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Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Processing: A Survey: November 2016

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Conference Paper · November 2016


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Somaiya Vidyavihar


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Department of Electronics Engineering,
K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering,Vidyavihar, Mumbai,400077
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— The Brain Tumor is affecting many people worldwide. It is not only limited with the old age people but also
detected in the early age . Brain Tumor is the abnormal growth of cell inside the brain cranium which limits the functioning
of the brain. Early detection of the brain tumor is possible with the advancement of machine learning (ML) and image
processing (IP) .In this paper stages of image processing are discussed and overview of the analogous papers are quoted by
analyzing several research papers. This paper provides gist of technologies which can be used to predict brain tumor.

Keywords — Brain Tumor, Segmentation methods, MRI.


Brain tumor develops because of unusual cell growth

within the brain. Brain Tumor generally classified
into two types benign and malignant tumors[1].
Malignant Tumors are fast growing cancerous tissues.
Benign are slow growing, stagnant cancerous tumor.
Most of the tumors are life threatening , brain tumor
being one among them. Primary brain tumors
originates in the brain. In the Secondary type of brain
tumor the tumor expansion into the brain results from
other parts of the body. Imaging tumors with more
accuracy plays pivotal role in the diagnosis of tumors.
It involves high resolution techniques like MRI , CT
,PET etc. MRI is a important mean for studying the
body’s visceral structures [2]. MRI is widely used
because it gives better quality images of the brain and
cancerous tissues compared with the other medical Figure 1.Steps for image processing
imaging techniques such as X-Ray or Computed
Tomography (CT). As being a non-invasive A] Preprocessing and Enhancement of an Image
technique MRI are majorly used[13]. The basic
principle behind MRI is to generate images from MRI This is the first step of image processing it is used to
scan using strong magnetic field and radio waves of enhance the chances of detecting the suspicious
the body which helps in investigating the anatomy of region. Finer details of the image are enhanced and
the body. noise is removed from the image. Clinical MRI when
corrupted by noise reduces the accuracy of the image.
The entire paper is organized as, Existing Various filters are used to remove this noise .
methodologies in section II , comparison of K-means Anisotropic filter is used to remove background noise,
and Fuzzy clustering in section III, comparison of GA weighted median filter is used to remove salt and
and PSO in section IV, survey of different methods pepper noise. Wavelet based de-noising method
used until now are quoted in section V. makes wavelet and scaling coefficient biased. The
original image and image after enhancement is shown

Image Processing techniques are used to detect

tumor that has mainly following steps – Pre
Processing, segmentation, Feature Extraction and
Classification. The flowchart of the steps followed in
tumor detection and classification is shown in figure
1. Initial stage includes collection of MRI samples.
MRI has different weighted images T-1 Weighted, T-
2 Weighted and Flair -Weighted. Figure 2. Image enhancement

Proceedings of 65th IRF International Conference, 20th November, 2016, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-86291-38-7
Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Processing: A Survey

B] Segmentation methods In this algorithm , at the start number of solutions or

Image segmentation is the method of breaking down populations are available , the solution from one
an image into small parts.segmentation is performed population is utilized to form a new population which
to make the analysis easier. There are following types is superior than the old one . As long as some
of image segmentation. condition satisfies this process is repeated.Expensive
1] Boundary approach or Thresholding computational cost is the drawback of GA.
It is the most commonly used segmentation method . d)PSO (Particle swarm optimization)
It is the gray valve remapping method where if p is It is a population based search algorithm which is
considered as an operation then as shown in equation initiated with the randomly selected populations , also
(1), called as particles. All the particles in the PSO have
their individual fitness value , which can be
p (v )= {o1 if v< t
if v≥ t
.....(1) calculated by the fitness function. They also have
velocity which directs the flying of the particle in
search space. Unlike GA ,PSO does not have a direct
where v is the gray valve and t is the threshold value . recombination operator. Drawback of PSO is , the
In the thresholding method the gray image is swarm may prematurely converge as there is rapid
converted to binary image . After thresholding the information flowing between particles. It is also
image has segmented into two values 0 and 1. problem reliant as the output rely on the parameter
2] Edge approach setting of the algorithm.Comparison between GA and
In edge-based segmentation method , the detected PSO is given in Table 2.
edges in an image are assumed to represent object C) Feature Extraction
boundaries and used to identify these objects. Edge Extracting the exact tumor is a crucial task in case of
based segmentation very rarely gives the absolute brain tumor because of the complex structure of
distinct and closed boundaries needed for a direct brain. Certain parameters are taken into account for
segmentation. Chances are more that false edge feature extraction as size , shape, composition ,
detection and many of the times it requires edge location of the image . As per the results obtained
linking to joint the partial edges into an object from the feature extraction the classification of the
boundary. tumor is done .
3] Region approach
Region based approach depends on the assumption III. COMPARISON OF K-MEANS AND FUZZY
that the bordering pixels within one region have CLUSTERING
similar values. It focuses on finding object region
instead of it's edges.It compares one pixel with its Table 1. Comparison of K-means and Fuzzy
neighbors,if the congruence criteria satisfies then the clustering
pixel can be set to belong to the cluster as one or more
of its neighbors. Different clustering algorithms are
used in this type of approach .
a)K-means algorithm
K-means algorithm is widely used clustering
technique. Which is also known as hard clustering
algorithm, it partitions a given dataset into c or k
clusters . This algorithm is simple fast and robust to
implement . It has some disadvantages as it may not
be successful to find overlapping clusters and it also
fails to cluster noisy data and non-linear datasets.
b)Fuzzy clustering
Fuzzy clustering also known as soft clustering . In this
an object is a member of a single cluster as well as a IV. COMPARISON OF GA AND PSO
member of many clusters . i.e. objects which are
located on the boundaries of the clusters are not forced Table 2. Comparison of GA and PSO
to belong to a certain cluster, rather they can be
member of many clusters. Comparison between K-
means and Fuzzy is given in Table 1.
c)Genetic Algorithms
GA and it's many versions are well received in
academe and industry because of it's advantages such
as it is ease of implementation, ability to solve higher
nonlinearities and it's intuitiveness. GA has three
main operators as recombination, mutation and
selection operator.

Proceedings of 65th IRF International Conference, 20th November, 2016, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-86291-38-7
Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Processing: A Survey


Table 3. Different methods used and their conclusions

Figure 3. Methodologies studied in the survey


In this work, several methodologies are examined to

denote the conventional stages of MRI image
processing also analyzed individual segmentation
approach. In conjunction with this different
methodologies proposed by the researchers are
considered to conclude that machine learning shows
an important role in brain tumor detection and
classification together with appropriate segmentation
approach. Along with this comparison between K-
means and fuzzy c, GA and PSO has also being


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Proceedings of 65th IRF International Conference, 20th November, 2016, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-86291-38-7

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