IntelliTrac X Series Protocol - 305 Standard
IntelliTrac X Series Protocol - 305 Standard
IntelliTrac X Series Protocol - 305 Standard
Protocol Document
General notes With respect to any damages arising in operation with the described product or this document, S&T shall be liable according to the General Conditions on which the delivery of the described product and this document are based. This product is not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where a malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. S&T customers using or selling this product for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify S&T for any damages resulting from illegal use or resale. Information in this document is subject to change without notice at any time. Copyright notice Copying of this document and giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof, are forbidden without express authority. Offenders are liable to the payment of damages. Copyright Systems & Technology Corp. 2003. All rights reserved
Table Of Contents
1 2 3 Introduction to IntelliTrac X Series Protocol.......................................................................1 Version History .......................................................................................................................1 Scope of the Documents..........................................................................................................1
3.1 3.2 3.3 Related Documents ..................................................................................................................... 1 ST Command Syntax ................................................................................................................... 1 Entering Successive ST Commands on Separate Lines ............................................................. 2 Set Unit Parameters Commands ................................................................................................. 4 Tracking/Logging Commands .................................................................................................... 24 Output Control Commands ........................................................................................................35 User Report Commands ............................................................................................................ 39 Handset and MDT Commands .................................................................................................. 55 Unit Diagnostic Commands .......................................................................................................59 Report ID Description................................................................................................................. 61 STD Errors Description .............................................................................................................. 61 CME Errors Description ............................................................................................................. 62 CMS Errors Description ............................................................................................................. 63 LED Indicators Function............................................................................................................. 65 About Systems & Technology Corporation ................................................................................ 66
ST Commands.........................................................................................................................4
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
Appendices ............................................................................................................................61
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6
2 Version History
Version Whats new 300 Commands description 301 Modified $ST+REPORT command Modified $ST+GGAS command 302 Modified Report ID Description 303 Modified $ST+PMGR command 304 Added error message STD,12 Added $ST+IDLE command 305 Modified $ST+AREPORT command Added range limitation on the Duration of $ST+OUTS command Modified $ST+PMGR command Firmware version required Hardware version required 1.535 or above ST2002_N 1.538 or above ST2002_N 1.538 or above 1.543 or above 1.554 or above 1.557 or above 1.561 or above ST2002_N ST2002_N ST2002_N ST2002_N ST2002_N
3.2 ST Command Syntax The "$ST" or "$st" prefix must be set at the beginning of each command line. To terminate a command line enter <CR>. Commands are usually followed by a response that includes <response><CR><LF> Throughout this document, only the responses are presented, <CR><LF> are omitted intentionally.
Types of ST commands and responses : Read command. This command returns the currently set value of the parameter or parameters Test command $ST+XXXX=<>,?<CR><LF> Returns $XXXX=<>,<>,<>, <CR><LF> Write command. This command sets user-definable parameter values. Test command $ST+XXX=<>,?<CR><LF> Returns $OK:XXXX<CR><LF> Default parameters are underlined throughout this document.
3.3 Entering Successive ST Commands on Separate Lines When you enter a series of ST commands on separate lines, leave a pause between the preceding and the following command until the final response (for example $OK:XXXX ) appears. This avoids sending too many ST commands at a time without waiting for a response for each.
Communications The IntelliTrac X Series protocol could be transmitted to the IntelliTrac unit by several communication methods. Such as : Direct connection (Baud Rate : 57600bps) GSM CS Data connection (Baud Rate : 9600bps) GSM SMS messages (Peer to peer and TCP/IP network) GPRS TCP/IP, UDP/IP connection
Direct Connection
Internet SMSC
For more detail GSM CS Data, SMS, TCP/IP information, please refer to GSM related documents.
4 ST Commands
4.1 Set Unit Parameters Commands Description This command is used to change the unit identification number. This command is used to set base station and VIP SMS phone number. This command is used to change access password of the unit. This command is used to get the revised software version. This command is used to adjust time zone offset from GMT. This command is used to set power management parameters. This command is used to set inputs delay parameters. This command is used to set voice call parameters. This command is used to set PIN code of SIM. This command is used to set GPRS connection parameters. This command is used to set baud rate of serial port. This command is used to set report position header. This command is used to set the life cycle of each report in the report queue buffer. This command is used to clear current report queue buffer. This command is used to set GSM and GPRS auto switching. This command is used to set the backup server address in the GPRS environment. Command $ST+UNID $ST+SBAS $ST+CPAS $ST+VERSION $ST+TZOS $ST+PMGR $ST+SINP $ST+VOICE $ST+SPIN $ST+GPRS $ST+BAUD $ST+HEAD $ST+RQLC $ST+CLRQ $ST+GGAS $ST+BSVR
$ST+UNID Set unit identification number Description Execute this command to set or query the unit ID. Unit ID is a 10 digits number. The first 2 digits must be 10. The remaining 8 digits range from 00000001 to 99999999 could be chosen by users. The manufactory default unit ID is 1010000001. This identification number would not be changed to manufactory default even hardware/software reset. Write Command: $ST+UNID=[Password], [Unit ID] Read Command: $ST+UNID=[Password], ? Parameters Password Unit ID Return Value The password of the unit.. The new ID of the unit. The default unit ID is 1010000001.
$ST+SBAS Set base phone number and VIP SMS phone numbers Description Execute this command to setup or query control center phone number. The first 4 parameters (Password, Incoming Check, SMS Service Center, SMS Base Phone Number) must be setup. VIP1~ VIP7 are optional. You can setup at most 7 phone numbers for unit to sends information by SMS to these phone numbers. Write Command: $ST+SBAS=[Password],[Connect Type],[Incoming Check],[SMS Service Center], [SMS Base Phone Number],[VIP1], [VIP2], [VIP3], [VIP4], [VIP5], [VIP6], [VIP7] Read Command: $ST+SBAS=[Password], ? Parameters Password Connect Type The password of the unit. 1:GSM CS Data 2:GSM SMS Incoming Check 0. Accept commands from any base phone numbers. 1. Only accepts commands from the base phone number. SMS service center phone number. Max length is 20 digits. If this field is empty, the unit will read this number from SIM automatically. (This number should be added the international prefix).
SMS Base Phone Number Control center phone number. Max length is 25 digits. (This number could be added international prefix or not). VIP1, VIP2VIP7 Return Value Write Command Response: $OK:SBAS Read Command Response: $SBAS= [Connect Type], [Incoming Check], [SMS Service Center], [SMS Base Phone Number], [VIP1], [VIP2][VIP7] Example $ST+SBAS=0000,1,0,+886932400821,0933942201, 0933942202, 0933942203, 0933942204, 0933942205, 0933942206, 0933942207, 0933942208 $OK:SBAS $ST+SBAS=0000,? $SBAS=1,0,+886932400821,0933942201, 0933942202, 0933942203, 0933942204, 0933942205, 0933942206, 0933942207, 0933942208 VIP phone numbers. (This number could be added international prefix or not).
$ST+CPAS Change the password of the unit. Description Execute this command to change the password of unit. After executing this command to the unit, the new password will replace the original password immediately. Therefore, in subsequent ST command, if including password parameter, you must use new password value. The default password is 0000. $ST+CPAS=[Password], [New Password] Password The password of the unit.
Syntax Parameters
New Password The new password of the unit. Max length is 10 characters. Return Value Example $OK:CPAS $ST+CPAS=0000,1111 $OK:CPAS $ST+CPAS=0000,abc930746 $OK:CPAS
$ST+VERSION Get the firmware version of the unit. Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to query firmware version of the unit. $ST+VERSION None $ $ST+VERSION $VERSION=1.330
$ST+TZOS Set the time zone of the unit. Description Syntax Execute this command to setup or query appropriate time zone for local area for the unit. The unit will calculate local time automatically according to the setting. Write Command: $ST+TZOS=[Password], [Sign], [Hour], [Min] Read Command: $ST+TZOS=[Password], ? Parameters Password Sign Hour Min Return Value The password of the unit. +, The hour offset. The range is from 00 to 13. The minute offset. The range is from 00 to 59.
Write Command Response: $OK:TZOS Read Command Response: $TZOS=[Sign], [Hour], [Min]
$ST+PMGR Set power management parameters of the unit. Description Execute this command to set up 2 functions: 1. The value of voltage level to trigger low power alarm. If the voltage of X8 power source is lower than the voltage level we have defined, the unit sends an alarm message to the control center. The default voltage value is 12.00 volts. 2. To set up the parameters for sleeping mode feature. Write Command: $ST+PMGR=[Password], [Low Voltage], [SleepMode], [Power Down Delay], [Power Up Duration],[Power Down Duration],[Sleep Priority], [EnableShockSensor] Read Command: $ST+PMGR = [Password], ? Parameters Password Low Voltage SleepMode The password of the unit. The lowest acceptable power of the unit. (8~30 volts) 0: Disable 1: GPS: Off GSM: Off 2: GPS: Off GSM: On Power Down Delay After ACC off for the delay time, the unit goes into power saving mode. 0..65535 seconds. (For Sleeping Priority sets to 0) 180..65535 seconds (For Sleeping Priority sets to 1) Power Up Duration Full power duration. 0..65535 seconds. (For Sleeping Priority sets to 0) 180..65535 seconds (For Sleeping Priority sets to 1) Power Down Duration Periodical wake up timeout. 0..65535 seconds. Sleep Priority Enable/Disable priority for sleeping mode. 0: Disable: - Unit will finish executing the tracking command such as number of tracking times, then goes to sleeping mode. 1: Enable: - Unit will stop executing the tracking command and goes to sleeping mode after ACC turns off according to the Power Down Delay parameter. The Power Down Delay and Power Up Duration must set to 180 seconds or above.
0: Disable internal shock sensor 1: Enable internal shock sensor If the shock sensor has triggered, the unit wakes up and connect to the server. It goes to Power Down Duration again after the Power Up Duration period is ended.
Return Value
Write Command Response: $OK:PMGR Read Command Response: $PMGR= [Low Voltage], [SleepMode], [Power Down Delay], [Power Up Duration],[Power Down Duration], [Sleep Priority].[EnableShockDelay]
(3) For the mode 2 (GSM on, GPS off) Unit will be waking up once it receiving and executing the command from the control center then goes to sleeping mode again when the Power Up Duration is ended. (4) Main Power Low report can be functioned ONLY when ACC is off.
(5) If the main power voltage is lower than 6V approximately, the ERR led will be solid on and the other three LEDs (PWR, GPS, and GSM) will be off.
$ST+SINP Set inputs delay time of the unit. Description Syntax Execute this command to setup or query input delay time of the unit. Measurement of delay time is 100 milliseconds. The default value is 7. (700 milliseconds) Write Command: $ST+SINP=[Password], [Input1Param], [Input2Param], [Input3Param], [Input4Param], [Input5Param], [Input6Param], [Input7Param], [Input8Param] Read Command: $ST+SINP=[Password], ? Parameters Password Input1Param Input2Param Input3Param Input4Param Input5Param Input6Param Input7Param Input8Param Return Value The password of the unit. Input1 delay time of the unit. The range is from 0 to 255. Input2 delay time of the unit. The range is from 0 to 255. Input3 delay time of the unit. The range is from 0 to 255. Input4 delay time of the unit. The range is from 0 to 255. Input5 delay time of the unit. The range is from 0 to 255. Input6 delay time of the unit. The range is from 0 to 255. Input7 delay time of the unit. The range is from 0 to 255. Input8 delay time of the unit. The range is from 0 to 255.
Write Command Response: $OK:SINP Read Command Response: $SINP=[Input1Param], [Input2Param], [Input3Param], [Input4Param], [Input5Param], [Input6Param], [Input7Param], [Input8Param]
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$ST+VOICE Set voice call parameters of the unit. Description Syntax Execute this command to setup or query auto answer mode or manual answer mode and incoming and outgoing calls limitation. Write Command: $ST+VOICE=[Password], [Voice Answer Mode], [Dial In Ctrl], [Dial Out Ctrl], [AcceptIn1], [AcceptIn2], [AcceptIn3], [AcceptOut1], [AcceptOut2], [AcceptOut3] Read Command: $ST+VOICE=[Password], ? Parameters Password Voice Answer Mode The password of the unit. 0: Manual answer for incoming voice call. 1: Auto answer for incoming voice call. Dial In Ctrl 0: Disable 1: Enable 2: Limited Dial Out Ctrl 0: Disable 1: Enable 2: Limited AcceptIn1~ AcceptIn3 Can not answer any incoming calls. Can answer any incoming calls. Only answer 3 incoming calls at most. Can not dial out any outgoing calls. Can dial out any outgoing calls. Only dial out 3 outgoing calls at most.
Acceptable 3 incoming calls phone numbers. The max. length of each phone number is 25 digits.
AcceptOut1~ AcceptOut3 Acceptable 3 outgoing calls phone numbers. The max. length of each phone number is 25 digits. Return Value Write Command Response: $OK:VOICE Read Command Response: $VOICE=[Voice Answer Mode], [Dial In Ctrl], [Dial Out Ctrl], [AcceptIn1], [AcceptIn2], [AcceptIn3], [AcceptOut1], [AcceptOut2], [AcceptOut3] Example $ST+VOICE=0000,0,2,0,0933942206,0933942208,0918230863,,, $OK:VOICE $ST+VOICE=0000,? $VOICE=0,2,0,0933942206,0933942208,0918230863,,,
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$ST+SPIN Set PIN code of SIM. Description Syntax Execute this command to store the PIN code into the unit. Write Command: $ST+SPIN=[Password], [PINCode] Read Command: $ST+SPIN=[Password], ? Parameters Password PINCode Disable Return Value The password of the unit. The PIN code of the SIM.
Write Command: $ST+SPIN=0000, Write Command Response: $OK:SPIN Read Command Response: $SPIN=[PINCode]
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$ST+GPRS GPRS Function Configuration Description Syntax Execute this command to set GPRS function parameters Write Command: $ST+GPRS=[Password],[Enable],[Dial Up Number],[APN],[Username],[Login Password], [IP Type],[Host IP Address/F.Q.D.Name],[Host Port],[Sync Interval], [Domain Name Server IP] Read Command: $ST+GPRS=[Password], ? Parameters Password Enable Dial Up Number The password of the unit. Enable GPRS function 0: Disable 1: Enable GPRS dialup phone number (please inquire your GPRS service provider. In most countries is *99***1#) Set APN (Access Point Name): (Please inquire your GPRS service provider) The user name for GPRS connection (Please inquire your GPRS service provider) (Usually empty) The password for GPRS connection (Please inquire your GPRS service provider) (Usually empty) Package format 0: UDP/IP 1: TCP/IP - The IP address of your base station (Must be a fixed IP address, please see the notes below) Or - Registered FQD (Fully Qualified Domain). The port number of the UDP/TCP (Please note that do not conflict with Well Known Ports) Setting the synchronization messages sending interval. (The unit is 100 millisecond)
APN Username
Login Password
IP Type
Domain Name Server IP This parameter is used when FQD Name is entered in the Host IP Address/F.Q.D. Name parameter field. The default IP is (one of the DNS IP in Taiwan)
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Return Value
Write Command Response: $OK:GPRS Read Command Response: $GPRS=[Enable],[Dial Up Number],[APN],[Username],[Log in Password],[IP Type], [Host IP Address/F.Q.D.Name],[Host Port],[Sync Interval],[Domain Name Server IP] . Type 1: GPRS Dial Up phone number is *99***1# APN name is Internet Login username and password are empty Base station IP address/F.Q.D. Name is UDP port is 8060 Synchronization messages sending interval is 30 seconds Domain Name Server IP: $st+gprs=0000,1,*99***1#,Internet,,,1,,8060,300, Type 2: GPRS Dial Up phone number is *99***1# APN name is Internet Login username and password are empty Base station IP address is UDP port is 8060 Synchronization messages sending interval is 30 seconds Domain Name Server IP: $st+gprs=0000,1,*99***1#,Internet,,,1,,8060,300,
(1) You have to contact your telecom provider to enable the GPRS service on your SIM card in advance then starting to use GPRS function. (2) Synchronization message format typedef struct { WORD SyncHeader; WORD SyncID; DWORD UnitID; } SyncStruct; SyncHeader is always 0xf8fa SyncID is a message sequence number UnitID is the unit identification number For example, received message is 0xFA 0xF8 0x1B 0x01 0x81 0x60 0x33 0x3C SyncHeader = 0xF8 0xFA SyncID = 0x01 0x1B (Decimal = 283) UnitID = 0x3C 0x33 0x60 0x81 (Decimal = 1010000001)
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(3) When you develop your own socket base station software, remember to echo the same Synchronization message to the IntelliTrac unit when the base station software received Synchronization message from the IntelliTrac unit. If the IntelliTrac units have not received the echo Synchronization Message more than 3 times, the IntelliTrac unit will disconnect GPRS communication and retry to connect to the GPRS network again. (4) The base station PC must have a static Internet IP address. You have to enable the specific port number if the base station PC has firewall protection. (5) If the base station is set inside the Intranet, you have to setup the router and assign a specific port to a specific Intranet IP address. Please refer to SUA (Single User Access) or Virtual Server function of your router user manual. And also, the HostIPAddress parameter should be set to this router IP address. (6) Please reboot the unit after uploading configuration under direct connection. (7) The unit will reboot automatically when $ST+GPRS command is sent remotely.
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$ST+BAUD Set baud rate of serial port Description Syntax Execute this command to set baud rate of Serial and AUX ports. Write Command: $ST+BAUD=[Password],[Port ID],[Baud Rate] Read Command: $ST+BAUD=[Password], [Port ID],? Parameters Password Port ID Baud Rate The password of the unit. 1 : Serial Port 2 : AUX Port Baud rate (1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600bps) Default Baud Rate - Serial Port : 57600bps - AUX Port : 9600bps Return Value Write Command Response: $OK:BAUD Read Command Response: $BAUD=[Port ID],[Baud Rate] Example Set the Serial port as 19200bps $ST+BAUD=0000,1,19200 $OK:BAUD $ST+BAUD=0000,1,? $BAUD=1,19200 Notes (1) NEMA output feature does not work with baud rate 1200 bps. (2) If the AUX port connects to HandsFree set, it must set to 9600bps
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$ST+HEAD Set report position header Description Syntax Execute this command to set header for each report position. Write Command: $ST+HEAD=[Password],[Header] Read Command: $ST+HEAD=[Password],? Parameters Password Header Disable Return Value Write Command: $ST+Head=0000, Write Command Response: $OK:HEAD Read Command Response: $HEAD=[Header] Example Set report position header as Chicago $ST+HEAD=0000,Chicago $OK:HEAD $ST+HEAD=0000,? $HEAD=Chicago $ST+GETPOSITION=0000 Chicago,1010000001,20040402084717,121.645997,25.061475,0,223,121,6,0,0,0, 0.093,0.000 $ST+GETPOSITION=0000 Chicago,1010000001,20040402084730,121.645997,25.061475,0,223,121,6,0,0,0, 0.103,0.000 The password of the unit. An identification string
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$ST+RQLC Set the life cycle of each report in the report queue buffer Description Execute this command to set the life cycle of each report (according to the Report ID) in the report queue buffer. When the units trigger reports in a non GSM coverage area, the outgoing reports will be stored in a temporary report queue buffer, once the units attach to the GSM network, all reports would be pull out of the buffer and send to the control center. Write Command: $ST+RQLC=[Password], [Report0~2 Life Time], [Report3~10 Life Time], [Report11~99 Life Time], [Report100~199 Life Time] Note: This command is used according to Report ID. Please refer to section 4.7 of appendices for definition of Report ID Read Command: $ST+RQLC=[Password],? Parameters Password The password of the unit.
Report0~2 Life Set up the life time in the report queue buffer for Report ID 0~2. The Time range of Life Time is from 0~65535 minutes. Report3~10 Life Set up the life time in the report queue buffer for Report ID 3~10. The Time range of Life Time is from 0~65535 minutes. Report11~99 Life Time Set up the life time in the report queue buffer for Report ID 11~99. The range of Life Time is from 0~65535 minutes.
Report100~199 Set up the life time in the report queue buffer for Report ID 100~199. Life Time The range of Life Time is from 0~65535 minutes. Disable $ST+RQLC=0000, The unable sending report will be queued in the queue buffer until the queue buffer is full then they will be erased. Write Command Response: $OK:RQLC Read Command Response: $RQLC=[Report0~2 LifeTime], [Report3~10 LifeTime], [Report11~99 LifeTime], [Report100~199 LifeTime] Example $ST+RQLC=0000,50,50,50,50 $OK:RQLC $ST+RQLC=0000,? $RQLC=50,50,50,50
Return Value
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$ST+CLRQ This command is used to clear current report queue buffer Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to clear all report queues in the queue buffer. Write Command: $ST+CLRQ=[Password] Password $OK:CLRQ $ST+CLRQ=0000 $OK:CLRQ The password of the unit.
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$ST+GGAS This command is used to set GSM and GPRS autoswitching. Description Execute this command to switch the communication from GPRS network to GSM network automatically when the unit loses GPRS connectivity. When the unit loses GPRS connectivity, the unit will try a number of times to reconnect to the GPRS network according to the value of parameter Reconnect. If the GPRS network still can not be reconnected, the unit will switch to GSM network, and stay in GSM network in the certain time period according to the parameter GSM duration then try to reconnect to GPRS network again. The unit repeats this cycle until the GPRS connectivity has established. Write Command: $ST+GGAS=[Password], [Reconnect], [GSM Duration], [Enable Switch Report], [Disable GSM Mode Send Switch Report],[Enable SMS Tracking] Read Command: $ST+GGAS=[Password],? Parameters Password Reconnect The password of the unit. The value indicates the number of times that try to connect to GPRS network. If the number of reconnecting times reaches the value we entered and the GPRS still can not be successfully reconnected, the unit will temporarily stay in GSM network according to the parameter [GSM duration]. Then repeat the cycle until the GRPS connection is established. The range is between 1~255 times. GSM Duration The time interval for the unit to reconnect to GPRS network. During the time period, user may use pre-configure GSM SMS or GSM CS DATA setting to communicate with the unit. The range is between 60~65535 seconds. Enable Switch Report 1: Enable : - Report ID 31 indicates the unit has switched to GSM mode. - Report ID 32 indicates the unit has switched to GPRS mode. 0: Disable Disable GSM Mode Sending Switch Report 1: the Report ID 31 & 32 will be sent over GPRS network only. 0: the Report ID 31 will be sent over GSM network and the Report ID 32 will be sent over GPRS if the unit reconnects to GPRS network. Note: This parameter is used when Enable Switch Report is enabled.
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Enable SMS Tracking 1: The tracking command will be continued executing after switch to GSM network. 0: The tracking command will not be continued executing after switch to GSM, but it will be continued after switch back to GPRS network.
$ST+GGAS=0000, Write Command Response: $OK:GGAS Read Command Response: $GGAS=[Reconnect], [GSM Duration], [Enable Switch Report], [Disable GSM Mode Send Switch Report],[Enable SMS Tracking]
SET the following parameters: [Reconnect]:2 reconnect to GRRS for 2 times for each try. [GSM Duration]: 1000 seconds. [Enable Switch Report]:1 [Disable GSM Mode Send Switch Report]: 0 [Enable SMS Tracking]: 0 $ST+GGAS=0000,2,1000,1,0,0 $OK:GGAS Query parameter: $ST+GGAS=0000,? $GGAS=2,1000,1,0,0 Disable $ST+GGAS function: $ST+GGAS=0000,0 $OK:GGAS
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(1) This command can not be set if GSM base phone number is not configured. (2) If the Enable SMS Tracking is set to 1: - If time interval of tracking command is executed less than 15 seconds in GPRS network, the time interval will be switched to 15 seconds automatically after switching to the GSM mode. Once the unit reconnects to GPRS network, the time interval will be stayed in the 15 second time interval. - If time interval of tracking command is executed equal or greater than 15 seconds over GPRS network, the time interval will be kept after switch to GSM network and when the GPRS communication has been recovered.
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$ST+BSVR This command is used to set the backup server address in the GPRS environment Description Syntax Execute this command to return all messages back to the second IP address in addition to the main server. Write Command: $ST+BSVR=[Password],[Enable],[HostIPAddress],[HostPort] Read Command: $ST+BSVR=[Password],? Parameters Password Enable The password of the unit. 0: Disable 1: Enable Host IP Address Host Port Disable Return Value The IP address of your base station (Must be a fixed IP address, please see the notes below) The port number of the UDP/TCP (Please note that do not conflict with Well Known Ports)
1. The backup base server is fixed under GPRS UDP mode. The main server can use either GRPS UDP or TCP/IP communication. For instance, if the main server uses GPRS TCP/IP communication between server and unit, the backup server would be still communicated with unit by GRPS UDP. 2. The backup server can ONLY receive the data from the unit, but it is not able to issue any command. 3. If the main server configure as GPRS TCP/IP communication and issue $ST+GETLOG command, the backup base server will not be able to receive the logs from the unit.
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Tracking/Logging Commands
Command Description This command is used to get the latest position of the unit. (For Cellular phone) $ST+GPOS $ST+GETPOSITION This command is used to get the latest position of the unit. (For Base station) This command is used to start tracking the unit. (For Cellular phone) $ST+TRAC This command is used to stop tracking the unit. (For Cellular phone) $ST+STOP This command is used to start tracking the unit. (For Base station) $ST+TRACKING $ST+STOPTRACKING This command is used to stop tracking the unit. (For Base station) This command is used to start logging function. $ST+STARTLOG This command is used to stop logging function. $ST+STOPLOG This command is used to clear all log data in the unit. $ST+CLEARLOG This command is used to cancel the GETLOG or GETLOGSEL process. $ST+CANCELLOG This command is used to download all log data to PC. $ST+GETLOG This command is used to download part of log data to PC. $ST+GETLOGSEL
$ST+GPOS Get current position from the unit. (For cell phone) Description Execute this command to ask the unit to report back current GPS positional information to the cell phone. $ST+GPOS=[Password] Password The password of the unit.
Date: XXXX/XX/XX Time: XX:XX:XX Lon: XXX.XXXXXX Lat: XX.XXXXXX Speed: XXXkm/h Heading: XXX Altitude: XXXXXm Satellites: X $ST+GPOS=0000(Send this command to the unit by using cell phone) Date: 2003/01/24 Time: 01:14:16 Lon: 121.551598 Lat: 25.152325 Speed: 55km/h Heading: 227 Altitude: 39m Satellites: 8 This command will NOT be executed if the communication type of the unit is set to GSM CS DATA, GPRS UDP, or GPRS TCP/IP.
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$ST+ GETPOSITION Get current position from the unit. (For control center) Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Execute this command to ask the unit to report back current GPS positional information to the control center. $ST+GETPOSITION=[Password] Password The password of the unit.
Unit ID, DateTime, Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Heading, Altitude, Satellite, Report ID, Inputs, Outputs, Analog 9, Analog 10 Unit ID: The ID of the unit. DateTime: YYYYMMDDhhmmss Longitude: WGS-84 Longitude/Latitude coordinate system Latitude: WGS-84 Longitude/Latitude coordinate system Speed: 0~65535 km/h Heading: 0~360 degrees Altitude: 0~65535 meters Satellite: 0~12 Report ID:xxx (Please refer to appendix for more detailed information) Inputs: Bitwise operation For example: When Inputs=11(decimal) =0x0b(hexadecimal) =00001011(binary), then Input1 = ON Input2 = ON Input3 = OFF Input4 = ON Input5 = OFF Input6 = OFF Input7 = OFF Input8 = OFF Outputs: Bitwise operation For example: When Outputs=15(decimal) =0x0f(hexadecimal) =00001111(binary), then Output1 = ON Output2 = ON Output3 = ON Output4 = ON Output5 = OFF Output6 = OFF Output7 = OFF Output8 = OFF Analog Input 9: input voltage range: 0~30 V with 3 decimal digits. Analog Input 10: input voltage range: 0~30V with 3 decimal digits.
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$ST+GETPOSITION=0000 1010000002,20030217132813,121.646060,25.061725,20,157,133,7,0,11,15,0.096,0.000 Unit ID = 1010000002 Year = 2003 Month = 02 Day = 17 Hour = 13 Minute = 28 Second = 13 Longitude = 121.646060 Latitude = 25.061725 Speed = 20 km/h Heading = 157 degrees Altitude = 133 meters Satellites = 7 Report ID = 0 Input1 = ON Input2 = ON Input3 = OFF Input4 = ON Input5 = OFF Input6 = OFF Input7 = OFF Input8 = OFF Output1 = ON Output2 = ON Output3 = ON Output4 = ON Output5 = OFF Output6 = OFF Output7 = OFF Output8 = OFF Input 9 = 0.096V Input 10 = 0.000V
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$ST+TRAC Track position from the unit. (For cell phone) Description Execute this command to ask the unit to report back current GPS positional information to the cell phone by SMS every a period of time. $ST+TRAC=[Password], [TimeInterval], [Times] Password TimeInterval The password of the unit. Specify elapsed time. The time specified is in seconds and can be any number from 15 to 65535 seconds. Only whole numbers can be used. Frequency.
Syntax Parameters
Times Return Value $OK:TRAC Date: XXXX/XX/XX Time: XX:XX:XX Lon: XXX.XXXXXX Lat: XX.XXXXXX Speed: XXXkm/h Heading: XXX Altitude: XXXXXm Satellites: X Example $ST+TRAC=0000,20,3 $OK:TRAC Date: 2003/01/24 Time: 01:14:15 Lon: 121.651598 Lat: 25.052325 Speed: 55km/h Heading: 227 Altitude: 39m Satellites: 4
Date: 2003/01/24 Time: 01:14:35 Lon: 121.646348 Lat: 25.061537 Speed: 49km/h Heading: 227 Altitude: 39m Satellites: 4
Date: 2003/01/24 Time: 01:14:55 Lon: 121.653781 Lat: 25.051225 Speed: 51km/h Heading: 227 Altitude: 39m Satellites: 4
This command will NOT be executed if the communication type of the unit is set to GSM CS DATA, GPRS UDP, or GPRS TCP/IP.
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$ST+STOP Stop tracking position from the unit. (For cell phone) Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Notes Execute this command to ask the unit to stop reporting information to the cell phone. $ST+STOP=[Password] Password $OK:STOP $ST+STOP=0000 $OK:STOP This command will be invalid if the communication type is set to GSM CS DATA, GPRS UDP, or GPRS TCP/IP. The password of the unit.
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$ST+TRACKING Track position from the unit. (For control center) Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to ask the unit to report back current GPS positional information to the control center according to the Mode parameter. $ST+TRACKING=[Password], [Mode], [Time], [Distance], [Times], [Persist Tracking] Password Mode The password of the unit. 1 = Time mode A positional record is sent to the application when the time elapsed since the last position sent is greater than or equal to the time specified in parameter Time. 2 = Distance mode A positional record is sent to the application when the distance between the current GPS position and the last position sent is greater than or equal to the distance specified in parameter Distance. 3 = IntelliTrac mode A positional record is sent to the application as determined by proprietary algorithms. These algorithms attempt to minimize the amount of data sent back to the application while maintaining a high degree of map replay accuracy. 5 = Time mode + ACC checking: If ACC is off, the tracking function will be stopped. 6 = Distance mode + ACC checking If ACC is off, the tracking function will be stopped. 7 = IntelliTrac mode + ACC checking If ACC is off, the tracking function will be stopped. Time Specify elapsed time. The time specified is in seconds and can be any number from 0 to 65535 seconds. Only whole numbers can be used. The minimum time interval in SMS mode is 15 seconds, and CSD/GPRS mode is 5 seconds. Specify elapsed distance. The distance specified is in meters and can be any number from 0 to 65535 meters. Only whole numbers can be used. The minimum distance interval in SMS mode is 300 meters, and CSD/GPRS mode is 100 meters. The minimum distance interval for CSD/GPRS mode is 10 meters and 100 meters for GSM SMS communication. Frequency. The range is from 0 to 65535. If Times=0, it means forever tracking. 0: The unit stops reporting position back to the server continuously if there is no GPS. 1: The unit reports position back to the server continuously if there is no GPS reception (the position will be the last valid position).
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Return Value
$OK:TRACKING Unit ID, DateTime, Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Heading, Altitude, Satellite, Report ID, Inputs, Outputs Please refer to section $ST+GETPOSITION for detail description.
$ST+TRACKING=0000,1,15,0,5,0 $OK:TRACKING 1010000002,20030217144230,121.646102,25.061398,0,0,139,0,0,0,0,0.093,0.000 1010000002,20030217144245,121.646102,25.061398,0,0,139,0,0,0,0,0.103,0.000 1010000002,20030217144300,121.646102,25.061398,0,0,139,0,0,0,0,0.109,0.000 1010000002,20030217144315,121.646102,25.061398,0,0,139,0,0,0,0,0.111,0.002 1010000002,20030217144330,121.646102,25.061398,0,0,139,0,0,0,0,0.106,0.000 (1) If the Tracking command is issued via RS232 port, the command will be disabled automatically after unit reboot.
$ST+STOPTRACKING Stop tracking position (For control center) Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to ask the unit to stop reporting information to the control center. $ST+STOPTRACKING=[Password] Password The password of the unit.
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$ST+STARTLOG Logging mode setting Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to setup unit to start recording current GPS positional information to the flash memory of the unit according to the Mode parameter. $ST+STARTLOG=[Password], [Mode], [Time], [Distance], [Times],[Persist logging] Password Mode The password of the unit. 1 = Time mode A positional record is sent to the application when the time elapsed since the last position sent is greater than or equal to the time specified in parameter Time. 2 = Distance mode A positional record is sent to the application when the distance between the current GPS position and the last position sent is greater than or equal to the distance specified in parameter Distance. 3 = IntelliTrac mode A positional record is sent to the application as determined by proprietary algorithms. These algorithms attempt to minimize the amount of data sent back to the application while maintaining a high degree of map replay accuracy. 5 = Time mode + ACC checking: If ACC is off, the tracking function will be stopped. 6 = Distance mode + ACC checking If ACC is off, the tracking function will be stopped. 7 = IntelliTrac mode + ACC checking If ACC is off, the tracking function will be stopped. Time Distance Specify elapsed time. The time specified is in seconds and can be any number from 1 to 65535 seconds. Only whole numbers can be used. Specify elapsed distance. The distance specified is in meters and can be any number from 15 to 65535 meters. Only whole numbers can be used. The minimum distance interval is 10 meters. Frequency. The range is from 0 to 65535. If Times=0, it means forever logging.
Persist logging 0: The unit stop logging position into the flash memory if there is no GPS. 1: The unit continues logging position into the flash memory if there is no GPS reception (the position will be the last valid position). Return Value Example $OK:STARTLOG $ST+STARTLOG=0000,1,20,0,5,0 $OK:STARTLOG
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$ST+STOPLOG Stop logging data Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to setup unit to stop recording. $ST+STOPLOG=[Password] Password $OK:STOPLOG $ST+STOPLOG=0000 $OK:STOPLOG The password of the unit.
$ST+CLEARLOG Clear logged data of the unit Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to clear logged data in the memory of the unit. $ST+CLEARLOG=[Password] Password The password of the unit.
$ST+CANCELLOG Stop downloading logged data from the unit. Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to stop downloading log data from the unit. $ST+CANCELLOG=[Password] Password The password of the unit.
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$ST+GETLOG Downloading logged data from the unit. Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Execute this command to download all of the logged data from the unit. $ST+GETLOG=[Password] Password The password of the unit.
$OK:GETLOG Unit ID, Datetime, Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Heading, Altitude, Satellite, Report ID, Inputs, Outputs, Analog 9, Analog 10 $MSG:Download Completed
$ST+GETLOG=0000 $OK:GETLOG 1010000004,20050513153524,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,50,6,1,0,0,0.118,0.000 1010000004,20050513153525,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,50,6,1,0,0,0.098,0.215 1010000004,20050513153526,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,50,6,1,0,0,0.116,0.454 1010000004,20050513153527,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,50,6,1,0,0,0.118,0.000 1010000004,20050513153528,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,50,6,1,0,0,0.106,0.006 1010000004,20050513153529,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,50,6,1,0,0,0.118,0.000 1010000004,20050513153530,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,50,6,1,0,0,0.099,0.449 $MSG:Download Completed (1) The downloading process would be interrupted if the unit received any commands or sending any reports.
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$ST+GETLOGSEL Selective download logging data from the unit. Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to download part of the logged data from the unit. $ST+GETLOGSEL=[Password], [Start Date Time], [End Date Time] Password The password of the unit.
Start Date Time The year, month, day, hour, minute and second of the starting date in local time or GMT. End Date Time Return Value The year, month, day, hour, minute and second of the ending date in local time or GMT.
$OK:GETLOGSEL Unit ID , DateTime, Longitude, Latitude, Speed, Heading, Altitude, Satellite, Report ID, Inputs, Outputs, Analog 9, Analog 10 $MSG:Download Completed
$ST+GETLOGSEL=0000,20050513154000,20050515154300 $OK:GETLOGSEL 1010000004,20050513154000,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,55,7,1,0,0,0.092,0.000 1010000004,20050513154001,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,55,7,1,0,0,0.096,0.000 1010000004,20050513154002,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,55,7,1,0,0,0.096,0.000 ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 1010000004,20050515154258,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,0,7,1,0,0,0.128,0.264 1010000004,20050515154259,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,0,7,1,0,0,0.093,0.000 1010000004,20050515154300,121.646075,25.063675,0,166,0,7,1,0,0,0.119,0.000 $MSG:Download Completed (1) The value 0 might be used for both parameters Start Date Time and End Date Time. The corresponding action is following: Start Date Time 0 Valid Date & Time format 0 Valid Date & Time format End Date Time 0 Action Get all logs from the memory, the result will be the same as $ST+GETLOG command. Download all logs in the memory that after the Start Date Time Download all logs in the memory that before the End Date Time. Get all logs between the Start Date Time and End Date Time.
0 Valid Date & Time format Valid Date & Time format
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Output Control Commands Description This command is used to set outputs control. This command is used to reset the unit. This command is used to restart the unit. This command is used to wiretap inside vehicle remotely. This command is used to turn ON or turn OFF the backup battery function. This command is used to output GPS NMEA strings through the serial port.
$ST+OUTS Set outputs state Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to set the state of the output relays. $ST+OUTS=[Password], [Output ID], [State], [Duration], [Toggle Times] Password Output ID State Duration The password of the unit. The unit hardware output number. Outputs are numbered 1 through 8. Note that the Output8 is only for immobilizer used. 0 1 Set output inactive Set output active
Unit of duration is 100 milliseconds. Ex: if want to setup duration for 2 seconds, you have to give a 20 value. The range of the duration is between 0~255 milliseconds. The times from its current state to its alternate state and back again.
$ST+OUTS=0000,1,1, 0,0
$ST+OUTS=0000,1,1, 8,0
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$ST+RESET Reset all parameters to manufactory default Description Execute this command to reset the unit. After resetting the unit, the previous upload parameters will be cleared. Include phone numbers, user reports, zones, logging dataetc. $ST+RESET=[Password] Password $OK: RESET $ST+RESET=0000 $OK: RESET (1) The unit identification number would not be set to factory default by using this command. (2) This command is only available under Direct Connection. The password of the unit.
$ST+REBOOT Reboot the unit Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to reboot the unit. $ST+REBOOT=[Password] Password $OK:REBOOT $ST+REBOOT=0000 $OK:REBOOT The password of the unit.
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$ST+VMON Voice wiretap Description Execute this command to wiretap the voice conversation inside the car. When the unit receives this command, the unit will call out to the specific phone number automatically. $ST+VMON=[Password], [Phone Number] Password Phone Number Return Value Example $OK:VMON $ST+VMON=0000,0933942206 $OK:VMON The password of the unit. The specific phone number.
Syntax Parameters
$ST+BBCTRL Backup battery control Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to turn on or turn off backup battery. $ST+BBCTRL=[Password],[Enable] Password Enable Return Value Example $OK:BBCTRL $ST+BBCTRL=0000,1 $OK:BBCTRL The password of the unit. 0: Turn Off 1: Turn On
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$ST+NMEA GPS NMEA-0183 strings output Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to output GPS NMEA-0183 version 2.20 strings for external devices. This command is only available for direct connection. $ST+NMEA=[Enabled],[NMEAOutputPort] Enable NMEAOutputPort 0: Turn Off 1: Turn On 0: Current Port 1: Serial Port 2: Aux Port
$OK:NMEA $ST+NMEA=1,0 $OK:NMEA $GPRMC,095644.112,V,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0.0,,080503,,*3C $GPVTG,,T,,M,0.0,N,0.0,K*4E $GPGGA,095645.112,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0,03,17.7,0.0,M,,,,0000*35 $GPRMC,095645.112,V,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0.0,,080503,,*3D $GPVTG,,T,,M,0.0,N,0.0,K*4E $GPGGA,095646.112,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0,03,17.7,0.0,M,,,,0000*36 $GPRMC,095646.112,V,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0.0,,080503,,*3E $GPVTG,,T,,M,0.0,N,0.0,K*4E $GPGGA,095647.112,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0,03,17.7,0.0,M,,,,0000*37 $GPRMC,095647.112,V,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0.0,,080503,,*3F $GPVTG,,T,,M,0.0,N,0.0,K*4E $GPGGA,095648.112,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0,03,17.7,0.0,M,,,,0000*38 $GPRMC,095648.112,V,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0.0,,080503,,*30 $GPVTG,,T,,M,0.0,N,0.0,K*4E $GPGGA,095649.112,0000.0000,N,00000.0000,E,0,03,17.6,0.0,M,,,,0000*38 $GPGSA,A,1,09,17,10,,,,,,,,,,20.3,17.6,10.0*0E $ST+NMEA=0,0 $OK:NMEA
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User Report Commands Description This command is used to set a daily report. This command is used to set user defined reports. This command is used to clear user defined reports. This command is used to set user defined zone areas. This command is used to clear user defined zone areas. This command is used to set user defined schedule. This command is used to clear the user defined schedules This command is used to set speeding report. This command is used to calculate the total mileage. This command is used to calculate the total idle time This command is used to setup Analog 9 & 10
$ST+TIMER Set the timer report Description Syntax Execute this command to setup or query unit to report back positional information automatically at a preset time every day. Write Command: $ST+TIMER=[Password], [Enable], [Preset Time] Read Command: $ST+TIMER=[Password], ? Parameters Password Enable Preset Time Return Value The password of the unit. 0: Off 1: On Disable this function. Enable this function.
The time for report. The format is hour, minute and second.
Write Command Response: $OK:TIMER Read Command Response: $TIMER=[Enable], [Preset Time]
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$ST+REPORT Set user define reports Description Syntax Execute this command to set user defined reports. Write Command: $ST+REPORT=[Password],[ReportID],[InputMask],[InputControl],[ZoneID], [ZoneControl],[MainPowerReportID],[MainPowerControl], [ReportAction],[OutputID],[OutputState],[VIPSMSPhoneSet], [VoicePhoneSet],[ReportText],[ScheduleID],[ScheduleControl] Read Command: $ST+REPORT=[Password],[ReportID],? Parameters Password ReportID InputMask InputControl The password of the unit. The reports numeric identifier. This number is defined by programmer and can be any number from 100 through 199. This parameter defines which inputs to be the condition. One or more inputs can be specified in this parameter. Defines how the inputs specified in parameter InputMask are considered during processing. The bit value of 0 means OFF and 1 means ON. The numeric identifier from 1 to 100 of a pre-defined zone. Use this parameter if you wish to include zones in report processing. A value of 0 is ignored zone processing. Defines how the geographic zone specified in parameter ZoneID is considered during report processing. 1:Entering the Zone The report initiates defined actions when the current (valid) GPS position transitions from outside the zone to inside of the zone boundaries. 2:Exiting the Zone The report initiates defined actions when the current (valid) GPS position transitions from inside the zone to outside of the zone boundaries. 3:Inside the Zone The report initiates defined actions when the current (valid) GPS position is within the specified zone boundaries. 4:Outside the Zone The report initiates defined actions when the current (valid) GPS is outside of the specified zone boundaries.
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This parameter defines which main power status will be considered in the report processing. 40:Main Power Low The main power battery voltage is lower than LowVoltage. Please refer to the $ST+PMGR command for setting the LowVoltage parameter. 41:Main Power Lose The main power source has been cut off.
Defines how the main power status specificed in parameter MainPowerReportID is considered during report processing. 0:Deactived The report initiates when the MainPowerReport be inactive. 1:Actived The report initiates when the MainPowerReport be active. This parameter defines the actions to be taken once the report is in an active state. One or more actions can be specified on any report. The following list defines all available action types: 1:Logging When all defined report conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval. 2:Polling When all defined report conditions are true, send the latest GPS position to the remote base station. 4:Set Output When all defined report conditions are true, set the output relay. 8:Send VIP SMS When all defined report conditions are true, send the ReportText SMS to the cellular phones which defined in VIPSMSPhoneSet and VIP1..VIP7. Please refer to $ST+SBAS command for cellular phone numbers setting. 16:Initiate a voice call When all defined report conditions are true, initiate a voice call to a preset phone number which defined in VoicePhoneSet and VIP1..VIP7. Please refer to $ST+SBAS command for the phone number setting.
The outputs are numbered through 1 to 8. This parameter is used in conjunction with parameter ReportAction=4(Set Output). 0: means ignore output control. Defines how the output specified in parameter OutputID is controlled while the report is active. 0:OFF 1:ON
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This parameter is used in conjunction with ReportAction=8. Defines a set of cellular phone numbers that VIP SMS be sent. BasePhoneNumber = 1 (Do not use this one for VIPSMS) VIP1 = 2 VIP2 = 4 VIP3 = 8 VIP4 = 16 VIP5 = 32 VIP6 = 64 VIP7 = 128 This parameter is used in conjuction with ReportAction=16. Defines a voice phone number that will be called. BasePhoneNumber = 1 (Do not use this one for VIPPhone) VIP1 = 2 VIP2 = 4 VIP3 = 8 VIP4 = 16 VIP5 = 32 VIP6 = 64 VIP7 = 128 This text parameter is used for the report description. Only support English alphabets. The numeric identifier from 1 to 100 of a pre-defined schedule. Use this parameter if you wish to include schedule in report processing. A value of 0 is ignored schedule processing. Defines how the schedule specificed in parameter ScheduleID is considered during report processing. 1:Entering the Schedule The report initiates defined actions when the current local time transitions from outside the schedule to inside of the schedule boundaries. 2:Exiting the Schedule The report initiates defined actions when the current local time transitions from inside the schedule to outside of the schedule boundaries. 3:Inside the Schedule The report initiates defined actions when the current local time is within the specified schedule boundaries.
ReportText ScheduleID
Return Value
4:Outside the Schedule The report initiates defined actions when the current local time is outside of the specified schedule boundaries. Write Command Response: $OK:REPORT Read Command Response: $REPORT=[ReportID],[InputMask],[InputControl],[ZoneID], [ZoneControl],[MainPowerReportID],[MainPowerControl], [ReportAction],[OutputID],[OutputState],[VIPSMSPhoneSet], [VoicePhoneSet],[ReportText],[ScheduleID],[ScheduleControl]
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(1) When Input1 and Input2 are ON, send VIP SMS to the cellular phone VIP2 an VIP3 $ST+REPORT=0000,100,3,3,0,0,0,0,8,0,0,12,0,Alarm,0,0 $OK:REPORT (2) When main power lose, send VIPSMS to VIP2 and set output 7 ON. $ST+REPORT=0000,101,0,0,0,0,41,1,12,7,1,4,0,Power Lose,0,0 $OK:REPORT (3) When Input3 is ON and entering Zone1 area, logging and polling to base station $ST+REPORT=0000,102,4,4,1,1,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,EnterZone1,0,0 $OK:REPORT (4) Query ReportID 101 $ST+REPORT=0000,101,? $REPORT=101,0,0,0,0,41,1,12,7,1,0,0,Power Lose,0,0 (1) Behavior of the Main Power Low control parameter: -Deactived: When the vehicle voltage is lower than the value we entered in the voltage setup page, it does not report. It does the predefined action(s) we selected in the report setting after 2 hours if the vehicle voltage is higher than the value we setup. - Active: When the unit voltage is lower than the value we entered in the voltage setup page, it will report according the action we selected after 5 minutes. (2) Behavior of the Main Power Lost Control Parameter: - Deactived: When the unit loses main power, it will not report. It will report when the main power has been reconnected. - Active: When the unit loses main power, it will report. It will not report when the main power reconnects to the unit. (3) Dial Voice Call function does not support the report condition of Entering Schedule and Existing the Schedule.
$ST+CLEARREPORT Clear the user defined reports Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to clear the user defined reports. $ST+CLEARREPORT=[Password],[ReportID] Password ReportID The password of the unit. The reports numeric identifier. This number is defined by programmer and can be any number from 100 through 199. Note: use Report ID 255 to clear all user defined reports. Return Value Example $OK:CLEARREPORT $ST+CLEARREPORT=0000,100 $OK:CLEARREPORT $ST+CLEARREPORT=0000,255 $OK:CLEARREPORT
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$ST+ZONE Set user defined zones Description Syntax Execute this command to set user defined zones. Write Command: (1) Circular Zone $ST+ZONE=[Password],[ZoneID],[Longitude],[Latitude],[Tolerance] (2) Polygon Zone $ST+ZONE=[Password],[ZoneID],[ZonePoints] Read Command: $ST+ZONE=[Password],[ZoneID],? Parameters Password ZoneID Longitude Latitude Tolerance ZonePoints The password of the unit. The zones numeric identifier. The number is defined by programmer and can be any number from 1 to 100. The longitude of the circle zone. The latitude of the circle zone. The radius of the circle zone in meters. The encrypted polygon zone points. Please refer to Encrypt polygon zone points sample code
- 44 -
char EncryptPolygonZonePoints(double* Value, char* Transform, char n); Input parameters : Value : A source pointer of the zone points array. Transform : A destination pointer of the output data array. n : A numbers of zone points multiply by 2.
For example : A five points of polygon zone. (n = 10) Point1 : Longitude1=121.64429, Latitude1=25.06125 Point2 : Longitude2=121.64569, Latitude2=25.05905 Point3 : Longitude3=121.64936, Latitude3=25.05931 Point4 : Longitude4=121.64953, Latitude4=25.06078 Point5 : Longitude5=121.64845, Latitude5=25.06244 Encrypted zone points string will be like below : ycw-9 /m0 !, !|4 "o0 :0 10 !3$ l0 !F The ST command will be like below : $ST+ZONE=0000,1,ycw-9 /m0 !, !|4 "o0 :0 10 !3$ l0 !F Return Value Write Command Response: $OK:ZONE Read Command Response: (1) Circular Zone $ZONE=[ZoneID],[Longitude],[Latitude],[Tolerance] (2) Polygon Zone $ZONE=[ZoneID],[ZonePoints] Example $ST+ZONE=0000,1,121.234567,25.123456,500 $OK:ZONE (1) Circular Zone $ST+ZONE=0000,1,? $ZONE=1,121.234567,25.123456,500 (2) Ploygon Zone $ST+ZONE=0000,1,? $ZONE=1,ycw-9 /m0 !, !|4 "o0 :0 10 !3$ l0 !F
- 45 -
$ST+CLEARZONE Clear the user defined zones Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to clear user defined zone. $ST+CLEARZONE=[Password],[Zone ID] Password Zone ID Return Value Example The password of the unit. The zones numeric identifier. This number is defined by programmer and can be any number from 1 through 100.
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$ST+SCHEDULE Set user defined schedules Description Syntax Execute this command to set user defined schedule. Write Command: $ST+SCHEDULE=[Password],[ScheduleID],[DaysOfWeek],[StartTime],[EndTime] Read Command: $ST+SCHEDULE=[Password],[ScheduleID],? Parameters Password ScheduleID DaysOfWeek The password of the unit. The schedules numeric identifier. The number is defined by programmer and can be any number from 1 to 100. A flag indicates the day of the week. This parameter is used inconjunction with the StartTime and EndTime parameters that follow. Use this parameter to specify a relative timeframe. The decimal values for each day of the week are specified in the table below. To specify multiple days simple add the values for each specific day together and pass them as the DaysOfWeek value. For instance, Monday and Friday would be 2 + 32 = 34. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
The start time of the schedule. The format is hhmmss. hh : 00 23 (Hour) mm : 00 59 (Minute) ss : 00 59 (Second) The end time of the schedule. The format is hmmss. hh : 00 23 (Hour) mm : 00 59 (Minute) ss : 00 59 (Second)
Return Value
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$ST+CLEARSCHEDULE Clear the user defined schedules Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to clear user defined schedules. $ST+CLEARSCHEDULE=[Password],[Schedule ID] Password Schedule ID Return Value Example The password of the unit. The schedules numeric identifier. This number is defined by programmer and can be any number from 1 through 100.
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$ST+SPEEDING Set the speeding report Description Syntax Execute this command to set the speeding report Write Command: $ST+SPEEDING==[Password],[Enable],[ReportAction],[MinSpeed],[MaxSpeed],[Duration], [OutputID],[OutputControl] Read Command: $ST+SPEEDING=[Password], ? Parameters Password Enable The password of the unit. Enable speeding report 0: Disable 1: Enable This parameter defines the actions to be taken once the speeding report is in an active state. One or more actions can be specified on this report. The following list defines all available action types: 1:Logging When all defined report conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval. 2:Polling When all defined report conditions are true, send the latest GPS position to the remote base station. 3:Logging and Polling: When all defined report conditions are true, the unit will do following: 1. Log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval. 2. Send the latest GPS position to the remote base station. 4. Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, it set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state. 5. Logging + Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory and set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state. 6. Polling + Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, send the latest GPS position to the remote base station set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state.
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7. Logging + Polling + Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory, send the most recent GPS position to the remote base station, and set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state. The minimum speed of speed range (0 255 km/h) The maximum speed of speed range (0 255 km/h) This parameter defines the speeding report will be actived once the speed range is satisfied for a time duration. Valid value for logging and polling is following: Logging: 1~65535 seconds Polling: 15~65535 seconds Logging + Polling: 15~65535 seconds. The unit hardware output number. Outputs are numbered 1 through 8. Note that the Output8 is only for immobilizer used. 0 Set output inactive. 1 Set output active.
Output ID
Read Command: $SPEEDING=[Enable],[ReportAction],[MinSpeed],[MaxSpeed],[Duration], [OutputID],[OutputControl] Example (1) Set a speeding report with 100km/h or above for 30seconds then polling and set the output 3 to inactive state. $ST+SPEEDING=0000,1,2,100,255,30,3,0 $OK:SPEEDING (2) Set a speeding report with the vehicle stop more than 5 minutes then logging, and set the output 2 to active state. $ST+SPEEDING=0000,1,1,0,5,300,2,1 $OK:SPEEDING
- 50 -
$ST+MILEAGE Calculate the total mileage Description Syntax Execute this command to query the total mileage. Note: the unit is Km Write Command: $ST+MILEAGE=[Password],[Mileage] Read Command: $ST+MILEAGE=[Password], ? Parameters Reset Return Value Password The password of the unit.
$ST+MILEAGE=0000,0 Write Command Response: $OK:MILEAGE Read Command Response: $MILEAGE= [Mileage]
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$ST+IDLE Calculate the idle time. Description Execute this command to accumulate the total Idle time in which the ACC is on but the GPS speed is a pre-defined interval for a certain time. The Report ID 50 & the Report ID 51 will be the used for this command: Report ID 50: The idle status ends. Report ID 51: The idle status starts. The time difference of the Time of report ID 50 and the time of the ID 51 is the time period of the IDLE event. The total idle time for a trip could be obtained by accumulating the total number of the Idle time period. Write Command: $ST+IDLE=[Password],[Enable],[Report Mode],[Idle Speed],[Duration] Read Command: $ST+IDLE=[Password], ? Parameters Password Enable The password of the unit. 0: Disable 1:Enable Report Mode 1: Logging: When all defined report conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval. 2:Polling: When all defined report conditions are true, send the latest GPS position to the remote base station. 3:Logging and Polling: When all defined report conditions are true, the unit will do following: a. Log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval. b. Send the latest GPS position to the remote base station. Idle speed (0-65535 km/hr) the duration of idle time ( 1-65535 min)
Write Command Response: $OK:IDLE Read Command Response: $ST+IDLE=[Enable],[Report Mode],[Idle Speed],[Duration]
1. The ACC off event will trigger the Idle end event (Report ID 50). 2. Once the $ST+IDLE command is enabled, the default input 2 triggered report (Report ID 12) will be invalid. If the ACC off report is needed, the ACC on/off report can be configured in the User Defined Report. 3. To operate the Idle command, the number of satellites requires more than 3 in order to function correctly.
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$ST+AREPORT Analog inputs report setting up Description Syntax Execute this command to setup analog input 9 or analog input 10 Write Command: $ST+AREPORT=[Password],[AnalogInputID], [Mode], [ReportAction], [MinValue],[MaxValue],[Duration],[Output ID],[OutputCtrl] Read Command: $ST+AREPORT=[Password],[AnalogInputID],? Parameters Password AnalogInputID The password of the unit. 1: Input 9 (Report ID -> 200) 2: Input 10(Report ID ->201) Mode 0: Disable 1: Input triggered condition: if the voltage level of the analog input is in the range between [MinValue] and [MaxValue] 2: Input triggered condition: if the voltage level of the analog input is not in the range between [MinValue] and [MaxValue] ReportAction 1: Logging: When all defined report conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval. 2:Polling: When all defined report conditions are true, send the latest GPS position to the remote base station. 3:Logging and Polling: When all defined report conditions are true, the unit will do following: a. Log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval. b. Send the latest GPS position to the remote base station. 4: Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, it set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state. 5: Logging +Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory and set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state.
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6. Polling + Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, send the latest GPS position to the remote base station set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state. 7. Logging + Polling + Set Output: When all defined conditions are true, log the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory, send the most recent GPS position to the remote base station, and set the state of the assigned output port number. When any defined condition becomes false, the assigned output port number backs to the original state. MinValue MaxValue Duration The minimum voltage of the effective detecting range. Range: 0..30V The maximum voltage of the effective detecting range. Range: 0..30V This parameter defines the analog report that will be activated once the duration interval is reached. Range: 0~65535 Seconds. The unit hardware output number. Outputs are numbered 1 through 8. Note: The output8 is only for immobilizer used. OutputCtrl 0: Set output inactive. 1 :Set output active. Note: The output state will go back to original state when the triggered condition becomes false. Return Value Write Command response: $OK:AREPORT Read Command Response: $AREPORT=[AnalogInputID], [Mode], [ReportAction], [MinValue], [MaxValue], [Duration], [Output ID],[OutputCtrl] Example $ST+AREPORT=0000,1,1,7,10,15,5,1,1 $OK:AREPORT $ST+AREPORT=0000,1,? $AREPORT=1,1,1,10.000,15.000,5,1,1 Notes (1) Output state (output ID) will remain the current state when $ST+AREPORT is disabled after the output has been triggered already. The particular output port state needs to switch back to original state manually.
Output ID
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Handset and MDT Commands Description This command is used to send text messages to the other cellular phone. This command is used to send MDT output messages to the base station. This command is used to send messages from the base station to the MDT. This command is used to dial a voice call through the unit. This command is used to hang up current voice call. This command is used to dial extension number when voice call is established. This command is used to answer an incoming voice call This command is used to set handset or handsfree mode
$ST+HMSG Send text SMS to cellular phone Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to send text messages to the other cellular phone. $ST+HMSG=[PhoneNumber],[Format],[Message] PhoneNumber Format Message Return Value Example $OK:HMSG (English format) Sending Hello, Jack! message to cellular phone 0910123456 $ST+HMSG=0910123456,1,48656C6C6F2C204A61636B21 (UCS2 format) Sending ABC message to 0910123456 $ST+HMSG=0910123456,2,4E2D6587004100420043 Receive incoming text SMS $HMSG=[SenderPhoneNumber],[Format],[Message] Destination phone number. 1 : English( 1 Byte) 2 : UCS2 (2 Bytes) The message string. (Hexadecimal ASCII/Binary code)
$ST+MMSG Send MDT message to the base station Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to send MDT output messages to the base station. $ST+MMSG=[Message] Message $OK:MMSG $ST+MMSG=Goods delivered The message string
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$ST+TMSG Send messages from the base station to the MDT Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to send messages from the base station to the MDT. $ST+TMSG=[Password],[Message] Password Message Return Value Example $OK:TMSG $ST+TMSG=0000,Please go to No.100, 203th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA. The password of the unit. The message string
$ST+CALL Initiate a voice call (For handset device only) Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to let driver use handset device to dial out a phone number. $ST+CALL=[Phone Number] (For handset device only) Phone Number The number to dial out. $OK:CALL $OK:KILL (The message will show when the other side hang up the phone) $ST+CALL=0910138078 $OK:CALL $OK:KILL (The message will show when the other side hang up the phone)
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$ST+KILL Hang up voice call. (For handset device only) Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to let driver use handset device to hand up the incoming call. $ST+KILL None $OK:KILL $ST+KILL $OK:KILL
$ST+EXT Dial extension number. (For handset device only) Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to let driver use handset device to dial out a number with a extension number. $ST+EXT=[0..9*#] Acceptable character: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, # $OK:EXT If you dial a 132 extension number, you need to execute the following command: $ST+EXT=1 $ST+EXT=3 $ST+EXT=2 Please note this command only accepts 1 parameter. Therefore, in above example, you must execute this command three times.
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$ST+ANSWER Answer an incoming voice call. (For handset device only) Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to let driver use handset device to pickup the incoming voice call. $ST+ANSWER None $OK:ANSWER $ST+ANSWER $OK:ANSWER
$ST+HCTRL Set handset or handsfree mode Description Syntax Parameters Execute this command to set handset or handsfree mode $ST+HCTRL=[Mode] Mode 1:Handset Mode 2:Handsfree Mode
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Unit Diagnostic Commands Description This command is used to start hardware diagnose. This command is used to query unit status. This command is used to query the IMEI number of units.
$ST+TEST Hardware diagnosis Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Execute this command unit self-test which includes GPS, EEPROM, and Flash devices tests. This command is only available under Direct Connection $ST+TEST None $GPS=OK $GSM=OK $EEPROM=OK $FLASH=OK $SERIAL=OK $BUTTON=OK $BURNTEST=OK or $BURNTEST=FAILED, 0 $ST+TEST $GPS=OK $GSM=OK $EEPROM=OK $FLASH=OK $SERIAL=OK $BUTTON=OK $BURNTEST=OK (1)This command is only available under Direct Connection communication. (2) The Burntest only will be doing by S&T before delivering the shipment. (3) The return parameter of $BURNTEST indicates whether the unit has passed 480 minutes continuous operating test before delivery. The meaning of the parameters is following: - OK indicated the unit passes the test. - FAILED indicated the unit did not complete the continuous operating test, and the number following by the FAILED indicating the completed operating test time period (minutes). (4) If the unit has passed the Burntest before delivery, the result will appears BURNTEST=OK. The $ST+RESET command or firmware upgrading will not change the result.
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$ST+QUST Query Unit Status Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Execute this command to query unit status include power source voltage level, GPS signal, communication signal strength and Input/Output states. Read Command: $ST+QUST=[Password] Password The password of the unit.
$QUST=[Voltage],[Modem Signal],[SatUsed],[Input Status],[Output Status] Voltage ModemSignal Voltage level of vehicle battery The GSM signal quality. - < 5 means bad quality. - 6.31 means good quality. - 99 means unknown or not detectable. Number of satellites received. All digital Inputs states All digital Outputs states.
$ST+QUST=0000 $QUST=12.78,23,3,0,0
$ST+IMEI Hardware diagnosis Description Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Execute this command to query the IMEI number of the unit. $ST+IMEI=[Password],? Password The password of the unit.
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5 Appendices
5.1 Report ID Description Description Position Log position Track / Tracking position Timer report position Mileage report position Wrong password access report position ACC Off report position Immobilized report position Speeding report position Towed report position Input1 changed report position Input2 changed report position Input3 changed report position Input4 changed report position Input5 changed report position Input6 changed report position Input7 changed report position Input8 changed report position RFID report position Communication switch to GSM mode report position Communication switch to GPRS mode report position Main power low report position Main power lose report position Idle start time Idle end time User defined report position Analog input report position Remark Report ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 31 32 40 41 50 51 100..199 200,201
For TA,BT,NS version firmware N/A N/A For TA,BT,NS version firmware
STD Errors Description Description Unknown error Base phone number not set Unacceptable Incoming message Unsupported DCS format Outgoing voice call limited Voice call busy Voice call not connected No Incoming voice call Unsupported Report action GPRS configuration error Base station network error or GPRS communication error GPRS TCP resend failure or TCP package error Fail to write parameters to flash memory
Error Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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CME Errors Description Description Operation not allowed Operation not supported PH-SIM PIN required PH-FSIM PIN required PH-FSIM PUK required SIM not inserted SIM PIN required SIM PUK required SIM failure SIM busy SIM wrong Incorrect password SIM PIN2 required SIM PUK2 required Dial string too long Invalid characters in dial string No network service Network timeout Network not allowed emergency calls only Network personalization PIN required Network personalization PUK required Network subset personalization PIN required Network subset personalization PUK required Service provider personalization PIN required Service provider personalization PUK required Corporate personalization PIN required Corporate personalization PUK required PH-SIM PUK required Unknown Illegal MS Illegal ME GPRS services not allowed PLMN not allowed Location area not allowed Roaming not allowed in this location area Service option not supported Requested service option not subscribed Service option temporarily out of order Unspecified GPRS error PDP authentication failure Invalid mobile class Operation temporary not allowed Call barred Phone is busy User abort Invalid dial string SIM blocked
Error Code 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 26 27 30 31 32 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 100 103 106 107 111 112 113 132 133 134 148 149 150 256 257 258 259 260 262
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CMS Errors Description Description Unassigned (unallocated) number Operator determined barring Call barred Short message transfer rejected Destination out of service Unidentified subscriber Facility rejected Unknown subscriber Network out of order Temporary failure Congestion Resources unavailable, unspecified Requested facility not subscribed Requested facility not implemented Invalid short message transfer reference value Invalid message, unspecified Invalid mandatory information Message type non-existent or not implemented Message not compatible with short message protocol state Information element non-existent or not implemented Protocol error, unspecified Interworking, unspecified Telematic interworking not supported Short message Type 0 not supported Cannot replace short message Unspecified TP-PID error Data coding scheme (alphabet) not supported Message class not supported Unspecified TP-DCS error Command cannot be actioned Command unsupported Unspecified TP-Command error TPDU not supported SC busy No SC subscription SC system failure Invalid SME address Destination SME barred SM Rejected-Duplicate SM TP-VPF not supported TP-VP not supported D0 SIM SMS storage full No SMS storage capability in SIM Error in MS Memory Capacity Exceeded SIM Application Toolkit Busy SIM data download error Unspecified error cause
Error Code 1 8 10 21 27 28 29 30 38 41 42 47 50 69 81 95 96 97 98 99 111 127 128 129 130 143 144 145 159 160 161 175 176 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 208 209 210 211 212 213 255
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300 301 302 303 304 305 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 320 321 322 330 331 332 340 500 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522
ME failure SMS service of ME reserved Operation not allowed Operation not supported Invalid PDU mode parameter Invalid text mode parameter SIM not inserted SIM PIN required PH-SIM PIN required SIM failure SIM busy SIM wrong SIM PUK required SIM PIN2 required SIM PUK2 required Memory failure Invalid memory index Memory full SMSC address unknown no network service Network timeout NO +CNMA ACK EXPECTED Unknown error or SMS collision User abort unable to store invalid status invalid character in address string invalid length invalid character in pdu invalid parameter invalid length or character invalid character in text timer expired Operation temporary not allowed
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Function Power off The device is running in power saving mode. Reset procedure is in progress Power on
Function The GPS is off or running in power saving mode. No GPS satellites signal received GPS Ready
GSM LED Status Off 600 ms On / 600ms Off 90 ms On / 3 secs Off 90 ms blinking 2 times / 3secs Off On
Function The device is off or running in power saving mode. No SIM card inserted or no PIN entered, or network searching in progress, or network logging in progress. Logged to network. No call in progress. GPRS Network connected Voice/Data call connected
Function The device is ready - The device is not ready - If the other 3 LEDs (PWR, GPS, GSM) are off indicates that the main power source is lower than the working range.
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IntelliTrac X Series AVL device is produced by Systems & Technology Corporation. The company is a key developer and supplier of advanced systems in the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), Digital Map and Car Navigation Systems. If you need information on other maps solutions or products, please contact us at the phone and fax numbers listed below, or visit our web sites. Contact Information for System & Technology Corp.
S&T Web Site Technical Support Hotline Technical Support E-mail Main Phone Main Fax
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