Survival Outcome of Combined GnRHagonist and Tamoxi

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Survival outcome of combined GnRH agonist and

tamoxifen is comparable to that of sequential adriamycin

and cyclophosphamide chemotherapy plus tamoxifen in
premenopausal early breast cancer patients
Thitikon Krisorakun MD , Doonyapat Sa-nguanraksa MD, PhD, Pornchai O-charoenrat MD, PhD *

Division of Head Neck and Breast Surgery, Department of Surgery, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand 10700

Background There were no significant difference in the most There was no mortality in either group.
of demographic parameters, except types of There was no significant difference in DFS
Ovarian function suppression (OFS) has surgery and radiation administration between the two groups (GnRH-TAM vs AC-
been shown to improve the outcome of TAM: 96.9% vs 96.9%, HR = 0.637,
high-risk premenopausal patients when (95%CI=0.080-5.081), p=0.671).
combined with tamoxifen, but this benefit No adverse effect was occurred and good
was not established in a low-risk group compliance was observed in all patients who
Patients administered with a GnRH agonist received GnRH-TAM.
alone demonstrated better quality of life
compared to those who treated with
adjuvant chemotherapy
Only few studies have illustrated the GnRH
agonists as substitutes for chemotherapy
in hormone-responsive breast cancer

To compare the effect of two adjuvant
treatment regimens, the GnRH agonist
plus tamoxifen (GnRH-TAM) versus
standard chemotherapy with Adriamycin
and Cyclophosphamide (AC) plus
tamoxifen (AC-TAM), on overall survival
(OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) in
premenopausal patients having hormonal
receptor positive, node-negative, early Figure 1: Kaplan-Meier curve of disease free survival of
stage breast cancer. GnRH-TAM vs AC-TAM

Methods Conclusion
Retrospective non-inferior trial Table 1: Baseline characteristics of patients, tumors and
In premenopausal women with
The patients were recruited from the treatments hormone-receptor positive, node-
Division of Head Neck and Breast Surgery, negative early breast cancer, adjuvant
Department of Surgery, Siriraj Hospital, treatment with GnRH-TAM represents a
Mahidol University, Thailand between 2005- valid option with similar survival
Inclusion criterias:
outcomes as those who were treated
Premenopausal breast cancer with AC-TAM.
Tumor size < 3 cm References
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Patients either received GnRH-TAM or AC- agonist alone in premenopausal advanced breast cancer: a
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received subcutaneous injection of 10.8 mg
3. Baum M, et al. Adjuvant Zoladex in premenopausal
of Goserelin every 3 months for 2-3 years patients with early breast cancer: results from the ZIPP trial.
and TAM (20 mg per day) for 5 years. Breast 2001;10(Supp1): S32-3.
In the AC-TAM group, AC was administered 4. Schmid P, et al. Leuprorelin acetate every-3-months depot
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5. Kaufmann Ma, et al. Survival analyses from the ZEBRA
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40 patients received GnRH-TAM and 217 2003;39:17117
patients received AC-TAM.
Median follow up time was 67 months Table 2: Factors affecting recurrence according to GnRH-TAM,
*Corresponding author:
(range 8-176 months). AC-TAM groups univariate analysis [email protected]

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