water treatment technologies

All available to download at www.lr.org/bwm

IMO Guidelines (Resolutions G1 G14)

MEPC.152(55) Guidelines for Sediment Reception Facilities (G1)
MEPC.173(58) Guidelines for Ballast Water Sampling (G2)
MEPC.123(53) Guidelines for Ballast Water Management Equivalent Compliance (G3)
MEPC.127(53) Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and Development of Ballast Water Management Plans (G4)
MEPC.153(55) Guidelines for Ballast Water Reception Facilities (G5)
MEPC.124(53) Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange (G6)
MEPC.162(56) Guidelines for Risk Assessment under Regulation A-4 of the BWM Convention (G7)
MEPC.174(58) Guidelines for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (G8)
MEPC.169(57) Procedure for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems that Make Use of Active Substances (G9)
MEPC.140(54) Guidelines for Approval and Oversight of Prototype Ballast Water Treatment Technology Programmes (G10)
MEPC.149(55) Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange Design and Construction Standards (G11)
MEPC.209(63) 2012 Guidelines on Design and Construction to Facilitate Sediment Control on Ships (G12)
MEPC.161(56) Guidelines for Additional Measures Regarding Ballast Water Management Including Emergency Situations (G13)
MEPC.151(55) Guidelines on Designation of Areas for Ballast Water Exchange (G14)

Other IMO Resolutions and Circulars related to implementation

Available from the IMOs website at www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Environment/BallastWaterManagement (Relevant
Guidelines and guidance documents)

Globallast Partnerships
Information on the IMO, Global Environment Facility (GEF),and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Global
Ballast Water Management Programme http://globallast.imo.org/

United States regulations

United States Coast Guard environmental standards http://homeport.uscg.mil/ballastwater
California State ballast water legislation http://www.slc.ca.gov/Laws-Regs/Regulations.html
VGP: http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/npdes/vessels/Vessel-General-Permit.cfm

www.lr.org/bwm 23
Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

9. Downloadable spreadsheet
of available treatment systems
A spreadsheet that lists available ballast water treatment systems is available to download at www.lr.org/bwm

Systems are listed by manufacturer and details include: approval status; capacity; footprint; power requirements; and
treatment method. The manufacturers website details are also provided.

10. LRs ballast water management services

Our ballast water management services are tailored to the needs of all stakeholders in the marine supply chain, from
owners and designers to equipment manufacturers and flag administrations. Through the five groups of services listed
below, we can help you minimise the impact of the Ballast Water Management Convention on the way you do business.

Training and insights

We provide guidance, seminars and training to help ensure your people are up to speed quickly and effectively with ballast
water requirements. Our specialists in organisational culture and change management can support ship and shore staff in
adopting treatment technologies and facilitating their smooth integration.

Strategies for compliance

We can help you create the best compliance strategy for your business, reducing the inherent commercial, technical and
safety-related risks. Our understanding of treatment options means that we can help identify the right solutions, while
minimising the impact on your operations.

Certification and Type Approval

Our experts can help with the preparation of Ballast Water Management Plans or Ship-Specific Installation Plans. Our
engineers can also help optimise treatment solutions within the regulatory framework, and we offer statutory and class
type approval services for ballast water treatment systems.

Design and integration

Our expertise across naval architecture and marine engineering helps manufacturers optimise treatment system designs
against the ballast water requirements, and allows designers and builders to integrate solutions on board new and existing
ships without compromising vessel performance or safety.

Operational support
We provide support to ensure that treatment systems are installed, operated and maintained to keep you compliant and
operational. We can also help you reduce the risk of down-time and repairs, through appropriate mitigation, monitoring
and maintenance plans.

Download the complete guide to our ballast water management services (pictured below) at www.lr.org/bwm

Understanding ballast water management guidance for shipowners and operators

11. Glossary of symbols, terms and abbreviations

AMS Alternate management system

AO Advanced oxidation
Capex Capital expenditure
Cav Cavitation
Cl Chlorination
Cl2 Chlorine
ClO2 Chlorine dioxide
Coag Coagulant (with magnetic particles)
Deox Deoxygenation
EL/EC Electrolysis/electrochlorination
Filt Filtration
H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide
HC Hydrocyclone
N/A Not applicable
N/R Not required
NaClO Sodium hypochlorite
O3 Ozonation
OH Hydroxyl radical
Opex Operating expenditure
P/V Pressure / Vacuum
PSU Practical Salinity Unit
Res Residual (chemical reduction)
TRO Total Residual Oxidant
US Ultrasonic treatment
UV Ultraviolet treatment

Organisations and test sites

CMA California Maritime Academy
DHI Danish Hydraulic Institute
GSI Great Ships Initiative
IPPIC International Paint and Printing Ink Council
JAMS Japan Association of Marine Safety
KOMERI Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute
KORDI Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute
MBDC Marine Bio-industry Development Centre
MEA Marine Eco-Analytics
MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee
MERC Maritime Environmental Resource Center
MLML Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
MTIC Marine Technology Institute Corporation, Japan
International The Corrosion Society
NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
NIVA Norwegian Institute for Water Research

Test standards
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BSH Bundesamt fr Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
ETV Environmental Technology Verification
GESAMP Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection
ISO International Organization for Standardization
PSPC Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (IMO)

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August 2016
Lloyds Register and variants of it are trading names of Lloyds Register Group Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Copyright Lloyds Register Group Limited. 2016. A member of the Lloyds Register group.

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