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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856


Professor, Nawab Shah Alam Khan College of Engineering &Technology,
New Malakpet, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India-500024

Abstract: In this scenario, ad hoc networks are gaining without the need of any an underlying base. Internet
quality to its peak today, as the users want, an ad hoc Engineering Task Force has ad hoc network working group
connectivity irrespective of their GIS position. If there is more (WG) that is devoted for developing IP routing protocols.
than threat of attacks on the MANETs. Black hole attack is one Routing protocol (RP) is one of the challenging and
of the privacy threat in which the traffic is redirected to such a interpretation of facts. Many (RP) have been is workable
node that actually does not exist in the network. It is an analogy
for mobile ad hoc networks, i.e. AODV, OLSR, DSR,
to the black hole in the universe in which things to discontinue
to be seen. The host to host presents it in such a way to the node ODMRP, AM Route etc. Privacy in MANET is the
that it can attack other nodes and networks knowing that it has concern for the basic program of network. The capability
the shortest path. MANETs must have a privacy way for of communications, intimacy and integrity of the data can
transmission and communication which is quite challenging be performed by assuring that privacy issues have been
and characteristic issue. In order to provide privacy met. An ad hoc network often suffer from privacy attacks
communication and transmission, researcher worked because of its features like open medium, absent of central
specifically on the privacy issues in ad hoc networks, and many cautions and manages, cooperative algorithms and no
privacy routing protocols and privacy measures within the instance mechanism.
networks were discussed. Presently the works done on privacy
1.1 Problem Statement
issues in ad hoc network were based on reactive routing
protocol like Ad-Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV). Previously the works done on privacy issues i.e. attack
Different kinds of attacks were studied, and their effects were (Black Hole attack) involved in MANET were based on
detailed by stating how these attacks disrupt the performance of reactive routing protocol like Ad-Hoc On Demand
MANET. The perceptions of this thesis is to study the effects of Distance Vector (AODV).
Black hole attack in MANET using both Proactive routing 1.2 Motivation
protocol i.e. Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) and Reactive Privacy in MANET is the concern for the basic the kind of
routing protocol Ad-Hoc On Demand Distance Vector action of network. Capable of network services,
(AODV).The collision of Black Hole attack on the completeness communicated in confidence and integrity of the data can
of ad hoc network is evaluated finding out which protocol is
more effectible to physical to the attack and how much is the
be achieved by assuring that privacy issues have been met.
collision of the attack on both protocols. The collection of data MANET often suffer from privacy attacks because of its
was taken in the light of output, end-to-end desired and network features like open medium, lack of central actions and
load. Network simulation is done in Optimized Network management, cooperative algorithms and no instance
Engineering Tool (OPNET). mechanism.
Keywords: MANET, Black Hole, Routing Protocol (RP)s 1.3 Work Related
and NS-2 Simulator. MANET is very much popular due to the fact that these
networks are dynamic, an underlying baseless and scalable.
1. INTRODUCTION Links also makes the MANET more effect to attacks which
make it easier for the attacker to go inside the network and
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks is an independent and
get access to the ongoing communication [9, 21]. Several
decentralized wireless network system. Mobile ad hoc
types of attacks have been analyzed in MANET and their
networks consist of ad hoc mobile nodes that are free in
affect on the network. Attack such as gray black hole,
moving in and out in the network. Nodes or devices i.e.
where the attacker node behaves spitefully for the time
mobile phone, laptop, personal computer digital assistance,
until the packets are dropped and then switch to their
MP3 player and PC that are participating in the network
normal behavior [11]. MANETs routing protocols are also
and are mobile. In this nodes act as host/router or both
being exploited by the attackers in the form of flooding
same at the time. They can form impulse topologies
attack, which is done by the attacker by neither using
depending on their connectivity with one to another in the
RREQ nor data flooding [12].
network. These nodes have the acquired to configure itself
and because of their self configuration state of able,

Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 144

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856

Wireless networks are gaining quality to its point today, as
the user wants wireless communication irrespective of their
GIS position. Wireless Networks enable users to
communicate and transfer data with each other without any
wired medium between them. One of the main reasons of
the quality of these networks is widely organization of
wireless devices. Connectionless application and devices
mainly stress on Wireless Local Area Networks. This has
mainly two modes of processes, i.e. in the presence of
Control Module (CM) also known as Base Stations and
Ad-Hoc connectivity where there is no Control Module.
Ad-Hoc networks do not depend on fixed an underlying
base in order to carry out their processes.

2.1 Network Fig. 2.1 Communications in Wireless Networks

Before going into the details of wireless network, it is
significant to understand what a network is and several 2.3 Route Discovery Mechanism in AODV
types of networks available now days. Any collection of Node A wants to initiate transmission with another node
devices/computers connected with each other by means of G as shown in the Fig. 2.2 it will generate a route request
communication channels that help the users to share message (RREQ). Once the host node is located or an
resources and communicate with other users. There are two intermediate node with enough fresh routes is in particular
categories of network i.e. wired and wireless networks. location, they generate control message route reply
message (RREP) to the host node. When RREP reaches the
2.2 Why Wireless Networks? host node, a route is established between the host nodes
Wireless networks are getting popular due to their easy of A and host node G. Once the route is established
useful. Consumer/user is no more dependent on wires between A and G, node A and G can network with
where he/she is, ease to move and enjoy being each other.
communicated to the network. One of the great features of
wireless that makes it fascinating and different amongst the
traditional wired networks is quality. On the basis of
coverage area the wireless communications can be divided
into three types.
a) Personal Area network
b) Local Area Network
c) Wide Area Network

a) Personal Area Network Fig. 2.2 AODV Route Discovery

PANs are used for communication between computers When there is a link up/down or a link between hosts is
devices close to one person [1].Some of the PANs are broken that causes one or more than one links not
zigbee, Bluetooth, sensor networks. Bluetooth is low/high reachable from the host, the RERR message is sent to the
cost wireless connection that can link up devices. These host. When RREQ message is broadcasted for the
devices work within 100 meters, with access speed up to positioning the host i.e. from the node A to the next to
1221 Kbps. another nodes, at node E the link is broken between E
and G, so a route error RERR message is generated at
b) Local Area Network node E and transmitted to the host informing the host a
Wireless local area network is standardized by Institute of route error, where A is host and G is the host. As
Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE). In LAN the shown in the Fig.2.3
users communicate with each other in local area coverage
i.e. within building or campus. It implemented in mobile
devices like a laptop, PDAs, Mobile Cell phones etc. In
Wired LAN, Ethernet Protocol, IEEE 802.11 is used.
Wired LAN is mainly used for the connection with

c) Wide Area Network

Wireless wide area network (WWAN) cover GIS larger
area than LAN. The WANs almost consist of one or two
Fig. 2.3 Route Error Message in AODV

Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 145

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856
performance of the networks. In these attacks, black hole
3. PRIVACY ISSUES IN MANET attack is that kind of attack which occurs in Mobile Ad-
Privacy in MANETs the concern for the basic the quality Hoc networks (MANET).
of network. Capability of communications, intimacy and 4.1 Black Hole Attack
integrity of the data can be performed by assuring that In this scenario, Black hole attack, a spiteful node uses its
privacy issues. MANET often suffers from privacy attacks RP in order to purpose itself for having the shortest path to
because of its features like open medium, several the host or to the packet it wants to deflect. In this way
topologies dynamically, lack of central monitoring and attacker node will always have the availability in replying
manages cooperative algorithms and no instance to the route request and thus deflect the data packet and
mechanism. However, mobile Ad-Hoc networking is still retain it [15]. As shown in Fig. 4.1 how black hole problem
in need of further discussions and development in terms of arises, here node A want to send data packets to node
privacy [15]. The RPs designed majorly for internet is D and initiate the route discovery process. So if node
different from the MANET. Traditional routing table was C is a spiteful node then it will claim that it has active
basically made for the hosts which are connected wired to route to the specified host as soon as it receives RREQ
a non dynamic backbone [16]. packets.
3.1Classification of Attacks
The attacks can be categorized on the basis of the host of
the attacks i.e. Internal /External, and on the behavior of
the attack i.e. Passive/Active attack. This classification is
most uses because the attacker can an act the network
either as internal, external or/ as well as active/passive
3.1.1 External and Internal Attack
External attackers are mainly outside the networks who
want to get access to the network and once they get access Fig. 4.1 Black Hole Problem
to the network they start sending bogus packets, DoS in 4.1.1 Black hole attack in AODV
order to disrupt the performance of the whole network. There are two categories of black hole attack can be
While in internal attack the attacker wants to have normal described in AODV in order to distinguish the kind of
access to the network as well as participate in the normal black hole attack.
activities of the network. Internal Black hole attack
In this type of black hole attack has an internal spiteful
node which fits in between the routes of given sender and
receiver? As soon as it gets the chance this spiteful node
make itself an active data route element. At the stage it is
now able of conducting attack with the begin of data
External Black hole attack
Fig. 3.1 External and Internal Attacks in MANETs External attacks stay outside of the network and deny
access to network traffic or creating an excessive in
3.1.2 Active and Passive Attack
In active attack the attacker interrupts the performance of network or by disordering the entire network. External
the network, uses information and tries to destroy the data attack can become a different kind of internal attack when
during the exchange in the network [10]. This attack brings it take control of internal spiteful node and control it to
the attacker in powerful position where attacker cant attack other nodes in MANET.
modify, fabricate and replays the massages. Attackers in
passive attacks cant interrupt the processes of the network

Fig. 4.2 Black hole attack specification

In AODV black hole attack the spiteful node A first
detect the active route in between the sender E and host
Fig. 3.2 Active and Passive Attack in MANETs D. The spiteful node A then send the RREP which
contains the spoofed host address including small hop
4. BLACK HOLE ATTACK IN MANET count and large sequence number than normal to node C.
MANETs face different privacies threats i.e. attack that are This node C forwards this RREP to the sender node E.
carried out against them to disorder the normal

Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 146

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856

This chapter explains the several performance metrics
required for evaluation of protocols. To repeat the black
hole attack, we starts with the overview of performance
metrics that adds Host-to-Host delay, Throughput and
Network load. In this matrix are uses because of it
performance analysis of network.

5.1 Tool Simulations

The tool used for the simulation study is OPNET 14.5
modeler. OPNET is a network and applications based
software used for network management and analysis [18].
OPNET models connected devices, several protocols,
architecture of various networks and technologies and
provide simulations of their performances in virtual

5.2 Collection of Results and Statistics

Two types of statistics are involved in OPNET simulations.
Global and object statistics, global statistics is for entire
networks collections of data. Whereas object statistics
involves separate node statistics. After the selection of
statistics and running the simulations, result are taken and Fig.5.1 Simulation Environment for 30 nodes
analyzed. In our case we have used by global discrete
event statistics (DES). 6. RESULTS
In this result and its analysis based on the simulation
5. 3 Simulation Setup performed in OPNET modeler 15.5. Our simulated results
As shown in figure 5.1 employs the simulation arranges of are provides in Figures (7.1-7.8) gives the variation in
a single scenario comprising of 32 mobile nodes moving at network nodes while under Black Hole attack. To
a constant speed of 100 meter per seconds. Total of 16 determine the behavior of simulated intrusion based black
scenarios have been developed, all of them with mobility hole attack, we studied the performance metrics of packet
of 15 m/s. Number of nodes were varied and simulation host-to-host delay, throughput and network load. These
time was taken 1000 sec. Simulation areas taken is 1000 x parameters are already defined in chapter 7 performance
1000 meters. Packet Inter-Arrival Time (sec) is taken analysis.
exponential (1) and packet size (bits) is exponential (1024).
The data rates of mobile nodes are 14 Mbps with the
default transmitting power of 0.01 watts. This spiteful node
buffer size is lowered to a level which increases packet
drop. In addition the simulation parameters are given in
Table 5.1

Table 5.1

Examined protocols AODV and OLSR Fig. 1 Host-to-Host delays of OLSR and AODV with vs.
Simulation time 1000 seconds Without attacks for 32 nodes
Simulation area (m x m) 1000 x 1000
Number of Nodes 32 and 30
Traffic Type TCP
Performance Parameter Throughput, delay,
Network Load
Pause time 1000 seconds
Mobility (m/s) 100 meter/second
Packet Inter-Arrival Time exponential(1)
(s) exponential(1024)
Packet size (bits) 0.005
Transmit Power(W) 22 Mbps
Date Rate (Mbps) Random waypoint
Mobility Model Fig. 2 Host-to-Host delays for OLSR and AODV with vs.
Without attacks for 30 node

Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 147

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856

Fig. 3 Host-to-Host delays 16 nodes AODV vs. OLSR

attacks Fig. 7 Throughput 16 node AODV vs. OLSR with attacks

Fig. 8 Throughput 30 node AODV vs. OLSR with attacks

Fig. 4 Host-to-Host delays 30 node AODV vs. OLSR
with Attacks
MANETs has the ability to deploy a network where a
traditional network an underlying base environment cannot
possibly be deployed. The percentage of severances in
delay under attack is 2 to 5 percent and in case of OLSR,
where as it is 10 to 20 percent for AODV. The throughput
of AODV is effected by twice as compare of OLSR. An
instance of network load in manner, there is effect on
AODV by the spiteful node is less as compare to OLSR.
Based on our research and analysis of simulation result we
draw the conclusion that AODV is more susceptible to
Black Hole attack than OLSR. These networks are exposed
to both external and internal attacks as there is not
Fig. 5 Throughputs of OLSR and AODV with vs. without centralized privacy mechanism. A lot of research work is
Attacks for 16 nodes required. There is a required to analyze Black Hole attack
in other MANETs RPs such as DSR, TORA and GRP.
Black Hole attack can be attack another way around i.e. as
Sleep the act attack. The detection of this behavior of
Black Hole attack as well as the remove strategy for such
behavior has to be carried out for further research.

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Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856
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Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 149

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