Key Management Schemes in MANET-A Detailed Review: Dr.S.Sekar

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 8 Issue 4, Jul-Aug 2020


Key Management Schemes in MANET- A Detailed Review

Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr), SRM Valliammai Engineering College
Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram
A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a hotchpotch of nodes with mobility functionality, dynamically outlining the existing
network usage based on temporary architecture. Within MANETs, the performance factors of the routing protocols under
various conditions and environments play a demanding and critical role. The routing protocols are responsible for managing
several resource-limited nodes. MANETs exits several routing protocols, one of the keynotes to be considered when designing
a routing protocol is to notice that the routing protocol being implemented has a proportionate impact on network
performance. In this paper, MANET uses different approaches and technologies. The various technologies used for MANET
are brought together to find out which approaches are providing more value. The proposed (TSGKM) was simulated in NS2
and contrasted with the Novel Key Management Scheme (FTNKM) based on Fast Transmission.


Over the last few years, due to the proliferation of monitoring of different attacks would be difficult. Therefore
affordable, readily available wireless devices, a massive MANET is vulnerable to assault [6].
expansion in the field of mobile computing has occurred. In MANET, all networking tasks, such as routing and packet
Recent second-generation (2G) cellular systems have forwarding, are carried out in a self-organizing way by nodes
achieved a high rate of penetration and enabled mobile themselves. Of these reasons, it is very difficult to secure a
connectivity worldwide. Mobile users can check emails and mobile ad-hoc network [7]. Since multicast routing needs
browse the internet. With 2 G upgrades, 3 G networks now more channels for transmitting the data, it can be subjected
deliver higher data speeds, infotainment, and location-based to multiple attacks. Multicast transmissions in MANET will
or customized services in mobile devices. This evolution fulfil the basic security requirements such as confidentiality,
motivates a novel alternative method, called an ad hoc authentication, and integrity [8]. IDS refer to the approach of
mobile network [1]. The contact between the mobile nodes tracking every node operation in a network [9]. IDS is used
will support the network providing the essential role of to detect various forms of attacks in a network and to defend
control and administration. MANET's biggest advantages are the network against external attacks [10]. Throughout
flexibility, ease of installation and robustness. Mobile nodes MANETs, support for group-oriented applications such as
are fitted with wireless radio, memory, power source, and audio/video conferencing and one-to-many distribution of
processor. Wireless ad hoc networks have more unique data throughout battlefield or disaster rescue scenarios is
features, and some drawbacks compared to wired networks important [11]. A trivial solution is that each member should
[2]. MANET is specified with purpose-specific, autonomous, publish a public key and hold the respective secret key, such
and dynamic characteristics. There is no master or slave that the message can be encrypted independently under the
relationship in a mobile ad hoc network, similar to fixed public keys of all users. This trivial solution is highly
wireless networks. Costs associated with network creation inefficient, however, since the cipher text increases linearly
are negligible due to the avoidance of fixed infrastructure. with the group size, and the sender must hold the public keys
Each node serves as a communications router [3]. In multi- of all group members [12]. By default, in MANETs the
casting, a node can at any time, randomly join or leave a nodes have the mobility function that they do not transmit on
group. A node may concurrently become a member of networks, and nodes communicate and interact with each
multiple classes. It can serve as a forwarding agent for other through the interfaces wireless [13]. The Ad-Hoc
transmitting data to other groups. Multicasting technique Mobile Networks are independent, open Wi-Fi systems.
where a several redundant messages should be sent to a MANETs consist of free-shifting cell nodes in and out of the
collection of receivers [4] can be implemented. Routing network. Nodes are the devices or units that communicate in
protocols in MANET typically presume the nodes are the network and are cell, i.e. mobile phones, tablets, non-
truthful and cooperative. But an attacker may be acting as a public digital assistance, MP3 players, and private laptops
router during routing and disrupting the routing process. It [14]. Fuzzy logic is a computational model that gives the
can communicate with any node. The battery power can be ambiguity and imprecision involved in human reasoning a
drained by an egoistic node. Such internal assaults are more logical system that is also known as indirect reasoning [15].
vulnerable than external assaults [5]. Because MANET has
no fixed infrastructure and a highly complex topology,

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II. LITERATURE REVIEW This research introduces IDS strategies according to IDS
distributed architecture [27].
An optimized AODV protocol based on trust that detects A pyramidal security model to safeguard the
packing drop attacks that occur during data transmission has exchange of knowledge a multi-security level is used within
been proposed. Using the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) one cooperation domain[58]. A pyramidal security model as
technique [16], a trust-based routing is performed and a popular function includes a collection of hierarchical
optimized. A scheme to strengthen current on-demand security groups and multicast groups [28]. A secure
routing protocols by implementing the energy-conscious construction of multicast tree is used with the help of the
routing concept for the backbone. The proposed protocol is Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BPO) algorithm to build a
an improvement of the current routing protocol for Ad hoc secure construction of multicast tree in MANET[59]. During
On- Request Distance Vector (AODV), which provides routing, the proposed algorithm uses the public routing proxy
considerably good routing services [17]. In DRMS nodes are to conceal sender and receiver identity from other nodes to
monitored and observed for malicious and selfish maintain confidentiality [29]. A two-step, secure
behaviours. Because of these attacks, it reduces the risk of multicasting authentication method is used in MANETs. A
network performance degradation. However, no technique Markov chain model was used to evaluate the confidence
was provided for raising the energy consumption involved in value of one-hoe neighbors based on historical confidence
packet forwarding [18]. An Optimized Multicast Backbone values [30]. A MANET intrusion detection method and
Routing for MANET was introduced in 2015. This improves compared IDSs to identify nodes that were misbehaving[56].
node residual energy and provides stability by enhancing The author described the Intrusion Detection Systems
access to the network. This routing protocol achieves a Architecture that has been implemented for MANETs until
greater packet distribution ratio [19]. With the problem of now and then presented and compared the current intrusion
group access for wireless ad hoc networks in secure detection techniques in MANET [31]. A theoretical online
multicast communication. We have integrated the network fuzzy risk assessment is used for distributed intrusion
topology (node location), the "power proximity" between prediction and prevention (DIPPS) systems[57]. This
network nodes, and the medium’s path loss characteristics in program senses potential intrusions and avoids them. DIPPS
key distribution tree design to conserve energy [20]. A novel can foresee possible intrusions within a distributed network
anonymous distributed secure routing protocol in ad hoc [32].
mobile wireless networks. Their protocol 's purpose is not An improvement of the MANET Intrusion
only to protect the privacy and private information of the Detection Watchdog / Pathrater model is proposed[55]. In
communicating nodes, but also to protect the protection of promiscuous mode, if the message is not transmitted within a
the discovery of the route and to prevent certain malicious certain timeframe, the participating nodes are permitted to
behaviours during the two-way conversation [21]. listen to the nodes they have communicated to, and then the
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to make multicast routing node is suggested to be marked as a misbehaving node [33].
in MANETs efficient and stable. The approach considers the A new intrusion-detection system called Enhanced Adaptive
selection of input variables for ANN, evaluating the optimal ACKnowledge (EAACK) developed specifically for
number of neurons for Multicasting's hidden Layer MANET[54]. The results showed good output against
collection with supporting node routing function [22]. A Watchdog, TWOACK, and AACK in cases of collision with
novel scheme for protecting delay sensitive data against the receiver, reduced transmitting capacity, and false
erroneous packet injection attacks on network-coded reporting of misbehaviour [34]. A novel method is used for
multicast. In particular, they proposed an efficient detecting attacks on port scanning using Fuzzy logic. To
authentication mechanism based on the null-space properties improve the efficiency of port scanning detection a fuzzy
of coded packets, to enable recipients to detect any high- logic controller is designed and integrated with Snort.
probability bogus packets [23]. A self-organized hash-based, Experiments are performed in wired as well as wireless
secure routing scheme is used for ad hoc multicast networks. networks [35]. A Monitoring Device used for Co-Operative
For main distribution, it uses the Diffie-Hellman group form. Intrusion in MANET. This system can be divided into three
Authentication of the route and credibility, both by modules, based on Normal and Attack mode packet transfer
generating local flag codes and global hash values is ensured [36]. A Grammatical Approach used for Detecting Attack on
[24].A suggested Hierarchical Cooperative IDS on MANETs MANETs. The author investigates the implementation of a
which incorporates the features of anomaly-based learning technique focused on artificial intelligence to
identification techniques and signature-based techniques to explore this challenging design space [37]. A Divulged IDS
guarantee an accurate and scalable IDS. In MANET various (DIDS) consists of rules for detecting intrusions, constructed
techniques of machine learning (ML) were used to provide from activity logs. The information obtained from the logs of
effective IDS [25]. A distributed, cooperative MANET IDS various devices was correlated [38].
focused on trust ties. The Network monitors the attacks A new scheme for detecting such malicious behaviour, based
locally and internationally. Whenever an anomaly is on statistical process control (SPC) borrowed from the
observed, a message of warning was transmitted among the industrial field in the context of quality management [39]. A
network nodes. The nodes watch adjacent nodes of confidence setting scheme for MANETs aimed at improving
suspicious activities [26]. A research has been made on the reliability of packet transmission over multi-hop routes in
Stable MANETs for an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). the presence of potentially malicious nodes [40]. An overlay
network solution incorporating mechanisms for routing and

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reliability is proposed. It has two main components: protocol has been simulated in NS2 and compared with the Fast
EOR and protocol RTCP[53]. The Emergency Overlay Transmission based Novel Key Management (FTNKM)
Routing (EOR) protocol is a reactive protocol built into scheme. Simulation results show that TSGKM outperforms
architecture for the store-carry-forward [41]. A time-slotted FTNKM in terms of delivery in terms of communication
distributed protocol to improve ad-hoc network overhead, computational overhead, and detection accuracy.
transmissions. It is done by using the well-known multiple-
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ISSN: 2347-8578 Page 67

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