Activities List - Preparing For The Common Application

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Activities List - Preparing for The Common Application

Update this list on a regular basis. You can use this list when you build your resume.

You will also use this list when you apply to colleges during your senior year.Reporting activities can help a college better understand
your life outside of the classroom. Your activities may include arts, athletics, clubs, employment, personal commitments, and other

For each of your activities, complete the following 8 questions:

1. Activity type (Choose one)
-Academic, Art, Athletics: Club, Athletics: JV/Varsity, Career Oriented, Community Service (Volunteer), Computer/Technology,
Cultural, Dance, Debate/Speech, Environmental, Family Responsibilities, Foreign Exchange, Foreign Language,
Journalism/Publication, Junior ROTC, LGBT, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Religious, Robotics, School Spirit, Science/Math,
Student Govt./Politics, Theater/Drama, Work (Paid), Other Club/Activity


2. Position/Leadership description and organization name, if applicable (50 character limit)

__________Crew Trainer - Training new crew and supervising when managers are away.____________

3. Details, honors won and accomplishments (150 character limit)

Given Employee of the month after 5 months
Given a raise and promotion to my current position after 6 months

4. Participation grade levels (choose all that apply)

5. Timing of participation (choose all that apply)
During school year
During school break
All year

6. Hours spent per week ___20____

7. Weeks spent per year ___30____

8. I intend to participate in a similar activity in college. Yes or No


2. Position/Leadership description and organization name, if applicable (50 character limit)

__________Robotics - I was just a low level member in my first year.____________

3. Details, honors won and accomplishments (150 character limit)

Worked to complete tasks on a robot to win a competition in FIRST

4. Participation grade levels (choose all that apply)


5. Timing of participation (choose all that apply)

During school year
During school break
ll year

6. Hours spent per week __20____

7. Weeks spent per year ___40____

8. I intend to participate in a similar activity in college. Yes or No or Possibly

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