Nej Mo A 0810818
Nej Mo A 0810818
Nej Mo A 0810818
original article
A bs t r ac t
The members of the writing committee The aromatase inhibitor letrozole, as compared with tamoxifen, improves disease-
(Henning Mouridsen, M.D., chair, Anita free survival among postmenopausal women with receptor-positive early breast can-
Giobbie-Hurder, M.S., Aron Goldhirsch,
M.D., Beat Thrlimann, M.D., Robert cer. It is unknown whether sequential treatment with tamoxifen and letrozole is
Paridaens, M.D., Ian Smith, M.D., Louis superior to letrozole therapy alone.
Mauriac, M.D., John F. Forbes, F.R.A.C.S.,
M.S., Karen N. Price, B.S., Meredith M.
Regan, Sc.D., Richard D. Gelber, Ph.D.,
and Alan S. Coates, M.D.) assume full re- In this randomized, phase 3, double-blind trial of the treatment of hormone-recep-
sponsibility for the overall content and torpositive breast cancer in postmenopausal women, we randomly assigned wom-
integrity of the article. The affiliations of
the members of the writing committee en to receive 5 years of tamoxifen monotherapy, 5 years of letrozole monotherapy,
are listed in the Appendix. Address re- or 2 years of treatment with one agent followed by 3 years of treatment with the
print requests to the International Breast other. We compared the sequential treatments with letrozole monotherapy among
Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Coordinat-
ing Center, Effingerstr. 40, 3008 Bern, 6182 women and also report a protocol-specified updated analysis of letrozole ver-
Switzerland, or at ibcsg18_BIG1-98@ sus tamoxifen monotherapy in 4922 women.
Among postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer, sequen-
tial treatment with letrozole and tamoxifen, as compared with letrozole monotherapy,
did not improve disease-free survival. The difference in overall survival with letro-
zole monotherapy and tamoxifen monotherapy was not statistically significant.
( number, NCT00004205.)
or decades, the standard adjuvant letrozole (Femara, Novartis), 2.5 mg daily, or only
endocrine therapy for postmenopausal wom- tamoxifen, 20 mg daily, for 5 years; however, from
en with hormone-receptorpositive early April 1999 through May 2003, women were ran-
breast cancer was tamoxifen, taken for 5 years, domly assigned to one of four study treatments:
a treatment that improved disease-free survival only tamoxifen for 5 years, only letrozole for
and reduced the number of deaths from breast 5 years, letrozole for 2 years followed by tamoxifen
cancer.1 More recently, reports from the Breast for 3 years, or tamoxifen for 2 years followed by
International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial2,3 and the letrozole for 3 years (Fig. 1).
Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combina- The primary end point was disease-free surviv-
tion trial (ATAC; number, al, defined as the time from randomization to the
NCT00849030)4,5 showed that 5 years of adjuvant first of any of the following events (hereinafter
therapy with an aromatase inhibitor alone improved called primary-end-point events): recurrence of the
disease-free survival as compared with 5 years of disease at a local, regional, or distant site; a new
tamoxifen therapy; other large studies showed that invasive cancer in the contralateral breast; any sec-
switching to an aromatase inhibitor after initial ond (nonbreast) cancer; or death without a previ-
treatment with tamoxifen improved survival.6-12 ous cancer event. Other end points included time
A meta-analysis13 of trials of initial and sequen- to the recurrence of breast cancer (including inva-
tial strategies supported the recommendation in sive contralateral breast cancer but not consider-
guidelines that an aromatase inhibitor should be ing second [nonbreast] cancers and with censoring
included in adjuvant therapy for postmenopausal of deaths that were not associated with a previous
women with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer event); time to distant recurrence, defined
cancer.14-16 as the time from randomization to the recurrence
In the BIG 1-98 study, we compared mono- of breast cancer at a distant site; and overall sur-
therapy with tamoxifen, monotherapy with an aro- vival.
matase inhibitor, and two sequential treatments: The 2005 results,2 which showed the superior-
tamoxifen followed by an aromatase inhibitor (for ity of letrozole over tamoxifen, led to the recom-
which models predicting contradictory outcomes mendation by the data and safety monitoring
have been published17,18) and an aromatase inhibi- committee of the International Breast Cancer
tor followed by tamoxifen. Initial results from the Study Group (IBCSG), and a decision by the BIG
BIG 1-98 trial showed that the aromatase inhibi- 1-98 steering committee, to inform women in the
tor letrozole given alone, as compared with ta- tamoxifen-monotherapy group of their treatment,
moxifen given alone, reduced the risk of recurrent thereby allowing informed decisions to be made
disease, especially at distant sites.2 In this report, about their future care. An amendment of the pro-
we present the results of the comparison of each tocol in April 2005 allowed for the provision of
sequential treatment with letrozole monotherapy. letrozole to any patient assigned to tamoxifen
We also present a protocol-defined updated analy monotherapy who was free of disease, was receiv-
sis of the comparison between 5 years of mono- ing tamoxifen, and wished to cross over to letro-
therapy with tamoxifen and 5 years of monothera- zole (selective crossover). With respect to the three
py with letrozole. groups whose treatment regimens included letro-
zole, the double-blind nature of the study remained
Me thods in effect.
2-Group Option
Letrozole Tamoxifen
0 1 2 3 4 5
were analyzed by statisticians at the IBCSG Sta- results of the other three pairwise treatment com-
tistical Center. parisons specified in the amendment of April
The final efficacy analysis of the sequential 2005.)
treatments was reviewed by the data and safety Analyses were performed according to the in-
monitoring committee in October 2008 and re- tention-to-treat principle. KaplanMeier20 esti-
leased to the steering committee when a protocol- mates of the time-to-event end points were cal-
defined number of primary-end-point events had culated. A Cox proportional-hazards regression
occurred. At the same time, the planned 10-year analysis21 (stratified according to chemotherapy
efficacy update of the monotherapy treatments use, on the basis of the randomization stratum
was performed. [Fig. 1]) was used to estimate P values and haz-
ard ratios, with 99% confidence intervals to ac-
Statistical Analysis count for the five comparisons described in the
The evaluation of sequential treatments involved amendment of April 2005. We used cumulative-
only the women who participated in the four-group incidence estimates22 to control for competing
randomization option. To ensure adequate power, risks. The significance of differences in the inci-
statistical considerations were based on primary- dence of adverse events among the four treatment
end-point events that occurred after the fifth groups was assessed with the use of Fishers exact
6-month supply of study medication was dispensed test; these analyses were not adjusted for mul-
that is, after the agents were changed in the tiple comparisons.
sequential treatments (approximately 2 years after The study protocol specified that an updated
randomization). The objective was to assess the analysis of the comparison of letrozole mono-
superiority of switching endocrine agents as com- therapy with tamoxifen monotherapy be performed
pared with continuing the initial agent. For each 10 years after the beginning of the trial. We there-
of the two pairwise comparisons (tamoxifen fol- fore updated the previous analysis3 of the 4922
lowed by letrozole vs. tamoxifen and letrozole fol- women who were assigned to one of the two
lowed by tamoxifen vs. letrozole), we calculated monotherapy groups either as part of the two-
that at least 331 primary-end-point events after group or as part of the four-group randomization
the switch in treatment would be needed for the option. For this analysis, the Cox models were
study to have 80% power to detect a 29% reduc- stratified both according to chemotherapy use and
tion in the risk of a primary-end-point event after according to randomization option, and 95% con-
the switch. (Section 2 in the Supplementary Ap- fidence intervals were calculated. Among the 2459
pendix shows the results of the treatment com- women assigned to tamoxifen monotherapy, 619
parisons evaluated after the time of the switch in (25.2%) selectively crossed over to letrozole before
treatment.) a primary-end-point event occurred, and follow-up
In 2005, on the basis of emerging data from the after the crossover accounted for 7.2% of total
BIG 1-98 trial and other trials, the data and safety patient-years of follow-up. Women who selectively
monitoring committee recommended that the crossed over were more likely to have node-posi-
steering committee revise the statistical-analysis tive disease than those who continued to receive
plan to include five additional pairwise treatment tamoxifen (46.9% vs. 29.0%). Crossovers occurred
comparisons, with analyses starting from the time between 3 and 5 years after the start of therapy,
of randomization. An amendment activated in and the average duration of letrozole therapy after
April 2005, before any evaluation of results for the crossover was 18 months. In addition to intention-
sequential-treatment groups was performed, spec- to-treat analyses, exploratory analyses were per-
ifies the comparisons, which include the two that formed in which data were censored at the time
are most clinically relevant: comparisons of each of crossover.
sequential treatment with 5 years of letrozole
monotherapy. These comparisons are the main R e sult s
focus of this report. Post hoc power calculations
showed that if the true reduction in the risk of a Analysis of Sequential Treatment
primary-end-point event was at least 26.7%, there Clinical Characteristics
was an 80% chance that the 99% confidence in- A total of 8028 women were enrolled in the BIG
terval would exclude a hazard ratio of 1.00. (Sec- 1-98 trial; 18 withdrew consent and did not re-
tion 3 in the Supplementary Appendix shows the ceive treatment, leaving an intention-to-treat pop-
ulation of 8010 (Fig. 1). The sequential-treatment ference in the outcome between women who were
analyses were performed on the basis of the 6182 assigned to letrozole alone and those who were
women in the intention-to-treat population who assigned to letrozole followed by tamoxifen, re-
were randomly assigned to a treatment group as gardless of nodal status (Fig. 3B and 3D).
part of the four-group option. This cohort includ-
ed 3604 women (58.3%) with node-negative dis- Safety
ease, 3480 (56.3%) in whom the primary tumor Section 4 in the Supplementary Appendix shows
was less than 2 cm, 3782 (61.2%) who underwent the adverse events that occurred among women
breast-conserving surgery, and 4596 (74.3%) who who were randomly assigned to a treatment group
received no adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy. as part of the four-group option, according to time
The median age at randomization was 61 years (years 1 and 2, 3 through 5, and overall) and
(range, 38 to 89). Clinical characteristics were Common Toxicity Criteria grade (any grade and
well balanced across the four treatment groups grade 3 to 5, on a scale of 1 to 5, with higher
(data not shown). The median follow-up period numbers indicating worse toxic effects). There was
for the sequential-treatment analyses was 71 a higher incidence of thromboembolic events
months. The database for this report was locked among women who were assigned to one of the
on July 2, 2008. regimens that included tamoxifen than among
those who were assigned to letrozole monother-
Efficacy apy (4.1 to 4.9% vs. 2.4%, P<0.001). There were
Figure 2 shows the hazard ratios, with 99% con- similar rates of stroke and transient cerebral ische
fidence intervals, for the comparisons of each of mic attack between women who were assigned
the sequential treatments with letrozole mono- to one of the regimens that included tamoxifen
therapy with respect to the study end points. and those who were not (1.7 to 1.9% and 1.4%,
Differences between the treatment groups were respectively; P=0.74). The incidence of cardiac
not significant. The KaplanMeier estimates of events of any type or grade was similar between
the percentage of patients who remained disease- women who were assigned to one of the regimens
free at 5 years after randomization were 87.9% that included letrozole and women who were as-
in the group that was assigned to letrozole alone, signed to tamoxifen monotherapy (6.1 to 7.0% and
87.6% in the group that was assigned to letrozole 5.7%, respectively; P=0.45). The incidence of hy-
followed by tamoxifen, and 86.2% in the group percholesterolemia (predominantly mild) was lower
that was assigned to tamoxifen followed by letro- among women who were assigned to tamoxifen
zole. The estimated 5-year rate of disease-free sur- monotherapy than among those who were assigned
vival for women in the tamoxifen-monotherapy to one of the regimens that included letrozole
group was 84.6% on the basis of the intention-to- (29.9% vs. 41.4 to 53.2%, P<0.001).
treat analysis in which 612 of the 1548 women in Vaginal bleeding was reported in 9.9% of the
the tamoxifen-monotherapy group (39.5%) crossed women who were assigned to tamoxifen mono-
over to letrozole. Section 3 of the Supplementary therapy, 5.1% of those who were assigned to letro-
Appendix shows the KaplanMeier curves for dis- zole monotherapy, and 6.4 to 7.5% of those who
ease-free survival in all four groups, the sites of were assigned to sequential therapy (P<0.001). Hot
first primary-end-point events, and the hazard ra- flashes and night sweats occurred in all groups
tios for the five pairwise comparisons. but were more frequent among women who were
Figure 3 shows the cumulative incidence of the assigned to one of the regimens that included
recurrence of breast cancer among women in each tamoxifen than among women assigned to letro-
of the two sequential-regimen groups as compared zole monotherapy (hot flashes: 41.7 to 44.0% of
with the letrozole-monotherapy group, with sec- women vs. 37.7%, P=0.003; night sweats: 17.8 to
ond, nonbreast primary cancers and deaths with- 19.4% vs. 15.6%, P=0.04). Arthralgia, myalgia, or
out a recurrence of breast cancer considered as both were more frequent among women assigned
competing events. The risk of a recurrence of to one of the regimens that included letrozole than
breast cancer with tamoxifen followed by letro- among women assigned to tamoxifen monother-
zole did not differ significantly from the risk with apy (31.9 to 34.7% of women vs. 30.1%, P=0.05),
letrozole alone (Fig. 3A and 3C). There was no dif- and the excess incidence among women in the
TamoxifenLetrozole Letrozole
Better Better
LetrozoleTamoxifen Letrozole
Better Better
Figure 2. Results of Cox Proportional-Hazards Analyses of Disease-free Survival, Overall Survival, and Time to Distant Recurrence,
with Tamoxifen Followed by Letrozole as Compared
with Letrozole
AUTHOR: Monotherapy
Mouridsen (Price) and with Letrozole
RETAKE 1st Followed by Tamoxifen
as Compared with Letrozole Monotherapy. REG F FIGURE: 2 of 4 2nd
The events related to the end points are as follows:
CASE for disease-free survival, recurrence of the disease at a local, regional, or distant site;
a new invasive cancer in the contralateral breast;
EMail any second (nonbreast)
Line cancer;
4-C or death without
SIZE a previous cancer event; for overall
survival, death; and for time to distant recurrence, ARTIST: ts of cancer
recurrence H/Tat a distant
H/T site.36p6The models were stratified according to chemo-
Combo error of the hazard ratio. As specified in the protocol, 99%
therapy use. The size of the boxes is inversely proportional to the standard
confidence intervals are shown to account for multiple comparisons. NOTE:of the percentage of patients without an event at 5 years
are KaplanMeier estimates. Results of tests for Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset.
interactions between treatment
Please check carefully.
and nodal status were not significant. Nx denotes 0
positive axillary lymph nodes with 1 to 7 nodes examined.
JOB: 36108 ISSUE: 08-20-09
sequential regimens was seen during the periods women assigned to letrozole monotherapy and
when the women were receiving letrozole (Sec- lowest among women assigned to tamoxifen
tion 4 in the Supplementary Appendix). monotherapy (P=0.02). The incidence of fractures
The incidence of fractures was highest among among women assigned to tamoxifen followed by
20 20
Tamoxifenletrozole Letrozoletamoxifen
Letrozole Letrozole
10 10 7.3
5 7.3 5 7.3
2.5 2.5
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Years since Randomization Years since Randomization
20 20
Tamoxifenletrozole Letrozoletamoxifen
Letrozole Letrozole
Breast-Cancer Recurrence (%)
Node positive
12.4 Node positive 12.4
10 7.9 10
letrozole was similar to that among women as- deaths without a recurrence of breast cancer and
signed to letrozole alone (9.4% and 9.8%, respec- of second (nonbreast) primary cancers, except for
tively), and the incidence of fractures in the group endometrial cancers, of which there were 13 cases
assigned to letrozole followed by tamoxifen was in the group assigned to tamoxifen monotherapy,
similar to that among women assigned to tamox- 2 cases in the group assigned to letrozole mono-
ifen alone (7.5% and 7.3%, respectively). Among therapy, and 4 cases in each sequential group
the four groups, there was a similar number of (P=0.01).
A All Patients
Estimated Percentage of Patients
End Point No. of Events Hazard Ratio (95% CI) without an Event at 5 Yr
Letrozole Tamoxifen
(N=2463) (N=2459) Letrozole Tamoxifen
Disease-free survival
Intention-to-treat 509 565 0.88 (0.780.99) 85.6 82.6
Censored 509 544 0.84 (0.740.95) 85.6 82.2
Overall survival
Intention-to-treat 303 343 0.87 (0.751.02) 91.8 90.9
Censored 303 338 0.81 (0.690.94) 91.8 90.2
Time to distant recurrence
Intention-to-treat 257 298 0.85 (0.721.00) 92.4 90.1
Censored 257 292 0.81 (0.680.96) 92.4 89.8
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
Letrozole Tamoxifen
Better Better
B Node-Negative Patients
Estimated Percentage of Patients
End Point No. of Events Hazard Ratio (95% CI) without an Event at 5 Yr
Letrozole Tamoxifen
(N=1376) (N=1404) Letrozole Tamoxifen
Disease-free survival
Intention-to-treat 200 227 0.89 (0.741.08) 90.3 88.5
Censored 200 218 0.87 (0.721.05) 90.3 88.4
Overall survival
Intention-to-treat 107 120 0.91 (0.701.18) 95.2 94.8
Censored 107 116 0.88 (0.681.15) 95.2 94.6
Time to distant recurrence
Intention-to-treat 70 84 0.84 (0.611.16) 96.7 95.4
Censored 70 80 0.84 (0.611.16) 96.7 95.4
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
Letrozole Tamoxifen
Better Better
C Node-Positive Patients
Estimated Percentage of Patients
End Point No. of Events Hazard Ratio (95% CI) without an Event at 5 Yr
Letrozole Tamoxifen
(N=1050) (N=1017) Letrozole Tamoxifen
Disease-free survival
Intention-to-treat 303 332 0.83 (0.710.98) 79.5 74.3
Censored 303 320 0.78 (0.670.91) 79.5 73.1
Overall survival
Intention-to-treat 191 219 0.82 (0.681.00) 87.7 85.6
Censored 191 218 0.73 (0.600.89) 87.7 83.9
Time to distant recurrence
Intention-to-treat 185 212 0.81 (0.670.99) 86.7 82.7
Censored 185 210 0.75 (0.620.92) 86.7 81.6
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
Letrozole Tamoxifen
Better Better
AUTHOR: Mouridsen (Price) RETAKE 1st
FIGURE: 4 of 4 2nd
CASE Revised
EMail Line 4-C SIZE
Enon 36p6
774 n engl j medPLEASE
AUTHOR, 361;8 NOTE: august 20, 2009
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset.
Please check carefully.
The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from by LITBANG PPDS on January 5, 2017. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
JOB: 36108
Copyright ISSUE: 08-20-09
2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Letrozole Alone or in Sequence as Adjuvant Ther apy
The affiliations of the Writing Committee are as follows: Danish Breast Cancer Group, Rigshospitalet, Vejle Hospital, Copenhagen
(H.M.); the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Statistical Center, DanaFarber Cancer Institute (A.G.-H., K.N.P., M.M.R.,
R.D.G.), Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School (M.M.R., R.D.G.), and Frontier Science and Technology Research
Foundation (K.N.P., R.D.G.) all in Boston; the European Institute of Oncology, Milan (A.G.); the Oncology Institute of Southern
Switzerland, Bellinzona (A.G.), the Breast Center, Kantonsspital, St. Gallen (B.T.), and the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research,
Bern (B.T.) all in Switzerland; the Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Catholic University of Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium (R.P.); the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, and the Royal Marsden National Health Service Trust, Sutton, Surrey
both in the United Kingdom (I.S.); Fdration Nationale des Centres de Lutte contre le Cancer, Institut Bergoni, Bordeaux, France
(L.M.); and the Australian New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group, University of Newcastle, Calvary Mater Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW
(J.F.F.), and the University of Sydney, Sydney (A.S.C.) both in Australia.
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