English Teaching Professional Number 90 2014-01
English Teaching Professional Number 90 2014-01
English Teaching Professional Number 90 2014-01
Pronunciation matters
Robin Walker
Take ve
Chaz Pugliese
Get on board
Louise Guyett
practical methodology
classroom resources
new technology
teacher development
photocopiable materials
w w w . e t p r o f e s s i o n a l . c o m
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to nd out more
Editor: Helena Gomm Published by: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd,
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2014, Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd
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ISSN 1362-5276
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Robin Walker argues f you ask students which areas of on many occasions. And the more I
learning English matter most, struggled to get words out of my mouth,
for more emphasis on a theyll inevitably include the less willing I was to try to do so.
pronunciation. If you ask teachers, In general, when learners nd a
neglected area. you get much the same response. But if word difcult to pronounce they avoid
you look more carefully at what actually using it. As teachers, we frequently
happens in the classroom, youll interpret this as limited vocabulary
discover that all too often pronunciation rather than poor pronunciation. I spent
is usually done on an ad-hoc basis, that over 20 years teaching English for
it is not usually programmed in the way tourism, and always asked my nal-year
that grammar or vocabulary are, and students to give a short presentation on
that it is quite often relegated to an tourism management as part of their
add-on activity for when there is time
in the class, or dropped altogether when
there isnt. Poor pronunciation
This is a sad state of affairs because can have a very
pronunciation matters, and it matters a
lot. In fact, rather than being peripheral serious effect
to learning English, it is absolutely
central to the learning process. Indeed,
on everything else
poor pronunciation can have a very we try to do in the
serious effect on everything else we try
to do in the English language classroom, English language
as we shall now see. classroom
1 The impact
oral assessment. At their level, the word
on speaking infrastructure is hard to avoid in a
The rst and most obvious impact of presentation like this, but for Spanish
poor pronunciation is on speaking. speakers of English it is also very hard
Saying a word or a name, only to be met to pronounce. Some of my students
by the blank stare of the listeners would go to considerable lengths to
incomprehension is immensely avoid the word in their presentations,
frustrating for learners. and initially I would complain of their
We know this, of course. Were limited vocabulary. Similarly, the word
teachers. But it is easy for us to forget usually is hard for many learners
just how serious the impact of poor because of the / / sound. The more
pronunciation is on our learners uency adept students wisely avoid usually
and condence, which is why we need altogether, preferring to say normally
something to jog our memories from instead. But once again, they are
time to time. This happened to me avoiding a word because of
recently when I was travelling in Poland. pronunciation problems.
My lack of condence in my Many learners also avoid grammar
pronunciation left me hopelessly dumb structures that they nd hard to
We will, once again, be giving out the ever popular
ETp teacher resource bag from our stand at IATEFL.
the task
James Pengelley ask-based Learning (TBL) has the students to negotiate meaning
become the main player in with their own resources.
explores the benets of recent methodological 3 The language needed to do the task is
strategies. It has formed the analysed, discussed and improved.
task repetition. basis of the current trend away from
form-driven approaches to teaching, as 4 The task is repeated, to allow an
it gives primary importance to the use opportunity for the students to
of language to achieve the develop monitoring skills.
communicative goals of a task, rather Provided the task itself is well-dened,
than merely to the production of a this is arguably a very good framework,
discrete number of correct forms. not just for TBL, but for an array of
Since its rise in popularity, there has teaching approaches that promote
been much comment on the importance uency ahead of accuracy and, in fact,
of task cycle repetition, in which an may have signicantly wider-reaching
initial task is followed by a noticing applications in the development of a
stage, or perhaps a more explicit more generalised framework that
language analysis stage, and then the promotes the development of
students are encouraged to perform an communicative competency.
identical, similar or parallel task
giving them an opportunity to Doing it again
implement, improve and practise the
same language. The argument here, as I have been developing a uency-then-
proposed by Peter Skehan, Scott accuracy routine using Community
Thornbury and Jane Willis, is that Language Learning (CLL) with my
completion of the rst task leads to current group of students. CLL is a
familiarity with meaning, which means student-centred approach based on
that when the students move on to the psychotherapy principles, with the
second, similar or identical task, they primary aim of reducing the anxiety
have more cognitive resources available associated with language learning, and
to devote to form manipulation and ultimately developing communicative
self-monitoring, and a greater long-term uency. A typical CLL lesson follows a
awareness of the linguistic forms needed chooserecordreect cycle.
to convey appropriate meaning more The students work in small groups
precisely. and decide on a topic they would like to
The fundamental features of this discuss. The conversation is recorded,
procedure may be summarised as utterance by utterance, with the students
follows: putting any questions they have to the
teacher, who immediately reformulates,
1 An authentic communicative task is
models, drills and encourages them
chosen. throughout the process. The class then
2 The teacher takes a back-seat role in reects on the strengths and weaknesses
the rst attempt at the task, allowing of their completion of the task; the
In a new series, Chaz Pugliese poses ve questions
to people involved in the world of ELT. In this issue,
he talks to Adrian Underhill.
Adrian Underhill is a teacher, trainer and
consultant; he is a past president of IATEFL
and author of Sound Foundations, published
by Macmillan.
shape and meaning out of a lesson. With often than the other side. And what a [email protected]
students for
exams 2
Eva Modr gets her students ready for the City & Guilds ISESOL exam.
ity & Guilds (CG) exams including the sample videos of the banana skins: areas of language that
require fewer exam skills than spoken exam. Check that you know what your students dont know yet, possible
some other language tests. the criteria for your target level are (and misunderstandings, etc. Think about the
Students who possess balanced for comparison, also the criteria for one expected outcome. What vocabulary,
speaking skills at any level from A1 to C2, level above and one below). Find out grammar and phrases do your students
as dened by the Common European what is assessed in each part of the exam. need to learn before they can complete
Framework, stand a very good chance of While some language schools will be this part successfully?
passing the CG ISESOL (International able to offer a lot of know-how in the
Spoken English for Speakers of Other form of books, seminars and tutors, in 3 Study the syllabus with
Languages) exam at that equivalent others you may at least nd a colleague or the students.
level. The main enemies are usually fear two with some experience of the exams Next, introduce the practice papers to
stemming from a lack of familiarity who can help you. You should also locate your students. Make sure they have their
with the exam format and insufcient your nearest City & Guilds centre, who own copies to work with. Encourage
practice. will be able to answer your questions. them to add notes and to underline or
So, how can you prepare students to highlight successfully accomplished
feel comfortable in the exam situation? 2 Swallow the syllabus. parts, as well as any questions deserving
How can you incorporate exam practice Study a sample exam (practice paper) further attention. A working copy of the
into a textbook course? Glossa, a and the level descriptors from the City practice papers helps the students to
leading language school in Prague, & Guilds ISESOL Qualications own the exam. On the big day, they will
Czech Republic, has been a CG- Handbook which are relevant to your know exactly what words the stranger in
approved testing centre since 2004. students target level. The handbook is front of them will use to give the task
Hundreds of learners have been available from the CG website. instructions. Nevertheless, dont forget
successfully prepared for CG exams Highlighting the interlocutors parts and to tell your students that the topics and
there, and this article aims to share the reading them out loud are strongly questions will be different.
Glossa teachers know-how with other recommended. Imagine you are First, give your students a tour of
teachers who hope to get their students performing the exam with one of your the practice paper, explaining or letting
through the CG exams. students, pausing to let the imaginary them nd out who says what, and what
candidate speak. Make sure to time the each part looks like. Practise the rst
1 Do your homework. parts. This will help you to get two questions (Spell your surname and
Naturally, you will have to start by accustomed to the situation, so that you Where are you from?). After that, let
familiarising yourself with the exam. Go can help your students do the same. You them answer a few further questions in
through the website information on the will develop a feel for how long, or pairs, and then have them mark all the
CG website (http://www.cityandguilds.gr/ rather how short, each part is. You will questions with smileys and frownies or
en/ESOLqualications/oraltestsISESOL), be better able to predict potential points, according to their individual
5 Extend the practice Part 3 A frequent mistake is that the candidate dominates the discussion and
opportunities. pushes their own solution to a task. (Teach your students to ask for the
interlocutors opinion and to listen and react to it.) The assigned time
Even if there are few ISESOL-like
may not be enough to reach agreement, but that doesnt matter, as
activities in your coursebook, practically
any topic introduced by any coursebook long as the candidate has done what they can while demonstrating
offers immense possibilities for exam rich and appropriate language.
You can create exam-format Part 4 Candidates should make the most of the 30 seconds before speaking,
questions yourself, and/or involve your whether they prefer jotting down key words, outlining a rough
students in creating them. Afterwards, mind-map, or playing the beginning of their speech in their head.
they can swap their questions between
pairs, answer them and share feedback. Students who fear a lack of ideas need to learn the magic word
As a small illustration, lets look at because, eg I dont know what to say about animals in my town,
some possible questions for the topic of because animals are not very important for me. Many people have
animals at B1 level. dogs and cats, but I have never had a pet because my parents dont
For a higher level, the topics could like animals. I often see people walk their dogs in the street, and I dont
involve conservation, drug testing on like that because ...
animals, even reincarnation!
Do something
with your
coursebook 3
Rachael Roberts continues her series on adapting your coursebook to suit your classes.
In this issue, she does something different with comprehension questions.
ver the last few years, people 1 Use a warm-up activity to introduce on the other hand, is highly personalised.
have been starting to ask, as the topic. No two people will understand a text in
Catherine Walter did in her 2 Present a set of comprehension exactly the same way, because we all bring
presentation at IATEFL in questions, using true/false, multiple our own experience, knowledge, attitudes,
2008: Is teaching reading skills mainly a choice or something else that isnt too and so on to everything we read.
waste of time? Walter suggested that most open-ended. So, what could we do with a text in
learners already have perfectly adequate the classroom that might reect real-life
3 Get the students to read the text and
reading skills, which they can quite easily reading more accurately?
answer the questions.
transfer across to L2. Do we, in fact, need
to teach learners to skim and scan, or is 4 Conduct a follow-up discussion and/or Student-set questions
it patronising and unnecessary? do some language work. Let the students set their own questions
In my experience, many learners do Let me say now, I think that this is a before they start reading, based, perhaps,
not actually have very good reading skills perfectly good formula. It works, and I on the title and/or any illustrations. The
in their rst language and, equally, many use it myself. However, while I obvious benet to this is that it should
do not seem able to transfer them understand why coursebooks want to increase their motivation to read. Of
automatically. So I would still be in present clear, unambiguous activities, course, the answers to their questions
favour of activities which help learners to which follow a set pattern, I think we may not, in fact, be in the text, but that
develop, or at least transfer, these skills. can enliven our classes and engage actually reects real-life reading pretty
I also believe that learners need to students more by trying to do something well, and while theyre looking for the
have a task or a reason to read, and that a little bit different from time to time. answer, theyre reading.
comprehension questions can, at least
partially, provide this. And good Collaborative reading
Alternatives to
comprehension questions can guide the Another possibility is to get your
learner through the text, helping them to comprehension questions students to read collaboratively, in small
make sense of it. One of the problems with comprehension groups. Im not suggesting reading
Having said this, it cannot be denied questions is that they obviously only aloud (though there are some arguments
that coursebook readings tend to follow focus on specic parts of the text, chosen for this), but reading one paragraph at a
a fairly established formula: by the materials writer. Real-life reading, time and then discussing with the rest of
a critical
Valerie Sartor rom kindergarten to college, engagement with texts from a variety of
teachers use texts from a range cultures. The project helps the students to
teaches her students of genres, from classical interact creatively with texts in different
literature to hip-hop lyrics, to genres, and contributes signicantly to
more than literacy. instil much more than literacy in their an appreciation of registers, particularly
English language students. English texts the academic register.
of different genres can encourage
aesthetic appreciation, while at the same Establishing a dialogue
time casting light on the cultural and
aesthetic norms embedded within them. My philosophical framework as a teacher
Moreover, by comparing and contrasting is underpinned by the work of Paulo
the way texts from various genres are Freire, whose main objective was to
constructed, both structurally and promote a classroom culture
stylistically and by a critical reading of characterised by liberation and authentic
the texts our students can also validate dialogue. As a teacher, I strive to create
their own cultural identities, while a learning environment that allows for
gaining an insight into those of others. multicultural identity development
This, in turn, encourages both creativity amongst culturally and linguistically
and a sense of social justice. diverse students. I believe this learning
In this article, I will discuss a environment must not be oppressive, but
multi-genre research project used as part should allow the students to pursue
of an ESL reading course as a way to solutions to the problems that matter in
support and amplify the students critical their daily lives, to question the status quo
and to feel empowered to play a role in
social responsibility.
The learning When Freire talks of dialogue, he
does not simply mean talking passively
environment should with others; the word refers to active
allow the students to engagement. For example, he would
argue that we need to analyse what we
pursue solutions to the are being told by the media and engage in
problems that matter a dialogue with it, rather than accepting
uncritically the message that is being
in their daily lives broadcast. He sees such dialogue as key
to positive social change. Teachers, too,
Please submit six complete compositions, each in a different genre. Please include a sheet at the front
The genres we have studied include: short stories, book reviews, of the whole portfolio to show the
poems (sonnet, haiku, free verse and couplet), songs, argument essays, date that this portfolio was
newspaper articles (editorial, news, features, complaints and obituaries), presented to a peer for evaluation,
cartoon captions and essay abstracts. You may also expand on these and the dates (minimum of two) that
genres. it was presented to the teacher for
editorial consultation during the
The portfolio must have a table of contents in APA style, generated
in Word.
Each composition should have a title, with a subhead noting the The peer and the teacher will write
genre. For example: Georgia OKeefe: A narrative feature from a comments beside the dates,
newspaper about her art show (journalism) concerning the strengths of the
The portfolio must be typed, unless the teacher agrees to an
alternative script. Put your initials next to the following
items before handing in your
The target audience and tone should be varied. For example, one
completed portfolio:
essay may be in the rst person addressed to a friend (eg a letter
about the death of your dog); another will be formal (eg an obituary _____ All submissions have been
of a famous person). revised at least once, after
You may experiment with structure and content, but you may not someone has seen them and
use offensive or pornographic text and/or imagery. commented.
One piece should be reective and should discuss why you chose _____ I have used the Word
this subject, and what you learnt from it. In the reective essay, spellcheck facility.
answer these questions: What is the big picture concerning the
essays you selected? What was the process of writing and revising? _____ I certify that the writing is my
How do the essays collected in the portfolio demonstrate your own, unless it is cited or
creativity and your writing strengths? What areas of your writing and quoted.
creativity will you continue working on?
_____ I have thought carefully
One composition must be a narrative of 1,000 to 3,000 words.
about this project and tried
One composition may be poetry, lyrics or a form of multi-media that to be creative in organising
is approved by the teacher after a writers conference. and compiling it.
One piece should offer a logical and well-supported argument, or it
can be a persuasive piece in which you, as author, take a stand on a _____ The length of my portfolio
topic or issue or propose a solution to a problem. is 12 double-spaced
typewritten/printed pages
You should include one piece of your own choosing; feel free to
(or equivalent, approximately
show us your best, your most experimental, your most impressive,
4,500 words), distributed
your most creative writing.
among the six pieces.
You may incorporate as many images as you wish, as long as they
are placed in the text with aesthetics in mind.
The portfolio will be offered at the end of the semester for public
scrutiny and praise.
t is 50 years since Rachel Carsons 10 Billion
landmark book Silent Spring appeared geo-engineering and a second green
the rst major wake-up call for Stephen Emmott takes as the starting revolution are all either unfeasible or
environmental action on a global scale. point for his book the fact that by 2050 cures which are worse than the disease.
Since then, awareness of humanitys the Earth will be supporting a population Radical behavioural change would need
negative effect on the environment has of about 10 billion, maybe more. He then radical government action, yet politicians
been regularly raised. There have been 18 explores the implications: As our numbers are currently part of the problem, not part
international summits, the International continue to grow, we continue to increase of the solution ... despite 20 years of
Panel on Climate Change has published our need for far more water, far more food, pledges to tackle carbon emissions, we
ve reports, and the Club of Rome has far more land, far more transport and far just keep on emitting more carbon. The
generated enough publications to ll a more energy. He then leads us through the book is short and devastatingly simple.
library, yet no substantial coordinated consequences of this in pressure on land The charts are chilling: almost all show an
action has been taken to rein in the and water resources, species extinction, exponential increase round about now,
headlong gallop toward planetary loss of forest, etc, with some interesting whether of rates of species extinction,
disaster. facts: It takes around 3,000 litres of water ocean warming, growth of cars, oods in
It is also just 50 years since the rst to produce a burger. He moves on to our Asia, res in America or global carbon
Chinese atomic bomb was detonated, addiction to fossil fuels. Contrary to emissions. By the way, Emmott is not
marking the beginning of nuclear popular belief, there is no immediate some kind of eccentric: he is a professor
proliferation. Some progress was made in danger of our running out of them. The of computational science and heads a
1970 when the Nuclear Non-proliferation danger lies in our continuing to use them. Cambridge research lab.
Treaty was signed, and the USA and One result is that climate change is
accelerating. The global carbon cycle, on
USSR began to scale back their nuclear
which the fragile and complex balance of
The Burning Question
arsenals. However, since then, the
number of states with nuclear weapons the worlds eco-systems depend, is being The Burning Question by Mike Berners-Lee
has continued to expand, increasing the destroyed, and at an accelerating pace. and Duncan Clark offers a more detailed
likelihood of nuclear war, whether by Quite apart from the increase in extreme and nuanced take on the same issues. The
design or accident. weather, this will lead to degradation of foreword, by Bill McKibben, emphasises
One way or another, then, the soils, depletion of water resources and that two degrees is the maximum
prospects for the future of humankind widespread famine and disease. Emmott temperature increase the Earth can
look pretty bleak. It seems appropriate, examines two possible ways out of our support, which means we can only safely
therefore, to review just a few recent predicament: technology and radical burn another 565 gigatonnes of carbon.
publications touching on these issues. behavioural change. In his view, none of Yet there are 2,795 gigatonnes left in the
the main technical solutions is feasible. ground! We have ve times as much oil
Over Environmental
think about that right now. If I do, Ill go
crazy. Ill think about that tomorrow and
the Catastrophe I dont believe it. You cant prove it.
wall ... The rst half of this book consists of Noam
Chomskys interviews with Laray Polk on a
Anyway, what can I do about it?
I believe we should not short-change
range of issues, including the environment our students by pretending that things are
and nuclear weapons. Chomsky has long other than the way they are. Remember
been a radical critic of the US government, the fate of the frog in Charles Handys
so it is not surprising to nd some book The Age of Unreason: If you put a
and coal and gas as climate scientists
trenchant views expressed here. Whether frog in water and slowly heat it, the frog
think is safe to burn. The rest of the book
he is discussing the role of the US will eventually let itself be boiled to death.
expands on this uncomfortable fact. In
Chamber of Commerce in lobbying against We too will not survive if we dont
Part 1, The problem of abundance, it
environmental controls, or that of the respond to the radical way in which the
shows how carbon extraction is increasing
President in condoning nuclear weapons world is changing.
exponentially, with no internationally
agreed limitations in prospect. In Part 2, development in some countries while
condemning it in others, or that of the Berners-Lee, M and Clark, D The Burning
Squeezing the balloon, it shows how fuel Question Prole Books 2013
economies get absorbed in the upward Pentagon in funding university research,
Briggs, R When the Wind Blows Penguin
curve of consumption. Governments he is unremittingly damning. In some
pursue contradictory policies of minimising ways, this weakens his case, since he
Carson, R Silent Spring Crest Books/
the demand for fossil fuels while sometimes comes across as carping and
Houghton Mifin 1962
simultaneously maximising the supply. repetitive. This does not lessen the force
Chomsky, N and Polk, L Nuclear War and
And this is exacerbated by the growth of of his argument, though. Environmental Catastrophe Seven Stories
population and of afuence. In Part 3, The second half of the book Press 2013
Whats stopping us? it examines the comprises a number of documents Club of Rome see www.laetuspraesens.
reluctance of those owning carbon assets relating to the issues in the rst half. org/links/clubrome.php
to write them off, the failure so far to These include the top secret transcript of Emmott, S 10 Billion Penguin 2013
implement carbon capture and storage, a telephone conversation between two Handy, C The Age of Unreason Arrow
ranking US ofcers in 1945, where a Books 1990
general is trying to cover up the radiation
effects in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Alan Maley has worked in
ascribing them to thermal burns: they the area of ELT for over
40 years in Yugoslavia,
just got a good thermal burn, thats all. Ghana, Italy, France,
Perhaps the most poignant document is a China, India, the UK,
Singapore and Thailand.
letter from a leader of the Marshall Since 2003 he has been a
islanders affected by US nuclear testing. freelance writer and
and the problem of a continuing belief in It reads: I realize now that your entire consultant. He has
published over 30 books
growth at all costs. The great global career is based on our illness. We are far and numerous articles,
slumber, is a key chapter. Awareness of more valuable to you than you are to us and was, until recently,
Series Editor of the
the magnitude of the problem is still For me and the other people on Oxford Resource Books
insufcient. And humans are good at Rongelap, it is life which matters most. for Teachers.
refusing to think about the unthinkable, For you it is facts and gures. [email protected]
especially when there is massive As a postscript to the nuclear issue,
sabotage by vested interests. Part 4, Not you could do worse than read When the
just fossil fuels, looks at other major
sources of global warming, especially
Wind Blows by Raymond Briggs. This
cartoon-strip story of a nave, gormless
Writing for ETp
agriculture and deforestation. Part 5, What old couple attempting to continue their Would you like to write for ETp? We are
now? offers six possible strategies to normal life in the aftermath of a nuclear always interested in new writers and
counteract the crisis. But none of them is strike is both very funny and utterly fresh ideas. For guidelines and advice,
convincing, since all depend on everyone terrifying. write to us or email:
taking responsibility and acting. Unless [email protected]
we do, the books cautious optimism that
things might somehow turn out well is no It really worked
more than whistling in the dark to keep As teachers focusing exclusively on
our spirits up. It ends on a question: language, we may nd ourselves trivially
for me!
we could keep on as we are, ignoring or correcting Bush Juniors pronunciation of Did you get inspired by something
playing down the risks and putting nukelar. As educators, we are up against you read in ETp? Did you do
responsibility for action elsewhere that the power of denial, apathy and wilful something similiar with your students?
would mean taking a monumental gamble distortion of the facts by powerful vested Did it really work in practice?
with our childrens future, and a species as interests. Reactions range from Oh, not Do share it with us ...
intelligent as ours surely wouldnt do that. that again! How many more times do we [email protected]
Would it? have to do pollution? to Scarlett OHaras
Follow us
on Twitter
usic plays a signicant using a different instrument, mixing musical arrangement is interrupted, the
part in all our lives, and genres, using unconventional phrasing, brain areas which process language
research shows we are changing the pattern of sound and structure become activated, conrming
attracted to musical unfolding chords one note at a time. that musical and linguistic operations
sounds from birth. Istvn Winkler and This builds tension and forces our brains take place in similar areas of the brain.
his colleagues found that babies as to try to predict what will be played Besides similarities in structure,
young as two or three days old can next. Levitin asserts that these musical elements and brain-processing areas,
detect musical beats, and Marcel modications surprise and tease us both music and language require
Zentner and Tuomas Eerola discovered neurologically, keep us mentally alert complex, higher-order thinking processes,
that infants are, in fact, more reactive to and provide a neural work-out in many including attention, organisation and
the rhythm and tempo of music than areas of our brain, thereby encouraging short- and long-term memory retention.
they are to speech. Considering this creative, exible thinking.
innate attraction, perhaps teachers Music and language
should view songs as a valuable teaching Music and language
resource and incorporate selected pieces
regularly in their lesson planning. Several studies demonstrate a link Levitins assertion that the human mind
between music and language. Both are acquires new knowledge more quickly
arranged linearly, using syntactic rules when it is presented in the form of a song
Why is music so or denite sequences of notes, arranged with a rhythm should alert our attention
attractive to humans? with the purpose of expressing an as teachers. Modern discoveries about the
Musician and neuroscientist Daniel intended message. Both are processed parallels between language and music
Levitin, professor of psychology at neurologically, component by could explain why early humans realised
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, component, with specic neural circuits that setting words and stories to music
says that group sing-alongs release the handling different elements, such as made them easier to remember; the
hormone oxytocin, which raises feelings pitch, duration, loudness and timbre. internal constraints of music, its structure
of trust and social bonding. His work With language, the brain rst perceives and metre and the poetic elements of
demonstrates our ability to recognise its notes: the sounds phonemes lyrics, such as alliteration and rhyme, all
melody, and how music stimulates the which inherently contain a number of encourage memorisation. This is an
pleasure areas of the brain, producing a the aforementioned musical elements. important point that Suzanne Medina
feel good neurotransmitter called Moreover, ndings show that when a demonstrated when she investigated the
dopamine. Levitin explains that musicians use of songs in language acquisition and
instinctively exploit the way our hearing memory retention. The idea that learning
systems and brains perceive music by
Musicians instinctively a language through music is automatic,
using a variety of ways to produce exploit the way our easier and more enjoyable, because
surprising, rewarding and pleasurable songs are repetitive and consistent, is
sounds. These arrangements are not brains perceive music also echoed by Elizabeth Gatbonton
necessarily composed, however, with any by using a variety of and Norman Segalowitz.
conscious consideration of the effects So, using music to aid language
they may have on our cognitive processes. ways to produce learning may not be an original idea, but
How do they do this? Musicians what is new these days is the availability of
create interest by using unvarying notes
surprising, rewarding an enormous musical database provided
and unexpected notes, by unpredictably and pleasurable sounds by digital recording, technological
stopping the rhythm, repeating a melody advancements and internet accessibility.
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subscriptions hotline on website and order online at subscriptions team on
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To advertise in this section,
Olga Makinina
incorporates multiple
eachers often complain that it
is difcult to engage students
and keep them active. It seems
that no matter how many
sometimes irrelevant topics; others argue
that the students are simply not motivated
enough to work. Quite a few instructors
have turned to Howard Gardners theory
intelligences in one entertaining tasks are incorporated into of multiple intelligences ie that differing
the lesson, there will always be some cognitive abilities form the basis for
multiple project. learners who seem distracted and differences in student learning styles and
incapable of acquiring new information. preferences to explain the reason for
Some professionals blame school curricula problems in teaching and motivating
for being overloaded with complex and learners. Gardners theory is widely known
and implemented, so I will omit further
explanation, beyond introducing his
original denition of seven intelligences:
We are all able to know the world
through language, logical-mathematical
analysis, spatial representation, musical
thinking, the use of the body to solve
problems or to make things, an
understanding of other individuals, and an
understanding of ourselves.
In this article, I will address the
problem by showing how you can
incorporate all seven intelligences (plus
the naturalist intelligence which Gardner
added at a later date) into one project.
Many teachers tend to concentrate on
two or three intelligences only, which
excludes students who have a different
predominant type of intelligence, so in
my teaching I try to compensate for this
deciency by introducing a range of
activities. What follows is an example of
a series of activities spread over several
lessons on the topic of travelling around
the USA, which is suitable for a class of
iStockphoto.com / 13spoon
nto one
inside the aircraft. At the baggage
The students learn to sing an American
folksong. You will need to nd a
recording of one and prepare printouts
claim in the US, you nd that your of the lyrics. The students rst listen to a
carry-on bag has not arrived. You recording of the song or watch a video
have to go to the airline ofce and tell of it being performed, and take note of www.yola.com, www.weebly.com and
them about your problem. What will any familiar words. They then listen to www.wix.com). During the lesson, the
you say to get them to nd and deliver the song for a second time, following students present their work to their
your luggage as soon as possible, since along with the printed text and classmates.
you will need to travel to a different identifying any unfamiliar words. As an extension, you could get the
city soon? During a third listening, they try singing students to nd pen-pals through various
along. After practising at home, they language exchange websites (for example,
You have arrived at your hotel and
come to the next lesson ready to sing in www.busuu.com). They may be able to
found that they have no record of
chorus without the recording. Videos of start corresponding with Americans
your reservation. All the rooms are
various American folksongs (for who wish to learn their language, and
currently occupied. You have no
example, The House of the Rising Sun) can share these presentations with them.
written evidence proving that you have
are available on YouTube and you can
reserved the room because you made
download the lyrics from the internet. 2 Cooking
your booking on the phone. What will
you say to the hotel clerk? 3 Intelligences:
Creative email writing Verbal-linguistic and bodily-kinaesthetic
Day 3 Prior to the lesson, each group of
Cultural experiences students is asked to nd a recipe for a
The students are asked to write an email traditional American dish. They cook it
1 Dancing to their friends or family, describing at home for the rest of the class. They
Intelligence: what they have seen and found out then bring their dishes to class and
Bodily-kinaesthetic during their imaginary trip around the exchange recipes.
US. The email has to include the
Prior to the lesson, each group of
following components: a funny,
students is asked to prepare to teach the
dramatic or romantic story that could
rest of the class three steps of a popular
have happened while travelling, and a This sequence of lessons, which can be
American dance (for example, country
description of the differences and modied for different prociency levels,
and western dance, contra dance, whip
similarities between their country and allows you to engage students with
dance, West Coast swing, etc). The
American culture, people, traditions, etc. different learning styles in a
preparation includes nding a short
instructional video of a dance (for collaborative group project, which
example, the shim sham at www.youtube. Day 4 encourages productive interaction and
com/watch?v=bjfM4Wrj9UI) and Sharing cultures the development of strong interpersonal
selecting three easy dance steps that can communicative skills. I hope that you
1 Telling ones own story will nd it useful for motivating your
be taught in approximately ten minutes.
In class, the students watch the video Intelligences: students to become more involved in
and teach each other how to dance. Intrapersonal, interpersonal, verbal- their lessons.
linguistic (possibly also musical-
rhythmic and visual-spatial) Gardner, H The Unschooled Mind: How
Children Think And How Schools Should
Before the lesson, the students are told Teach Basic Books 1991
that if they go to the US, they are likely
to meet people who are interested in Olga Makinina has
their countrys culture and sightseeing an MA in Teaching
International Languages
places. In groups of four or ve, the from California State
students put together a ve- to seven- University, Chico, USA.
She is now doing a PhD
minute presentation describing places of in Applied Linguistics
interest in their country or town, their and Discourse Studies
traditions and holidays, and giving at Carleton University,
Canada. She has
interesting information about worked as an instructor
themselves and their lives. They have the of English as a foreign
language and Russian
option of creating a traditional in the USA and Eastern
presentation (using PowerPoint or Prezi) Europe.
or using a website (for example, [email protected]
Self-guided interviews
This is a very motivating activity that before passing their sheet to the student order in which they would like to answer
draws upon the students interests and on the right. They read the sheet they them. At this point, they can also choose
knowledge. It allows them to practise receive and write a question that they to omit some questions, if they feel they
question formation, interviewing and would like to ask the new famous gure, cant answer them, or would not like to.
organising. It is student-driven and before passing the sheet on again. This Finally, in pairs, (possibly in front of
suitable for learners from pre-intermediate continues until the sheets have circled the the class, in mock chat show format), the
level upwards. class and are back with their owner. To students swap sheets and interview each
The students sit in a circle. On a sheet avoid confusion, the students should other, one person taking the role of the
of paper, they write the name of a famous imagine that the famous people are all interviewer, one the celebrity.
person (the person can be alive or dead alive and being interviewed in the present. This activity can be followed up by
or even ctional) whom they are interested in The teacher then tells the students getting the students to write a prole of
and know something about. They then write that they are going to imagine they are their person, using the questions as
two or three sentences about the person, as their famous person and that they are prompts, or a piece of writing saying why
if they were explaining who they were to going to be interviewed, using the they are particularly interested in the
someone who knows nothing about them. questions on their sheet. Aided by the individual, and what they would ask them if
Each student then writes one question teacher when appropriate, the students they had the opportunity.
that they would like to ask their famous check that the questions are written Tim Ashurst
person if they were interviewing them, correctly, before numbering them in the York, UK
Use of L1 www.b1toc2materials.pbworks.com.
Questionnaire on attitudes to the use Draw a story put pictures in order or Its all there to share!
of L1 in class. guess which story is represented in the Elspeth Pollock
Student-made vocabulary tests. pictures. Seville, Spain
Homophones, eggcorns
and mondegreens
John Potts shows how the wrong word can upset the apple tart.
hile reading online recently about the trial of the 5 Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was
corrupt ex-mayor of Detroit, I came across this time to present the present.
arresting (sorry) account: 6 When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
Federal agents who poured over bank accounts and credit 7 I did not object to the object.
cards said Kilpatrick spent $840,000 beyond his salary during
8 The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
his time as mayor. His defence attorneys subsequently
9 There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
attempted to portray the money as generous gifts from
political supporters. (Independent 11 October 2013) 10 They were too close to the door to close it.
I had two competing thoughts an image of oods of agents 11 The buck does funny things when the does are present.
descending on his nancial records, versus an urgent 12 To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
question: What did they pour over those accounts? before 13 The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
the penny dropped and I mentally corrected poured to pored.
14 After a number of injections, my jaw got number.
Unless, of course, the various agents batted at each other
for possession of those incriminating data, in which case 15 Upon seeing the tear in the painting, I shed a tear.
they pawed over them? On second thoughts, probably not. 16 I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
Some of these examples illustrate the phenomenon of
shifting stress: object (n) and object (v), for example, where
The internet is a rich source (sauce?) of such mistakes, and
the word stress is placed on the rst syllable in the noun and
over the years Ive collected a few. For example, I came
the second in the verb. English has plenty of those, too. And
across the following in the online Telegraph earlier this year;
number 6 has that interesting past tense form of dive dove
it seems that if descending from the nobility is what youre
that is chiey found in North American varieties of English.
after, youd be better off in Geneva:
I lived in Basle and found it OK a bit pricey but wages
were good too. I have to say I found Geneva a bit dull and However, back to my title. The existence of homophones is
boring, but Basle was OK, no heirs and graces and you well known, but what about eggcorns and mondegreens?
could get a good kebab there. (Telegraph 13 June 2013) The former is a term coined in September 2003 by the linguist
Geoffrey Pullum, in a blog called (coincidentally) Language
Two of my favourites are towing the line (not to be confused
Log (http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll). The choice of the
with pulling your wait), and giving free reign to ones
term was in response to an earlier post by another linguist
imagination, or even giving free rain to it.
discussing an American woman who wrote eggcorn for acorn
(probably as a result of her regional pronunciation).
The example words are all homophones: words that sound The key to eggcorns is that they seem (to the speaker/
the same but are spelled (or spelt) differently. Not to be writer) to make acceptable sense in the original context
confused with homographs these are spelled the same which takes us back to towing the line, giving free reign,
but sound different. English has plenty of homographs, as etc. Whats more, their user can often come up with a
attested by one of those humorous emails that does the plausible-sounding explanation for their creation a sort of
rounds every now and then, and which Ive received from improvised etymology, if you like.
many students over the years. Heres a shortened version:
1 The bandage was wound around the wound.
Eggcorns abound. Weve probably all come across texts that
2 The farm was used to produce produce.
refer to a nerve-wrecking experience, or waiting with baited
3 The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. breath for something to occur. There are websites dedicated
4 The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. to them Ive included some web addresses at the end of
3 23 21 18 9 1 1 17 6 18 25 24 23 12 COMPETITION RESULTS
18 23 18 20 13 24 19 21
A O A H X I M Y Congratulations to all Barbara Dumas, Harrogate, UK
9 18
those readers who Rachel Glanville, Cardiff, UK
24 18 2 2 23 22 18 25 1 23 23 successfully completed Laura Gormley, Dublin, Ireland
18 25 15 3 18 22 10 18 2 12
our Prize Crossword 60. Sabine Liberto, Seuzach, Switzerland
A T W V A N D A L N The winners, who will Nicolas Ochsner, Kaiserstuhl, Switzerland
12 22 18 26 18 3 18 22 23 18
N C A R A V A N O A each receive a copy of Kevin Sales, Elngen, Switzerland
25 26 18 21 25 22 18 25 18 the Macmillan English Moritz Schneider, Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
18 269 11 23 12 1 16 12 1 1 2 Dictionary for Advanced William Tice, Oberwil-Lieli, Switzerland
A R S O N E K N E E L Learners, are: Linda Weber, Windisch, Switzerland
14 22 8 11 23 11 2
F C Z S O S L Astrid Wimmer, Birr, Switzerland
1 14 14 24 22 24 1 12 25 1 15 1 6
E F F I C I E N T E W E U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2 23 18 2 18 7 18 11 25 1 26 26 E L V J P U B Z G D S N X
L O A L A B A S T E R R 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
4 1 18 12 11 2 25 22 26 18 3 1 F W K Q A M H Y C O I T R
18 2 24 26 24 22 20 11 16 12 23 15 24 12 9 21 23 6 26 11 1 2 14
24 23 15 2 23 20 1 18 26 24 11 25 20 1 7 1 9 24 12 12 24 12 9
2 1 18 26 12 1 12 10 1 18 26 1 23 14 18 2 2 15 24 11 10 23 19
L E A R N E N D E A R E O F A L L W I S D O M Aristotle
eachers of academic writing face Each exercise is proposed for all levels, Each activity is suggested at all levels,
a mountain of unimaginative ranging from beginner to advanced. ranging from beginner to advanced.
published resources of little Each activity is suggested at all levels,
Get the students to say the sentence
relevance and interest to the ranging from low to advanced.
aloud, focusing on clear pronunciation,
particular students they meet in the
and tell them that they are going to Each activity is suitable at all levels,
classroom. Disengaged students plough
change the sentence one word at a time, ranging from low to advanced.
through repetitive assessment-based
without changing its essential meaning.
exercises, and are obliged to turn out Each activity is suitable at all levels,
formulaic pieces of writing which bear Rub out one word and tell the students ranging from low to high.
little resemblance to what they will that a replacement word is needed. Each activity is suitable at all stages,
actually write in their university studies. When a student suggests one, write it ranging from low to high.
In order to nd ideas that give their in the space. Ask the student to read
the sentence aloud and the class can Every activity is suitable at all stages,
students the chance to manipulate text in
either accept or reject the new word. If ranging from low to high.
a meaningful way, teachers of academic
writing simply need to raid more creative they accept it (and you agree), remove Example 2
and inventive resource books which do another word from the sentence. The
Each exercise is proposed for all levels,
not have an academic focus. Many ideas class should end up with a new
ranging from beginner to advanced.
are easy to adapt to the academic sentence, where most words are
different from the original. It should be Each exercise can be done by all levels,
context and can even bring life to those
a paraphrase with minimal change in ranging from beginner to advanced.
materials which teachers and students
may be required to use. meaning (see Example 1 below, which Each exercise can be done at any stage
The four activities suggested here are shows one of several ways in which the in the learning process, ranging from
adapted from books written solely or in sentence could change). beginner to advanced.
part by Mario Rinvolucri, a highly Once the students have got as far as Each exercise can be done at any stage
inventive, inuential and prodigious they can, ask them to dictate the original in the learning process, however much
creator of teaching resources. The sentence to you and write it below their knowledge students have.
common theme is that each activity is nal sentence so they can compare All the tasks can be done at any stage in
learner-centred and provides a framework them. Tell them they can now paraphrase the learning process, however much
which makes it possible for the students the sentence again, but this time they knowledge students have.
to develop as writers of academic can remove and replace chunks (see
English. Each activity builds up the Example 2 below). Substituting chunks
students awareness of conventional may seem more challenging at rst, but
2 Sentence
structures in academic writing at it soon becomes clear that it is a more deconstruction and
sentence and paragraph level, through effective approach to paraphrasing. reconstruction
investigative and playful techniques.
The beauty of this exercise is that the (Adapted from Silent sentence in
These activities can make up part of
students are in charge of the building of Grammar Games)
an academic writing class. They are easy
the new sentence, with the teacher Write a complex sentence on the
to adapt for use with any level, and work
acting as guide. board, of the kind that your students
best if they are repeated at least once
during a course. Example 1 need to practise in their academic
writing. For example:
(The underlined words are those that the
1 Remove and replace teacher erases at each step of the process.) According to recent research, the
average foreign language teacher
paraphrasing Each exercise is proposed for all levels,
currently takes up at least 70% of
(Adapted from Rub out and replace in ranging from beginner to advanced.
talking time in the classroom; only 30%
Grammar Games) Each exercise is suggested for all levels, remains for the students, which does
Write a sentence on the board, of the ranging from beginner to advanced. not appear to make sense in a situation
kind your students need to practise in Each activity is suggested for all levels, where most learners want to achieve
their academic writing. For example: ranging from beginner to advanced. increased uency.
Text messages 2
Nick Dall tells us how texting can be taught.
n Issue 89 of ETp, I discussed the communities, so it goes without saying One word of caution, though: some
shortcomings of existing ELT that the students should know all of the published examples of this kind of activity
materials on text messaging and, words in it. not only have commonplace expressions
relying heavily on a corpus study (eg Y dont u call?) but also include others
by Caroline Tagg, I highlighted six key a) Pelmanism which are really only representative of
features of real text messages. This This is a simple pelmanism game, niche texting communities, such as
article describes a selection of tried and requiring the students to match full teenagers (eg w8n 4 U). The danger
tested activities which help students with forms with re-spellings. You will need a here is that the students will think this is
both recognition and production of set of cards like those below. They are how all English speakers compose text
more authentic text messages. Teachers turned face down. The students then messages. I believe its ne to include a
can mix and match the activities, take turns to try to nd pairs. At the end few unusual examples, as long as you
according to their students needs. of the game, the student with the most later have a discussion about how useful
pairs is the winner. such expressions really are, and when it
1 Formal or informal? might be appropriate to use them.
you u
Formal messages usually contain full
forms, standard punctuation and
to 2 3 Leaving words out
measured greetings and sign-offs. for 4 Ellipsis is extremely common in text
Informal messages can exclude any or messages. Fortunately, its also quite
all of these features. This activity gets be b logical: in my experience, students
the students thinking about this understand and learn to use ellipsis
are r
distinction, and should result in them relatively quickly. Once they know which
sending more appropriate texts. see c types of words are commonly omitted,
The students are asked to categorise this three-step activity takes them from
sample text messages as either appropriate your ur recognition to production:
or inappropriate in style. Each message yes yeah Put full texts and their shortened
is printed on a mini-ashcard, and the equivalents on different ashcards,
students form two piles of messages. This tomorrow tomo and give each student one ashcard.
activity must be done in pairs or small They then have to nd their partners.
groups, as it is vital that the students what wot
This serves as a brief introduction to
justify their choices to their peers. about bout further practice.
Here are two examples for
comparison, the rst appropriate and night nite Give the students shortened texts to
the second inappropriate: write out in full. This gives them an
youre ur understanding of the mechanics of
Morning John, v sorry but trains delayed. ellipsis.
Gonna be a few mins late. See you soon. though tho
Give the students full texts and ask
hiya boss v sorry but trains delayed because cos them which words can be removed.
gonna be a few mins late cu. XXX. This is the nal step before authentic
going to gonna
In a feedback session, the students and the production.
teacher discuss which words or expressions want to wanna
are inappropriate, and together they decide 4 Lexical chunks
how they can be improved upon.
b) Translation Caroline Tagg compiled wordform
Another activity that works well is getting frequency lists which can be extremely
2 Re-spellings the students to translate text messages useful to teachers when composing
The following two activities make use of with re-spellings into full sentences. This sample messages or when getting
a core list of 17 commonly re-spelt appeals to most students, as it is precisely students to compose their own texts. Ive
words. This short list unlocks the door what they need to do when they receive put together three top ten lists, which
to all but the most esoteric texting English-language text messages in real life. can be used for a variety of activities.
What the British say How other nationalities may interpret it What is really meant
I hear what you say. They accept my point of view. Youre wrong!
With the greatest respect ... They are listening to me. You are an imbecile.
That is a very brave proposal. They think I have courage. Youre insane.
I would suggest ... Think about it its your decision. Dont think about it just do it!
Oh, incidentally ... This isnt very important ... The whole point is ...
I will bear it in mind. They will probably do it. Theres no way I am going to do that!
Im sure it was my fault. They think it was their fault. It was your fault!
You must come for dinner. I expect an invitation soon. Goodbye for ever.
I only have a few minor comments. They have found one or two small errors. This is a load of rubbish.
Could we consider other options? They havent made a decision yet. Your idea stinks.
In need of some The property hasnt been updated since Conveniently Set on a busy road, next to a pub and
modernisation the 1970s; the plumbing doesnt work; located above a 24-hour take-away burger bar.
and the place needs completely
A cosy cottage in a The property is tiny and the nearest Tremendous scope Demolition would be advisable.
rural location shop is half an hours drive away. for improvement
An easy-to-maintain There is really nothing big enough to A real blank canvas Demolition is imperative.
living space require maintenance.
Reduced The owner is desperate to sell as no A garden at A dark and damp basement at,
one has even been to see the property underneath a garden which is owned
for nine months, let alone put in an by someone else in the building and to
offer. which you have no access.
Within easy reach Gangs of noisy teenagers will gather Low-maintenance The previous owners have concreted
of local schools outside your house at lunchtime and rear garden over the garden.
toss litter over the fence into your
Ideal as a buy-to-let The property is in such an undesirable Full of character On most of which you will bang your
investment area that there is no way you would features head.
actually want to live in it yourself.
A three-bedroom A two-bedroom house with a cupboard A stunning southerly The other three sides of the property
house that is just large enough to t a outlook benet from views of a sewage works,
mattress on the oor. a recycling facility and a sheet-metal
Set within a purpose- The property is right in the middle of a Sea view If you stand on the toilet and hang out
built residential vast housing estate with a notorious of the window, you can just catch a
development reputation for drugs and gangs. glimpse of the sea between the
gasworks and the high-rise ats.
Excellent transport There is a motorway or a busy railway Deceptively A mirror completely covering one wall
links line within ten metres of the property. spacious makes the living room appear twice the
size it really is.
Unexpectedly The previous buyer pulled out at the Located in a vibrant You would be ill-advised to venture out
re-available last minute when the survey revealed area at night.
that the property was about to fall
50 Issue 90 January 2014 ENGLISH TEACHING professional www.etprofessional.com Scrapbook compiled by Ian Waring Green
Do we need
to know this?
Emilia Siravo nds that n his 2007 TED talk, Sugata Mitra thought to be proper) English.
quoted the late Arthur C Clarke Throughout this English grammar
corpora bring a touch of stating: A teacher that can be purication phase, I taught and reinforced
replaced by a machine should be. grammatical rules prescriptively.
reality into language lessons. Although Clarkes comment is very true, On one cold December morning, my
given we live in the age of information pedantic choices were questioned. I had
and technology, we cannot underestimate decided to dedicate an entire lesson to
the importance of using computers to teaching the difference between will,
embellish (not replace) our teaching going to and the present continuous for
practice. future plans. During a grammar exercise
Corpus data, which is now available
online through various websites, provides
language teachers with essential Corpus data provides
information that can rene course teachers with essential
curriculums and can increase relevance
in the classroom. In a talk for The New information that can rene
School on corpus linguistics in 2012,
Randi Reppen stated that corpus data course curriculums and
can provide insight into language where can increase relevance
intuitions often fail or, worse, give us the
wrong information. This article describes in the classroom
why corpus research is essential in
language classrooms, and highlights
how it can be used to supplement on this topic, a bright and eager student
classroom learning. inquired, Emilia, do we really need to
know this? Of course, Markus, I
retorted. But he continued, Are you
Ensuring relevance really saying that you would have
Although I have spoken English all my life, difculty understanding what I meant if
I had never even heard of the grammatical I said I am visiting instead of I am
rules governing the use of will and going going to visit? Once again, I was quick
to for making future arrangements until to respond with a Yes and continued
I went on a CELTA teacher training referring to our grammar book, stating
course. When I rst learnt these rules, I that one was used for a future plan and
was mortied, ashamed and frustrated. I the other for a future intention, and that
felt grammatically robbed, and I wondered there was a difference. But he pressed on:
why I had not learnt these things before. But do people really use this when they
Embarrassed by my lack of speak? I lied and convincingly said what
grammatical knowledge, I briey became in reality I did not believe: Yes, those
an English grammar fundamentalist who speak English well certainly do.
reading grammar books became my I reected for days and months on
favourite hobby, and my students were Markuss question and on my response
exposed to what I failed to know for so and I still do so now. Initially, I thought
long the rules of proper (or what I that listening to native speakers would
think it is rather simplistic to
corpus data themselves the problem with the four conditionals
abandon the whole idea of
While some teachers may hesitate to ELT Journal 65 (1) 2011
repetition because it takes time
teach their students how to use corpus Maule, D Sorry, but if he comes, I go
databases, learning how to track ELT Journal 42 (2) 1988 away from students and reduces
vocabulary, to check a words usage, McEnery, T and Wilson, A Corpus their motivation to speak as
meaning and form and to derive its Linguistics: An Introduction Edinburgh Nicholas Northall claims in Echo,
University Press 2001
connotation by using relevant corpus echo, echo ... (ETp Issue 88).
data will provide students with a more Ur, P Response to Sorry, but if he
I can see that it sounds
comes, I go ELT Journal 43 (1) 1989
complete insight into the target language. nonsensical simply to repeat what
As a minimum, teachers should consider Online resources
a student says, as in his example,
promoting the use of online databases Mitra, S How kids teach themselves TED
Audio podcast retrieved from www.ted. but there are certain advantages
(such as Google and, in particular, the com/talks/sugata_mitra_shows_how_kids_ to repetition:
Google Ngram Viewer) to check word teach_themselves.html
and phrase frequency. Google is not as Reppen, R Corpus linguistics Video of
The teacher can correct or
rened as either a corpus such as COCA talk given at the New School in February clarify what the student said.
or the BNC, but it can provide some 2012 retrieved from www.youtube.com/
watch?v=Qf46lOnMCfs Students hear a native-speaker
additional insight on vocabulary usage.
level of pronunciation.
3 Avoiding prescriptive teaching Corpus data sources
www.wordandphrase.info/analyzeText.asp Hearing their own words
At the very least, teachers themselves http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/
reected back gives the
should try using corpus data so that they www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
speaker a chance to conrm or
are reminded that there are no black and
white rules in English. I did a great qualify what they said.
Emilia Siravo is a
disservice to my students when I presented freelance ESL teacher in
Zurich, Switzerland. She Maybe even more useful than
them with supposedly hard and fast has CELTA, DELTA I, straight repetition is paraphrase,
rules for talking about the future. These DELTA III and SVEB
saying the same thing in a
certications, and
rules do not necessarily reect reality recently graduated from different way. This can help the
and, as English teachers, being aware of The New Schools MA
TESOL Program, class in various ways:
the languages various shades of grey receiving the 2013 Award
helps reinforce the fact that we should for Academic Excellence. The students hear different
be guides who help foster meaningful ways of expressing themselves,
communication, rather than police extending their vocabulary or
ofcers who enforce language rules. [email protected]
varying their sentence structure.
The student who is speaking
feels listened to and
encouraged. After all, if the
teacher takes the time to
rephrase what has been said,
this can be gratifying for the
student concerned.
Welcome to the Finally, repetition or paraphrase
ETp website! can help slower students to
formulate their own contribution
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Browse through our archive of Watch videos and read blogs when the teacher opens it out to
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research. Lets not throw the baby out with
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Mark Krzanowski brings like-minded people together for special purposes.
stands for special share ideas with teachers working in the in developing countries). The SIGs most
interest group, a same eld but in different countries recent success lies in its contribution to
community whose around the world is especially valued. the creation of the Ivorian English
members work together to discuss their Membership numbers differ Teachers Association (CI-IATEFL),
particular eld of concern and expertise, according to the nature of the SIG. The whose main interest lies in ESP and
to promote best practice within that eld Business English SIG probably has which has just been conrmed as an
and to produce solutions to any issues that around 500 members, whereas the ESP IATEFL afliate. Its newly-elected
arise. Within the IATEFL organisation SIG has approximately 350. president is, himself, a member of the
there are around 15 SIGs, which bring IATEFL ESP SIG. This association is
together teachers with a particular The ESP SIG bound to set new ESP trends in Cte
interest in, for example, teaching young dIvoire and in West Africa.
learners and teenagers, business English, The aims of the ESP SIG, of which I am Over the last eight years or so, the
pronunciation, ESP, and materials a member, were set out in 2005. The ESP SIG support network has gone
development. Members of IATEFL are main objective was to disseminate good from strength to strength, and it now
asked to choose one SIG, which they practice in ESP through its membership unites colleagues across all the
can join as part of their membership fee. and to promote models of ESP excellence continents. In addition, over the last
Additional SIGs may be joined for a fee. to ELT professionals in the UK and three years, close links have been
(Within TESOL, the teaching abroad. Its aims include: established with its TESOL counterpart,
association based in the US, there is a to raise better awareness of ESP in the TESOL ESP IS.
similar system of interest groups, known countries where it is not yet fully The SIG embraces both ESP in its
as ISs or interest sections.) developed; general sense as well as its special
to organise systems of support for variations, eg English for Work, English
The IATEFL SIGs fellow ESP practitioners; for Occupational or Professional
Purposes and, last but not least, English
ELT professionals enjoy being members to support individual or for Academic Purposes (EAP).
of IATEFL SIGs for a variety of organisational projects which may not
reasons. Possibly the most important are prove feasible without the SIGs Publications
that it gives them a chance to recommendation; Collaboration with Garnet Education
consolidate their specialism within the to provide consultancy and relevant has seen the publication of three topical
wider eld of ELT, to network with educational advice; ESP SIG edited books (see page 56). As
fellow professionals who share their former Co-ordinator of the ESP SIG, I
experience in a specic area, to share to organise joint events with edited all three books, and the new Joint
expertise and benchmark good practice organisations of a similar interest or Co-ordinator, Dr Prithvi Shrestha, is
and to promote the interests of prole. currently working on a fourth book.
colleagues and potential colleagues In attempting to meet these aims, the Garnet Education also sponsors the ESP
across the globe. SIG members nd this ESP SIG has been very active. It has SIG journal (The Journal of Professional
last item particularly appealing. reached out to developing and emerging and Academic English) which is
IATEFL is, as its name proclaims, an countries (the second book published by published bi-annually and replaces an
international organisation, and the the SIG in partnership with Garnet earlier newsletter. This journal has been
opportunity to get in contact with and Education is devoted to ESP and EAP particularly successful in reaching out to
access some of the information about talks delivered on this day are given by a
traditionally disadvantaged voices from
who have selected the ESP SIG as one
of their chosen SIGs.
Members of the SIG can contribute
to its books and journals with articles,
and further education as well as the
private sector. These talks are selected by
the SIG committee, who pay particular
attention to achieving a balanced
emerging and developing countries and and can propose talks to be delivered at geographical spread. Since 2007, the ESP
providing a forum in which they can SIG events. SIG has also held regular pre-conference
express their views. events (PCEs), each of which is devoted
Members of the ESP SIG receive Events to a particular theme. Below you will see
free copies of the books and the journal. Every year, the ESP SIG hosts its own an abbreviated Call for Papers for our
There is also a website (http://espsig. day during the IATEFL annual PCE at the IATEFL conference in
iate.org) redesigned and maintained by conference. Every effort is made to ensure Harrogate in April this year.
Dr Semih Irfaner from Bilkent University that such a day is democratically devoted
(Turkey). Non-members are able to to ESP and EAP topics the six or seven
There have been a number of academic English to share views and Krzanowski, M (Ed) Current Developments
in English for Work and the Workplace:
conferences and events where practices which are applicable to other Approaches, Curricula and Materials
research and good practice in terms ESP contexts. Garnet Education 2012
of learning technologies and language More information on joining IATEFL SIGs
Proposals for papers should follow the can be found at www.iate.org.
learning have been shared. However,
standard IATEFL conference proposal
the use of learning technologies for
format (Title: 10 words, Abstract: Mark Krzanowski is
English for Specic Purposes (ESP) Editor-in-Chief of the ESP
60 words, Summary: 250 words). SIGs journal. He was the
is rarely talked about. ESP SIG Co-ordinator
Please submit your proposal to from 2005 to April 2013.
In addition, the use of learning He is based at the
Aysen Guven University of Westminster,
technologies in both professional and UK, where he is Lecturer
([email protected]) in English Language,
academic English contexts has the
and Prithvi Shrestha TESOL and Linguistics in
potential to provide administrators, the Department of
([email protected]). English, Linguistics and
trainers and teachers with a rich Cultural Studies. He is
also Senior Adviser in
source of information that can enhance Our PCE will be held on ESP and EAP for Garnet
the teaching and learning of ESP. As 1st April 2014. Education.
[email protected]
Motivational mantras
Douglas Williams has ten timely tips for teachers.
eve all had days when we 4 Be realistic with your aims. 9 Become a student yourself.
question what we do, doubt In many teaching situations, the chances By learning another language, you
ourselves as teachers perhaps are you will be teaching one class or increase your ability to empathise with
even consider quitting altogether. Here are learner for a short time, so setting the situation your students face. Take
some motivational points to remember achievable objectives is key. To avoid every opportunity to learn about your
after a bad day in the classroom; their disappointing yourself and your students native languages in class, too.
aim is to guide the disaffected teacher students, make it clear what they can
back to a positive mindset and, expect to learn (or acquire) in the time 10 And nally ... dont work too
ultimately, more job satisfaction. that you have available. hard!
Limit the amount of time you spend
1 Value your contribution. 5 Mix it up. preparing classes by using this time
Whoever the student is, you can teach Variety is the spice of the ELT job, more efciently. Re-use or adapt existing
them something. Even the strongest whether it be in materials, correction materials, and if creating new materials,
advanced student can learn new techniques or classroom layout. Adding set a deadline and stick to it. Some of the
vocabulary, work on their pronunciation variety will avoid the common best lessons Ive taught have used either
and develop their skills. Conversely, an Groundhog class syndrome, where you no traditional materials or those Ive
absolute beginner with seemingly no get into a predictable cycle of doing the whipped up in a panic with ten minutes
language learning aptitude (perhaps the same kinds of activities every lesson, using to go! Mark with a correction code or
most challenging kind of student) will the same lesson shape or methodology. focus on particular types of mistake,
show progress if the correct approach is Both you and your students will benet politely decline students requests to
chosen by the teacher and they are from breaking the routine. mark work unrelated to your lessons and
given enough time. think carefully before adding students as
6 Be open to humour. friends on Facebook! Aside from the risks
2 Dont take all the blame for a Take every opportunity in class to have of appearing unprofessional, if your
bad class. a laugh with your students. Encourage students start seeing you as more a
It may seem obvious, but the success of the spontaneous anecdotes. Dont rush past friend than a teacher, unfortunately
class depends not only on you; it depends funny mistakes students make; often there will always be some who will try to
on the students as well. Whilst reection by these are the most memorable parts of take advantage of that.
the teacher on what has happened when the lesson and can be valuable in terms
things go wrong is essential for improving of language feedback.
rapport with a class and meeting their
needs, for teachers to put responsibility 7 Be prepared for criticism. So, at the end of a bad day, just remember:
for the learners achievements solely on Its a difcult balancing act at times, and theres no such thing as the perfect teacher.
themselves is dangerous. The ip side of its often a case of keeping most students The best we can do is to walk into every
this, of course, is that you cant take all happy for most of the time. If a student class with optimistic assumptions, pay
the credit for a good class! complains about your class, dont sulk attention as much as possible to our
about it and hold a grudge; respond students needs and regularly evaluate
3 Look for the positive aspects our own performance.
positively by talking to them one-to-one
of the job, not the negatives. and nding out the root of their
Yes, the pay is low and the students can complaint. Be approachable and Douglas Williams is a
freelance trainer for the
drive you mad, but moaning about those attentive, or they will have no choice but London School of English
things day in day out in the staffroom is to go over your head to your superiors. and, since starting his
rst TEFL job in 2006, has
a real morale-killer. Although I can taught in Indonesia, New
sympathise with a heart-felt complaint 8 Develop, dont stagnate. Zealand and the UK. He
holds the Cambridge
from a fellow teacher, its important not One reason for feeling demotivated as a DELTA and is currently
to let negative vibes be the norm. teacher is the uncertainty of what can taking an MA in ELT and
Applied Linguistics at
Remind yourself that you are making a come next on your CV. There are Kings College London,
difference and doing a creative, numerous avenues for continuing your UK. His academic
intellectually stimulating job. Find interests include
professional development, from speaking assessment, learner
positives in the teachers you work with, at conferences to getting an article autonomy and technology
bounce ideas off each other and learn in the classroom.
published in a teachers magazine or taking
from your colleagues. [email protected]
on further responsibilities in your school.
Get on
This is, of course, based on the well-
known activity Back to the board, but
instead of writing the words on the
board, the teacher can prepare an
interactive version for the IWB, using
the target language written in phonemic
1 Create a table with the same number
of cells as words you want to test.
2 If you are preparing the lesson on the
board itself, you can use the IWB pen
to write the target lexis in phonemic
script in the cells of the table. If you
are using a computer or laptop to
prepare your lesson, then you could
use an online IPA typewriter, such as:
3 Next, highlight all the cells, right click
Louise Guyett ast year, the college that I work and select Add cell shade. This will
for had interactive white add shading on top of all the words so
suggests three interactive boards (IWBs) installed in all that they are no longer visible.
of the classrooms. All the
ways to practise sounds and teachers were provided with training as 4 Finally, choose a shape from the tool
we were now required to use them in bar (I like the star best). Once the
the phonemic script. class. At the time, I was undertaking shape is created, click on it and select
action research on how I could integrate Innite Cloner. This means that the
the use of the phonemic chart and script object, in this case the star, can simply
in my lessons. In the latter stages of the be replicated or cloned an innite
IWB training, we were encouraged to number of times by touching it and
share ideas on how we could build dragging it to the desired location on
activities for the IWBs to use in class. So the screen. Use this to keep the scores
I decided to think about how I could use for the teams. (See Diagram 1.)
the features of the IWB to create 5 Divide the class into two teams and
activities for practising pronunciation have them sit in two semi-circles
and the phonemic script. facing the board, with two students
I developed the following three (one from each team) sitting facing
ideas, which are all based on well-known their team with their backs to the
classroom activities. board. Ask any of the students to
Diagram 1
choose a cell by calling out the
column letter and the row number, for
example B2. Click on that cell to
remove the shading and the word
underneath will be revealed. The
teams of students then have to explain
the word to their teammate at the
front who cant see it, without saying
the revealed word. The rst person to
guess the word correctly wins a point
for their team. This point can be
marked by moving a star into the
column that represents that team.
This is a great activity for revising
vocabulary at the end of a lesson,
especially if you have included the
pronunciation while introducing the
language earlier in the lesson.
2 Sound maze
board run
This idea for this activity came to me in the
middle of a lesson while my students were
completing a vowel maze from Mark
Hancocks Pronunciation Games. The maze
focuses on the long vowel sound / /. The
learners have to nd a path through the
maze to the Finish, only moving through
spaces that have words containing the
target sound. Before the lesson, I had
scanned a copy of the maze onto a
SMART Notebook 11 le so that, during
the feedback session, the students would
have a visual to refer to for correction.
While I was monitoring the students, I Diagram 3
had the idea to change the way we would
give feedback. So I cloned the maze and
put one copy on each side of the board
(see Diagram 2). The students were
divided into two teams and formed two
lines in front of the board. The rst student
in each team ran to the board and made
the rst move on their maze. They then ran
back and passed the pen to the next player,
who ran up and made the next move.
They continued in this relay style until
one team reached the Finish. We then
checked both teams answers and drilled
any problems. The learners were highly
engaged and the competitiveness
generated motivation.
Warning: This activity might not work
on older models of IWBs, where it is not
possible to use more than one pen at a time. Diagram 4
Diagram 7 [email protected]
-portfolios is a word you hear quite often these days. It Portfolios produced by LiveBinders can be shared, so a
comes up in much of the literature produced by the student can allow the teacher and other students to leave
European Union, and I see that several of the British comments, ask questions, etc. So again, thinking of the layout,
Council courses for teachers are assessed via an e-portfolio. the student can organise their portfolio in such a way as to
display clearly the comments and suggestions from other
Assessment blogs students or the teacher. E-portfolios, by their very nature, are
My interest in e-portfolios really developed out of the work I was formative assessment tools as their production is a process, and
doing with blogging while at the University of Warwick. We were the students can re-write, edit, change or adapt them as they
using blogs as a way of assessing our students on the MA in ELT develop. Here, I am concentrating on a situation where each
course. The students were producing a lot of digital content student produces their own e-portfolio but, of course, an
mind-maps, videos, cartoons, chats, audio recordings, etc and e-portfolio could also be a group-based project.
we got them to embed all the content into a blog and then write
about what they did and how they might apply it in their own Live binders
teaching context. Blogs have come a long way since the One of the best features is the LiveBinders button. You can add it
text-based blogging tools that people used before the to your browser (you simply drag it from the LiveBinders website
introduction of Web 2.0. They now have much greater potential when you sign up) and then when you want to add any content
as they allow for all sorts of content to be embedded into them. from the web into the one of your e-portfolios, you simply click
I realised that, in essence, these students blogs were a form on the button and add it into any of the binders you have
of e-portfolio. They were a digital record of all their work, created. It really is a one-click process.
covering a broad range of skills that were developed during the Of course, e-portfolios dont have to be just for students. I
course, and they offered information about the students could produce an e-portfolio of all the work I have done in ICT. It
progress to a wide range of stakeholders. The student could could include links to my presentations on YouTube, links to my
show the blog to a future employer as proof of their ICT skills; the blog, to my training videos, pictures from talks, uploads of articles
audio recordings could be proof of their speaking skills; the chat I have written and even the podcasts I have made. It can be
and collaborative content could be used as examples of how updated whenever and wherever, and could be a useful way of
they work in groups; the written commentary in the blog could be bringing all my work in ICT together in one place. It would be very
evidence of their written work. It was all online, in one place and useful for potential employers, especially as I have recently gone
easy to share and even re-purpose. freelance! An excellent example of an e-portfolio of that type is
the one produced by Shelly Terrell (www.livebinders.com/play/
LiveBinders play/202342?present=true) which includes a mass of pages and
However, there are more specic tools on the internet that could tabs relating to all her work in the domain of ICT and education.
be used for the purpose of creating an e-portfolio. One of these
tools can be found at LiveBinders.com. In its basic form, the tool
is free and allows the students to keep a whole range of digital LiveBinders is not that hard to use. It doesnt have an especially
content inside an electronic binder, which is organised by tabs modern look and feel, and it could do with a bit of an update.
and sub-tabs (rather like menus and sub-menus). The students However, it really is a quick and easy way to bring together a
could have examples of videos they have produced, articles they huge range of digital content in one place. I have provided some
have written, audio they have recorded, texts they have read, etc free help videos (see below) to take you through everything you
all in one place. What I especially like is the whole range of need to know.
layouts that the students can choose from, allowing for really
interesting ways of organising their work. Help videos for using LiveBinders:
One example is the divided screen layout. The students can
upload a text they have written on the left-hand side of the
screen and their commentary on the text on the right-hand side.
Russell Stannard is the founder of
They could do the same with a video, uploading a video on one www.teachertrainingvideos.com,
which won a British Council
side of the screen and then, perhaps, adding an audio ELTons award for technology. He
commentary on the other side. They can combine the resources is a freelance teacher and writer
and also a NILE Associate Trainer.
in all sorts of ways. As a result, over the duration of a course, a
student can build up a digital record of various artefacts they
have produced and display them in the portfolio. It can be used Keep sending your favourite sites to Russell:
for assessment and as evidence of the skills they have acquired. [email protected]