AfL Pupil Questionnaire 1005 v2

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Assessment for learning pupil questionnaire

Please circle the most appropriate response -

How often do teachers ? a = nearly always b = often c = sometimes d = rarely

How much does this help you learn? 1 = very much 2 = quite a lot 3 = a bit 4 = not much

3. Learning objectives

3.1a How often do teachers clearly explain what you are trying to learn in a b c d
the lesson (the learning objectives)

3.1b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

3.1c In which subject (or subjects) are you 3.1d In which subject (or subjects) are you
clearest about what you are trying to least clear about what you are trying to
learn in the lesson? learn in the lesson?

3.2a How often do teachers explain or show you what needs to be done to a b c d
achieve the learning objectives? (this may be by giving an example or
demonstrating something)

3.2b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

3.2c In which subject (or subjects) do you know 3.2d In which subject (or subjects) do you not
when you have achieved the learning know if you have achieved the learning
objectives? objectives?

3.3a How often do teachers explain how what you are learning will help a b c d
you do well in the subject? (e.g. help you achieve a personal target, help
you build up your understanding or help you do well in future tests)

3.3b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

3.3c In which subject (or subjects) do you 3.3d In which subject (or subjects) do you not
understand how the learning will help you understand how the learning will help you
personally? personally?

3.4a How often do teachers discuss what you have learned in the lesson? a b c d
(e.g. in the middle or towards the end of a lesson with the whole class or
with groups or with individuals)

3.4b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

3.4c In which subject (or subjects) do you most 3.4d In which subject (or subjects) do you
often discuss what you have learned during never discuss what you have learned
lessons? during lessons?
Assessment for learning pupil questionnaire

Please circle the most appropriate response -

How often do teachers ? a = nearly always b = often c = sometimes d = rarely

How much does this help you learn? 1 = very much 2 = quite a lot 3 = a bit 4 = not much

4. Oral and Written feedback

4.1a How often do teachers talk to you in lessons about what you have a b c d
done well and what you need to do to improve?

4.1b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

4.1c In which subject (or subjects) are you 4.1d In which subject (or subjects) are you
clearest about what you need to do to improve? least clear about what you need to do improve?

4.3aHow often do teachers write comments on your work which explain a b c d

what you have done well and what you need to do to improve?

4.2b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

4.2c In which subject (or subjects) do you find 4.2d In which subject (or subjects) do you find
the written comments from the teacher most the written comments from the teacher least
helpful? helpful?

4.3a How often do teachers talk to you about how well you are doing to a b c d
achieve the learning objectives of the lesson?

4.3b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

4.3c In which subject (or subjects) are you 4.3d In which subject (or subjects) are you
clearest during lessons about how well you are least clear during lessons about how well you
doing? are doing?

4.4aHow often do teachers discuss their written comments with you (i.e. a b c d
soon after giving them to you)?

4.4b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

4.4c In which subject (or subjects) do you often 4.4d In which subject (or subjects) do you
use the written comments to review how well rarely use the written comments to review how
you have done and improve your work? well you have done and improve your work?
Assessment for learning pupil questionnaire

Please circle the most appropriate response -

How often do teachers ? a = nearly always b = often c = sometimes d = rarely

How much does this help you learn? 1 = very much 2 = quite a lot 3 = a bit 4 = not much

5. Peer and self assessment

5.1a How often do teachers ask you to mark or comment on your work a b c d
and progress in lessons?

5.1b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

5.1c In which subject (or subjects) do you 5.1d In which subject (or subjects) do you
regularly do this? rarely or never do this?

5.2a How often do teachers ask you to mark or comment on a a b c d

class-mates work in lessons?

5.2b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

5.2c In which subject (or subjects) do you 5.2d In which subject (or subjects) do you
regularly do this? rarely or never assess do this?

5.3a How often do teachers provide guidelines (criteria) to help you to a b c d

mark your own or a classmates work so you can judge how good it is
and how to improve it?

5.3b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

5.3c In which subject (or subjects) do teachers 5.3d In which subject (or subjects) do teachers
regularly provide these guidelines? rarely or never provide guidelines?

5.4a How often do teachers ask you to work in pairs or groups to help you a b c d
do well in lessons or to discuss how to improve your work?

5.4b How much do you think this helps you learn? 1 2 3 4

5.4cIn which subject (or subjects) do teachers 5.4d In which subject (or subjects) do teachers
usually ask you to work in pairs or groups to rarely let you work in pairs or in groups to
produce the best work you can? produce the best work you can?

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