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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178 (2015) 12–19

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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental

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Ceramic photocatalytic membranes for water filtration under

UV and visible light
Chrysoula P. Athanasekou a , Nikolaos G. Moustakas a , Sergio Morales-Torres b ,
Luisa M. Pastrana-Martínez b , José L. Figueiredo b , Joaquim L. Faria b , Adrián M.T. Silva b,∗∗ ,
José M. Dona-Rodriguez c , George Em. Romanos a , Polycarpos Falaras a,∗
Division of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Advanced Materials, Physicochemical Processes, Nanotechnology and Microsystems (IAMPPNM),
NCSR Demokritos, 15310 Aghia Paraskevi, Attikis, Athens, Greece
LCM—Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials—Associate Laboratory LSRE/LCM, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
4200-465 Porto, Portugal
FEAM-Departamento de Química, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Edificio Central del Parque Científico-Tecnológico de la ULPGC,
Campus Universitario de Tafira, 35017 Las Palmas, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work demonstrates the efficiency of a hybrid photocatalysis/ultrafiltration process to eliminate or
Received 13 July 2014 reduce the contents of synthetic dyes in water. The process involves highly active photocatalytic ceramic
Received in revised form 6 November 2014 ultrafiltration (UF) membranes prepared with the deposition of various photocatalysts on the exter-
Accepted 10 November 2014
nal and internal (pore) surface of UF mono-channel monoliths. A main challenge consists in swapping
Available online 15 November 2014
from the conventional slurry-type photocatalytic purification technology to a novel photocatalytic mem-
brane filtration technology, using the most prominent recently developed TiO2 based nanomaterials.
With this objective, highly hydroxylated anatase TiO2 was deposited on ceramic monoliths by applying
Ultrafiltration photocatalytic membranes
Titanium dioxide
sol–gel (dip-coating) techniques. Novel materials comprising modified TiO2 nanocrystals covered with
Graphene oxide an organic shell layer as well as partially reduced graphene oxide-TiO2 composites were synthesized
Azo-dye pollutants and stabilized on the monoliths aiming to develop visible light responding catalytic membranes. The
Clean water photocatalytic filtration experiments took place in a patented water purification device in continuous
flow conditions, using methylene blue (MB) and methyl orange (MO) as azo-dye model pollutants, under
near-UV/vis and visible light irradiation. Trying to optimize the membrane photocatalytic efficiency we
have examined the impact of several parameters related to both the membrane structure and the hybrid
photocatalytic/ultrafiltration process including the amount, porosity and surface area of the stabilized
photocatalysts as well as the surface charge. The process parameters were mainly related to the pH of the
stream under treatment and the type of pollutant. Furthermore, the novel hybrid process was compared
to the standard nanofiltration technique in regard to the pollutant removal efficiency and total energy
consumption. As a consolidated output, this work proposes a novel photocatalytic membrane, developed
via stabilization of organic shell layer covered TiO2 nanostructures on the internal and external surface
of ceramic monoliths, as the most efficient material to be used in hybrid photocatalytic/ultrafiltration
water treatment processes.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Photocatalysts have been extensively used in combination with

∗ Corresponding author at: NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Advanced Materi-
membrane processes (inorganic [1–3] or polymeric [4]), with the
als, Physicochemical Processes, Nanotechnology and Microsystems (IAMPPNM),
Neapoleos str., Aghia Paraskevi, GR-15310 Attikis, Greece. Tel: +30 2106503644; purpose to limit biofouling and prolong the life time of the mem-
fax: +30 2106511766. brane. Moreover hybrid photocatalysis-ultrafiltration membrane
∗∗ Corresponding author at: LCM Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials Associate processes have the potential to eliminate one of the most com-
Laboratory LSRE/LCM, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. mon problems of membrane separation technologies, which is the
Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal. Tel: +351220414908.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.M.T. Silva), [email protected]
generation of toxic condensates. In many of the aforementioned
(P. Falaras). applications, photocatalysts are involved in the form of powders
0926-3373/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.P. Athanasekou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178 (2015) 12–19 13

(slurries) in aqueous suspensions [5–7], as a pre-treatment pro- during the dyeing and finishing operations, due to the inefficiency
cess to water feeding the membrane filtration modules, or as a post of the dyeing process [24]. Unfortunately, most of these dyes escape
treatment stage to the retentate effluent of the membranes. In the conventional wastewater treatment processes and persist in the
first case, stacking and accumulation of the photocatalyst nanopar- environment as a result of their high stability to light, temperature,
ticles on the membrane surface compromises the permeate flux water, detergents, chemicals, soap and other parameters such as
while in the latter case, there is the need for an additional treat- bleach and perspiration [25]. During the dyeing process it has been
ment to separate and recover the photocatalyst particles from the estimated that the losses of colorants to the environment can reach
purified retentate. 10–50% [26]. With respect to the number and production volumes,
More recently, photocatalyst powders have been supported on azo dyes are the largest group of colorants, constituting 60–70% of
different materials in the form of thin layers, thus overcoming tech- all organic dyes produced in the world [27]. They have a wide range
nological issues associated with separation/recovery of the catalyst of applications in the textile, pharmaceutical and cosmetic indus-
particles from the liquid-phase [8,9]. However, the photocatalyst tries, and are also used in food, paper, leather and paints. Some azo
immobilization often results in significant loss of photoactivity, dyes can show toxic effects, especially carcinogenic and mutagenic
mostly due to the consequent reduction of the effective surface events [28,29]. However, environmental legislation obliges indus-
area [10]. Micro-, meso- and nanoporous inorganic membranes in tries to eliminate color from their dye-containing effluents, before
the form of monoliths have been used as immobilization substrates. disposal into water bodies [30]. Textile manufacturers try to con-
These monoliths are preferred over the conventional polymeric vert the traditional “money-wasting” pollution control process to a
materials, due to their excellent thermal, chemical, and mechan- profitable operation through recycling the water phase of the waste
ical stability and the possibility of reusability [11,12]. For example, effluent. Dye degradation has therefore received increasing atten-
when membranes are developed via dip-coating and sol–gel tech- tion as traditional physical techniques (adsorption on activated
niques, a high temperature treatment is further required to render carbon, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, coagulation by chemical
the deposited amorphous layer into the active TiO2 anatase crystal agents, ion exchange on synthetic adsorbent resins, etc.) only suc-
phase. Chemical stability in terms of UV irradiation and resistance ceed in transferring the organic compounds from water to another
to the concomitant attack by the photogenerated hydroxyl radicals phase, usually solid, thus creating a secondary pollution source.
is also mandatory for the application of photocatalytic membranes This secondary solid waste product requires further treatment or
in processes that combine photocatalysis and filtration. Ceramic regeneration of the adsorbent which adds extra costs to the pro-
membranes, generally, consist of a macroporous substrate that pro- cess. Most of the dyes are also stable toward chemical oxidation
vides mechanical strength for an overlying thin active layer [13,14]. and resistant toward decolorization by conventional biochemical
The usual way to develop the active membrane layer is the sequen- and physicochemical methods. In real industrial effluents (i.e. of
tial dip-coating of the substrate into sols composed of different textile industry), salts exist in water together with dyes and many
precursor materials, with particles of decreasing size, as one goes of the recent investigations in the field involving nanofiltration
from the rough support to the active layer. The purpose of this (NF) include the effect of salt concentration on the membrane sur-
multi-coating procedure is to eliminate substrate defects [15,16] face charge and dye rejection efficiency. In the present work, we
that undermine the integrity of the active top layer. have applied solely deionized (DI) water as the liquid matrix for
The well-known TiO2 outstanding properties, such as high sur- the MO and MB pollutants in order to study and validate the vis-
face area, relatively low toxicity, photochemical stability, light ible light photocatalytic efficiency of the membranes without any
absorption, charge transport and superior excited state lifetimes, interference from parameters related to the overall water quality.
make it the ‘photocatalyst of choice’ for most applications [17]. Its Taking into account the UF character of the modified TiO2 mem-
wide use in commercial scale is mainly due to its significant activity branes, solute rejection due to size or Donnan exclusion are not the
at room temperature, to the fact that organic pollutants are usually dominant mechanisms of pollutants removal and consequently, the
completely mineralized to non-toxic substances (no production of effect of dissolved salts can be neglected [31,32].
recalcitrant intermediates), to its low cost and finally to the pos-
sibility of deposition on various substrates (glass, fibers, stainless
steel, inorganic materials, sand, activated carbons), allowing con- 2. Experimental
tinuous operation/re-use. However, an inherent disadvantage of
the TiO2 photocatalyst limiting its multipurpose application is its 2.1. Materials and reagents
high band gap (3.2 eV for anatase crystal phase), requiring acti-
vation by UV irradiation, which represents about 4% of the solar The photocatalysts were developed on ␥-alumina UF tubu-
irradiation reaching the Earth’ surface. To overcome this disad- lar membrane substrates (mono-channel monoliths) possessing
vantage, visible-light-active materials and technologies are under glazed ends of 1.5 cm length each. The membranes were provided
deployment, aiming at extending the TiO2 photoresponse into the by Fraunhofer IKTS (Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies
visible region thus exploiting larger part of the solar light spectrum. and Systems, Germany) under the commercial name of Inopor® .
Modification of TiO2 by anion or metal doping [18–20] or by the They presented nominal pore size of 10 nm, and had a length of
combination with carbonaceous materials like carbon nanotubes, 15 cm, ID and OD of 7 and 10 mm, respectively, with the ultrafil-
fullerenes and graphene oxide has recently showed significant tration layer (1.5 ␮m in thickness) located on their internal side.
enhancement of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 [21,22]. In addition, two intermediate pore size ␥-alumina layers and a
We focused our work on the development of photocatalytic rough macroporous ␣-alumina support composed the entire mono-
membranes using not only conventional UV-active TiO2 , but also channel monolith. Details on the pore size and volume of the several
organic shell layer modified [23] and partially reduced graphene layers can be found elsewhere [23].
oxide-nanostructured TiO2 composites [21]. These membranes For the evaluation of the photocatalytic efficiency of the mem-
have been tested for photocatalytic organic dye removal, the dis- branes, methyl orange (MO—C14 H14 N3 NaO3 S 99% Sigma–Aldrich)
charge of which is a considerable source of non-esthetic pollution and methylene blue (MB—C16 H18 N3 SCl 99% Sigma–Aldrich) dyes
as well as eutrophication, and can originate dangerous byprod- were used as model water pollutants: The decomposition of the
ucts through oxidation, hydrolysis, or other chemical reactions pollutants was determined using a Hitachi U-3010 UV–Visible
taking place in the wastewater phase. In the textile industry spectrophotometer through the decrease of the characteristic
up to 200,000 t of these dyes are lost to effluents every year absorbance peaks of MO (max = 466 nm) and MB (max = 664 nm).
14 C.P. Athanasekou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178 (2015) 12–19

The concentrations of the solutions used in the photocatalytic tests and under a nitrogen atmosphere. “According to our previous work
were 6.4 mg L−1 and 2 mg L−1 for the MO and MB respectively. on GOT composites prepared by the liquid phase deposition (LPD)
method as a function of GO loading and thermal treatment [34],
2.2. Membrane development we have evidenced that post-thermal reduction at a suitable tem-
perature of 200 ◦ C enhances the photocatalytic activity of GOT
2.2.1. Organic shell layer modified-nanostructured TiO2 composites. Based on the Raman analysis of thermally treated GOT
membrane (N-TiO2 -10) composites, we have found that the main effects underlying this
For the preparation of the modified nanostructured TiO2 sol, enhancement were the improvement of TiO2 nanoparticle’s size
15 mL of tetrabutyl orthotitanate (Aldrich 97%) were added drop- and crystallinity and the partial reduction of the GO sheets (inferred
wise into 100 mL of deionized H2 O acidified with nitric acid from the reduction of the intense GO photoluminescence and the
(1.5 mL). After vigorous stirring for 4 h, 1-propanol (30 mL) was variation of the G and D bands of GO) that further enhances charge
added and the translucent colloidal solution became completely transfer between the composite constituents. In this context, the
transparent. The solution was left overnight under vigorous stir- membranes coated with GOT were treated at 200 ◦ C under nitrogen
ring and finally 30 g of urea (Merck) were added [20]. The ␥-Al2 O3 atmosphere in the present work, and during this thermal treatment
membranes with 10 nm pore size, were coated with the surface a partial reduction of GO occurs while anatase TiO2 particles are
modified- nanostructured TiO2 using the dip-coating technique. exclusively formed.” Finally, the ceramic membranes were softly
The glazing at both ends was covered with Teflon tape and then flushed with compressed air in order to remove the particles that
the membrane was dipped into the sol in a vertical position are not well-adhered before the use of these membranes in the
following three successive dip in–pull out cycles at a rate of experiments. The membranes prepared with GOT and with the ref-
15 cm min−1 . Our purpose was to deposit the visible light active- erence bare TiO2 material are labeled as “GOT-10” and “ref GOT-10”,
TiO2 catalyst on the shell and lumen side surface of the monolith respectively.
simultaneously as well as into the pores, in order to enhance the
pollutants photo-induced discoloration efficiency by illuminating 2.2.3. UV-active TiO2 membrane (ECT-10)
both membrane surfaces during a filtration process accelerated For the preparation of the ECT TiO2 photocatalyst an ethanol
by photoinduced hydrophilicity. The membrane was heated at a (Panreac 99.5%)–titanium butoxide (Aldrich 97%) solution, 50:3.5
low rate (0.5 ◦ C min−1 ) to avoid thermal shock and cracking of the ratio molar, was added drop by drop to a water–ethanol–citric
membrane up to 400 ◦ C, where it remained for 2 h. The N-TiO2 - acid (Panreac 99.5%) solution, 50:60.8:0.36 ratio molar. The mix-
10 membrane was weighted before and after calcination and was ing time was 3 h. After mixing, the final solution was stirred
found heavier by 20 mg (0.033 mg cm−2 ), due to the deposition of for 30 min and then allowed to age for 48 h. Then, the catalysts
the N-TiO2 material [33]. SEM measurements at high magnification were left to dry at 100 ◦ C for 24 h. Several studies focusing on
suffer from charging effects due to the substrate and the ␥-alumina the degradation of phenol [36], diphenhydramine pharmaceutical
layer. As a result the SEM pictures are generally of bad quality and [37], 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicide [38] and imazalil
are not considered as publishable. Some low magnification SEM fungicide [39] water pollutants have confirmed that this mate-
pictures were collected in [33] revealing the ␥-alumina and the rial presents higher photocatalytic efficiency than the commercial
photocatalytic layers thickness. Furthermore, micro-Raman map- TiO2 benchmark photocatalyst (Evonik P25). For the preparation
ping spectra were collected throughout the cross-section of the of the ECT-10 membrane, a similar methodology to that previ-
membranes presenting entire distribution of the modified titania ously described for the GOT-10 and ref GOT-10 membranes was
nanoparticles across. employed.

2.2.2. Reduced graphene oxide-TiO2 composite membrane 2.3. Membrane photocatalytic performance evaluation
Natural graphite (99.9995% purity, 20 ␮m, from Sigma–Aldrich) The hybrid photocatalytic/membrane filtration process took
was used as precursor of graphene oxide (GO). First, graphite oxide place in a photocatalytic purification device described in detail
was prepared through the modified Hummers method [34,35]. elsewhere [40]. In brief, the purification device allowed the simulta-
Then, the resulting material was dispersed in a given volume of neous performance of dead-end filtration/photocatalytic tests, with
water and sonicated with an ultrasonic processor (UP400S, 24 kHz) irradiation applied on both surfaces of the monochannel mono-
for 1 h. The resulting sonicated dispersion was centrifuged for lith. Near-UV radiation (315–380 nm) with a peak at 365 nm, was
20 min at 3000 rpm to obtain a suspension of GO. Then, the reduced applied for irradiating the shell side surface of the monolith at
graphene oxide-TiO2 (GOT) composite was synthesized with this a light irradiance of 2.1 mW cm−2 . This irradiation density was
GO suspension by liquid phase deposition (LPD) method at room achieved by four UV lamps of 9 W (Phillips-UVA (PUVA) PL-S/PL-
temperature, as described elsewhere [34], using 0.1 mol L−1 ammo- L) placed at 3 cm from the outer Plexiglas cell of the membrane
nium hexafluorotitanate(IV)—(NH4 )2 TiF6 (>99.99% Sigma–Aldrich) reactor and sleeved by a cylinder of thick aluminum foil. Four
and 0.3 mol L−1 boric acid—H3 BO3 (>99% Sigma–Aldrich). The visible lamps of 9 W (Osram DULUX S 9 W/21-840 G23 LUMILUX
material was separated by filtration, washed with water and dried Cool White), placed at the same distance of 3 cm from the Plex-
at 100 ◦ C under vacuum for 2 h. The carbon loading (4 wt.%) was iglas cell were used to achieve a Vis light irradiation density of
selected taking into account the highest photocatalytic activity 7.2 mW cm−2 . The lumen side membrane surface was irradiated
obtained with this GOT composite in our previous work [34]. Bare by means of either an array of 10 UVA miniature LED emitting
TiO2 was also prepared and treated by the same method, without near-UV radiation (360 to 420 nm) with a peak at 383–392 nm
the addition of any carbon material. An aqueous dispersion contain- at a light intensity of 0.5 mW cm−2 or an array of 6 visible SMD
ing the corresponding photocatalyst (50 g L−1 of GOT or bare TiO2 LEDs (OSA-Optolight OLS-336 BA460) emitting at 460 nm at a light
as reference material) was used to immobilize the powders on the intensity of 0.3 mW cm−2 . The total flow of polluted water feeding
different ceramic membranes by dip-coating (down/up velocity of the reactor was 1.5 mL min−1 for all the membranes and the filtra-
5 cm min−1 and dipping time of 30 s). Three layers were applied tion was performed in the dead-end mode. The concentration (C)
on the membranes and after each one, the membrane was dried of MO and MB collected from the retentate and permeate sides of
at 120 ◦ C in an oven for 30 min. After that, the coated membranes the membrane and the concentrations of the feed (C0 ) were deter-
were treated at 200 ◦ C, with a heating and cooling rate of 1 ◦ C min−1 mined by measuring the visible light absorbance at 466 nm and
C.P. Athanasekou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178 (2015) 12–19 15

Fig. 1. (a) The adsorbed amount of pollutant vs. the total amount fed in the reactor during dark experiments. (b) The total amount of pollutant adsorbed on each membrane
in dark.

664 nm respectively. The total amounts of removed pollutant were The adsorption capacities of the membranes, as derived from
obtained from the mass balance between feed and permeate. After the dead-end filtration experiments with MO and MB, divided by
each photocatalytic experiment, the cell unit, the piston and the the respective adsorption capacities of the photocatalytic powders
fluid delivery system were washed with deionized (DI) water to (mg g−1 ), gave the amount of photocatalyst which was deposited
ensure that no pollutant species remained in the photocatalytic and stabilized on the ceramic substrates. This amount followed the
reactor. The experiments were performed under variable photo- order: mass(N-TiO2) > mass(ECT) > mass(GOT) > mass(ref GOT) in accor-
catalytic conditions by modifying the fluid flow rate (contact time), dance with the quantities of the adsorbed pollutant as they appear
the concentration of the pollutant, and the active irradiated sur- in Fig. 1b. Fig. 1b also reveals that three of the membranes exhib-
face. This was the first time that a photocatalytic filtration process ited preferable adsorptivity for MB, the organic shell layer covered
exploited the action of two active surfaces in one membrane ele- TiO2 membrane being the only exception. The preferable adsorp-
ment and the overall concept and way of implementation in an tion of MO over MB on this membrane can be explained in terms
efficient water purification device are already covered by a Euro- of point of zero charge (pHPZC ) of the involved photocatalysts in
pean patent [41]. Experiments with control samples (unmodified relation to the pH of the water solution and the charge of the two
membranes) under irradiation as well as control experiments with pollutants under these conditions. The pH of the used MB solution
modified and unmodified membranes in the absence of irradiation is 7.2 and the positively charged MB ions (Fig. 2a), are electrostatic-
permitted the calculation of the net photocatalytic activity of the ally attracted by the strongly negative charged surfaces of ECT-10,
two active surfaces developed in each membrane. GOT-10 and ref GOT-10 membranes (namely pHPZC ≈ 5.2, ≈3.2 and
≈3.5, respectively). On the other hand, at the pH conditions of the
MO solution (pH = 6.0 at a concentration of 4.4 mg L−1 ) the surface
3. Results and discussion of ECT-10, GOT-10 and ref GOT-10 is neutral to negative while MO
is also negatively charged since it has lost its amphoteric charac-
3.1. Evaluation of the sorption capacity—Filtration experiments ter due to deprotonation at the N N bridge between the rings
in dark (Fig. 2b). This concludes to electrostatic repulsions and limits the
amount of adsorbed MO. Regarding N-TiO2 -10 (pHPZC ≈ 6.7), its sur-
Filtration experiments were performed sequentially, starting face is positively charged at the pH conditions of the MO solution
without irradiation (in dark) and the capacity of the two mem- [42] and as a consequence it attracts the negatively charged MO.
branes to remove MO (4.4 × 10−3 mg mL−1 or 1.49 mol L−1 ) and MB On the other hand it is almost neutral at the pH conditions of the
(1.8 × 10−3 mg mL−1 or 0.58 mol L−1 ) from their aqueous solutions MB solution and thus, this explains the higher adsorption capacity
was examined in the dead-end filtration mode (flow-through) with for MO compared to MB.
a feed flow of 1.5 mL min−1 . Due to the large pore size (10 nm)
of the ultrafiltration membranes, mechanisms of size exclusion 3.2. Photocatalytic filtration experiments under UV irradiation
and charge repulsion of the pollutant molecules can be neglected.
However, concentration polarization phenomena can occur when After the dark period of dye adsorption, the UV irradiation
working at the flow-through mode because of the very high water experiments started, with the UV irradiation sources being applied
flux through the coated membranes. The thickness of the polar- on the lumen and the shell side surfaces of each membrane. The
ization layer increases as revealed by the plot presented in Fig. 1a, aqueous solution was flowing from the shell to the lumen side. The
which presents results of the filtration experiments in dark and
relates the adsorbed amount of pollutant to the total amount of
pollutant fed to the reactor. Filtration experiments in dark had
been conducted until the amount of pollutant adsorbed by the
unknown amount of the stabilized photocatalyst levels off. Batch
adsorption experiments (in dark) of the respective photocatalysts
in their powder form were also conducted for the determination
of their maximum adsorption capacities (mg g−1 ) at pH conditions
similar to the ones used in the filtration experiments. The ordi-
nate of each point in Fig. 1a was calculated by applying the MO
and MB mass balance between the feed and permeate side of the
membrane. Fig. 2. Molecular formulas of (a) methylene blue and (b) methyl orange.
16 C.P. Athanasekou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178 (2015) 12–19

Fig. 3. Mass of pollutant consumed vs. total mass fed in the reactor under UV irradiation: (a) MB and (b) MO.

Fig. 4. Mass of pollutant consumed vs. total mass fed in the reactor under Vis irradiation: (a) MB and (b) MO.

corresponding photocatalytically active surfaces of each membrane also a 2 to 5-fold higher photocatalytic efficiency for MB com-
were approximately 25 and 17.5 cm2 . Fig. 3 represents the amount pared to MO. On the other hand the N-TiO2 -10 membrane, with
of pollutant photocatalytically removed versus the total amount higher adsorption capacity for MB than for MO, exhibited almost
fed in the reactor. The slope of the treadlines fitted to the curves is similar photo-induced discoloration efficiency for both pollutants,
characteristic for the photocatalytic efficiency of each membrane. even if the MB removal is slightly higher than in the case of MO.
As seen, the N- TiO2 -10 membrane was the most efficient for the Table 1 shows the photocatalytic efficiency (slopes of the plots in
photo-induced discoloration of both MB (Fig. 3a) and MO (Fig. 3b) Figs. 3 and 4) and the adsorption capacity of the membranes associ-
dyes. The results also show a higher photocatalytic activity of the ated with the absolute amount of MO and MB adsorbed and with the
GOT-10 membrane than that of the reference membrane (ref GOT- photocatalyst characteristics such as the surface area, pore volume,
10), in particular when using MB. Thus, the addition of GO to TiO2 adsorption capacity and point of zero charge (pHPZC ).
favors significantly the discoloration efficiency of the membrane It can be concluded that amongst the structural characteristics
for MB, although it doesn’t affect much the photo-induced dis- of the deposited photocatalysts, solely the pore volume corre-
coloration efficiency of MO. ECT-10 exhibits similar performances lates well with the photocatalytic performance of the membranes.
to those of the GOT-10 membrane, under UV irradiation, all the Moreover, the photocatalytic efficiencies correlate well with the
membranes performed better against MB compared to MO. At this absolute amount of the adsorbed pollutant and not with the adsorp-
point we should stress issues related to the effect of the adsorp- tion capacity (mg g−1 ) of each material. The latter unveils that we
tion capacity on the photocatalytic efficiency of the membranes. have achieved the transfer and stabilization of the correct amounts
It can be seen that the three membranes (ECT-10, GOT-10 and ref of photocatalysts, thus generating ultra-thin deposits which were
GOT-10) presenting higher adsorption capacity for MB exhibited fully accessible to the incident irradiation.

Table 1
Characteristic properties of the deposited photocatalysts versus the photocatalytic efficiency of the membranes.

pHPZC SBET Pore vol. Ads.amount (mg) Ads.capacity (mg g−1 ) Photocatalytic efficiency
(m2 g−1 ) (mL g−1 )

N-TiO2-10 6.7 175 0.46 0.41 0.28 2.8 0.73 0.212 0.133 0.347 0.252
ECT-10 5.2 18 0.25 0.195 0.34 7 1.56 0.062 0.045 0.28 0.111
GOT-10 3.2 110 0.17 0.15 0.22 5.13 1.12 0.065 0.041 0.248 0.153
ref GOT-10 3.5 120 0.11 0.059 0.11 3.6 0.65 0.049 0.019 0.095 0.0824
C.P. Athanasekou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178 (2015) 12–19 17

Table 2
Flow and pressure conditions applied during the photocatalytic filtration experiments and performance characteristics of the developed membranes.

Rejection Permeance Pressure Membrane surface C/C0 Energy consumption by the

efficiency (R%) (Lm−2 h−1 bar−1 ) (bar) area (cm2 ) pump (kW h 100 m−3 )

GOT-10 MB Dark 11 17.3 1.7 29.6 4.7

UV 36 21.2 1.5 30.4 0.65 4.2
Vis 21 18.2 1.5 31.5 0.77 4.2
MO Dark 2 12.4 2.3 29.3 6.3
UV 7 21.5 1.6 32.8 0.92 4.3
Vis 5 17.6 1.8 31.5 0.94 5.1
Ref GOT-10 MB Dark 13 20.5 1.4 27.0 3.9
UV 14 32.9 1.3 25.1 0.86 3.7
Vis 12 21.0 1.4 27.2 0.88 3.9
MO Dark 2 28.4 1.3 25.1 3.5
UV 5 39.6 1.2 24.7 0.95 3.2
Vis 2 31.7 1.1 26.5 0.98 3.2
N-TiO2-10 MB Dark 9 5.5 5.2 30.8 14.8
UV 57 8.3 4.6 30.6 0.82 14.6
Vis 29 9.3 3.7 30.7 0.71 13.9
MO Dark 2 7.2 4.5 30.8 12.6
UV 27 10.8 3.4 30.5 0.95 12.2
Vis 15 11.6 2.8 30.6 0.97 11.7
ECT-10 MB Dark 10 2.2 13.5 32.4 37.7
UV 35 4.2 7.9 32.5 0.64 25.7
Vis 22 3.8 8.4 32.3 0.84 22.9
MO Dark 2 2.8 10.3 32.5 28.7
UV 7 4.7 8.1 33.0 0.93 27.0
Vis 5 3.4 9.0 33.0 0.95 25.2

3.3. Photocatalytic filtration experiments under Vis light where R%, the rejection factor, Cf and Cp , the concentration of
irradiation methyl orange in the feed stream and permeate effluent of the
membrane, respectively.
Visible light (Vis-light) filtration experiments were conducted The permeance (L m−2 h−1 bar−1 ) was calculated according to
on the membranes after an initial dark step of dye adsorption. the following equation:
The Vis-light irradiation sources were applied on the lumen and Fw
the shell side surfaces of each membrane. The preceding results Pe = 9.138 × 10−5 × w (2)
encouraged us to use the organic shell layer covered nanostruc-
tured TiO2 for the development of photocatalytic membranes. In where Fw (mL min−1 ) the water flow measured at the permeate
Fig. 4, the slope of each tread line corresponds to the photocat- side of the membrane (inner channel), S (cm2 ) the active surface
alytic efficiency of the membrane under Vis-light irradiation. As of the membrane, P (atm) the pressure difference between the
seen, N-TiO2 -10 exhibits a photocatalytic efficiency which is 1.5 outer and the inner channel of the reactor and w the density of
and 3 fold higher than those of the other membranes, for MB and water at the temperature of measurement.
MO, respectively, a fact attributed to its narrow band gap (2.19 eV), The energy consumption (kW h/100 m3 ) was calculated by
which makes possible its activation under visible light. The addi- means of Eq. (3), in terms of the pump power (shaft power) over
tion of GO to TiO2 (GOT-10) doubles the performance of TiO2 alone the time needed to drive 100 m3 of water to the membrane module,
(ref to GOT-10) for the photo-induced discoloration of both pollut- overcoming in parallel the pressure drop generated on the opposite
ants, indicating that GOT composites with optimal content of GO sides of the membrane during the cross flow filtration.
can extend the photocatalytic activity under Vis-light illumination. P × w
The ECT-10 and N-TiO2 -10 membranes exhibited almost simi- E (kW h) = 100 × (3)
S × 36
lar photocatalytic performance in the discoloration of MB under
In the above equation, P (bar) is the pressure in the retentate
UV (Fig. 3a). However, the ECT-10 efficiency for MB removal was
side of the membrane, w (g cm−3 ) the density of the fluid and
moderate under Vis-light (Fig. 4a) showing that the respective pho-
S the pump efficiency (usually 0.8). The performance can also be
tocatalyst is not appropriate for applications in the visible range of
expressed in terms of permeate pollutant concentration reduction,
the electromagnetic spectrum.
C/C0 .
The performance characteristics of the membranes during dark
3.4. Comparison of the membranes’ performance in terms of filtration (Table 2) are obtained at steady state conditions (i.e. after
pollutant removal efficiency and energy efficiency of the process reaching adsorption equilibrium). All membranes succeed better
against MB than MO. When the efficiency of the membranes is
The importance of inducing photoactivity on the surface of UF evaluated in terms of their capacity to reduce the dyes concen-
membranes is evidenced by the filtration performance characteris- tration (C/C0 ) at the permeate effluent, the UV irradiation proves
tics presented in Table 2 which includes the operation parameters to be more effective than Visible, for all the membranes, with the
of the photocatalytic filtration process and the efficiency in terms of exception of N-TiO2 -10, where the organic layer of the nanoparti-
pollutant rejection efficiency (R%) and capacity to reduce the dyes’ cles seems to improve the performance against MB, something that
concentration (C/C0 ) at the permeate effluent. does not happen with MO possibly due to the cationic nature of MB.
The pollutant rejection efficiency (R%) was calculated according Overall, the best performance comes from the GOT-10 and ECT-10
to the following equation: membranes, which under UV irradiation attain a reduction on the
MB concentration of ca. 65% in the permeate relative to the feed.
Cf − Cp
R% = × 100 (1) It can be seen (Table 2) that the permeance values increase,
Cf when the membranes are suddenly exposed from filtration in dark
18 C.P. Athanasekou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178 (2015) 12–19

to UV irradiation. This is attributed to the photocatalytic discol-

oration of the concentrated pollutant that had been accumulated on
the external surface (feed surface) of the membrane, upon comple-
tion of the adsorption experiment in dark. As already mentioned,
irradiation (UV or Vis) is applied to both surfaces of the tubular
membrane, aiming to mitigate fouling on the external surface (nano
pores) during filtration and to enhance the photoactivity on the
internal surface, due to high photocatalyst mass per water volume
ratio servicing the elimination of the pollutants from the permeate
effluent. The enhanced permeability of the N-TiO2 -10 membrane
when irradiated with visible light, compared to UV irradiation,
should be highlighted, since it demonstrates the attainment of the
desired targeted activation of the catalyst under visible light. The
ref GOT-10 appears to be the most hydrophilic material of the four
types of TiO2 used, since this membrane exhibits the highest water
flux properties at very low trans-membrane pressures and, there-
fore, the lowest energy dissipation during operation. Nevertheless, Fig. 5. Degraded pollutant mass by N-TiO2 -10 membrane, under irradiation vs. the
its poor dye removal performance prevents it from being a candi- corresponding energy consumption (shaft power of the pump).

date for UF membrane applications.

The highest pollutant rejection efficiency is achieved using the irradiation and even better for degraded amounts of MB up 0.08 mg.
N-TiO2 -10 membrane against MB and under UV irradiation. ECT-10 This proves that doping with Nitrogen activates successfully TiO2 in
and GOT-10 come next, leaving the ref GOT-10 membrane last. The the visible light fraction of the solar spectrum and the energy cost
same ranking holds for MO, under both UV and Vis light. Neverthe- of employing external UV illumination sources, can be omitted.
less, when the energy expense is also considered, N-TiO2 -10 does It should be also pointed out that the photocatalytic powders
not appear to be the best choice. GOT-10 can provide 63% of the used in these studies have shown efficient photocatalytic activity
N-TiO2 -10 membrane’s rejection efficiency while consuming only against various other than dye pollutants, (p.e. diphenhydramine
28% of the respective energy. This means that by recycling the per- [21], cyanobacterial toxins (microcystin LR) and water off-odor
meate effluent of the GOT-10 membrane back to the reactor two or compounds (geosmin, 2-methylisoborneol) [43]) both in the UV
more times, we can achieve a higher MB or MO rejection efficiency and visible spectral range. In this study coloured dyes were chosen
value than that of N-TiO2 -10, with lower total energy consumption. as the model pollutants due to the facile photometric monitoring of
In any case, the energy consumption values illustrated in Table 2 their concentration. Nevertheless, some other compounds of envi-
are, by far, lower than the energy consumption of a typical commer- ronmental interest which have been proposed by Ryu and Choi
cially available ceramic NF membrane which consumes 85 kW h to [44] for a complete activity assessment of photocatalysis will be
clean, by size exclusion, 100 m3 of polluted water, with a MO rejec- examined in the future.
tion efficiency of 12%. A typical reverse osmosis (RO) system needs
about 120 kW h for the same task. The water recovery of all the 4. Conclusions
photocatalytic membranes tested in this study was 100%, since the
experiments were taken place at the “flow through” or “dead end” Four types of titania modified ultrafiltration membranes were
mode. Contrary, the NF membrane could only participate in “cross produced via deposition and stabilization of novel photocatalytic
flow experiments” [33] with a water recovery of 27 and 32% for materials on the external and internal (pore) surface of ceramic
the MB and MO experiments, respectively. Operating in the flow supports. All the membranes proved to be effective against com-
through mode and at the same flow rate (1.5 mL/min) would cause mon problems faced by the conventional high flux-thin film
enhancement of the pressure above the operation limits of our composite polymeric nanofiltration systems, when treating waste
photocatalytic membrane reactor (50 bar). that contains textile dyes, like fouling tendency, increased energy
When trying to evaluate the economic feasibility of the proposed consumption and the formation of hard-to-dispose toxic concen-
hybrid photocatalytic/ultrafiltration water treatment process and trate retendate effluents of the pollutant. All membranes performed
compare it to the standard NF and RO processes, we should take better against MB than MO. In particular, N-TiO2 -10 proved to be
into account both the energy consumed for powering the UV and the best membrane for the treatment of MO under UV irradiation
Vis irradiation sources and the energy consumed by the pump to and GOT-10 the most appropriate for the treatment of MB. The vis-
circulate the fluid into the reactor. As an example, applying three ible light activation attempts made toward reduction of the energy
or more UVA irradiation sources of 8 W each, with the purpose to cost were successful. The proposed combined photocatalytic ultra-
achieve sufficient irradiation density on the 33 cm2 of active mem- filtration process for organic load removal from water exploiting
brane surface had led to a total energy consumption which was solar light as the only energy source can be effectively applied
identical to that required by a commercially available polymeric as an energy efficient alternative to the typical nanofiltration
NF membrane process for treating the same amount of water. The process.
reason is that photocatalytic membranes operate not only at much
lower pressure but also at higher recovery (100% compared to 30%) Acknowledgements
[33] and as a consequence, they need less time to treat the same
amount of water. This research has been co-financed by the European Union
Furthermore, Fig. 5 shows the amount of degraded pollutant (European Social Fund—ESF) and Greek national funds through
(MO and MB) as a function of the energy spent by the process when the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of
applying the membrane N-TiO2 -10. As seen, the discoloration of MB the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)—Research
due to UV irradiation has an energy cost which is almost double Funding Program: Thales “AOP-NanoMat” (MIS 379409). Financial
compared to that of MO. Likewise, the visible light discoloration is support for this work was also provided by project PTDC/AAC-
1.5 times more expensive when working with MB. In both cases AMB/122312/2010 co-financed by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e
the performance under visible light, is as good as that under UV a Tecnologia) and FEDER (ERDF–European Regional Development
C.P. Athanasekou et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 178 (2015) 12–19 19

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