Study Plan Delta Module One
Study Plan Delta Module One
Study Plan Delta Module One
This is an outline study plan for an 8-week course. Only you can decide how much time you have and how quickly you want to work through the course so amend it
as you wish, taking longer and splitting weeks or combining weeks when you have more time.
The following is based on your having around 12 hours per week to devote to study.
Week Course element Target Tasks Done To revise – make a list here
1 Introduction to Familiarisation with the Work through the outlines to Papers 1 and 2
Module One structure and content of Take the first two tests and ensure better than 80%
the examination success
Independent Get a reading list Download the reading list for Modules One and Two
Find a centre to enter you Check the Cambridge site and write to centres of your
Module One Begin learning about Work through Syllabus Area 1:
Syllabus area 1 theories of language and Theoretical perspectives on language acquisition and
language learning language teaching
Linked in- Understand the key ideas Work through the guide to First and Second Language
service guides Acquisition Theories
Download and complete the worksheet
Work though the guide to Theories of second-
language acquisition (SLA)
Download and complete the worksheet
Broaden your knowledge Work through the following linked guides:
How Learning Happens
Krashen and the Natural Approach
Understanding error
Tests Check your learning Take the two tests linked at the end of the main guide
2 Introduction to Getting the basics clear Go to the Methodology index and follow the guide to
methodology What is Methodology
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Week Course element Target Tasks Done To revise – make a list here
Module One Learn about approaches Work through Syllabus Area 2:
Syllabus area 2 and methodologies and link Approaches and methodologies
them to principles and Download and complete the first self-assessment
theories worksheet
Do the rest of the guide completing the tasks as you
Linked in- Investigate methodology Download the worksheet to accompany the guide to
service guide Methodology Refined
Worksheet Work through the guide and complete the worksheet
Linked in- Extend your knowledge and Work through the following linked guides, doing any
service guides understanding of tests as you go:
methodology The history and development of ELT
Communicative Language Teaching
Nine types of Resources
Post-method methodology
Language and thought
Independent Go to the Methodology index and select two more
guides in areas that interest you and work through
Examination Apply your knowledge Do the examination practice tasks for Areas 1 and 2
3 Tests Check your learning Do the tests linked at the end of the guide to
Approaches and methodologies (11 tests)
Repeat any tests you on which you score less than
Module One Discover what you need to Work through the guide to Language systems and
Syllabus area 3 know and understand learners’ linguistic problems
what’s required
Tests Check your knowledge Take the following barrier tests and check the guides
for areas you get wrong:
The Delta 25-item grammar barrier test
Discourse test Lexis test
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Week Course element Target Tasks Done To revise – make a list here
Syntax test Verbs and tenses test
Modality test
Guide Learn / Revise Phonemic Do / revise the course on Learning to transcribe
Linked in- Extend knowledge Work through the following guides:
service guides Genre Types of languages
Types of verbs and clauses Language transfer
Word order Error
Independent Discover what you don’t Download and print the glossary of grammar, lexis
know enough about and phonology
Read through the glossary and refer to the link to the
guide online for items you do not fully understand
Work though those guides
Fill in some gaps in your Take the language-based tests linked from the
knowledge Glossaries Index page
Check your answers and refer to the guides you need
NOW Examination Check your examination entry is confirmed
4 Examination Apply your knowledge Do the examination practice tasks
Module One Understand the area Work through the guide to Language skills and
Syllabus area 4 learners’ problems, doing the tasks and completing
the worksheet as you go
Linked in- Extend your knowledge Work through these guides:
service guides Teaching skills Reading skills
Writing skills Speaking skills
Listening skills Phrase structure
Clause structure Style and register
Cohesion Shell nouns
Genre analysis
Focus on other settings Go to the indexes to EAP and Business English and
select one guide from each to follow
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Week Course element Target Tasks Done To revise – make a list here
Focus on assessment of Do the guides to assessing:
skills Reading Speaking
Listening Writing
in any order (you will revisit these next week)
Tests Check your knowledge Do the set of tests linked at the end of the guide to
Syllabus area 4
Examination Apply your knowledge to Do the examination practice linked from the end of
practice the examination the guide to Syllabus area 4
5 Module One Get the overview Work through the guide to Knowledge of resources,
Syllabus area 5 materials and reference sources for language learning
doing the tasks as you go
Linked in- Extend background Follow the guides linked from that page to:
service guides knowledge Culture and learning styles
Noticing Task types
Activity types Authenticity
Tests Check Do the tests linked at the end of the page
Examination Apply your knowledge Do the examination practice at the end of the guide
Module One Follow the study guide to Be sure that you have understood and can apply the
Syllabus area 6 this area key terminology concerning assessment
Linked in- Understand assessment Follow the guide to assessment and evaluation
service guides
Focus Ten things to consider Make sure you can apply these criteria to any test you
when evaluating the test encounter anywhere
Revision Check your notes on Make sure you have recognised the various ways to
assessing skills (week 4) assess skills and can evaluate them against a learner’s
aims, needs and level
Testing Follow the guide to Check that you have understood and can remember
language ability evaluation and assessment the various ways of testing systems knowledge and
Practice Apply your knowledge Write a test for your students bearing the principles
of test design in mind
Examination Apply your knowledge Do the examination practice at the end of the guide
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Week Course element Target Tasks Done To revise – make a list here
6 1st MOCK Checking progress Locate Mock Examination Paper 1 and do it task by
Examination task but not under examination conditions unless you
Practice feel very confident
Mark the examination (or, better, have it marked)
against the key
Revision and revisiting Locate areas of poor performance and re-do the
guides to those areas
Revision course Finding your way Word through the introduction to the Revision Course
First revision Revision Do the first section (theoretical perspectives)
Second revision Do the second revision section (approaches and
section methodologies)
Tests Checking knowledge Locate the tests for Paper 1 and do the tests on
background theory and methodology
Third revision Revision Do the third revision section (language systems)
Tests Locate the tests for Paper 1 and do the tests on:
Connected speech Consonants
Error Lexical relationships 1
Lexical relationships 2 Sentence structure
Verbs Vowels
Word class
Testing and Revision Re-do the guide to testing and assessment and the
Assessment guides to testing individual language skills (make a
wise selection)
Then do the Paper 1 test on testing and assessment
7 Fourth revision Revision Do the fourth revision section (language skills)
Fifth revision Do the fifth revision section (resources)
Sixth revision Do the sixth revision section (assessment)
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Week Course element Target Tasks Done To revise – make a list here
1st MOCK Checking progress Locate Mock Examination Paper 2 and do it task by
examination task but not under examination conditions unless you
practice feel very confident
Mark the examination (or, better, have it marked)
against the key
Revision and revisiting Locate areas of poor performance and re-do the
guides to those areas
8 Revision Revision and gap filling Do all the practice tests for Paper 1 and 2
Tests and more Do the 100-item test and check your answers
revisiting the guides as necessary
2nd MOCK Checking progress Do the second mock examination (both papers) under
examination examination conditions
Mark the examination (or, better, have it marked)
against the key
In-service Revision and revisiting Locate areas of poor performance and re-do the
guides guides to those areas
Independent Catch-up time Review what you have done and revisit areas you
skimped or which you found most difficult
Take at least 4 hours over this – it’s important
Final test Checking Re-take the 100-item test and check your score
Revise areas of difficulty using the links from the
results page
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