Islamic States in Java

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as summarized by


with a Comprehensive List of Sourees

and a General Index of Names
composed by

I.S.B.N. 90.247.1876.7

The growing interest in the history of Indonesia has made it desirabie

to have an English summary of the principal works of the Dutch
historian Dr R. J. de Graaf, who in several books and articles published
between 1935 and 1973 has given a description of the development of
the Javanese kingdom of Mataram, based both on European and in-
digenous material. Ris works form a substantial contribution to the
study of the national history of Indonesia.
The Summary contains references to the paragraphs of the Dutch
books and articles. This makes it easy for those readers who have a know-
ledge of Dutch to consult the original texts. The List of Sources for the
study of Javanese history from 1500 to 1700 is composed of the lists
in the summarized hooks and articles, and the Index of N ames refers
not only to the present Summary but also to the eight original texts.
Many names of persons and localities in the Index have been provided
with short explanatory notes and references to other lemmata as a
quick way to give some provisional information on Javanese history.
The spelling of all Javanese words and names has been modernized in
accordance with the rules of orthography of Indonesian languages
which have been laid down by Government. (Only the scholarly <;1,
t and e have been retained where it seemed convenient to do 50.)
Dr M. C. Ricklefs, of the School of Oriental and African Studies,
London, has taken the trouble to correct the English of the Summary.
He may rest assured that his helpfulness is greatly appreciated.



I. The First Islamic States of Java, 15th and 16th centuries
Il. The Reign of Snapati Ingalaga of Mataram, 1575-1601 25
lIl. The Reign of Sultan Agung of Mataram, 1613-1645, and
his predecessor Panembahan Sda-ing-Krapyak, 1601-1613 35
IVa. The Reign of Sunan Mangku Rat I, Sda-ing-Tegal
Wangi, King of Mataram, 1646-1677, part I, the Dis-
integration of the Realm . . . . . . . . . . . 53
IVb. The Reign of Sunan Mangku Rat I, Sda-ing-Tegal
Wangi, King of Mataram, 1646-1677, part I1, Insurrec-
tion and Downfall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
V. The Expedition of Admiral Anthonio Hurdt to the inner
parts of Java, September-December 1678. . . . . . 75
VI. Capture and Death of Radn Truna Jaya, December 1679-
January 1680 81
VII. The Kajoran Question, 1680-1681 . . . . . . 85
VIII. The Murder of Captain Franois Tack, February 1686 93

KEY to the Roman serial numbers used in the Comprehensive

List of Sources and the Index of Names to indicate
Dr. De Graaf's eight hooks and articles and the Summary 105

BIBLIOGRAPHY, Comprehensive List of Sources for the Study

of Javanese History from 1500 to 1700. . 107

GENERAL INDEX OF NAMES, with Explanatory Notes. 125




H. J. de Graaf en Th. G. Th. Pigeaud, De eerste moslimse
vorstendommen op Java. Studin over de staatkundige ge-
schiedenis van de 15de en 16de eeuw. 's-Gravenhage 1974.
Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-,
Land- en Volkenkunde. Vol. 69.

Introduction, 1. Historiography of Java

p.7. The political independence from foreign powers, which was
won after world-war I1, aroused in 1ndonesia a desire for a national
history which should describe past developments from an 1ndonesian
point of view and be based chiefly on indigenous material. The history
of pre-1slamic Java written by professor Krom of Leiden seemed to
come up to the requirements. 1t was accepted as a beginning for the
wished-for national history. Books on the 1slamic period written by
European authors were found less satisfactory because they were based
chiefly on material supplied by foreigners. 1ndigenous sources of in-
formation were neglected by European authors because they were
considered unreliable.
The existing books on the 1slamic period of Javanese history require
reconsideration and supplementing on the following four points. The
idea that the decline and fall of the Shiwaitic-Buddhistic dynasty of
Majapahit in the first quarter of the 16th century and the coming into
power of the 1slamic rulers of Demak meant the end of an old
civilization and the beginning of a completely new, 1slamic one must
be reconsidered. 1t is far more likely that 1slamization proceeded slowly,
and it is certain that numerous elements of pre-1slamic culture survived
in the succeeding period.
A second matter which requires attent ion is the tendency to over-
emphasize the role of the ruling dynasty of Mataram. Events and
developments outside the royal residence and among the common people
in the villages are too much neglected in the books on history.
A third area of the history of Java which must be supplemented by
new studies is the development of local and national economies during
the past six or seven centuries. Wh at was written on this subject by
European authors was based on information supplied by foreign sea-
farers and traders who were chiefly interested in the production of the
goods they bought and sold. The economy of the villages in the interior
of the country was beyond their ken.
The fourth aspect of J avanese history which is unduly neglected is the
development and composition of the population. From prehistorie times
to the twentieth century a great number of migrations by Javanese,

Sundanese, Madurese and Balinese people from one area of the islands
to another must have taken place. Moreover, the fertile and prosperous
coastal provinces attracted foreign adventurers and traders who in many
cases became settlers.
The foreign settlements which contributed most to the development of
Javanese culture were in the first place Indian, and then Indo-Chinese.
Indian civilization had a lasting influence in the fields of literature and
religion in the pre-Islamic period. In accordance with Javanese popular
tradition, it can now be stated that Indo-Chinese traders took a great
part in the spreading of Islam in East and Central Java. The European
colonization, lastly, is responsible for improvements in land and sea
communication, economic expansion and public health measures, which
allowed a vast increase of the population in tbe past two centuries.

Introduction, 2. History of Java in the 15th and 16th centuries

p. 11. The knowledge of pre-Islamic history benefited greatly from
the energy spent by the archeologists on the remains of Old Javanese
tempIes. If in the future as much energy and money are spent on
archeological excavations on Islamic sites, knowledge of the history of
many places mentioned in the following pages woud vastly increase.
There are several points made in the present discussion of the beginning
of the Islamic period. Firstly, Islam became dominant in Java by
degrees. Islamic middle-class people of mixed blood who were residents
of long standing in the North Coast harbour towns, took over control
of their districts from the local rulers, who were high~born men and
vassals of the Shiwaitic-Buddhistic King of Majapahit. They acknow-
ledged thc King as their liege lord, however, and continued in sccular
matters in thc way of their "heathen" predecessors. The next develop-
ment was the attack by a group of Muslim fanatics from Central Java
on the royal residence of Majapahit, which lcd to the fall of tbe
Shiwaitic-Buddhistic dynasty, probably in 1527. The local ruler of
Demak, a man of partly Chinese cxtraction, took advantage of the
opportunity to extend his authority over most of the other districts of
the realm, and to take the Islarnic title of Sultan.
After his death in the middle of the 16th century a period of confusion
followed. This ended when the rulers of Mataram, at that time a little-
cultivated district in the interior of the country, took over control in
Central Java and extended their authority in East Java as far as
Surabaya by conquest. The move of the political and cultural centre
of Java from Demak and Surabaya, harbour towns on the North Coast

with a mixed population, into the interior of the country was of great
consequence. In the more than three centuries during which kings of
the House of Mataram were able to reign under the protection of Dutch
power, a Javanese national feeling had time to develop. The civilization
of the Mataram Court, which flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries,
was an important factor for cultural unity. At present, it is still a souree
of inspiration for the development of a common Indonesian civilization.

Introduction, 3. Sources of information on Javanese history of the

16th and 17th centuries
p. 14. The sources which are used in the present hook are: (1) the
"Relacion" of the Portuguese travelIer Tom Pires, a contemporary who
left Java in 1515. (2) The Javanese books on history called Serat Ka9c,la
(Books of Tales) and Babad Mataram (Dynastie History of the House
of Mataram) . The Books of Tales contain descriptions of the Demak
period of history, based on nearly contemporary information. They were,
in an abridged form, included in the Mataram History, which was
written in the 18th century. (3) Local histories of regional dynasties
who were vanquished by the Mataram forces in the 17th century.
( 4) Lists of memorabIe years, called Babad Sangkala. Some of them
contain information on events which were not mentioned in the elabo-
rate Books of Tales or Dynastie Histories. (5) Genealogies of royal and
noble families. Although the beginning of many pedigrees is legendary
or even mythic, the later parts often contain reliable and interesting
information. (6) Legends of the Saints who are believed to have been
the first preachers of Islam in Java. Although miracles take an im-
portant place in these legends, they deserve the attention of historians
because they provide information on the Muslim middle class of traders
to whieh many Saints originally belonged. (7) Chinese notes referring
to the Indo-Chinese trading settlements in the coastal provinees of Java.
Memorials found in the Chinese imperial archives are among the most
important sourees of information on the pre-Islamic history of Java.
An Indonesian hook by Parlindungan, published not long ago, contains
a chapter on the beginning of Islam in Java which may be based upon
genuine Chinese notes on history. As long as the origin of Parlindungan's
information is not known, however, it seems best to omit references
to his hook.

Chpt. 1. The beginning of Islam in Java

1. East Javanese legends refer to Islamie holy men in the 15th cen-

tury. Cempa (Champa) is said to have been the native country of the
first Muslims who came to Java, the Princess (Putri Cempa) who
married the still-"Buddhistic" King of Majapahit (Bra Wijaya), and
her two nephews, the sons of an "Arabic" man of religion. The elder
nephew is said to have been imm of the mosque of Gresik and the
younger one is known as radn Rahmat of Ngampl Denta, aquarter
of the town of Surabaya where he lived and was buried (2nd half
of the 15th cent.). He was the ancestor of a long line of Muslim men
of religion, and the most senior of the nine saints (Wali Sanga) who,
according to 17th century Javanese tradition, spread the Faith in East
and Central Java. Dates on Islamic tombstones found in various places
in East Java testify, however, to the presence of Muslim communities
of some importance in the pre-Islamic Javanese kingdoms as early as
the 12th century. According to a recently published, but not wholly
trustworthy Chinese tradition perhaps deriving from some ancient Sino-
Javanese trading centres in Central and West Java, the famous Muslim
admiral Cheng Ho was the founder of several Chinese Islamic com-
munities on the North Coast in the beginning of the 15th century.
2. In all probability the Cempa of Javanese tradition, the native
country of radn Rahmat of Ngampl Denta, is to be identified with
the ancient state of Champa in what is now South Vietnam, which was
finally overrun by Vietnamese conquerors in the third quarter of the
15th century. The royal family supposedly fled and was converted to
Islam at the Court of Sultan Mansul' Shah of Malaka (1458-1477). It
is possible that the small port of Jeumpa on the North coast of Acheh
may have had some connection with Champa.
3. The economy of the Majapahit kingdom in the interior of East
Java was based on agriculture, especially rice cultivation. Trading
communities of mixed J avanese and foreign (especially Indian and
Chinese), descent had existed in several harbour towns on the North
Coast for many centuries, offering facilities as intermediate stations on
the international trade route from India and China to the Spice Islands.
Some commercial centres on the North Coast of Java also had ocean-
going ships of their own, fitted out for trade to India, the Malay Penin-
sula, China, the Philippines and the countries between.
4. From the tenth century onward members of mixed-descent trading
communities in South-East Asian harbour towns gradually became
Muslims as Islam developed as the international and interracial religion
of the commercial centres in the Near East, Persia and India. In the
pre-Islamic Javanese kingdoms of the 15th and 16th centuries, and

perhaps even before that time, Muslim traders of mixed descent formed
a middle class in society between the Hinduized royalty, nobility and
clergy on the one hand and the indigenous country people who tilled
the soil on the other.
5. In the course of time, the Muslim middle class in the harbour
towns on the North Coast of Java came to power and the previous
rulers who were vassals of the king of Majapahit were killed or expelled.
In some places the local nobility was converted to Islam and fraternized
with Muslim families.
6. The religion of the first Muslim communities in the harbour towns
on the North Coast was influenced by the ideas of the great mystics of
Islam. Pious Javanese of the 17th century and later believed that Islam
was spread in Java by the activity of a group of nine saints (the Wali
Sanga), who had their centre at the holy mosque of Dmak. Each
saint supposedly had his own ideas on Islamic mysticism. This tradition
is, however, unreliable. In all likelihood, scholars of divinity and mysti-
cism who wandered through the world of Islam as was usual at the time,
availed themselves of the opportunity to settIe down as spiritual guides
at the new Muslim Courts in Java, where their wordly wisdom was also
appreciated. The conversion of the interior of the country proceeded
7. The holy mosque of Dmak, the centre of the nine saints, occupies
an important place in pious Javanese tradition. Many rather phantastic
tales are told about its foundation. The veneration feit by the pious for
the holy mosque from the 16th century to the present is due to the fact
that it was the religious centre of the first Muslim kingdom in Java,
the Sultanate of Demak.

Chpt. 2. Demak at the end of the 15th and in the first half
of the 16th century
1. Dmak owes its prominent place in Javanese history partly to its
situation. It had a good harbour in the shelter of mount Murya in the
15th century. In the course of time, however, the harbour silted up.
2. West Javanese (Banten) tradition, dating from the 17th century,
is more trustworthyon the history of Demak than the Central Javanese
(Mataram) tradition, which is biased in favour of the dynasty of
Mataram. The West Javanese tradition is in accordance with the in-
formation on the beginnings of the kingdom of Demak given by the
early-16th century Portuguese travelIer Tom Pires in his Suma Oriental.

3. The ancestor of the line of Muslim rulers of Demak appears to

have been a Muslim immigrant of Chinese origin who landed first in
Gresik (East Java), later settled in Demak and grew rich by trade.
During his life, in the last quarter of the 15th century, he acknowledged
the suzerainty of the local infidel ruler of Dmak and the king of
Majapahit. The later but unreliable Central Javanese tradition gives
him the name Radn Patah (Arabic Fattl), Victor). He was said to he
bom in Palmbang to a Chinese woman from the king of Majapahit's
4. The successor to this first Muslim settler of Demak (living in the
beginning of the 16th century) seems to have brushed aside the local
non-Muslim ruler in order to establish a Muslim administration. Never-
theless, he still acknowledged the Shiwaitic-Buddhist king of Majapahit
as his sovereign. He is best known as pangran Sumangsang. He main-
tained relations with Palmbang.
5. He was succeded by the most important Muslim ruler of Dmak,
pangran (later Sultan) Tranggana. His reign (probably 1504-1546)
covered a period of important changes in the Archipelago.
6. In 1511 Malaka was conquered by the Portuguese, and in
1512-'13 the attempt of a Javanese admiral to oust them failed, and his
neet was destroyed. Portuguese annalists caU the infortunate admiral
Pat Unus, ruler of Japara. He is not mentioned in Javanese historical
tradition. He may have been a brother-in-Iaw of pangran Tranggana
of Dmak. He had probably already died in 1521.
7. The Muslim rulers of Demak were patrons of the growing com-
munity of men of religion and pious traders (many of them of mixed
Javanese and foreign descent) centring around the mosque. The first
imms of the Demak mosque are said to have been relatives of radn
Rahmat of Ngampl Denta (Surabaya, see chpt. 1, 1). His eldest son,
in J avanese tradition known as sunan Bonang, may have been the first
imm. The fourth and the fifth incumbents used their influence with
pangran Tranggana to make him renounce his aUegiance to the infidel
king of Majapahit. The fifth imm, called pangulu, founded the "holy
city" Kudus and hecame known to history as the first sunan of
8. Pangran Tranggana took the Islamic title of Sultan probably
about 1524, on the insistence of a Sumatran man of religion, who
had made the pilgrimage to Mecca and who aftenvards became the
first sunan of Gunung Jati (Cerbon).
9. Javanese traditions about Majapahit history in the 15th century

are unreliable, but the information provided by the Portuguese traveUer

Tom Pires seems eredible. The most powerful man in the Majapahit
kingdom about 1500 was the grand-vizier, whom Pires caUs Gust Pat.
The interior of East Java and a part of Centra! Java were under his
control, and he maintained the king's authority over the numerous
vassals who roled in petty states throughout the country.
JO. The Javanese tradition about the fall of the "heathen" capita!
in 1478 is unreliable. The Majapahit kingdom held out until 1527. A
previous attack by a host of Muslim fanatics led by the pangulu of the
Demak mosque was repulsed, and the pangulu (the fourth imm) was
kiUed in battle. The capital finaUy feU to the pious warriors in a "holy
war", led by the fifth pangulu (sunan Kudus) supported by companies
of soldiers sent by various Muslim rolers. Tranggana, who had caUed
himself Sultan of Demak since 1524, was persuaded to aet as a Muslim
sovereign, the successor of the "heathen" Majapahit king who had dis-
appeared (see 8).
11. Some districts of West Java were brought under the control of
the new Muslim sovereign of Demak at an early date, including cerbon
on the North Coast and Pasir in the interior of the country, in the
basin of the Serayu river.
12. Sultan Tranggana extended his authority over many states in
East Java, in the interior of the country and on the North Coast, both
Shiwaitic-Buddhist states and those already Islamized, which had been
roled by vassals of the Majapahit king before.
13. The young Islamie kingdom of Demak exercised authority in
several overseas states in Sumatra (Palmbang) and Borneo (Bafijar
14. The inland districts of Central Java south and south-east of
mount Merapi, Pengging and Pajang, Were of small economie importanee
to the trading kingdom of Demak on the North Coast. Those districts
were Islamized through the activities of men of religion whom after-
wards Javanese tradition caUed sh Lemah Abang (or Siti Jnar) and
sunan Tembayat. Sh Umah Abang was a heterodox mystie. He was
burned on the pyre, and his disciple the roler of Pengging was kiUed
by the strict and severe sunan Kudus, the conqueror of Majapahit.
15. During a military expedition to the far-off East Javanese state
of Panarukan in 1546 sultan Tranggana of Demak died or was kiUed.
16. The organization of the young lslamie kingdom of Demak in the
first half of the 16th century was a replica of the administration of the
"heathen" Court of Majapahit. Having moved in Court-circles as vassals

of the king for many years before their rebellion, the rulers of the North
Coast Muslim states were well-acquainted with Majapahit civilization
and Old Javanese literature. Several elements of the pre-Islamic Court
administration were passed on from 15th-century Majapahit to the
16-th and 17th-century Islamic Courts of Pajang and Mataram through
the intermediary of Demak (and Surabaya). Islamic religious ceremonies
and law were integrated gradually into Demak Court culture.

Chpt. 3. Decline and fall of the sultanate of Demak in the

second half of the 16th century
I. The history of Sultan Tranggana's successors on the throne of
Demak is imperfectly known. Some West Javanese (Banten) traditions
provide partially reliable information.
2. The next ruler of Demak is called sunan Prawata in Javanese
tradition. He was a man of religion. In 1549 he was murdered by one
of his relatives, Arya Panangsang of Jipang, who aspired to be king.
3. The murderer was punished by another relative known in Javanese
tradition as Jaka Tingkir, afterwards sultan of Pajang, who eventually
became the most powerful man in Central Java. The temporal power
of sunan Prawata's successor in Demak (called pangran Ka~iiri)
dwindled, although his spiritual authority still was acknowledged by
the pious. The last semi-independent ruler of Demak, pangran Kaliri's
successor, was called pangran Mas or pangran Juru. He left his
country and fled to his kinsman the ruler of Banten in 1588 or 1589,
because panembahan Snapati of Mataram, a homo novus, had usurped
the throne of Pajang.
4. During the reigns of the kings of Mataram who were Snapati's
Successors in the 17th century, Demak was administered as a province
of the Mataram kingdom by appointed governors. The harbour of
Demak silted up, but the mosque and the graves of holy men continued
to attract pilgrims from many districts of Java.

Chpt. 4. History of the smaller states on the Narth Goast of

Gentral Java in the 16th century: Pari and Juwana.
I. These towns are situated on the east side of the estuary which,
until it silted up, had separated mount Murya from the Javanese main-
land. Demak and Japara are on the west side. Pati and Juwana are
mentioned in Central J avanese mythic tales.

2. Cajongam, which is mentioned in Tom Pires' Suma Oriental.

is to he identified with Juwana. Javanese historical tradition contains
some references to Patio Demak and Pati were rivals in the sea-borne
trade along the North Goast of Java. In this contest Demak and Japara
ultimately won, while Pati and Juwana lost.
3. After the disintegration of the kingdom of Dem.ak in the middle
of the 16th century, Pati was given by the new king of Pajang to one
of his captains called ki Pafijawi. Successors of ki Pafijawi, known as
Pragola land 11, ruled in Pati in the second half of the 16th century.
The relations between the ruling families of Mataram and Pati were
at first good but became strained when the ambition of the Mataram
rulers became apparent. At last Pati was overrun and ruined by an
expeditionary force sent by sultan Agung of Mataram in 1627. The
Pragola family disappeared.

Chpt.5. History ot the smaller states in the North ot Central Java

in the 16th century: Kudus
1. The capital of the Majapahit kingdom was attacked for the
first time by a host of Muslim fanatics led by the pangulu of the
Demak mosque. The attack was repulsed and the pangulu, known to
posterity as Rahmatu' llahi, was slain in battle as a "shhid" (martyr)
in 1524.
2. His son took revenge. Majapahit was captured and sacked by the
Muslims in 1527. The young pangulu returned to Demak a hero but
eventually quarrelled with Sultan Tranggana and sunan Kali Jaga
(another man of religion, from a Tuban family). In the 1540s he
decided to found a "holy city" of his own, Kudus (al-Quds, the Arabic
name of Jerusalem). Sunan Kali Jaga was his successor as pangulu of
the Demak mosque.
3. Sunan Kudus was an energetic man and a fervent Muslim. He
made Kudus into a centre of Islamic studies.
4. Sunan Kudus and his two successors were important men in
Central Javanese politics during the reigns of the later kings of Demak
and of the king of Pajang. But the ambition of the new kings of
Mataram was fatal for Kudus, Demak and Pajang alike. The last
independent ruler of Kudus left his country and fled to East Java about
1590. Henceforth Kudus and Demak were administered together by
appointed governors sent by the Mataram court.

Chpt.6. History ot the smaller states on the North Goast ot

Gentral Java: Japara / Kali Nyamat
1. Japara, situated at the foot of mount Murya (which was origin-
ally an island) has a better harbour than Demak. It was the residence of
traders during the reign of the most important ruler of Demak, Sultan
Tranggana. The J avanese fleet which was sent to oust the Portuguese
from Malaka, but which was defeated in 1512-'13, set out from Japara.
2. Kali Nyamat is an inland residence not far from Japara, founded
according to Javanese tradition by a shipwrecked Chinese sea-captain
who was converted to Islam and married a Demak princess. He was
killed in the troubles following the unexpected death of Sultan Trang-
gana in 1546.
3. His widow was an energetic woman, called Ratu Kali Nyamat by
posterity, who ruled Japara during the second half of the 16th century.
She was the grand old lady of the Demak family, and her influence
extended as far as Banten. Japara trade flourished, although some
further attempts to conquer Malaka for Islam were successfully resisted
by the Portuguese.
4. Having no children of her own, Ratu Kali Nyamat was succeeded
as ruler of Japara by a nephew, a Banten prince. The independence
of the state of Japara ended when the Mataram king took the town
and sacked it in 1599. The trade of Japara moved to Semarang in the
second half of the 17th century.

Chpt.7. History ot the states in West Java in the 16th century:

Gerbon (Gheribon)
1. Some East Javanese legends refer to ancient sea-borne relations
between the West Javanese states Galuh and Pajajaran and the East
Javanese kingdom (e.g. the tale of the foundation of Majapahit by a
Sundanese prince, and the Kidung Sunda story of a 14th-century Sun-
danese expedition to Majapahit). These legends are unreliable, although
the existence of ancient relations between the Javanese in the East and
the Sundanese in the West is likely.
2. Banten and Cerbon were the first districts of West Java where
Islam was introduced. The first Muslims were traders of mixed blood.
3. According to Javanese tradition, Gerbon was Islamized by one of
the nine saints (see chpt. 1, 1), revered by posterity under the name
of Sunan Gunung Jati (af ter the hill near Crbon where he is buried).
Portuguese authors mention the names Falatehan and Tagaril. From

hls native Pasei, in Acheh, he made the pilgrimage to Mecca. As a

learned man of religion calling himself Nurullah, he became the
honoured guest and, indeed, the brother-in-Iaw of Sultan Tranggana
of Demak (about 1525). Tranggana's assumption of the title of Sultan,
and rus warlike exploits against the "heathen" kingdom of Majapahit
and its dependencies in East Java, were perhaps due to the influence
of this energetic Mecca-pilgrim. Raving founded first a Muslim com-
munity in Banten, Nurullah later ruled also in Cerbon. Af ter the death
of Sultan Tranggana in 1546, Nurullah decided in the 1550s to move
to Gerbon where he lived a religious life until his death in 1570. Ris
spiritual influence in West Java was great, although probably less than
the influence exercised in East Java by his contemporaries the Sunans
of Giri/Gresik.
4. Crbon never developed into an important state. Sunan Gunung
Jati's successors, revered as saintly men, maintained fairly good relations
both with the Javanese kings of Pajang and Mataram in Central Java
and with the new power in West Java, the V.O.C. (Dutch East India
Company) of Batavia. In 1705 the Mataram king finally ceded his
claim to suzerainty over Gerbon to the V.O.C. The courts of Sunan
Gunung Jati's successors in the town were respected and maintained by
means of allowances from the Netherlands East Indian Govemment
up to 1942.

Chpt. 8. History of the states in West Java in the 16th century:

I. In the beginning of the 16th century, before the rise of Islamic
states, the Shiwaitic-Buddhist kings of Majapahit in East Java and
Pajajaran in West Java were considered to be the paramount powers
in Java. The capital of Pajajaran was Pakuwan (now Bogor).
2. The later Sunan Gunung Jati, Sultan Tranggana's brother-in-
law, founded a Muslim community in Banten about 1525. In 1527 he
conquered the harbour of Pakuwan, called Sunda Kalapa, and renamed
it Jayakarta (now Jakarta).
3. Af ter the holy man's move to Cerbon, Banten was ruled by his
son Rasanuddin, who is regarded as the first king in Banten Javanese
tradition. During his reign Banten trade flourished. Ris second son was
adopted by Ratu Kali Nyamat of Japara, and eventually became her
4. Hasanuddin was succeeded in Banten by his eldest son Yusup,

the king who conquered the "heathen" capital Pakuwan in 1579. He

died soon after this success in 1580.
5. While still a minor, Yusup's son Muhammad was educated by
the kadhi of Banten and became a strict religious man. An attempt by
Muhammad's uncle, the heir-apparent of Japara, to become king of
Banten was successfully resisted by the local aristocracy, which was
partlyof Sundanese origin, and the tie linking Banten with Central Java
was severed. Muhammad was killed during an expedition to Palmbang,
which he began on the advice of his kinsman the last king of Demak,
who had fled to Banten in 1596 (see chpt. 3, 3).
6. During the reign of Muhammad's son and successor, Abdul
Kadir, European (cspecially Dutch and British) traders became frequent
visitors at the port of Banten. In 1619 the local ruler of Jakarta, a vassal
of the Banten king, surrendered his town to thc Dutch V.O.C.; it was
now renamcd Batavia.

Chpt.9. History of the states in the North Goast districts of

East Java: Jipang/Panolan
1. The districts situated between the North Coast Range and the
Central Range of limestone hills in East Java were the territories of
several kingdoms mentioned in Javanese legends. M~~ang Kamulan,
the mythic original Javanesc kingdom, is located in this region.
2. In the middle of the 16th century Jipang/Panolan was the terri-
tory of a member of the royal House of Demak called Arya Panangsang.
Having been disappointed in his ambitions, he murdered sunan Prawata
of Demak, sultan Tranggana's successor. He was killed in the subsequent
struggle for the succession in Central Java by the ruler of Pajang, who
is known in Javanese tradition as Jaka Tingkir.
3. Jipang never again became an independent state af ter the death
of Arya Panangsang. The town was fortified by order of the king of
Mataram, sultan Pajang's successor, and served as a fortress on the
border between the territories of the Mataram and Surabaya rulers, who
were rivals in the struggle for hegemony in Java at the end of the
16th century.
4. Palmbang, in South Sumatra, was ruled by a Javanese family
during the 17th and 18th centuries: This family seems to have had some
connections with Jipang.

Chpt. 10. History ot the states in the North Goast districts

ot East Java: Tuban
1. Tuban, nowadays a harbour of no importance, was a well-known
centre of trade in antiquity and is mentioned by Chinese authors as early
as the 1lth century. It was connected with the districts in the lower
Bengawan basin by a fairly good road leading through the North Coast
Range of limestone hills. It is frequently mentioned in Javanese
legendary tales.
2. Although professing Islam since the middle of the 15th century,
the rulers of Tuban were still faithful vassals of the "heathen" Majapahit
Court in 1513-'14, when the Portuguese travelIer Tom Pires visited
the town. The existence of friendly relations between Tuban and Maja-
pahit is also apparent in Javanese historical tradition.
3. Members of the ruling family of Tuban (of mixed Javanese and
Arab blood, according to Javanese tradition) were active in the propa-
gation of Islam in the interior of Central and East Java in the middle
of the 16th century. Sunan Kali Jaga, traditionally said to have been
the principal of the nine saints (Wali Sanga, see chpt. 1, 1), was a
native of Tuban.
4. The Muslim ruler of Tuban seems to have remained neutral
during the war waged by sunan Kudus and his host of fanatics against
"heathen" Majapahit in the 1520s. When Majapahit feIl, Tuban
acknowledged the suzerainty of D6nak. As a faithful ally of the sultan
of Pajang, who was the king of Demak's successor, the ruler of Tuban
opposed the territorial expansion of the Mataram dynasty, but in vain.
In 1619 the town was taken by the Mataram troops and sacked. Hence-
forth Tuban was ruled by Mataram governors.

Chpt. 11. History ot the states in the North Go ast districts

ot East Java: GresikjGiri
1. Grsik, on the straits of Madura at the mouth of the river Benga-
wan, was an important centre of overseas trade from the 14th century.
It became prosperous through the activity of Chinese settlers. It is
frequently mentioned in Javanese legendary tales.
2. Tom Pires in 1513-'14 described Gresik as a prosperous town,
ruled by two men of foreign extraction, both of whom were Muslims,
but who lived in discord.
3. Javanese historical tradition is explicit on the origin of the
Islamic spiritual lords (sunans) who resided in Giri, a hill resort not far

from Grsik, during the 16th and much of the 17th centuries. It seems
impossible to connect this family with the two rulers of Gresik known to
Tom Pires.
4. The first two sunans of Giri, called sunan Satmata and sunan
Dalm, defended their small Islamic state against attacks from the
"heathen" Majapahit Court with much energy, according to Javanese
historical tradition. After the fall of Majapahit in 1527, sunan Dalem
of Giri seems to have availed himself of the opportunity to bring Gresik
under his rule (about 1535). Henceforth the sunans of Giri commanded
the wealth of the prosperous trading town.
5. The long reign in the second half of the 16th century of the
fourth sunan of Giri/Grsik, called sunan Prapn in Javanese tradition,
witnessed the flourishing period of the Islamic "Ecclesiastical State".
Dutch contemporaries called the sunans of Giri the "Moorish Popes".
Sunan Prapn exercised considerable influence in Javanese politics. He
reached the pinnacle of his fame in 1581, when a great number of
Javanese princes were convened in Giri at his suggestion to acknowledge
the king of Pajang as Sultan. Sunan Prapn died at a very advanced
age in 1605.
6. The Court of Giri was a ccntre of thc propagation of Islam
extending to Lombok, Celebes, Borneo, the Moluccos and Ternate. Local
traditions of those islands testify to the high veneration of these Muslims
oversea for the "Raja Bukit" (Sunan Giri).
7. Comparing the three Islamic spiritual principalities of Gerbon,
Kudus and Giri which flourished side by sidc in the 16th century,
Gerbon appears as a centre of religious studies and mysticism in West
Java. lts influence survived the political power of sunan Gunung Jati's
successors, which was never very great. Kudus owed its fame to the
heroic period of the first sunan, the conqueror of Majapahit. It was
soon eclipsed by the royal Courts of Dmak, Pajang and Mataram.
Nevertheless the citizens of Kudus retained their Islamic self-esteem
through the following centuries. Giri was the most wordly and politically
the most influential of the three. Men of Chinese extraction and inter-
insular traders occupied important places in the town of Grsik.

Chpt. 12. History of the stat es in the North Coast districts

of East Java: Surabaya
1. The delta of the great East Javanese river Brantas was the site of
powerful dynasties in antiquity. The kingdom of Janggala or Kahuripan

(Koripan) is famous as the realm of the "Pafiji" prince whose marriage

with a princess of Kaliri upstream is the central theme of an important
cycle of tales and plays in Javanese literature.
2. Tom Pires mentions a Muslim king of Surabaya ruling in
1513-'14, known to the Portuguese as pat Bubat. It seems possible to
identify this ruler with the Muslim lord of Terung (a trading town on
the Brantas), a vassal of the "heathen" king of Majapahit, who occupies
an important place in Javanese historical tradition.
3. The sunan of Ngampl Denta (see chpt. 1, 1), the senior of the
nine saints of Islam, lived in Surabaya in the second half of the 15th
century according to Javanese tradition. He did not rule the state, but
was the head of a numerous family of men of religion, who spread Islam
in East Java in the first half of the 16th century.
4. The temporal ruler of Surabaya in the first half of the 16th
century, although a Muslim, seems to have opposed for a considerable
time the ambition of the new Demak king to extend his realm to East
Java. Surabaya submitted to Demak only in the 1530s. There is no
evidence that the ruling family of Surabaya was descended from the
sunan of Ngampl Denta, though it is likely that the families were
5. The East Javanese princes, who acknowledged the Icing of
Surabaya as their leader, were successful in resisting the attempts of
the Mataram ruler to subdue them down to the end of the 16th
century. The name of the Surabaya king of the time, Jaya Ungkara,
is known from East J avanese literature.
6. In the second half of the 16th century the Court of Jaya
Lengkara of Surabaya was a centre of culture where Islamized Old
Javanese literature flourished. Compared with Surabaya, the inland
Central Javanese Court of the upstart Mataram dynasty was uncultured.
7. Surabaya surrendered to the Mataram forces, supported by a
Dutch squadron cruising in the straits of Madura, in 1625. Pangran
Pekik, the last Surabaya prince, was forced to live at the Mataram
Court and was married to Sultan Agung's sister. He had considerable
influence in civilizing the inland Central Javanese kingdom.

Chpt.13. History ot Madura in the 16th century: West Madura

1. In Javanese usage "Madura" means West Madura, now the
districts of Bangkalan (formerly Aros Baya) and Sampang. East Madura
was the territory of the rulers of Sumenep. The Madurese do not possess

an autochthonous historical tradition referring to ancient kings, unlike

the Javanese, the Sundanese and the Balinese. According to Madurese
tales the island had Javanese rulers, the first of them a Majapahit
prince, from the beginning of history.
2. The Court of Aros Baya, according to Tom Pires still "heathen"
in the second decade of the 16th century, seems to have embraced
Islam as a consequence of the fall of the old capital Majapahit in 1527.
3. The best known ruler of West Madura in the second half of
the 16th century was called Pratanu of Lemah J!uwur. He was a son-
in-Iawof the sultan of Pajang, and he tried to consolidate his dominions,
in which numerous kinsmen disputed his authority.
4. The West Madurese state lost its independence in 1624, after
a fierce fight in Sampang between the Madurese gentry and the
Javanese invaders sent by Sultan Agung of Mataram. Descendants of
the West Madurese dynasty occupied important places at the Mataram
Court in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Chpt. 14. History of Madura in the 16th century: East Madura

1. A ruler of Sumenep (East Madura) called Wira Raja supported
the East Javanese prince Wijaya who founded the capital Majapahit
at the end of the 13th century. Wira Raja thereafter became ruler of
Lumajang, in the Eastern Corner of Java, thereby establishing a con-
ncction between Madura and thc opposite Javanese coast.
2. According to Javano-Madurcse tradition, the Court of Sumenep,
related by marriage with the royal family of Demak, embraced Islam
in the first half of the 16th century. East Madura and West Madura
remained separate, having no common interests.
3. Sumenep was an Islamic outpost in the struggle between the
Muslim princes of Java (Demak, Pajang, Surabaya) and the "hcathcn"
rulers of the Eastern Corncr of Java (Panarukan, Blambangan) who
had the support of thc powerful Balinese king of GlgljKIungkung in
the second half of the 16th century. Thc East Madurese state retained
its independence until 1624, when thc expeditionary force of Sultan
Agung of Mataram invaded the island. The last scions of the House
of Sumenep were killed by order of the Sultan.

Chpt.15. History of the Eastern Corner of Java in the 16th century.

The western part of the Eastern Corner: Pasuruhan
1. The regions of Singasari, Bangil and Pasuruhan saw many

dynastie wars in pre-Islamic times. They fonned an important part of

the domains of the 14th-century kings of Majapahit.
2. Infonnation provided by the Portuguese travelIer Tom Pires
on the state of "Gamda" in the beginning of the 16th century must
refer to the region of the present-day Malang, Singasari and Pasuruhan.
The ruler was still "heathen" , and acknowledged the suzerainty of the
Majapahit king.
3. Surabaya and Pasuruhan submitted to Sultan Tranggana of
Demak in the 1530s. In Sengguruh, in the present-day district of Malang,
"heathen" opposition to Islamie rule was not suppressed until 1545.
4. The rulers of Pasuruhan and Surabaya, having first acknow-
ledged the suzerainty of the Sultan of Pajang in 1581, out of fear of
the non-Islamic Balinese king to the East, subsequently opposed the
new Mataram ruler's ambition to subdue East Java. A latc-16th-century
ruler of Pasuruhan extended rus political influence in the interior of
East Java as far as Kaliri and Madyun, in opposition to the rising
power of panembahan Snapati of Mataram. Pasuruhan became the
paramount power in the Eastern Corner of Java when the last "heathen"
state, Blambangan, was subdued about the year 1600 in spite of Balinese
5. Mataram forces sent by Sultan Agung took the town of Pasu-
ruhan in 1616. It was made the base for the subsequent successful
attacks on Madura and Surabaya in 1624 and 1625.

Chpt. 16. History ot the Eastern Corner ot Java in the 16th century.
The central part ot the Eastern Corner: trom Prabalingga
to Panarukan
1. The district of Prabalingga has old connections both with the
Tengger Highlands to the sou th-west and with Blambangan to the east.
It is mentioned in Javanese legendary history.
2. The central part of the Eastern Corner of Java was visited by
the Majapahit king Ayam Wuruk in 1359. The description of this royal
tour in the Old J avanese poem Ngara Krtgama contains interesting
infonnation on this region.
3. Tom Pires mentions the "heathen" states of "Canjtam" (per-
haps to he identified with Gt)ling, east of Prabalingga), Pajarakan
and Panarukan, which were subdued by a powerful king of Blambangan
who opposed the spread of Islam eastward. Another "heathen" state
in the interior of the country, called "Chamda" by the Portuguese

traveIler, seems to have occupied the districts of Sac;lng, Puger and

Lumajang, which are mentioned in Javanese historical texts.
4. A campaign of Sultan Tranggana of Demak to subdue the
"heathen" states in the Eastern Corner of Java was unsuccessful. The
sultan seems to have besieged the town of Panarukan, but failed to
take it. He died during or af ter the siege in 1546.
5. Some Roman Catholic missionaries from the Portuguese colony
of Malacca visited Panarukan and Blambangan in the second half of
the 16th century. They found that Panarukan was a bone of contention
between the Muslim rulers of Pasuruhan and Surabaya and the
"heathen" king of Blambangan. At the end of the century the Muslims
conquered Blambangan.
6. The conquest of Blambangan by the forces of Sultan Agung of
Mataram in 1639 was also the end of Panarukan's independence.

Chpt. 17. History of the Eastern Corner of Java in the 16th century.
The far east of the Eastern Corner: Blambangan
1. Blambangan occupies an important place in both East Javanese
and Balinese legendary history.
2. According to Tom Pires' informants, the "heathen" Blam-
bangan kingdom was the most powerful J avanese state east of Surabaya
in the first decades of the 16th century.
3. Balinese historical texts concerned with the reign of king Batu
Rnggong of Glgl in the middle of the 16th century refer to a ruler
of Blambangan who was a relative of the Balinese king. Santa Guna is
given as the name of a Blambangan king by European navigators who
called at the port in the last quarter of the 16th century. His successor
was vanquished by the Muslim king of Pasuruhan at the end of the
4. After the conquest of Pasuruhan by the Mataram forces in 1616,
Balinese influence in the centre and the far east of the Eastern Corner
of Java revived until the Mataram troops took the town of Blarnbangan
in 1639.

Chpt. 18. History of the state of Palmbang, South Sumatra,

in the 16th century
1. The pre-Islamic history of Palmbang is insufficiently known.
Palrnbang is believed by rnany scholars to have been the site of a

South Sumatran trading kingdom called Sri Wijaya which already was
mentioned in the 7th century. In Javanese legends concerned with the
spread of Islam in East Java by foreigners of mixed Sino-Javanese blood,
Palmbang occupies an important place (see chpt. 2, 3-4).
2. Tom Pires mentions a connection between the local Muslim
rulers of Palmbang and J ambi and the king of Dmak in the first
decades of the 16th century.
3. In the second half of the 16th century, Palmbang was ruled
by a new family who had come from Surabaya. It seems that they were
related to the House of Jipang in Central Java (see chpt.9, 4).
Molana Muhammad, a young king of Banten, was killed during a siege
of Palmbang in 1596. He had undertaken to make war on Palmbang
at the suggestion of his kinsman pangran Mas of Demak (see chpt.3,
3), who was living in exile in Banten and nursed a grudge against
the Palmbang ruler, a relative of Arya Panangsang of Jipang who had
murdered his grandfather Sunan Prawata (see chpt. 3, 2).
4. After the repulsed attack from Banten, the Palmbang rulers
sided both with the rising Mataram kingdom in Central Java and with
the Dutch V.O.C. in Batavia/Jakarta.

Chpt. 19. Historyot the Central-Javanese states ot Pajang and

Pengging in the 16th century

1. The region between mount Lawu and mount Merapi, the upper
basin of the Bengawan (now called af ter the present-day capital Solo,
better Sl: Surakarta), was politically and economically of small im-
portance in antiquity.
2. Javanese legends concerning the rulers of Pengging, which is
situated on the south-eastern slope of mount Mrapi, are the only
available source of information on the 15th century history of this
region. The hero of those legendary tales is called J aka Bolo or J aka
Sangara; he seems to have been made ruler of Pengging by a king of
Majapahit. He is called Andaya Ningrat in legendary history.
3. In the first half of the 16th century the ruler of Pngging was
converted to Islam by a heterodox mystic who is called kyahi Lmah
Abang in Javanese religious legends. Sunan Kudus, a strict disciplinarian
(see chpt. 5, 3) who wished to extirpate pantheistic heresy, visited
Pengging and killed the ruler, who was unwilling to disavow his mystic
master's views. Thus the state of Pengging lost its independence (see
chpt.2, 14).

4. According to Javanese historical tradition, the Sultan of Pajang,

the successor to the kings of Dmak as suzerain in Central Java, belonged
to the House of Pengging. Called in his youth Jaka Tingkir, he served
Sultan Tranggana of Dmak as a captain of the guards, married a
princess, and revenged the second king's death by making war on his
murderer, Arya Panangsang of Jipang (see chpt. 3, 3).
5. The ruler of Pajang became the principal heir of Sultan
Tranggana, the great king of Dmak of the first half of the 16th century.
His long reign in the second half of the century was important for the
shifting of the centre of royal authority from the coastal provinces
(called the Pasisir in Javanese, extending from Dmak to Surabaya)
to the interior of the country. He controlled the local rulers of numerous
petty inland states from Banyumas to Madyun and, in an assembly of
Javanese princes convened at the court of the venerabie sunan Prapn
of Giri in 1581, he was acknowledged as Sultan Adi Wijaya.
6. The Court of Pajang was the first centre of Islamic cultural
activity in the interior of the country. Javanese literature and art, which
had been cultivated at the older Courts in the Pasisir districts, now
became known "south of the mountains".
7. The sultan of Pajang's heir apparent when he died in 1587 was
called pangran Benawa. Af ter some intriguing by outsiders who hoped
to be able to supplant him because he was still young, pangran Benawa
became king of Pajang through the support of panmbahan Snapati
of Mataram.
8. The political power of the young Mataram dynasty grew so
rapidly in the last decade of the 16th century that the state of Pajang
Soon lost its independence. The rulers became vassals of the kings of
Mataram. Nevertheless, there remained opposition in Pajang to Ma-
taram rule. The last scion of the House of Pajang fled to Surabaya
af ter an insurrection which was suppressed by Sultan Agung in 1618.

Chpt.20. History of the state of Mataram in the 16th century

1. The basins of the rivers Opak and Praga, which discharge into
the Indian Ocean, were the sites of civilized Indo-Javanese kingdoms
flourishing befare A.D. 1000. Prambanan was the capital of powerful
kings of aremate antiquity, glorified in Javanese legends which cannot,
however, stand the test of scholarly criticism.
2. The district of Mataram was apparently deserted by its rulers
for unknown reasons and depopulated in the centuries following the

year 1000. It was colonized anew by ki Pamanahan, a captain in the

service of the king of Pajang, in the middle of the 16th century. Java-
nese local legends contain some references to the state of the district
before that time. They mention Giring, a place in the Southern Hills
(Gunung Kidui), as weIl as holy men living near the mouth of the
river Opak, and the goddess of the Southern Ocean who was wor-
shipped on the beach.
3. Ki Pamanahan is said to have been a descendant of a legendary
lord of Ssla, a small district east of Dmak. As ancestor of the House
of Mataram, his life became the subject of many legends wbich cannot
be verified. He remained a loyal vassal of the king of Pajang as long
as he lived.
4. Af ter his death in 1584, his son and successor, who is known
only as Snapati, schemed to undermine the Pajang king's authority.
The result was that he came to be acknowledged as paramount ruler
of both Mataram and Pajang by 1588, only a few years after the death
of the old king.
5. Panmbahan Snapati of Mataram extended bis rule over most
states in Central Java which had belonged to the kingdom of Dmak
half a century before.
6. His conquest of Madyun precipitated a serious conflict with
the powerful king of Pasuruhan, whose authority was acknowledged as
far west as Kac;liri.
7. Snapati's design to establish his authority in Kac;liri by sup-
porting a malcontent pretender to the throne in that state failed. The
pretender came to live in Mataram, and there spread some knowledge
of East J avanese culture at the new inland Court.
8. The powerful and cultured rulers of the East Javanese states,
especially Surabaya and Pasuruhan, did not consider the upstart pa-
nmbahan of Mataram to be their peer. He was not well-connected by
marriage. His personal energy and the enthusiastic support of bis
followers, many of whom were immigrants and adventurers eager for
booty, brought considerable success to the aggressive policy of Mataram
in the last decades of the 16th century. Snapati died in 160l.
9. The Court of Mataram at first had little culture. A civilizing
influence was exercised by Sunan Kali Jaga, one of the nine saints
(see chpt.1, 1) and a member of the ruling family of Tuban who
had come to live at the Dmak Court in the first half of the 16th
century, and his descendants the spiritual lords of Ngadi Langu (near

Chpt. 21. The cause of the de cline of the coastal states of Java
in the 16th century

1. The remarkable success of the young Mataram state in its

struggle with the older and more cultured coastal kingdoms for su-
premacy in Central and East Java was made possible by discord and
jealousy among the rival rulers of the towns, which prevented coor-
dinated action to fight off attacks coming from the interior.
2. Moreover, the coastal states were harassed on the seas by the
rising power of Portuguese and Dutch traders.
3. The ruling classes of the seaport towns consisted of families of
mixed blood, mostly Sino-Javanese and Indo-Javanese. The shared
Islamie religion made possible an amalgamation of people of different
descent through marriage. There was acultural and social gap between
the well-to-do citizens and nobility of the towns and the inland Java-
nese, still living in a purely agrarian society. There was no love lost
between them. The attacks of the Mataram bands were savage, and the
population of several port towns was wilfully decimated. There is also
some reason to believe that the state of public health in the densely
populated towns on the seacoast was deteriorating because of tropical
diseases such as malaria which were spread by the increasing inter-
national and interinsular traffic. The resistance of the town-dwellers
may have been sapped by illness.



Summary of:
H. J. de Graaf, De regering van Panembahan Snapati
lngalaga. 's-Gravenhage 1954. Verhandelingen van het
Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde.

Vol. 13.

Chpt. 1 (p. 3). Javanese sourees of historiography

Chpt.2 (p.5). Kyahi Ge# Sla, the ancestor of the House of
Mataram, his legendary genealogy
p. 8. There are Javanese legends about Ssla.
p. 10. A fire kindled at a lamp burning on the holy grave at Ssla
was brought to the royal residence of Surakarta once a year, probably
since its foundation in the 18th century, to symbolise the link between
the Court and the Iegendary place of origin of the Mataram dynasty.
p. 13. Ssla is not mentioned in 17th-century Dutch notes con-
cerning the origin of the dynasty. Dutch authors of the time reflect
West Javanese (Bantn) tradition, saying that the first Mataram ruler
was a man of low origin and a servant of the preceding king of Pajang.

Chpt.3. People from Ssla serving in Pajang

p.16. There are Javanese legends about Jaka Tingkir, who became
king of Pajang, and his Pengging origin.
p.18. Remnants of the royal residence of Pajang can be seen.
p. 19. Legendary tales teIl of ki g&;l Ssla's son, called ki g&;l
Ngenis, who became a servant of the king of Pajang. He had a son
called ki gel Pamanahan who became the first ruler of Mataram,
and also a distant relative, ki Paiijawi, who became the ancestor of the
House of Patio

Chpt.4. The struggle between Jipang and Pajang

p.24. After the death of Sultan Tranggana of Dmak, in 1546, his
son-in-Iaw the king of Pajang, formerly called Jaka Tingkir, became
the most powerful man in the realm. The late king's son contented
himself to be a spiritual lord and was called susuhunan Prawata.
p. 26. Arya Panangsang, the ruler of Jipang, pretended to be the
only rightful heir to the throne of Dmak.
p.27. His claim was supported by Sunan Kudus, one of the nine
saints of Javanese Islam, who is said to have been jealous of the
growing influence at the Court of Demak acquired by another man
of religion, Sunan Kali Jaga.
p.29. In 1549 Arya Panangsang had susuhunan Prawata, Sultan

Tranggana's son, and also the king's son-in-Iaw, pangran Kali Nyamat
of Japara, murdered by his emissaries in order to open his way to
the throne. Ris attempt upon the life of the king of Pajang failed.
p.31. Sunan Kudus' spiritual influence maintained a balance of
power between the mIers of Jipang and Pajang for some time.

Chpt.5. The queen ol Japara, ratu Kali Nyamat, in the second hall
ol the 16th century
p.32. Contemporary Portuguese authors testify to ratu Kali Nyamat's
power and wealth. She was the widow of the murdered pangran.
p.33. During her reign Japara fleets twice attacked Malaka, in 1550
and in 1574, but both times they failed.
p.35. Being childless, she appointed a nephew, a prince of Banten,
to he her heir. This mIer, known as pangran Japara, did not succeed
when he claimed the throne of Banten which feIl vacant in 1580, and so
the link between the mIers of the two seaport towns was severed. In the
history of the Moluccos Japara is mentioned a few times, but the
relation with East Java (GirijGresik) was more important.
p.37. Desirous of reven ge on her husband's murderer, ratu Kali
Nyamat supported the ruler of Pajang, her brother-in-Iaw, in his
stmggle with Jipang, but she had no troops to send into the interior
of the country.

Chpt.6. The decisive lighting in the Pajang-Jipang war

p.39. The 17th-century Javanese historical tradition, which is
biassed in favour of the House of Mataram, ascribes all the glory in
the killing of Arya Panangsang to ki Pamanahan's young son (the later
Snapati of Mataram). It is doubtful whether the men from Ssla
who served the king of Pajang really were such important factors in
the war.
p.42. The Pajang-Jipang war is mentioned by a 17th-century Dutch
au thor.
p.43. The war ended in 1558. The mosque of Pamantmgan, where
ratu Kali Nyamat built a mausoleum for her murdered husband, is
dated 1559.

Chpt.7. The king ol Pajang's reward to the men Irom Ssla

p. 44. The 17th-century Mataram tradition says that ki Pamanahan
was given the district of Mataram by the king of Pajang, and ki Pafijawi

the district of Pati, as rewards for their services in the war. This tradition
is unreliable.
p.47. aId West Javanese (Banten) tales refer to ki Pamanahan
as an adventurer who, not being highly thought of at the Court of
Pajang, settled in Mataram to make his fortune in a new land. This
version seems more credible.

Chpt.8. Ki g'cJ Mataram

p. 49. On their way from Pajang to Mataram, the new settlers met
with the lord of Karang Lo, near the place where they crossed the
river Opak.
p.51. Giring, a district of palmsugar tappers in the Southern Hills,
was visited by ki Pamanahan. According to Javanese legends, he was
acknowledged there as ki gel Mataram, the predestined ancestor of
a long line of kings.
p.52. The Javanese tales about the settling of Mataram are
p. 54. There is reason to believe that the first seignorial residence
in Mataram (called kraton in Javanese tradition) was completed in
1578, twenty years after the end of the Pajang-Jipang war, and that
ki ge<,i Mataram died in 1584.

Chpt.9. The relations between the Central Javanese king of Pajang

and East J avanese rulers
p.55. Pajang was an inland state. It did not possess the maritime
commercial connections with East Java and the other islands which had
made the kingdom of Demak prosperous.
p.56. Af ter the death of Sultan Tranggana of Demak in 1546,
Surabaya regained its independence and became the most powerful
state in East Java.
p.57. In the second half of the 16th century West Madura was
ruled by the pangran of Lmah 1!uwur, who is said to have married
a Pajang princess. He was not, however, a vassal of the Pajang king.
p. 58. The history of the ruling family of Surabaya in the second
half of the 16th century is imperfectly known. The Surabaya rulers
never became vassals of the king of Pajang. In the 17th century, how-
ever, descendants of this family, having submitted to Mataram rule,
occupied important places at the Mataram Court.

p.60. Giri, near Gresik, on the straits of Madura, was ruled by a

family of spiritual lords descended from one of the legendary nine
saints of Javanese Islam. Sunan Prapn of Giri, who reigned in the
second half of the 16th century, exercised authority in several islands
in the eastern part of the Archipelago. A Javanese tale mentioning an
intervention by Giri in KaQ..iri in order to maintain Islamic rule, is
p.62. The king of Pajang was proclaimed Sultan Adi Wijaya in
an assembly of Central and East Javanese rulers convened by sunan
Prapn of Giri in 1581. The ruler of Surabaya hecame the king's prin-
cipal ally and representative in East Java.
p.64. A Javanese tale of the taking of Wirasaba by Pajang forces
in 1578 probably refers to a small state in the basin of the Serayu in
the present district of Banyumas, and not to the more important state
of Wirasaba in East Java.
p.65. Af ter the victory of the king of Pajang over Jipang in 1558,
fugitive members or adherents of the House of Jipang seem to have
gone, via Surabaya, to Palmbang in South Sumatra, to restore their
fortunes. They became the founders of a Javanese dynasty which ruled
there until the first decades of the 19th century. This Javano-Palm-
bang tradition is mentioned by Dutch authors.
p.67. The authority of the king of Pajang was not recognized as
absolute by the rulers of old states like Demak and Japara. A ruler
of Demak received envoys sent by the powerful sultan of Acheh to
solicit support for an intended attack on Portuguese Malakka, as late
as 1564. This fact is mentioned by a Portuguese author. Apparently
the name of the inland kingdom of Pajang was not known overseas.

Chpt. 10. The first three years ot the reign of panembahan

Snapati of Mataram
p. 70. Ki gel Mataram died in 1584. Mataram Court traditions
say that his successor, known as Snapati Ingalaga, had heen adopted as
a son by the king of Pajang in his youth.
p. 71. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Mataram authors em-
bellished Snapati's history with many features which cannot he verified.
The ambitious young ruler was unwilling to acknowledge the king of
Pajang as his master from the beginning of his reign.
p.72. He seems to have convinced rulers of petty inland states in
Kelu and BageIen, north and west of Mataram, to shift their allegiance

from the king of Pajang to himself. Only one of them, the master of
Bocor, wanted to remain true to Pajang, but he was overruled.
p.73. Later Mataram authors made much of Snapati's divine
consecration as ancestor of a long line of kings, given him while sleeping
on the Stone of Lipura (the centre of the country) and during a visit
in the underwater residence of the goddess of the Southern Ocean.
p.77. He is said to have been visited in Mataram by the king of
Pajang's son and son-in-Iaw, who tried to persuade him not to push
matters to extremes, but he persisted.

Chpt. 11. Snapati's conquest of the royal residence of Pajang

p.80. A relative of Snapati's who had fallen into disgrace with
the king was given protection in Mataram. This was the immediate
cause of the war.
p.82. The king of Pajang personally commanded the advance on
Mataram despite his age and illness. The royal troops were held up
ne ar Prambanan, according to 17th century Mataram authors, who
mention an eruption of mount Mrapi as a cause of the king's retreat
to Pajang.
p. 85. While visiting the holy grave at Tmbayat, to pray for support,
the Pajang king was given to understand by various bad omens that
his time had come.
p.86. Following the retreating troops to the royal residence at
Pajang, Snapati stayed outside to wait, knowing that the king was
about to die.
p.87. Javanese historical tradition ascribes the king's death to one
Juru Taman, whose identity is unknown. Perhaps Snapati took a hand
in hastening the demise, or perhaps Juru Taman was the name of a
spirit who was believed to have sided with the young ruler against the
old king. The year of Snapati's triumph, A.]. 1509 (A.D. 1587), is
inscribed in stone on a gate of the mosque of Kuta Gel, the first
capitalof the Mataram kings.

Chpt. 12. Demak interlude

p.91. Sultan Adi Wijaya was buried in Butuh. Authority over
Pajang was given to the king of Dmak, a son-in-Iaw of the deceased
ruler. The sultan's young son, called pangran Benawa, was made ruler
of Jipang. This arrangement is ascribed to the spiritual lord of Kudus,

a descendant of one of the legendary nine saints of Javanese Islam.

p. 92. Demak rule caused discontent among the Pajang gentry.
Pangran Benawa, feeling slighted and wanting to return to Pajang,
sought Snapati's support.
p. 94. As the Mataram forces advanced upon Pajang, the king was
deserted by his troops, who were partly half-Chinese mercenaries, and
the Pajang gentry. The king of Demak was forced to return to his
own country.
p.96. Pangran Benawa's reign in Pajang did not last long. He
seems to have abdicated, and Pajang became a province of the Mataram
p.97. The king of Dmak left his country forever in 1588 as he
could not stand against the invading Mataram forces. Af ter some
wandering about he came to live in exile at the court of his kinsman
the king of Banten. Dmak also became a province of the Mataram
p.99. Snapati first appointed one of his younger brothers as his
governor in Pajang, in 1588. Shortly thereafter a son of the unlucky
pangran Benawa was made ruler of Pajang under Snapati's suzerainty.
He resided in Pajang from 1591 to 1617.
p.101. Since his triumph over the king of Dmak in 1588 Snapati
seems to have borne the title of panmbahan of Mataram. He gave
his brothers pangran titles referring to districts in East Java where
he had no authority whatever: Puger, Singasari, Juminah (= Blitar),
Purbaya (= Madyun). He seems to have intended to add those districts
to his kingdom.

Chpt. 13. Snapati's efforts to win the hegemony in East Java.

His years of success

p. 104. The late king of Pajang's authority had been acknowledged

in East Java to a certain extent since 1581, and the new panmbahan
of Mataram, his successor in Central Java, hoped to foliow in his
predecessor's footsteps. In 1589 Snapati ordered his Central Javanese
vassals to follow him into East Java. He was held up in the district of
Japan (= Majakerta) by the East Javanese rulers who were led by
the king of Surabaya. Before things came to a head, the spiritual lord
of Giri (a descendant of one of the nine saints of Javanese Islam)
prevailed upon the rivals to return to their countries without joining
battle. Eighteenth-century Javanese historians say that a riddle pro-

pounded by the holy man and solved byeach of the opposing princes
in his own way was an important factor at the meeting in Japan.
p.107. The rivalry between Mataram and Surabaya erupted in a
quarrel over the district of Waru (BIora) and in the Madyun war. The
ruler of Madyun was a member of the royal family of Dmak, and an
opponent of Snapati's poliey of expansion. In Javanese romanticized
history the king of Madyun is said to have neglected the defence of his
kingdom under the influence of a beautiful concubine who had been
sent by Snapati. In the war, which began with an incursion by
Mataram into Madyun territory, the Madyun forces and some Surabaya
auxiliaries were defeated (in 1590). The king fled to Surabaya. On
his entering into the royal residence of Madyun Snapati captured a
young princess who had remained there. He took her by force, and
afterwards she became one of his principal wives. This was the first
marriage alliance between the young Mataram family and the oid royal
House of Demak. Javanese historians therefore made much of it.
p.112. The ruler of Kanitn, situated not far from Madyun, was
a true vassal of the king of Pasuruhan, and tried to hold up Snapati's
advance. But he was defeated in 1591.
p.114. The districts north and west of Mataram, in Kelu and
BageIn, were ruled by faithful followers of the Mataram family in the
last decade of the 16th century. The kingdom of Cerbon in West Java
was never attacked, and relations were fairly friendly.

Chpt. 14. The last decade of Snapati's reign. Years of adversity

p. 117. In Kaliri an aged ruler died and there followed a quarrel
over the succession. Snapati tried to establish his authority in that
important East Javanese state by supporting one of the pretenders,
but in 1591 the other pretender won with the support of the king of
Surabaya. The loser came to live in exile at the Mataram court, and
henceforth was called Snapati Kaliri.
p. 119. The Mataram king took advantage of the accomplishments
of the cultured Kaliri prince by making him supervise the building of
a town-wall.
p.121. The East Javanese rulers combined forces to make war on
Mataram from 1593 to 1595. They pressed far intoPajang territory
but did not reach Mataram proper. Snapati Kaliri was killed fighting
his East Javanese kinsmen.
p.123. Mataram attacked the North Coast trading town of Tuban

without success in 1598 and 1599. The first Dutch navigators visiting
Java at that time found Tuban a flourishing community ruled by a
powerful king.
p.125. Kali Nyamat, the residence of the king of Japara, was taken
by Mataram invaders in 1599. The defeated ruler was a descendant of
the great Sultan Tranggana of Dmak.
p.127. The king of Pati (and Juwana) on the North Coast was
Snapati's brother-in-Iaw. He marched on Mataram to check his kins-
man's ambition, but in vain. He died in the attempt in 1600.
p.128. Snapati died in 1601 (the year of a complete eclipse of the
sun) in Kajenar, in the present district of Sragn, having designated
his son J alang to succeed him as king of Mataram although he was
still a minor.

Addenda: a Dutch summary, a list of dates (1546-1601), genealogies

of the royal families of Dmak-Pajang and Mataram, a Dutch biblio-
graphy and a Dutch register of names.



Summary of:
H. J. de Graaf, De regering van Sultan Agung, vorst van
Mataram, 1613-1645, en die van zijn voorganger Panem-
bahan Sda-ing-Krapjak, 1601-1613. 's-Gravenhage 1958.
Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-,
Land- en Volkenkunde. Vol. 23.

Chpt. 1. The reign of panembahan Sda-ing-Krapyak, 1601-1613

p. 1. Snapati's successor was a younger son by the princess of Patio
His elder sons were from women of lesser rank. The second panem-
bahan is known only by his posthumous name Sda-ing-Krapyak.
p. 2. The eldest surviving son, who had been given the honorary
name of pangran of Puger, was made governor of Demak. He rose in
rebellion against his younger brother out of spite, and was supported
by the king of Surabaya. Some notes by the Dutch admiral Jacob van
Heemskerck, who touched at the ports of Demak and Surabaya in 1602,
refer to these events. Pangran Puger was defeated by Mataram troops
but was pardoned in 1605.
p.9. Another brother of the king, called pangran Jaga Raga, was
made governor of Panaraga, south of Madyun. In 1608 he was recalled
to Mataram and banished to a distant island before the rebellion he
had be gun became dangerous.
p.12. The state of Surabaya was ruled around 1600 by a king who
may have been a distant relative of sunan Ngampl Denta, one of the
legendary rune saints of Javanese Islam.
p.13. A Dutch description of Surabaya in 1620 gives an idea of the
strength of the fortifications and the power of the king.
p. 16. Early 17th-century Dutch diaries and letters provide infor-
mation on the expansion of the Surabaya king's sphere of authority in
East Java and the outer islands.
p.18. The letters from the Dutch East India Company (V.O.C.)
trading post at Gresik, north of Surabaya, frequently mention inland
wars between Mataram and Surabaya. The Gresik factory was closed
in 1615.
p. 20. Mataram harassed the districts of Surabaya and Gresik with
annual incursions from 1610 to 1613. The town of Gresik was taken
and sacked in 1613.
p.22. During the reign of panembahan Sda-in-Krapyak there was
considerable building activity in the capitalof the prosperous Mataram
kingdom. There is also mention of some literary and theatrical develop-
ments led by the alang (wayang performer) Pafijang Mas, a native
of Ku.

p. 24. The king of Mataram sought relations with the Dutch traders,
which resulted in the founding of a V.O.C. factory in Japara in 1613.
In the same year the king met with an accident and died in his game-
preseIVe (Krapyak). His posthumous name Sda-ing-Krapyak refers
to this event.

Chpt.2. Sultan Agung's fiTSt conquests, 1613-1619

p.26. After the king's death there was some hesitation about the
succession. A younger son who had a good claim was forced to resign,
and the eldest son, called pangran Rangsang, who was born of a
princess of the House of Pajang, was made king. The name Sultan
Agung, by which he is known in history, was given him by historians
after his death. He took the title of Sultan in 1641.
p.28. The new king continued the war with the East Javanese
rulers by sending his warriors on a raid into the Eastern Corner ("Oost-
hoek") of Java in 1614. The district of Pasuruhan was by-passed, and
the Mataram troops reached Lumajang.
p.30. Returning home to Mataram laden with booty, the raiders
were pursued by East Javanese forces, mainly from Surabaya and
Madura. Retreating behind the river Andaka (Brantas) the Mataram
troops gave battle and inflicted such severe losses upon their enernies
that the pursuit was abandoned. The rest of the raiders reached
Mataram in triumph in the last months of 1614.
p.32. Sultan Agung personally took command of the army which
captured the fortified town of Wirasaba (now called Maja Agung) on
the Brantas in 1615. The young ruler of Wirasaba was insufficiently
supported by the king of Surabaya, who was quarreling with other East
Javanese kings at the time of the siege.
p. 35. Roused from the preoccupation with their quarrels by the
loss of the important fortress of Wirasaba, the East Javanese rulers led
a campaign right into the centre of the Mataram kingdom. Starting
from Lasem on the North Coast their forces advanced southward.
Sultan Agung prevented the men of Pajang from going over to the
enemy, as the invaders had hoped they would, and the East Javanese
forces were defeated near Siwalan in the district of Pajang in 1616.
p.39. Sultan Agung appointed some military men to high adminis-
trative posts because of the imminent danger to the centre of his
kingdom during these years.
p.W. The town of Lasem on the North Coast, from which the East
Javanese campaign had started in 1616, was taken and sacked before

the end of same year. Dutch V.O.C. ships supported the Mataram king
at the time.
p.41. The campaign in the Eastern Corner of 1614 was repeated
in 1617. The town of Pasuruhan was taken this time and its ruler fled
to Surabaya.
p.43. The insurrection in the district of Pajang, which had been
imminent since 1616, broke out in 1618. The insurgent, a descendant
of the Sultan of Pajang who had been paramount king in Central Java
fifty years before, was defeated and fled to Surabaya. His expectations
of support from a discontented faction at the Mataram court and the
still independent ruler of Tuban were not fulfilled. The town of Pajang
was taken and razed to the ground, and its people were marched to
Mataram to work for the king.
p. 48. The important trading-town of Tuban, on the North Coast,
was taken and destroyed in 1619. Again the support given to the
besieged fortress by Surabaya and Madura was insufficient. This victory
made Sultan Agung master of a considerable part of the eastern North
Coast districts, extending to the boundaries of Surabaya. Meanwhile
the Dutch V.O.C. had been busy establishing trading-posts in various
places on the coast.

Chpt. 3. Relations between Sultan Agung of Mataram

and the v.o.c. from 1613-1624
p. 53. Sultan Agung made friendly advances towards the V.O.C.,
who had a trading-post in Gresik, soon after his accession to the throne
in 1614. He considered the V.O.C. to he a useful ally in his struggle
with the rulers of the coastal states, especially the king of Surabaya.
p.54. A trading-post was established in Japara, on the territory of
the Mataram king and partly at his expense, in 1615. Sultan Agung
received 4 pieces of ordnance, two of them valuable brass cannon, in
return. The trading-post at Gresik was closed.
p.56. The unsatisfactory condition of the Japara trading-post led
to the sending of envoys to the Mataram court in 1616 and 1618. They
had little success.
p.58. The trading-post was taken by surprise and the Dutch traders
were arrested by order of the king in 1618. Some were killed. The
V.O.C. servants were charged with illicit practices in trade and bad
behaviour. Sultan Agung considered them to he his subjects as long as
they resided in his territory. He began to be aware of the danger of

the Dutch presenee by the developments at Jakarta and through the

wamings of British traders.
p.60. The events at Japara led to a terrible revenge by the Dutch
admiral Jan Pieterszoon Coen. He twice attacked and bumed the town
in 1618 and 1619. The British trading-post in Japara was destroyed
and the Chinese traders were forced to move to Jakarta, where they
were regarded as V.O.C. subjects. Af ter this calamity ]apara was
provided with fortifications by order of the king.
p. 64. J. P. Coen re-established a small trading-post at Gresik in
1619, promising the king of Surabaya support in his struggle with
Sultan Agung of Mataram.
p.65. Several Dutch traders who had been arrested in Japara in
1618 were kept prisoner by the Javanese authorities. They were con-
fined to a military post in the interior of the country, where they led
amiserable life.
p.67. The liberation of the Dutch prisoners was one of the issues
of the negotations between Sultan Agung and the Governor General
which went on for years. Another issue was the supply of J avanese riee,
which the V.O.C. posts and ships needed in great quantities. The parties
came to an understanding in 1622, mainly because the king wanted
V.O.C. support, or at least neutrality, in his war with Surabaya. The
prisoners were released.
p. 72. V.O.C. envoys sent to the Mataram court in 1622, 1623 and
1624 with various presents (including Persian horses) were graciously
reeeived. Slowly each side began to understand the other's interests
more clearly.

Chpt.4. Sultan Agung's war on Surabaya, 1620-'25, and his victory

p.77. The strategie situation of the town of Surabaya, between
branches of the river Brantas, and its strong fortifications made it m-
possible for the Mataram troops to storm it with their usual aggressive
p. 78. Sultan Agung's first and second campaigns against Surabaya
in 1620 and 1621 were unsuccessful, partly because V.O.C. ships cruising
on the coast prevented the king's proas from sailing farther eastward
than Tuban. They did not reach the straits of Madura, where they
could have victualied the king's land forces. Therefore Sultan Agung
decided to come to an understanding with the V.O.C.
p.79. In 1622 Sukadana, a trading-town on the South Coast of
Borneo and an outpost of the Surabaya king's trading empire, was

taken by Sultan Agung's govemor in Kendal, a port on Java's North

Coast west of Semarang.
p. 81. Mataram troops took and destroyed the towns of Gresik and
Jortan on the straits of Madura in 1622. There were no V.O.C. ships
to interfere. The country surrounding Surabaya was devastated far
and wide.
p.82. The 1623 campaign against Surabaya was again unsuccessful.
p.83. The rulers of the states of Madura (Sampang, Bangkalan,
and Sumenep), who were on the side of the king of Surabaya, were
defeated by Mataram invaders in 1624. There was fierce fighting in
several places. The ruling families were extirpated or fled to Banten
and Giri. Only the ruler of Bangkalan was spared. He was henceforth
forced to live at the Court of Mataram.
p.93. The town of Surabaya was besieged from the land-side be-
ginning in 1624. Supplies from allies overseas were scarce because of
the hostile presence of V.O.C. ships in the straits of Madura. The
Mataram forces blocked the water supply and spoiled the water of the
river, but did not try to storm the fortifications. The blind and aged
king of Surabaya had the sense to surrender without fighting in 1625.
He was allowed to reside in rus town until his death. His son, called
pangran Pekik in history, was henceforth forced to live in Mataram.
He married Sultan Agung's sister and, being a man of culture, did
much to civilize the Court of the in land kingdom.

Chpt. 5. Sultan Agung's character and behaviour, the royal residence

of Mataram, and the administration of the kingdom

p. 99. Reports from Dutch envoys who visited Mataram in the first
half of the 17th century provide reliable and substantial information
on Sultan Agung and his Court. The Dutch reports are supported by
Javanese historical records. Sultan Agung's religion became gradually
more orthodox as he advanced in life. He tried to force Dutch prisoners
to be circumcised and to become Muslims.
p.104. The royal residence, called Karta, was enlarged and rebuilt
several times during Sultan Agung's reign.
p. 113. The king took care of the central mosque of the realm,
where he worshipped regularly.
p. 116. The central administration of the kingdom was entrusted
to a limited number of high officials, who were removed from office
and even killed if they did not give satisfaction. The principal official

was the grandvizier (patih). The princes of the royal blood had no
regular functions in the administration, and were obliged to live in the
capita!. The outlying provinces, formerly independent states, were
under governors who travelled at least once a year to Mataram to pay
tribute and receive orders. Some governors of coastal provinces were
of foreign origin.
p. 120. The village subjects of the Mataram king were liable to
taxes in kind, statute labour and military service, but some were exempt
from some or all duties. The incomes of the royal household, the princes
of the blood and the officers of state came from villages and districts
which were allotted to them as appanages.
p.121. The king maintained contact with the courtiers by means
of frequent gatherings where no one was allowed to be absent. Non-
attendance was severely punished. Hunting was the royal pastime.
p.125. Within the army the royal bodyguard and the garrisons of
some posts and fortresses were regular soldiers, divided into a number
of companies. The villagers who were liable to military service coul
be called up if necessary, but their fighting-value was not great.

Chpt.6. The title of Susuhunan of Mataram, borne since 1624

p. 127. V.O.C. records are explicit that the new title was adopted
after the conquest of Madura. It was originally a spiritual title, belonging
to the legendary nine saints of Javanese Islam.
p. 129. The cannon called Paiicawura, the biggest piece of ord-
nance ever founded in Indonesia, is dated 1625. It was also a mark
of the Mataram king's rising power. It is now in Surakarta.
p. 131. The whole of Java was afflicted by terrible epidemics during
the years 1625-1627. A considerable part of the population was swept
away, but the nature of the illness is unknown.
p.132. The king of Mataram had planned to make war on Banten,
west of JakartajBatavia, as early as 1625-'26. He could not proceed
because the V.O.C. government refused him the support he needed.
This made him bitter towards the V.O.C.

Chpt.7. The PaN war, 1627

p. 135. The ruling family of Pati, on the North Coast, was related
by marriage to the House of Mataram.
p. 136. A renewal of the traditional relations between the two

families by the marriage of a very young pair was necessary to avert

the outbreak of hostilities in 1624.
p. 137. Nevertheless, the ruler of Pa!i, the last king in Central Java
who was independent of the susuhunan of Mataram, did not resign
himself to vassalage. Relying on support from a discontented faction
at the Mataram Court, he organized an insurrection in the North Coast
districts. The susuhunan himself took command of the troops who
marched on Pa!i and quelled the revoIt in 1627. The district of Pa!i
was laid waste, and the ruling family was extirpated.

Chpt. 8. The siege of Batavia in the years 1628 and 1629

p. 144. After 1625, the fall of Surabaya, relations between the
Mataram Court and the V.O.C. government in JakartajBatavia became
strained, mainly because the king now regarded himself as paramount
ruler of the whole of Central and East Java and Madura. Considering
the foreigners to be his subjects so long as they resided in his territories,
he resented fiercely any neglect of ceremony and particularly any inter-
ruption of the annual visits of envoys offering presents, which he feit
were his due. The V.O.C. government did not see annual embassies
as an obligation, and resented the casual Javanese handling of matters
of commerce which were of the highest importance to the Dutch.
p. 145. Af ter the fall of Surabaya and Pati in 1625 and 1627, the
king feit it was time to attack the intractable foreign settlers in Batavia.
Having closed the North Coast ports to all traffic, he sent a sea-borne
force from Tegal and two army corps, from KJ:tlal and Mataram,
overland to attack the town in 1628. The attacks were repulsed by the
Dutch and their foreign auxiliaries (Ambonese, Chinese and even
Japanese). Several Javanese commanders were killed in battle and
others were executed as punishment for their failure to take the town.
The rest of the army returned to Mataram at the end of 1628.
p.149. A second attack on Batavia was planned for 1629. The
Javanese forces brought heavy artillery and placed it in position to
bombard the town. There was fierce fighting at several points. In the
end the Javanese commanders were obliged to abandon the attempt,
mainly because of the scarcity of victuals. The military stores in Tegal
had been discovered and burned by a squadron of V.O.C. ships even
before the Javanese troops appeared before Batavia. The terrible losses
among the retreating Javanese were mainly caused by exhaustion and
famine. The small V.O.C. forces were not in a position to follow up

their success by a pursuit into the unexplored interior of West Java.

The valuable artillery was brought safely back to Mataram. The ener-
getic Dutch commander Jan Pieterszoon Coen, the founder of Batavia,
died of an intestinal trouble during the last days of this second siege.
p. 152. The events of the unsuccessful attacks on Batavia were
described by several Javanese and Dutch contemporaries. The identity
of many Javanese officers and princes who took part in the war can be
ascertained by comparing tales and reports from both sides.

Chpt.9. The relations between the Mataram Court and the

Portuguese government in Malaka and Coa, 1629-'34

p. 164. The Portuguese in Malaka maintained their position in the

northern part of the Archipelago and on the Sumatra coast with energy
and not without success. An attack by the Achehnese sultan Iskandar
Muda on Malaka was repulsed with heavy losses for the Sumatran fleet
in 1629, and some V.O.C. ships were taken and burned in the Jambi
river on the coast of Sumatra by a Portuguese squadron in 1630, even
though the Dutch captains were assisted by the Jambi ruler's coastal
p. 165. Portuguese envoys were received graciously at the Mataram
Court in 1631. They promised the support of a squadron of Portuguese
ships cruising along the Java coast when Sultan Agung's next attack
on Batavia was due.
p. 168. Envoys sent by Sultan Agung (in a Portuguese ship) to the
viceroy in Goa in 1632 are mentioned in Portuguese reports. It was
agreed that the town of Batavia, if taken by the joint efforts of Javanese
and Portuguese forces, would be tumed over to the viceroy.
p.170. Exchange of envoys between Mataram and MalakajGoa
was repeated in 1632-'34. The Portuguese power was declining, how-
ever, and it was impossible for them to keep their promises.

Chpt. 10. The relations between the Mataram Court and the
V.O.C. government in Batavia, 1629-'34

p. 173. Af ter the unsuccessful attacks on Batavia of 1628 and 1629,

the king showed some inclination to restore peaceful relations with the
V.O.C. if qualified envoys with valuable presents were sent to Mataram.

The V.O.C. government distrusted the king's intentions and was un-
willing to sue for peace. So nothing came from it.
p.177. The rumour of an agreement between the Mataram Court
and the Portuguese government in Malaka and Goa was taken seriously
in Batatvia. Believing that a third attack of the Mataram forces was
imminent the V.O.C. government sent a squadron of ships to destroy
military stores in the Javanese North Coast ports in 1631. No im-
portant stores were found, but Japara appeared to he strongly fortified
with Portuguese assistance, so the Dutch commander did not storm the
town but returned to Batavia without fighting.
p. 178. The V.O.C. government, to some degree reassured as to the
king's intentions, decided in 1632 to open preliminaries by sen ding an
envoy with presents to Japara. This initiative led to nothing because
of mutual misunderstanding and distrust. The Dutch commander was
forced to leave 24 Dutchmen in prison in Japara when he sailed back
to Batavia.
p.185. The capture of the Dutchmen in Japara and the refusal to
release them deepened Batavia's distrust. No V.O.C. officials of standing
could be found who were willing to re-open negotiations for peace in
Tegal, as was proposed, in 1634. The ruler of Cerbon, a Mataram
vassal, tried in vain to mediate. In 1633 the v.o.C. government saw
an opportunity to approach the Dwa Agung of Glgl, Mataram's
enemy, about an attack on East Java, but the Balinese ruier was not
in a position to begin hostilities overseas.
p.188. The Mataram Court realized that the V.O.C. power could
be attacked at sea. So between 1630 and '34 it promoted all kinds of
privateering in small craft along the north coast, which brought heavy
Iosses not only to V.O.C. trade, but in greater measure to that of private
Chinese and foreign Indonesian traders. The king was expecting the
promised support from Malaka in those years. He lost interest in the
privateering ventures when it became clear in 1635 that the Portuguese
government was unable to send the promised fleet of war-ships to attack

Chpt. 11. Troubles in the interior of the M ataram kingdom af ter

the unsuccessful attacks on Batavia, 1628-'35

p. 193. The Sundanese rulers of the mountanous Priangan districts

of the West Javanese interior had been converted to Islam by the
spiritual lord of Gunung Jati and his descendants, the kings of Cerbon,

in the second half of the 16th century. The Sundanese followed their
spiritual leader in acknowledging the suzerainty of Mataram during
the reign of Sultan Agung. On the king's order Sundanese forces from
Sumlang and Ukur took part in the first siege of Batavia in 1628.
Surprised in their camp by a sally of V.O.C. soldiers, they fled to the
mountainous district of Sumlang and migrated from there with their
families and belongings westward into the territory of the king of
Bantn, wishing not to be involved in the politics of the lowlands. But
they found it impossible to settle either in Bantn or in the area of
Batavia because of mutual distrust between the migrating mountaineers,
speaking an unintelligible idiom, and the Bantn and Dutch officials.
p.195. The Mataram king considered the Sundanese to be deserters
and sent troops to punish them in 1630, but the attack was repulsed.
In 1632 the Sundanese power was finally crushed by Mataram and
cerbon forces which marched on Ukur and Sumlang from the south,
east and north simultaneously. Numerous Sundanese prisoners were
massacred. The Mataram Court planned a forced migration of Javanese
peasants to strategically-Iocated areas in the north-eastern part of the
Priangan region.
p.197. Religiously minded groups in Mataram who adhered to the
mystical tradition of the sunan of Tmbayat, the legendary apostle of
Islam in the southern districts of Central Java, caused some trouble
in the country-side around the ancient borough of Wli in 1630, but
the Mataram Court managed to maintain its authority. The malcon-
tents of Wli were supported by a collateral branch of the royal family,
the Tpasana clan, who were related to the locally-important Kajoran
family, which was to cause much trouble during the reign of Sultan
Agung's successor Mangku Rat.
p.200. The king's pilgrimage to Tmbayat, and his erection of an
ornamental gate for the grave site, in 1633, marked an intensification
of his religious feeling.
p. 204. In the same year, 1633, the Javano-lslamic chronology
(A.J.) was made official. Like the pre-Islamic Saka era it begins in
A.D. 78, but employs (Islamic) lunar years after A.J. 1555 (A.D. 1633).

Chpt. 12. The war with Giri and the end of the independenee
of the spiritual lords, 1635-'36

p. 205. Sunan Prapn, the great ruler of Giri and Grsik in the
second half of the 16th century, had been succeeded by less fortunate

spiritual lords. Nevertheless the authority of the "Raja Bukit" m the

Moluccos was still considerabie.
p.209. After the fall of Surabaya in 1625, the surviving prince of
the ruling family, called pangran Pekik, was forced to live in Mataram.
As a member of one of the oldest East J avanese royal houses he had
a considerable civilizing influence at the inland Mataram Court.
p.213. Pangran Pekik, married with a sister of Sultan Agung, was
made commander of the Surabaya troops which were ordered by the
king to subdue the independent ruler of Giri. The Chinese Muslim
captain of the Giri forces was killed in battle and the fortified town
was taken about 1636.
p.218. The defeated panembahan Kawis Guwa of Giri was not
killed but rather forced to live in Mataram, where he soon died. His
heir acknowledged the Mataram suzerainty and was allowed to return
as a vassal ruler to Giri.
p. 220. Panembahan Ratu of Cerbon, the head of the family of
Sultan Agung's principal queen, paid a state visit to Mataram in 1636,
probably on the occasion of a family-feast. The presence of the spiritual
lords of both Giri and Cerbon at his court enhanced Sultan Agung's
authority as an Islamic ruler.

Chpt. 13. Later relations between the Mataram Court and the
Portuguese government in Malaka and Coa, 1634-'40

p.223. Portuguese envoys from Malaka again arrived in Mataram

in 1636 with valuable presents and promises of support in the war
against Batavia from the viceroy in Goa. The king openly revealed his
scepticism about the Portuguese promises. The bronze bell offered by
the viceroy as a present still exists.
p.226. Exchange of envoys between Mataram and MalakaJGoa
continued from 1638 to 1640. The Portuguese government sent valuable
presents, including cannon, in the hope of preventing a rapprochement
between the king and the Dutch. Portuguese traders were allowed to
settle in Javanese trading-towns where V.O.C. trade was prohibited.
Some Portuguese settlements in Javanese towns survived the fall of
Malaka to the V.O.C. in 1640'41..
p. 230. Dominican fathers founded a chapel in Japara for the use
of the Portuguese there in 1638. In 1676 the Portuguese fled to Banten
during the terrible Truna Jaya war.

Chpt. 14. Later relations between the Mataram Court and the
V.O.C. government in Batavia, 1636-'42

p.233. Throughout the whole period of hostility towards the VO.C.,

from 1618 until the death of Sultan Agung and even for some years
thereafter, there were Dutch prisoners in Mataram who were kept in
military posts on the highways leading to the capita!. Some were
shipwrecked sailors, but others were V.O.C. servants of some standing.
Those who consented to he circumcised and to embrace Islam had
some freedom to move about and married Javanese women. But many
refused to be converted. The prisoners were largely dependent upon
their own resources for their livelihood. The ingenious among them
became petty traders and artisans. They kept up a correspondence with
the V.O.C. government through the intermcdiary of the Mataram
governor of Tegal, who entertained friendly relations with Batavia. This
was not unknown at Court. The V.O.C. sent the prisoners goods to
trade and benefited from the information about Mataram affairs in
their letters. Whenever the relations between Mataram and the V.O.C.
deteriorated the prisoners' lives were in danger. The crownprince, later
sunan Mangku Rat I, entertained friendly relations with some prisoners
in his youth, and thus became more acquainted with the Dutch
mentality than his father ever was.
p.237. The Batavia government was sincerely concerned about the
condition of the prisoners. Antonio Paulo, a V.O.C. official with the
rank of junior merchant ("onderkoopman" ), and a pious man, lived in
Mataram from 1632 to 1642 and acquired a good knowledge of Java-
nese. He was the acknowledged head of the prisoners' community, and
in some degree was respected by the Javanese officials.
p.239. In 1636 an energetic second mate of a V.O.C. ship, Abraham
Verhuist, escaped from captivity in an open proa with some companions.
From the mouth of the river Bagawanta on the South Coast they sailed
westward to Banten, where they were helped by the principal of the
British trading-post.
p. 241. Having lost all hope of Portuguese support in the war with
Batavia, Sultan Agung nevertheless saw fit to prolong the negotiations
for peace with the V.O.C. from year to year up to 1642. During this
time he benefited from the valuable presents, including diamonds, which
he received both from the Portuguese and from the VO.C. He refused
to release the prisoners before having seen a highly qualified V.O.C.
envoy who would humbly sue for peace. The V.O.C. government would

not agree to such a demand. The negotiations by letter were broken

off in 1642 af ter the incident of the British ship Reformation.

Chpt. 15. Troubles at the Mataram Court in connection

with the crownprince, 1637
p. 247. The crownprince, later sunan Mangku Rat I, was bom
about 1619 from a princess of the Cerbon family and was married to
a daughter of pangran Pekik, the last scion of the House of Surabaya,
in 1634. The V.O.C. envoy Rijcklof van Goens, whose reports of his
five embassies to the Mataram Court from 1648 to 1654 contain much
valuable information, was his contemporary and knew him weIl.
p.249. In 1637 and 1638 the Mataram Court was disturbed by a
love-affair between the crownprince and a lady from the zenana of his
mentor and teacher tumenggung Wira Guna, and by the dismissalof
two important officers of state who were suspected of plotting against
the king's life. Sultan Agung's prompt actions prevented great difficulties.

Chpt.16. The Blambangan war, 1636-'40

p.254. The powerful Balinese king (Dwa Agung) of Glgl was
acknowledged as suzerain by the J avanese rulers of Blambangan and
Panarukan in Java's Eastern Corner from 1616, the year of the
Mataram conquest of Pasuruhan, and 1625, when Surabaya feIl. The
Islamic rulers of Pasuruhan and Surabaya had counter-balanced the
"heathen" Balinese influence in the far east of Java before that time.
The Blambangan and Panarukan rulers were afraid of an attack from
Mataram and approached the V.O.C. govemment for help. The Dwa
Agung did not agree to a V.O.C. suggestion made in 1633 to attack
the Mataram vassals in East Java, because he did not have sufficient
shipping at his disposal.
p.256. Af ter an initial success an attack by Mataram on the town
of Blambangan was repulsed by Balinese troops which crossed the straits
just in time in 1635. These facts are mentioned both in Dutch reports
and in Balinese historical literature.
p.260. Troubles at his Court prevented Sultan Agung from taking
further action immediately, but in 1639 a powerful expeditionary force
supported by ships was sent to the Eastern Corner. It subdued all the
principalities up to Blambangan. The Javanese commanders then
planned an attack on Bali, but this did not succeed. The Dwa Agung
was nevertheless alarmed and asked the V.O.c. for help. The Dutch

response was halfhearted. In any case, Balinese penetration into the

Eastern Corner districts was stopped for a time.
p.262. The prisoners of war from East Java and the Eastern Corner
were marched to Mataram to work for the king. Their descendants
were afterwards called Pinggir and Gajah Mati people.

Chpt.17. The king of Mataram's efforts to obtain

the title of Sultan, 1641-'42
p. 264. The Islamic title of Sultan was conferred by the Grand
Sherif of Mecca upon the king of Banten in 1638. Jealous of his rival
in West Java, the king of Mataram sent an envoy to Mecca in 1641
to beg for the same title, and obtained it in return for valuable presents.
The Javanese envoy was brought to Surat in a British ship and pro-
ceeded from there to Jedda in a Muslim vessel. The voyage was arranged
by British factors, who were allowed to stay on in their trading-post in
Japara almost without interruption from 1618 to 1652.
p.268. The Sultan was proud of his new title and sent a party of
Javanese men of religion to Mecca, provided with considerable funds,
to perfonn the pilgrimage on his behalf. Although the V.O.C. govern-
ment offered passage for the party, the Sultan preferred the British
ship the Refonnation. But the V.O.C. by this time feit strong enough
to put a stop to British intrigues at the Mataram Court and intercepted
the Refonnation as she passed Batavia. Many of the Javanese on board
ran amuck and were killed by Dutch marines or by the British crew.
One who survived was sent back to Mataram to ask for the release of
the Dutch prisoners in return for the passage of the Javanese mission
to Surat.
p.281. Sultan Agung was furious at this interference with bis pil-
grimage by proxy, and at the loss of face in the eyes of the Meccan Court.
In 1642 the Sultan condemned Antonio Paulo, the head of the Dutch
prisoners in Mataram, to be thrown to the crocodiles. He was accused
of sorcery by which he had warned the V.O.G. government to look out
for the Sultan's mission in the British ship. The failure of the British
captain to bring the Javanese party safely to Surat caused the British
factors and traders to lose the Sultan's favour after 1642.
p.273. Feeling that he had now achieved all that was possible, the
Sultan ordered a comprehensive chronicIe of his reign to be written
between 1641 and '45. This chronicIe is incorported in the great
History of Java wbich was written in the second half of the 18th century.

Chpt. 18. Relations between the Mataram Court and rulers

ot other I ndonesian states
p. 274. The V.O.C. fleet of European-built heavy ships could not
supersede the Javanese fleets of small craft. Mataram had sufficient
shipping of small tonnage, especially after the annexations of Surabaya
and Madura, to maintain its position as a maritime power at least on
the coasts of Sumatra, Borneo and Celebes. Palmbang's relations with
its neighbour of Banten were not good, and this was one incentive for
Palmbang to acknowledge the suzerainty of the Central Javanese
Mataram king. After the conquest of Malaka in 1641, the V.O.C. felt
strong enough to take action against Javanese ships in the Palmbang
river. Nevertheless the Palmbang ruler continued to send envoys to
Mataram as long as Sultan Agung lived.
p.277. The Court of Jambi, which as a rule imitated the more
powerful rulers of Palmbang, was also faithful in its vassalage to
p.278. The Court of Bafijar Masin had acknowledged the Sultan
of Demak as suzerain in the first half of the 16th century. In the first
decades of the 17th century the kings of Tuban and Aros Baya (West
Madura) contended for suzerainty over Bafijar. Mataram influence
became paramount after 1637, and in 1641 the Bafijar Masin ruler
sent envoys to Mataram as an obedient vassal.
p.281. The South Celebes rulers maintained friendly relations with
the Mataram Court and supported native headmen in the Moluccos
who opposed the monopolistic rule of the V.O.C.
p.282. Even the Sultan of Banten sent envoys to Mataram in 1642,
acknowledging his rival's new title of Sultan.
p. 283. Sultan Agung respected the panembahan Ratu of Cerbon
as a man of religion and head of his queen's family. He imitated Cerbon
Court architecture. Meanwhile he urged war with Banten upon the
weak state, and requestcd its support against Batavia. The Cerbon rulers
were good politicians. As soon as the Mataram kingdom began to totter
they accepted the protection of the powerful V.O.C. government in

Chpt. 19. The last years ot the reign ot Sultan Agung,

his death and his burial-place
p. 284. Although the king refused to make peace, trade between
Batavia and the Javanese ports flourished during the last years of his

reign. In this period tumenggung Wira Guna was the most important
personage at the Mataram Court and was of ten mentioned in Dutch
p. 288. Sultan Agung's predecessors were buried beside the mosque
in Kuta Gel, the oId capitalof Mataram. The king began to build
a new burial-place on a hill nearby about 1631, which became the
well-known royal grave-site Imagiri. He was the first king to be buried
p.291. He died in his royal residence in the first half of February,
1646. He had made arrangements for the succession of the crownprince,
which was not contested.




Summary of:
H. J. de Graaf, De regering van Sunan Mangku-Rat I
Tegal-Wangi, vorst van Mataram, 1646-1677. I. De ont-
binding van het rijk. 's-Gravenhage 1961. Verhandelingen
van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volken-
kunde. Vol. 33. (This volume contains a description of
Mangku Rat's foreign poliey, in particular hls relations with
the V.O.C. in japara and Batavia).

Chpt. 1. Sunan Mangku Rat's youth and his accession to the throne
p.1. The new king was bom about 1619. His mother, Ratu Kulon,
was the second queen of Sultan Agung (af ter the repudiation of the
first one) and belonged to the family of the rulers of Cerbon and
Batang in West Java, who were related to the revered sunan Gunung
Jati, one of the legendary nine saints of Javanese Islam. The name
Mangku Rat Agung, by which he is known in history, was given him
by Javanese historians af ter his death, as was his posthumous name
Sda-ing-Tegal Wangi (af ter the place where he was buried). He was
married in 1643 to a daughter of pangran Pkik, the last prince of
Surabaya, who had been forced to live in Mataram since 1625.
p. 3. He was designated to succeed to the throne notwithstanding
some youthful aberrations, and at Sultan Agung's death in 1646 he was
inaugurated as Susuhunan Ingalaga Mataram. Ample information on
his reign is provided by reports of the V.O.C. envoys who were sent
regularly by the government in Batavia/Jakarta to visit the Mataram
Court. They used to sail to Japara, the beginning of the inland route.
The reports written by Rijcklof van Goens are particularly valuable.
p. 4. Tumenggung Wira Guna, one of the principal officials at the
Mataram Court during the last years of the reign of Sultan Agung,
supported the new king's accession to the throne.
p.5. So did the new king's uncle, pangran Purbaya, a younger
brother of Sultan Agung's, although he may have done so reluctantly.
The title pangran Purbaya (= Madyun) was usually given to the
brother closest in age (elder or younger) to the sovereign.
p. 8. The Islamic title of Sultan was not hereditary. Mangku Rat
never took the trouble to solicit the title from the Sherif of Mecca,
although his contempontry the ruler of Banten did so in 1651.

Chpt. 2. The royal residence at Plrd and the princiPal officials

p. JO. The construction of a dam or weir (plrd) which created
an artificial lake was begun in the last years of Sultan Agung's reign.
Mangku Rat had his new royal residence built near that lake. Brick
and hewn stone were more widely used in the construction of wal Is and

buildings than in neighbouring Karta, Sultan Agung's residence, which

was built mainly of wood. Karta was abandoned and fell into decay.
p.14. Tumenggung Wira Guna, who was made grandvizier (patih)
with the title Tumenggung Mataram in 1646, feIl into disgrace soon
afterwards. He was an intelligent man and tried to entertain friendly
relations with the Dutchmen he met. The administration of the principal
inland districts of the realm (Mataram and Pajang) and the outlying
provinces on the North Coast was repeatedly altered during Mangku
Rat's reign. Officials rarely lasted more than a few years. This bewildered
Dutch contemporaries. The centralized organization of the realm sketched
in van Goen's reports was never completely put into practice.
p.20. Beside civil administrators Mangku Rat had tax collectors,
who were called treasurers by Dutch observers. Their duties brought
them in frequent contact with foreign traders. They were in charge
of the royal treasure-house (geQong ) .

Chpt. 3. The fiTst yeaTs of Mangku Rat's Teign, 1646-'47

p.23. Information provided by Dutch contemporaries and Javanese
books written long afterwards do not agree on the events at the be-
ginning of the reign. I t is likely that the king had a grudge against the
vizier Wira Guna who had been his master in his youth. Mangku Rat
made him commander of a campaign against Balinese invaders in
Blambangan, in Java's Eastern Corner, where the local ruler Tawang
Alun had rebelled. The campaign was not wholly successful and Tawang
Alun escaped to Bali. On the way back to Mataram, Wira Guna and
some other high officials died as the king had hoped.
p. 27. Mangku Rat had one younger brother bom from the same
mother. This young prince, called pangran Alit in history, attempted
an ill-advised coup in the capital in the first year of the reign, during
the Blambangan campaign when many military men were absent. He
ran amuck in the interior of the royal residence. Af ter having killed
many prominent noblemen, he died of his wounds and the rebellion was
suppressed with much bloodshed. The death of this brother, who might
have become a dangerous rival, was arelief to the king.
p. 32. Mangku Rat was convinced of the complicity of a group of
Islamic divines and men of religion in pangran Alit's rebellion. He
ordered a massacre and many families of religious people lost their
lives, according to van Goens.
p.34. There is reason to believe van Goens' story that af ter pangran
Alit's death the queen-mother reconciled Mangku Rat and his uncle

pangran Purbaya, who had begun to doubt the wisdom of the king's
p.36. Mangku Rat considered himself to he the paramount king
of Java and Madura and of the countries in Sumatra, Borneo and
Celebes which had acknowledged the authority of his father Sultan
Agung. In fact the political power of Mataram was dwindling, largely
because Mangku Rat, who was always afraid of rebellions in his capital,
trusted neither his courtiers nor his army and could not adopt astrong
policy in the outlying provinces of the realm.

Chpt.4. The relatians between Mataram and Banten,

and Mataram and Bali, 1646-'52
p.39. Panembahan Ratu of Cerbon (died 1640) and his son pa-
nembahan Giri Laya, descendants of the holy sunan Gunung Jati,
acknowledged the Mataram kings as suzerains. Panembahan Giri Laya
consented to mediate between Banten and Mataram. He even went
so far as to send an expedition by sea to Banten to vindicate an old
claim, but his men were defeated (1650).
p.42. Mangku Rat was persuaded by Islamic divines to abandon
his plan to attack the Muslim king of Banten in 1652. Relations were
relatively friendly for some years thereafter.
p.44. Hostilities began again in 1657. Banten traders calling at
Central Javanese ports were molested, and a fleet set out for Banten
from Juwana and Japara. But the ships did not reach Banten; off
Krawang the commanders decided to sail home. The campaign of the
Mataram land-forces was also unsuccessful. The V.O.C. territory around
Batavia/Jakarta, where a strict neutrality was maintained, provided
a buffer between the hostile parties. Peace was restored in 1659.
p.50. Af ter the unsuccessful campaign against Tawang Alun, the
ruler of Blanmbangan who went over to the side of the Balinese king
in 1646, Mangku Rat made many plans to attack Bali by sea but
nothing came of them. In the meantime, Balinese raiders in the Eastern
Corner of Java destroyed the authority of the Mataram king from
Blambangan to Pasuruhan. Gusti Pafiji Sakti, a Balinese adventurer
from Bullng, began his career in the Eastern Corner of Java
about 1664.

Chpt. 5. The relatians between Mataram and the states in

Sauth Sumatra, up ta 1659
p.53. The rulers of Palmbang and Jambi, having acknowledged

the suzerainity of Sultan Agung in his time, continued to pay homage

to Mangku Rat by appearing in person at Court or by sending envoys
up to 1656.
p. 54. V.O.C. trade with Palmbang was carried on by ships which
were sent there regularly from Batavia. The V.O.C. did not have a
fortified trading-post on land. The behaviour of the Dutchmen who
were sent to Palmbang caused such dissatisfaction that a ship lying at
anchor in the river was taken treacherously in 1658. The captain, who
was particularly disliked, and most of the crew were killed or made
prisoner. The rest escaped to Jambi in a boat.
p.57. Seeing that it was impossibie to come to an understanding
with thc Palmbang ruler merely by blockading the river, the V.O.C.
government sent a fleet and a detachment of soldiers. The town was
stormed and ransacked and the Court fled to the woods at the end
of 1659. The Dutch prisoners were found crissed. Eventually the V.O.C.
troops left the town and thc ruler returned. Mangku Rat had done
nothing in support of his Sumatran vassal.
p.60. Courtiers and traders whom the new ruler of Palmbang, ki
mas Hindi, who ascended the throne in 1660, sent to do homage in
Mataram were not admitted to the royal presence. The last envoy
returned empty-handed in 1660. Mangku Rat had lost all interest in
overseas states, being preoccupied with difficulties in his own capital.
Ki mas Hindi of Palmbang called himself Sultan J amaluddin after
1675. He allowed the V.O.C. to establish a trading-post in his town.
p.64. The ruling family of the neighbouring state of Jambi was
divided. The old ruler adhered to the traditional vassalage to Mataram,
but he was opposed by the crownprince's faction. The Court of Jambi
did not send envoys to Central Java after 1659, and as soon as the new
ruler ascended thc throne in 1663 he renounced Mataram suzerainty
and sent envoys to Batavia. The V.O.C. had a trading-post in Jambi
after 1660.

Chpt. 6. The relations between Mataram and the states in

Borneo and Celebes, up to 1659
p.67. The ruler of Sukadana, in South-West Borneo, was considered
to he a vassal of the Mataram king up to 1656, but af ter that year he
sided with the Court of Bafijar Masin, in the centre of the South Coast,
which had already renounced Javanese suzerainty. Mangku Rat's
authority in Borneo faded away after 1659.

p.68. The native traders of Makasar and Gowa, in South Celebes,

were rivals of the V.O.C. in the Spice Islands. Portuguese traders who
fled from Malaka after it was conquered in 1641 had some influence.
Beginning in 1656, South Celebes states sent several times envoys to
Mataram to solicit support in their struggle with the V.O.C., but in
vain. Mangku Rat refused admittance to Makasarese envoys after 1659.
The town of Makasar was stormed and taken by the V.O.C. admiral
Speelman in 1669.

Chpt.7. The period of friendly relations between the Mataram Court

and the V.O.C., 1646-1655.
p.74. Sultan Agung of Mataram had been unwilling to make peace
with the V.O.C. as long as he lived. Relations became less strained in
the last years of his reign, however, and as soon as Mangku Rat became
king in 1646 peace was concluded. Among the conditions were that
the V.O.C. should send envoys to Mataram annuaUy and that prisoners
of war would be exchanged. A number of V.O.C. servants who had
been prisoners in Mataram for years had turned Muslim, been circum-
cised, and had married Javanese women. Dutch envoys were received
weU and admitted into the royal presence in 1646, 1648 and 1651.
Rijcklof van Goens' reports contain interesting information on con-
ditions in the Javanese capital.

Chpt.8. The system of two superintendents of the sea-ports

of the Mataram kingdom, 1651-1657
p.82. Japara had been the principal port of the kingdom of Dmak,
and afterwards an independent state, in the 16th century. Annexed by
Mataram in the beginning of the 17th century, it continued to function
as the gateway to the interior of Central Java until it was superseded by
Smarang. The first V.O.C. trading-post in Japara, established in 1613,
was destroyed by the local Javanese governor in 1617. It was re-
established in 1651, in the period of van Goens' good relations with
Mangku Rat I. The V.O.C. servants in Japara were considered to be
subjects of the king as long as they resided in his territories. He profited
by their presence because they supplied him with foreign luxuries.
p.85. It was difficult to find suitable persons for the office of head
of the V.O.C. trading-post at Japara. Some Dutch sailors and V.O.C.

officials who had lived as prisoners in Mataram for many years had
leamed enough J avanese to be useful interpreters and mediators. Some
ship-building activity was begun at the Japara trading-post, but the
Javanese authorities were insufficiently cooperative.
p.88. The govemors of the Central Javanese trading-towns (Juwana-
Pati, Japara, Semarang, KJ.:tlal) were originally free to negotiate with
foreign traders calling at their ports, so long as they observed their
obligations to the king's patih in Mataram. Mangku Rat began to
realize, however, that his govemors received more profit from the trade
in his ports than he did himself. He therefore appointed two super-
intendents over the seaports who resided at Court and controlled the
coastal govemors and royal revenues. The coastal districts were divided
into an eastem and a western territory, as was the custom at the Java-
nese courts. The two territories met at Patio
p.92. The system of the two superintendents was hard on Javanese
and foreign traders, both Chinese and Dutch. Junior officials dis-
regarded the local govemors' authority and extorted fees whereever
they saw that some profit was made. Moreover the king's demands for
costly presents from the annual V.O.c. embassies grew steadily, as he
realized that oversea trade brought great wealth to the participants.
The govemment in Batavia grew dissatisfied with Mangku Rat's ap-
parent unwillingness, which was in fact an impotence, to support the
V.O.C. in its plans to monopolize trade in the Archipelago.

Chpt.9. The fiTst conflict of Mangku Rat with the

V.O.C. government, 1655-'56
p. 100. Rijcklof van Goens, whose personal relations with the king
had been friendly, retumed to the Netherlands in 1655. The next
V.O.C. envoy was unable to cope with the growing difficulties. Mangku
Rat believed that he was being swindled by both the native and foreign
traders and ordered all seaports in his realm to be closed in 1655.
p. 103. All traders were inconvenienced by this action. The closing
of the ports had been urged by Muslim fanatics who saw the impotence
of the Islamic states of Banten and Makasar in resisting the growing
power of the infidel V.O.c. There were rumours of war against the
V.O.C. in Mataram, but nothing came of it.

Chpt. 10. The system of four superior governors of the

Central Javanese sea-port, 1657-'60.

p.105. Mangku Rat decided to re-open the seaports in 1657. At

the same time the system of the two superintendents residing in Mataram
was abrogated. The seaports were divided, not in contiguous territories
but mixed-up, among four superior governors who resided in Pati,
Demak, Japara and Semarang. These officials were expected by the
king to monopolize trade with Batavia on his behalf. He delegated all
negotiations in matters of trade to them; the king kept aloof. The
governors took turns in residing at Court for several months every year.
The governor of Pati was an intelligent man. He had already visited
Batavia in 1653.
p. 114. This system of a royal monopoly of trade with Batavia was
not a success. In 1657 the king prompted the coastal governors to send
Javanese trading ships to Malaka and Ambon, in defiance of the V.O.C.
monopoly there, and provided them with capita! for those ventures.
This failed, however, because the V.O.C. refused passports for the ships.
Plans to send Javanese traders on Dutch ships to the Coromandel coast
also failed. The assistance of British traders, who still had a trading-post
in Japara, in carrying Javanese traders to India was of little avail.
p. 119. Dutch ship-building activity, begun in Japara in 1651, was
imitated upon the king's order. Iron was bought in Batavia, and
timber was plentiful. Some seagoing vessels of Dutch design were built,
but the navigation of them proved too difficult for the Javanese seamen.
p.120. Trade between the Japara governor and Makasar was also
p.121. Official V.O.C. envoys were no longer expected in Mataram
after 1655. The king wanted his usual presents, however, and the four
governors were ordered to supply them regularly. Persian horses, which
were needed to improve the native Javanese breed, were selected in
Batavia by Javanese experts sent from Mataram.
p.125. Finances were the weak point of the Javanese trading ac-
tivities. The governors borrowed widely in return of vague promises
of future supplies of Javanese native produce. The unfulfilled deliveries
remained permanently in the V.O.C.'s hooks. The V.O.C. factors in
Japara and the government in Batavia decided to limit the loans. The
king and his governors therefore raised the question of customs and
duties, from which V.O.C. trade in Japara had been exempt since the
establishment of the trading-post. The forceful V.O.C. action in Palm-

bang and the ransacking of the ruler's residence in that town in 1659
had repercussions in Java. Although Mangku Rat had done nothing in
support of his vassal, he suddenly decided in 1660 to close the Javanese
ports again to all foreign traders. The king believed that his father-in-
law, the aged pangran Pekik of Surabaya, was the head of a conspiracy
against his life. The pangran was killed in 1659. This incident also
influenced Mangku Rat's foreign policy.

Chpt. 11. The second conflict of Mangku Rat with the

V.O.C. government, 1660-'61
p.134. The V.O.C. was inconvenienced by the closing of the Central
Javanese ports and tried to establish a business connection with Sura-
baya, where the intelligent governor of Pati had been recently appointed.
This officer was killed upon the king's order in 1660 as a punishment
for his friendly relations with the foreigners. The system of the four
superior governors of the seaports drew to a close.
p.143. The governor of Japara stood high in the king's favour for
some time. He was active in the Sundanese districts in West Java, where
he established Javanese settlements, and in Cerbon, where he arranged
the administration after the death of the old panembahan who resided
in Mataram in 1662. This energetic officer was publicly executed in 1662
because the king was displeased at his business negotiations with Batavia.

Chpt. 12. The re-established V.O.C. trading-post in Japara, 1661-'66

p. 150. The king reluctantly realized that trade with the foreigners
was indispensable and ordered the Japara trading-post to be given back
to the V.O.C. traders in 1661. 1t was some years before the buildings
were again fit for occupation. Mangku Rat again expected a V.O.C.
envoy in Mataram, but the Batavia government grew increasingly
self-confident as the king's incompetence became more apparent and
turned a deaf ear to this suggestion. The Mataram king's authority in
Bast Java also dwindled af ter 1663.
p.159. The royal trading monopoly which Mangku Rat had es-
tablished, hoping to increase his revenue, feIl into disuse as the four
superior governors lost their power af ter 1664. The V.O.C. factors in
Japara, as they grew familiar with local circumstances, found it advan-
tageous to deal with private merchants, who were mostly Muslims of
1ndian extraction and Chinese. Their authority in the town superseded
that of those Javanese officials who were lower in rank than governor.

Chpt. 13. The period of the merchants and the royal government
sharing control of the port and town of Japara, 1666-1670
p. 162. A new govemor was appointed in Japara in 1666. He had
to reckon with the influential merchants in town throughout his period
in office. He had some success in arranging the sending of V.O.C.
envoys from Batavia to the Mataram Court in 1667, '68 and '69, the
first embassies since 1655, and he did his best to re-establish friendly
relations. But the V.O.C. did not have a man like Rijcklof van Goens.
Meanwhile V.O.C. trade with all Javanese ports, including those in
East Java, increased in volume and value. Realizing this, the king
availed himself of the opportunity of the annual embassies to increase
his demands for presents, which he considered to he his due. Upon
admittance into the royal presence the Dutchmen were ohliged to
behave like vassals offering tribute, sitting on the ground in the open
at a considerable distance from the throne.
p. 181. The V.O.C. envoy of 1669 was not admitted into the royal
presence. This was because of circumstances in the capital, where royal
authority was dwindling. Mangku Rat quarrelled with rus son the crown-
prince and with important officials. Admiral Speelman's conquest of
the town of Makasar in 1669, the second V.O.C. victory after the
Palmbang war in 1659, bewildered the Javanese Court. An energetic
govemor of Japara, who was considered overbearing, was killed upon
the king's order in 1672. Relations among the Mataram Court, the
govemors in the coastal provinces and the V.O.C. govemment in
Batavia became chaotic as a result of the unpredictable measures of
Mangku Rat, who distrusted everybody.

Chpt. 14. The period of the wardens of the ports (shahbandar) side by
side with territorial administrators (umbul), 1670-1677
p. 192. Realizing that trade was ever more important as a source of
revenue, the king appointed wardens of the ports to negotiate with
foreign traders and to collect the duties. No new govemors were
appointed, and the duties of those in function were changed into war-
denships. The umbuls, originally heads of inland districts under the
control of the govemors, were given greater authority in the country
than before. It was the king's scheme that wardens and umbuls should
balance each other. The result was anarchy.
p.195. The shahbandar of Japara was a man of business who was

engaged in trade in many places. He had dealings with important

personages at Court including the crownprince, with Chinese merchants
(some of them converted Muslims) in Japara and Batavia, and with
the V.O.C. He was accused of dishonesty and extortionate practices
and dismissed in 1675. His onerous taxation had caused V.O.C. trade
to move from Japara to Smarang, which had closer connections with
the interior. New troubles in East Java with Makasarese and Madurese
raiders so distracted the king's attention that he ignored difficulties
in the neighbouring coastal districts of Central Java during the last
years of his reign.
pp.207-212 contain a short Dutch summary, and a bibliography.



Summary of:
H. J. de Graaf, De regering van Sunan Mangku-Rat I
Tegal-Wangi, vorst van Mataram, 1646-1677. 11. Opstand
en ondergang. 's-Gravenhage 1962. Verhandelingen van het
Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde.
Vol. 39. (This volume contains a description of developments
at the Mataram Court and in the interior of the kingdorn
which led to Mangku Rat's abandonrnent of his capita!).

Chpt.1. The crownprince (later sunan Mangku Rat II),

his youth up to 1659
p.l. Mangku Rat I was married in 1643 to a daughter of pangran
Pkik, the last Surabaya prince who was forced to live at the Mataram
court. This first queen died soon after the birth of her third child, who
was designated crownprince. Proposals to marry him to princesses from
the Banten or Gerbon royal families came to nothing. The crownprince's
disorderly life increased his father's difficulties at home.
p. 4. In 1659, about ten years after the death of his first queen,
Mangku Rat I was led to believe that his father-in-Iaw pangran Pekik
was the head of a conspiracy against his life. The pangran was killed
upon the king's order with all his relatives, including those residing in
Surabaya. The Surabaya family was one of the last to survive, and
certainly the most important, of the old royal Houses which had reigned
in East Java before Sultan Agung annexed those districts by force.
Mangku Rat's distrust of all noblemen and prominent persons in
Mataram demanded numerous victims during the following years.

Chpt. 2. The period of the conspiracies of the princes:

the crownprince and pangran Purbaya, 1660-1670
p. JO. The massacre of the Surabaya family was the beginning of
the discord which divided the House of Mataram. The crownprince
had loved his maternal grandfather, and therefore nursed a grudge
against his father; Mangku Rat I likewise distrusted his son as long
as he lived.
p. 13. Collateral branches of the Mataram family were rebellious,
and several noblemen were killed at the king's order af ter 1660.
p. 15. An infatuation of Mangku Rat for a beautiful woman who
did not belong to the Mataram nobility caused a great commotion at
Court. She is known in history as Ratu Malang. She was the king's
favourite until her death (perhaps by poison) in 1667.
p. 22. A love-affair between the crownprince and a girl intended as
Ratu Malang's successor divided father and son still more. The girl,
known as rara Oyi, was killed at the king's order in 1667.

p.26. Pangran Purbaya, the king's unde, was compromised and

some of his relatives feIl victims to Mangku Rat's distrust. The crown-
prince sided with the rebellious princes.

Chpt.3. The period of the crownprince's disgrace, 1670-1672

p. 31. The crownprince had a love-affair with Ratu Blitar, the wife
of his half-brother pangran Singasari. This produced a scandal which
led the king to banish the crownprince from Court for some time. The
young man set out on a journey during which he visited the Dutch
trading-post at Japara and established relations with the V.O.C. In
1670 he returned to Mataram. The king gave him the East Javanese
district of Surabaya as an appanage at this time. The crownprince
resided in Mataram and had a steward in Surabaya to collect his

Chpt.4. The beginning of the rapprochement between the

crownprince and radn Kajoran
p. 38. Kajoran, an ancient site south of the town of Klatn, was
the seat of an illustrious family of men of religion. They were descendants
of a brother of sunan Tmbayat, the holy man from Smarang who had
been one of the first to spread knowledge of Islam in the inland districts
of Central Java in the first half of the 16th century. The Kajoran
family and the House of Mataram had been related by marriage for
four generations. The head of the family, alarmed at the massacre of
noblemen at Court by Mangku Rat, sympathized with the crownprince
in bis difficulties.

Chpt.5. The beginning of the good understanding between the

crownprince and radn Truna Jaya, 1670
p.46. Radn Truna Jaya was a descendant of the last king of West
Madura (Bangkalan and Sampang) who was forced to live in Mataram
after the annexation of his country by Sultan Agung. Jealousy among
the Madurese princes living in Mataram led radn Truna J aya to
leave the Court at Plrd and move to Kajoran, where he married
a daughter of the head of the family.
p.51. Radn Kajoran promoted an understanding between his
son-in-law who feit slighted and the crownprince who nursed a grudge
against his father.

Chpt.6. The beginning of Truna Jaya's rule in Madura, 1670-1671

p.54. Standing high in the crownprince's favour, Truna Jaya was
allowed to leave Mataram and to return to Madura. He appealed to
Madurese allegiance to his own family and to the House of Surabaya,
of which his patron the crownprince was a descendant, and won a great
number of followers among the local gentry. The authority of his riyal
the pangran of Sampang, who still resided in Mataram, dwindled, and
after some fighting Truna Jaya became master of Madura.

Chpt.7. The Makasarese refugees and pirates in Java, 1670-1674

p. 62. After Makasar, the principal eastern trading-centre outside
Java, was stormed and taken by the V.O.C. admiral Cornelis Speelman
in 1669, bands of Makasarese soldiers and adventurers headed by
members of noble families sought their fortunes overseas in piracy and
war. This had been the practice in South Celebes from olden times.
An Islamic divine from Makasar, known as sh Yusup, lived in Banten
after about 1670. He had considerable influence at Court and promoted
the admittance to Banten of a group of Makasarese refugees led by a
noblemen called krang Bonto Marannu.
p. 66. The relations between the Banten Court and the unruly
Makasarese guests became strained after some time. The Makasarese
were forced to leave in 1674. They sailed eastward and became pirates,
harassing the North Coast trading-towns. At last, having come to an
understanding with the crownprince of Mataram, they were permitted
to settle in Demung, a remote district in the Eastern Corner of Java
p.70. Another group of Makasarese refugees, headed by the krang
of Galsong, engaged in piracy along the coasts of the eastern islands,
in particular Sumbawa. Then they came to East Java in 1675.

Chpt.8. The V.O.C. government chasing the Makasarese pirates

p.73. An action of a small V.O.C. fleet on the coasts of the eastern
islands caused another group of warlike Makasarese refugees led by
dang Manggappa to move to Banten in 1674. They made themselves
a nuisance, as had their predecessors, and were forced to Ie ave for
East Java in 1675.
p.77. A severe famine caused by crop failure prevailed in Central
Java from 1674-1676. This calamity and the king's bad health paralysed
Mataram political activity in those years.

Chpt.9. The first raids of Makasarese bands on Javanese towns

p.81. A raid by Makasarese pirates from Demung on Gresik was
repulsed in 1674. The V.O.C. authorities in Batavia suspected that
several local Javanese officials who were partisans of the crownprince
had connived at the attack on the king's territory. Mangku Rat made
plans to maintain his rights, but nothing came of it. The king's authority
in the capital was balanced by the crownprince's.
p.84. The Makasarese headmen in East Java planned a second
raid in 1675. The krang of Galsong and Truna Jaya, ruler of Madura,
entered into a pact, sealed by intermarriage, to raid the prosperous
trading-towns of the North Coast provinces. Supported by Madurese
power, the Makasarese raiders took and burned the principal towns
from Pajarakan in the Eastern Corner to Surabaya and Gresik. The
resistance offered by some loyal Mataram officers was of no avail. The
inhabitants of the towns, fearing a massacre, fled into the interior of
the country.
p.90. Fearing an imminent Makasarese raid in Central Java in
1676, Mangku Rat sent a military man as governor to Japara to replace
the covetous shahbandar who had made many enemies. The town was
reinforced and provided with cannon.

Chpt. 10. Joint actions of the v.o.c.

government and the
king of Mataram against the Makasarese raiders, 1676
p. 92. A V.O.C. fleet sent from Batavia to fight the Makasarese
forces on the North Coast was at first met with distrust by the loyal
Mataram officers. Communication and cooperation were difficult. A
Mataram force marching on Demung was defeated, and combined
actions by V.O.C. and Mataram ships on the coast of the Eastern
Corner were not always successful. Nevertheless the krang of Galsong
decided to leave Demung. He joined his ally Truna Jaya in Madura.
p.1IO. Truna Jaya called himself panembahan Madu Retna (af ter
his new residence) after 1676. He was supported hy the sunan of Giri,
near Gresik, an influential spiritual authority who represented the
true faith and the old East Javanese patriotism, in opposition to the
Mataram king who was in league with the infidel V.O.C. and had
massacred the rightful East Javanese rulers.
p.112. A second V.O.C. neet sent from Batavia to Demung was
successful. The Makasarese fortifications were destroyed and their ships

were bumed. The Dutch commander visited Madura afterwards, but

did not take action against Truna Jaya.

Chpt. 11. The crownprince's treacherous behaviour and the defeat

of the Mataram forces, 1676
p.115. Mangku Rat sent a considerable number of troops, com-
manded by the crownprince, to East Java to fight the Makasarese
invaders and the Madurese insurgents who had in the meantime crossed
the straits of Madura and taken Surabaya. Marching slowly eastward
along the north coast, after a long delay in Japara, the Mataram forces
and their West Javanese auxiliaries met the enemy in Gegodog, east
of Tuban. The battle ended in the complete defeat of Mangku Rat's
army. The aged pangran Purbaya was slain, the Javanese troops were
routed, and the crownprince and his brothers fled to Mataram. The
crownprince was blamed for this disaster. He had wavered for a long
time before deciding to attack the Madurese and East J avanese forces
headed by Truna Jaya, who had been his protg some years before.
There were rumours that he had connived with his father's enemies.

Chpt. 12. The victory of the Madurese arms

p. 129. The Madurese bands lost no time af ter their spectacular
victory. The Javanese trading-towns on the North Coast from Surabaya
westward were taken and laid in ruin within a few months. Their
fortifications had been dismantled after their annexation by Sultan
Agung about 50 years before. Only Japara was saved for the king,
through the united efforts of the new military govemor sent from
Mataram in great haste and the V.O.C. servants of the trading-post,
reinforced by Dutch soldiers and sailors who arrived by sea from
Batavia just in time. The Madurese attack on Japara was beaten off.
This rescue considerably enhanced the prestige of the V.O.C. in the
Javanese North Coast districts and at the Mataram Court.
p.133. Leaving Japara alone the Madurese captains, who com-
manded numerous troops of Javanese hangers-on, all of them eager for
booty, and controlled ships taken from the conquered towns, forced the
West Javanese coastal districts as far as Gerbon to acknowledge Truna
Jaya's authority. The V.O.C. in Batavia stopped penetration further
west. The old towns of Kudus and Dmak, although courageously
defended by Mataram troops for some time, were also taken by the

p.135. Relations between Truna Jaya and the Makasarese captains

became strained af ter 1677, because of the arrogance of the foreign
pirates and the Madurese prince's de sire to establish order in the part
of Java which he commanded. There was some fighting in East Java
and Madura. The Makasarese settled down after some time, content
with what they had got, in the district of Pasuruhan.

Chpt. 13. The defection of radn Kajoran from the king's cause,
and the troubles in the interior of the realm in 1676
p. 138. Af ter the victory in the battle of Gegodog, Madurese troops
pursued the routed Javanese anny into the interior of East and Central
Java. Marching on Mataram from the east, the Madurese and East
Javanese invaders were joined in Taji, the entrance to the district of
Mataram, by the men of radn Kajoran, Truna Jaya's father-in-Iaw
and the semi-independent head of a powerful native clan related to
the family of religious leaders of Tmbayat.
p.139. The invasion was stopped temporarily by loyal Mataram
troops commanded by princes of the blood, but radn Kajoran escaped
and joined Truna Jaya.
p.142. He continued his action against the Mataram Court, creating
commotion in the inland districts east of Mataram where his influence
was great.
p.144. One of the younger Mataram princes, campaigning against
the Madurese invaders in the districts west and north of Mataram, had
some success in restoring the king's authority in those parts.

Chpt.14. The actions of admiral Comelis Speelman in Japara,

in the beginning of 1677
p. 146. Af ter the battle of Gegodog in 1676 the three parties con-
cerned, Truna Jaya, the crownprince and the king's governor in Japara,
sent letters to Batavia to beg for V.O.C. help in their difficulties. The
V.O.C. government decided to step in. The best man available at the
moment was Cornelis Speelman, the victor in the Makasar war of 1669.
He sailed with a considerable fleet, an expeditionary force of Europeans
and Indonesians and a well-equipped staff of Dutch V.O.C. officials
for Japara.
p.149. The admiral anchored his fleet in the roads and resided
with his staff in the town of Japara. He collected information on the

entangled affairs of tbe Mataram kingdom from all sides, by sending

envoys to Truna Jaya in Surabaya and to the king in Mataram. The
Dutch admiral and tbe king's governor in Japara came to he on pleasant
terms. Truna Jaya declined an invitation to visit Speelman in Japara
for negotiations. The Madurese and East Javanese forces were still
winning ground in tbe interior of tbe country.
p.152. After a long interchange of envoys between Japara and the
Mataram Court, Mangku Rat, who was seriously ill, and tbe princes,
in a panic hecause of the Kajoran and Madurese troubles in the interior
of tbe country, gave tbe admiral a general autbority to take action
against Truna Jaya and even to negotiate witb tbe Madurese ruler in
tbe king's name. The V.O.C. obtained promises of payment from tbe
Mataram Court for the assistance, but tbe payments could not be made
hefore Truna Jaya was vanquished. The Javanese military and naval
resources which were put at tbe admiral's disposal were negligible.

Chpt.15. The actions of admiral Cornelis Speelman in Surabaya

in the middle of 1677
p.162. The admiral sailed for Surabaya and anchored there In
April, 1677. He tried to have a personal talk with Truna Jaya on tbe
state of Java. Although he declared himself to he a friend of tbe V.O.C.,
tbe Madurese ruler was distrustful and declined invitations to come into
tbe fleet. Even an appointment to meet in a boat lying off-shore was
not kept. Truna Jaya was addicted to liquor, and his actions were
unpredictable. He was confident of his army's success in the interior
of East Java, and of radn Kajoran's influence in Central Java.
p.167. After a month of unsuccessful negotiating the admirallanded
troops in tbe outskirts of the town of Surabaya and met with little
resistance. Further negotiations were again unsuccessful. Truna Jaya
was unwilling to acknowledge Mangku Rat's suzerainity in Madura.
p. 170. In order not to lose more valuable time, Speelman stormed
tbe fortified town of Surabaya with Dutch and Indonesian companies,
among them Makasarese, and took it after some hard fighting. Truna
Jaya escaped and retreated into tbe interior of East Java. He established
head-quarters in tbe old capital of Ka4iri. Dutch captains commanding
Indonesian companies dislodged the Madurese forces from tbeir posi-
tions in tbe districts near Surabaya.
p.173. The Makasarese krang of Galsong, settled in Pasuruhan,
had quarreled witb Truna Jaya and remained neutral during the

conflict in Surabaya. But he did not submit to the admiral as the

representative of the Mataram king, af ter the fall of Surabaya. Speel-
man employed several foreigners, including Indian traders, as his envoys.
p.174. The local rulers of Madura, Truna Jaya's native country,
were forced by V.O.C. troops to acknowledge the admiral's and the
sunan's authority. Truna Jaya's residence in West Madura, Madu
Retna, was stormed and laid in ruin. But then the unexpected news
of the occupation of the capital of Plrd by Madurese and Kajoran
forces and the flight of the sunan westward made the admiral decide
to sail immediately for Japara, to defend that important strategie point.
He left the occupied towns in East Java and Madura with weak Dutch
and Indonesian garrisons.
p.179. Speelman had expected loyal Mataram troops in the interior
to profit by the defeat of Truna Jaya in Surabaya. But the Mataram
kingdom was disorganized and unable to help itself.

Chpt. 16. The decisive attack of the Madurese torces on the king's
residence ot Plrd and the capitulation
ot the Mataram government, in June, 1677
p.181. Truna Jaya's captains, commanding Madurese troops and
numerous Javanese auxiliaries, campaigned successfully in the interior
of East and Central Java. Only a few important towns on the North
Coast, such as Japara and Semarang, were saved for the king with the
assistance of V.O.C. forces. Radn Kajoran's influence in the country-
side paved the way for the Madurese marching on Mataram from the
east. Mangku Rat was grievously ill and nearly demented, the princes
distrusted one another, and did not offer any organized resistance,
although each of them still had a company of armed body-guards at
his disposal. In an atmosphere of anarchy and panic, the aged king
left his residence with a small retinue and retreated slowly to the west,
the only area not yet infested by the enemy. As soon as the king had
left, Madurese and East Javanese regular troops and marauders pene-
trated into the residential quarters of the capital and entered the royal
compound and the compounds of the absent princes and officials. There
was almost no fighting, but much fire-raising and plundering. The royal
treasury and the women who were taken captive were transported to
Ka<;iiri. Only the compounds of the Madurese and Cerbon princes
and that of pangran Purbaya, who was related to radn Kajoran,
were spared.

Chpt.17. Sunan Mangku Rat's retreat westward and his death

in Tegal, June-July, 1677
p. 188. The aged king, leaving his residence with a small retinue,
was neither pursued nor molested. Grievously ill, he was carried for
more than two weeks in a palanquin westward through the districts of
Bageln and the mountainous region of Banumas. He hoped to reach
Tegal to meet a V.O.C. official waiting for him there in a ship. Tegal
is near Batang, whence came the king's mother. On the way he was
joined by the crownprince and had time to hand his son the regalia
and holy weapons symbolizing royalty, which he had brought from
Mataram. Mangku Rat died in a smaIl village before reaching the
coast. His body was transported to Tegal and buried there on the top
of an artificial hilI, which gave him his posthumous name Sda-ing-
Tegal Wangi. The crownprince, although for the time being without
any resources, was acknowledged as king of Mataram by the V.O.a.
officials in Tegal and Japara.
Addenda, pp. 195-214: a Dutch bibliography, a Javanese-Dutch
glossary of terms used in the text, and an alphabetic register of personal
and geographical names.

Summary of:
H. J. de Graaf (ed.), De expeditie van Anthonio Hurdt,
Raad van Indi, als admiraal en superintendent naar de
binnenlanden van Java, sept.-dec. 1678, volgens het journaal
van Johan Jurgen Briel, secretaris. Met een inleiding en aan-
tekening van - . 's-Gravenhage 1971. Werken uitgegeven
door de Linschoten-Vereeniging. Vol. LXXII.

Introduction on Javanese history, 1677-'78

p. 1. The new king of Mataram, Mangku Rat I1, was accepted by the
Javanese gentry in Tegal (his grandmother's country). He tried without
success to establish his authority in Cerbon. The governor of Cerbon, a
steward of the panembahan who had been forced to live as a vassal at the
Mataram court since 1660, availed himself of the opportunity to regain
independence for the old principality and refused to come to Tegal and
pay homage. He had the support of the Court of Banten, where the
Mataram king's alliance with the infidel V.O.C. government of Batavia
was looked on with disfavour. Mangku Rat II was, however, acknow-
ledged as king in Pekalongan. He was able to collect a sufficiently strong
force of West Pasisir men to march from Pekalongan through the
Bafiumas and Bageln districts to Mataram, in order to dislodge the
Madurese. Truna Jaya intended to make Kaliri the capital of a new
East Javanese kingdom and was not interested in Mataram, so he had
ordered his troops to withdraw eastward with their booty. Pangran
Puger, a younger brother of Mangku Rat Il, had been appointed
commander-in-chief of the rest of the loyal Mataram troops in the last
days of the old king's reign, and had availed himself of the opportunity
to occupy the ruins of the royal residence of Plrd when they were
abandoned hy the Madurese. Considering himself to be the rightful
king, he called himself susuhunan Ingalaga Mataram and refused ad-
mittance to the capital to the new West Pasisir forces sent by his
hrother. Mangku Rat's captains did not take action; they established
a fortified camp on the western border of the Mataram district, and
waited to see how things would develop. Realizing his inability to get
hold of rus inheritance with his own limited resources, Mangku Rat II
decided to throw in his fortune unreservedly with the V.O.C. He moved
with his family and the small retinue he had collected from Tegal to
Japara in Dutch ships put at his disposal by admiral Speelman.
p.13. The admiral had been alarmed hy the occupation of the
Mataram capital by Truna Jaya's troops and had decided to sail
immediately for Japara, leaving Surabaya in charge of a relative of
panemhahan Agung of Giri (1637-'80) called adipati TumapeL V.O.C.

landing forces recovered the most important towns of the Central

Javanese coastal districts, 8emarang, Dmak, Kudus and Pati, for the
king. In concert with Mangku Rat, who had made Japara rus residence
for the time being, Speelman repeatedly sent envoys to pangran Pugr,
who was busy reorganizing the Mataram kingdom in the interior of
the country. The admiral invited him, with the other princes, to come
to Japara to discuss the state of the realm, but the pangran refused,
on the excuse of the epidemics and famine prevailing in Mataram.
Mangku Rat was alone in Japara, unsupported by his brothers and
without material resources; he saw himself obliged to accept the
admiral's onerous terms for V.O.C. assistance in securing his inheritance
and restoring the monarchy. To pay the considerable sums of money
requested by the V.O.C. for expenses, the king offered as security the
taxes and duties of all harbour-towns on the North Coast from Krawang
in the west to Blambangan in the east. Moreover he relinquished his
suzerainty, which up to that time had been acknowledged by the V.O.C.,
over the kingdom of Jakarta, from the Java Sea to the Southern
Ocean. He agreed to recognize the sole jurisdiction of V.O.C. courts of
justice over all foreigners residing or sojourning in his states, whether
Europeans, non-J avanese Indonesians (Makasarese, Malays, Balinese),
Chinese, or Indians, etc. These terms, and some mercantile privileges,
were couched in commercial contracts. The V.O.C., being an association
of merchants, had now engaged in a hazardous speculation; they
expected to be paid for their services in the future, when their associate
was king of Mataram.
p. IB. After concluding the contracts, Mangku Rat expected a speedy
return to Mataram, escorted by the admiral and his troops. Circum-
stances were unfavourable, however. Tegal, Semarang, Japara and
Rmbang were the only fortified towns on the North Coast where the
king's authority was acknowledged. The town of Surabaya was reoccu-
pied by Madurese troops and the fortified V.O.C. trading-post was cut
off from the hinterland.
p. 21. The Makasarese krang of Galsong, who had quarreled with
rus father-in-Iaw Truna Jaya, sided with Mangku Rat II and began
a campaign from his headquarters in Pasuruhan against the Madurese
capital in Kaliri. Truna Jaya held his own, however, and the Makasa-
rese captain retreated to astrong position in the delta of the river
Brantas upstream from Surabaya. Af ter this incident Truna Jaya
decided to concentrate his troops in Kaliri. Mataram and Pajang were
abandoned. Partisans of radn Kajoran and followers of pangran

Puger, who resided in the ruins of the old capital of Mataram, divided
the districts in the interior of Central Java.
p.25. An expeditionary force of loyal Javanese sent from Japara
against Kajoran partisans in Pati and Jipang was unsuccessful. The
commanders quarreled, and one of them, the governor of Tegal, proved
unreliable. Both were killed. Smaller campaigns by European and
Indonesian V.O.C. companies under Dutch commanders, with Java-
nese auxiliaries, occupied some strategic points in Central Java on the
borders of Mataram and Pajang and garrisoned them. Pangran Puger
remained inactive and neutral in Mataram proper. There was some
fighting with followers of another Mataram prince, pangran Marta
Sana. The deaths of this prince and his brother pangran Singasari
simplified matters. Henceforth Mangku Rat II and pangran Puger
were the only pretenders to the throne of Mataram.
p.34. Cornelis Speelman was seriously ill and exhausted after 16
months in command of the V.O.C. forces in Central and East Java.
He was ordered to return to Batavia in March, 1678. His reports on
the state of the Mataram kingdom persuaded the V.O.C. government
that it was necessary to take forceful action in support of Mangku Rat,
who was impatient for his ins~allation as king as promised in the
contracts. Anthonio Hurdt, former governor of Ambon, was made
commander of a considerable force of European and Indonesian V.O.C.
troops sent from Batavia to Japara by sea. His instructions were to
restore order in Central and East Java by placing Mangku Rat on the
throne of the Mataram kingdom.
p.38. After Speelman's departure from Japara a new enemy of the
king and the V.O.C. appeared in the interior of Central Java west of
Mataram. He was a Makasarese adventurer called Raja Namrud, a
leader of Makasarese and Balinese outlaws who sought connections with
the Kajoran partisans. A small V.O.C. garrison in a Mataram border-
town had some difficuhy in forcing him to retreat to the Bafiumas
districts. A Madurese campaign from East Java against Japara was
stopped just in time by the appearance of the V.O.C. reinforcements
commanded by Anthonio Hurdt in the roads of Dmak.

The campaign of 1678

p.40. The new admiral proposed to attack Truna Jaya in Ka<;liri
from Surabaya, which was the shortest route. But he was persuaded by
Mangku Rat to go the long way through the Pasisir districts of Demak,

Grobogan and Jipang to the Brantas valley, in order to attack Kaliri

from the west. The king felt that the slow passage of the troops through
the in land districts would overawe enemies and the Kajoran partisans
who were wavering which side to take, and in the end he was proved
to be right. Besides the main column led by the admiral and the king,
there were lateral columns led by V.O.C. captains marching from
]apara on Kaliri, one by a southem route through the districts of
Pajang and Madyun, and another by a northem route via Pati and
Rmbang. The three columns consisted of regular V.O.C. companies
(the minority of whom were European soldiers and marines, the
majority 1ndonesians) all under the command of V.O.C. officers, and
Javanese auxiliaries. The auxiliaries grew in number as the campaign
proceeded, for bands headed by local leaders joined the king's party,
eager for booty.
p. 42. Anthonio Hurdt found the march through unknown districts
and the crossing of several rivers very difficult for the V.O.C. forces,
and he would have preferred to stay in the valley of the Bengawan Sala
at Grompol and defer the march on Kaliri to the next year. But he
was again persuaded by Mangku Rat to continue, notwithstanding
heavy losses through illness and food shortages. The countryside was
ransacked by the king's men collecting food for the V.O.C. troops, as
was stipulated. The villagers fled in panic to the hills. The main column
at last reached Singkal, on the west bank of the river Brantas, nearly
opposite the town of Kaliri. 1t was joined there by the lateral columns,
and also by a train of more than 800 ox-carts laden with victuals for
the troops, convoyed all the way up from the Brantas delta by the
V.O.C. factor of Surabaya. He had been successful in securing assistance
from the Makasarese krang of Galsong and the adipati of Tumapel,
who had held the town of Surabaya for the V.O.C.
p. 45. The taking of the strongly fortified town of Kaliri was a
matter of time. Crossing the river Brantas offered the greatest difficulty.
Nearly two months af ter the arrival of the troops in Singkal on the
west bank of the river, in November, 1678, the town was stormed and
taken by a V.O.C. force commanded by captain Tack (the same officer
who was killed in Kartasura in 1686) and irregular Javanese auxiliaries.
The town was sacked, which gave Truna Jaya time to escape sou th-
ward with a small retinue. Mangku Rat was offered ceremoniously a
crown found in Truna Jaya's residence; this crowning ceremony was
significant only for the Europeans, for Javanese kings were never
"crowned". The Madurese adipati of Sampang, Truna Jaya's kinsman,

and hls followers and other noblemen who had sided with Truna Jaya,
submitted to the king.
p.47. The fortifications of Kaliri were dismantled and the town
was left in charge of a loyal governor. The troops proceeded to Sura-
baya along the river Brantas in proas, on foot and on horseback. Losses
from illness and accidents on the river were great. They arrived in
Surabaya in the beginning of 1679. Those who had taken part in the
campaign needed sorely a period of recuperation. Many died in hospital
from sheer exhaustion. Mangku Rat took up residence in the compound
of the governor of Surabaya; his mother had been a Surabaya princess
and he himself had been appointed viceroy of East Java by his father
about 1670. He had brought a small retinue, including some women of
standing, from Japara and he was able to establish a small royal Court.
The V.O.C. staff officers, among them the admiral, embarked for
Batavia soon afterwards. Anthonio Hurdt's successor as commander
of the V.O.C. forces in East Java was Christiaan Poleman.
pp.51-57 contain notes on the Dutch V.O.C. officers who were
active in Central and East Java at the time of the campaign of 1678-'79,
and their lives.
pp.58-63 contain notes on the character and position in Javanese
history of sunan Mangku Rat II (1677-1703), the king who took the
initiative for the alliance between the House of Mataram and the
V.O.C. which stood for over a century, and notes on his only son and
successor Mangku Rat III (1703-'08) and his brother pangran Puger,
later Paku Buwana I (1703-' 19), the ancestor of all J avanese kings
after him.
pp.64-70 contain notes on the Javanese courtiers and officials who
served Mangku Rat II in the first years of his reign.
pp.70-72 contain notes on Truna Jaya and his family, and some
notes on the East Javanese ruler of Kertasana (downstream of Kaliri
on the river Brantas), who remained true to Truna Jaya's cause even
after the defeat and became a guerilla leader in Puger (in the Eastern
Corner of Java) in alliance with the Balinese adventurer Surapati
(1686) .
pp. 72-73 contain notes on the original Dutch map which is repro-
duced in the hook.
pp.76-277 contain the Diary of Johan Jurgen Briel.
pp.278-288 contain an index of personal and geographical names.



H. J. de Graaf, Gevangenneming en dood van Raden Truna-
Djaja, 26 Dec. 1679 - 2 Jan. 1680. Jakarta 1952. Tijdschrift
voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (T.B.G.). Vol.
85, pp. 273-309.

p.273. Javanese tales of Truna Jaya's end, incorporated In 18th-

century Central Javanese Babads, are romanticized. Theyare at variance
with Dutch reports written by V.O.C. officials who were on the spot.
These reports are preserved in the State Archives at The Hague.
p.274. After the fall of his capital at Kaliri, Truna Jaya retreated
along the river Brantas upstream, passing the towns of Blitar and
Malang. The pursuit by the king's irregular Javanese troops was in-
effectual. Truna Jaya still had a small force of devoted Madurese
warriors and began to establish a new centre of action in the hilly and
sparsely-populated Batu region west of Malang, between the mountains
Kawi and Arjuna, which had belonged to great pre-Islamic East
Javanese states. He still kept in touch with his adherents in the interior
of East Java, including those in Panaraga and Kertasana, and he asked
the Sultan of Banten and the ruler of Bullng for help, but in vain.
The district of Batu produced insufficient food, and his Madurese
followers were decimated by disease.
p.277. Christiaan Poleman, Hurdt's successor as commander of the
V.O.C. forces in East Java, died af ter a short time and the command
was given to J acob Couper. Ris first action was directed against the
krang of Galsong, who had established a fortified centre of Makasa-
rese in Kakapar (or Kper) in the Brantas delta. The fortification was
stormed and taken by a small V.O.C. force with Buginese auxiliaries.
But the krang escaped to the hills where he died of exhaustion in the
residence of his father-in-Iaw Truna Jaya, with whom he had quarreled
for a long time. Most of the Makasarese made peace with the V.O.C.
captain Jeremias van Vliet; they and their families were sent back
to Celebes in V.O.C. ships. So Truna Jaya was deprived of his
p. 280. Af ter a short period of rest in Surabaya, the king with his
retinue and the commander Jacob Couper moved to Kakapar. The
commander sent several letters to Truna Jaya in his mountain retreat
to persuade him to submit to the king, since his position was hopeless.
Truna Jaya did not believe that the V.O.C. forces had come only to
fight in the king's service, as the commander said. At last Couper

decided to attack. Truna Jaya's fortified residence in Ngantang was

stonned and taken with great difficulty, but the leader escaped once
more over mountain-passes southward.
p. 284. Buginese warriors who where sent in pursuit returned after
a short time empty-handed. There were rumours that they had been
bribed to give up the pursuit. Couper distrusted the Buginese as auxilia-
ries and observed that their leader Aru Palakka did not stand weIl with
the king. 80 he hastened their return to their native island. Couper was
not in a position to pursue Truna Jaya himself as he had fallen ill, so
he came down from Ngantang to recuperate in Biara.
p.287. The king proceeded westward from Kakapar and taking up
residence in Payak, a village not far from Biara, he began his own
correspondence with Truna Jaya without the commander's knowiedge,
to invite the rebel to submit. In his answer Truna Jaya tried to persuade
the king to break away from the V.O.C. alliance and to restore the old
kingdom of Majapahit, the capital of which had not been far away.
The king did not respond to this suggestion, but took the initiative and
ordered the Ambonese V.O.C. captain Jonker with his men to find
Truna Jaya in the highlands and to bring him down a captive.
p.292. Jacob Couper, although still ill, joined the king in Payak.
The king received Central Javanese reinforcements from Wanakerta,
in Pajang (the district of Mataram proper was still in the power of
his recalcitrant brother pangran Puger).
p.294. Captain Jonker did find Truna Jaya and the remainder of
his followers (among whom were still some Makasarese gentlemen) in
a retreat high up in the mountains. Af ter some negotiation the Madu-
rese prince unconditionally surrendered, forced by hunger to do so. His
store of victuals was exhausted. He cast himself on the mercy of the
V.O.C. commander.
p.301. In Payak the Madurese prince met with a honourable treat-
ment as a captive of the V.O.C. commander. But it always had been
the king's wish to have him at his mercy. Mangku Rat was afraid of
Truna Jaya's scheme to dissolve the alliance between the House of
Mataram and the V.O.C., on which he depended to win his inheritance.
Truna Jaya knew too much about Mangku Rat's dealings when he had
been crownprince. The king therefore thought it best that he should
die. During a ceremonial visit in the royal residence in Payak, Truna
Jaya was personally stabbed with a criss by Mangku Rat and then
finished off by his courtiers. Neither Jacob Couper, who was absent
because of his illness, nor the V.O.C. government in Batavia gave much

credence to Mangku Rat's excuse for this deed, that Truna Jaya had
intended to murder him. Nevertheless the king was not called to account
for the death of the V.O.C. captive. It was thought that the country
was weIl rid of the troublesome Madurese prince. Ris followers were
also killed by the king's Central Javanese guardsmen.


1680 -1681

H. J. de Graaf, Het Kadjoran-vraagstuk. Jogjakarta 1940.
"Djw", Tijdschrift van het Java-Instituut. Vol. XX,
pp. 273-328.

p.273. The importance of Kajoran as a centre of OppOSltlOn to

Mataram rule in Central Java has previously not been recognized.
p.274. According to Javanese historical tradition, the ancestor of
the Kajoran family was a younger brother of ki geq. Pru;tlan Arang,
the holy man from Smarang who introduced Islam to the southern
districts of Central Java and was called sunan Tembayat after the place
were he was buried in the first half of the 16th century. The descendants
of bis younger brother, who was called sayyid Kalkum of Wot Galh
(a village situated near Tmbayat), settled in Kajoran not far away
and became country gentlemen controlling extensive territories sou th
of the present town of Klatn. They were related by marriage to the
Houses of Pajang (Pengging) and afterwards Mataram, especially to
the Purbaya (Madyun) and Wira Menggala branches of the latter.
p.281. The great-grandson of the lord of Wot Galh became known
in Javanese history as Radn Kajoran Ambalik (Radn Kajoran the
Deserter), because of rus alliance with Truna Jaya, the Madurese prince
whose insurrection nearly destroyed the House of Mataram. Truna Jaya
was given a daughter of the Kajoran family as a wife. It was due to
Radn Kajoran's good offices that Truna Jaya, in accord with the
crownprince of Mataram (later sunan Mangku Rat lI), could establish
himself as semi-independent ruler of Madura in the last years of the
reign of Mangku Rat I.
p.285. Truna Jaya took up residence in Surabaya in 1676. His
Madurese captains took the most important towns of East Java and
marched on Mataram. They reached the residence of Radn Kajoran,
on the eastern border of the district of Mataram, and were welcomed.
Radn Kajoran was disgusted with the misgovernment of the Mataram
Court, and he nursed a grudge against Mangku Rat I for rus cruelty
in repressing popular religious movements. Further progress of the
Madurese and Kajoran forces was stopped, however, by loyal Mataram
troops commanded by the king's sons. Radn Kajoran and his family
and retainers retreated in good order under a Madurese escort to
Surabaya to meet Truna Jaya. The borough of Kajoran was laid in
ruin by the Mataram soldiery.
p.289. Radn Kajoran had an intimate knowledge of the state of

the Mataram kingdom, and he was respected by religiously-minded

circles in Central Java for his illustrious descent and his relation with
the spiritual lords of Tmbayat. His advice was important to Truna
Jaya in planning the campaign of 1677, which was a great success.
Javanese auxiliaries from all districts of East Java reinforced Truna
Jaya's Madurese troops, and they marched on Mataram in two columns,
one from the east through Pajang and the other from the north through
Ke~u. When the royal residence of Plrd was threatened by enemies,
Mangku Rat and his sons left in a panic and retreated westward. The
capital was plundered and burned, with the exception of the compounds
of Truna Jaya's friends among the nobility, and the royal treasury was
transported to Ka~iri. After admiral Speelman's successful action against
Surabaya, Truna Jaya had taken up his residence in the town of Ka<;liri,
an old capital of the pre-Islamic kingdom of East Java.
p.292. Truna Jaya did not aspire to become king of Mataram. As
a descendant of the old pre-Islamic House of Majapahit, and as a
Madurese prince, he felt at home only in East Java. There was some
talk of a division of Java into an Eastern and a Western Kingdom, the
latter to he ruled by the Kajoran family, but nothing came of it. Radn
Kajoran preferred for himself the position of a spiritual lord, and the
family had no other suitable candidates for royalty.
p.293. While in Ka~iri Truna Jaya was attacked by his former
ally (and son-in-Iaw) the Makasarese krang of Galsong, whose loyalty
was wavering. Truna Jaya saw fit to leave Ka<;liri for a short time, but
in the end the krang was persuaded to retreat to his settlement in the
Brantas delta and Truna Jaya returned. As far as was possible, Truna
Jaya kept the noblemen who were on his side under his control in
residences in the district of Ka~iri. His uncle the pangran of Sampang,
called Cakra Ningrat II, was given a residence in Lo<;laya in the south,
and two Crbon princes, sons of pangran Giri Laya, were kept at
Court until they escaped to Banten during the brief Makasarese invasion
of Ka~iri. Radn Kajoran resided in a resort at Totombo, in the hills
south of Ka<;liri.
p. 294. He directed his emissaries, mostly itinerant traders, preachers
and wandering students of religion, to travel throughout Java. It was
known to the V.O.C. government that the Kajoran partisans in the
interior of the country had connections with sympathizers among the
religiously-minded citizens of the trading-towns on the North Coast.
Therefore the Kajoran movement was considered to be amenace to the
V.O.C., which aimed at a monopoly in the North Coast markets. Radn

Kajoran's connection with religion and his popularity in trade circles

increased in the course of time. Therefore princes like pangran
Puger, and the nobility in general, were reluctant to accept Radn
Kajoran's offers of cooperation in the struggle against Mangku Rat
and his ally, the infidel V.O.C.
p.298. Truna Jaya called his Madurese troops back from Mataram
to Ka9iri during his trouble with the krang of Galsong. Pangran
Puger's followers, mostly men from Bageln, the district west of Ma-
taram, were unwilling to associate with the Kajoran partisans from the
Pajang districts. Therefore the ruined capital of Plrd and the Mataram
district (at the time afflicted by a terrible epidemic) were abondoned
by Truna Jaya and Radn Kajoran, and pangran Puger established
himself in the old centre of the kingdom. The Kajoran partisans
retreated to their own district of Pajang. The territory of Tembayat
functioned as a buffer-state, so there was little fighting in the interior
of Central Java for some time. Kajoran partisans and their Madurese
allies were, however, active in the coastal districts east of Japara.
Mangku Rat II, who had succeeded his father in the meantime, resided
in Japara in the beginning of 1678. The few Javanese commanders
who were loyal to him had a hard struggle to resist attacks by Kajoran
partisans who had sympathizers among the citizens of the trading-towns.
p.302. Radn Kajoran left his temporary residence in Totombo
and returned to hls home in the hilly regions south of Pajang at the end
of 1678, af ter Truna Jaya's capital in Kaliri was taken by the combined
forces of the V.O.C. commander Antonio Hurdt and sunan Mangku
Rat II. Radn Kajoran took hls way through the southern district of
Panaraga, where he had many partisans, and established a new centre
of religious and political action in Mlambang, in the Gunung Kidul
p.303. He entered into an alliance with Raja Namrud (= Nimrod),
a Makasarese adventurer who was a fugitive slave from Batavia and
the leader of an ethnically-mixed group of Muslim fanatics. They had
established a fortified position in the Banyumas district at Slinga (near
Purbalingga) which they called Msir (Egypt). Radn Kajoran, who
was not a fighter, began to he hard-pressed by Mangku Rat and his
allies the V.O.C. companies of Bugis mercenaries, who returned to
Central Java af ter their victory over Truna Jaya. Thus an alliance
with the warlike Makasarese Raja seemed expedient. But Raja Namrud
was forced by an action of the V.O.C. captain Jan Alhert Sloot to
abandon his plan to march on Mataram. The connection between the

two religious leaders was broken. The Raja extended hospitality at

Slinga to pangran Pugr when the latter {led from Mataram, until
he was pardoned and could return to Court. Raja Namrud held out
in Slinga-Mesir till the end of 1681, when he was defeated in a campaign
led by the V.O.c. commander Jacob Couper.
p.307. Radn Kajoran's last fortress in Mlambang was taken by
a combined attack of Javanese forces led by Sindu Rja (who later
became grandvizier ) and European and Bugis V.O.C. companies under
captain Sloot. The aged Javanese leader surrendered but was imme-
diately executed upon the captain's order in September, 1678. His son-
in-Iaw Truna Jaya, who was not killed until January, 1680, survived him.
p.308. The Kajoran movement, inspired by popular religious
feelings, and supported by tradesfolk living in villages and boroughs in the
country-side, did not immediately die af ter the fall of Mlambang. Three
groups of partisans held out in the southern districts between Tmbayat
and Kaluwang for several years: (1) close relatives of the Kajoran
family, (2) men of religion from Tembayat, and (3) men from Wana-
kusuma in the Gunung Kidul district.
p.313. Mangku Rat II ordered a new royal residence to be built
in Wanakerta, in the district of Pajang, and called it Kartasura. The
old capital of Plrd, in Mataram, was ruined. The building activity
began in 1680 but was soon interrupted by an attack of Kajoran par-
tisans from the south, in alliance with local Pajang gentry who resented
the occupation of their lands by the Mataram king. The attack was
repulsed with some difficulty by the V.O.C. captain Sloot.
p.314. Sloot also led a campaign against Tmbayat zealots, which
ended in a massacre in the last months of 1680. The king was appre-
hensive of a popular religious uprising in the country-side and orde red
the immediate execution of all men of religion who were made captive.
p.315. Wanakusuma (now called Wanasari, in the district of
Gunung Kidui) was the residence of the descendants of ki gl Giring,
a contemporary of panmbahan Mataram and the head of an old
native family, according to Javanese historical tradition. He was related
by marriage to the Tmbayat family. Wanakusuma people marched
on the newly built capital of Kartasura in 1681, but their attack was
repulsed. A group of them continued their march northward and reached
Demak (the site of the holy mosque), but they were also defeated in
the end.
p.315. Some energetic Kajoran partisans established a connection
with pangran Puger in the district of Bageln, and tried to persuade

him tee persevere in his rebellion against his royal brother, but in vain.
The pangran submitted and retumed to Court in November, 1681.
The Kajoran people associated with Raja Namrud in Slinga, but their
time was past. The Raja's fortress was stormed and taken by the king's
troops soon afterwards.
p.316. Meanwhile there was a new rising of Wanakusuma people
and a new attack on Kartasura, which was again repulsed by the V.O.C.
garrison in the fortress. In revenge, the village of Wanakusuma and
a holy cemetery there were destroyed by the king's Javanese forces in
the first months of 1682.
p.317. Some Kajoran leaders escaped from Slinga after the defeat
of Raja Namrud and retumed to Gunung Kidui, where they continued
their guerilla campaign against the king. They were arrested and
executed after some time.
p.318. Wanakusuma people, allied with the rebellious Mataram
prince pangran Silarong, and with a Kajoran kinsman, caused trouble
even in Tegal and Pekalongan, but they were also killed. The last great
effort by Wanakusuma men to drive away the Mataram king failed
in 1683. The king's forces commanded by pangran Puger (who wanted
to show his loyalty) gained some victories and there was again a mas-
sacre. The last scions of the House of Wanakusuma-Giring joined the
Balinese adventurer Surapati, whose star was just rising at the time.
p.320. Kajoran, Wanakusuma, Tmbayat and Giri were important
spiritual centres and the residences of ancient religious families whose
authority in the country-side equalled, and sometimes even eclipsed, the
king's. There are several more religious leaders mentioned in Javanese
hooks on history and in Dutch reports, including the joumal of Antonio
Hurdt's campaign (see the present summary, V). A remarkable in-
stance of defiance of royalty by a popular man of religion was the
attack of an "ajar" called Tja Laku of mount Kelud with 40 followers
armed with chopping-knives, on the camp of Mangku Rat 11 during
the siege of Ka<;liri in 1678. The 40 zealots ran amuck and were killed
by the grandvizier's Javanese guardsmen. Tja Laku is reported by
Javanese tradition to have been invulnerable; he could only be slain
by the king himself, handling a holy lance. There was, of course, a
difference in social standing between the spiritual lords of Giri and
Tmbayat who were the heads of ancient families, and popular holy
men from mountain recesses. The kings of the House of Mataram never
felt entirely safe as long as the authority of men of religion, whatever
their standing, was recognized in the country.

p.322. The political failure of the Kajoran movement In Central

Java and the return of Mangku Rat II to the throne of the kingdom
were due to several factors. One of them was the incapacity of the
Kajoran, Tmbayat and Wanakusuma partisans to produce a suitable
candidate for kingship. Their leaders were men of religion, countrymen
and tradesfolk who were insufficiently interested in ruling the country.
p.324. Appendices: a list of Javanese and Dutch books on the
history of the period; a chronological list of events from 1624 (an-
nexation of Madura by Sultan Agung of Mataram) to 1685 (the last
Wanakusuma partisans join Surapati); genealogical trees of the Kajoran
and Tembayat family (mentioning Giring and Wanakusuma, and ending
with Nerang Kusuma, grandvizier of Kartasura from 1680-1686 under
Mangku Rat II); and an old Dutch translation of a Javanese letter
sent by Radn Kajoran to adipati Martapura of Pati to persuade him
to side with the Kajoran party.



H. J. de Graaf, De moord op Kapitein Franois,
8 Febr. 1686. Amsterdam 1935. Proefschrift Leiden.
(Ph.D. Thesis Leiden University 1935).

Chpt. 1, p.1. General intraduetian an Javanese dynastie histary

Chpt.2. Nates an Duteh and Javanese saurees
p. 4. The history of Surapati, the Balinese condottiere who killed
captain Tack, is not weIl known.*

Chpt.3. The state af the Mataram kingdam during the first years
af the reign af sunan Mangku Rat Il, 1677-'82

p.9. The king's enemies were: (1) the insurgent Madurese prince
Truna Jaya, (2) his ally the Makasarese krang of Galsong, (3) the
aged spiritual lord of Giri, (4) Radn Kajoran, and (5) Raja Namrud.
All these were defeated successively in campaigns led by V.O.C. cap-
tains. Mangku Rat II was escorted to the old royal residence of Plrd
by the V.O.C. commander Jacob Couper in November, 1680. The old
Mataram capital appeared to he in ruins, and the king therefore made
the momentous decision to leave the remote inland district of Mataram
and to build a new capital in the district of Pajang. The new Court of
Kartasura was more accessible for V.O.C. envoys and troops coming
from Semarang, and had better connections with East Java. A fortress
with a V.O.C. garrison was established opposite the royal residence as
a permanent guard against invaders. Pangran Puger, who had defied
his royal brother's authority af ter 1677 and had also called himself
susuhunan, finally subrnitted and was pardoned in 1681. In Kartasura,
in the district where the Sultan of Pajang had reigned a century before,
Javanese trade and industry (such as batik dyeing) began to develop
in cooperation with Chinese and other foreign traders and artisans.
Javanese literature and art found patrons at Court. The king and some
influential courtiers had travelled widely over Central and East Java
for several years and had acquired more culture than their predecessors
had possessed.

* Some Javanese legendary tales on Surapati's exploits have been discussed by

Mrs Ann Kumar in: "Surapati, Portrait of a Hero in Javanese Literature"
(Thesis Canberra U niversity, Australia, 1969).

p.14. The kyahi of Wanakusuma, a kinsman .of the great Radn

Kajoran, and his followers in the hilly region along the South Coast
were troublesome during the first years of the reign. They were inspired
by popular Islamic belief in prophecies and miracles. An action by the
V.O.C. garrison of Kartasura prevented a group of Islamic zealots from
Banten from joining the Wanakusuma partisans. The last of them were
defeated and massacred by the king's troops in October, 1683.
p.18. An anti-V.O.C. faction began to develop at the Kartasura
Court from 1681. lts head was the new patih (grandvizier) Nerang
Kusuma, who was related to the Kajoran, Tmbayat and Wanakusuma
families. Ladies at Court promoted his rise in the king's favour. Mangku
Rat's religious feelings and his family pride were played upon in order
to estrange his from the V.O.C.
p.21. The points on which the king was particularly sensitive were
(1) the payment of the debt incurred to the V.O.C. since 1677, (2) the
cession of territories to the V.O.C., (3) the mercantile privileges and
freedom from duties accorded to V.O.C. trade, (4) the unseemly
behaviour of some V.O.C. officers in the trading-posts on the North
Coast, and (5) the permanent presence of the V.O.C. garrison in
Kartasura, which he found annoying. The cession of sovereign rights
in Smarang, Japara and Rmbang, which was stipulated in the con-
tracts, was ignored as far as possible by local J avanese officials. Makasa-
rese and Balinese adventurers and soldiers of fortune were welcomed
in Kartasura by the anti-V.O.C. faction.

Chpt. 4. Prelude ta the out break of hastilities in Kartasura

p.32. Johannes Cops, a new factor of the V.O.C. trading-post in
Smarang, was sent as an envoy to investigate the situation at the
Kartasura Court in September, 1684. In return, important Javanese
courtiers travelled to Batavia to compliment the new governor-general
Johannes Camphuys on his election in the beginning of 1685. They
brought a letter containing a memorial of the king's grievances, but
the Javanese envoys were sent home without a satisfactory reply.
p.37. In the meantime Surapati's star was rising at the Kartasura
Court. He was of Balinese origin, probably bom in the Eastem Corner
of Java about 1660. He escaped from slavery in Batavia and collected
a band of outlaws of various descent in the mountainous districts of
West Java. The band enlisted as a volunteer corps with the V.O.C.
forces stationed in the Priangan highlands, but Untung (Surapati's
name in Batavia) quarreled with a Dutch officer, killed a number of
96 ISLAM IC sTATEs IN JAVA 1500-1700

V.O.C. soldiers, and made his escape eastward. The V.O.e. commander
Jacob Couper failed to find him in the highlands during an expedition
started from Gerbon, and Surapati became the most ferocious and
dreaded of outlaws, living from blackmail and robbery in the hilly districts
of Banyumas and BageIn. The local Javanese authorities could not
overcome him. The cunning grand-vizier of Kartasura Nerang Kusuma
saw fit to use Surapati to master other unruly elements in Banyumas
and Bageln. The headman of outlaws was made a condottiere of a
volunteer corps in the king's service. He was called to Court, pardoned
and given a residence near the capital of Kartasura, where he reinforced
the anti-V.O.C. faction. The king was caught between his anti-V.O.C.
courtiers and military men and the V.O.e., his ally to whom he was
indebted for all he had. He tried to compromise in letters sent to Batavia,
and he paid instalments of his debt. The V.O.C. government decided
to help him by sending captain Franois Tack, the victor over Truna
Jaya and a person well-known to the king, as plenipotentiary to Karta-
sura in November, 1685. Tack was ordered to arrest Surapati, if need
be by force. Aside from this, his mission was one of appeasement.
p. 48. In the eastern part of the kingdom, con fusion had arisen
af ter the king's departure for Mataram in November, 1680. Madura
had been divided between Truna Jaya's unde Cakra Ningrat (11), who
had been pardoned, in the west, and Yuda Nagara, Truna Jaya's old
governor who could not be dislodged, in the east. Af ter Yuda Nagara's
death in Sumenep in 1684, Cakra Ningrat tried to expand his influence
over the whole of the island, and also in East Java. A Madurese pirate
and former captain of Truna Jaya called Wasng Rana served him.
Jang Rana, the king's governor of Surabaya, was his son-in-Iaw. Jang
Rana, formerly called Angga Wangsa, and his brother Angga Jaya,
the governor of Pasuruhan, were of Balinese descent. The rulers of the
district of Blambangan in the Eastern Corner of Java were members
of the Tawang Alun family who had defied the authority of the
Mataram kings since 1670. Blambangan bands were even seen ma-
rauding in the district of Ka~iri. The V.O.C. sent Jeremias van Vliet
with a small expeditionary force to Surabaya in March, 1685. The
pirate Wasng Rana was arrested and executed, and a temporary
arrangement of the succession in East Madura was agreed upon. In
a conference with the king's governors of East Java and Madura from
Tuban to Sumenep, convened in Surabaya in July, 1685, van Vliet
made them promise to keep the peace and to fight the Blambangan
and Balinese invaders in a concerted action. But nothing came of this.

There were no V.O.C. forces available to launch an offensive in remote


Chpt.5. Captain Tack's progress trom Batavia to Kartasura,

late 1685
p.58. Captain Tack touched at the port of Cerbon to inspect the
trading-post. He persuaded Sultan Anom, the most active of the three
Cerbon rulers, to accompany him to Kartasura in order to deliberate
with the king and the East Javanese governors on the state of Java.
During hls stay in Japara, captain Tack saw the advisability of moving
the centre of V.O.C. activity in the Javanese kingdom to Semarang,
which had easier access for envoys coming from the interior of the
country. The Batavia government followed his advice some years later.
p.61. The situation of the royal residence and the V.O.C. fortress
in Kartasura is fairly weIl known from a Dutch map made shortly after
the fateful events. The V.O.C. fortress contained only some bamboo
buildings and sheds. The officer in command, lieutenant Greving, was
a good soldier but not a perspicacious diplomat. The military stores
were insufficient.
p.65. Captain Tack had to wait in Smarang for an escort of
important courtiers which was to lead him in state to Kartasura. During
the month of preparations before the plenipotentiary's arrival, both the
king and the anti-V.O.C. faction at Court became nervous. The anti-
V.O.C. faction, which had the sympathy and even the secret support
of the grand-vizier Nerang Kusuma, sent letters, seemingly in the king's
name, to a headman of Malay pirates on the coast of the island of
Blitung (Billiton) who was supposed to be a servant of the Sultan of
Menangkabau (in the interior of Sumatra), to ask for assistance in the
imminent war with the infidel V.O.C. The letters were intercepted
by a vigilant V.O.C. officer in Tegal and sent to Batavia. Islamic
religious agitation was noticed in various parts of the Archipelago
at the time.
p.73. Surapati, Cakra Ningrat of Madura, whose loyalties were
doubtful, the grand-vizier Nerang Kusuma, lieutenant Greving and the
king had many deliberations in the capital. Hoping to make a favourable
impression on captain Tack, who was about to arrive, Cakra Ningrat
organized an attack of Madurese and Javanese guardsmen on Surapati's
Balinese settlement near the royal residence of Kartasura, in order to
force him to surrender his arms. The attack was repulsed; probably
it had not been meant seriously. The grand-vizier seems to have en-

couraged Surapati in his confidence that he could defy the V.O.C. with
impunity. He proved to be right in the end.

Chpt.6. The death of captain Tack and his men,

8th of February, 1686
p.84. The plenipotentiary, his companies of V.O.C. soldiers and
his Javanese escort arrived in Kartasura just after the faked attack on
Surapati's settlement. Captain Tack took over command of all V.O.C.
forces, put strong guards before the royal residence and the fortress for
safety, and marched out himself with a small force to look for Surapati,
who was reported to be retreating eastward. But the crafty Balinese
fighter turned back with a small band, unseen by Tack, and attacked
the V.O.C. guard before the royal residence. He killed lieutenant Greving
and his men and set the guardhouse on fire. Captain Tack was alarmed
and returned immediately. Surapati and his fighters were caught between
the buildings of the royal residence behind them where the fire was
spreading even in the private mosque, and the V.O.C. companies armed
with muskets in front of them on the alun-alun (great square in front
of the royal compound). Af ter several sallies which were repulsed, the
Balinese ran amuck and succeeded in reaching the ranks of the soldiers
before the muskets could he reloaded. In the following hand-to-hand
fight (bayonets not yet being in use), most of the Dutch officers and
men, including captain Tack, were killed by lance-thrusts. One lieuten-
ant and the rest of the soldiers, partly disarmed and wounded, made
their escape to the fortress which was nearby. It was believed that
Balinese volunteers in the king's service, and even some Javanese in
Balinese clothes, had taken part in the final amuck-running. The end
of the day was celebrated as a victory by the playing of gamelans inside
the royal compound. The dead and wounded Dutch military men were
brought into the fortress without molestation in the course of the

Chpt.7. The retreat of the V.O.C. garrison from Kartasura

to Semarang
p. JOl. Surapati and his Balinese followers left Kartasura the same
afternoon. They had suffered heavy losses. Surapati continued his march
eastward in the direction of his native country. He had never seriously
intended to setde in Mataram. Captain Leeman, the commander of
the V.O.C. fortress in Kartasura, was not attacked. He succeeded in
restoring order in the weakened garrison, kept control of the V.O.C.

allies from Crbon (Sultan Anom and his retinue) and Sumenep (the
provisionally-appointed governor), maintained outwardly friendly rela-
tions with the king, and corresponded with headquarters in Japara by
means of express messengers. This journey took three days at the least.
The king was extremely nervous and afraid of retaliations. Repeatedly
protesting his innocence and expressing his regret, he declared that he
had orde red his troops to pursue Surapati and to hunt him down, but
nothing came of it. The anti-V.O.C. faction at Court sabotaged all
such action. The king's fear of V.O.C. retaliation was counterbalanced
by his knowledge that Surapati had friends in Kartasura. Perhaps even
Mangku Rat himself secretly admired the Balinese adventurer's boldness.
p.107. On learning what had happened in Kartasura, the V.O.C.
government in Batavia decided that the garrison should retreat to
Semarang. Both the risk of leaving the garrison in Kartasura, and the
expenses of sending reinforcements were deemed too great. Captain
Leeman succeeded in gently familiarizing the king with the idea that
the V.O.C. garrison and even his Dutch bodyguard, which he had had
at his disposal for years, would leave. Mangku Rat was told that all
the V.O.C. forces were needed in East Java to fight Surapati, which
was partly true. The captain brought his troops and the V.O.C. posses-
sions in the Kartasura fortress safely to Semarang under difficult
circumstances, arriving there at the end of March, 1686. Tbe fortress
of Kartasura was abandoned.

Chpt. 8. Repercussions of the Surapati troubles in the Pasisir districts

and measures taken by the V.O.C. government
p. 111. The V.O.C. fortress on the Dana Raja hill commanding
Japara was immediately put into a state of defence. By a lucky chance,
V.O.C. troop ships destined for the Spice lslanda arrived in Japara just
in time. Their appearance overawed those V.O.C. allies and auxiliaries
whose allegiance was wavering. Smaller V.O.C. trading-posts such as
Demak, Gresik and Rembang were closed and some were even abandon-
ed. Many letters and envoys were exchanged between Kartasura, Japara
and Batavia. The king dismissed Nerang Kusuma from liis service (but
without punishing him), and appointed Sindu Reja, a military man,
in his place as grand-vizier. Mangku Rat expressed his willingness to
travel personally to Japara (which he knew weIl) and even to Batavia
to explain matters. There were also rumours of a royal pilgrimage to
the holy mosque of Demak. But since no forceful action or retaliation
by the V.O.C. government was forthcoming, the king regained self-

confidence. The inactivity of the V.O.C. troops in Japara and the

undisturhed development of Surapati's dominion in East Java made
it possible for the anti-V.O.C. faction at Court to reassert itself.
p.127. Javanese and Chinese officials in Semarang who cooperated
with the V.O.C. in the trading-post suffered vexations from the Karta-
sura Court. Af ter a considerable delay the king sent well-qualified
envoys to Batavia at the end of 1686, but the contents of the letters
which they brought was found unsatisfactory. The V.O.C. government
took the view th at the Central Javanese kingdom should he Ieft alone
for the time heing. Relations hetween Kartasura and Batavia were not
openIy hostile, but at the best were stiffly formal during the rest of the
reign of Mangku Rat 11, who died in 1703.
p.131. Surapati and rus Balinese fighters, continuing their march
eastward af ter the Kartasura incident, were pursued by the king's
Javanese troops without any alacrity. They were allowed to escape
several times. Surapati succeeded in reaching the Eastern Corner of
Java, his native area, by way of Kaliri and Bangil. The Mataram
king's governors of Pasuruhan, Bangil and Prabalingga either Ieft their
posts or went over to the side of Surapati, who established a Court in
Pasuruhan and called himself henceforth Wira Nagara. He acquired
con trol of all Eastern Corner districts east of Surabaya as far as Blam-
bangan. Adventurers from many other areas of South East Asia and
India were attracted by his good fortune and joined his banners. His
ruie was not seriously imperilled by attacks of Cakra Ningrat's bands.
Madura and Surabaya were not inclined to fight for the integrity of
the Mataram kingdom, which had destroyed their own independence
less than a century hefore.

Chpt.9. The last years of the reign of Mangku Rat II, 1687-1703
p.135. Relations hetween the Kartasura Court and Pasuruhan were
ambiguous. If there was some fighting, it was mostly sham. The king
wanted to uphold rus authority in the eyes of his subjects in Central
and West Java and in those of the V.O.C. government in Batavia.
Therefore he made a show of severity in his dealings with Surapati.
The V.O.C. govemment was deceived by this at first. But af ter some
time V.O.C. officers in Surabaya began to see through the trick of
sham fighting and reported it to Batavia. No action was taken, however.
p.139. Mangku Rat's suzerainty was formally acknowledged by
Surapati in 1687. In that year he paid an official visit to Court, in the
company of East Javanese local rulers who had taken rus side and

envoys from a Balinese king, as weIl as a strong bodyguard. Attempts

to murder him unawares in Kartasura were frustrated by his vigilance,
and he never again visited the Court. Nevertheless this visit was a
success for the Kartasura Court's diplomacy. The dismissed grand-vizier
Nerang Kusuma, who was known for his anti-V.O.C. feelings, was
employed as the king's representative at the Pasuruhan Court to the
end of Mangku Rat's reign.
p.142. Meanwrule the Kartasura Court succeeded also in main-
taining stiffly formal relations with the V.O.C. officials in Japara and
Batavia. The debt incurred in the beginning of the reign was paid off
by fairly regular annual instalments, so that the outstanding amount
dwindled down perceptibly. The economy of the J avanese kingdom
adapted itself to altered circumstances. Crops in demand for overseas
trade were cultivated, money circulation increased, and Chinese traders
made their appearance in the interior of the country.
p.145. Mangku Rat Il, like his father before him, became ill and
lost interest in state affairs as he grew ol der. The crownprince (later
Mangku Rat lIl, called Mangku Rat Mas) was an only son, and rather
unruly. Ris entourage nursed anti-V.O.C. feelings. The Kartasura Court
was at times full of rumours about heroic actions to be taken against
the infidel foreigners, but nothing came of it.
p. 146. Cakra Ningrat, sent by the king to East Java to arrest Sura-
pati in 1686, understood weIl enough that for rus dominions in West
Madura peace and order in the Pasisir harbours was of more importance
than the integrity of the inland Mataram kingdom. Therefore his
fighting against Surapati was only sham. The men of West Madura
had fought on the side of Truna Jaya a few years before, and Truna
Jaya and Surapati seemed to have much in common. Batavia's hope
that Cakra Ningrat would overcome Surapati proved idle. The Madu-
rese prince had also to consider anti-V.O.C. and Islamic religious
feelings in rus own surroundings.
p.147. Pangran Puger, who had been pardoned in 1681, was still
considered to be a likely successor of rus brother Mangku Rat Il. He com-
manded a large following in Mataram, having ruled there as a king from
1677 to 1681. He was distrusted by the crownprince's party, who were
anti-V.O.C. So pangran Puger entered into a private and secret corres-
pondence with V.O.C. authorities with a view to the possibility that he
might succeed rus brother. In fact he did become king, under the name
of Paku Buwana I, instead of the crownprince, af ter having ceded large
territories and renounced important rights in favour of the V.O.C.

p. 148. Surapati's rule in the Eastern Corner of Java remained

practically unchallenged until 1691. In that year the aged king of
Blambangan, Tawang Alun, died. Troughout his life he had maintained
an independent position between the Balinese kingdom in the east and
the rulers of East Java, who were Mataram subjects, in the west. One
of his sons feared Surapati's aggressiveness and approached the V.O.C.
in Batavia for help. This was considered to be an opportunity to begin
an attack on Surapati from the east by supporting the Blambangan
forces. But then in 1697 a successful invasion of Balinese troops from
Badung (Dn Pasar), supported by Surapati, overthrew the native
dynasty and put an end to Blambangan's independence.
p. 153. In connection with these events in the Eastern Corner of
Java, the V.O.C. decided to move its headquarters in Central Java
from Japara to Smarang, where astrong and modern fortress was to
be built. This had already been advised by admiral Speelman and
captain Tack. The preparations for the fortress in Semarang brought
about a new outburst of anti-V.O.C. sentiment at the Kartasura Court.
There were rumours of a planned surprise attack on Japara of Balinese
fighting men in disguise, but it was not executed. In 1693, Chinese
rioters attacked the V.O.C. trading-post in Japara but were repulsed
with some difficulty. When brought to trial, they accused the Kartasura
Court of complicity. The Chinese traders residing in the king's states
were legally V.O.C. subjects according to the contracts. They had been
put under locally-appointed Chinese officers, who were subordinate to
the shahbandar of Japara (afterwards of Smarang). But the increasing
number of Chinese immigrants, who were attracted by the development
of economy and trade in Java since the establishment of the V.O.C. in
Batavia, could not be controlled by a few local officers. There was
friction between factions of Chinese traders. (An explosion of Chinese
rioting later led to the destruction of the royal residence of Kartasura
in 1742).
p.158. Relations between Mangku Rat 11 and the V.O.C. govern-
ment finally grew rather more friendly in 1694, when an envoy from
Japara, the first one since captain Tack's death in 1686, appeared in
Kartasura. But by then the king's authority in his own capital was
dwindling and the crownprince's faction had won the upper hand at
Court. Bands of Surapati's Balinese and East Javanese followers were
seen marauding not far from Kartasura. Mangku Rat felt unsafe, and the
grand-vizier Sindu Rja travelled to Semarang on his own authority to
deliberate with V.O.C. authorities on the state of the Javanese kingdom.

p.164. Mangku Rat II died in his dotage in November, 1703. The

crownprince had made sure of the support of important courtiers before-
hand, and ascended the throne as Mangku Rat lIl. There is a story
that he tried to keep his unde pangran Puger in sedusion, practically
as a captive, in Kartasura, but the pangran's numerous followers helped
him to escape to Semarang in 1704. Raving come to an agreement with
the V.O.C. authorities, Puger was acknowledged by them as the rightful
king, and was escorted back to Kartasura by V.O.C. troops in 1705,
there to reign as susuhunan Paku Buwana l (1703-' 19). This was, for
the time being, the end of the anti-V.O.C. faction at Court. Mangku
Rat III took refuge with Surapati in East Java. Af ter Surapati's death
in 1706, he surrendered in Malang to the V.O.C. commander Govert
Knol in 1708. The V.O.C. government decided to send him with his
family and retinue to exile in Ceylon, an expedient used to eliminate
troublesome princes on several occasions afterwards. Re died in Ceylon
in 1737. Ris family was then allowed to return to Java.

Chpt. 10. Conclusion

p. 167. Captain Tack was sent to Kartasura in 1686 with amission

of appeasement, but this was imperfectly understood at Court. Ris
violent death marked the beginning of aperiod which was to end in
political and armed interventions by the V.O.C. in the affairs of the
Javanese kingdom of a more drastic and sweeping character than had
originally been the intention in Batavia, and certainly in Amsterdam.
The "murder" of captain Franois Tack was a turning-point in Javanese
dynastie history.


1. Old Dutch caption belonging to an illustration in Nic. de Graaff's

"Reisen ... naar alle gewesten des Werelds", 1939-1687 (Linschoten-
Vereeniging, vol. 33, p. 197 and 198).
II. Old Dutch translations of Javanese letters which make it probable
that the attack on captain Tack was premeditated by the anti-V.O.C.
faction at Court.
to the Roman serial numbers used in the Comprehensive List of Sources
and the General Index of Names to indicate Dr de Graafs eight hooks
and articles on Javanese history, and the Surrunary.

I Graaf, H. J. de, en Pigeaud, Th. G. Th. De eerste Moslimse Vor-

stendommen op Java. Studin over de staatkundige Geschiedenis
van de 15e en 16e eeuw. 's-Gravenhage, 1974.
Verhandelingen v.h. Kon. Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde,
vol. 69.

11 Graaf, H. J. de. De Regering van panembahan Snapati Inga-

laga. 's-Gravenhage, 1954.
Verhandelingen v.h. Kon. Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde,
vol. 13.

111 Graaf, H. J. de. De Regering van sultan Agung, vorst van

Mataram, 1613-1645, en die van zijn voorganger panembahan
Sda-ing-Krapjak, 1601-1613. 's-Gravenhage, 1958.
Verhandelingen v.h. Kon. Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde,
vol. 23.

IV-l,IV-2 Graaf, H. J. de. De Regering van sunan Mangku Rat I

Tegal Wangi, vorst van Mataram, 1646-1677. 2 vols. 's-Graven-
hage, 1961-1962. I. De Ontbinding van het Rijk. 11. Opstand
en Ondergang.
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V Graaf, H. J. de (ed.). De Expeditie van Anthonio Hurdt, Raad

van Indi, als Admiraal en Superintendent naar de Binnenlanden
van Java, sept.-dec. 1678, volgens het Journaal van Johan Jurgen
Briel, secretaris. Met een inleiding en aantekeningen van
's-Gravenhage, 1971.
Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging, vol. LXXII.

VI Graaf, H. J. de. Gevangenneming en Dood van Raden Truna-

Djaja, from
"Tijdschrift voor Ind. Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde", Batavia-Jakarta,
vol. LXXXV, 1952, pp. 273-309.

VII Graaf, H. J. de. Het Kadjoran-vraagstuk, from

"Djawa", Jogjakarta, vol. XX, 1940, pp. 273-328.

VIII Graaf, H. J. de. De Moord op Kapitein Franois Tack, 8 febr.

1686. Amsterdam, 1935.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Leiden.

IX Pigeaud, Theodore G. Th., and Graaf, H. J. de. Islamic States

in Java, 1500-1700. Eight Dutch hooks and articles by Dr H. J.
de Graaf as summarized by Theodore G. Th. Pigeaud, with a
Comprehensive List of Sources and a General Index of N ames
composed by H. J. de Graaf. The Hague, 1976.
Verhandelingen v.h. Kon. Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde,
vol. 70.


for the study of Javanese history, 1500-1700, mentioned in Dr de Graaf's

eight hooks and articles. The Roman serial numbers in italics, I-VIII,
at the end of the titles refer to the hook (s) or article (s) where the
indicated souree material was used.


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T.B.G. Tijdschrift van het Kon. Bataviaasch Genootschap.
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L.U.B. Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek.
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- De Kraton van Majapahit. Verh. K.l. VII 1949. II, In
- Een vrij Overzetveer te Wanagiri (M.N.) in 903 A.D. T.B.G.
LXXIV 1934, p. 269. I.
S. Wardi. Kumpulan Tjeritera lama dari Kota Wali. Demak z.j. I.

Tieie, P. De Europers in den Maleischen Archipel I-IX. 's-Grav. 1877-

1887. Uit B.K.!. 4e reeks I - Se reeks II. I, In
Tjabolang, see Serat Tjabolang.
Tjandrapradata, rd. ng. Serat Tjandrakanta. Pangimpoenipoen - - - djil.
I. Soerakarta 1923. IV, VII.
Transscriptie van het Dagboek der Vorsten van Gowa en Tello, met
vertal. en aantn. door K. Ligtvoet. B.K.1. XXVIII 1889. III-V.
Troostenburg de Bruijn, C. A. L. Biographisch Woordenboek van Oost-
Indische Predikanten. Nijmegen 1893. V.
Tuuk, H. N. van der. Kawi-Balineesch-Nederlandsch Woordenboek,
uitgeg. door J. Brandes. Bat. 1897-1902. 4 dIn. I.

Uhlenbeck, E. M. A critical Survey of Studies on the Languages of Java

and Madura. 's-Grav. Bibliographical Series K.l. no. 7. I.

Valentijn, Franois. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indin. Dordrecht-Amst. 1724~

1726.5 din. in 8 bdn. I-VI.
- Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indin. Met aanteekeningen ... inhoudsregis-
ters, chronologische lijsten enz. Uitgeg. door S. Keijzer. 2e uitg. Amst.
1862. 3 din. VII, VIII.
Veld, S. G. in 't. Ontstaan van het vorstendom Pasir, Oostkust van
Borneo. T.B.G. XXVI 1882, p. 557. I.
Verbeek, R. D. M. and Fennema, R. Geologische Beschrijving van Java
en Madoera. Amst. 1896. 2 din. V.

Veth, P. Java ... historisch. 2e dr. I. Oude Geschiedenis, II. Nieuwe

Geschiedenis. Haarlem 1898. 2 dIn. 1I, lIl.
- Nalezingen en Verbeteringen op het 3e deel van "Java". Tijdschr.
v.h. Kon. Ned. Aardrijksk. Gen. VI 1882, p. 82. I.
- Uit Oost en West. Verklaring van eenige uitheemsche woorden,
Arnhem 1889. V.
Visser, B. J. J. Onder Portugeesch-Spaansche vlag. De Kath. Missie van
Indonesi, 1511-1605. Amst. [1926]. I.
- Onder de Compagnie. Geschiedenis der Kath. Missie van Ned.-Indi.
Bat. (1934). III.
Vreede, A.C. Catalogus van de Javaansche en Madoereesche Hand-
schriften der L.U.B. Leiden 1892. I.

Wall, H. von de. Vervolg van het extract uit de dagelijksche aanteeke-
ningen van de civiele gezaghebber van Koetei en de Oostkust van
Borneo. Indisch Archief ... II 1850 iii, p. 449. I.
Wall, V. I. van de. De Nederlandsche Oudheden in de Molukken.
's-Grav. 1928. V.
Werdi-Sastra (R.) & Sastra-Wijaya (R.), Bhabhad Songenep. Welt.
1921, 2 dIn. Uitg. Bal Pustaka nos. 342, 342a. I, lIl, IV.
Wertheim, W. F. Selected Studies on Indonesia. Indonesian economics.
The Hague 1961. I.
Wessels, C. De eerste Franciscaner-Missie op Java (+ 1584-1599).
Studin, N. reeks LXII Nijmegen 1938, dl. 113 Ie half jr. , p. 117.
- Wat staat geschiedkundig vast over de oude Missie in Zuid-Selbs
of het land van Makassar, 1525-1669? Studin, juni 1925. I, II.
Wijnaents van Resandt, W. De Gezaghebbers der 0.1. Compagnie op
hare Buiten-Comptoiren in Azi ... Amst. 1944. Genealogische Bib!.
II. V.
Winstedt, R. O. History of Malaya. Journalof the Malayan Branch of
the Royal Asiatic Society XII 1933. I.
Winter, C. F. Javaansche Samenspraken. 3e dr. Amst. 1882. 1I, lIl.
Wiselius, J. A. B. Historisch Onderzoek naar de geestelijke en wereld-
lijke Suprematie van Grissee op Midden- en Oost-Java gedurende
de 16e en 17e eeuw. T.B.G. XXIII 1876, p. 459. I-lIl.
Wolters, O. W. Early Indonesian Commerce. Ithaca N.V. 1967. I.

Zentgraaf, H. C. Atjeh. Bat. (1940). V.

of lndonesian, Chinese and European names found in Dr de Graaf's
eight books and articles, and in the Summary, with explanatory notes.
The Roman serial numbers at the end of the notes are explained in
the Key (p. 105). The Arabic numerals refer to pages.

As Dr de Graaf's eight hooks and articles were originally written in

Dutch, the Dutch transliteration system of Indonesian words was used.
In the present General Index the spelling of all Javanese names and
words has been modernized in accordance with the ruIes of orthography
of Indonesian languages which are laid down by Government. (Only
the Q, t, and e have been retained where it seemed convenient to do so).
Personal names of well-known Javanese scholars and authors who
lived in the twentieth century, such as Djajadiningrat, have not been
The sixteenth century Portuguese texts and the seventeenth and
eighteenth century Dutch reports and hooks that have been used as
sources of history contain several Indonesian names in Portuguese and
Dutch transliteration which were dilficult to identily. Some of them
could not be made out at all. They have been put between quotation
marks in the Index.
Some typical Dutch-Javanese words and expressions which are found
in Dr de Graaf's texts have also been put between quotation marks, and
provided with English explanations.
The following abbreviations of names and titles are used in the Index.
ad. adipati (ruler, prince) Mad. Madurese
ag. ageng (great) Mak. Makasarese
Bal. Balinese ng. ngabhi (official)
Bug. Buginese ny. nyahi (old, lady of standing)
Chin. Chinese pan. panembahan (prince)
demo demang (officer) pg. pangran (religious leader,
dip. dipati, adipati prince)
Jav. Javanese Port. Portuguese
ker. kro kerang (South Celebes rd. radn (gentleman of standing)
ti tie ) secr. secretary
ky. kyahi (old, gentleman of sult. sultan
standing) Sund. Sundanese
lieut. lieutenant tg. tumenggung ( commander )

Abad Sara, see Ampat Sara. Adi (ratu), of Pajang, mother of sult.
Abbas, son of Abdul Muntalip, I 282. Agung, 111 27.
Abbas 1/, shah of Persia, IV-l 80. Adi (sunan), son of sunan Kali Jaga,
Abdul (encik), interpreter, V 130, 202, 11 29, 51, 77, 79.
213. Adi Baya (ny. ged), sister of ki ged
Abdu'l-Aziz (sayyid) from Jeddah, I 251. Ssla, 11 5.
Abdul KadiT, king of Banten, I 124; adikara, adikarana, Old J av.: mier, mie,
IX 13. I 132, 283.
Abdul Kahar ibn Mataram (sult.), name Adikara (arya) , legendary mier of Tu-
of Snapati, 11 115. ban, I 283.
Abdul Kalianget, Bal. soldier, V 98. Adil (ratu), Jav. Islamie saviour, VII 49.
Abdullah, name of sult. Agung, 111 266- Adi Langu, see Ngadi Langu.
268. Adining Kusuma, name of pan. Giri
A bdullah (maulana), man of religion, Laya, IV-l 39.
11 81. Adipati (kyahi), ancient title of princes
Abdul Latit, shahbandar of Japara, IV-l and miers, II 38, 103; III 80.
76. Adipati Anom (pg.), crownprince, pan.
Abdul Mahometh Molany Mattarany, Krapyak, 11 128.
name of sult. Agung, 111 267. Adipati Anom (pg.), crownprince, later
Abdul Muntalip, king of Mecca, I 282. Mangku Rat I, III 104, 241, 286;
Abdul Rahman, sult. of Palembang, I IV-l 7.
205, 303. Adipati Anom (pg.), crownprince, later
Abdul Rahman, man of religion, Tuban, Mangku Rat I1, III 211; IV-l 6,
ancestor, I 132, 282. 198-200, 204; IV-2 1-3, 10-12, 18, 22,
Abrahamsz. (Jan), artillerist, V 212. 23, 25, 26, 32-38, 41, 42, 46, 47, 51-
Abu Hurrah, of Cempa, cousin of pg. 54, 56, 57, 69, 70, 80, 83, 84, 86, 88,
Ngarnpel, I 21. 110, 111, 114-119, 121-127, 139, 140,
Abul Fath, Abdul Fatah, sult. of Banten, 145, 146, 153-158, 179, 183-186, 188,
IV-l 8. 189, 192, 193; V 3, 61, 94; VII 10-
Aceh, Acheh, Achin, I 19, 22, 23, 79, 15, 38, 50; VIII 3.
81, 112, 201, 245, 258, 266, 273; 11 Adipati Anom (pg.), crownprince, later
34, 35, 68; III 164, 165, 170, 229, Mangku Rat 111, V 106, 108, 124,
230,268,279; IV-l 82, 117,196; 145, 154, 157, 158, 162-166.
IV-2 105; IX 5, 12, 29, 43. Adipati Anom (pg.), kro Galsong, IV-2
Acunha (Jorge d'), Port. ambassador, 110.
111 168, 170, 171, 223-225, 228. Adipati Anom (pg.), mier of Jambi, 111
Adam (L.), I 254, 315; III 105; IV-l 12, 276, 278.
14; IV-2 8, 134; V 121,140,144,149. Adipati Anom (rd.), son of pg. Madyun,
Adam (pat), Malay trader, father of V 249.
pat Cucuf of Gresik, I 142. Adi Prabu Anyakrawati Snapati lnga-
((adatrecht", popular law and custom, laga Mataram, pan. Krapyak, 111 1.
I 67. Adi Purana, Old Jav. hook, I 186, 297.

Adi Sara, locaIity, I 261. Ahmad Abdu'I-ATifin (sultan), of De-

Adi Sara (ny.), concubine of Snapati mak, I 51, 73.
Mataram, I 261, 262; 11 108; 111 3. Ahmad-Muhammad, Jav. romance, I
Adi Wijaya, sult. of Pajang (died 1587), 255.
see also Wijaya, I 61, 213, 216, 304, 4hmat (encik), Malay captain, IV-l 79,
308; 11 22, 62, 85, 91; IX 21, 29, 30. 80,81,94.
adu kemiri, game with kemiri nuts, 111 ajar, non-Islamic man of religion, I 186,
101. 192, 247, 305.
Adu Werna, residence of a man of reIi- Ajar (ng.), man of religion of mount
gion (partisan of rd. Kajoran), VII Lawu, V 133; VII 48, 49.
38, 42. Aji Pamasa, Jav. pseudo-history, I 306.
Ang Mata, Ar Mata, Ayer Mata, ce- Aji Saka, mythical king, I 9, 273, 307,
metery, Madura, I 172, 268; IV-l 318.
31; IV-2 48. Ajuda palace in Lisbon (archives), I
Aernhem (Gerrit v.), Iieut., V 236, 274. 260.
Ageng (ratu), queen-consort of Mangku Akbar, Great Mogul of India, 111 204.
Rat I, IV-2 1. Akkeren (van), au thor, I 311.
Agong, see Agung. Akim, Mad. rebel, V 221.
Agra Yuda (tg.), son of tg. Pasisingan Alad-alad (ng.), govemor of Semarang,
(rebels against Mangku Rat I), IV-l V 66; VIII 23, 127-130.
27, 28, 32. Alan, river, V 158.
Agra Yuda (capt.), Eur. deserter, Lesage, Alap-alap (tg.), commanders under S-
V 98, 183. napati, Krapyak and Agung, 11 117,
Agra Yuda (dem.), mantri under Tmna 118; 111 28, 36, 41, 84, 93, 140,209,
Jaya, VI 280. 210.
Agul-Agul (tg.), commander, V 79. al-Aqs, mosque in Jemsalem, I 98.
Agung (pg. or rd.), brother of Mangku cAl'ad-Din Shah, king of Acheh, I 79,
Rat I, IV-l 1,30. 273.
Agung Badung (gusti), mIer in Bali, Albertsen (Hans), from Koningsbergen,
VIII 139, 152. soldier, V 201/2, 262.
Agung (sult.), king of Banten, 1651-'82, Albuquerque (Afonso d'), vice-rey, I 44.
VIII 27. Alexander, king of Macedonia, see Baron
Agung (pan.), mIer of Giri, 111 207; V Sakndr, Cariyosipun Sultan Iskan-
3,13,55; IX 76. dar, and Dh'l-Kamain.
Agung Kajoran (pan.), pg. Maulana "Alfoeren", native; of Ceram, soldiers,
Mas, IV-2 40; VII 2/3, 8. V 78.
Agung (susuhunan), sunan Mangku Rat Algarvia, South Portugal, I 76, 119.
I, VIII 43. Ali, Makasarese skipper, VIII 111.
Agung (sultan) of Mataram, 1613-'45, 'Ali Ri'yat Shah, king of Acheh, I 273.
I 61, 69, 85, 89, 90, 102, 155, 164, "Alien", village, V 107.
168, 177, 178, 184, 190, 191, 197, Alim (encik),interpreter, IV-2 163,166;
198, 205, 219, 232, 233, 235, 237, V 130, 202.
252, 260, 263, 271, 287-289, 292-294, Alim (bagus) , clerk, IV-2 138, 182.
296,300,303,309,311,313,314; 11 Alit (pg.), brother of sunan Mangku
1, 3, 6, 12, 13, 41, 48, 59, 60, 88, 89, Rat I, 111 141, 251, 291; IV-l 1, 2,
115, 119, 123, 132; 111 passim; IV-l 15, 25, 27-33; IV-2 28,46-48; VII
1-7, 12, 13, 19, 23, 28, 35, 38, 53, 74, 50; IX 55.
86, 109; IV-2 1, 4, 14, 15, 28, 29, Alit (ratu) , ratu Woh, daughter of
31, 40, 42, 43, 48, 56, 57, 137; V sunan Mangku Rat 11, V 113.
1-3, 4, 9, 21, 190; VII 4, 9; VIII al-Kacbah, see Kaba.
14, 63; IX 10, 16-19, 21, 35, 37-40, Al-Koran, holy scripture, IV-2 63; V
43, 45-51, 54, 56-58, 66, 67, 70, 71. 144,189; VIII 121.
Agus (pg.) of Kajoran, brother-in-Iaw of Al-Kuds, Al-Quds, Jerusalem, see Kudus,
Snapati Mataram, I 311. I 31, 97; 11 130; IX 10.

al-Manilr, mosque al-Aqs, I 98. Amsterdam, ship, III 68.

A ltmeijer (Casper Lourens), captain, V Amsterdam, (sultan) of Ternate, V 54.
30, 39, 49, 54, 99, 101, 149, 174, 206, Amuk (ki), holy cannon of Banten, 111
209-210, 212, 214, 215, 218, 223, 225, 130, 131.
227, 230-232, 234-236, 238, 268; VI Andaka (kali), river Brantas, III 30, 32,
282, 285, 288, 290, 301. 116; IX 37.
alun-alun, outer court of kraton, I 38, Andakara, lurah, headman, IV-2 38;
260, 268; 11 8, 31, 94, 95; III 14, VII 30.
106, 108, 109, 122, 156, 268, 290; Andaka Wana, lurah, headman, III 10.
IV-IlO, 14,43, 171; IV-2 167, 175, Anif,ap Tulis, residence of a partisan of
193; V 2, 4, 10, 46, 55, 56, 63, 66, Snapati Mataram, 11 50.
239-241, 243, 245, 246, 257, 266; Andarawati, Putri Cempa, consort of Bra
VIII 62, 64, 91, 94, 95, 97,112,117, Wijaya, see Darawati, I 20.
135, 140, 163. Andaya Ningrat, ruler of Pengging, I 63,
Amad Mustakim of Cabolk (haji), theo- 93, 94, 208, 304, 307; 11 16; IX 20.
logian, I 134,269. Andreas (mr. Pieter) , surgeon, IV-I 95.
Amali (aru), Makasar chief, V 270. Andries, soldier, V 165.
Amangku Rat Snapati Ingalaga (susu- Anm, see Anom.
hunan), sunan Mangku Rat I, IV-l 8. Angga, kebayan, envoy from Surabaya,
Amar (encik), Malay captain, IV-2 88. V 254.
Amar (ki), of Banten, emissary in Lam- Angga (ky.), envoy sent by Mangku Rat
pung, I 205. I1, VIII 142, 145.
Ambalik, deserter, traitor (surname of Angga Dipa, bupati, governor of Sume-
rd. Kajoran), IV-2 13; VII 13. nep, I 178; III 87, 88; IV-2 56, 59.
Ambanan, village, IV-2 189. Angga Dipa (ng.), Mad. rebel, V 220.
Amba Rawa, town, district, mBah Rawa, Angga Dria, kntol, captain serving un-
see "Limbarawa", IV-2 183. der png. Marta Sana, IV-2 144.
Amboina, Ambon, island in the Moluc- Angga Jaya, commander under Mangku
cas, Ambonese, I 106, 153, 289; 11 36, Rat I, IV-2 99.
61; 111 18, 64, 68, 71, 206, 207, 262, Angga Jaya (ng.), governor of Pasuru-
281; IV-I 88, 117, 119, 128; IV-2 han, V 70, 201, 274; VI 304; VIII
102, 147, 173, 180; V 10, 19, 29, 30, 51, 53, 132, 147; IX 96.
34, 35, 52, 55, 78, 79, 92, 96, 99-101, Angga Jiwa, envoy, sent from Mataram
120, 137, 165-167, 170, 179, 202, 235, to Batavia, IV-l 74.
236, 254, 265, 273; VI 273, 282, 288, Angga Karti (ng.), Madurese chief, V
292-294, 296, 297, 306; VIII 11; IX 151.
42, 60, 70, 83. Angga Kusuma, Mad. rebel, V 220; VI
Amdura (or Andura) (Gust Pat), vi- 299; VII 40, 46.
zier of Majapahit, I 52. Angga Lksana, envoy sent from Batavia
Amir Hamzah, king of Makasar, V 189. to Cilacap, VIII 154.
Among Praja (dem.), of Palembang, sent Anggantaka (dem.), partisan of rd. Tru-
to Batavia, IV-I 61. na Jaya, IV-2 50, 182, 187; V 221;
Among Raga, Jayeng Resmi, sons of VII 19.
pandita Giri, 111 219. Angga Pati, lurah, serving under pg. Alit,
Ampat Sara, Abad Sara (kntol), com- IV-l 29.
mander, IV-I 47. Angga Pat ra, lurah, serving under pg.
Ampl Denta, Ngampl, quarter of Sura- Alit, IV-l 29.
baya, residence of rd. Rahmat, I 20; Angga Patra (rd. panji), Kajoran chief,
III 220; IV-2 167, 168; VIII 19. V 184; VII 25, 37, 40, 44.
Amral, Admiral Speelman, IV-2 193; Angga Praja (ky.), secretary, interpreter
VII 24. under Mangku Rat I, IV-l 79, 89,98,
Amral, Admiral Hurdt, V 59, 76, 223. 111, 171-173, 178.
Amsterdam, town, 111 237; V 118; IX Angga Reksa (ky.), official under Mang-
103. ku Rat I, IV-l 129, 154.

Angga Suta, Mad. chief, V 162. Antang, mountain, see Ngantang.

Angga Suta, guardsman of Mangku Rat Anyakra Kusuma, sultan Agung (name
1,IV-2 93. borne also by sunan Bonang), 111 1,
Angga Wangsa, Jang Rana, governor of 26,27, 129.
Surabaya, V 70, 201; VIII 51; IX 96. Anyakra Wati (Wadat) , sunan Bonang,
Angga Wijaya, Madurese chief, IV-2 148;1111.
174. A nyakra Wati, pan. Krapyak, 111 1.
Angga Yuda, rebel, son of pg. Tepa Sa- Appeldoorn, assistant, VIII 71, 73, 78,
na, 111 200; IV-2 15. 90.
Angga Yuda, ambassador from Jambi, Aquilaria Malaccensis, "agelhout", kind
111 278. of wood, 111 73.
Angga Yuda, brother of Angga Dipa of Arob, modality of Islamic worship in
Sumenep,IV-2 59. Lombok, I 100.
Angga Yuda, lurah, serving under pg. Arabia, Arabic, Arabs, I 11, 20, 22, 39,
Alit, IV-l 29. 48, 60, 122, 138, 140, 170, 251, 277,
Angka Wiyu, annual religious ceremony 282; 11 99, 100; 111 103, 266, 267,
and fair in Jati Nom, I 216, 309. 269; IV-l 82; IV-2 94; IX 5.
Angk, village west of Batavia, IV-l 104. Arakan, rice district, S.-E. Asia, IV-l
Angling Darma, legendary king, Jav. 78, 96, 139.
pseudo-history, I 126. Archaeological Commission, "Oudheid-
Angrok (kn), Old Jav. mIer of Singa- kundige Commissie", I 98, 99.
sari, 11 89. Archipelago (Indian), see also Indone-
Anjang Mas, 1alang, wayang purwa, 111 sia, I 1,5,8-10, 13, 14, 17, 19,24-26,
23. 29, 51, 81, 98, 142, 148, 151, 170,
Anjasmara, mountain, VI 290, 293, 309. 200, 203, 253, 255, 260, 299, 312, 317,
Anjou (Pieter d') from Lorcy, soldier, 318; 11 60, 84, 228; 111 207; IV-l
V 219, 262. 69, 117; VIII 73, 133; IX 7,29,43,
"Ankesien", village, V 275. 59, 97.
Annam, Annamites, Vietnamese, I 10, "Ardi Karun", emban, tutor to ki Wana
23,24,271; IX 5. Kusuma's sons, VII 46.
Anom (pg.), bupati of Tuban, IV-1195. Ardi Menggala (ky.rd.), Madurese rebel,
Anom (pg. ad.), name of sunan Mangku IV-2 144.
Rat 11, IV-2 1; see Adipati. Ardi Wijaya, legendary king of Maja-
Anom (raden adipati), son of pg. Ma- pahit, I 131.
dyun, V 249. Arentsen (Joan), soldier, V 98.
Anom (pan.), or arya Panular, Kajoran Arga Dalem, Arga Dwa, legendary her-
partisan, VII 8, 40, 46. mits of mount Merbabu, I 305.
Anom (ratu), queen-consort of Mangku Aris Baya, see Aros Baya.
Rat I, mother of png. Puger, VII 9, Arja Balambangan, ruins of a kraton,
10. 111 256.
Anom (sultan), of Cerbon, VIII 60, 85, Armagon (Thomas), interpreter, IV-l
103; IX 97, 98. 143.
Anom (ketib), theologian of Kudus, I Armentires, town (soldier), V 214,219,
134. 262.
"Anongh-Anongh" (ng.), commander, Arnhem (town, museums), I 273; 111
killed in battle, IV-2 125. 122; VlOS.
Ansaert (Marten) from Oostende, sol- Aros Baya, town, district, West Madura,
dier, V 115. 169,162,169,171-174,176,182,215,
Anta Dcrsana (ng.), from Arosbaya, 217, 288, 291, 294, 295,314; 111 38,
mantri, V 161. 83, 84, 86-89,92,97, 137, 279; IV-2
Antaka Pura, cemetery of the Ratu Ma- 55, 60, 68, 88, 174-178; V 161, 190;
lang (died 1668), IV-l 14; IV-2 21. vnl 50; IX 16, 17, 50.
Anta Kusuma, miraculous jacket, kyahi Aros Baya, Aris Baya (, ruler,
Gunc;!il, I 30, 32, 94, 228; 11 109. III 92.

Arung Bo'!4an, legendary architect, see Astana of Surabaya, palace, III 14.
also Bom;lan Kejawan, I 126. Astina, rendez vous of the Mataram
Arungan (panji), Bal. commander, kiIIed forces, III 153.
in battle, IV-1 26. Astra Jaya, mantri, VIII 24.
Aru Palaka, Buginese king, see also Bon, Astra Kara, courtier, umbul in Japara,
IV-2 68, 75, 174. IV-1 156, 163, 165, 175, 193.
Arya, title, I 132, 283. Astra Nala, guide, V 83, 107, 122.
Arya (pg.), pg. Japara, successor of ratu Astra Naya, envoy, IV-1 41.
Kali Nyamat, I 105, 123; 11 35. Astra N aya (Jurah), harbour-master,
Arya (pg.) of Tuban, mIer, I 133. IV-1 122.
Arya (pg.), courtier of Mangku Rat I, Astra Nangga, Astra Pati, lurahs, serving
IV-1 32. under png. Alit, IV-1 29.
Arya (pg.) of Demak, name of susuhu- Astra Siapa, on a voyage to Koromandel,
nan Prawata, 11 24. IV-1 117.
Arya (pg.), mIer of Wira Saba, East Astra Susila, lurah, of Banten, IV-1 42.
Java, III 35. Astra Tala, envoy, IV-1 74.
Arya (ky.) of Banten, IV-1 50, 141. Astra Wadana, lurah, IV-1 29.
Arya Wangsa (tg.), courtier (sult. Astra Yuda, umbul in Semarang, IV-1
Agung), commander in Semarang, III 194; IV-2 133, 183, 186-188; V 13;
173-176. VII 18.
Asem (nyahi), foster-mother of Mangku Atas Angin (pg.), legendary man of
Rat Il, VIII 17, 18, 34, 49. religion from the West, I 48.
ashrama, non-Islamic religious school, I At ja (drs.), author, I 275-277.
247. Atmaja Negara (rd. arya), son of Cakra
Asia, I 5, 112, 113; IV-1 82. Ningrat, IV-1 31; IV-2 48.
Asma Lila, princedom, pseudo-history, A ustralian coast, shipwreck, IV -1 112.
186. Awanti, see Ingawanti.
Asmara, Ibrahim- (imm of Asmara ?), Ayam Wuruk, king of Majapahit, see
legendary Arab. ancestor, I 20. Hayam.
Asmara Dana (tg.), commander under Ayer Mas, sec Banyumas.
sult. Agung and Mangku Rat I, III Ayer Mata, cemetery, see Ang Mata.
261; IV-1 26, 27, 31, 32.

Babad, riverport on the Bengawan, I 130. Babad Demak, 111 23.

Babad Alit, chronicIe, III 142, 289, 290; Babad Gresik, I 26.
IV-2 8, 44; VII 5, 8, 10, 12. Babad Karf,iri, I 59, 254; V 24, 244,
Babad Balai Pustaka (editor), Babad 249, 251.
Tanah Jawi, I 66, 78, 286. Babad Lombok, I 288; Il 61.
Babad Banten, I 94. Babad Mataram, I 4, 15, 35, 207, 218,
Babad Banyumas, I 214, 308; Il 64. 230, 233, 261,316,318; IX 4.
Babad Bullng, I 299. Babad Meinsma, Babad Tanah Jawi in
Babad Cerbon, I 79, 94, 275; Il 115; prose, I 20, 31, 53, 59, 66, 80, 83,
III 282. 84, 96, 248, 252, 257, 261, 264, 266,

286,287, 292, 304-306, 308-311, 313, 111 120, 121, 139, 196; IV-l 17, 109;
315,316. VlO, 23,27,62, 105, 125, 131, 138;
Babad Nitik, 111 202. VII 22-24, 26, 27, 32, 34, 42-44, 51;
Babad Pajajaran, 11 74. VIII 16, 39, 42, 65; IX 29, 32, 74,
Babad Pasir, I 42, 56, 57, 251; 11 74; 76, 88, 89, 96.
111 118, 121. "Baginger" (rd.), local chief, VII 7.
Babad Sangkala, chronological tabie, I Bagna (,empu), patih of West Madura,
15, 45, 53, 55, 57, 58, 129, 134, 146, convert to Islam, I 171.
147, 249, 254, 255, 262, 266, 304, Bagus, Ambonese lieut., V 100, 137,
309, 310, 312; 11 4, 24, 30, 43, 54, 166,167,236; VI 292.
61, 62, 64, 65, 87, 89, 97, 111, 113, Bagus (encik), Malay captain, IV-l 98;
114, 119, 123, 124, 129, 130; III 3, IV-2 164, 165.
11, 21, 22, 37, 46-48, 50, 92, 105, 108, Bagus (rd.), name of Snapati Mataram,
110, 111, 136, 167, 199, 211, 217, 11 22.
222, 249, 261, 262, 277, 280, 289; Bagus (rd.), rd. ad. Juminah, uncle of
IV-l 2, 11-13, 15,27,43, 53, 67, 141, sult. Agung, 11 111; 111 2, 289.
148; IV-2 3, 14, 16, 21, 22, 27, 29, Bagus Pati, Mad. commander, VII 26.
80; IX 4. mBah Rawa, see Amba Rawa.
Babad (Sngkalaning) Momana, chrono- Bajul Sangara of Semanggi, legendary
logicai tabie, I 87, 280; 11 4, 12, 54, ancestor, I 208.
64, 97, 111, 113, 114, 119, 123, 124, Bak (Jan), sergeant, V 98.
129; 111 3, 11, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 37, Baka (prabu, ratu) , mythical king, I
48,105,110,112,212,217,222,289; 220, 221, 310.
IV-lIl, 12, 14, 34, 36, 53,67, 179; Baker (A.), British merchant in Banten,
IV-2 3, 8, 9, 14, 16, 22, 26, 29. III 269, 270.
Babad Songenep (Sumnp), chronicle, Bakker (Claes), junior surgeon, V 273.
I 294; III 87; IV-2 59. Bal, capital of Campa, I 22.
Babad Tawang Alun, I 298. Balabar (ky.), holy criss of Mataram,
Babad Tuban, I 132, 136, 282, 283; 111 IV-2 193; VI 304.
49; IV-l 194. Balawarti, locality near Kediri, see also
"Baba kaija Kiaffa", lurah, IV-l 122. Baluwarti, V 244. -
Babarong, village, VIII 41, 63, 76, 78. bal, open hall, pavilion, 11 125; 111
"Babatack", village, VI 288. 106, 107, 115, 122.
Bacingah (ku ta), fortification, 11 119, Balga, town in Madura, I 172, 173,
121; IV-2 30. 185; 11 58; 111 49, 84, 85, 89, 92,
Backer (Jacob) , junior merchant, IV-l 93; IV-2 50; VI 294.
85. Balga (pg.), Mad. commander, 111 86.
Baden, German town (soldier), V 215, bal kam bang, artificial island with pa-
262. viiion, I 140, 285.
Badoleng, rendez vous of Mataram forces, Bal Kencur, hall surrounded by water
111 84. in Tembayat, 11 85.
batjong, ornamental breastplate, 11 122. Bal LumUT (ky.), holy coach of Maja-
Badru'd-dn (pat Rodin?), ruler of pahit, I 20.
Demak, 146. Bal Panjang, river, V 154.
Badung, Den Pasar, town in Bali, I 208; Bali, Balinese, I 1, 2, 5, 7, 8-12, 64, 80,
VIII 152; IX 102. 93, 131, 138, 141, 151, 156, 162, 166,
Bagawanta, river, I 116; 111 240; VII 169,177,179,182,184,187,193-200,
26; IX 47. 208, 218, 221, 248, 255, 264, 265,
Bagdad, Irak, Khalifate, I 29. 269, 288, 290, 296, 297, 299, 301,
Bagdad (maulana), in holy war against 305; 11 37, 56, 60, 61,67,94; III 97,
Majapahit, I 54. 132, 185,203,254,255,257-262,284;
Bageln, district, south of KQu, I 214, IV-l 23, 25-27, 30, 32, 37, 39, 43,
225, 227, 302, 317; 11 73, 102, 114; 50-52,71,79,97,102,128,160,167;

IV-2 12,55,74,147,150,173; VlO, Bangkawa, viIlage, IV-l 27.

17, 35, 38, 49, 56, 66, 68, 76, 77, 79, Bangkoning, village, IV-2 58.
81, 95, 98, 100, 122, 127, 155, 165- Bangsa, envoy, IV-l 138.
167,170,183,185,190,198,199, Bangsacara or Bang Sacara, mythical
203, 233, 235-239, 252, 254, 257, 261, hero, Madura, I 170, 293.
266, 271; VI 276; VII 32, 44, 46, bangsal kencana, audience hall in the
47; VIII 31, 35, 37-43, 48, 50, 51, kraton, 111 107.
55, 56, 65, 66, 74, 76-81, 84, 85, 87, Bangsa Pati, rebel commander, VII 19.
88,90,92-99, 105, 106, 108, 116, 117, Bang Wetan, "Oosthoek", Eastern Corner
127, 131, 134, 136, 137, 140, 151, of Java, IV-l 26; IV-2 119; V 131.
152, 155, 165; IX 2, 17-19,44,48, Banjar Masin, district, town, South Bor-
55, 56, 77, 78, 80, 90, 94-102. neo, I 22, 60, 152, 254, 255, 289; 11
Bali (Jan), interpreter, IV-l 74. 22, 55; 111 17, 18, 73, 81, 187, 188,
Balim (Arung), Makasar chief, V 270. 278-280; IV-l 37, 59, 63, 67, 69; V
Balitar, see Blitar. 52.
Balong Pacing, village, V 91. Banjar Masin, chronicIe, I 22, 60, 254;
Balumbung(an) , Balungbungan, Blam- IX 8,50,57.
bangan, district, I 298. "Bantam" (encik), Banten, euvoy, IV-l
Baluwarti, quarter of Surabaya, see also 70.
Balawarti, 111 15. Banten, Bantam, kingdom, West Java, I
Bambang, see Bangbang. 7, 35-37, 47, 56, 69, 72, 77-79, 81,
Banangka, viIlage, IV-2 177. 82, 84, 94, 101, 105-107, 109, 112-
Ban Gun (Ck), ruler of Demak, I 36. 115, 117-125, 149, 178, 203-205, 208,
Banda (island (s) ), Bandanese, I 139; 226, 231, 240, 252, 275, 278, 279,
11 37; III 18, 20, 71, 79, 189, 207; 283, 302, 313, 314; 11 35, 36, 65, 67,
IV-l 117; IV-2 54, 67, 72; V 52, 57, 84, 85, 97, 98, 116, 125; 111 7, 20,
92. 35, 38, 39, 42, 53, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62,
Bandang (Dato' ri-, Tuan di-), preacher 63, 70, 72-74, 82, 93, 101, 119, 130-
of Islam, I 152; 11 61. 133, 145, 146, 151, 158, 175, 189,
Bandung, town, district, West Java, 190, 193-196, 205, 232, 241, 245, 264,
IV-l 5. 266, 269, 270, 274, 275, 278, 282,
Bangah (arya), legendary king, I 111, 283, 287, 289; IV-l 8, 37, 39-51,
13l. 63-65, 68, 73, 77, 78, 80, 94, 97, 100,
Bangat (ki), servant of sult. Agung (= 102-105, 111, 133, 134, 141, 143, 144,
Singa Ranu) , 111 40. 147, 150, 151, 170, 180, 190, 198;
Bangbang or Bambang, Wangbang, title IV-2 2, 10, 11, 37, 63-69, 73-78, 85,
of a man of religion, I 256; V 109; 130, 133, 134, 151, 171; V 1, 8, 11,
VII 48. 20, 23, 29, 31, 54, 56, 61, 62, 81,
Bangbang Salama, Makasar chief, V 254. 102, 103, 150, 157, 188, 189, 196,
Banger, Prabalingga, town, district, I 216,243,252,257,261; VI 274, 276;
138, 185,294,296; VIII 56, 57, 132, VII 46; VIII 11, 13, 16, 17,22,30,
133,151. 38, 39, 59, 63, 127; IX 6, 9, 11-13,
Banger (kali), river, I 185. 20, 26-28, 31, 40, 41, 45-47, 49, 50,
Bangil, town, district, 111 263; IV-2 54, 56, 59, 66, 68, 76, 82, 87, 95.
100; V 24, 64, 189; VIII 57, 132, Banten (ad.), son-in-Iaw of sult. Pajang,
133, 137, 165; IX 17, 100. 11 82, 84, 85.
Bangka, island, I 44; 111 73, 267; V 20. Banten Girang, old Banten, I 121, 278.
Bangkalan, town, district of Madura, I Banten Surasowan, capital, I 122.
169, 172, 285, 288, 291; 111 89; IV2 Bantul, viIlage, IV-2 185; VII 26.
60; IX 16, 40, 67. Banyu Banjir, gamelan music, VIII 97.
Bangkalan, ancestry of Truna Jaya, IV-2 Banyak Belanak, legendary king of Pasir,
57. 142.
Bangkaulu, district (Bencoolen) , South Banyak WiQ of Sumenep, patih, I 175,
Sumatra, I 205. 176, 293.

Banyu Biru, village, I 257; 11 17. 71, 72, 107, 109, 116, 117, 125, 184,
Banyu Dana, village, VIII 63, 85. 194, 198, 205, 231, 238, 252, 257,
Banyumas, district, province, I 42, 56, 259, 284; 11 103, 111; 111 17, 55, 63,
214, 254, 308; 11 65, 74; 111 120, 66, 67, 69-76, 78-88, 90, 92, 94,
196; IV-2 189, 190, 192; V 38, 50, 111, 112, 116, 117, 126, 127, 130-134,
63; VII 42; VIII 22, 32, 39, 41-43; 137, 141, 144-153, 155-159, 162, 164-
IX 21, 29, 74, 76, 78, 88, 96. 167,169,170,172,173,176-179,183,
Banyu Putih, village, VIII 67, 68, 70, 71. 184, 186-191, 193-195, 197, 199-201,
Banyu Sumurup, cemetery near Ima Giri, 207, 217, 222-225, 229, 233-238, 241,
111 88; IV-l 148; IV-2 8, 29. 243, 245, 246, 251-253, 255, 256, 261,
Banyuwangi, town, district, (see Blam- 262, 265, 266, 269, 270-272, 274, 275,
bangan), I 64, 192, 193, 195, 255, 277, 281, 283-285, 287, 289; IV-l
298, 300. passim; IV-2 4, 10, 12, 19, 22, 35-38,
Bara Bugur, Buddhist shrine, I 310. 65, 67, 70, 72-75, 78, 80, 81, 84, 95,
Baran (encik), MaJay, friend of kro Ga- 108,111, 123, 124, 127, 130, 132-134,
lsong, IV-2 136. 139, 141, 146, 154, 155, 158, 160,
Barat Tiga, tg. Singa Ranu, patih of sult. 172, 180, 184, 193; V passim; VI
Agung, 111 39. 273, 281, 306; VII 17, 32; VIII 11,
Bareng, Wareng, village, IV-2 30. 19, 27-29, 33-35, 38, 43, 44, 47, 48,
Bari (Sh), man of religion, I 25, 283. 53, 59, 72, 101, 103, 105, 107, 111,
Barong, capt. of cavalry, V 219. 131, 134, 136, 142, 148, 150, 151,
Baron Sakndr, Jav. pseudo-history, 153, 154, 159, 161, 162; IX 12, 13,
legendary ancestor, see Alexander, I 20, 41-47, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59-
245,313; 11 74, 88; 111 157. 63, 69-71, 76, 78, 80, 83, 88, 95-97,
Baros, harbour, N. Sumatra, I 100, 268; 99, 100-103.
IV-l 196. Batavian Javanese, 111 186, 245; V 35,
Barreto de Resende (Pedro), historian, 77, 79, 81, 98, 100, 101, 137, 166,
111 169. 170, 179, 210, 218, 235, 236, 238,
Barros (Joao de), historian, I 44, 55, 241,261,265.
251; 11 67. Batavian Malays, V 179, 210, 238/9.
Baru (koja), Gujarat merchant, 111 68. Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences
Baru (ky.), holy lance of sult. Agung, (K.B.G.), 11 1, 3, 4, 64, 65; III 18,
111 140, 141; V 132; VII 49. 225,227,279.
Baskara, Mad. prince, VIII 54, 57. Batu, district, VI 274, 275, 277, 279,
Bastinck (WilIem), merchant, V 41, 44, 280, 282, 283, 305, 308; IX 82.
45, 57, 65, 69, 78, 128, 129, 143, Batu Benoang, Malay partisan of Sura-
146, 174, 176, 188, 199, 201, 208, pati, VIII 134.
213, 215- 217, 231, 233, 236, 254, Batu Gilang, flat stone, seat, IV-2 80.
256, 274. Batu Putih, see Bata Putih.
Batang, district, 111 247, 248; IV-l 1, BatuT, holy mountain, Bali, I 141.
109, 126, 177; IX 54, 74. Batu Rana, village, I 304.
Batang (ratu), sultan Agung's queen- Batu Rnggong, king of Bali, I 152, 195,
consort, 111 247. 196, 288; 11 61; IX 19.
Bata Putih, walI of the kraton Kuta Batu Tulis, Old Sundanese inscription,
Geg, 11 119. Bogor, I 117.
Bata Putih, cemetery in Surabaya, V 201. Bau Reksa (tg.) of KenQal, commander,
Batara Katong, ancestor of Panaraga 111 59, 67, 69-71, 76, 81, 89, 106,
regents, see also bhatra, I 59. 107, 119, 120, 127, 132-134, 144-146,
Batara of Majapahit, divine king, I 22. 148, 153-158, 160, 179.
Batara Vigiaja (Wijaya), king of Dayo bawat, state sunshade, see lontar.
(Majapahit) , I 52. Bawean or Lubak, island, I 107, 136;
Batavia, capitaJ (Jakarta), see also Cas- 11 125; 111 18,49; IV-l 59.
tie and "Ommelanden", I 13, 31, 39, Baya LaU, town, see also Selimbi, V 28,

Bayat, see Tembayat. Bervelt, resident of Surabaya, VIII 137.

Bayem, village, IV-1 112. Besakih, shrine in Bali, I 141.
Bayonville, engineer, VIII 154. Beschermer, fortress in Cerbon, 111 283;
Bayu, old residence, Banyuwangi, I 298. VIII 12,22.
Bayu Larangan, locality in Japara, IV-2 Besuki, town, district, IV-2 70, 105; IX
119. 68.
bedaya, female dancer, 11 50; VIII 14. Be!ok (ky.), holy criss of sunan Prawata,
"Bediouw", lurah, Jav. expert in hippo- 11 29.
logy, IV-1 122. Beto!ot (rd.mas), name of png. Jaya
"Beentje" (nyahi), Chinese woman, Raga, 1119.
VIII 29. Beusecom (Anna v.), wife of A. Hurdt,
"Beere" (rd.), son of rd. Kajoran, VII V 52.
7, 8, 29. Beusecom (Pieter v.), merchant, V 52.
Begal (kali), river, V 139. Bharada, Brac;\ah, legendary man of reli-
Bekung, king of Bali, I 196. gion, Old Jav. literature, I 296.
Bela-Bilu (Sh), legendary Moslim saint, bhatra, title, see batara, I 180, 194.
I 223, 311. Biara, village, VI 282, 285-289, 309;
Blem (kap.), Dutch officer, IV-2 130. IX 83.
Belvedere, fortress in Surabaya, 111 15. Bicak (kyahi), holy gong of Mataram,
Blnawa (rd. or pg.), prince of Pajang, 11 9, 83, 84,127,128; 111 140, 141;
I 80, 128, 135, 217-219, 226; 11 22, IV-2 193; V 2, 224.
77, 78, 83, 86, 91-97, 99, 101, 123. Bien (Franois Ie), soldier, V 206.
Blnawa (pg.) 11, king of Pajang, I 135, Bilang (encik), Malay Iieut., V 127,205,
219; IX 21, 30, 31. 236.
Bendul (si), skull (= Mataram people), Billiton, island, Blitung, 111 73; VIII
III 158. 72; IX 97.
Bengal, province, I 138; IV-2 70, 82, Biluluk, Old Jav. charter, I 26, 279.
121. Bima, island, I 151; 111 262; IV-1 72;
Bengawan (Sala), river, I 35, 130, 133, IV-2 70-73,76,85,86,137; V 6, 175;
137, 165, 206, 208, 209, 214, 223, VII 38.
249, 303, 304; III 95; V 120, 140, Bima, island, kingdom, IV-2 44, 62, 63,
144, 146; IX 14, 20, 79. 71, 75, 76, 86; V 175.
Bengawan Semanggi, river, I 304. Bima cm, prince of Blambangan, I 196.
Bengawan Serikan, rightly Madyun river, Binatang Karya, chief of Pasir, I 57.
V 145. Bina!ara, "pat Pijntor", ruler of Blam-
Beng Kong, Chinese merchant of Jakar- bangan, I 180.
ta, I 284. Bincki, Chinese skipper, 111 256.
Bennett (William), British merchant, 111 Bintam, island, I 107.
68,265. Bintara, locality (Demak) , I 40, 54, 93.
Berbek, river, V 252. Bintara (tanga-), official, I 41, 250, 304.
Berg (C. C.), orientalist, 1128,263,264, Bintara (dipati), king, I 301.
275, 280, 281, 288, 296, 297, 299-301; Bintara Jimbun (sultan), I 41.
11 60; 111 103, 142, 258, 259, 273. Biru, village, IV-2 29, 183.
Berg (L. W. C. van den), lawyer, author, Bisei (karang), Makasar prince, V 146,
I 257. 189, 193, 217, 273.
Bergen (Mons), town (soldier), V 262. Bishop (Rich.), British resident, 111 264.
Beringan, game preserve, 111 23. Blambangan, district, kingdom, see also
Berlin, collection of Jav. manuscripts, Banyuwangi, IX 17-19, 48, 55, 56, 77,
I 247. 96, 100, 102.
Beruk (ratu) , queen-consort of sunan Blatr, village, district, I 198; 111 255,
Paku Buwana 111, 11 50, 51. 261; V 129.
Berveld (Jan), captain, VIII 17, 136, Blatr (arya), IV-2 163; V 129.
151. Blaupot (Harman), hospital attendant,
V 79,182.

Blitar, town, district, I 58, 164; 11 lOl, "Bokor kumandang" (Mendungan ?),
102; 111 255; IV-1 189; V 64, 129, village, V 119.
248, 250, 252, 254; VI 274, 275, 285, Bolton (W.), resident of Palembang, I
288, 289, 295, 301, 308; VII 48; IX 301; 11 66.
31, 82. Bommel, redoubt (Batavia), 111 150.
Blitar (pg.), png. Juminah, uncle of sult. Bonang, viIlage, I 48, 133, 245.
Agung (see also Balitar), 11 101-103; "Bonang (hook of)", Islamic theology, I
111 289; IV-l 5. 251,283.
Blitar (pg.) 11, son of pg. Blitar I, IV-2 Bonang (sunan), preacher of Islam, 1
15, 28, 115, 116, 118-122, 125, 140, 48, 50, 51, 59, 92, 96, 101, 134, 140,
174; VII 15. 142, 145, 160, 245, 251, 283; 11 29;
Blitar (ratu) , wife of pg. Singa Sari, 111 1,27, 129; VIII 19; IX 7.
beloved of Mangku Rat 11, IV-2 33, Bonard (Carel) from Schouwen, soldier,
34; V 61, 62,157; VII 41; IX 67. V 98.
Blitar, Balitar (ratu mas), princess(18th Boncong (kali), river, V 135.
cent.), 111 213. Bondan Kejawan (rd., ky.), legendary
Blitung, see Billiton. son of Bra Wijaya, see also Arung
Blompot, ship, IV-2 81. Bonlan, 11 5-7, 48; see also Pondan.
Blonck (Philip) from Rotterdam, drum- Bone, Boni in Sou th Celebes, kingdom
mer, V 214, 262. (see Aru Palaka), IV-2 73, 75, 174;
BIora, town, district, I 58, 126, 129, 156, V 146, 189,254; VI 276, 285.
162, 215, 221, 228, 270, 279, 281, Bongaai, Bungaya treaty, South Celebes,
287; 11 58, 107; IV-2 138, 182; V IV-2 62, 71, 72, 76; V 5, 6, 45, 189,
25, 41, 42, 44, 77, 80, 88, 91, 102, 197,208; VI 305.
110, 112, 113, 114, 125, 128, 130, Bongas, viIlage, 111 199.
133, 148, 150, 152, 153, 164, 170, Bonremedio, yacht, 111 173.
177, 188, 200, 264; VII 18, 21, 30; Bonthain (kar.), son of Bonto Marannu,
IX 32. IV-2 62.
Bobat (pat), governor, see Bubat, I 157, Bonto M arannu (kar.), Makasar chief,
158. IV-2 62-70, 72, 74-76, 81, 82, 84-86,
Bobotjo, district (Pengging), see BOOo, I 88,98, 110, 113; IX 68.
209, 304. Borneo (Kalimanten) , I 26, 43, 44, 46,
Bocor, district (Bageln, Banyumas), I 60, 152, 192, 254, 289; 111 17, 18,
57, 214, 254, 313; 11 74; 111 121; 279, 280; IV-1 37, 63, 67, 68, 73, 87,
IV-2 188, 189. 108; IV-2 75, 78, 88; V 29; IX 8,
Bocor (ki), mantri pamajegan under 15,50,56,57.
Pajang, I 308; 11 74, 75; 111 121; Bosch (F. D. K.), orientalist, I 31, 270;
IX 30. 11 10.
Bodleian Library, Oxford, I 304. Botelho (Nuno Alvarez), admiral, 111
Botjo (Jaka), legendary king (see Boho- 164, 165,230.
do), I 208, 209, 304. Both (Pieter), governor general, (1610-
Boeij (Anth.), merchant, IV-1 54, 55, 1614), 11 129; 111 20, 21, 24.
57. Boulenger (Jacques), historian, I 255.
Bogaert (A.), c1erk, 11 126. "Bouloubaulou", haji (Makasar,
Bogor (Buitenzorg) , I 109, 117, 118; Malay ?), IV-2 136.
IX 12. Braband (Anthonij), ensign, V 98.
Boisot (Adr.), Dutch prisoner of war, Bratjah ( empu), legendary man of reli-
111 7. gion, see Bharada, I 296.
Boja Nagara, town, district, I 126, 136, Brag (kali), river, V 135.
215, 227, 279, 280, 304, 314; 11 42, Brahim Asmara (makdum), father of
48, 55; 111 49. png. Ampl Denta, I 20.
"Bokjer", river (= kali Widas ?), V 275. Brahmins, I 252; 11 89.
Bokong (, sister of ki ged Ssla, Braja Pati, patih of Yuda Nagara, VIII
11 5,6. 50,54.

Brama, mountain, I 245. Broeckum (Jan v.), Dutch ambassador.

Bramit (nyahi), concubine of sult. 111 172, 188, 244.
Agung, mother of png. Pugr, 111 4. Brndstedt (Joh.), Danish author, IV-l
Brandes (J. L. A.), orientalist, I 20, 93, 196.
94, 249, 259, 262, 266, 268, 272, 288, Bronbeek, military hospital, museum, I
290, 291, 293, 294, 297, 298, 300, 273; V 105.
301,304,305,309,312; 11 1, 15; 111 Brondong, seaport, 11 67; 111 31; V 201.
112,156. Brondong (kyahi), Lanang Dangiran,
Branga, river, V 134. father of Angga Wangsa, Jang Rana,
Brantas (kali), river, I 27, 58, 59, 81, V 201; VIII 51.
131, 156, 158, 161, 162, 183, 199, Brouwer (D.), astronomer, 11 129.
207,315; 11 64,106,118; 111 15,30, Brouwer (Hendr. ), govemor generaI, 111
31,34,35,78,95,98,152; IV-2 173, 20, 21, 185.
178; V 43, 46, 53, 54, 69, 71, 73, Brhl, town (home town of Briel ?), V
124, 155, 170, 173, 174, 180, 190, 51.
224, 235, 244, 263, 275; VII 29; VIII Bruijninck, Dutch prisoner of war, III 7.
132; IX 15, 16, 37, 39, 77-80, 82. Bruin (Comelis de), travelIer, I 37, 38;
Brantas delta, Brantas valley, I 86, 156, V 102.
165, 199,270,308; III 34; IV-2 81; Brumund (J. E. G.), author, archeologist,
V 21, 24, 44, 60; VIII 11; IX 78, I 256, 259; II 25.
82,87. Brussel, town (soldier), V 262.
Brata Yuda, horse of pan. Snapati Ma- Brussel (Joh. Hendrik), servant, V 98,
taram, 11 94. 165, 201.
Brata Yuda, epic poem, 111 142. Bubat, Bobat, port on the river Brantas,
Bra Wijaya, legendary king of Majapa- 165,117,158,290.
hit, I 20, 37, 52-54, 64, 93, 94, 121, Bubat (pat), mIer of Surabaya, I 159,
123, 145, 170, 200, 253, 262, 264, 160, 162, 164; IX 16.
296; 11 5; IX 5. Bubuksa, personage of Buddhist edifying
Brebes, town, district, I 272; IV-2 158; legend, I 223,312.
VII 32, 45. Buda script, gunung sript, pre-Islamic
Breda, town, siege of 1636-'37, 111 237. Jav. script, I 247, 248.
Brelius (Aletta), wife of Jac. Couper, Buddha, I 312.
IV-l 191. Buddhism, III 226.
Brelius (ds. Theophilus), clergyman, Buddhist, I 1, 19, 22, 67, 220, 246.
IV-l 191. BlIdur, Bara Budur, shrine in Centra)
Bribin (arya), mIer of Pamekasan, 1176. Java, 1310.
Briel (Johannes Georgius), secretary, Buduran (kali), river, V 159.
author, V 36, 51, 52, 66, 70, 72, 76, Bugan (rd.), Yuda Nagara, grandson of
79, 84, 119, 122, 124, 127, 157, 159, the mIer of Sumnep, 111 87, 88;
170, 179, 180, 196, 197, 209, 216, IV-2 57, 58 (Yuda Negara).
225, 238, 248, 265, 274, 276; VI 292- Buginese, South Celebes, I 8, 80, 218; II
301,308; IX 75,80. 94, 95; IV-2 88; V 6, 35, 47, 129,
"Briganding" (Sri Gading?), village, 146, 190, 192, 194, 196, 200, 216,
V 44, 67, 71, 80, 88, 91, 97, 101, 233, 254, 255, 257, 258, 263, 270,
102, 109, 112. 271; VI 276-278, 282, 284-286, 307;
Brinckhoft (Pieter), bookkeeper, IV-l VII 31, 33, 34, 36, 47; VIII 17, 33,
152, 158. 50; IX 82, 83, 88, 89.
Bringin, village, IV-2 174. Bugui, village, IV-2 100.
Bringsing (ky.), cannon, British, presen- Buijtenhem (Willem v.), lieut., V 148,
ted to sult. Agung, 111 267. 213, 235, 250; see also Buytenhem.
Britain, British, Briton, see England. Buitenzorg, residence (Bogor), I 109,
Bro or Ebron, Dutch major, IV-2 130. 117, 118; IV-l 47.
Broeck (Abraham vld), senior merchant, Bujangga Manik, Old Sundanese pilgrim,
I 107. I 209, 304, 309.

Bukit, see also Giri, III 207, 208. Burrb (rd.), Abu Hurrah of Cempa,
Bukit (raja), sunan Giri, I 153, III 206, cousin of png. Ngampel, I 21.
207. "burgher", see "vrijburgher".
bulu bekti, tribute, I 214. Bust (Joost v/d), from Brussels, soldier,
Bulan (orang kaya) , Ambonese chief, V 165.
IV-1 119. Busung Mernung, commander, IV-2 120.
Bullng, town, district, Bali, IV-1 52; Buta Ijo (tg.), commander, IV-2 100,
V 233, 252; VI 276; IX 56, 82. 140; VII 15.
Bullng (Panji), Balinese commander, Buting (ki), son of tg. Mangku Yuda,
III 256, 257. V 68.
Bullng Panaruka, Balinese soldier, V Buton, island, IV-2 62, 65, 71, 73.
98. Butuh, village, cemetery near Pajang, I
Bulon, village, V 269, 273. 63, 99, 208, 210, 211, 217, 226, 255,
Bumija, region of the Mataram kingdom, 305, 306, 309; 11 59, 87, 89, 91; 111
III 196. 37,200,212,214; IX 30.
Bundit (rd.ayu), wife of Nerang Kusu- Butuh (ky. gel), teacher of Jaka Ting-
ma, V 66. kir, 11 17.
Bungas (sh), religious leader, III 199. Buytenhem (Willem), assistant, IV-2
Bungaya, see Bongaai treaty. 150, 151; see also Buijtenhem.
Bunjala Dri'Ja (ki), partisan of Truna buyut, great-grandfather, I 257.
Jaya, VIII 41. Buyut (ki) of Banyu Biru, legendary
bupati, Jav. govemor of a district, ap- ancestor, II 17.
pointed by the king or the V.O.C., Buyut Dalem, cemetery near Boja Naga-
"regent". ra, 1136; 111 49.

Cabolang, Centini, didactic poems, Jav. Cairo, Egypt, see also Mesir, I 254, 263,
literature, 111 219. 266.
Cabolk, village (Tuban) , book, Jav. "Cajongam", district, town (Juwana?),
Iiterature, I 134, 269, 283. 1 86-88, 144, 145, 262; IX 10.
"Cabral", "Mardijker" Iieut., V 236. cakal bakal, first settler, pioneer, 11 8,
cacah, household (in census), II 46, 53, 20.
118. Caket, river, 11 39.
"Cacizes", Islamic clergymen (hajis?), Cakra (rd.), pg. Selarong, IV-2 27.
1 289. Cakra Kusuma (prabu pandita), name
Caeff (W.), Dutch resident in Banten, of sult. Agung, 111 26.
IV-2 67. Cakra Nagara (pg.), prince of Sumenep,
Caen (A.), Iieut., III 70. 111 87.
"Cahoenan" (rd.), brother of rd. Kajo- Cakra Ningrat I, ruler of Sampang, I
ran, IV-2 43; VII 7, 24, 25. 172, 174, 293; III 86, 91; IV-1 31;
Cahyana (Banyumas), "Yayaha", village IV-2 47-49,59, 175; V 4.
of Warsa Denti, VIII 41. Cakra Ningrat (11), ruler of Madura,

temporary patih of Mangku Rat I, Carita Parahyangan, Sundanese chroni-

IV-2 46-51, 53, 57, 58, 60, 115, 129, cIe, I 118.
175; V 64, 230, 256; VI 273, 302, Cariyosipun Sultan Iskandar, Jav. book,
304; VII 19, 22, 31; VIII 19, 50, 54, 111 213.
56, 57, 64, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75-82, 84, Carpentier (Jacques de), assistent, 111 64.
88-91, 96, 108, 110, 117, 119, 121, Carpentier (Pieter de), governor general,
122, 126, 134-137, 139, 146-148, 155, 1623-1627, UI 73, 82, 94, 208.
162; IX 96, 97, 100, 101. "Carrepole", Makasar mantri, VI 299.
Cakra Yuda, Balinese commander, VIII Carstense (Jan), soldier, V 165.
38,40. Cart je, secretary, VIII 64, 71, 87, 92.
Cakra Yuda, messenger, VIII 120, 121. Cartwright (Ralph) , British ambassador,
Calcoen, ship, V 257. UI 267, 269.
Calicut, Indian port, I 138. Caruban, name of Cerbon (?), Carita
Caliph, see Khalif. Caruban, I 275-277.
Calontang (mas), prince of Madyun, see Caruban, town, district, East Java, IV-2
also Lontang, 11 11 7. 89; V 139, 142, 143, 147, 151, 164.
Cal Pit u, dukuh, hamIet, I 257. Casper (Hans), Dane, trader, V 103.
"Cama" (dato), Makasar chief, V 216. Casteele (Pieter v/d), lieut., VUl 118.
Cambodia, see Kamboja. "Casterien", envoy, lV-2 35.
Camer (P. v/d), "vrijburger", private "Castioeng" (bagus Kacung), name of
citizen, 111 258, 259. ky.gel Pamanahan, U 22.
Campa, see Cempa (Champa). Cast Ie of Batavia, "Kasteel", see also
Camphuys (J.), governor general, 1684- Batavia, IV-l 64, 77, 136, 145, 146,
1691, V 36, 53; VIII 35, 148-150; 157, 175, 200; IV-2 9, 70, 147, 158,
IX 95. 172.
Canberra, Australia, I 283. "Catnala", rebel, IV-2 174.
cam!i, tempIe, I 12, 98, 179. Cattenburg (Jan), from Nieuwpoort,
Ca1J4i Pari, temple in East Java, I 245. soldier, V 214, 262.
Canif,i Sukuh, temple in Central Java, cavaleiros (Port.), knights, I 27, 39.
VII 12, 13. Cavendish (Thomas), British navigator,
Candra, rebel commander, V 112. I 300.
Candra Kanta, genealogy by Candra Pra- Cayudan, quarter of the city of Surakar-
dana, Surakarta, IV-2 39, 43; VII 2; ta, U 50.
3,6,7,38. Ck (Chin.), uncle, I 38.
Candra Pradana, author, IV-2 39. Celebes (Sulawesi), island, I 76, 152,
Candra Pradana, bupati, Surakarta, 260; U 61; UI 187, 281; IV-l 67,
VII 2. 98,120; lV-2 174; V 5,6,129,192;
Candra Sangkala, chronology, I 33; UI VI 278, 290; IX 15, 50, 56-58, 68, 82.
6, 11, 37, 40, 43, 92, 130, 202; IV-2 Cemara (kali), river, V 110.
30. Cemara Sewu, forest, V 135.
Candra Wangsa, lurah, 111 10. Cemara Tunggal, Ratu Laru KiduI, Pa-
Canggah (bagus) , mantri, IV-l 40. mantingan, I 248.
Canggu, port on the river Brantas in Cempa, kingdom (Campa, Champa), I
Wirasaba, East Java, V 155. 10, 20-24, 112, 138, 170, 245, 246,
"Canjtam", district (Genling?), 1179, 290, 291, 318; III 49; IX 5.
187-189, 194, 195, 297; IX 18. Cempa (putri) , princess (Majapahit), I
Cape, "Kaap de Goede Hoop", IV-l 168. 20, 23.
Capuchin fathers, I 190, 196. cempaka, flower (magnolicee), 11 80.
caraka, messenger, U 43. Cenrana, district in Sou th Celebes, lV-2
Carang Andul, chief of Pasir, Banyumas, 63.
I 57. Cense (A. A.), orientalist, I 254; U 22,
"Cariaen" (mas), king of Blambangan, 55, 61; III 17, 279-281; IV-l 67;
IU 255. IV-2 63.

CeIJtini, encyclopedic poem, Jav. litera- 199-203,206,208; IV-2 4, 54,82,89,

ture, I 4; III 219; see also Cabolang. 98, 123, 160; V 17, 19, 23, 54, 60,
Ceporan, village, III 142. 96, 176, 204, 220, 221; VIII 26, 27,
Cerbon, town, kingdom (Ceribon, Che- 29, 36, 60, 111, 112, 134, 155-158,
ribon), see also Grag, I 7, 10,22,28, 166; IX 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 39,42, 44,
37, 38, 41, 49-51, 56, 67, 69, 74, 77, 46, 59, 61, 63, 77, 94, 100-102.
82, 86, 92, 94-97, 99, 105-107, 109- Christian, Christianity, I 76, 190, 195;
117, 119, 120, 123-125, 130, 131, 134, II 56; III 205, 230, 231, 236; IV-l
141, 153-155, 227, 231, 240, 252, 260, 83; IV-2 160; VI 291; VIII 73.
265, 275-278, 283, 291, 312, 314; II Christiaanse (Nicolaas) , lieut., V 103.
14, 25, 27, 28, 47, 50, 53, 68, 114- C hristiania (Oslo), town (soldier), V
116; III 14, 50, 58, 87, 88, 93, 94, 165, 167.
109, 110, 116, 128, 129, 131, 132, chronicles, Jav. literature, see Babad,
150, 153, 166, 178, 185, 191, 195, also Kronijk.
196, 220-222, 247, 248, 264, 273, 282, Ciasem, district, West Java, III 197.
283, 287; IV-1 1, 5, 18, 39-42, 51-53, Ci Atap, "Tsiattap", village, district, VII
60, 104, 107, 141, 147; IV-2 2, 12, 47; VIII 15.
23, 42, 88, 133-135, 148, 187; V 8, Cica N ala, medicine-man, V 113.
11, 61, 92, 94, 146, 164; VII 7, 19, Cidurian, river, IV-2 66.
22, 33; VIII 22, 27, 32, 35, 36, 38, Ci Keruh, village near Sumedang, III
46, 47, 60, 63, 85, 103, 105, 109, 110, 158.
127, 136, 155, 156; IX 7, 8, 11, 12, Cilacap, seaport, III 239; VIII 154.
15, 32, 44-46, 48, 50, 54, 56, 61, 66, Cilincing, village, country-seat, IV-l 144.
70, 73, 76, 87, 96-98. Cili Pati (ki), envoy, IV-1 40.
Cerbon (pg.arya), Kasepuhan, author Ci Liwong, river of Batavia, Jakarta, I
(?),1275. 109,117; III 133, 149, 152; IV-1183.
Cerbon (sunan), see Gunung Jati. Ci Manuk, river, West Java, I 109; 111
Cerm, village, V 148. 195, 196.
Ceta, temple in Central Java, I 208, 209. Cina (aru), Makasar chief, V 270.
Ceta, village, V 127. Cina (putri) , queen-consort of Bra Wi-
Ceylon, Sri Langka, I 31, 119; II 59; jaya, see China, II 7.
III 228; IV-1 159; IV-2 172; V 3, Cindaga, "Tsintagga" (kali), river, V
54, 63; VIII 165; IX 103. 159.
"Chamda", district (Sac;lng ?), 1 187, CiIJgula, see SI;tc;lula.
188,194; IX 18. Ci Ompo, "Tsiompo", village, district,
Champa, see Cempa. VII 47.
Chanhoen, Chinese trader, IV-2 82. Ci Pontang, river, IV-2 66.
Cheng Ho, Chin. admiral, IX 5. Cipta Naya, bupati of "Jatra" (Ceta ?),
Cheribon, see Cerbon. V 127, 168.
"Chily Poete", Moslim Chinese, III 66, Cipta Raga, messenger, V 112, 168.
270. Cipta Raja, Javanese from Pati, V 116.
China, Chinese, I 1,2,5-7,9-11, 13, 17, Cipta Wangsa (ky.lurah), envoy, IV-1
27, 36-39, 60,-86, 97, 104, 106, 109- 154.
111, 113, 119, 130, 137, 138, 146, Cirebon, see Cerbon.
154, 158, 159, 175, 200, 218, 239, Ci Sadan, river, V 17.
240, 249, 250, 258, 266, 270, 271, Ci Tanduwi, river, III 196.
274, 276, 284, 300, 308, 318; II 7, Ci Tarum, river, 142; IV-1 48,93,109,
95; III 16, 21, 62, 63, 66, 68, 91; 111,145; V 17.
147-149, 151, 176, 180, 190, 199, 215, Citra (Jurah), horse expert, IV-1 122.
216, 248, 254, 256, 280, 287; IV-1 Citra Antaka (ky.lurah), envoy, IV-l
20, 21, 51, 56, 57, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 165.
88, 93, 97, 101, 107, 110, 113, 114, Citra Menggala (ng.), messenger, VlOS.
116,117, 137, 139, 151,180,183,188, Citra Nala (si), tg. Pati's brother, IV-1
88, 92, 94, 109.

Citra Tawa of Tegal Ampl, owner of 270, 272, 274-279, 281-283, 285, 287,
an antidote, IV-2 29. 288; IV passim; V 5-8,17-20,24,28,
Citra Wadana, messenger, V 200. 31, 36-39, 46, 47, 49, 58-60, 62-64,
Citra Wangsa (mas), great-uncle of 67, 76, 79, 80, 84, 94, 95, 103, 105,
Truna Jaya, IV-2 60, 176. 106,124, 127, 133, 138, 146, 188-191,
Citra Wangsa, Jav. lieut., V 236. 207, 216, 217, 221, 223, 226, 248,
Citra Wulan, cemetery of putri Dara- 251, 254, 264, 274, 275, 277; VI 274-
wati, putri Cempa, I 245. 278, 280-283, 285, 290-293, 298-300,
Citra Yuda, rebel, V 221. 305; VIII, 4, 5, 25, 26, 29, 42, 44,
Ci Ujung, river, IV-2 66. 51; VIII 10, 12, 13, 20-26, 30-36, 38,
Ciung (amng-), chief of Towajos (South 43, 45-49, 52, 54, 56-59, 66-69, 72,
Celebes), V 192-192, 196, 216. 77, 81, 82, 85, 86, 91, 97-99, 102,
Claesz (Jan), junior merchant, IV-1 65. 103, 105, 109, 110, 115, 116, 119-121,
Clarisse (Izaacq), senior surgeon, V 103, 124, 127-130, 133, 135-137, 139-143,
121,124,161,164,171,173. 145-148, 150-157, 159-167; IX 12, 13,
Cleijn, prisoner of war, 111 233. 36-50, 53, 54-63, 67-74, 76-80, 82, 83,
"Clessan" (Raja), raja Galsong (?), 87-90,94-103.
IV-2 71. Constantinople, see Istanbul.
Cloeck, assistant, VIII 52. Coops, lieut. of marines, V 126, 235.
Cloet (Nic.) , senior merchant, 111 280. "Co-Po" from "Moechoel" (?), mier of
Cnoll (Govert), Dutch envoy, comman- Demak, I 37.
der, 11 97; 111 15. Cops (Jac.), govemor of Banda, V 52.
Cochin, port in Malabar, V 6. Cops (Joan) , resident of Japara, VIII
Cod, river of Yogyakarta, 11 120. 28, 30, 33-36, 45, 53, 58, 65; IX 95.
Coeds (G.), orientalist, 111 123. Co rea, ship, V 188, 256.
"Coedock", village, district of Kadiri, Cornelis (Gideon), corporal, V 165.
IV-2 187. Cornets de Groot (A. D.), au thor, I 259,
Coen (Jan. Pz.), govemor generaI, 1619- 285.
'29, I 107,288; 11 13-15,42,47; III Coromandel, see Koromandel.
18, 24-27, 31, 32, 38, 39, 41, 42, 46, Cortemnde (J. P.), surgeon, IV-2 66,
50-52, 55-65, 67, 68, 71, 72, 77-79, 67.
82, 100, 119, 142, 145, 151, 156-160, Corteso (Armando), geographer, I 38,
173,183,206,207,264; IV-1 82; IX 187,297.
39, 43. Cosa (Manuel de), ambassador, 111 227.
Coen (Jan), senior merchant, 111 223. Coster (Gerrit), skipper, IV-2 74.
"Coendjangan", mountain, VI 285, 308, Couche (Franois) from Armentires or
309. Mons (Bergen), soldier, V 214, 262.
Cohen Stuart (A. B.), orientalist, I 255. Couper (Jacob) , commander, I 252,
"Colaiata" (dem.), commander, V 114. 259; 11 14-15,20,47,53,54,89, 114,
Colenbrander(H. T.), historian, VIII 80. 116; 111 130; IV-l 18, 22, 159, 183,
"Commedien", village, V 115. 184,188,190,191, 194,200-203,208;
Commer (Adriaan), from Campen, skip- IV-2 3, 21, 32, 48, 50, 61, 68, 69,
per, V 77, 99, 234, 236. 77-79, 82, 94, 95, 99, 100, 103, 104,
Company (Netherlands East India-, 108,109,111, 112, 116, 121-127, 130,
V.O.C.), I 3, 7, 8, 31, 32, 39, 116, 131, 133, 134, 141, 144, 146, 147,
127, 198, 205, 231, 238, 254, 272; 11 151, 152, 156-164, 166, 169-171, 175-
1, 95; 111 20, 21, 25, 35, 52, 53, 56- 177, 180; V 8, 20, 23, 24, 26, 35, 38,
58, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70-72, 74, 49,51,65,71,94, 128, 151, 176,211;
76, 81, 89, 133, 144, 149, 153, 156, VI 275, 277, 279-288, 290, 292, 293,
164, 165, 168, 172, 173, 176, 179, 295-309; VII 13, 14, 16, 34, 39, 40,
186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195, 43, 44, 49; vin 10-13, 15, 16, 18,
198, 207,222,228-230,232,233,235- 21-24, 26-29, 32, 33, 38, 46, 65, 115,
238, 244, 248, 254, 261, 262, 269, 154; IX 82, 83, 89, 94, 95.

Couto (Diego de), Port. historian, I 79, Crucq, (K. C.), orientalist, I 76, 119,
80, 82, 273; 11 33, 34, 58, 67, 68, 85, 260; 111 56, 130, 227, 267; IV-2 90,
126. 9l.
Cowan (H. K. J.), orientalist, I 22. "Cu-Cu", ruler of Demak, I 36, 38, 40,
Coylan, town (Malabar) , V 6. 41, 45, 46, 109, 110; 11 7.
Craan (Pieter), lieut., V 78, 97-99, 101, Cucu Angga Suta, "Tsoesoe Angazoeta"
202. (ng.), Mad. rebel, V 162, 22l.
Cranganor, town (Malabar) , V 6. "Cucuf" (pat), ruler of Gresik, I 139,
Crape (Roel.), Danish trader, 111 233. 142, 143,284.
Crawfurd (J.), British author, 11 84. Culi (kyai), criss of Mandaraka, 11 127.
criss, kris, creese, I 70, 95, 144, 247, Cunaeus (J.), ambassador, V 5.
248; 11 31, 34, 74; III 100, 125. "Cun-Ch", ruler of Demak, I 36, 38.
crocodiles, see Sangara. cungkub, sepulchral dome, I 151.
Croes (Jacob), skipper, IV-1 194. Curing, viIIage, V 46, 218, 225, 227,
Croes (Manuel) , Portuguese captain, 228, 231, 232.
IV-1 54. "Curuda", rebel from Bageln, VIII 39.

Dabul (Dabhol) , port in Malabar, 111 Dalem (sunan), ruler of Giri, I 143-148;
268. 11 60; IX 15.
Dadapan (rangga), companion of pan. Dalem di Mad, king of Glgl, Bali,
Rama, VII 35. I 300.
Oaga(p) Petak, (residence of) legendary Dalit (Entol), inferior official, Banten,
man of religion on mount Brama, 1302.
I 245. Dam (Jan v.), Jieut., V 115, 126, 137,
Dar;!ap Tulis (arya) , Anlap Tulis, son- 165-167.
in-Iaw of ky. Pamanahan, 11 50. Dam (Johan v.), govemor of Ambon,
Dadap Tulis (tg.carik), secretary, I 280. V 52.
Oagung (kali), river, V 134. Damar (arya) of Palembang, legendary
Daeng, Makasar title, VIII 39. ancestor, I 38, 106, 200, 202, 300,
"Dagertije" (tg.), YudaKarti (?),com- 301; 11 7.
mander, 111 261. Damar (rd.mas), Purbaya, 111 2;
Dagol, district (Kelung Dawa), V 118. IV-1 6.
Daha, KaQiri, town, kingdom, I 55, 253; Damar Wulan, legendary hero (Majapa-
11 62. hit), I 185, 186, 192.
Daka Wana, messenger, IV-1 29. Damar Wulan, pseudo-history, Jav. liter-
galang, performer, wayang theatre, I 258. ature, I 52, 166, 186, 192, 246, 282,
dalem, mansion, 11 53. 292,295,297,298; 111 213.
Dalem (Kuta), Kuta Gel, 11 120, 121. Dampak, viIIage, V 87.
Dalem (ky.), husband of ratu Malang, gampar kencana, golden throne, 111 26,
IV-2 15-17. 129.
Dalem (pg.), ruler of Tuban, I 135, Dana Laya, pleasure garden, Mataram,
136; 11149. III 22.

Danang or Danar (rd.bagus), name of Demak, town, kingdom, I & 11 passim;

Snapati Mataram, 11 22. 111 2-9, 11, 12, 23, 58, 61, 62, 66,
Dana Raja, mountain of Japara, I 49, 67, 75, 87-90, 114, 121, 135, 137,
104, 107, 272; 11 29, 32,45,47; IV-2 138, 220, 266, 273, 274; IV-1 17, 50,
82, 91, 130, 131, 148, 149, 161; V 60, 82, 106-108, 110, 112, 121, 122,
8, 19; VIII 25; IX 15. 137, 142, 143, 150, 173, 177, 182,
Dana Rasa, mountain Dana Raja (?), 187, 188, 190, 192, 19~ 196, 199,
1 272. 205, 208, 261; IV-2 79, 81, 82,
Dane, see Denmark. 126, 127, 130, 133, 139, 142, 144,
J)anggang Ge1J4is, mythical king of Jang- 171,182; V 11,14,29,30,32,35,
gala and Koripan, I 86, 156, 270,290. 38, 40-42, 55, 65, 67, 68, 73, 77, 84,
J)anggang Wacana, father of Rangga 86, 87, 90, 96, 101, 104, 109, 113,
Law of Tuban, see also Dinding, I 195,206,211,261,264,268; VI 274;
131; IV-2 120, 138; VII 15,26. VII 18, 43, 48; VIII 13, 26, 30, 43,
Dang Palih (Ki), ky. of Gumena (Giri, 65, 67, 81, 114-116, 121, 125, 144,
Gresik) , I 286. 156; IX 2-4, 6-22, 26-33, 36, 50, 58,
Daniswara, legendary son of Dwata 60, 70, 76, 78, 89, 99.
Cengkar, I 307. Demak '(kuala), river, V 39.
Danok (rd.aj.), sister of sunan Krapyak, Demak (adipati), ruler, I 80; 11 92, 94,
IV-2 14. 95,98, 101, 106.
Danu Paya (tg.), patih of sult. Agung, Demak (tg.), tg. Sura Nata, IV-1 33,
111 116, 163, 175, 187, 242-244, 251- 142.
253, 261; IV-1 1-3, 15, 25-29, 32; demang (ky.), old title, I 273.
IV-2 193. Demang (ky.), laksamana of Japara, 111
Danu Paya (pg.), name of pg. Alit, IV-1 180, 181.
2; IV-246. Demang (ky.), dip. Ukur (?), 111 196.
Danu Praja, envoy from Mataram, 111 Demang (pg.), son of sunan Mangku
182. Rat I, IV-1 191, 206.
Danu Raja, Danu Reja, brother of png. "Demenang" (pg.), pg. Puger(?), IV-2
Purbaya 11, VII 6. 80.
J)anyang Kapulungan, legendary ances- Demangan, south of Klatn (Kajoran),
tor, I 295. VII 8.
Darawati, putri Cempa, queen-consort of Dempo, kingdom, Sumbawa, see Dompo.
Majapahit, I 20, 112, 245, 293. Demung, village, district, East Java, IV-2
Darma Gangui, book, Jav. literature, I 69, 70, 81, 82, 86-89, 95, 98-100, 102,
254, 283. 105-107,112,113,115,117,118,122,
Darma Yuda (ng.), bupati of Pasuruhan, 134,135; V6, 24,192; IX 68, 69.
IV-2 87, 89, 99-101, 163, 174. Denmark, 111 233; IV-1 196, 197,201,
Darma Yuda of Sampang, rebel, V 241; 202,204; V 103.
VII 48; see also Derma Yuda. Dengkeng, river, I 230, 316; 11 127,
darpa ragi, alun alun, forecourt, I 38. 218.
Dru'l-lslm, religious political movement, Dngkol (ad.), legendary ancestor, East-
1257. ern Corner of Java, I 295.
dato (= datu), man of religion, 11 35. Denijn, resident of Demak, VIII 156.
Dato ri Bandang, preacher of Islam, Den Pasar, town (Badung, Bali), I 208;
I 152. VIII 152; IX 102.
Daya Ningrat, see Andaya Ningrat. J) pok (rd.), ki Getas Pandawa, father
dayeuh (Sund.), capital, I 117, 253. of ki gel Ssla, 11 7.
Dayo (Majapahit), I 52, 57, 117, 253. Depree or Dupree (Dan.), skipper, ship-
Dayun, see Serang Dayun. wright, IV-2 68,124,129,150; VnI
Dearing (Rob.), British trader, IV-1143. 114,127.
Decker (C.), artist, IV-1 83. Dermayu, Indramayu, town, I 109.
Delplace (P.), author, I 260. Derma Yuda (tg.), bupati, V 181.

Derpa Kanda, umbul, envoy, IV-l 163, Djajadiningrat (H.), orientaIist, I 15,
165; IV-2 142. 22, 94, 112, 115, 117, 249, 275-278,
Derpa Menggala, envoy, IV-l 163, 165. 283, 291, 302, 303, 307, 312, 313;
Derpa Wangsa, envoy, IV-1 182. 11 13,82; IV-141.
Deshima, island (Japan), IV-1 168. Djajakarta, see Jakarta.
Deutecom (Jochem Roelofsz. v.), captain, Dlepih, vilIage, shrine, I 223, 313.
111 190. Oobras (rd.), son of png. Pek ik, lover of
Deventer (M. L. v.), author, 111 95. ratu Blitar, IV-2 33; V 61.
Dwa Agung, king of Bali, I 152, 182, dodot, state dress, 11 30.
264; 111 185, 254-256; IX 44, 48. Doenssen (Steven), resident of Gresik,
Dwata Cengkar, legendary king of 111 15, 54.
Mel.Jlang Kamulan, I 307. Dolkop, captain, see Duikup.
Dwi Mlanting, rice goddess, Bali, I 248. Dolphijn, ship, 111 68.
dharmdhyaksa, judge, Old Javanese, I Domba, horse of ng. Tambak Baya of
66, 67, 256, 257. Pajang, 111 44, 45.
Dh'l-Karnain, Alexander the Great, I Dominican fathers, 111 230, 231; IX 46.
245.' Domis (H. J.), author, I 259; V 82.
Diamant, bastion, Batavia, 111 156; V Dompo, kingdom, Sumbawa (Dempo, see
35; VIII 29. Bima), IV-2 71, 72, 75, 76, 86.
Dia Ningrat (mas), Banten official, IV-l Dompre, vilIage, V 270.
40. Doorenbos (J.), orientalist, 1 100, 268.
Diemen (Ant. v.), governor general, Dordrecht, town (corporai), V 165.
1636-1645, 111 125, 151, 165, 177, "Dortmansbergje", hilI in Surabaya, Ba-
197, 254, 270, 272, 273, 281. luwarti, 111 15.
Diest, in Belgium (F. H. Muller), V 56. Dortsman (Anthonie ), bookkeeper, V
Dievoet (Dan.), soldier, V 98. 269; VIII 29, 61, 64, 107-110, 113,
Dikara (arya) , ruler of Tuban, I 132, 118, 144, 158-160.
135. Drake (Francis), British navigator, I
Dilah (ki), arya Damar of Palembang, 215,300; 11 67.
I 39, 40, 200, 202. Dravidian languages, South India, I 9.
Di Made, Balinese king, 111 259. Drewes (G. W. J.), orientalist, 1 19, 29,
Dinaya, vilIage, I 31; 11 10. 245, 247, 251, 254, 283; IV-2 63;
Dinding Wacana, partisan of Truna Jaya, VIII 14.
see also Dangdang, V 219. Dria, Jav. peasant, V 136.
Dipa Negara (ng.), Mataram officia! Drop, sergeant, IV-2 95.
(Mangku Rat 11), V 175. Druyff (Gerret Fredericks), senior mer-
Dipa Negara (panji), Madurese, relative chant, 111 56, 57.
of Truna Dilaga, V 175. "Dubras", lover of ratu Blitar, see Do-
Dipa Negara I (pg.), pan. Eru Cakra, bras.
Kartasura, rebeIIious prince (1703-'08 Duk, holy mountain, I 305.
war), I 304; V 175. "Duikup", captain, IV-2 95.
Dipa Negara II (pg.), Yogyakarta, Dumulang, vilIage, district, Malang,
1785 - 1855, V 175. V 66.
Dipa Yuda (ng. or mas), Mad. rebel, Dupree, see Depree.
IV-2 124; V 151, 162, 184,221. Duren (Conrad v.), corporal, from Du-
Dira Menggala (ng.), bupati, VII 44, renhout or Schenkeschans, V 222, 263,
45. 267, 268.
Dirantaka (ng.), patih, Mataram (sult. Dutch, Netherlander, Netherlands, I 1,
Agung), 111 116, 158, 230, 244, 252, 3, 5, 38, 48, 63, 68, 69, 75, 81, 82,
268, 270, 284; IV-1 5. 91, 105, 107, 135, 151, 153, 184, 190,
Dirk de Vries-Bay, Cilacap, 111 239; 230, 232, 268, 272, 284, 292, 314;
VIII 154. 11 1, 13, 69, 124, 126; 111 51, 53,
Ditmarsen (Poulus), junior, surgeon, V 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 66, 67, 69-71, 73-
118. 75, 78, 79, 82, 94, 102, 119, 123, 126,

133, 148, 166, 168, 172, 174, 177-187, 18, 31, 42-44, 47; VIII 9, 10, 18, 21,
190, 206, 207, 220, 228, 233, 238, 53, 80, 84, 86, 97, 103-105, 156, 165,
241, 242, 244, 248-250, 260, 262, 266- 167; IX 12, 13, 15, 23, 26, 27, 29,
269, 272, 273; IV passim; V 3, 11-13, 33, 36, 38-40, 42-47, 49, 55, 57-59,
18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 30-32, 35, 36, 38, 62, 70-73, 78, 80, 86, 95, 98, 99.
51, 59, 65, 67, 138, 209, 239; VI 249, Dutchman (Hollander), nickname of
274, 280, 289-292, 306, 308; VII 8, tng. Pati, IV-2 120.

East India Company (British), III 267, III 5, 118, 138, 141.
270. Endra Nata IJ (tg.), Sura Nata, ruler of
East India Company (Netherlands, Demak (Mangku Rat II), 1 85; III
V.O.C.), see Company. 5; V 68,223.
Eastern Corner of Java, "Oosthoek", Endra Sna (tg.), Muslim Chinese, cap-
east of Surabaya, I 8, 10, 12, 42, 55, tain of Giri, III 215, 216.
59,63-65,74,113,143,146, 158, 161, Engelhardt (Nicolaas ), governor, II 3, 4.
162,169,175, 177, 179-182, 184-198, England (Britain, British, English), I 82,
208, 212, 245, 253, 274, 286, 287, 300; II 98; III 25, 56, 58, 62-65, 67,
294-300, 304, 305, 310, 315; II 24, 68, 70, 80, 100, 170, 190, 227, 229,
36, 55, 64, 102, 105; III 28, 30, 34, 240-242, 264, 269, 272, 275, 280;
97, 132, 222, 255, 262; IV-l 157; IV-1 vi 44, 59, 81, 82, 94, 118, 143,
IV-2 68-70, 80, 95, 103, 104, 114, 180, 197, 198; IV-2 95, 102, 119; VI
130, 138, 172, 174; V 131, 255; VIII 276; VIII 72; IX 13, 38, 49, 60.
53,56, 107, 133, 165; IX 37. Entol, kntol, titJe, I 302.
Ebron, Bro, major, IV-2 130. Erlangga, Old Javanese king, I 156, 289.
Edel (J.), orientalist, I 73, 249, 275. Ermata, cemetery, see Ang Mata.
Edinburgh, home town of Jacob Couper ru Cakra, see Dipa Nagara I, rebel
and Joris Teeter, IV-1 190; V 115. prince.
Eduk, holy mountain, I 305. Europe, European, I 1, 11, 76, 113, 196,
Eeden (v/d), captain, VIII 16, 29. 255, 285, 317; 11 77, 89; III 101,
Eerdmans (A. J. A.), author, V 184. 152; IV-1 69,80, 110, 138; IV-2 54,
Egberts (Harmen) , captain, IV-2 173. 80, 114, 173; VlO, 15, 18, 45, 54,
Egypt, Msir, I 51, 254, 263, 266, 277; 76-78,87,99, 115, 120, 126, 135, 152,
II 130; V 38. 153, 155, 166, 167, 170, 172, 174,
Eka Suta, messenger, V 133, 141, 163. 183, 186, 198, 199, 201, 202, 209,
Ellor (pg.) II, ruler of Sumenep, see also 218,226, 228,229, 235-238, 241, 246,
Lor, III 87; IV-257. 248, 249, 253, 259, 267, 268, 272,
Elsevier (Pieter), junior merchant, IV-1 274,277; VI 274, 279, 302; VIII 19,
85, 97. 21, 30, 106, 112, 114, 115, 128, 156,
empu, blacksmith, I 286. 161; IX 2, 13, 19, 71, 77-79, 89.
Empu Domas, community of blacksmiths, Eygel (Anthonie) , lieut., VIII 62, 67,
I 283. 84, 92-97, 100, 101, 105, 106, 108,
enck, encik (Mal.), titJe, I 38. 110, 118, 144.
Encyclopaedie van Ned.-Indi, I 21. Eyndhoven (Balth. v.), ambassador, III
Endra Nata I (tg.), Mataram captain 29, 31, 32, 52, 57-59, 65, 69, 99, 116,
(sult. Agung), ruler of Demak, I 85; 117, 125, 199.

Faber (G.H.von), au thor, 11114,47. Flemings, Dutchmen (in English reports),

Fadhillah Khan, Falatehan (?), sunan III 62, 65.
Gunung Jati, I 277. Flines (E. W. v. Orsoy de), collector of
Fakhru'llah, Tagaril, sunan Gunung Jati, China, 11 18.
I 276. Foreest (jhr. H. A. van), Linschoten
fa~h, Islamic lawyer, I 67, 292. Vereeniging, V 141.
Fakh Nagmu'd-Dn, Banten, high judge, Formosa, Taiwan, island, V 55.
I 279. Fortuyn, ship, V 188, 256.
fakir, man of religion, VI 300. France, French, IV-l 198; IV-2 54; V
Falatehan, sunan Gunung Jati, I 50, 112, 13, 31, 226; VIII 59, 100, 155.
252, 276, 277; IX 11. Francen (Com.), Bandanese burgher,
Fath, victory (Falatehan), I 276. IV-2 54.
Ftttimah bint Maimun, Putri Lran, Francen (J.), lieut., VIII 151.
gravestone, I 21. Francscan friars, I 298, 299.
Fattl;, victor (Patah), I 35; IX 7. Franken (Jan), from Nijmegen, sol dier,
Fennema (R.), geologist, V 135, 140, V 215, 262.
143, 144. Franssen (Pieter), ambassador, 111 99,
Fernandus (Diego), "Mardijker" lieut., 163, 174-177, 198, 200, 201, 281.
III 241. Franszen Holsteyn, see Holsteyn (Jan
Ferrari, (P. Bernardino), R. C. mission- Franszen).
ary, I 190. French, see France.
Ferry Charter, Majapahit, I 157, 257, Friday service in the mosque, 111 103,
279, 280, 284, 290, 304. 114, 122, 203.
Filet (P. W.), author, 11 11. Friedericy (H. J.), au thor, V 134.
fiqh, Islamic religious law, I 67, 258. Fruin-M ees (Wilha), historian, 111 95,
Flamang, ship, V 257. 163, 178, 185.
Flanders, Vlaanderen, province (soldier ), Further India, "Achter-Indi", see also
V 262. India, I 1, 7, 10, 22, 238, 239; IV-l

Gabang, see Gbang. prince of Mataram (rd. Tomp),

Gabus, village, V 86. I 219; 11 99, 100.
Galjing, pleasure garden south of the Gagak Pranala (pg.), ruler of Pajang
kraton, 111 23,111,112,290. (Gagak Baning), 11 100.
Gadongan, mountain, VI 292, 308, 309. Gagak Rimang, horse of arya Panang-
Gagak Baning (pg.), ruler of Pajang, sang, 11 39, 41.

Gagaluhan (ratu), princess, great-grand- garebeg, annual festival, I 256; III 115,
daughter of png. Tranggana of De- 116.
mak, 173. garebeg besar, III 284; IV-2 25.
Gagang Aking (sh), legendary Moslim garebeg mulud, II 10; III 49, 118, 221;
saint, I 223, 311, 312. IV-l 114, 141; IV-225.
Gagelang, Madyun, town, I 58. garebeg puwasa, III 103, 123, 128, 141,
"Gaja Bumi", brother of pg. Benawa, 180.
ruler of Pajang, II 99, 100. Garendi (mas), sunan Kuning, preten-
Gajah Mada, patih of Majapahit, I 93, der, II 59.
144, 158, 196, 200, 208, 210, 264, Garuda, sen~ang, pond (Prawata),
295,310; III 263; IV-l 109; V 79. 1259; II 25.
Gajah Mati, Centra! Java, kraton ser- Garuda, port in the Eastern Corner of
vants of East J avanese origin, I 194; Java, IV-2 87, 100.
III 263; IX 1. Gatayu (ky.), pusaka saddle of Pajang,
Gajah Wong (kali), river, II 120. II 96.
Gala Ganjur, gamelan, II 78, 79. Gati (lurah), envoy, IV-2 125.
Galsong, district in Celebes, IV-2 62, Gati (= Marta-Gati ?), envoy, V 169,
63, 71. 170, 215.
Galsong (karang), Makasar leader, Gatot (rd.), son of Snapati Mataram,
IV-2 62, 70-72, 74-76, 81, 85-88, 98, IV-2 42.
99, 102, 109, 110, 111, 113,118-120, Gebang or Gabang, village, V 130, 131.
123,125, 135-137, 173 174; V 6, 22- gerl, title, I 303.
24,41,44, 78, 176, 188-190, 193, 197, Gerl (kuta), kraton, see Kuta.
208, 213, 215-217, 233, 253, 263, 270, Gerf (nyahi), daughter of the governor
273; VI 276-280, 282, 287, 305; VII of Demak, IV-1 199.
1, 7; IX 68, 69, 72, 77, 79, 82, 87, Gecjng Sura or Geding Sura (ki), ruler
88,94. of Palembang, I 167, 202-204; II 65,
"Galiazza Visconto d'Aragona", com- 66.
mander J. A. Sloot, V 56. Geding Sura, village, I 303.
"Galimbur", mountains, VI 208, 209, GeJong (ky.), mantri, II 94, 95.
290, 293. Gerlong Batu, in East Java, IV-2 88.
Galuh, kingdom, West Java, see also Gerlong Batu, near Sepanjang, Semarang,
Gagaluhan, I 109-111; IX 11. VIII 157.
Galuo (Antonio), Port. governor, I 189, Gedung, village in Madiun, V 144.
289. Geer (Abrah. v/dl, clerk, III 186.
"Gambauwa", locality, place of worship, Gegodog, battIefield, IV-l 5,7,64; IV-2
south of Mataram, V 90. 52, 53, 106, 109, 118-120, 125, 129,
Gambiran, village, II 121. 130, 138-141, 146, 149, 186; V 6, 7,
"Gamda", district in East Java, Pasuru- 9, 14, 16, 62, 65, 71; VI 287; VII
han, I 52, 146, 179-181, 194, 253, 1, 12, 13,20, 50-52; IX 70, 71.
295; IX 18. "Geinal" ("Coje") , Port. renegate, I 76.
gamelan, Jav. orchestra, I 70, 71, 267; Glap, cannon of Tuban, III 48.
III 105; VIII 97. Glgl, capital, Bali, I 152, 177, 184,
Gamron, town (travel to Persia), IV-l 195, 196, 198, 264, 296, 297, 299,
80. 300; II 185, 254, 255; IX 17, 19,
gatJrlk, royal messenger, V 133. 44,48.
"Gando", mountains, V 115. Gelis (kali), river, V 85.
Gang Kraton, in Surabaya, III 15. Gembong, see also Pasuruhan, I 179;
Gapura, gate, II 25. IV-2 89.
Garag, Cerbon, see Grag. Gempol (rangga), governor of Sume-
Garba, see Sal)<,Iang Garba. dang, V 257.
Gardingh, village in North Friesland, "Genading", Singhalese, envoy of admi-
home of M. Pietersen, IV-l 87. ral Speelman, IV-2 174.

Getlljing, district, I 84, 188, 189, 194, Giri Laya, cemetery (Mataram) , lil 289,
230, 297, 315; IX 18. 290; IV-2 1.
Genljing (dipati), bupati, II 122; III 4, Giri Laya (pan.), ruler of Cerbon, I
5, 8. 116; IV-l 39, 148; VII 19, 22; IX
Geni Rongga, lurah in Panaraga, III 9. 56, 87.
Gent (Hendr. v.), resident of Jambi, III GiTing, district, I 222, 232, 234, 311,
278; IV-l 85, 94, 96, 97. 313; II 51, 52; IV-l 6; IX 22,28,90.
Getltayu, mythical king, I 156, 290. Giring (ki gec;l) , local chief, I 222; II
GeTbeT (Joan), soldier, V 121. 51,52; IV-2 40; VII 3, 39, 40.
GeTbertsen (Pieter) from Hannover, sol- Giring (ky.) lIl, local chief, great-
dier, V 121. grandfather of Paku Buwana I, IV-2
GeTicke (J. F. C.), Roorda (Taco), ja- 44.
vanists, lil 9; IV-2 48. Giri Pura, Giri, lil 47.
GeTih, village, V 137, 140. Gissing (kali), river, V 131.
Gerongan, port in East Java, IV-2 81, Glotok (kali), river, V 154.
87. Goa, capitalof Port. India, III 1, 20,
Gesik, district of Tuban, IV-l 195. 165, 166, 168-172, 177, 223-229, 231,
Getas, village in Grobogan, II 7. 284; IX 43, 44, 46.
Getas Pandawa (ki.), legendary ancestor, Goa, archbishop of, I 76.
11 5-7. Godon (Jan), from Nieuwpoort, soldier,
Gijsels (Artus), governor of Ambon, lil V 165.
13, 14, 16, 56, 59, 62, 69, 78, 206, Godong (Gogodong) , village, I 35, 259;
207, 265, 281. V 30, 37, 39, 41, 42, 77, 80, 83, 86,
Gili MalJgangin, island, see Mandangin. 87,97,101,117,122,212; VII 30.
Giri, town, holy community, state, 1 12, "Goemenol", Gumena, village (Gresik),
21, 21, 28, 60, 77, 83, 92, 95, 100, I 286.
101, 106, 115, 137-155, 163, 167, 168, Goens (Rijcklof v.), ambassador, gover-
174, 182, 183, 190, 196, 197, 215, nor general, 1678-1681, II 47, 77, 116;
219, 245, 252, 265, 268, 284-292, 295, III 1,9,23,51,90,91,104, 106, 108,
308, 314, 315; II 24, 37, 58, 60-64, 110, 113, 116, 121, 123, 128, 129,
95, 98, 102, 104-106; III 7, 8, 29, 133, 142, 143, 162, 163, 167, 168,
36, 37, 47, 50, 86, 88, 93, 132, 152, 212, 233, 234, 236-238, 241, 247-249,
197, 205-209, 213-220,273; IV-l 157; 251, 253, 267, 271, 272, 285, 286,
IV-2 6, 7,10,13,48,64,87,94,111; 290, 291; IV-l v, vi, 1-7, 10, 11, 15-
V 3, 6, 13, 45, 49, 55, 59, 69, 72, 81, 17, 19,23,25,27,30-36,39,40,42,
129, 143, 169, 173, 192-194, 196, 233, 43, 53, 68, 74, 76, 78-81, 85-91, 93-
249, 268, 275; VI 306; VII 49; IX 98,100,110,111,119,127,129,171,
12, 14, 15, 21, 27, 29, 31, 40, 45, 46, 205; IV-2 1, 2, 27-19, 79, 95, 142,
69, 76, 90, 91, 94. 146, 153, 154; V 3,5,34, 65, 93, 96,
Giri (sunan, pan., raja), spiritual ruler, 196,266; VII 7,9,50; IX 48,54,55,
1 26, 54, 60, 71, 115, 145, 153, 160, 58,59,62.
170. 252, 260, 261, 268, 285, 287, "Gogok" (rd.), grandson of pg. Tepa
288, 292; 11 37, 45, 52, 53, 60-63, Sana, IV-2 142.
104, 105, 107, 124; III 215, 219; Goijer (Pieter de), ambassador, IV-l 56.
IV-l 22; IV-2 48, 58, 94, 95, 111, Golconda, kingdom in India, IV-l 139.
164; V 81, 150, 192, 194, 232; VII Gombong, seaport (Pasuruhan), IV-2
50; IX 15. 70, 87, 88, 100, 136; VI 275.
GiTi (pg.mas ing), ruler, IV-2 6, 13,83, Goossens (J.), senior merchant, IV-l 85.
111. "Goude" (rd.), son of sunan Mangku
GiTi Daya, West Borneo, I 289. Rat I, IV-2 192; VII 23.
GiTi Gajah Kac;laton (sunan), author, I Goudvink, ship, V 189.
285. Goutappel, ship, V 78.
GiTi Kusuma, ruler of Sukadana, Borneo, "Goutsie", Chinese correspondent, V 151,
I 152. 176.

Gouden Leeuw, ship, IV-2 73. "Groene Geuzen", Ambonese "Mardij-

Gowa, kingdom, Sou th Celebes, III 122, kers", V 28.
281; IV-1 30, 69-71, 73; IV-2 6, 30, Groeneveldt, W. P., sinologist, I 288,
71; V 5, 6, 134, 146, 189, 273; IX 58. 301, 311.
Gowa (raja), king, V 146. Groes (Jac.), skipper, IV-2 55.
Graaf (H. J. de), historian, I 14, 247, Grogol, village, VII 46.
248, 253, 254, 281; III 19, 27, 125; Grompol, village on the Bengawan, I
IV-1 52; IV-2 6, 63. 249; V 29, 41-43, 67, 76, 77, 88, 89,
Graeft (Nicol. de), travelIer, II 126; 90, 102-104, 108, 111, 113-119, 121,
VIII 61-64, 83, 87-90, 92, 93, 96, 97, 124, 126, 127, 130, 148, 149, 188,
101,110. 190; IX 79.
Graeft (Pieter de), pilot, IV -1 57. Grompol, village in Surabaya, V 272.
Grag, Cerbon, town, see also Pagarag, Grompol (kali), river, V 131.
I 111, 131, 231, 275, 291. Grootebroek, ship, IV-2 101.
Grati, district, East Java, I 179. "Grote Oost", see Moluccas.
Great Mogul, emperor of India, IV-1 Grunebaum (G. E. v.), arabist, I 247.
37, 80. Gugur (arya) , crownprince of Majapa-
Grenaatappel, ship, V 78. hit, I 93.
Gresik, town, seaport, I 8, 10, 12, 20, Gujarat, in India, I 138,221, 248, 277;
21, 24, 26, 28, 36-39, 58, 60, 69, 77, III 51, 53, 68, 119, 182, 185, 186,
92, 100, 101, 109, 110, 115, 130, 132, 189, 190,223,269; IV-1 82.
137-145, 147-149, 151, 152, 154, 157, Gulden Draak, ship, IV-1 112.
162, 164, 167, 169-171, 178, 182, 206, Guldeweg, ship, I 113.
240, 245, 252, 261, 268, 271, 284-292, Gulu (si), Gulu BeQil, cannon, on mount
~11, 318; II 57, 58, 60, 67; III 5, Dana Raja, Japara, IV-2 91, 130.
16, 18-21, 24, 31, 38, 53, 56, 64, 66, Gumarang, criss of Retna Jumilah of
71, 78-82, 86, 90, 97, 153, 205-207, Mad)'run, 11 110.
216,253; IV-1 21,82, 129, 154; IV-2 Gumena, village, Gresik, I 146, 147, 286.
6, 32, 54, 55, 64, 68-70, 72, 74, 75, Gumpang, village, VIII 62, 83, 86, 87,
78, 80-83, 85-88, 96, 97, 99, 111, 118, 89,92,98, 117.
121, 122, 135, 154, 174, 175, 178, Gundang or Gondang, village, V 269.
179, 182; V 24, 47, 62, 69, 129, 143, Gu,!il (kyahi), pusaka jacket, sunan
148, 169, 188, 189, 194, 254-256, 268; Kali Jaga, I 30, 228; 11 109.
VII 18; VIII 12, 47, 57, 114, 131, "Guning", village, VI 293, 297.
156; IX 5, 7, 12, 14, 15, 27, 29, 36, Guntur Geni, man of religion, ajar, I
38-40, 45, 69, 99. 192, 284.
Grevenraet (Joh.), merchant, IV-1 97. Guntur Geni (si), cannon of sult. Agung,
Grevinck (Am.), Greving, lieut., VII 45; III 125, 130; IV-2 90, 130.
VIII 13, 17, 19, 34, 40, 42, 45, 62, gunungan, feature of gare beg procession,
64-66, 68-71, 74, 78, 81, 84-87, 89, 111 123.
92,98, 102, 117; IX 97, 98. Gunung Batur, holy mountain, Bali, I
Gribik, village, district, East Java, I 145, 141.
146, 254, 286. Gunung Jati, Cerbon, see also Ibn Mo-
Grigis (sh), warden of the Giri ceme- lana, NuruIlah, I 51, 116, 134, 141,
tery, I 146. 154, 155, 260, 261; IX 7, 44.
Grimmei (Th.), assistant, IV-2 139, 168. Gunung Jati (sunan), wali, Cerbon, I
Grissee, see Gresik. 49-51, 56, 94, 95, 99, 105, 111-116,
Grobogan, district, I 83, 88, 89, 223, 118-121, 134, 154, 160, 231, 252, 260,
224,227,263,307; 11 7,8, 12, 104; 261, 265, 276, 277, 283, 291; II 47,
IV-1 165; IV-2 138, 142, 182; V 29, 115,116; III 10, 109, 110,248,283;
30, 32, 38, 40, 41, 66, 91, 97, 107, V 11; IX 7,11,12,15,54,56.
111, 114, 198, 250, 264, 276; VII Gunung Kidui, "Zuidergebergte", Sou th-
18, 29; IX 78. em Hills of Central Java, I 222, 234;

II 51, 82-84, 93, 94; IV-l 179; VII Gurana (dang), Makasar chief, V 273.
21,31,35,37,39-42,43-46; VIII 14, Gust Pat, Gusti Patih, grand-vizier of
16; IX 22, 88-90. Majapahit, I 35, 52, 87, 127, 142,
Gunung Prahu, mountain, Central Java, 144-146, 158, 159, 170, 180, 181, 188,
III 43. 194, 253, 295; IX 8.
Gunung Sari, quarter of the town of Gusti Panji Sakti, of Bullng, Bali, I
Kaliri, V 227, 244, 245. 264.
Gunung Sembung, Gunung Jati (Cer- Guwa Babar, fortification, Tuban, I 135;
bon), I 114, 276. III 49.
Gunung Wujil, Wijil, grave of png. Sila- Guwa Langs, cave, residence of Ratu
rong, IV-2 30. Lara Kidui, II 76, 83, 84; 111 288.

Haan (F. de), archivist, II 115, 120; H ansen (Pieter), from Amsterdam, sailor,
III 92, 195, 196 IV-l 190; IV-2 63. V 118.
Haan (H. de), surgeon, author, II 88, Happel (Joh. Maur. v.), lieut., VIII 128.
119, 120; III 25, 27, 50, 59, 72-74, Harde (Jan de), merchant, IV-1 169,
80-82, 99, 100, 107, 112-114, 117, 170, 173; V 20, 80, 129, 143, 169,
118, 120, 123, 124, 136, 138, 283; V 182, 188, 194, 196, 197, 208, 233,
56; VIII 28, 59. 249, 256-258, 271-273.
Hagedoorn (Hendr.), sergeant, V 98. Harmagon (Thomas), interpreter, IV-2
H ageman (J.), historian, I 55, 149; II 11.
4, 54, 57-59, 61-64, 66, 89, 90, 92, Harmensz. (Gerrit), corporal, V 165.
97-100, 114, 123, 129; III 6, 11,27, Harren (Harm. v.), skipper, IV-2 178.
47, 83, 95, 206, 219; IV-l 147. Hartingh (Nic.), au thor, IV-l 8.
Hagen (Lambert Dirckxz), senior mer- Hartman (Andries), lieut., V 78, 98-IDO,
chant, III 24. 137, 165-167.
Haghen (Steven v/dl, admiral, III 15, Hartogh (Joh. de), resident of Japara,
19. VIII 25, 28,35,42,45,58, 106, 111-
Hainault (Henegouwen), soldier, V 262. 113,115,116,128.
haji, pilgrim to Mecca, I 118, 269, 289; Hartsinck (Willem), captain, IV-2 173.
VIII 119. Haruku, island, I 289.
Haji (ky.), "Moorish priest", sult. H arunarrasjid Tuammenanga-rilampana
Agung's envoy, III 158, 252, 269-272; (karaeng), mier of Tallo', South Ce-
IV-l 75. lebes, IV-2 71, 75.
Haji, sultan of Banten, V 61. Hasanuddin, king of Banten, I 56, 73,
Hall (D. G. E.), historian, I 247. 74, 105, 106, 114, 115, 120-122, 204;
Hamza Pansuri, Sumatran theologian, I II 35; IX 12; see Hikayat.
100, 268. H asanuddin Tuammenanga-riballa' -pang-
Hannover, town (soldier), V 121. kana, mier of Gowa, South Celebes,
Hanoman, monkey king, wayang, IV-2 IV-2 71; V 5, 6, 189.
172. Hasenberg, ship, V 188, 190.
H ansen (Jan), from Christiania, ensign, Hative, village in Ambon, I 106, II 37.
V 165, 167. Hayam Wuruk, Ayam Wumk, king of

Majapahit, I 157, 158, 185-188, 193, Hovell (bar. W.R.v.), author, 11 11.
207, 297, 298, 303; 111 29, 124; IX Hofdijk (W. J.), Dutch poet, IV-2 39;
18. VII 12, 13.
Haye (Jac. de la), French admiral, V 31. Hogenhoek (J.), merchant, V 103.
Hector, ship, IV-l 187, 188. Hohendorff (J. A. bar. v.), govemor of
Heekeren (H. R. van) , prehistorian, I 297. East Java, 111 157.
Heemskerck (Jac. v.), admiral, 111 6-8, Hoksiauw, Chinese town, V 103.
19,206; IX 36. "Hollander", Dutchman, nickname of tg.
H endricksen (Simon) , artillerist, V 211. Pati, IV-l 120.
Hendrik (Jan), from Brussels, officer's Hollandia, redoubt of Batavia, 111 147,
batman, V 98. 149, 150, 156, 157, 285.
Hengelaer, ship, IV-2 81. Hollandia, ship, 111 284.
"Hercules (Portuguese)", Paulo de Lima, Holle, K. F., author, 111 158; IV-l 4;
commander, I 81. IV-2 42.
Herenweg, road to Batavia, 111 149. Holscher, junior merchant, VIII 51, 52,
Herfts (Laur.), ensign, VIII 84, 87, 92, 56.
93. Holsteyn (Jan Franszen), commander,
Hermansz. (Com.), senior merchant, 111 IV-2 32, 49, 69, 73-75, 85, 86, 93,
64. 95-98, 100, 101, 104-108, 112, 116,
Hermansz. (Jan), ambassador, 111 238, 117, 123; V 6, 7, 47, 93, 257, 263,
285; IV-l 30,77,78. 270, 271, 277; VIII 151.
H eurnius (ds. J ustus), clergyman, 111 Honko, Chin. envoy, IV-l 137.
185. Honqua, Chinese trader of Batavia, IV-l
Heuten (Wouter), senior merchant, 111 199.
64,65. Hoochlant (Jan Jansz.), merchant, 111
Heuvel (Anthonio v/dl, govemor of 67,68.
Ambon, 111 281. Hooghcarspel, ship, IV-l 187.
Hidayat (Sharif), Cerbon, I 277. Hoogkamer (Jacomina), Hurdt's wife,
Hidding (Nic.), V.O.C. official, VIII V 52.
142. Hoorn (Evert v.), resident of Japara,
Hikayat Banjar, Malay chronicle, see IV-l 59, 123, 124, 128, 129.
Banjar Masin, I 22, 254, 289. Hoorn (Joan v.), govemor general,
Hikayat Hasanuddin, Banten chronicIe, 1704-'09, 1 72, 268, 273; IV-2 5, 6,
I 20, 21, 23, 29, 32, 36-38, 40, 43, 10, 49; V 56, 96; VIII 21, 36, 123,
47-50, 54, 73, 82, 92-94, 106, 249, 149.
266, 275. Hoorn (Pieter J ansz) , ambassador, V 96.
Hikayat Patani, Malay chronicIe, I 203, Hoorn (Pieter), soldier, V 96.
302. Hooykaas (C.), orientalist, I 99.
Hikayat Tanah Hitu, Malay chronicIe Hooykaas-v. Leeuwen Boomkamp (J. H.),
(Moluccas), I 106, 273, 289. orientalist, VII 38.
Himberg (Jan), corporal, VIII 96. Horst (Hendrick v / d), interpreter, I 39;
Hindi (ki mas), Jamal Uddin, ruler of 11 22,47.
Palembang, IV-l 60; IX 57. Houtman (Com. de), navigator, I 184,
Hurdt (Anthonio), admiral, I 75, 78, 190,231; 11 98, 115.
79, 80, 82, 88, 90. Howamohel, peninsula, Ceram, 111 281.
Hindustan, see India. Huijsen (Jac.), lieut., V 98-100, 137,
Hirskorn, Iieut., VIII 53, 138. 165-167,236.
Hitu, in Ambon, I 153; 11 61; 111206- Hulubalang (koja), from Gurajat, shah-
208,218,281. bandar of Japara, 111 51, 57-60, 65,
Hitu (captain-), chief of Ambonese in 70, 119.
Hitu, 11 36. Hunius (Barent) , assistant of Volsch,
Hitu Alliance (Verbond), I 106. IV-l 85,86.
Hoecq (Gysbert v.), navigator, IV-II04. Hurdt (Anthonio), commander, admiral,

I 68, 98, 247, 251, 254, 259, 270, 281, Husain (leb), governor of Cerbon, 138.
293; 11 12; IV-2 182; V passim; VII Husain, grandson of Muhammad, ances-
30,31,48,49; VIII 11, 59,149; IX tor of sunan Gunung Jati, I 291.
78-82. Hyang plateau, Eastern Corner of Java,
Hurdt ("juffrouw"), Hurdt's wife, V 48. I 193.
Hurt (M.), junior merchant, IV-1 61.

Ibn Molana (sh), sunan Gunung Jati, 11, 13, 25, 48, 220, 221, 260, 299;
122,112; 111 110. 111 19, 50, 98, 165, 168, 169, 207,
Ibrahim, png. Atas Angin, of Karang 226, 233, 318; IV-1 97, 117, 139,
Kamuning, I 48. 140; V 54; VIII 59; IX 5, 60, 73,
Ibrahim (koja), envoy from Makasar, 77, 100.
IV-1 69,72,120,121. Indian Ocean, see Southern Ocean.
Ibrahim Asmara (rnaulana) , legendary Indo China, see also Annam, Cernpa, I
ancestor, I 20. 10, 271; IX 5.
Ibu (ratu), queen-consort of sult. Agung, "Indo-Chinese", half-breed, peranakan,
IV-1 34, 36. descendants of Indo-Chinese and In-
Ibu (ratu), wife of Cakra Ningrat I, donesians in Java, I 6, 24, 26, 109,
IV-1 31; IV-248. 218, 318; 11 95; IX 3.
Ibu Kali Tuwa (rnahadurn), nyahi ge4 Indonesia, "Oost-Indi", Indonesian, see
Moloko (?), 1 153. also Archipelago, I 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 13,
Ijn mountains, Eastern Corner of Java, 29, 71, 124, 245, 267, 282, 289, 297,
I 64. 302; 11 13,69; 111 55, 114, 131, 151,
ilmu gaib, occult science, 111 202. 248, 282; IV-1 58, 68, 95; IV-2 39;
Imagiri, cemetery of Mataram rul ers, I VI 291; IX 2, 41, 44, 71-73, 77-79.
172; 11 120; 111 88, 110, 162, 247, Indra, Indian god, 11 10; III 50.
283,289-291; IV-1 29; IV-2 8, 47, Indra Berma, prince of Carnpa, I 23.
48, 186, 188, 189, 191, 192; V 2, 10; Indragiri, kingdom, Sumatra, 11 67, 68;
VII 9, 23; VIII 19; IX 51. IV-1 65.
Imagiri (pg.), pg. Cakra Ningrat I, Indra Jala, ship of dip. Tuban, 111 50.
IV-247. Indramayu, town, district West Java, I
imam of the mosque of Demak, I 47-50; 109; 111 199; IV-1 109, 111; IV-2
IX 7, 8. 134; V 138, 257.
Ima Reksa, son of Wangsa Dipa, IV-1 Indra Nata (tg.), Mataram, see Endra
193; IV-2130. Nata.
"Imbassadana", Chinese harbour master, Indrapura, Sumatra, I 205.
Japara, IV-1 21, 175, 196, 199-201, Ingalaga (pg.), Snapati, 11 101.
204. Ingalaga (pg., pan., raja, sunan), sult.
Imhoff (G. W. baron van), governor ge- Agung, 111 27, 71, 72, 75, 99, 127,
neral, 1743-'50,1 268; 111 157. 128, 174, 268, 283.
"Indabangh" (ng.), son of Wangsa Dipa, Ingalaga Mataram (susuhunan), sunan
IV-2 124. Mangku Rat I, 111 291; IV-1 3, 8;
India, "Voor-Indi", Hindustan, Indian, IX 54.
see also Further India, I 1, 2, 9, 10,

lngalaga (Susuhunan), pg. Puger, Palm 38, 40, 42, 47, 51, 53, 55, 59-63, 67,
Buwana I, VII 4, 10/11,42; IX 76. 68, 70, 71, 75-77, 80, 81, 85, 87, 92,
"Ingawanga" (tg.), courtier of Mangku 93, 100, 104, 108-115, 118, 120, 122-
Rat 11, V 91, 156; VIII 127. 124, 132, 133, 138, 140-144, 146, 149,
Ingawanti, husband of ratu Gagaluhan, 152, 154, 157, 160, 171, 178, 180,
Demak dynasty, I 73. 181, 183, 185, 196-199, 201, 204, 205,
lngen (Mart. v.), lieut., IV-2 149; V 212, 216, 221, 225, 237, 239, 240,
78, 99, 101, 186, 236, 241. 245-248, 251, 254-258, 261, 265-271,
lnggris, see England, English. 277, 283, 286, 288, 289, 299-301, 305,
Isaach (mr.), surgeon, IV-l 57. 317; 11 47, 60, 61, 74; III 19, 100,
Iskak (maolana), of Blambangan, legen- 103, 121, 201, 207, 224, 231-233, 235,
dary ancestor, I 170, 245, 285, 286. 285; IV-l 103; V 2,3,5; VII 24, 25;
I skandar, Alexander the Great, I 245; IX 3-6, 11, 14-18, 20, 23, 26, 29, 31,
111213. 36, 41, 44, 46, 47, 55, 56, 59, 67,
Iskandar Muda (sult.), of Acheh, 111 68, 86.
164; IX 43. Istanbul, Constantinople, Rum, I 273.
Islam, I 1-5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17-29, 31,

Jaba (kuta), = Yogyakarta(?), 11 120, Jaga Pati, courtier, of Mangku Rat 11,
121. 11 6, 20, 42; 111 200, 211; IV-2 14,
Jaba Lka, man of religion of mount 16, 17, 18, 21, 32, 51, 122, 130, 143,
Lawu, I 257. 152, 154, 156.
Jabal Kat, Jabal Qf, mountains of the Jaga Putra, of Kudus, V 85.
end of the world, I 62. Jaga Raga, district, see also Panaraga,
Jabana (Iurah), commander, IV-1 26. Jaya Raga, I 84, 309; 11 102, 117,
Jabar (encik), interpreter, IV-2 163. 118; 111 36,46,47, 112; IV-2 138;
Jabon, village, V 203. V 105, 120, 121, 126, 130, 132-136,
Jacatra, ship, see also Jakarta, IV-l 56. 139,213.
Jacob, sailor, IV-l 112. Jaga Raga (dem., dip.), commander un-
Jacob, see Couper (Jacob). der ad. Pajang, 111 45, 49.
Jacobs (Th. Th. M.), author, I 189, 289. Jaga Raga, uncle of susuhunan Mangku
Jacopson (Joost), Batavian burgher, 111 Rat 11, VIII 136.
184. Jaga Tamu, locality near Japara, IV-2
Jactar Shlldiq (al-q!i), Ja'far Sidik, 130.
sunan Kudus (?), I 98, 268. Jaga Wira, lurah, IV-2 35.
Jaga, river (Kali Jaga), I 67. "Jagerboomen", =Jaga Baya, 111 240.
Jaga Baya, western toll-gate of Mataram Jagong, village, V 153.
territory, 111 234, 240; IV-1 27; IV-2 "Jagotressing", village Jaga Tamu, IV-2
21,186,188,189,192; V 23,62; VII 130.
26. Jaha, locality in Mataram, IV-1 13.
Jaga Baya (tg.), courtier, IV-2 157. Jaka Bogo, see BoQo.
Jaga Pati (Mutalim), proselyte of sunan Jaka Pengging, see Jaka Tingkir.
Giri, I 144, 146.

Jakarta (Batavia), I 1, 7, 14, 15, 30, Jang Rana (11) of Sura-Baya, governor,
81, 109, 117, 119, 120, 122-125,257, V 201; IX 96.
278; 11 116; 111 42, 53, 58-60, 62-67, Jansen (Lod. Erik), ensign, V 98.
70, 78, 103, 141, 152, 153, 155-159, Jansz. (Carel), "Mardijker" Heut.,
169, 190, 203, 225, 252; IV-1 183, V 127,236.
186; V 11, 17; IX 12, 13,20,38,39, Jansz (Claes) from Brussels, soldier, V
41,42,54,56,77. 201.
Jakarti, messenger, 11 117. Jansz (Lambert), soldier, V 165.
Jaka Sangara, see Sangara. Jansz (Uldrig), artillerist, V 212.
Jaka Tingkir, ruler of Pajang, see also Japan (Nippon), Japanese, I 1, 2; 111
Tingkir, 11 8, 11, 12, 16-18, 24, 25, 148, 151, 189, 190, 246; IV-l 139; V
27, 31, 75, 82; 111 22, 37, 209, 273; 36,78; IX 42.
IV-2 41; V 250; IX 9, 13, 21, 26. Japan (Majakerta), I 150, 164, 173,
Jaksa Agung, judge, see also jeksa, IV-2 176, 184, 215, 227, 287, 309, 315; 11
80. 62,104,111,117; 111 17,33,34,38,
"Jakuws", Jacques Lefebre, commander, 94; IV-2 99, 100, 138; IX 31.
111 153, 156. Japan (ad.), commander, 111 34.
Jaladra (rg.), mantri, 111 140. Japara, seaport, district, kingdom, I 12,
Jaladri (rd.), prince of the House of 27, 34, 35, 43, 45-50, 52, 61, 69, 74,
Demak, I 73. 77-80, 82, 86, 87, 89, 103-107, 115,
Jala1lg (rd.), see Jolang. 120, 123, 124, 126, 128, 131, 142,
Jalu (ratu) , ruler of Kediri, see Panjalu, 145, 149, 156, 202, 207, 212, 216,
1229,315; 11 117. 227, 230, 231, 235, 248, 249, 251,
Jamaluddin, sult. of Palembang, IV-1 252, 260, 262, 269-274, 276, 277, 290,
60; IX 57. 304, 307, 308, 316; 11 27, 32-37, 43,
Jambi, kingdom, Sumatra, I 199-201; 55, 67, 111, 125, 126, 129, 132; 111
111 63, 164, 165, 275-278, 280, 282, 5, 13, 19, 21, 24, 25, 29, 38, 39, 41,
285, 287; IV-l 37, 53-57, 59-61, 63- 44, 46, 51, 53-63, 67-70, 75, 78, 79,
66, 68, 69, 73, 108, 131; IV-2 153; 87, 88, 118, 119, 123, 131, 136, 137,
V 3, 20, 57; IX 20, 43, 50, 56, 57. 144, 145, 153-155, 157, 165-168, 170,
Jambi (ad. or pg.), ruler, IV-1 53. 178-180, 182-185, 187-189, 191, 195,
Jambi (kap.), = Rijcklof v. Goens, IV-2 223, 225, 228-233, 236-238, 241, 253,
153. 264-267, 270, 279, 280, 296; IV-1 &
Jamiah (ki), envoy, IV-l 40. IV-2 passim; V 8, 10, 12-16, 34, 35,
Jamilu (perdana), kap. Hitu, Ambon, 38-42, 44, 51, 56, 60, 61, 66, 73, 78-
11 36, 37. 80, 92, 104, 113, 116, 117, 146, 150,
Janala (mas), Mad. commander, V 91, 157, 200, 208, 256, 262, 265, 268,
97, 184. 271; VII 2, 3, 8, 14, 16, 20, 21, 25-
Jan Baptista, ship, IV-l 72. 27, 29, 30, 45, 48; VIII 10, 12, 16,
Jang Dersana, Mad. commander, V 221. 17, 25-28, 30, 33-38, 43, 45, 47; IX
Janggala, district, kingdom, East Java, 7, 9-13, 26, 27, 29, 33, 36, 38, 39,
I 86, 156, 157, 165, 166, 179, 270, 44, 46, 49, 53, 54, 56, 58-63, 67, 70,
315; IX 15. 71-79, 88, 95, 97, 99, 101, 102.
Janggu, see Jejanggu. Japara (encik), official, IV-1 162.
Jangkung (sh), heterodox man of reli- Japara (kap.), resident Jac. Couper,
gion, I 99. IV-2 175.
Jang Kung, =Jan Pz. Coen, 111 158. Japara (pg.), prince, pretender in Ban-
Jang Pattij (mas arya) , Mad. chief, V ten, I 105-107, 120, 123; 11 35-36;
221. IX 27.
Jang Rana (tg.), bupati, V 47, 70, 198, Japara (ratu), ratu Kali Nyamat, I 73,
201, 254, 263, 274; VI 304; VII 35, 104, 105; 11 30, 35; IV-1 82.
36; VIII 50, 51,53,56, 71, 131, 132, "Japara dam", dam in a river, barrage,
136-138, 140. III 95, 96.

Ja'par Sidik, see Jacfar. Jaya Lelana, son of Wana Kusuma, VII
Japura, port, Ci!rbon, I 39, 276; V 146, 46; VIII 56, 57,133.
276. Jaya Lengkara (Panji, pan. ratu) , king
Jaranika (karang), Makasar chief, IV-2 of Surabaya, I 164-166, 287, 292; 11
75. 59; III 12, 47; IX 16.
Jaran Panolih, legendary king, Madura, Jaya Lengkara, didactic poem, Jav. liter-
1175,176. ature, 1165; 111213.
Jaratan (Jortan), seaport, Gresik, I 167, Jaya Menggala (ng.), commander, IV-2
284. 116, 121.
Jarian, village, V 147. Jaya Purusa, son of Wana Kusuma, VII
Jarre' (kare), Makasar chief, V 216. 46,47; VIII 139.
Jati (nyahi), daughter of ki ge<;l Ssla, Jaya Puspita (arya) , ad. Sujana Pura,
11 5. 111 84.
Jati, see Gunung Jati. Jaya Raga (, of Panaraga, son of
Jati Jajar, village, near Ungaran, 11 81; Snapati Mataram, I 84; 11 102; 111
IV-153;V27. 2,9-11; IV-2 41, 42; IX 36.
Jati Nom, village, I 216, 309. Jaya Sentana, patih of Tuban, 111 48.
Jati Purba (sunan), Orbon, I 276. Jaya Subrata, author, I 29.
J ati Sari, viIlage, battlefield, I 230, 315; Jaya Supanta (ky. pati, demo tg.), Suja-
11 123; III 5, 8. na Pura, commander (sult. Agung) ,
Jatiswara, romance, Jav. literature, I 4. see also Supanta, 111 28, 30, 31, 36,
Jati Teken, viIlage, V 28, 105. 37, 39, 41, 43, 44, 48-50.
Jatyboom, ship, V 189. Jaya Su ta (kntol), son of ky. Wira At-
Java, Javanese, passim. maka (Mangku Rat I), IV-1 18, 195,
Javaanse Bode, ship, V 77, 189. 204, 206, 207.
Javanese language, I 276. Jaya Taka, company of Mataram soldiers,
Java North Goast provinces, see Pasisir. 11 108.
Java Se a, I 19, 35, 107, 126, 130, 136; Jayng Pati (ky.), teacher of tg. Arya
V 17; IX 77. Wangsa, 111 175.
Java war, 1825-30, 11 11. Jayeng Pati (rd. or arya), ruler in Ma-
Jawa, modality of Islam in Lombok, I dura, IV-2 56-60, 174-178.
100. Jayng Resmi and Jayng-Sari, men of
Jawana (tg.), tg. Sura Agul-agul (?), see Giri (Centini poem), 111 219.
also Juwana, 111 160. ]ebat Btri, state coach of putri Cempa,
Jawi (mas), of Pati, see also Panjawi, I Majapahit, I 20.
263. Jedda, town, Arabia, I 122, 251, 278;
Jawiring, mantri, IV-1 40. IX 49.
Jaya, victory, see Wijaya. Jejanggu (kntol), dip. Supanta, brother
Jaya Baya (ki dem.), commander (sult. of pg. Mas of Kediri, 11 117, 122.
Agung), 111 44. jlksa, judge, see als~ jaksa, I 66, 67.
Jaya Dita (tg.), ruler of Madyun, IV-2 Jembatan Merah, Red Bridge in Su ra
141; VII 7. baya, IV-2 167; V 21, 272.
Jaya Karta, Jakarta, I 109, 119; IX 12. ]ember, town, Eastern Corner of Java,
Jaya Karti, Sura Dikara, of Blora, V I 187; VI 285.
177. jempana (or tanQu), sedan.chair, 11 49.
J aya Lelana (prabu), title of kar. Gal- Jenala (mas), ruler in Madura, IV-2 60,
song, V 22; VII 1. 176, 177.
J aya Lelana (tg.), Balinese commander, Jnal Kabir, sunan Gunung Jati, I 111,
V 46, 47, 49, 68, 69, 198, 199, 201, 291.
212, 224, 225, 249, 253, 254, 255, ]enar, village, district of Sragn, I 90;
263, 266, 273. 11 129; IV2 31, 185; V 14; VII 23.
Jaya Lelalana of Banger, VIII 132, 139, Jnggot (mas), juru taman, servant, 11
140. 88.
Jenu, viIlage near Tuban, IV-l 195.

Jerawan, village, V 147. Jolang (rd.mas), name of pan. Sda-ing-

Jeremiasz (Jan), prisoner of war, 111 Krapyak, I 233, 316; 11 128; 111 1;
100, 235, 244. IX 33.
Jeruk Legi, village, V 272. Jonassen (Evan), junior merchant, V
Jerusalem, holy city, al-Quds, I 31, 97, 120, 162.
98,263,268; 11 130; IX 10. Jonathan, ship, IV-1 70.
Jesuit fathers, I 190,289. Jonge (J. K. J. de), historian, archivist,
Jetis, village, V 270. 11 119-121; 111 7, 92, 95, 103, 145,
Jetmika (rd.mas), name of sult. Agung, 158, 159,252; IV-2 39; VI 273, 280;
111 27. VII 5, 6, 12, 18, 35, 48; VIII 104.
Jeumpa, port in Acheh, I 22, 245; IX 5. Jongh (Max. de), ambassador, IV-1 161,
Jibus, name of sunan Mangku Rat I, 181, 183-187, 190, 199.
IV-1 1. Jonker (capt.), Ambon. commander, V
jim, Arab. jinn, spirit, 11 82. 10, 78; VI 273, 282, 286-301, 306;
Jimantara (ky.), ruler in Sampang, IV-2 VIII 11, 106, 107, 153; IX 83.
58. Jortan, quarter of Gresik, 111 16, 17,21,
jimat, amulet, 111 139, 140. 53, 64, 68, 71, 81, 82, 90, 205-207;
Jimat (ki), holy cannon of Bantn, I IV-2 88; IX 40; see also Jaratan.
119. "Jouw Soeta", of Gresik, servant, IV-2
Jimawal, 3rd year of windu, 11 90. 97.
Jimbun, locality, I 41. Juan Pedro Italiano, Venetian renegade
Jimbun (snapati, pan.), sultan of D- (pan. Krapyak), 111 24, 25.
mak, I 250. Judah (Molana), man of religion, Ban-
Jipang (Panolan), kingdom, I 73, 77, ren, see also Jedda, I 122.
79, 82, 83, 89, 96, 99, 101, 104, 126- Jugul MucJa, Jav. law code, I 129.
129, 135, 136, 148, 161, 162, 202, Juldah, country of Wali Lanang, I 140.
204, 212, 215, 218, 224, 272, 279- Julig (rd.mas), son of Snapati Mata-
281, 287, 302, 303, 307, 310, 312, ram,1I 111.
314; 11 13, 24, 26, 28, 31, 32, 38-40, Jumadi/-akbar(sh), legendary holy man
42-44,48,53,55,58,91-94,114,131; of Islam, I 38.
11149; IV-1 18; IV-2 138, 142, 182; Jumadil-akir, 6th month of Jav. year,
V 25, 40-44, 69, 71, 72, 77, 80, 91, IV-2 111.
97, 102, 107, 108, 112, 113, 125, 128, Jumadil-awal, 5th month of Jav. year,
130, 133, 136, 137, 141, 145, 148, IV-2 191.
150-153, 156, 163, 164, 189, 250, 256, Jumadi'l-Kubr (shaikh), legendary holy
264; VII 18, 21, 25, 30, 33; IX 9, man of Islam, I 20, 245, 248, 250,
13, 20, 21, 26-30, 78. 268.
Jiwa (Iurah), envoy, IV-1 124. Jumahat, Friday, 111 114.
Jiwa, petinggi, V 151. Jumilah (rd.ayu), consort of Snapati
Jiwa Raga (ky.), courtier, executed Mataram, 11 111.
(sult. Agung), 111 159, 253. Juminah, district, Blitar, 11 101.
Jiwa Raga (ng.), Setia Yuda, courtier Juminah (, son of Snapati Ma-
(Mangku Rat 11), VIII 43, 91, 110, taram, 11 101, 103, 111, 112; 111 2,
123, 124, 145. 44, 45, 118, 158, 160, 161, 289; IX
Jiwa Sraya, envoy from Cerbon, IV-1 41. 31.
Jlantik, Balinese family, I 197,299,300; Junghuhn (Fr. W.), geologist, I 31; V
111259. 133, 135, 148, 149.
Johan, Balinese soldier, V 165. Jung Mara, Japara, port, I 104, 269,
"Joharsih", Jorge d'Acunha, Port. ambas- 270.
sador, 111 167, 168. Jurang Jero, river, V 154.
Johns (A.), orientalist, I 29, 247. Jurang Jero, village, 111 85, 86, 93.
Johor, town, kingdom, I 22, 81, 105, Jurang Parahu or Palwa, village, 111 43.
273; 11 33; 111 70, 82, 164; IV-1 54, Jurle (Steven), from Lausanne, soldier,
65, 67; VIII 73. V 165, 167.

Juru, "Djoero", ancestor of Palembang Juru Taman (ki), legendary murderer

kings, 11 66. of sult. Pajang, I 217, 226, 309, 314;
Juru, title of king of Blambangan, 1195. 11 77, 87-89; 111 22, 202, 203; IV-2
Juru(h) (pg.), pretender of Dmak, I 28; IX 30.
73, 81, 82; IX 9. Juwana, town, district, see also Jawana,
Juru (rd.), of Majapahit, legendary an- I 34, 86-89, 126, 127, 144, 145, 231,
cestor of the Pengging rulers, I 209, 249, 262, 270, 279, 290, 307; 11 67,
304. 68; III 137, 236; IV-1 45-47, 64, 70,
Juru Kiting (pan.), commander, son of 72, 86, 110, 112, 113, 116-119, 122,
Mandaraka, 111 85-88, 91, 161, 280. 138, 173, 177, 181, 182, 187, 188,
juru kunci, warden of cemetery, 11 7, 190, 193; IV-2 68, 69, 78, 83, 89,
75, 85. 104, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 142,
Juru Martani (ky.), ad. Mandaraka, 146; V 25; VII 21, 29; IX 9, 10,
uncle of Snapati Mataram, I 313; 11 33, 56, 59.
19-22, 39-41, 44, 50, 70, 72, 75, 76,
79, 82, 83, 87, 88, 101.

Kabah, in Mecca, holy shrine, I 268; Kadipatn, residence of pg. Adipati

11 130; 111 203. Anom, the crown-prince, IV-2 24, 51.
"Kaaimanskuil", crocodile pond near Kadipatn, kampung, I 136; 111 49, 105,
Kartasura, VIII 62. 210, 212.
kabayan, subordinate member of viIIage Kaif,iri, town, district, kingdom, I 19, 55,
administration, I 259; 11 25. 57-59, 81, 83, 84, 98, 145, 149, 150,
Kaboja, Cambodia, kingdom, see Kam- 161, 162, 164-166, 179, 182-184, 197,
boja. 215, 217, 229, 230, 237, 249, 250,
kabupatn, official residence of a bupati, 253, 254, 259, 270, 281, 282, 287,
1178; 11 126. 291,312,315; 11 58, 61, 62, 98, 102,
Kacung (bagus), name of kyahi ge<J 111, 113, 117, 118, 123, 131; 111 5,
Pamanahan, 11 22. 12,17,28,30-32, 159,256; IV-1 26;
ka4aton, palace, I 140, 141, 148, 285. IV-2 53, 56, 61, 119, 143, 172, 178,
Kaif,aton, hilI near Sudah, 11 42. 181, 182, 187, 192; V passim; VI
Kaif,awung (rd.bagus), son of ki ged 274, 276, 282, 290, 301, 304; VII 1,
Pamanahan, png. Tepa Sana I, IV-2 5, 7, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21-31, 33, 37,
14. 47, 49, 51; VIII 10, 11, 49, 50, 52,
Kaif,awung (rd.mas), png. demo Tanpa 55, 59, 106, 132, 149; IX 9, 16, 18,
Nangkil, 111 1, 4. 22, 29, 32, 72, 73, 76-80, 82, 87, 88,
kadhi, kali, judge, Islamic law, I 67, 90, 96, 100.
123, 124. Kaif,iri (pg.), ruler of Demak, see also
Kadi Langu (mountain-pass of), vnl Pangiri, I 73, 80, 81, 83, 84, 105, 106,
17. 273,274,310; IX 5.
Kadi Langu, residence of sunan Kali Kaif,iri (snapati), commander, 11 117,
Jaga, I 28, 41, 85, 98, 134, 263. 118.
Kadi Langu (pg.), descendant of sunan Kaif,iri (ratu) , rd. Truna Jaya, V 21.
Kali Jaga, IV-2 144.

Katjuwang, see Kec;luwang. V 124, 182, 221; VII 44, 47; VIII
Kadong Panarang, village, see KeQung, 26, 125.
V 147. Kalang Brt, Kalambrt, district, IV-1
kafir, infidel, I 200, 203, 204; 11 66; 112; V 252.
VII 25; VIII 14. Kalapa (Sunda-), old name of Jakarta,
Kagaluhan (ratu) , princess, Demak fa- I 109.
mily, I 73. Kalasan, district, 111 8.
Kago, Jav. lieut., capt. of Batavian Java- kali, river, see also Lpn.
nese, V 98, 100, 137, 166, 167, 236. kali, judge, kadhi, I 67, 123, 124.
Kahuripan, Koripan, district, kingdom, Kali (Ketib-), religious official under
I 86, 156, 270, 289; IX 15, 16. Mangku Rat 11, VIII 137, 142, 143,
Kailolo, locality, Moluccas, I 152, 153. 145.
Kajenar, village, I 231; IX 33. Kali Anyar, port, Bangil, V 189.
Kajang, village, V 137, 144-146. Kali Oa4ung, village, I 183, 11 108, 114.
Kajor, village, 111 142. "Kali Fagypan", head of department of
Kajor Kulon, Kajor Wetan, villages, religion (sult. Agung) , 111 29, 103,
VII 9. 117.
Kajoran, village, district, I 62, 84, 92, Kali Gawe, village (Semarang), VIII
232, 254, 255, 263, 288, 311; 11 52; 22.
111 9, 199, 200; IV-1 5; IV-2 37-44, Kali Gerih, river, V 140.
47, 138, 140, 184; V 253; VII 2, 6, Kali Jaga (sunan), wali, spiritual leader,
45, 50; VIII 15. see also Ngadi Langu, I 26, 28, 30,
Kajoran (pan. agung) , father-in-Iaw of 32, 41, 61, 67, 71, 75, 86, 93, 96-99,
Snapati Mataram, IV-2 40. 114, 134, 212, 213, 225, 228, 234,
Kajoran (pg.), brother-in-Iaw of Sna- 248, 262, 265, 283, 307, 308, 316,
pati, IV-2 41,42. 317; 11 12, 17, 18, 20, 27-29, 44, 45,
Kajoran (rd.) Ambalik, pan. Rama, 49-51, 76, 77, 79, 92, 108, 109, 130;
leader of partisans, I 250; 11 52; 111 III 198, 273; IX 10, 14, 22, 26.
198-200; IV-2 13,38-47,51, 138-143, Kali Kuning, viIIage, IV-2 184.
181-183; V 4, 8, 9, 14, 24, 25, 28, Kali Kutok, river (Madiun), V 132.
49, 50, 65, 66, 101, 117, 184, 252, Kalimanten, see Borneo.
253; VII passim; VIII 9, 10, 15, 21; Kali Mas, see also Katemas, V 193.
IX 67, 71-73, 77, 86-89, 91, 94. Kali Nyamat, residence, Japara, I 77,
Kajoran people, partisans, rebels, V 27, 79, 99, 103-105, 107, 123, 202, 216,
28, 38, 41, 68, 76, 101, 102, 119; VI 227, 230, 233, 269-272, 314, 316; 11
19, 76, 101, 102, 184; VII 16, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 38, 44-46, 55, 92, 125;
26-28, 37, 40, 42; VIII 140; IX 45, 111 35, 54; IV-1 83; V 81, 82; IX
67, 72, 73, 78, 79, 85-91, 95. 11, 33.
Kajul (am), Makasar chief, V 270. Kali Nyamat (pg.), ruler of Japara, I
Kajuran, messenger, V 188, 196, 233. 104,128,271; 11 26, 27,43,44; IX
Kajuron (rd.mas kentol), name of png. 26.
Puger I, 111 3. Kali Nyamat (ratu), queen of Japara, I
Kakapar, see Kpr. 77-80, 104, 106, 115, 120, 123, 149,
Kakiali, Hitu rebel, 111 208, 281. 202, 212, 233, 248, 259, 271, 273,
Kala Cangak, flashing criss of Demak, 275, 316; 11 29, 30, 32, 33, 43, 44,
140. 55; V 81; IX 11, 12, 27.
Kala Duta, ship of pan. Purbaya, 111 Kalipah l:lusain, man of religion from
153. Sabrang, I 49.
Kala Munyeng, criss of Giri, I 144, 286. Kali Pogang (kyahi geQ), father-in-Iaw
Kalam (si), mess enger, VIII 142. of sunan Kudus, see also PoIang, I
Kalang, village, V 110, 114, 115, 117, 95.
142; VII 48. Kaliran, village, 111 3.
Kalangs, Kalang people, I 127, 280, 310; Kali Sura, see Puncot.

Kali Wungu, town, 111 155, 157, 198; 102, 115, 118-120,126,127, 129, 138,
IV-2 133, 144, 145, 182, 183; VIII 139, 222; V 84, 128, 224, 240; VI
43, 128. 304; IX 4.
"Kalksteen Gebergte", Limestone Range, Kanga Daha of Pasir, mythical ruler, 11
see KenQeng Hills. 74.
Kalkum ing Wot Galh (Sayid), brother Kandahar, town, India, IV-l 80.
of ky. Pandan Arang, ancestor of the Kandat, village, 111 31.
Kajoran family, IV-2 40; VII 2; IX KalJgi Awan, mythical ancestor, I 222,
86. 227, 270.
Kamagetan, town, Magetan, IV-2 182. Kanguruhan or Kanguruwan (rd., ad.),
Ka mal, port, Madura, IV-2 166, 178, halfbrother of sultan Trenggana, ruler
179. of Sumenep, I 96, 176, 177, 294.
kamangungan, courtyard in the kraton Kanguruwan (ad.), bupati under the
between sitinggil and srimenganti, 111 king of Pati, 111 138, 140.
41, 108; IV-IlO; VIII 95. Kan (nyahi), wife of tg. Yuda Nagara
Kamaru'd-Dn, "pate Rodin", king of (Sampang), IV-2 58.
Demak, I 46. Kanman, in Banten, IV-l 40.
Kambing (Pulu), island Gili Mandangh Kangean, island, Java Sea, IV-2 136.
(Madura), IV-2 57. Kanitn, district, I 183, 229, 296, 314,
Kamboja, Kaboja, kingdom, Cambodia, 315; IX 32.
see also Samboja, I 192, 241, 245, Kanitn (ad., rd.), commander, I 183,
246, 284, 285; IV-l 87, 245, 246. 229, 296; 11 112, 113.
Kamdingan (?), village, V 198. Kanitrn (rd. mas), son of Snapati Ma-
Kamelatn, village, V 272. taram, pg. ad. Marta Laya, 11 111.
Kamma (datu), Makasar chief, V 216. Kanta Naga, criss of sunan Jati Purba
Kampek ("Cambe") , village, V 86, 234. (Cerbon), I 276.
Kamplang(dem.), dip. Mangku Yuda of kanuruhan, Old Jav., chancellor, I 294.
Jaga Raga, rebel, V 132, 136, 140, Kapak (rd.), pg. Selarong, VII 35.
142, 144,213. Kapakisan, ruler, Bali, I 195.
Kampung, modality of Islam in Lombok, Kapatihan, residence of the patih, vizier,
I 100. 11 121,111 15, 112, 113.
Kanga, Book of Tales, history and le- kapegak, trusted royal servant, messen-
gends, Jav. literature (in an old Dutch ger, 111 140, IV-2 23.
translation) , I 14, 15, 17, 20, 30, 35, Kaptn Mor, govemor-general, VI 281.
36, 39, 41, 45, 51-53, 58, 62, 64, 65, kapir, kafir, infidel, 11 66.
68, 72, 75-77, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 104, Kapulungan, Pulungan, district, East
108, 111, 112, 126, 127, 131, 135, Java, I 184, 197, 295.
138, 150, 156, 160, 165, 166, 186, Kapulungan (ad. or ki geg) , ruler, I
192, 211, 224, 245, 246, 249, 250, 182.
253-255, 262, 264, 266, 269, 276, 278, Kapulungan (tg.), bupati of Pasuruhan,
282, 284, 287, 291, 293, 294, 297, 111 28-30,41,42.
298, 300, 301, 304, 305, 307, 310, kaputrn, zenana, 11 19, 50, 81; IV-2 31.
318; 11 3, 6, 8, 9, 15, 18, 23-26, 28, Kara, village, 111 15.
32, 33, 38, 41, 45, 46, 49, 51, 53, 54, Karang Antu, quarter of the town of
62, 63, 70-73, 75-78, 81-83, 85-88, Banten, I 119.
91-101, 104-110, 112, 113, 118, 119, Karang Anyar, town, IV-2 192.
122, 123, 128; 111 2, 3, 5, 8-10, 12, Karang Bogem, locality on the North
22, 26, 28-30, 32-37, 40-43, 48, 49, Coast, Old Jav. charter, I 137, 250,
85, 92-94, 117, 124, 135, 137-139, 281,284,311.
152-155, 183, 203, 206, 209, 213-216, Karang Bolong, on the Sou th Coast, 111
219, 256, 257, 281, 289, 291; IV-l 7, 240.
12,25-29; IV-2 8, 15, 23, 24, 27, 30, Karang Gayam, (pg.), Jav. author, I
38, 46, 47, 60, 78, 89-91, 95, 97, 99, 216, 217, 309.

Karang Kamuning (pg.), man of reli- Karti Jaya, envoy, IV-I 152, 153, 193;
gion, ancestor, I 48, 245. IV-2 35; V 80, 88, lOl.
Karang Lo, district, I 217, 222, 309, Kartika, fourth month, solar calendar,
311 ; 11 49; IX 28. Bali, 111 259.
Karang Lo Taji (ky. ge<J), local chief, Karti Masa, brother of pg. Mas of KaQi-
I 217; 11 49, 51. ri, 11 117, 122.
Kar (nyahi ged), sister of ki ged Karti Naya, follower of pan. Kajoran,
Ssla, 11 5. V 184; VII 25.
Karimata, Carimata islands, 111 17. Kartini (rd. ajeng), authoress, I 274;
Karoya, village, I 69. 11 43.
Karsula, see Panji Karsula. Karti Sarana (Tingsoy), Chin. shaban-
Karta, kraton, residence of sult. Agung, dar of Surabaya, IV-I 139; IV-2 54.
11 119, 120; III 25,48, 73-76, 100, Karti Sedana, merchant, Japara, IV-I
103, 105, 108, 110, 112, 115, 125, 162, 163, 165; IV-2 34, 35, 70, 82.
130,283; IV-IlO, 12; V 1, 2; IX Karti Taruna, son of Wira Atmaka,
40, 54. IV-l 206.
Karta (Sultan), sult. Agung, 111 247, Karti Upaya, envoy, VIII 116.
290. Karti Wangsa, envoy, IV-2 35, 69, 93.
Karta Jaya, commander (sult. Agung) , Karti Wijaya (ng.), rebel, V 115.
111 139. Karti Yuda, bupati of Japara, ky. de-
Karta Menggala, Mad. chief, V 140. mang Laksamana, I 273; V 146.
Karta Nada, Karti Nadi, follower of pan. Karti Yuda (ng.), mantri of rd. Truna
Kajoran, IV-2 42; VII 6, 36, 37, 39, Jaya, VI 280.
41-45; VIII 15. Karunrung (kerang), vizier of Makasar,
Karta Nagara, fortress, V 210. IV-2 62, 71, 74,85.
Karta Nagara (rd.), follower of pan. Kasatusan, village, IV-2 119.
Kajoran, IV-2 43; VII 2, 8, 36-39, Kasembon, village, VI 309.
41-45, VIII 15. Kasepuhan, elder branch of the Cerbon
Karta Negara, mantri, guide, V 83, 177, family, I 275.
213. Kashmir, kingdom, India, I 248.
Karta Pada, Karti Pada, son of pan. kasuhun, divine ti tie in Bali, I 260.
Kajoran, IV-2 43; VII 8, 36, 37, 41, Kassi'-Jala, Makasar chief, IV-2 64.
42. "Kassoor", village, V 144.
Karta Pura, kraton Karta, 111 108. Kasurabayan, residence of pg. Pekik, Su-
Karta Sekar, Karta Winata, residence rabaya, 111 212.
in Mataram, 111 113. "Kata-Dengan", man of religion, envoy,
Karta Sudirdja, Madurese author, I 294. from Kadiri (Ketawengan ?), V 213.
Kartasura Adiningrat, kraton, capital, Katemas, "Kattamas", village, V 192,
I 16, 31, 32, 85, 116, 128, 137, 207, 193, 196, 271, 276.
219, 253, 254, 280, 304; 11 20, 89; Katembi, village, IV-2 14, 15.
111 38, 108, 114,212,226; IV-l 13; Katib N gampl Denta (sunan-), see also
V 49, 51, 55, 56, 64, 66, 82, 201; VI Ketib, I 152/3, 157, 282.
293; VII 34, 35, 39, 43-46, 49; VIII Katirjn, village, Old Jav. charter, 1280.
passim; IX 79, 89, 91, 94-103. Katikan, village, V 139.
Karta Wangsa, messenger, V 142. Katitan (lurah), envoy from Tegal, 111
Karta Wijaya (ng.), commander, V 28, 71.
115. Katong, village, V lil.
Karta Winata, Madu Ganda, royal resi- kaum, community of men of religion, I
dence in Mataram, 111 104, 113. 258.
Karta Yuda, commander (sult. Agung) , kauman, quarter of men of religion, I
111 180. 269, 270.
Karti Dita, envoy, IV-l 165. Kawah, kawula (of png. 8elarong),
Karti Duta, envoy, IV-l 41. IV-2 29.

Kawi, mountain, I 180; VI 282; IX 32. 49,51,54, 70, 132,232; VI 282, 292,
Kawis Guwa (pan.), mIer of Giri, I 155; 308; VII 49; VIII 11; IX 90.
II 106; III 206, 219; IV-2 48; IX 46. Kemaion, village, II 127.
Kawu (?), village, V 134-136,139,141. Kembang Kuning, village, II 53; VIII
kawula, bondman, serf, I 25, 37, 97, 137, 40.
159, 246, 249, 250, 267, 311; IV-2 29. Kembang Lampir, locality (ki Pamana-
Kayu Bralit (bupati-), mIer of Pati, 187. han), 11 44.
Kebanjar, or Kwanyar, port in Madura, Kembar (mas), adipati of Balambangan,
IV-2 60, 174, 175, 177-179. III 255, 257, 261.
Kebo l)engen (si), criss of ki Bocor, 11 Kenanga, village, see also Kebo Kenanga,
74. I 304.
Kebo Kanigara, elder son of Andaya Kencana (ratu), queen-consort of Paku
Ningrat of Pengging, I 63, 210, 305. Buwana lIl, 11 50, 51.
Kebo Kenanga, mIer of Pengging, I 63, Kenct (pun), name of sunan Mangku
98,210,211,213,305; II 16. Rat 111, IV-2 3.
Kebon Dalem, pal ace garden, VIII 62, Kcndal, town, district, I 11 0; 11 96; 111
63. 17, 18, 24, 27, 35, 54, 59, 67, 69, 70,
Kebon Warung, village, V 80, 89. 80,81,89,92,118-120,131,132,134,
Kebumn, town, district, I 57; V 106. 145,146, 156, 160,254; IV-l 49, 89,
Kebun Agung, village, IV-2 56. 143, 149, 150; IV-2 133, 144, 145,
Kedah, in the Peninsuia, IV-l 117, 196. 182-184; VII 18; VIII 43; IX 40,
Kecjakan, village in Kedu (manuscripts) , 42, 59.
I 248. Kenljat, Kangat, village, III 31.
Kedaleman (si), envoy, IV-2 35. Kendeng Hills, Limestone Range, "Kalk-
Kedot, name of a peasant, V 136. steen Gebergte", I 35, 90, 126; II 77,
"Kedir" (pat), Upeh, chief of Jav. 105,127; III 4, 51; IV-2 173; V 44,
merchants, Malaka, I 111. 108, 118, 151, 164, 256, 269.
Kediri, see Ka~liri. Keni Mernam, queen-consort of king
Klcju, district, I 206, 214, 219, 220,225, Indra Berma of Campa, I 23.
227, 248, 310, 317; II 73, 81; III Kenitn, see Kanitn.
23, 120, 139, 234; IV-l 109; IV-2 Kenteng (kali), river in Madiun, V 134.
184, 185; VlO, 18, 28, 67, 68, 116, kntol, title of mral gentry, I 214, 302,
117, 120, 125, 131, 212; VII 18,27, 303; III 3; IV-2 144, 156.
31,47; VIII 15,38-40; IX 29, 32, 87. Kenya (ratu), legendary queen of Maja-
Kecjung Bul, river, V 80. pahit, I 131,295.
Kecjung Dawa, village, V 81, 82, 118, Keper (or Kakapar), village in the hills,
119. East Java, V 7, 24, 47, 49, 54, 69,
Kecjung Miri, river, V 134. 78, 129, 143, 146, 148, 154, 169, 175,
Kecjung Ngantn, village, V 144. 176, 189, 190, 192, 193, 196-198, 208,
Kecjung Panarang (?), village, V 147. 215, 216, 233, 254-256, 263, 270, 273;
Kecjuwang, district, IV-2 138; V 115, VI 275-280, 282, 283, 287, 288; IX
126, 143-145, 255; VII 37, 39, 42, 82, 83.
44; IX 89. Keradnan, the crownprince's residence,
"Kees", see Francen (Cornelis). IV-l 12.
"keizersdagen", Monday and Thursday, Kerckhoven (J. v/d), merchant, III 279.
III 122. "Kerem", Dutchman, prisoner in Kuta
Keleng (ki), legendary blacksmith, I 283. Ge4, IV-2 80.
Keling, Coromandel, see also Kling, I Kerkman (Andries) from Baden, soldier,
278. V 215, 262.
kelir, screen behind gate, II 90, 119; Kern (H.), orientalist, Album, II 19, 58.
III 107. Kern (R. A.), orientalist, I 22, 256, 276;
Kelir (gunung), cemetery of ratu Ma- 11 19, 58, 61; IV-l 87.
lang, IV-l 14; IV-2 15, 16, 21. Kern (W.), orientalist, I 289.
Kelud, mountain, East Java, V 22, 46,

Kerta, see Karta. Kiping, village, V 121, 132-134.

[(erta Jaya, commander, IV-2 127. Kirt 'la Liefrinek-uan der Tuuk, library
Kerta Nagara, Old Jav. king of Singa- in Singaraja, Bali, I 269, 299.
sari, I 199. Kisik, Kikisik, village in Madura, 111 86.
Kerta Sana, town, district, I 164; 11 Klagn, village, river, V 137, 145.
118; IV-2 141, 142; V 41, 43, 44, klangenan, amusement. Juru Taman, II
71, 72, 113, 130, 141, 142, 145, 151, 88.
152,156,163, 164,168-170, 172-175, Klarn, town, district, I 61, 62, 145, 211,
180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 193, 194, 216,230,234; Il 13; III 93; IV-2
252, 268, 269, 274, 275; VI 276; IX 43; VII 8, 9, 38; VIII 4, 253; IX
80, 82. 67, 86.
Kerta Sana (arya), bupati, V 72, 91, 97, Klepu, village, V lil.
187, 193, 194, 198, 211, 230, 231, 250. Kleting Biru (rd. ayu), princess, sister of
Kertopapatti, Old Jav. judge, I 66. Mangku Rat Il, V 240.
Klta, Old Jav. shrine, mount Lawu, I Kleting ljo (rd. ayu), princess, VII 6.
187,297,310. Kleting Kuning (rd. ayu), sister of Mang-
Ketangga, river, V 132, 139. ku Rat 11, V 240; VII 23.
Ketawangan, Katawengan (ng.), ruler Kleting Wungu (rd. ayu), sister of Mang-
of Ka!iri, 111 31, 84, 93, 94, 97; V ku Rat 11, V 240; VI 273.
31,249,254. Kling, man of Coromandel, IV-I 196.
ketib anom, mosque official, see also Klinkert (H. C.), orientalist, I 38.
katib, I 269. Klitrn, quarter of Yogyakarta, I 296.
Ketib ing Giri, author, 111 213. Klotok, mountains in Ka!iri, V 157,203.
Keulen (Cologne), town (soldier ), V 51, Klumpang, village, East Java, V 45, 192,
105. 275.
Keurbeek, ensign, VIII 84. Klungkung, capital, Bali, I 93, 264; IX
Kyan Santang, Sundanese mythical an- 17.
cestress, I 277. Kluwang, village, V 108, 111; VII 48.
Kyong Uwi, river, area, V 108, 110, Knebel (J.), author, I 98, 251, 259,266;
111, 113, 114, 150. III 121.
Keyser (Pieter Dircksz.), navigator, II Knol (Govert), commander, IX 103.
98. kobongan, central room of Jav. house,
Keyts (Joh.), bookkeeper, IV-l 161. with shrine, see also patann, I 31;
Khali/, Khalifate, I 29, 51, 70. Il 10.
Kiauko, Chinese harbour-master, VIII Koei, Kuci, kingdom, at war with Cem-
129, 156. pa, I 22, 23 (Cochin China).
Ki Dang Palih (kyahi), ruler(s) of Koek (A. H. W. de), au thor (Palem-
Gresik, I 146, 147. bang), I 301, 302.
Kidul (Gunung), Southem HiIls, 11 52. Koda Panol Songenep, legendary ances-
Kidul (nyahi lara) ,goddess of the Sou th- tor, see Kuda Panolih.
em Ocean, 11 76, 79, 82, 83; see Lara. Kodrat, see Gujarat.
Kidul N gardi, district of Tuban, IV-1 Kodrat (encik), envoy, IV-I 76.
195. Koentjaraningrat, author, I 303.
Kidung Pamaneangah, Balinese chronicIe, Koja (sh), sh Manganti, uncle of su-
I 198, 297; 11 60; III 259. nan Dalem of Giri, I 146.
Kidung Sunda, Old Javanese poem, I Kombara, island (Palembang), IV-1 55.
117,275; IX 11. Konang Pasir, Madurese commander,
Kieft (Winriek), ambassador, IV-1 11, VIII 81.
36, 98, 101-103, 106-108. Koningsbergen, town (soldier) , V 202,
Kiln (ratu) , Kulon, princess of Kajo- 262.
ran, IV-2 41. Ko-Po (Ck-), from Munggul, ancestor
"Kinang" (gunung), mountain, VII 43. of the Demak family, I 36, 38, 41, 46.
Kinitrn (rd. mas), son of Snapati Ma- Koripan, kingdom, see Kahuripan.
taram, see Kanitrn, I 296; II 111.

Koromandel, Coromandel in India, I 278; 185-187, 191, 223, 246; IV-l 12,46-
111 73, 100, 241, 266; IV-l 79, 82, 48, 90, 92, 93, 95-97, 111, 126, 136,
96, 117-120, 196; V 5, 36; IX 60. 141, 192; IV-2 160; V 7, 38, 106;
Kota Inten, CastIe of Batavia, Jakarta, VII 33; VIII 33; IX 56, 77.
111 156; see also Kuta. Krawang, river, IV-1 183.
Kota Jawa, locality in Ambon, I 153. Krbt (mas) , name of Jaka Tingkir,
Kota Tahi, redoubt of Batavia, Jakarta, I 210, 211, 306; 11 16, 39.
111 156. Kreeft (Otto), Iieut., VIII 52.
Kota Tengah, origin of Dato ri Bandang, Kresek (kali), river, V 244.
11 61. kris, see criss (creese).
"Kota Wula", village of Balinese outlaws, Kriyan, craftsmen's quarter, I 270.
W. Java, VIII 38. Kroeskamp (H.), author, 1176.
K raemer (H.), orientalist, I 262, 268, Krom (N. J.), archaeologist, I 2, 55,
289. 245,282,289; 11 11,31,84; 111 30,
"Krajan Sla", cemetery, see Sla. 216,256; V 82; IX 2.
Krakal, viIlage, 11 117. "Kronijk van Palembang", chronicIe, I
kraman, rebel, VII 46; VIII 39-41. 205.
Kramat Gantung, quarter of Surabaya, Kmyskerke, ship, IV-2 55.
111 15. ksatriya, Dn Takmung, Bali, knight, 11
Kranon (putri) , Ratu Malang, favourite 61.
of Mangku Rat I, IV-2 16. Kublai Khan, emperor of China, I 175.
Krapyak, game reserve; Krapyak (Pan. Kuci, kingdom, sec Koci.
Sda-ing.), roler of Mataram, 1601- Kuda Panolih, legendary roler of Sum-
1613, I 233; 11 3,88, 120, 122, 128, nep, Madura, I 175, 176; IV-2 58,59.
129; 111 1-3, 6, 20, 22-26, 53, 110- Kudus, town, district, I 28, 31, 49, 53,
112, 117, 135, 161, 200, 207, 289; 54, 57, 63, 68, 69, 84, 92, 94, 96-
IV-l 7, 9, 82; IV-2 14, 27; IX 37. 102, 104, 107, 114, 134, 148, 153,
Krasak Malang, viIlage (Kali Nyamat), 154, 210, 216, 217, 259, 263, 265,
I 99. 267, 269-272, 274,303, 308, 314, 316,
kraton, royal residence, palace, I 31, 69, 317; 11 31, 32, 40,63,92, 105, 126,
100, 105, 114, 140, 148, 257, 265, 130; III 5, 24; IV-2 124, 130-132,
268, 270, 275; 11 8, 10, 23, 25, 53, 171, 182; V 14, 15, 25, 29, 32, 42,
54, 75, 80, 89, 100, 116, 119; 111 2, 76,77,84,85,150; VII 18,29; VIII
14, 15, 18, 22, 23, 47, 48, 55, 104- 56, 156; IX 7, 10, 15, 30, 70, 76.
113,114, 121-123, 125, 130, 131, 155, Kudus, modality of Islam in Lombok, I
173, 197, 200, 202, 203, 212, 214, 100.
227, 263, 271, 279, 282, 290; IV-l K udus (sunan), roler, spiritual leader, I
6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 49, 50, 63, 71, 92, 95-101, 104, 134,
32, 33, 41, 102, 111, 112, 122, 141, 135, 159, 171, 173, 210-213, 218, 251,
147, 164, 169, 177, 207; IV-2 2-4, 263-266, 268, 269, 272, 276, 307, 314,
12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 28, 40, 58, 61, 316; 11 16,27-31,38,40,91; V 84;
66, 90, 95, 143, 145, 167, 179-182, IX 7, 8, 10, 14, 20, 26, 27.
184-188, 190, 191, 194; V 2-4,9, 12, Kudus (ky. ged) , legendary ancestor, I
15, 21-23, 31, 49, 61-63, 66, 67, 82, 266.
105, 106, 151,239,240,245; VI 274, Kudus (pan.), second ruler, I 101.
275, 289, 309; VIII, 5, 17, 19, 22- Kudus (pg.), third ruler, I 101,226.
24, 26-28, 41, 42, 44-51; VIII 11, 13, Kuffeler (Will.), ensign, VIII 38.
14, 16-19, 34, 41, 61-64, 67, 76, 78, Kukulan, mountain, cave (Parakan), re-
82-87, 89-93, 97-99, 102, 104, 106, sidence of png. Benawa, 11 96.
108, 117, 121, 127, 130, 135, 136, "Kulaber", village, V 30.
140, 142, 144, 165; IX 28. K ulon (ratu), princess of Batang, mother
Kraton, viIlage (Pasurohan), I 187,297. of Mangku Rat I, see also Kiln, 111
Krawang, town, district, West Java, 111 247; IV-l 1,6; IV-2 1,31; V 62;
IX 54.

K ulon (ratu), daughter of pg. Pekik, of Kunst (J.), musicologist, 11 79.

Surabaya, mother of Mangku Rat 11, !ur'iJn, see AI-Koran.
111 249. Kuripan, see Kahuripan.
kuluk, fez, I 259; 11 25; 111 100, 104. Kusn .. pecat taI;1;la of Ternng, I 200,
Kumambang (mas), metre, Jav. macapat 290.
verse, I 268. Kusuma Brata, envoy, V 128.
Kumambang (ratu), legendary queen of Kuta Bacingah, fortification of Senapati
Japan (Majapahit), I 176. Matararn, I 312; see also Kota.
Kumar (mrs. Ann), authoress, I 94. Kuta Dalem, kuta Ge;l, residence of
Kumara, legendary king of Majapahit, Snapati Matararn, 11 120, 121.
I 283. Ku{a Ger/-, kraton, Kuta Dalem, resi-
Kumba Karna, fortification of Tuban, I dence of Snapati Matararn, I 224,
283; 111 49. 232, 312; 11 6, 21, 25, 90, 120, 121;
Kumba Rawa, Kumba Rawi, cannon in III 22, 23, 25, 104, 113, 115, 288;
Japara, IV-2 91, 130. IV-2 80, 191; V 2; IX 38,51.
Kung (am), Makasar chief, V 270. Kutai, kingdom, Borneo, I 152, 289.
Kuning (sunan), mas Garendi, pretender Kuta Jaba, Yogyakarta, I 121.
(Kartasura), 11 59. Kufa Renon, Lumajang, 111 28, 30.
Kuning (rd. mas), name of sunan Mang- Kuwel, village, IV-2 29.
ku Rat 11, IV-l 12; IV-2 1.

Labetaka, island in the Banda archipel- Lambert, prisoner of war, 111 233.
ago, 11118. "Lamona" (tg.), envoy, V 102, 104.
labuh, religious offerings, Jav. custom, I Lamongan, town, district, I 58, 146, 147,
311. 164; 111 12, 22.
Lakiu, kingdom, connected with Campa, Lampong, province, Sou th Sumatra, I
122. 120, 121, 204, 205, 279, 281, 303;
Lacotier (Thom. ), prisoner of war, 111 111 275; IV-l 40, 49; VIII 44.
101. Lanang (kali), river, 11 31.
Laen (J. v/d), commander, IV-l 58. Lanang (wali) , legendary man of reli-
Laeren, ship, IV-2 123. gion, Arab, father of sunan Giri, I
Lagawa, rebel, VII 44. 140, 141.
"Lagonder", village, see also Lo Gendr, Lanang Dangiran, ky. Brondong, father
Salimbi, V 76, 89; VIII 33. of Jang Rana, V 201.
Lajer, village, VIII. Landak, district, Borneo, 111 17, 81;
Lajer, man of religion, envoy, V 213. IV-l 144.
Laksamana (demang), patih of Japara, Landman, ship, V 272.
admiral, I 107, 123, 273; 11 34, 36, "Landsarchief", Batavia, Archives, Arsip
126; III 51, 119, 136, 165, 179-182, Negara, Jakarta, 11 1.
188,228; IV-l 82; V 146, 217, 247, Langis Pati, commander, IV-2 182.
262; VIII 26, 116. Langka, Sri Langka, see Ceylon.

Langlang, alias Pasir, envoy, VIII 118. Legi, day of the Jav. 5-days week, I 86.
Langlang Pasir (ng.), commander under Leiden University, I 2, 14, 249, 301;
Truna Jaya, IV-2 133, 144. IX 2.
Langs (guwa), cave, residence of nyahi Lka, see Jaba Lka.
Lara Kidui, 11 76, 83, 84; 111 288; Lekkerkerker (C.), author, 111 259.
IV-1 179; IV-2 80. Leksamana (ky. dem.), see Laksamana.
Laos, Kamboja, V.O.C. trade, IV-1 87. Lflfmbut, spirits of Java, I 248.
lant, mat, seat, 111 122. Lfmah Abang (sh), legendary hetero-
Lara Kidul (ratu) , goddess of the Sou th- dox mystic, I 63, 99, 211, 258, 268,
ern Ocean, I 222, 272, 311; 111 104, 269, 276, 305, 306; IX 8, 20.
111, 288; IV-1 179; IV-2 80; see Lfmah Ouwur (pan.), ruler of West
also Kidul. Madura, I 162, 171-174, 176, 182,
Lara Mfndut, heroine, beloved of Prana 215,295; 11 58; IX 17,28.
Citra, I 263. lembu, bull (in heraldic names) , I 157.
Lara Santang, see Santang. Lembu (ki), son of tg. Mangku Yuda,
Laroh, village, VII 43. from KeQu, V 68.
Lasem, port, district, I 88, 126, 150, 164, Umbu Pfteng, rd. BonQan Kjawan, ki
213, 279, 311; 11 62; 111 30, 31, 36, geq Tarub, legendary ancestor, 11 5,
40, 41, 48, 55, 135, 244; IV-1 149, 7.
177, 181, 192, 195; IV-2 53, 89, 96, Lfmbu Pftfng, son of Lembu Sora, ruler
104, 109, 118, 123, 124, 129; V 112, of Bintara, I 40, 170, 175, 250.
264; VII 21; VIII 25; IX 37. Lfmbu Sora (arya) , ruler of Bintara
Lasfm, mountain, I 127. (Dernak), I 40, 46, 250.
Lausanne, town (soldier), V 165, 167. Umbu Sura (arya), legendary ruler of
Lawang, town, district, VI 277. Surabaya, I 157, 262.
Lawang Gerih, village, V 140. Leme (Henrique), Port. commander, I
Lawang Sekpng, toll-gate, 111 113. 117.
Law (Rangga) , legendary ruler of Tu- Lfngkara (dwa), Balinese commander,
ban, I 131, 132, 185, 282. 111 256; see also Jaya Lengkara.
Laweyan, Lawiyan, town near Surakarta, Lengkese' (kar.), Makasar chief, V 257;
1224; 11 8, 20, 86, 87, 100; VII 33, VI 286.
37,41. L2 Nhantong, king of Annam, at war
Laweyan, Lawiyan (kali), river, 11 80. with Campa, I 23.
Lawu (gunung), mountain, Centra! Java, L pn (Sda-), brother of Tranggana of
I 206, 208, 223, 257, 313; 11 121, Dmak (see a1so Kali), I 75, 76, 80.
122; V 40, 43, 107, 108, 119, 121, "Lepir", "Lepin" (pg.), see Lpn.
122, 126, 128, 130, 133, 135, 139, Lesage, soldier, deserter, V 98, 183.
143, 144, 148, 151; VII 21, 31, 48, Lesage (Salomon), resident of Japara,
49; IX 20. VIII 160.
Layang, village, IV-2 182, 183. Leupe (P. A.), author, 111 97, 229, 255.
Lfbak Siyu, district, I 275. Leur (J. C. van), author, I 24.
Leeman (Jan Jacz.), captain, VIII 67, Leydecker (Hub.), clergyman, author,
70, 87, 88, 95, 101, 102, 104, 105, IV-2 147.
107, 108, 110; IX 98, 99. "Liboero", viIIage, V 141.
Leemans (C.), author, 111 113,291. Libout (Guilliam), lieut., V 29, 30, 77,
Leer (Pieter v.), from Middelburg, sol- 80, 224, 236.
dier, V 165. Liem Thian Joe, Chinese author, Sema-
Leeuwen (Dirck v.), senior merchant, rang, VIII 157.
III 19. Ligtvoet (A.), missionary, au thor, IV-2
Leeuwendal (Th. C.), author, I 270. 71.
Leeuwenson, merchant, IV-2 169, 170. Lijn (Com. v/d), govemor genera!
Lefevre (Jacques), commander, 111 147, (1645-'50), IV-1 182, 190.
156. Lima (Paulo de), Port. commander, I
81, 82.

Limbangan, mountains, VI 292, 294, lontar, palmleaves, mate rial of the bawat
295, 308, 309. sunshade, 111 122.
"Limbarawa" (Ambarawa), town, dis- Lontor, island in Banda archipelago, V
trict, V 241; VIII 23, 24. 52.
"Limbodro", village, V 136. Lopes Pati of Nusanivel (Pedro), Ambo-
Limestone Range, see KenQeng Hills. nese officer, V 254.
Linde (Fran. v/d), from Mechelen, Lor (Iurah), envoy from Mataram, IV-2
soldier, V 198. 35, 36.
lingga, Old Jav. religious symbol, I 31. Lor (pg.), prince of Banten, IV-2 65,
Lingga archipelago, Riouw, 111 171. 66.
Linhares (Mich. de Noronha), Port. Lor, see Ellor (pg.) of Sumenep.
viceroyof Goa, 111 169, 171,223-226. Lorcy, town (soldier), V 219, 262.
Linkes (kar.), see Lengkese', VI 286. LOT-ing-PasaT (ng.), name of Snapati
Lipouw (kar.), Makasar chief, IV-2 66, Mataram, U 22, 70.
67. Lor-ing-Tengah, district, VII 45, 48.
Lipura, rock, place of worship, Mataram, Losari, port, I 110.
I 225, 313; 11 71, 75, 79; IV-2 13, "Lot Gompot", river, V 155.
24; VII 11; IX 30. "Louadin" (datu), Malay commander in
Lisara or Zisara, messenger, V 175. Madura, IV-2 136.
Lissabon, see also Portugal, I 260; 111 "Loukadiangh", village, IV-2 113.
165, 225. Lourensen (WiIlem) from Batavia, en-
Lita Wangsa (ky.), servant of Truna sign, V 99.
Jaya, Surabaya, IV-2 166, 169, 171. Louw (P. J. F.), military historian, IV-l
Liu Kiu, islands, trade with Gresik, I 10.
138. Lubak, see also Bawean, U 125.
Loaisa, navigator, I 55. Luhu, in Howamohel, Moluccas, 111 281.
Lo Bawang, village, river, IV-2 113. Lumajang, town, district, East Java, I
LotJaya, Lo Daya, region south of KaQiri, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 194; III 28,
IV-2 8, 24; V 64, 73, 178, 230, 247, 30,256; V 202; IX 17, 19,37.
250; VII 22, 31; IX 87. Lumaji (ki), lurah, UI 10.
Lodensteyn (Gysb. v.), commander, 111 Lumbung, mountain, 111 194.
187. Lung Ayu, from Panaraga, wife of pan.
Lodewijcksz (W.), navigator, 11 69. Krapyak, UI 27; IV-2 27.
Lo Gifndr, village, see also "Lagonder", "Luosanga", mountain, VI 309.
V 73, 76, 89, 106, 120; VII 31, 33. IUTah (ky.), deputy, steward of an estate.
Loh Gaw, teacher of Kn Angrok, 11 111 119.
89. Lurah (rd., mas), rebel commander, VII
Lok, village, V 159. 38, 42.
Lombok, island, I 100, 151, 186, 288; Lusah, village, IV-2 154.
11 60, 61; III 254, 259, 262; IV-2 Lusi, river, I 35, 126.
23,74; IX 15. Luton (Dav.), resident of Japara, IV-l
Lomo Tibon (dang), Mak. chief, IV-2 vi, 83, 131, 141, 151-159; IV-2 11-13.
88. Luwu', kingdom, Sou th Celebes, IV-2 65.
London, archives, IV-l vi, 198. Luwu' (ker.), Makasar chief, IV-2 64-
Lons (C.A.), ambassador, 111 113, 115, 66.
247, 290, 291; IV-lil. Luwuk or Luwok, village, Central Java,
Lontang (mas), son of pan. Madiun, V 86.
ruler of Japan, see also Calontang, 11
111, 117.

"Maagdelijns sterkte", Hollandia, fortifi- 115, 116, 120, 133, 136, 140, 142,
eation of Batavia, 111 156. 146, 149-151, 153, 155, 160-162, 164,
Maanen (Tj. D. v.), author, 111 96. 175-177, 180, 181,184,185, 190, 195,
Macan Nagara, Icing of Blambangan, son 196, 202, 205, 218-221, 230, 231, 233,
of Tawang Alun, VIII 151-153. 237, 239, 248-250, 252-256, 264, 274;
Macana Pura, last Icing of Blambangan, VI 275, 276, 279, 281-286, 288-292,
vanquished by the Balinese Gusti Pan- 294, 297, 299, 301-303, 305-307; VII
ji, VIII 152, 153. 11, 13-16, 18, 19,22; VIII 9, 10, 12,
M acan Guguh (ky.), horsebit, eherished 47-50, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 74, 81, 82,
pusaka of sult. Pajang, 11 96. 84, 93, 103, 122, 137, 146, 147; IX
Macan Kuning, Bal. eommander, 111 2, 14, 16-18, 28, 29, 37, 38, 40-42,
257. 50, 56, 63, 67-73, 76, 77, 82-83, 86-
Macan Putih, village, residenee in Ba- 88, 91, 94, 96, 97, 100, 101.
nyuwangi, I 298, 300. Madura (straits, gulf)', I 137, 138, 156,
Macan Putih, Bal. eommander, 111 256. 170, 187; IV-2 74, 82, 83, 85, 96,
Macan Wulung, mier of Sumnep and 108; IX 39, 40, 70.
Pamekasan, IV-2 57, 59, 60; VIII 49. Madura (pg.), name of rd. Tmna Jaya,
macapat verse, Jav. prosody, I 70. IV-2 52, 86, 88.
Macege (am), Mak. ehief, V 270. Madura (pg.), nobleman in Banten,
Mac Lead (N.), author, 111 165,276. IV-2 76.
M acquelijn (Alexander), "Mardijker" Madu lUtna, kraton of Tmna Jaya in
burgher, V 28, 99-101, 236. Madura, IV-2 60, 175, 177-179; V 9;
Madegan, town, Madura, 111 83. IX 69,73.
Made PanrJan (pg.), grandson of png. Madu Ritna (pan. or raja) Panata Ga-
Tranggana of Demak, I 73. ma, name of rd. Truna Jaya, IV-2
Made PanrJan, aneestor of Ge<.lng Sura 110, 118, 119, 124, 132.
of Palmbang, 11 66. Madyun, town, district, kingdom, I 30,
Madini, Medini or Medani, village, V 86. 58, 59, 84, 90, 162, 163, 165, 183,
Madras, British factory in India, IV-1 197, 198, 206, 214, 215, 219, 226-230,
143. 232, 237, 254, 261, 287, 296, 309,
Madu Ganda, Karta Winata, residenee 314, 315; 11 25, 55, 58, 62, 102, 106-
in Mataram, 111 104. 109, 111-114, 117, 118, 121-123, 131;
Madura, I 7, 8, 11, 13, 52, 54, 56, 59, 111 11,32,36,47, 159; IV-1 5; IV-2
95, 150, 151, 162-164, 169-175, 180, 138, 141, 181, 182; V 9, 22, 41, 43,
182, 185, 187, 215, 257, 268, 272, 61, 71-73, 126, 135-137, 139, 142-144,
282, 285, 288, 291-294, 314; 11 55- 147, 249, 250, 255, 264, 267; VI 276;
59, 104; 111 20, 25, 30, 33, 37, 48, VII 4, 7, 18, 21, 28; IX 18, 21, 22,
49, 74-76, 78, 82-94, 97, 117, 127, 31, 32, 36, 54, 79, 86.
128, 137, 139, 161, 193, 222, 256, Madyun, river, V 41, 43, 72, 73, 139,
283, 286; IV-1 29, 31, 54; IV-2 39, 140, 142, 144, 146,267.
46-57, 59-61, 68-70, 85-88, 97, 98, M adyun (pan.), mier, son of sult.
108-111, 113-115, 117-120, 123-138, Trenggana, 11 107, 110, 111.
140-151,155,165,166, 168,169,171- Madyun (ky. ad.), pg. ad. Juminah, son
174, 176-178, 181-187; V 4-9, 12, 15, of Snapati Mataram, 11 111.
18-21, 23, 24, 29, 31, 33, 42, 54, 62, Madyun (pg.), under sult. Agung, IV-1
64, 65, 68, 69, 71, 72, 77, 81, 91, 102, 5.

Madyun (pg.), under Mangku Rat 11, V 254, 260, 289; 11 61, 94, 95; 111 21,
249. 56, 62, 94, 184, 187, 190, 225, 228,
Madyun (tg.), commander under pan. 262, 275, 281, 282; IV-l 6, 19, 37,
Juminah, 111 161. 45, 51, 59, 66-73, 95, 98, 100, 104,
Madyun (tg.), name of ng. Wira Dika- 105, 111, 120, 121, 128, 129, 132,
ra, IV-l 189. 140,143,156,165,176,182-186,208;
Maen (Gijsbert v/d), merchant, IV-197. IV-2 36, 39, 61-76, 80-82, 84-89, 92-
Maetsuycker (Joan) , govemor genera! 114,116-125,133-137,142,146,150-
(1653-'78), IV-l 21, 116, 135; V 34, 152,163,165,171-174,178,180,198;
94. V 5-8, 17, 21-24, 28, 36, 38, 41, 44,
M aetsuycker (Wil hem) , junior merchant, 47, 49-51, 54, 55, 57, 61, 63, 69, 72,
IV-l 97. 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 96, 97, 100, 101,
Magdalena, wife of M. Pietersen, IV-l 105, 109, 110, 116, 120, 122, 129,
87. 130, 134, 136, 143, 146, 149, 154,
Magelang, town, IV-2 145. 157, 159, 161, 162, 169, 170, 175,
Magelhaens (F. de), navigator, I 45. 176, 181, 188-190, 192, 194-198, 201,
Magetan, Kamagetan, town, district, I 203, 204, 208, 213, 216, 218, 219,
229,296; IV-2 138, 182; V 126, 142, 232, 233, 235-238, 240, 241, 252, 254-
144; VII 18. 258, 263, 265, 273; VI 275-286, 294,
Mahmud (encik), ambassador, IV-l 69. 299, 305; VII 1, 15, 17, 22, 27, 29,
Mahmud Shah, sultan of Malaka, I 44. 32, 34, 42; VIII 9, 11, 12, 30, 31,
Mahmud (Maulana Sultan) of Mesir, le- 33,35,50,55,59,111,112,117, 133,
gendary sultan of Egypt, father of 137, 155, 161; IX 58-60, 62, 63, 68-
sharif Hidayat, I 277. 72, 77-79, 82, 83, 87, 88, 94, 95.
Ma Huan, Chinese navigator, 111 216. Makdum (sh), sent to Pasir by sult.
Mahudara, see Udara. Demak, I 42, 62.
M ainoe (dang), Makasar chief, IV-2 Makdum Ibrahim (pg.), name of sunan
136. Bonang, I 48.
Maja Agung, Majagung, Wirasaba, town, Makdum Sampang, imm of the mosque
I 94, 161,284; 111 12,34,49; V 22, of Demak, I 49, 50.
172, 173, 269, 275; IX 37. Makhdar Ibrahim (Maulana), of Guja-
Majakerta town, district (Japan), I 164, rat, legendary father of Fadhillah, I
173, 184, 227, 277, 309, 315; 11 104, 277.
106,107,117; 111 34,94; IV-2 100; Makinci(ng) (dang), Makasar chief,
V 254; IX 31. IV-2 120.
Maja Legi, viIIage, VIII 63. "Malabagadadi", skipper from Gujarat,
Majapahit, kraton, Old Jav. kingdom, I 111 179.
passim; 11 5-7, 57, 106, 116, 125; 111 Malabar, in South India, I 248; IV-l
22, 25, 34, 126, 220, 274; IV-2 53, 176; V 6.
143, 150; V 2, 8, 21, 24, 46, 56, 70, Malaka, town, kingdom, I 1, 14, 23, 43-
79,90, 151, 155, 172,240, 242, 246; 47, 60, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82, 101, 103,
VI 290, 291, 301, 309; VII 14, 21, 105, 111, 123, 124, 139-143, 149, 190,
22,24, 26; VIII 11, 14, 59, 148; IX 195, 202, 203, 226, 238, 251, 270,
2, 3, 5-12, 14-18, 20, 83, 87. 272, 273, 300, 301, 318; 11 30, 33-35,
Maja Sanga, viIIage, VIII 62, 63, 67, 68,98; III 18-20,67,69-71,73, 119,
70,71,84. 146,164-167,170,171,191,223,225,
Maja Warna, village (mission), I 57; 227-230, 232, 246, 272, 276; IV-l 58,
VI 288. 77,117,196; V 31,36,56; IX 5, 7,
Majn, district, South Celebes, IV-2 63. 11, 19, 27, 29, 43, 44, 46, 50, 58, 60.
Makam Aji, cemetery of sult. Pajang, Malan (encik), Malay, V 258.
Butuh, I 217; 11 89, 100. Malang, town, district, I 8, 58, 145, 164,
Makasar, town, kingdom, South Celebes, 166, 168,264; III 28, 29,31, 263;
Makasarese, I 8, 80, 152, 201, 218, IV-2 53; V 66, 213, 248, 250, 254;

VI 274-277, 282, 308; VIII 11, 85; "Mamurot", village, V 269.

IX 18,82, 103. Mamut (dang), Makasar chief, IV-2 87.
Malang (rd. demang), commander under Manahan, quarter of Surakarta, see also
Mangku Rat I, IV-2 144. Pamanahan, I 224; 11 22.
M alang (ratu), favourite of Mangku Rat Manca (ki mas), tg. Manca Nagara, pa-
I, IV-1 14, 63; IV-2 15-19, 21-23, tih of sult. Pajang, I 257; 11 25, 77,
29; IX 66. 78.
Malang Karsa, officer of Suwandana, of Manca Nagara, inland districts of Java,
Pekalongan, 111 179. 11 53, 73, 118; 111 32, 84, 139, 220,
Malang Sumirang (ng.), bupati in Pana 256; IV-1 13; IV-2 47, 99, 102, 103,
Raga, 111 9. 119, 120, 138; V 125; VII 18.
Malay people, I 38, 47, 48, 105, 139, Mancingan, see Pamancingan.
142, 199, 201, 203, 251, 301; 11 34; malJcJala, Old Jav. religious community,
III 18, 279; IV-l 49, 69, 82, 83, 95, 1247,285.
101, 110, 134, 188; IV-2 87-89, 93, Mandalika (pulu), island, wood preserve,
136-138,147,164,168,170,171,173, IV-l 132; IV-2 109.
182; V 17, 35, 81, 95, 120, 127, 161, Mandangh or Mandangin (Gili-), pulu
162, 170, 177-179, 181, 183, 191, 192, Kambing, island (Madura), I 162,
205, 210, 221, 235, 248, 252, 258, 170; IV-2 57, 59.
261,265; VI 275, 279; VIII 73, 112, Mandar, district, South Celebes, IV-2
133, 134; IX 5, 77, 97. 63,65.
Malay Peninsuia, Malaysia, see also Ma- Mandar (raja), king, V 146.
laka, I 2, 11, 203. Mandaraka (ad.), Juru Martani, patih
Malaya, in Madura, see Melaya. of Snapati Mataram, I 227, 233; 11
Malayu (rd. dem.), father of rd. Truna 70, 83, 85, 104, 105, 109, 110, 122,
Jaya, see also Melaya, V 4. 127, 128; 111 2,4,26,44,82,85, 107,
Malayu (tg.), commander under capt. 117, 118, 162.
Tack, V 68, 241. M andaraka (arya), confident, patih of
Maldwa, Maledives, archipelago, 1119, Mangku Rat 11, IV-2 138, 193; V 65,
278. 67, 83, 85, 87, 88, 91, 97, 102, 103,
M alewa (dang), Makasar chief, IV-2 107-109, 113, 114, 116, 121, 122, 127-
71. 129, 131, 136, 137, 141, 142, 155,
Malik lbrahim, Muslim merchant buried 156,175,195,213,256; VIII 39.
near Gresik (died 1419), 1 21, 245, Manda Wacana, ruler in Madura under
291. Truna Jaya, IV-2 60,176,177.
Malim, envoy, 111 71. M andura (pg.), son of Mandaraka, 11
"Mamali" (aru), Makasar chief, V 270. 121;111117.
Mamar (krang), commander, IV-2 87. M andura (tg.), commander under Mang-
Mamenang, Menang, Pamenang, town, ku Rat 11, V 79.
Kaliri district, I 58, 161, 215. Mandura Reja (ky. dip.), grandson of
Mamenang (pan. ratu) , name of Truna Mandaraka, 11 21, 120; 111 40, 43-45,
Jaya, V 21, 153. 82, 88, 107, 117, 120, 148, 149, 152-
Mamenang (pg. ad.), pg. Selarong, par- 157,160,162; V 79.
tisan of Truna Jaya, VII 35, 38, 44. "Mandy" (mas), lurah, IV-2 61.
Mamenang (sunan), name of pg. Marta "Mangabak", mountain, V 157.
Sana in Jenar, V 14. Mangalla (dang), Makasar chief, V
"Mamt" (pat), ruler of Semarang, I 188, 189.
62. Manganti (sh), unde of sunan Giri, I
Mammangung (dang), Mak. chief, 145,146.
IV-2 88. Mangarai (Pulu), island near Surabaya,
Mamu (dang), Makasar chief, IV-2 IV-2 55, 162.
135. Mangemina, Makasar chief, V 216.
Mamu (kare), Makasar chief, IV-2 65, Mangp' (dang), Makasar chief, IV-2

69, 71, 72, 74-77, 85, 86, 88, 98, 110, 1727, 11 76, 101; 111 23, 104, 124,
113, 135. 125.
Manggappa (dang), Makasar chief, Mangku Rat Agung, sunan Mangku Rat
IV-2 74-77; IX 68. I, IV-1 9.
Mangku Bumi (pg.), brother of Sna- M angku Rat (ratu), queen-consort of
pati Mataram, I 233; 11 109, 112, Mangku Rat 11, VIII 18, 44, 66.
122, 128; 111 3, 28, 29, 31, 33, 39. Mangku Yuda (tg.), Mad. rebel, com-
M angku Bumi (pg.), under sult. Agung, mander, IV-2 120, 129, 181-183, 185,
IV-2 9. 187; V 9,23,71,105,178,187; VI
Mangku Bumi (pg.), name of sult. 288, 300, 301; VII 18, 19, 21, 26,
Amengku Buwana I of Yogyakarta, 11 35, 36.
51. Mangku Yuda of Kedu, commander, V
Mangku Bumi (dip.), Wira Truna, patih 28, 68, 116, 120, 121, 126, 175, 176,
of png. Puger, V 12, 63, 105. 177, 183, 185, 187, 194, 201, 212,
Mangku Bumi (rd. ad.), name of Sura 217,218, 229, 231, 241.
Pati, VIII 136. Mangku Yuda of Panaraga, demo Kam-
Mangku Dirja, lurah, 111 10. plang, partisan of Truna Jaya, V 132.
Mangku Nagara, titIe of crownprince, Mangku Yuda, Bal. commander under
11 129. Mangku Rat 11, VIII 31, 40, 95.
Mangku Nagara VII, of Surakarta, 11 Mangopo (dang), corporal, V 96.
22. Mangun Jaya, bupati under ad. Pragola
M angku Praja (ad.), patih jero under of Pati, 111 138, 140.
Paku Buwana I, V 240. Mangun Jaya (ky. dem.), mantri under
Mangku Rat, patih of Demak, I 66. Mangku Rat 11, VIII 24.
Mangku Rat, name of kings of Mataram, Mangun Jaya, of Surabaya, father of
172,231,249. Rara Oyi, the favourite of Mangku
Mangku Rat I (sunan), Sda Tegal Rat I, IV-2 3, 23.
Wangi, 1645-1677,11 75, 114; 111 24, Mangun Jaya (ky. ad.), patih of Banten,
111, 115, 141, 155, 211, 212, 241, IV-2 76.
247, 258, 280; IV-l 1, 6-8, 22, 114, Mangun Jaya (ng.), Chinese commander
157, 207; IV-2 4, 6, 15, 17, 27-29, under Truna Jaya, V 204, 220.
31, 41, 42, 44,48, 139, 188, 190, 193; Mangun Nagara (ky.), of Surabaya,
V 1, 2, 79; VI 289; VII 1, 3-6, 9, IV-2 175.
13, 23, 24, 50; IX 45, 47, 48, 53-62, Mangun Nagara (tg.), courtier, com-
65-67, 69, 70, 72-74, 86-91, 94, 95. mander under Mangku Rat I, IV-2
Mangku Rat Il (sunan Amral), Karta 115, 140, 164.
Sura, 1677-1703, I 32, 85, 219, 252, Mangun Oneng (tg.), commander under
259, 281, 293; 11 12,52, 59, 75; 111 sult. Agung, 111 94, 95, 97, 98, 117,
15, 114, 209, 212, 221, 249; IV-1 2, 118,139,141.
7, 8; IV-2 1, 3, 6, 48-50, 144, 181, Mangun Oneng (tg.), bupati of Pati
182, 186, 188, 191, 193; V 3, 10, 13, under Mangku Rat 11, 111 143; V 14,
15, 16, 18, 28, 32, 49, 58-61, 63, 64, 24, 29, 67, 71, 112, 128, 153, 175,
70, 93, 94, 105, 138, 175, 187, 201, 177, 180, 181, 183, 185, 201-203, 212,
228, 248; VI 273, 285, 287, 306; VII 214, 217, 218, 229, 253, 261; VI 282;
2, 4, 7, 13, 15, 18, 23-27, 32, 34, 37, VII 5.
39, 40, 42, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54; VIII Mangusboom, ship, V 257.
10-12, 14, 18-20, 43, 63, 141, 143, Mangun Tapa (rd.) of Madyun, com-
145, 148, 161, 164; IX 66, 76-80, 83, mander, V 250, 267.
86, 88, 91, 94, 95, 99-103. Manila (nyahi gel) , wife of sunan
Mangku Rat III (sunan Mas), 1703-'08, Ngampl Denta, I 282.
1 30, 31; 11 59; 111 15; IV-2 3; V Manilla, capital of the Philippines, I
63, 113; IX 101, 103. 278; 111 224; IV-1 120, 121.
Mangku Rat IV (sunan Jawa) , 1719- Manipa, island, VI 288.

Mansur, sultan of Malaka, I 23; IX 5. Maronier (J. H.), author, I 286.

Mansur, orang kaya, follower of Truna Mars, ship, IV-1 123.
]aya, in Surabaya, IV-2 164. Marta Dipa, governor of Cerbon, IV-2
Manteau (Carolus), army chaplain un- 134; VII.
der Hurdt, V 16,51, 79, 92, 115, 153, Marta Gati, messenger, V 169, 192, 215.
209, 223, 235, 242, 266; VII 23. Marta Jaya (mas), lurah, IV-2 31; V
Mantingan, see Pamantingan. 240.
"Mantop", mountain, V 256. Marta Jaya, Sura Nata of Demak, IV-2
mantri, official serving under a bupati 142;V67.
or a ruler. Marta Jiwa (Iurah), messenger, IV-2 35.
mantri getjong, treasurer, 11 95. Marta Juta, admiral of Hitu, Moluccas,
mantri pamajegan, tributary country II 37.
chieftain, 11 73, 74, 79,81,114,117; Marta Laya (pg. ad.), Madyun, son of
111 120. Snapati Mataram, I 296; 11 111, 118,
mantri pangalasan, royaI servant, 11 77, 119, 122, 123; III 10, 22, 32, 33, 35-
93, 104. 37, 39-41, 43, 48, 135, 139.
Manukan (Tukum), viIIage, V 45, 151, Marta Laya (tg.), govemor of TegaI,
16~ 163, 166, 171, 172, 176, 180, 1~21~;VI0-1~1~2~2~2~5~
184, 185, 191, 200-204, 208, 219, 220, 59, 85; VII 29, 30.
226, 227. Marta Laya, governor of Brebes, VII
maolana, moIana, title of man of reli- 32, 45.
gion, see aIso Ibn MoIana, I 29. Marta Lulut, executioner, III 140; IV-2
Maolana (sh) of Krasak Malang (Kali 29.
Nyamat), I 99; see also maulana. Marta Nagara, commander, Pajang, 11
Mapparabung Nuruddin Dang Mattalli' 25.
Karang Panaragang, king of Bima, Marta Nagara (ki), of Si<:layu, under
IV-2 86; V 175. Surabaya, 111 30.
Maquelin (Jacobus), Heut., V 126, 235. Marta Nala, messenger, VI 295.
Marchier (Com. Bartelsz. ), senior mer- Marta Nata (ng.), bupati of ]apara, III
chant, V 35, 80, 81, 104, 110, 113, 280, 286; IV-IS, 47, 51, 61, 70, 71,
116, 146, 150, 157, 200, 208, 241, 108-110, 113, 114, 118-128, 130-133,
256, 261, 265, 267, 269-271, 273; 135, 137, 140, 143, 145-152, 155, 156,
VIII 27-29, 33. 162, 208; IV-2 17.
Marco (Laurens), Ambon. ensign, V 96. M arta N aya (rd.), commander in ]ipang,
Marct (Jac. v/d), resident of ]apara, IV-2 142.
111 61. Marta Negara, see Marta Nagara.
"mardijker" , (descendant of) emanci- Marta Pati (rd.), bupati of Aros Baya,
pated slave, christianized, see also 111 8R; IV-2 56, 59, 60, 174-178; V
"vrij burger", III 120, 147, 151, 170, 195.
189,190,241,246; IV-2 147, 173; V M arta Pati (ratu), daughter of Cakra
28,35, 77, 79, 98, 100, 101, 115, 120, Ningrat I, IV-2 48.
127, 170, 191, 204, 209, 210, 23~ Martapura, town, district in Borneo, I
236, 246, 265, 268, 273; VII H. 254; III 18,279,280; IV-1 67.
M arwa (dang), Makasar chief, IV-2 Marta Pura (rd.), son of sunan Krapyak,
120, 129. III 26, 27.
Marwangi (aru), Buginese, V 270; VI Marta Pura(ad.), bupati of ]apara, IV-2
278. 40; V 12, 25, 26, 85; VII 2, 3, 19,
Marhum Panambahan, prince of Banjar 21, 25, 26, 29, 30, 41, 41, 45; VIII
Masin, III 280. 22.
Marke(n), ship, V 78, 196. Marta Pura (ad.), of Pati, IX 91.
Maro, village (Surakarta), V 126, 128. Marta Sana (pg.), brother of Mangku
Maroanging (aru), Mak. chief, V 270. Rat 1I, IV-l 22; IV-2 109, 115, 127,
"Maronde", river near Batavia, III 146, 139-141, 143-145, 154-157, 159, 181,
148, 190.

183-185; V 8, 14, 27, 28, 40, 62, 94, Maseyck (Corn. v.), ambassador, 111 45,
138; VII 13-16; IX 78. 52, 57, 58, 65, 69, 89, 112, 123, 150,
Marta Sara, envoy, IV-1 76. 175, 178, 179, 181-184, 195, 233-235,
Marta Sari (pg.), of Cerbon, IV-1 41, 237, 265.
42. Masir, Mesir, residence of Nammd, see
Marta Sura, chief, VII 32. also Pasir, VIII 12.
Marta Suta, name of patih Nerang Ku- Masjid Kramat, Masjid Panjunan, mos-
suma, V 66. ques in Cerbon, 111 110.
Marta Wangsa, envoy, IV-1 138. Masjid Sura Nata, in Kudus, see also
Marta Wangsa, bupati of Panaraga, par- mosque, I 100.
tisan of rd. Kajoran, IV-2 141; V 145. Masjid Watu, Mesjid Sla place of exile
Marta Wijaya (rd.), commander, VIII (Nusa Kambangan), UI 10, 11; IV-2
132. 9.
marta wisa, poison, 11 110. "Massouhy", village, IV-2 113.
Marta Yuda, rebel commander, V 162. Massuro (dang), Makasar chief, IV-2
Martel, ensign, VIII 50, 53, 56. 135.
Martensen (Hendrik), from Middelburg, Matahun, district, I 83, 126, 129, 279,
soldier, V 198. 280; U 41,42.
Mas (kali), river of Surabaya, 111 13, Matahun (arya) , tg. Sura Wijaya of
95; IV-1 138; IV-2 23, 167, 169, Jipang, I 280, 281.
172; V21, 277. Matahun (ki), patih of Arya Panang-
Mas (ky.), pangran of Japara (Demak) , sang of Jipang, I 310; U 39-41.
11 37; IX 9, 20. Matan, district, West Borneo, I 152,289.
M as (pan.) ing Kajoran, said Kalkum Mataram, district, kingdam, I, 11, 111,
ing Wat Galh, VII 2. IV passim; V 1-3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15,
Mas(pan.), ing Madyun, rd. mas Timur, 17-19, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, 34, 40,
190,212; 11 107. 43, 44, 56, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71,
Mas (pg.), mier of Aros Baya, I 151, 73,90,93-96, 105, 106, 112, 125, 129-
288; 111 83, 86. 131, 138, 175, 17~ 184, 219, 220,
Mas (pg.) I, Demak pretender, I 73, 240, 253; VI 287; VII passim; VIII
81, 82, 84, 124, 203, 204, 302, 303; 9-12, 14, 16, 17, 31, 51, 56, 59, 64,
11 65, 66, 97, 98. 72, 116, 131, 143, 146, 150, 152, 155,
Mas (pg.) 11, son of the farmer, I 73. 156, 163, 164; IX 2.
Mas (pg.), mier of Ka\iri, I 315; 11 Mataram (arya), brother of pg. arya Pa-
117. nangsang of Jipang, I 3, 10; 11 39,40,
Mas (pg.), mier of Pasir (Borneo), IV-2 44.
75. Mataram (ky. ge\ or ki ageng), ky.
Mas (pg.), name of sunan Mangku Rat ged Pamanahan, I 313; 11 14, 42,
1I,IV-2 1. 46~ 49,51-54, 62-64, 70, 82, 131; IV-2
M as (rd.), courtier, son of pg. Purbaya 14; IX 28, 29, 89.
I, IV-1 32, 34, 35. Mataram (Math.) , "Mardijker" burgher,
Mas (ratu) of Ka!iri, wife of Jaya Ung- VIII 101.
kara of Surabaya, 111 12. Mataram (rd. ayu) of Kajoran, wife of
Mas (sunan), sunan Mangku Rat 111, Snapati Mataram, IV-2 41; VII 3.
11 59; 111 15; IV-2 3; V 60, 66. Mataram ("sultan"), pan. Snapati, 11
Masahar (ky. buyut) , farmer, foster- 115.
father of BOlJqan I}ajawan, 11 5. M ataram (raja, ratu, sultan-), name of
M asahar, village, Gegodog (Siqayu), sultan Agung, I 300; 111 260, 264,
IV-2 120, 138. 268, 269; IV-1 74.
Masghit Baraq, kampung (Sumenep), Mataram (susuhunan), sunan Mangku
see also Masjid, I 176. Rat I, IV-1 74, 75, 103.
Masghit Hajjhi, mosque in Sumenep, I Mataram (pg. arya) , crownprince, later
178; 111 188. sunan Mangku Rat I, 111 105, 249;
IV-1 1.

Mataram (pg. arya), rd. Tapa, brother Melaya (rd. demang), Mlaya Kusuma,
of Mangku Rat 11, V 64; VIII 142. dipati Sampang, father of Truna
Mataram (tumenggung), name of vi- Jaya, see also Malayu, IV-l 29; IV-2
ziers, 111 29, 39, 44, 116, 117, 161, 46-49; VI 302.
248, 252, 253, 268, 284, 285; IV-l 2, Memenang, Ka<;liri, see Mamenang.
4, 5, 14-18, 20, 24-27, 30, 36, 40, 52, mnak, ancient title of nobility, I 29.
62, 75, 76, 80, 83, 89, 109, 135, 143, Mnak AmiT Hamza, hero of Islamic
145, 148, 150, 152, 153, 159, 164, epic, I 240.
179, 186, 195, 201; IV-2 17, 25, 26, Mnak Badong, Balinese mier, I 208.
115, 140, 157; V 241; VI 293, 397. Mnak Jingga, legendary king of Blam-
Matelieft (Com.), admiral, 111 18. bangan, I 131, 138, 185, 186, 192,
maulana, merchant of Demak and Ma- 295, 297.
laka, see also maolana, IV-1 196. Mnak KoncaT, legendary mier of Lu-
Maulana (pg.) or pg. Agung Mas, mem- majang, I 186.
ber of the Kajoran family, IV-2 40; Mnak Sapetak or Supetak, legendary
VII 2. ruler of Pasumhan, I 180, 295.
Maulana (Sh ibn), see Ibn Molana, I Menang, district, see Mamenang.
22. Menangkabau, province, Central Suma-
M auray (Willem), Batavian burgher, tra, I 152; 11 61; IV-l 176; VIII 71-
IV-2 162. 73.
Mauriaux (Claude), senior surgeon, V Me1;langkabau, Muslim "emperor", IV-l
273. 176; VIII 19, 71-73, 107, 114, 116,
Maurits (Samuel), sergeant, VIII 92. 118; IX 97.
M ayako (Martinho), from Ambon, ser- menara, minaret, 11 31.
geant, V 99. Me1;lgang Kamulan, legendary realm, I
Mayang, village near Pajang, 11 86, 87, 58, 126, 165, 221, 254, 269, 307; 11
95; 11145. 10, 12; IX 13.
Mayang (tg.), local ruler, I 225, 313; Me1;lgangkungan, district, I 58, 254.
11 50, 70, 80-83, 86. "Mendie" (mas), rebel, see also Mindi,
Mayer (L. Th.), author, V 88, 130. VII 28.
Mecca, holy city, I 29-31, 51, 100, 112, M endi/ (pg.), rebeJljous man of religion,
113, 118, 252, 263, 265, 268, 269, see also "Miendil", VII 42.
277, 278, 282, 288, 289; 11 61, 130; Mendo(n)za (Marcus), "Mardijker"
III 75, 103, 203, 246, 264, 266-271, lieut., V 98, 100, 101, 236.
280,284; IV-l 42, 76, 198; IV-2 63; M endungan (Bokor Kumandang), village,
V 2, 11; VI 287; VII 12; VIII 106, V 119.
142; IX 7, 12, 49, 54. Mendut (rara), of Pati, heroine of Pra-
Mechelen, town (soldier), V 198. na Citra romance, 111 142; VII 9.
Mechelen (J. v.), resident of Madura, Menganti, see Sri Menganti, and also
VIII 49. Manganti.
Megang, see Mel}<;Iang. M engantoT, village, VI 288.
Medemblik, town (soldier), V 212. Menggala, see Wira Menggala, Sura M.
Medina, holy city, I 29, 263, 265; 11 M enjangan Bang, ring of ratu Kali
130. Nyamat, 11 44, 45.
M edini, village, see Madini. Merapi, mountain, I 61, 62, 206, 208,
Meer (B. v/d), lieut., VIII 85, 87, 89, 216,223,225,305,313; 11 7, 75,76,
93, 96. 82-84; IV-2 34, 78, 145; VIII 9; IX
Mees (C. A.), orientalist, I 289. 8, 20, 30.
M eilink-Roelofsz (M. A. P.), historian, I Merbabu, mountain, I 61, 248, 305; 11
24, 272, 275, 278, 279, 281, 284, 290, 7; IV-2 145.
292,318. Mru, holy mountain of India, I 9.
Meinsma (J. J.), author, I 31; VII 35. Msa Lawung, gong of Majapahit, I 40.
Melaya, Malaya, district in Madura, 11 Mesigit, see Masjid.
58, IV-2 48, 125.

Mesir, Egypt, I 254, 263, 266, 277; 11 Moloko (nyahi ged), daughter of sunan
130; V 38,50. Ngampl Denta, I 153.
Mesir, in Banyumas, residence of Nam- Moluccas, "Grote Oost", I 9, 11, 19, 24,
rud, see also Masir, Pasir, I 254; VII 34, 45, 55, 100, 139, 148, 152, 153,
32, 35, 42, 44; VIII 12; IX 88, 89. 189, 289; 11 35-37; 111 18, 24, 53,
M esir (dipati), bupati of Pati, I 263. 67,208; IV-l 68, 77, 117, 119; IV-2
Mesjid, see Masjid. 147; V 5, 6, 13, 35-37, 51, 52, 57,
Michielsen (Evert), merchant, IV-l 19, 272; VIII 112, 113; IX 15, 27, 46,
44, 45, 59, 65, 67, 72, 107, 112-114, 50.
118, 124, 126,127,129-131,134,136, Momu (dang), Makasar chief, IV-2
137, 139-142; IV-2 5, 8, 9, 11. 136.
Michielsen (Jochem), Iieut., IV-2 177. Mong Jaya (kyahi), envoy, IV-l 45.
Middelburg, town (soldier) , 111 237; V Mongolia, I 38, 130, 175.
52, 165, 198. Montuli (kare), Mak. lieut., V 79, 84,
"Miendil" (mas), pg. Memenang, see 96, 99, 101, 149, 236, 240.
also Mendil, VII 38. Moor, Moorish, see Muslim.
milJrab, in mosque, niche, direction of Moor (Kapitein), the governor genera!,
Mecca, I 35, 97, 98, 265, 271. IV-1 59, 131, 146, 147, 186, 189;
"Mijah" (ki), ki Jamiyah, envoy, IV-1 IV-2 146.
40. Moortkuyl, !ocality near Batavia, 111252.
mijil, name of metre, Jav. prosody, I Moot (Aert Pleunen), shipwright, IV-l
268. 88.
Minangkabau, see Menangkabau. "MOTO (Mamuro, Moron)", village in
Mindi (mas), son of Santa Marta, envoy, Surakarta, V 126, 128.
see also Mendi, IV-2 174. "Morob" (pat), ruler of Rembang, 144.
Ming, Chinese dynasty, I 2. moslim, see muslim.
Miran (Hendr.), lieut., V 99. mosque, see also masjid, I 26, 29, 99,
M irma Gati (ky. ), merchant, harbour- 195, 248, 268; 111 103, 113-116, 123.
master of Japara, IV-l 162, 163, 165, mosque ot Ampl (Ngampel Denta) in
170, 182, 184, 200, 202, 204-206; Surabaya, I 27, 159; VIII 19.
IV-2 90,107,113,119,131,142,144, mosque ot Cerbon, Cipta Rasa, I 114,
152-156, 161. 276.
Mission, R. C., I 189, 190. mosque ot Demak, I 28, 30-33,41-43,
Mlambang, village, fortification, VII 23, 47-51, 54, 63, 67, 70, 75, 78,85, 92-
34-36, 38; IX 88, 89. 95,113,114,133,134,212,228,234,
Mlanting (dwi), rice goddess, Bali, I 247,248,256,267,301,305,308,
248. 316: 11124,29; VIII 121,125,142;
Mlaya (rd.demang), see Melaya. IX 6-10, 89, 99.
Mocha, port, I 278. mosque ot Gumena, Gresik, I 146, 147.
Modin Tuban, legendary man of reli- mosque ot Japara, V 82/83.
gion, blacksmith, I 283. mosque ot Katjiri, V 245.
"Moechoel", Mongolia (?), I 37, 38. mosque of Kudus, I 97, 99, 100, 148,
Moens (J. L.), author, I 262. 265; V 84.
Moerstoffels (Dirck), prisoner of war, mosque of Palembang, I 205.
111 233, 235. mosque ot Pamantingan, I 271; IX 27.
"Mogael", Mongolia, I 39. mosque of Singkal (Kaliri), I 59; V
"Mogat Sari" (rd.), governor of Pame- 251.
kasan, see also Mugat Sari, IV-2 56. mosque of Sumenep, I 178.
Mohammed, see Muhammad. mosque of Surabaya, see Ampl.
Mohammed Usman, of Kajoran, author, mosque ot Sura-Natan, Surakarta, Yog-
IV-2 43; VII 8. yakarta, I 268.
molana, see maolana. mosque ot Tembayat, VII 38.
Moloko (pulo), see Moluccas. mosque of Tuban, I 135.

Motte (Ia), sergeant major, 111 277. 163,164,168-171,173,174,177,178,

Muara Brs, Jav. settlement in West 180,213; VII 30.
Java, IV-1 144. M ller (G.), au thor, I 289.
Muara Pasiliyan, locality in West Java, Muller (H. P. N.), author, IV-1 87.
naval battle, IV-1 42. Multatuli, E. D. Dekker, au thor, VIII
Muda (encik), shahbandar, harbour- 149.
master of Japara, 111 62, 173, 254. Mulud festival, birth of Muhammad, I
Mugat Sari (pg.), father-in-Iaw of Truna 278.
Jaya, see also Mogat Sari, VI 299. mu'min, faithful believer, I 258; 11 24.
Muhammad (prophet) , I 9, 94, 256,262, "MungguP', Mongolia, 138.
263,265,278,282,291; 111 102,224, Mungkung (Mongkron), village, V 126,
269; IV-1 104; VII 12. 131.
Muhammad (sultan), name of sult. Mungkung (kali), river, V 130.
Agung, 111 159,290. munkim, member of mosque community,
Muhammad Ali, raja Gowa, V 146, 189. see mukim, I 258.
Muhammad Asngari of Majagung, man Muntinghe (H. W.), commissioner in
of religion, I 284; 111 49. Palembang, I 129,281.
Muhammad Sdng Rana (maulana), muqim, member of mosque community,
king of Banten, I 73, 122-124,203, see mukim, I 258.
279, 302; 11 36; IX 13, 20. Murung (Moron, Mamurong, Muron),
Muhammad Shah, sultan of Malaka, I village, V 102, 121, 126, 128, 131-133.
251. Murya, mountain, I 35, 44, 86, 88, 126,
muhammedan, see muslim, VIII 73. 270; 11 130; IV-1 128; IV-2 182;
muhammedanism, see Islam. IX 6, 9, 11.
Mukarab, of Ci Keruh, Sumedang, 111 Musawaratan, deliberation, theological
158. book, I 28, 247, 251.
Mukaram, first month, Islamic year, 11 Musi, river of Palembang, I 199,204;
104,108,118; 111158; IV 5. 111 275, 282; IV-1 54, 57, 58, 64,
mukim (muqim), member of mosque 137.
community, I 258. Muslim(s), Muharnmedan(s), I passim;
Mukmin (sunan), name of sunan Pra- 11 33, 62, 72, 95; 111 55, 100, 102,
wata of Demak, I 258. 115, 121, 184,226,236,238,240,270;
Mulak (ki and ni), legendary disciples of IV-1 58, 69, 70, 72, 80, 83, 86, 102,
sunan Kudus, I 99. 160, 198, 199, 202; IV-2 47, 51, 68,
Mulder (Engel), from Erberveldt, sol- 86, 110, 125, 135, 148-150, 163, 202;
dier, V 98. V 2,17; VI 302; VII 38; IX 3-12,
Mulder (Fred.), Iieut., IV-2 26. 14-17, 19, 20, 40,46, 56, 58, 59, 61,
Muller (Christ.) from Strassburg, sol- 63,88.
dier, V 187. Must akim (sayyid kaj i) , of Campa, father
Muller (Frederik Hendrik), captain, IV-1 of sunan Ngampl Denta, I 20.
136,144; V 37, 42-44,56,67,72,76, Mustika, daughter of mas Jayng Pati,
77, 80, 88, 89, 92, 97, 101, 102, 108- Madura, IV-2 60, 177.
114, 117, 12~ 128, 130, 131, 133, Mutalim Jaga Pati, convert of sunan Giri,
136, 138, 140, 141, 145, 148-150, 156, I 144.
Muyderberg, ship, V 55.

"Na bar", village, V 190, 191, 193, 195, "Nana Wadona" (ky.), of Madura, IV-2
197. 144.
Naber (S. P. I'Honor), au thor, IV-1 86, Narantaka (ky.), courtier of Banten, 111
104, 113. 266.
Nachtegaal, ship, V 48. Nara Paksa (dem.), commander of Ban-
Nagara'gung, center of the Mataram ren, IV-1 42.
states, IV-1 109. Nara Paksa (tg.), of Japara, V 79, 116,
Ngara Kertllgama, Old Jav. poem, de- 117; VIII 33.
scription of Majapahit, I 69, 138, 157, Naske (G.), Bandanese burgher, IV-268.
179, 187, 188, 207, 245, 246, 250, Nata Airnawa (tg.), tg. Pati under
255, 279, 281, 290, 294-298, 303, 305, Mangku Rat I, IV-1 33, 89, 94, 111,
310, 311; 11 19,41; III 29; IX 18. 141; V 72.
Nagara Kerta Bumi (kitab), chronicIe, Nata Brata (pg.), son of ratu Malang,
I 275. stepson of Mangku Rat I, IV-2 16,
Naguib al-Attas (Syed Muhammad), 17, 21, 156.
au thor, I 268. Nata Kusuma (pg.), commander under
Nagur (ki), legendary man of religion, Mangku Rat 11, VIII 17, 21, 131,
Demak, I 301. 132.
Nala, lurah, horse expert, IV-1 122. Nata Praja (si), envoy of png. ad. Anom,
Nala Citra, bupati of Juwana, IV-1 138. IV-2 35.
Nala Dika, bupati of Caruban, IV-2 89. Nata Praja (pan.) of Adi Langu in the
Nala Gati, lurah, horse expert, IV-1 122. suite of Mangku Rat 11, V 84.
Nala Gati, rebel, partisan of Truna Jaya, Nata Yuda, commander under Mangku
V 219. Rat 11, VII 35.
Nala Jaya, envoy of Mangku Rat 11, Navarrete (M. F. de), historian, I 55.
VIII 43, 86,116,117,123,130. Nawala Pradata, Jav. code of law, 111
Nala Pada, servant, speaking Portuguese 263.
and Dutch, IV-1 122. Nawang Sih, Nawang Wulan, celestial
Nala Paksa, servant of png. Puger, VIII nymphs (Tarub), 11 5, 6.
91. Naya, lurah, envoy, IV-1 122, 126.
Nala Suta, bupati of Caruban, V 164. Naya, patinggi of Tunglur, V 151.
Nala Wangsa, envoy from Cerbon, IV-1 Naya Citra (ky.), shabandar, governor
41. of Samarang, IV-1 169, 177; IV-2 60,
Nala Wangsa, Jav. informant on Truna 77,133,183; V 13, 219-221, 227.
Jaya, V 240, 249; VI 295. Naya Derma, lurah kape<;iak, sult. Agung,
Nam, Namba Suta, messenger of Hurdt, 111 140.
V 156, 215. Naya Dita, partisan of Truna Jaya, V
Nampa Su ta Dria, envoy of png. ad. 219.
Anom, IV-2 35. Naya Dita, messenger, V 195.
Nampu Dadi, village in Banyumas, IV-2 N aya Gati (ng.), captain of Batavian
189, 190, 192. Jav. company, V 100, 101, 151, 236.
Namrud (Raja) , adventurer, ruler of Naya Gati, partisan of Truna Jaya, V
Mesir in Banyumas, I 254; V 28, 38, 220.
50, 51, 63, 105, 106; VII 31-35, 42, Naya Hita (dem.), in Pana Raga, 1119.
44, 49, 51; VIII 12, 18, 38; IX 78, Naya Jiwa, envoy from Pati, IV-1 137.
88-90, 94. Naya Karti (si), envoy from Mataram,
IV-1 74; IV-2 35.

Naya Menggala (kntol), son of Wang 152, 153, 157, 160, 167,266,309; 11
sa Dipa, IV-2 156, 185. 56, 57, 60; 111 12, 13, 98, 210, 214,
Naya Patra (ky. lurah), shabandar of 220, 273; IV-2 1, 168; IX 5, 7, 16.
Garuda, East Java, IV-2 87, 89, 100, Ngampl or Ngampl Denta (pg., su-
101. nan), rd. Rahmat, I 49, 54, 93, 111,
Naya Patra, gan4k, royal messengel', V 133, 140, 145, 159, 160, 164, 167,
133. 245,251,266,282,309; 111 209,214;
Naya Ria di Wangsa, envoy from Jambi, IX 36.
IV-1 66. Nganjuk, town, district, V 154,155,169,
Naya Truna, mantri kape4ak under 252, 268.
Mangku Rat I, IV-2 23. N gantang, village, district, mountain, VI
Naya Truna, gardener, later: tg. Raja 276, 280, 282-286, 288-290, 292, 293,
Menggala, VII 47. 299, 308, 309; IX 82, 83.
Neck (Jac. v.), admiral, I 231. N gara, village, VI 288.
Negapatnam, ship, 111 275. N gawanti, see Ingawanti.
Negroes, Africans, I 11. N gawn, village, VII 2.
"Nengha Dauwan", Balinese, killed in Ngawi, town, district, V 139, 153.
battle, V 165. N gebel (gunung), mountain, lake, V 143.
Neptunes, ship, 111 78. N gen is (ky. ag.), legendary ancestor of
Nerang Kusuma, patih of Mangku Rat the Mataram dynasty, I 224, 312; 11
11, IV-2 40; V 66, 67, 142, 183, 232, 5, 6, 8, 19-21,86, 100; IX 26.
254, 256, 261-263, 266, 267; VI 297, N gerang (rulel' of -), local chief in Cen-
299; VII 37; VIII 15, 17-20, 23, 30, tral Java, I 63, 98, 210, 211, 255, 305,
31, 34, 39-42, 44, 54, 65, 67-69, 71, 306; 11 5, 6,17.
73-76, 78, 79, 82, 83, 91, 104, 108, N gibik (ruier of -), in East Java, I 145.
119-121, 132, 136, 144-146, 152, 153, N girik, Guwa Langs, residence of the
163; IX 91, 95-97, 99, 101. goddess of the Southem Ocean, IV-l
Netherlands, see Dutch. 179.
Neyens (M.), author, 11 56. Nglambangan, river, V 139, 147.
Ngabdurahman Sayiddin Panata Gama, Nglembu, village, V 43,44, 136, 152.
royal name, IV-l 9. Nglrep (Ulrep), village, V 21.
Ngabhi (ky.), envoy from Jambi, IV-I N glipura, see Lipura.
66;VI71,172. N gramb, viIlage (Panaraga), I 59.
Ngabhi (rd.), envoy from Mataram, N grata, village, VI 275, 278, 280, 282-
IV-l 169,172. 284, 308.
N gadi Langu, residence of sunan Kali Ngudung, locality (Kudus), I 92, 93,
Jaga and his descendents, I 30, 31, 98, 266, 267.
212, 225, 228, 234, 265, 307, 308, Ngudung (pg.), killed in battle, I 93,
312, 316; 11 12, 28, 105, 108, 130; 94, 159,266.
111 273; IV-l 141; IV-2 144; V 84; N gurawan, district, legendary kingdom,
IX 22. sce also Urawan, I 179.
Ngaji Barang, village in Banyumas, IV-2 N gusman, Muslim saint of Kailolo, Mo-
189, 190, 192; V 1, 10. luccas, I 152, 153.
N gala Dana, village, VII 44. Nieuwicheyt, ship, 111 258.
N galaga, see Ingalaga. Nieuwpoort, town (soldier), V 165, 214.
Ngali Murtala (sayyid), Raja Pan(,iita of Nijmegen, town (soldier), V 215.
Gresik, I 20. Nilambara, legendary realm (in Adi Pu-
Ngali Rahmat (sayyid), rd. Rahmat, rana) , I 186.
sunan Ngampl of Surabaya, I 20. Nila Prawata, name of rd. Truna Jaya (?),
Ngambah (Ambo), village, VII 33. IV-2 49.
Ngambat or Ngembat, village, V 118. Nimrod, see Namrud.
Ngampl Denta, quarter of Surabaya, I Nirmala (Trenggalk ?), residence of rd.
19, 27, 40, 48, 58, 92, 101, 133, 138, Kajoran, V 22, 184, 252, 253; VII
21, 31.

Nis, see Ngenis. NooTdwijk, ship, V 272.

Niti NegaTa (tg.), patih of Mangku Rat Noort (Olivier v.), navigator, I 151; 11
I, IV-1 20, 21; IV-2 25. 60; 111 205.
Niti Praja (ky.), treasurer of Mangku NOTden, town (soldier), V 212.
Rat I, IV-1 21; IV-2 79. Noronha (Michel de), count de Linhares,
Niti PTaja, mantri, guide (Hurdt), V viceroy of Goa, 111169,171,223,225,
83, 200. 226.
Niti Sast Ta (ky.), treasurer of Mangku nujum (Arab.), divination, VI 299.
Rat I, IV-1 21; IV-2 79, 94. Numbak AnyaT, company of soldiers,
Niti STuti, Jav. moralistic poem, I 216, IV-2 99.
217, 309. Numbak Cemeng, company of spearmen,
Niti Yuda (ky. ng.), chief of Batang, 11 112.
IV-1 126. NUTuliah (Sh), sunan Gunung Jati of
Niti Yuda (tg.), commander under Cerhon, I 49-51, 56, 95, 112-114, 118,
Mangku Rat 11, V 120, 121, 156. 251,277; IX 12.
Nitik Sultan Agung, legendary history, Nusa Kambangan, island, South Coast,
I 313. 11111.
"Njaykabawang" (pg.), ruler of Japara, Nusa Nivel, locality, Moluccas, V 96,
11 36. 254.
Nolp (Jac.), captain, IV-1 55. Nusatapi, Moluccas, IV-l 119.
NooTduyn (J.), orientalist, I 126, 128, Nyampo, legendary man of religion, Suku
209, 279, 280, 284, 304, 309; V 155. J;)omas, I 245.

Ocean (Indian), see Southem Ocean. Oostende, port (soldier) , V 115.
OckeTsen (0.), shabandar, harhour- Oosterwijek (Jan), senior merchant, 111
master, IV-16; IV-2125. 185, 255.
OckeTsz. (Com.), merchant, IV-1 55-58. "Oosthoek", see Eastern Corner (of
Oei Ping Ka, Chinese captain, Japara, Java).
VIII 29. "Oost-Indi", see Indonesia.
Ombak, village, 111 46. "Oost-Indin (Oud- en Nieuw-)", hook
"Ommelanden", district surrounding Ba- by F. Valentijn, I 152, 153, 289; IX
tavia/Jakarta, I 7; 111 252. 82.
Onda KaTa (ky.), see Anda Kara. Opak, river, Mataram, I 7, 206, 220,
OndeTop, sergeant, IV-2 95. 222, 223, 311, 313; 11 49, 51, 76, 83,
"Ondoe", village, VII 44. 84; 111 110, 111; IV-IlO, 14; VII
Ono or Ona (?), (kare), messenger, 36, 39,43; IX 21, 22, 28.
South Celebes, V 273, 274. Oppijnen (J. v.), captain, IV-2 163,
Onrust, island in the bay of Batavia, 111 166, 174.
62, 190,269; IV-188. OppolzeT, astronomer, 11 129.
OOTtman (Jan), sol dier, V 105. orang kaya (Malay), member of the
Ongguq (pg.), ruler of West Madura, I aristocracy, 111 106, 117, 118, 136,
171, 172. 195, 206; IV-1 109, 112; IV-2 66,
"Oost", Grote-, Great East, see Moluccas. 127.

Orange (Prince of), 111 245. Outers (Christ.), bookkeeper, IV-2 188-
Oranje, ship, IV 57. 190; VlO.
Orob (pat), ruler of Tedunan, I 43. Outhoorn (Will. v.), governor general,
Osborn (Johannes), junior merchant, V 1691-1704, V 36; VIII 36,150.
104. Outshoorn, ship, V 172, 189.
Oslo, Christiania (soldier), V 167. Oxford, Bodleian Library, I 304.
"Oudheidkundige Commissie", see Ar- Oyi (kali), river, VII 36.
chaeological Commission. Oyi (rara), favourite of Mangku Rat I,
IV-23,7,23, 24,27; V4; IX 66.

Pababaran, Sampang, where Truna Jaya pager bumi, wall encircling Snapati's
was bom, IV-2 58. residence, II 77.
Pablan (rd.), nephew of Snapati Ma- Pagirian (kali), branch of the river Bran-
taram, I 225, 313; 11 80. tas, Surabaya, 111 77; IV-2 167, 172;
Pacek ("Paatsie, Paatje"), village, V V 201.
43, 156-159, 185, 187, 193, 252, 268. Pagresik, expedition to Gresik, III 21.
Pa eek (ng.), rebel, V 221. Pagiwa, a hired murderer in Japara,
Paeinan, Chinese quarter, I 270. IV-l 188.
Paeung (ki ngurah), Bal. commander, pagoda, I 249.
111 259. Pahukiran, Balinese soldiers, V 235.
Padang, seaport, West Sumatra, V 36. Paiton, seaport in East Java, IV-2 103,
Padbrugge (Robert), governor of Ambon, 105, 107.
V 55. Pajajaran, kingdom, West Java, I 1,106,
Padrsan (ky. ageng), Giring, local 109-111, 113, 115, 117-119, 121-123,
chief, Mataram, 11 51. 253, 275, 278, 282, 283; II 13, 67;
Padma Nagara, Mad. commander, V 221. 111 32; IV-l 47; IX 11, 12.
Padma Susastra, author, I 68, 280, 282, Pajajaran (ratu), name of ratu Kali
284, 307; 11 1, 7. Nyamat, I 73, 104, 274.
Paduka Sri Ratu, title of sunan Mangku "Pajak", village, VI 288, 289, 292, 293,
Rat I, IV-l 173. 295-297, 299, 300, 305, 306, 309.
Padu Reksa, ganc;lk, later pg. Tepa Sa- Pajang, town, district, kingdom, I 12,
na, 111 256, 257; IV-2 14. 13, 35, 59, 61, 67, 69, 72, 77-84, 88-
Padu Waras, village in Central Java, V 90, 99, 101, 105, 107, 115, 121, 124,
38. 128, 129, 135, 137, 148-151, 161-163,
Pagarag, Cerbon war (with Banten), 166, 173, 176, 177, 182, 183, 189,
see also Grag, I 231; 111 283; IV-l 196, 197, 202, 206-219, 221-228, 233,
41. 234, 236, 237, 252-255, 257, 258, 261,
Pagelaran, space for officers in waiting 262,272,287,288,291,292,302-310,
in front of the royal audience-hall 313-316, 318; II passim; 111 4, 22,
(sitinggil), 11 94; III 108, 141; VIII 25, 27, 36-39, 41, 43-48, 95, 97, 98,
64. 105,121,139, 199,201,206-209,212,
Pageln, see Bageln. 273; VI-l 17; IV-2 16-18, 29, 41,
pager banon, brick wall (of png. Sila- 138, 143; V 21, 41, 42, 56, 85, 111,
rong's residence), IV-2 28.

116, 120, 121, 131, 224, 250, 255; Paku Buwana lIl, sunan, Surakarta,
VII 3, 8, 24, 28, 33, 37-39, 41, 46; 1749-'83, 1 95, 265; 11 50; 111 155,
VIII 89; IX 8-10, 12-15, 17, 18, 20- 268.
22, 26-33, 37, 38, 55, 77-79, 83, 86- Paku Buwana VII, sunan, Surakarta,
89, 94. 1830-'58, I 291; 11 50.
Pajang (sultan), Jaka Tingkir, I 297; Pakuncn, viIIage, 11 117.
11 85. Pakung Wati, kraton, Gerbon, I 275.
Pajang (ad.), mier under suzerainty of Pakurang, Madu Retna, Tmna Jaya's
Mataram, rd. Sida Wini, 11 99, 100; kraton in Madura, IV-2 60, 176.
1114,36,44-47. Pakuwan Pajajaran, kingdom, West Java,
Pajang (ad.), pg. Gagak-Baning, brother I 106, 115, 117-119, 121-123, 253,
of Snapati Mataram, 11 99, 100. 277,279; 11 35; IX 12, 13.
Pajang (pg. tg.), son of sult. Agung, rd. Palabuhan, riverport, river Brantas, 111
mas Sahwawrat, IV-l 6. 31; V 45,155,160,168,217,269.
Pajang, viIIage in Madyun, V 154. Palabuhan (mas), of Pasumhan, ratu
Pajangkungan, territory of tg. Pati, IV-1 Wtan, wife of Mangku Rat I, mother
112, 187. of png. Puger and png. Singasari,IV-2
Pajarakan, port in East Java, I 179, 187, 31; VII 4.
189, 194, 195, 297; IV-2 87-89, 108; Pala Dadi, Raja Dadi, viIIage, west of
V 24, 151; IX 18,69. Wirasaba, 111 33.
Pajarakan (ng.), bupati, IV-2 89. Palaka (raja or aru), Buginese king, V
Pajatn, viIIage, IV-l 147. 146, 189, 190, 193, 194, 200, 254,
Pa'juma or Pajumang (am), Mak. chief, 257; VI 276, 282, 283, 285-287, 290,
V 270. 300; IX 83.
Pakacangan, district in Madura, I 164; Palakaran, royal residence, Madura, I
111 84, 89. 171;11187.
Pakalongan, seaport, town, district, I Palakaran (pg.), Pragalba or pg.
272; 111 120,179,180, 182, 199,228, Ongguq, mier of Madura, I 171, 172.
247, 266; IV-l 19, 126, 177; IV-2 "Palanangka", Pangkalan Tangka, ceme-
109, 133, 144, 145, 149; V 11, 12, tery, Banten, I 82.
78; VII 14, 16,26,45; VIII 13,47; Palang, viIIage, V 66.
IX 76, 90. Palar, village (Klatn), 11 13; IV-2 17.
Pa'Kamar, au thor, I 293. Palmbang, town, district, kingdom, see
Pakaway, Iieut., VI 299. also Tulembang, I 37-40, 44, 46, 62,
Pakis, viIIage in Grobogan, 11 7. 83, 95, 122, 124, 125, 128, 129, 159,
Pakis (nyahi ag.), daughter of ki Getas 166, 167, 199-205, 279, 300-303; 11
Pan~awa, 11 5-7. 55, 65-67; UI 18, 19, 37, 40, 51, 53-
Pakis Dadu (nyahi gec;l), daugther of ki 66, 69, 70, 73, 108, 128, 132, 133,
gec;l Ssla, 11 5, 6. 137-140, 148, 156, 157, 167, 174, 185,
Pakis Wiring, viIIage, IV-2 144, 145. 186, 208; IV-2 184; V 3, 36, 57;
Paku (rd.), name of prabu Satmata, VIII 59; IX 7, 8, 13, 19, 20, 29, 50,
sunan Giri, I 140, 142, 285, 286; 11 56, 57, 60, 62.
60. Palmbang (ki mas), name of png.
Pakuan, see Pakuwan, 11 35. Tranggana of Demak, I 36, 40, 47,
Paku Buwana, roya! name, Mataram 301.
dynasty, I 72. Palmbang anom (pg.), molana arya
Paku Buwana I, sunan (Puger), Karta- Sumangsang of Demak, I 36.
sura, 1703-'19,1 131,280; 11 59; 111 Palmbang (sunan), man of reIigion, I
248; IV-2 41, 44; VlO, 63, 67, 94, 301.
240; VII 10; VIII 131, 164, 166, "Pallandinge", viIIage, IV-2 113.
167; IX 80, 101, 103. Palmer van den Broek (W.), author, I
Paku Buwana 11, sunan, Surakarta, 293; U 58; 111 83.
1726-'49, II 20. Pal Putih, Tugu, Yogyakarta, U 121.

Paluh Amba, village, I 185. Paminggak (pg.), brother of rd. Kajoran

Palwa or Prahu (gunung), mountain, Ambalik, IV-2 43; VII 8, 35, 45.
III 43. Pamot (arya), commander under Mang-
pamajgan, lee mantri. ku Rat I, IV-2 115, 120.
Pamalad (pg. arya) , ruler of Tuban, I Pamot (arya), brother-in-Iaw of Mangku
135. Rat I1, partisan of rd. Kajoran, VII
Pamalang, town, district, East Java, see 25.
Malang. Pamlltihan, locality (Mataram), 111 105.
Pamalang, town, district, West Pasisir, panakawan, servant, page, 11 88.
III 120, 153; VIII 37. Panalika (arya) or Wira Brata, comman-
Pamalang (ratu), ratu Malang, favourite der in Banyumas, see also Pranalika,
of Mangku Rat I, IV-2 20. VIII 39.
Pamali, river, West and Central Java, I Panambangan, ferry, Old Jav. charter,
275. I 206.
Paman, envoy from Tegal, III 71. Panangsang, district (?), I 280.
Pamanahan, quarter of Surakarta, 1221, Panangsang (arya) , ruler of Jipang, I
223, 224, 262, 308, 312. 76-79, 82, 89, 96, 99, 101, 104, 127-
Pamanahan (ky. ge\) , ruler of Mata- 129, 161, 204, 212, 213, 218, 224,
ram, father of Snapati, see also Ma- 250, 260, 265, 272, 280, 281, 302,
nahan, I 88-90, 221-225, 229, 232, 310,312; 11 25-32,37-41,43,44,54,
233, 262, 308, 310; II 5-7, 13, 16, 55, 92, 107, 131; V 77, 81, 250; IX
19-23, 29, 32, 38-40, 44-55, 62, 64, 9, 13,20,21,26,27.
100, 111; IV-2 14, 40; V 65; VII Panaraga, town, district, I 59, 84, 162,
39; IX 22, 26-28. 287; 11 53, 58,107,109,114; 111 2,
Pamaneangah (Kidung), Bal. chronicIe, 9-11, 27, 32, 36, 47, 97, 159; IV-l
I 196,296,299,300. 26; IV-2 7,8,24,27,41,42, 71, 73,
Pamaneingan, Mancingan, place of wor- 138, 141, 142, 181, 182; V 126, 144,
ship, I 248; IV-2 80. 145, 249, 252, 255; VI 276; VII 18,
PamalJ4egan, near Sampang, Madura, I 21,28,31,42,44; IX 36, 82, 88.
172. Panaraga, Panaragang (ker.), Makasar
Pamantingan, Mantingan, cemetery, Ja- chief, IV-2 86-88,113; V 175,190.
para, I 104, 106, 245, 248, 271, 272, Panarukan, town, district, Eastern Corner
274; 11 43; V 81; IX 27. of Java, I 42, 55, 56, 59, 64, 74, 113,
Pamanukan, district, West Java, IV-2 161, 162, 172, 177, 179, 181, 185-191,
146, 157, 160; V 17, 257; VIII 33, 193-196, 198, 235, 255, 256, 287, 296,
46. 298, 299; 11 16, 24, 26, 37, 56, 67;
Pambarep (nyahi), sister-in-Iaw of Mak- III 12, 189,255,256; IV-2 101, 102,
dum Sampang, I 49. 107, 109, 110; V 6; VIII 50; IX 8,
Pambayun (ratu), daughter of pg. Pekik, 17-19,48.
111 249. Panata'gama, royal title, I 80, 261; IV-2
Pambayun ing Langgar (ky. gedng), 118, 142.
imm of Demak, I 49, 50. Panatagama (pan.), rd. Kajoran Amba-
Pamblora, conquest of Blora, I 129, 281. lik, IV-2 142.
Pamekasan, town, district, Madura, I Panawangan, village, V 104, 107, 108.
169, 174-176, 293; 111 84, 85, 86, 89, Paiiea Niti, audience-hall, IV-2 115.
91,93; IV-2 56-58,175,176; V 248; panea ta1;l4a, see pecat talJ\a.
VIII 54, 57. Panea Wura, cannon of sult. Agung, III
Pamelikan (ker.), Mak. chief, vIn 133. 129-131; IV-1 33; IV-2 90; IX 41.
Pamenang, see Mamenang. Paneuran, village, I 48.
Pamnggr, legendary commander in Paneuran (nyahi ge\), daughter of
East Java, ajar Guntur Geni, I 192, sunan Ngampl, I 48, 49, 92.
284, 298. Pa1;l4an, village, IV-2 184, 185; VII 18.
Pamijn, village, 111 139. Pa!lIjan Arang (ki ge\), sunan Bayat, I

26,61, 255; II 81; III 199,201; Panjang (kapitein), Cornelis Ockersz.,

IV-2 40; VII 2, 3, 36, 37, 39, 50, IV-l 55, 57.
51; IX 86. Panjang Jiwa, Jav. poet (suIt. Agung),
PanrJan (Sari) (ratu) , sister of suIt. III 213.
Agung, wife of png. Pekik, 111 12, Panjang Jiwa, commander, Cerbon, IV-l
210-216,249; IV-l 2; IV-2 24. 42.
Pandang (gunung), mountain, V 274. Panjang Mas, au thor, Qalang (sult.
pang,ita, religious teacher, 11 60. Agung) , 111 23; IX 36.
Panif,ita (Raja), of Gresik, I 20, 21,157, Panjawi, village, I 262, 263.
290. Panjawi (ki), ruler of Pa!i, see also Jawi,
Pandonga (rd. mas), name of pg. Singa I 88-90, 212, 224, 228, 262, 312; 11
Sari, IV-2 31. 19-23, 39-41, 44-46, 110, 111; 111
panembahan, title of rulers, I 226; II 135; IX 10, 26, 27.
101, 106; 111 75, 205, 206. Panjr, district, East Java, I 84; III 4,
Panengen, right-hand branch of family- 5, 8.
tree, I 265. panji, ancient title of nobility, I 166.
PanePn (Suluk), Jav. poem, I 305. Panji, mythical hero, Jav. literature, I
Pangalasan (mantri) , courtier, 11 93; 156, 166, 177,280,289,292; IX 16.
III 140. Panji (pun), criss of pg. Purbaya, IV-2
Pangantn (rd.), son of rd. Kajoran, 120.
IV-2 43; VII 7, 8, 29. Panji (rd.), rebel, VII 25, 37.
Pangayun (ratu), daughter of pg. Pekik, Panji Arungan, Bal. commander, IV-l
III 249; IV-2 1. 26.
pangran, title of religious leaders, af ter- Panji [no Kerta Pati, mythical hero, I
wards of noblemen, 11 56, 101; III 165, 166.
118, 128. Panji Karsuia, of Japan, commander
Pangran Ratu, ruler of Demak, I 49. under Mangku Rat I, IV-2 95, 99-
Pangran Sangu Pati, didactic poem, 101, 107.
Bali and Lombok, I 100. Panji La ras, Panji Liris, Chinese com-
panggeg,, chief (of East J avanese rulers ) , mand ers, Giri, I 146.
I 164. Panji Sakti (gusti), ruler of Bullng,
Panggung (pg.), legendary heterodox Bali, IV-1 52; V 233, 252; VIII 152;
mystic, I 269. IX 56.
Panggung (pg.) of Ral.1Qu Sanga, brother Panji (Wanng) Pati, Blambangan com-
of pg. Tranggana of Demak, I 294. mander, IV-1 26.
panghulu, see pangulu. Panji Wirya Krama, adipati of Surabaya,
pangimanan, mihrab in mosque, I 33,47. 1166; 11 59.
Pangiri (pg. arya), king of Demak, see Panjuwed, step-brother of ki Pamanahan,
also KaQiri, I 80, 81, 105, 217; II 66, see Panjawi, 11 6, 21, 48.
92, 98. "Panokanang", village, V 164.
Pangiwa, left-hand branch of family-tree, Panolan, district, Jipang, I 126; V 163;
I 265. IX 13.
Pangkalan Tangka, cemetery, Banten, I Panular (pg., rd. arya), son of Mangku
82. Rat I, IV-2 187, 192; V 138; VIII
Pangkalan Tangka (sultan), Demak pre- 131, 132.
tender, I 82. Panular (arya), brother of rd. Kajoran,
pangulu, im.m of mosque, "high priest", VII 8.
I 47, 51, 54, 67, 68, 95-98, 114, 124, Panumping, company of soldiers, IV-2
133, 134, 212, 234, 251, 257, 267, 99.
308; 111 115; IV-2153; IX 7, 8,10. Papate, village, V 43, 76, 137, 139-141,
Pangurit, Mad. soldiers, V 153. 143, 144, 188.
"Panio" (Port.), Pajang, 11 68. Pape (Jan Ie), assistant, 111 65, 69.
Pan( g)jalu, district, Ka4iri, see also Jalu, Parakan, village, district, I 218; 11 96,
I 315. 99.
182 ISLAl\lIC STAT ES IN JAVA 1500-1700

Parakan (sunan), pg. Benawa of Pajang, 80, 85, 90, 101, 106, 107, 133, 137,
11 96. 139, 148, 154, 162-166, 169, 173, 181,
Parakan Muncang, village, IV-IS. 184, 186, 199,208,212-213,215,216,
Paramayoga, Jav. book by Rangga War- 218, 221,232-238,240,241,246,255,
sita, I 318. 256, 258, 267, 269, 271, 275, 278,
Paranggi (ker.), Mak. chief, IV-2 63. 283, 286, 292, 317, 318; 11 3, 114,
Parang Tritis, locality, South Coast, 11 125; 111 32, 48, 153, 196, 222, 256;
76. IV-l 13, 19, 20, 88, 91, 109, 177;
Parapn (sunan), see Prapn. IV-2 47, 102, 118-120, 172; V 3, 85,
Pararaton, Old Jav. chronicIe, I 52, 93, 91, 152; VII 18; IX 21, 76, 78, 99,
187, 188, 262, 266, 268, 282, 290, 101.
291, 293, 294, 297, 298, 300, 301, Pasisir (rd. dem.), Wira Nagara, VIII
304,305; 11 89, 102. 139.
Parel, bastion of Batavia, 111 156. Pasiwalan, campaign, see Siwalan.
Parnduwan, village, Madura, IV-2 58. Pasoelingh (Sulong), Mak. chief, IV-2
Parlindungan, author, I 18, 276; IX 4. 71.
Parnn (shaikh), legendary ancestor Pasowanan Kidui, southern audience-
(Dh'I-Qarnain), I 20, 245. place (south of a royal residence); see
Parobak (ng.), rebel, V 151. also pasban, VIII 90.
Paron (kali), river, V 244. Passempe (aru), Mak. chief, V 270.
Parrack, Parrick (Andrew), captain, Pasuruhan, town, district, see also Gem-
IV-l 197. bong, I 8, 42, 58, 64, 69, 74, 113,
Pasagi, locality, Surabaya ( ?), I 230. 146, 150, 161, 162, 164, 172, 174,
Pasagi (dip.), commander, I 230, 315; 177, 179-184, 187, 189-191, 194-198,
11 121, 122; 11130. 215, 229, 237, 253, 256, 287, 288,
Pasai, town, North Sumatra, I 22, 112, 290, 294-297; 11 37, 57, 58, 61, 62,
118, 245, 277, 278; V 11; IX 12. 112-114, 118, 124, 131; 111 16, 17,
Pasangan, district, Acheh, I 22. 28-31, 38, 41-43, 97, 159, 256, 257,
pasanggrahan, country residence, 11 24. 259; IV-1 26, 51, 109; IV-2 31, 70,
pasantrn, see pesantrn. 84, 87-89, 100, 136, 173; V 62, 66,
Pasaryan (pg.), ruler of Cerbon, I 114, 72, 73, 82, 181, 190, 201, 274; VII
120, 122. 4; VIII 57, 120, 121, 126, 131, 132,
Pasar Pajhinggha'an, kampung, Sumenep, 133, 137, 139, 145, 147, 150, 151,
I 176. 165; IX 17-19, 22, 32, 37, 38,48,56,
Pasea (karel, Mak. ensign, V 84. 71, 72, 77, 96, 100, 101.
pasban, audience place in front of a Patah (radn), legendary first king of
royal residence, see also pasowanan, 11 Demak, I 35, 37, 39, 41, 53-55, 65,
101; 111 115; V 4, 239, 257, 266; 159, 160, 199, 200, 256, 300, 301; 11
VIII 62, 78, 114. 7, 26, 66; 111 273; IV-2 49; V 90;
Pasir, district in Banyumas, see also Ma- IX 7.
sir, Mesir, I 42, 56, 57, 62, 87, 145, Patanahan, village, IV-2 189, 190.
214, 254, 255, 289, 290, 300; 11 74; patann, family shrine, bedchamber, ko-
111 121; IV-2 189; IX 8. bongan, I 31.
Pasir, district in South Borneo, I 152, Patann (nyahi ag.), daughter of ki gecJ
289; IV-2 75,88. Ssla, 11 5, 6.
Pasir, or Langlang, messenger, VIII 118. Pat ani, Malay kingdom, I 38, 203, 302;
Pasir Luhur, kraton, see Pasir (Banyu- 111 46, 70, 72, 164; IV-l 54; IV-2
mas). 79.
Pasisingan (tg.), Silingsingan, courtier, Patawangan, river Tadunang, V 108.
partisan of png. Alit, IV-l 27, 28, 31, "Patchilingan", village, V 272.
32; see also Tanpasisingan. "pate", vizier, local ruler, see also patih,
Pasisir, North Coast provinces of Java, I I 37-39, 200, 201.
7, 8, 14, 36, 60, 61, 67, 69, 71, 79, Pari, town, kingdom, I 42, 69, 83, 85-91,

126, 127, 150, 212, 215, 224, 226, Patra Yuda, lurah, IV-1 29.
233, 249, 262, 263, 266, 270, 279, Patra Yuda (ng.), mantri, V 91, 151.
307,312,314,316; 11 13,25,39,41, Pattingalloang (ker.), prince of Makasar,
44, 45, 48, 54, 55, 62, 68, 98, 104- IV-2 65.
107,109-111,117,118,123,127-132; Patukangan, town in the Eastern Corner
111 1, 2, 5, 36, 37, 40, 41, 48, 84, 91, of Java, I 186, 193, 298.
92, 117, 134-145, 217; IV-l 13, 17, Patut (telaga), artificial pond, in Giri,
20, 45, 47-49, 64, 106, 111-113, 115, 1287; 11 62.
117, 121, 122, 125, 128, 136, 138, "Patzie" (ng.), Jav. rebel, V 22.
149; IV-2 124, 130, 142, 144, 171, Pau Kubah, king of Campa, I 22.
182; V 14, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32,41,44, Pau Liang, of Campa, settled in Acheh,
67, 73, 76, 77, 80, 89, 112, 116, 128, I 23.
153, 175, 181, 212, 224; VII 18, 29; Paulo (Antonie), Dutch prisoner of war,
IX 9, 10, 26, 28, 33, 36, 41, 42, 59-61, under sult. Agung, 111 101, 111, 181,
76, 78, 79 91. 227, 234, 235, 237, 238, 241, 244-246,
Pafi (pg.), ad. Pragola, 111 136. 251-253, 261, 271, 272, 281, 284, 288;
Pafi (tg.), bupati, tg. N ata Airnawa, IV-l 2,86; IX 47,49.
under Mangku Rat I, 111 280; IV-1 Payak, village, VI 288; IX 83.
11, 33, 44-46, 59, 72, 84, 86, 88, 91, Pays (Jan), native sergeant, VIII 119,
92,94, 96,97, 103, 107-120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 136, 144, 147.
125-131, 133, 135-138, 140-143, 147, payung, state sunshade, 111 10, 51, 122.
208; IV-2 3, 8, 27. pecat tanga, panca tanQa, Old. Jav. offi-
Patian (Patihan), village in Surakrta, cial, in charge of markets and ports, I
V 127. 21, 24, 40, 93, 158, 159, 200, 210,
Patian (Pate), village in KaQiri, V 154, 245, 250, 290, 304.
158. Pedro, interpreter, 111 67.
patih, vizier, steward, afterwards "rijks- Peerl, ship, IV-1 168.
bestuurder", see a1so "pat" and tu- Pegirian, see Pagirian.
menggung, I 38, 39, 52, 66, 126, 171, Pgu, district, Birma, I 238; IV-1 82,
173, 233, 246, 249, 250, 257, 278, 139.
280,285,310; 11 36; IV-1 16; V 83, "Pejagem", see piyagem.
105, 109; IX 54, 59, 95. Pekalongan, see Pakalongan.
patinggi or petinggi, (village) chief, 11 pekih, Ar. faqih, Islamie lawyer, I 292.
36, 70, 71. Pekik (pg.), prince of Surabaya, I 69,
Pati Nusanivel, Ambon. captain, V 78. 164-168, 287, 292, 309; 11 56, 57, 59,
Patra, lurah, IV-1 46, 146, 150. 60; 111 12, 13, 17, 29, 95, 97, 98,
Patra (tuan), man of religion of Wana 208-219, 249; IV-l 2, 142; IV-2 1,
Salam, V 109. 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 23, 24, 33, 38, 57; V
Patra Hita, messenger, 111 245, 246, 270. 3, 61, 251; IX 16, 40, 46, 48, 54, 61,
Patra Jaya (rd.), guardsman, IV-2 93. 66.
Patra Kilasa, of Pasuruhan, maternal Pelabuhan, see Palabuhan.
grandfather of Mangku Rat 11, IV-2 Pemalang, see Parnalang.
31; VII 4. Penanggungan, mountain, East Java, I
Patra Menggala, commander, 111 180, 58, 141, 253; V 254.
181; IV-1 88, 89, 94. Penawangan, village, V 104, 107, 108.
Patran, village, V 190, 191, 193, 195, pengapa, open hall, 11 19, 125; 111 107,
197,270,273. 108, 202, 291; V 2, 218.
Patra Naga, envoy, IV-l 154. Pengging, kingdom, Central Java, I 35,
Patra Naya, messenger, V 163. 61-63, 93, 94, 98, 163, 206-211, 213,
Patra Suta, messenger, V 112, 141, 142, 216, 217, 221, 234, 255, 276, 303-308,
144, 156. 313; 11 16-18; V 82; IX 8. 20, 21,
Patm Suta, man of religion, envoy of 26, 86.
mas Warga Dalem, V 213. penghulu, see pangulu.

Penneman (Franois), skipper, IV-2 150, yakarta), 11 120, 121; 111 80,81;
151. IV-2 140, 144, 184; VII 13.
pp, waiting for an audience, 111 10, Pinto (Femandez Mendes) , travelIer, I
209, 210. 51, 64, 72, 74, 76, 103, 113, 161, 172,
Peppercorn, ship, 111 67. 181, 189, 195, 256, 287; 11 16, 24, 25,
Prak, in Malaysia, IV-l 79, 196. 37, 56; 111 13; V 261.
peranakan(Chinese) , see "Indo-Chinese". Pinto (ManueI), merchant, I 76, 260.
Perang Wadana (ng.), commander under Pintu Blcljg, door of the mosque of De-
Mangku Rat I, IV-2 104, 106. mak, I 31.
perdikan desa, viIIage exempt from pay- Pires (Tom), travelIer, I 14,24, 27-29,
ing taxes, 111 121, 197; V 44; VIII 34, 36-39, 41-44, 46, 48, 52, 57, 62,
23. 74,86-88,109-111,117,119,127,132,
Peregrinao, book by Mendes Pinto, I 133, 138, 139, 142-147, 157-160, 162,
64, 72, 74, 25~ 287. 166, 170, 175, 179, 180, 181, 187,
peri, prayangan, nymph, spirit, 11 82. 188 193, 195, 196, 200, 201, 247,
Perning, village, V 47, 270, 274, 277. 253, 254, 264, 272, 275, 279, 281,
Persia, Iran, 111 119; IV-l 37, 80, 82, 284, 286, 290, 293, 295, 299, 304,
85, 123, 139, 140; IV-2 10; V 5; 317; 11 31; 111 12, 19, 110,263; IV-l
IX 5. 82; IX 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16-20.
Pesagi, see Pasagi. "Pisammanes", town(?), I 74; 11 25,26.
pesantrn, Islamic religious school, Pit (Joannes), assistant, IV-l 169.
ashram, I 247, 251; V 114. Pit (Maarten), member of the Council
Petak (bagus), nephew of Snapati, bu- of India, VIII 119, 123, 149, 150.
pati of Madyun, 11 112. Pits (Jac. Jorisz.), member of the Council
Petarangan, viIIage, IV-2 189. of India, V 36.
Petingaloang (krang), Makasar chief, piyagem, charter, I 129, 202, 302; 11
IV-2 65, 84. 45, 49, 53, 70, 71; 111 158.
Plaft (L.), designer, I 286. "Plaan" (Plandakan?), viIIage, V 275.
Philippines, archipelago, I 2; 11 125; Plrd, kraton, residence of Mangku Rat
IX 5. I, 11 54, 101, 113; 111 111, 115, 211;
Philips IV, king of Spain, letters, 111 IV-l vii, 10, 12, 14, 31; IV-2 156,
224, 231. 188, 193; V 2, 82; VI 289; VIII,
Piero or Piroe, Moorisch envoy, IV-247, 26, 27, 31; IX 54, 67, 73, 76, 87-89,
51, 86, 110, 125, 135, 148-151, 163; 94.
VII 14. Plrd (ky.), holy lance of Snapati Ma-
Pieterssen (Matthijs or Tijs), prisoner of taram, 11 39-41, 113; VII 27, 47;
war, 111 236; IV-l 86,87,92, 94-96, VIII 95.
98. Plrd (sultan), sunan Mangku Rat I,
Pigaletta (Ant.), pilot, I 45. IV-l 8.
. Pigeaud (Th.), Javanist, 11 9, 13, 23, Pleunen (Aart), shipwright, IV-l 88 .
28, 53, 74, 88; 111 9, 23, 117, 121, Plumpung, viIIage, V 196, 270, 271.
157, 200, 219, 255, 267, 277; IV-2 Poljang (ratu), niece of sult. Agung; see
17, 32, 59, 172; V 187. also Kali Po<;Iang, I 69.
Pijper (G. F.), arabist, 11 130; 111 115. Poensen (C.), javanist, missionary, 11 51.
"Pimtor" (Pat), mIer of Blambangan, Poerbatjaraka (rd. mas ngabhi), java-
I 180, 194. nist, I 318; 11 10, 22, 50,61,64, 88,
Pinang, see Pulo Pinang. 89,100; IV-2 29.
Pinatih (nyahi ge) of Gresik, foster- Poerwa Soewignja, author, I 306.
mother of sunan Giri, I 26, 140, 141, Pojok (pg.), commander, bupati of Tu-
285, 286. ban, 111 49.
Pinggir, native of East Java, in bondage Poland (Toontje), army officer, 111 25,
in Mataram, 111 262, 263; IX 49. 91.
Pingit, village, toU-gate (north of Yog- Poleman (Chr.), commander, IV-2 108,

110-114, 118, 119, 121-123, 129; V Pragalba, ruler of West Madura, I 171.
6, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 93, 197, 208, Pragola I, ruler of Pati, I 85, 90, 221,
271, 272, 276; VIII 59; IX 80, 82. 228, 230, 232, 262, 263; 11 21, 41,
Po Li, port (Chinese chronicIe ), I 262. 98, 111, 127, 128; 111 2, 135, 141;
Polvliet, lieut., V 126, 235. IX 10.
"Pombaja" (nyahi), female courtier, V Pragola II, ruler of Pati, I 85, 90, 91;
261. 11 25, 41, 128; 11140,48,84,85,91,
Pommeren (Gerrit v.), artillerist, V 212. 92, 133-138, 140-143; IX 10.
Poncaniti, see Panca Niti. Pragunan, district, East Pasisir, I 164.
"Pondan" (pate) , ruler of Surabaya, 11 Prahu (gunung), mountain, 111 43.
56; see also Bon<;lan. Pramana (rd.), in Sengguruh, fighter
pont/ok, pesantrn, I 247, 251. against Islam, I 263, 264.
"Pongsor", source of drinking-water in Pramana (rangga), patih of Kertasana,
Surakarta, V 130. Wirasaba, under Surabaya, at war with
Pontang, village, IV-ISO; IV-2 65, 66. sult. Agung, 11 117; III 32, 33, 35.
Pop (Pieter) , lieut., V 99. Prambanan, village, district, Central Ja-
"Pope (Mohammedan)", sunan Giri, I va, I 90, 156, 220-223, 225, 226, 229,
153. 230, 310, 313; 11 78, 82-85, 94, 95,
Porong (kali), branch of the river Bran- 127, 131, 132; 111 113,291; VII 18,
tas, 111 95, 152; V 24,47,270,273; 27,28; IX 21, 30.
VII 29. Prana Citra, romance, Jav. literature, I
Portugal, Portuguese, see also Lissabon, 263; III 142, 286; VII 9.
I 1, 2, 5, 24, 36, 42-48, 50-52, 55, "Pranalieka" (rd. arya), commander un-
60, 63, 64, 69, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, der Mangku Rat I, see also Panalika,
87, 103, 106, 109, 110, 112, 113, 117- IV-2 116.
119, 124, 127, 132, 138, 139, 142, Pranantaka, of Japara, messenger, V 266.
143, 146, 149, 153, 158, 160, 161, Prana Raga, town, see Panaraga.
172, 175, 189, 190, 194, 195, 201, Prana Taka, mantri, later: ad. Sindu
202, 232, 238, 251, 270, 272, 273, Reja, IV-2 38, 144, 184; V 66; VII
276, 277; 11 33, 37, 56, 61, 62, 84, 38.
85,98, 115; 111 19,20,74, 126, 164- "Pranatgata", cornrnander, IV-2 116.
172, 177, 178, 180, 184, 191, 223-232, Prana Wangsa, envoy, IV-l 154.
237, 241-243, 245, 255, 263, 266,267, Prana Yuda (ng.), envoy, IV-l 129; V
272, 275, 282, 284; IV-l vi, 54, 70, 104/5.
71, 95, 97, 120, 121; IV-2 62, 64, 89, Prang Wadana, see Perang Wadana.
95; V 3,11,28,81; IX 4,6-8,11, Prapn (sunan), ruler of Giri, I 147-151,
14, 16, 18, 23, 29, 43, 46, 47, 58. 154, 163, 167, 182, 183, 196, 197,
Postillon, ship, IV-l 140. 215,227,291,308,314; 11 60-62, 64,
Prabalingga, seaport, district, see also 106; III 197, 206-208, 220; IX 15,
Banger, I 138, 185-189, 192, 194, 208, 21, 29,45.
284, 294, 296, 297, 304, 315; IV-2 Prasna (ky., rd.), ruler of West Madura,
88; VIII 132, 151; IX 18, 100. I 174, 293; III 83, 86, 92.
Prabalingga (ng.), bupati, IV-2 89. Prasman, French, IV-l 198.
Praba Yeksa, royal residence in the in- Prasser (Dan.), of Japara, baker, saw-
terior of the kraton, III 22, 105, 107; miller, V 111, 149; VIII 162, 163.
IV-IlO, 11. Pratanu, pan. Umah Duwur of Aros
Prabu Anom, name of Sumangsang, ruler Baya, ruler of West Madura, I 162,
of Demak, I 36, 40. 171,172; IX 17.
Prabu Kifnya, legendary queen of Maja- Pratikal (sunan mas ratu), name of su-
pahit, I 176. nan Prapn, I 148.
pradata, court of law, I 67. Prawata, kraton, residence (Demak) , I
Praga, river, Central Java, I 7, 206, 220, 75, 78, 91, 105, 141, 258, 259, 261;
222; 111 239; VII 26; IX 21. 11 24, 25, 28, 29, 32, 44, 55; III 140;
V 82; VII 48, 49.

Prawata (susuhunan or pg.), king of De- Pueang, village, IV-2 189, 190.
mak, I 75-80, 91, 96, 99, 104, 105, Puger, district in the Eastern Corner of
115, 127, 128, 204, 212, 213, 217, Java, I 188, 198, 274, 297, 298; 11
258, 260, 261, 265, 271-274, 302; 11 102; 111 255; V 72, 129; VI 285,
25-30, 92; VII 48; IX 9, 13, 20, 26. 308; IX 19.
Prawira Taruna, of Pati, killed in battle, Puger (png.), name of Mataram princes,
111 140. 181,298; IX 31.
Prawira Taruna (rd.), commander under Puger (pg.), son of Snapati Mataram,
Mangku Rat I, IV-2 95, 97-100, 102, 184,102,261,274,297,314; 11 102-
105-107,115. 103, 122, 129; III 1-6, 8; IX 36.
Prawiro Atmodjo, author, 111 142. Puger (pg.), son of pan. Krapyak, 111
prayangan, spirit, 11 82. 118, 160, 161.
Premana (rg.), of Kertasana, see Pra- Puger (pg.), son of Mangku Rat I,
mana. sunan Paku Buwana I, 1 252, 288;
"Priai Moenkim", man of re!igion, I 75. IV-2 31, 32, 41, 43, 44, 80, 83, 115,
Priangan, province, West Java, Sunda- 127,139,140,153,154, 156, 184-187,
nese region, 11 115; 111 92, 153, 193, 192; V 8, 10, 12, 14-16, 18, 19, 27,
194, 196, 197, 247, 268; IV-l 145, 28, 32, 33, 40, 41, 49, 51, 58, 59, 62,
147,190, 196; IV-2 42, 63; V 6,15, 63, 67, 89, 90, 91, 94, 102, 105, 106,
18,20,56,80, 103,204; VIII 16,28, 117-119, 125, 128, 138, 184, 252; VI
35, 38, 59, 11 0; IX 44, 45, 95. 289; VII 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 22-29,
Prign Bay, South Coast, V 253. 31, 33-35, 39, 42, 43, 45-47, 49, 51;
Prijono,orientalist, I 298. VIII 12, 16, 17, 19, 61, 64, 75, 91,
Principalities: "Vorsten!anden" of Cen- 95, 131, 132, 136, 139, 145, 148, 155,
tra! Java (from Mataram to Surakar- 162, 164, 166; IX 76-78, 80, 83, 87-
tal, I 11, 35, 61, 67, 124; 11 11, 13, 90,94, 101, 103.
17,110; III 114,262,263; IV-l 109; Pujangga of Pajang, pg. Karang Gayam,
IV-2 40, 44; VlOS, 239, 240, 245, poet, 1217.
246, 261, 266; VII 2, 11, 38; VIII Pulang Jiwa (arya or ki), commander
64. under Mangku Rat I, IV-2 100, 140.
Pringga Baya, district, East Pasisir (Sura- Pulang Jiwa (rd. panji), Mad. comman-
baya ?), 1164. der under Surabaya, at war with sult.
Pringga Laya (pg.), son of Snapati Ma- Agung, 111 30.
taram, 111 10, 257, 258; IV-2 14. Pulang Jiwa, partisan of Truna Jaya,
Pringga Laya (pg.), brother of sult. ruler of Sumenep, VIII 54, 57, 58.
Agung, son of pan. Krapyak, 111 256, "Pular" (pat), ruler of "Canjtam"
257; IV-2 27, 115. (Genling ?), 1 188.
Pringga Waeana, umbul in Japara under Pulau PutTi, island (Batavia), III 190.
Mangku Rat I, IV-l 193. Pulo TiTem (pg.), of Semarang, father
Pringga Wangsa (mas), man of religion, of sunan Bayat, III 203.
rebel in Sumenep, VIII 50. Pulo Moloko, Moluccas, I 153.
Prins (Jan), Dutch poet, IV-2 193; VII Pulo Nungsa BaTambang, island (nusa
1. Kambangan ?), 111 10, 11.
Prins Willem, ship, 111 188. Pulo Pinang, in Malaysia, I 86.
"Probatarany" (png.), pg. Singa Sari, Pulungan, see Kapulungan.
son of Mangku Rat I, IV-2 88. Pu neot KalisuTa, mount Lawu, V 121,
"Promadita", envoy, IV-2 35. 122.
Prop het, see Muhammad. pungkuran, backyard of mansion, 111
Propheet (Jurriaan) , junior merchant, 110.
IV-l 159, 169, 170, 190. Purbalingga, town in Banyumas, I 254,
Providentia, fortress, VIII 12. 297; VII 34.
Provintie, ship, V 52, 56. Purba N egaTa (rd.), son of pan. Giri, V
Prowd, master mate of the British ship 192.
Reformation, 111 270.

Purbaya (pg.), prince of Banten, I 72. pusaka, heirloom, palladium, I 20, 30,
Purbaya, district, Madyun, 11 102; VII 31, 40, 129, 218, 228, 286; 11 9, 24,
7, IX 31, 86. 44, 45, 74, 83, 84, 96, 97, 109, 127,
Purbaya (pan.) I, son of Snapati Ma- 128; 111 48, 129, 139-141, 161; IV-2
taram, I 311; 11 102, 103, 118, 121- 189, 192; V 2, 10, 46, 60, 63, 83,
123. 224; VII 49; VIII 164.
Purbaya (pg., pan.) 11, son of sunan Puspa Kencana, sorrel horse of Snapati
Krapyak, 111 2, 26, 33, 43-45, 118, Mataram,I1 109.
140, 153-156, 158, 160, 161, 203, 209, Puspa NagaTa (dip.), nephew of Cakra
291; IV-1 3-7, 10, 16, 24, 25, 28-30, Ningrat I, IV-2 59, 60.
33-36, 42, 43; IV-2 7, 9, 12, 20, 22- Puspa Raga (bagus), kntol, envoy, IV-1
24, 26, 27, 42, 44, 52, 80, 94, 115- 126, 146.
122, 124, 125, 139, 140, 182, 183, Puspati Naya, nephew of Cakra Ningrat
187; V 4, 7; VII 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9-11, I, IV-259.
13; IX 54,55. Puspa Wangsa, spy, IV -2 97.
Purbaya (pg.) 111, son of sult. Agung, Puspa Wangsa, messenger, V 88, 101.
IV-1 7; IV-2 42, 140; VII 4, 5, 7, Pusuh (rd. ajeng), rd. ayu Kleting Ijo,
15, 16, 19; IX 66, 70. sister of Mangku Rat 11, VII 6.
Purbaya (pg.) IV, son of pg. Purbaya Putri Cempa, legendary princess, Maja-
11, IV-1 7; IV-2 42, 139, 181, 187; pahit, I 20, 23, 145; IX 5.
VII 4, 5, 19,32; IX 73. PutTi Cina, princess, in Jav. literature
PUTbaya family, VII 4, 6, 7, 11. (Mnak), I 240, 318.
Purna (nyahi geQ) , sister of ki geQ Putri Dwi Swara or Putri Lran, Fatl-
Ssla, 11 5. mah bint Maimn, Moslim woman
Purwa, peninsuIa, Blambangan, I 192. (ancicnt grave), I 21.
Purwadadi, in Grobogan, Ssla, 11 7. Putu (rd.), rebel, VII 46.
Purwadigama, Old Jav. code of law, I puwasa, Islamic Fast, Ramadhan, IV-1
257. 126; V 177, 216.
Purwakarta, town in Banyumas, VlO.

qawm, (Arab.), kaum, community of "Quilidamo" (Kyahi Dmang), com-
religious people, I 258. mander of Japara, I 273.
Quds (al-), J erusalem, IX 10. Quinam (in Cambodia), trade with Pa-
lembang, IV-1 55.

Rabani (pan<;lita), name of png. Kudus, Java, 1811-1816, I 45, 55, 81, 87,134,
I 49. 149, 162, 163, 166, 173, 215, 281,
Radn (pg.), of Kajoran, son-in-Iaw of 285, 287, 291, 293; 11 4, 9, 10, 54,
Snapati Mataram, VII 3. 57-59, 61, 62, 64, 90, 97, 111, 113,
Radn (kangjeng pan.) of Pajang, grand- 114,119, 123, 129; IV-1 12,34, 111,
father of png. Puger, IV-2 41, 42. 115, 222, 280; IV-2 14, 15, 20, 27;
Radn (rd. ayu pan.), sister of pan. VIII 41, 80.
Rama of Kajoran, IV -2 41; VII 3, 6. Ragil (rd.), son of png. Surabaya, at war
Raets (Com.) of Rotterdam, sailor, V with Truna Jaya, V 22; see also Wu-
118. ragil.
Raffles (Th. St.), lieut. govemor-gen. of

Rahmat (rd.), name of sunan Ngampl, Rangga di Menggala, of Jaga Raga, un-
I 19, 20, 21, 23, 48, 92, 111, 133, der Mangku Rat 11, V 213.
138, 159, 290; 11 56, 57, 60; 111 Rangga Law, legendary ruler of Tuban,
209,210, 214, 274; IX 5, 7. I 282; 111 49.
Rahmat (rd. mas), name of Mangku Rangga Law, commander of Madurese
Rat 11, IV-2 1. soldiers in Surabaya, 111 33.
Rahmatullah, of (Ng)udung (pangulu), Rangga Lelana, commander in Surabaya,
father of sunan Kudus, I 49, 50, 92- 111 30.
94,98,251; IX 10. Rangga Sumengit, lurah in Panaraga,
Raja Bukit, ruler of Giri, 11 37, 61; 111 111 10.
206,218; IX 15,46. Rangga Warsita, au thor, I 306, 318.
Raja Dadi, village, 111 33. Rangin (K<;lung Wringin ?), village, V
Raja Mataram, name of sultan Agung, 127.
111 260. rangkah, fence, barricade, 111 43.
Raja Menggala (tg.), bupati under Pra- Rangkah, name of sunan Mangku Rat I,
gala of Pati, 111 138, 140. IV-l 1.
Raja Menggala (tg.), commander under Rangkud, of Jipang, murderer of sunan
Mangku Rat I, IV-2 115, 120. Prawata, 11 29.
Raja Menggala (tg.), Naya Truna, under Rangsang (rd. mas) ,name of sult. Agung,
Mangku Rat 11, VII 47. 11126,27; IX 37.
Raja Niti, commander, killed in battle Rangsang Tuban, historical romance, I
against Pati, 111 139. 284.
Rajasa (radin) , pg. Ellor 11 of Sumenep, Rara Banya, cannon, ki Jimat of Banten,
111 87. I 119.
Rajeg Wesi, village (Jipang), I 136,280, Rara Kidul (nyahi), see Ratu Lara
284; 11149. Kidul.
Rakim, Rakit, Chinese founder of Kali Rara Mendut, of Pati, heroine of the
Nyamat, I 270, 271. Prana Citra romance, 111 142.
Rama (pan.), rd. Kajoran, 111 198; Ras (J. J.), orientalist, I 22, 254, 289.
IV-2 38, 41, 44, 51, 138; VII 3, 8- Rassers (W. H.), anthropologist, I 312.
10, 23, 25, 35, 38, 50; VIII 15. Rat van Avonture, ship, IV-2 81.
Ramadhan, 9th month, Ramelan, Puwa- ratu, ancient ti tie of rulers (male and
sa, Fast, 111 269; IV-l 42; VIII 19. female) , 11 115; 111 221, 222, 264.
Rmyana, epic, IV-2 172. Ratu (pg. or pan.), name of sunan Pra-
Ramelan, see Ramadhan. wata of Demak, I 73, 75, 76.
Rancang Kapti, sister of Jayeng Rsmi Ratu (susuhunan) of Giri, I 151.
and Jayeng Sari, of Giri (in Centini, Ratu (pan.) of Cerbon, successar of su-
Jav.literature), 111 219. nan Gunung Jati, I 116, 155, 231; 11
Rantju Gunting, village (between Pajang 115; 111 25, 109, 220, 222, 247, 268,
and Mataram), 11 78, 94, 118. 282, 283; IV-l 39; IX 46, 50, 56.
Rangu Lawang, village, 11 77, 82. Ratu (pg.), ruler of Palembang, IV-l
Rangu Sanga, residence of png. Pang- 56, 57.
gung, brather of sult. Tranggana of ratu adil, title of expected Islamic saviour
Demak, I 294. (eschatology), VII 49.
Rangu Walang, spy, 111 36,49. Ratu Kulon (Kiln), see Kulon.
Rangga (rd.), son of Snapati Mataram, Ratu Lara KiduI, goddess of the South-
11 21, 78, 79, 128. ern Ocean, I 222, 223, 225, 248, 272,
Rangga (pg.), bupati of Panaraga, 1119. 308,311,313; 111 104.
Rangga (ky.), killed in battle in Blam- Raung, highlands in the Eastern Corner
bangan, IV-l 26. of Java, I 193.
Rangga (ky.), brather of tg. Tegal, a Rawa, Ngrawa, village, 11 117, 118;
Turk, 111 119, 146; V 79. IV-2 188, 189; V 252,253.
Rangga di Menggala, commander under Reade (Sam.), chief of the British
Mangku Rat I, IV-2 144. factory at Japara, 111 265.

Reael (Laur.), governor generaI, 1615- Reyerse, V.O.C. official in Japara, VIII
'19, 11157. 29.
Rdi Kidui, see Gunung KiduJ. Reyger (Hans), burgher (Surabaya),
Rees, birth-place of R. van Goens, V 3. IV-2 163.
Rees (W. A. v.), author, 111 25, 91. Reyniersz (CareI), governor general,
Reformation, British ship, 111 238, 246, 1650-'53, IV-l 96, 111.
252, 269-273; IX 48, 49. Rieklefs (M. C.), historian, I 16.
"regent", sec bupati. Riebeeek (mr. Abraham), governor gen-
Reksa Baya, company of Mad. soldiers, eral, 1709-1713, VIII 36.
V 153. Riebeeek (Jan v.), founder of Capetown,
Reksa Dana (ky.), bupati of Gresik, 111 IV-l 168.
16, 21. Riga, home-town of Michiel Sooburgh,
Reksa Menggala (ky.), bupati of Japara, 111 236.
IV-l 158, 160, 161, 181, 182, 184. Rijal (Raja), grandson of Mangku Rat
Reksa Nagara (ky. tg.), ambassador of 11, VIII 164.
Banjar Masin in Mataram, 111 280. Rijali, author of Hikayat Tanah Hitu,
Reksa Nagara, Marta Dipa, governor of I 106, 273, 289; 11 36.
Cerbon, IV -2 134; VIII 60 (Chinese). "rijksbestuurder", see patih.
Rclaeion, Port. book by Tom Pires, I Rijsende Sonne, ship, IV-2 68, 69.
14. Rijssel (Christ.), lieut., V 44, 148, 150,
Rembang, seaport, district, I 35, 44, 87, 152, 170.
126, 127,279; IV-l 88,90, 93, 112, Ring (Isac), sol dier, V 98.
152, 182, 187, 193; IV-2 68, 82, 88, Rinkes (D. A.), orientalist, I 26, 62,247,
96, 118,123,124,129; V 17, 20, 25, 255, 260, 272, 275, 306; 11 115; 111
29,41,44,54,71,72,76-78, 112, 114, 199,202,203,268.
136, 148, 153, 177, 182, 194, 197, Riya Menggala (pg. ad.), see also Wira
200,250, 257, 264; VII 29, 30; VIII Menggala, IV-2 42, 44.
13,24,25,46, 114,115,127; IX 77, Robijn, bastion of Batavia, 111 156.
79,95,99. Rode Brug, Red Bridge in Surabaya, 111
Renesse (Abr. Dan. v.), captain, IV-2 15.
112, 169; V 12, 20, 25, 29, 41-44, 54, Rodenburg, sergeant, V 174.
56, 67, 72, 76, 77,80, 88,89, 91, 92, Rodin (or Rodim) Sr. (pat), ruler of
97, 102, 108-114, 117, 125, 128, 130, Demak, I 36, 39, 42, 44, 45, 110, 139,
131, 133, 136, 138, 140, 141, 145, 201.
148-153, 156, 163, 164, 168-171, 173, Rodin (or Rodim) Jr. (pat), ruler of
174, 176, 177, 182-184, 186, 191, 199, Demak, I 36, 39, 42, 44, 45, 62, 87,
201, 202, 204-209, 213, 214, 218, 222- 139, 142.
224, 234, 236, 242, 250, 253, 259, Roma, village, district (Bageln), V 106;
268, 274; VI 282, 285, 288, 290, 308; VII 35.
VII 30. Romondt (V. R. van), archaeologist, I
Renon (kuta), "Renong", ancient kraton, 253.
Lumajang, 111 28, 30. Rongga, see Rangga.
Rensdorp (Arnoud ), captain, V 100. Roo de la Faille (P. de), author, I 288,
Resende (Pedro Barreta de), Port. 301,302; 11 60, 65; IV-l 58, 60.
author, 111 169. Roserie (de la), lieut., V 25.
Resika, son of ratu Malang (step-son of Rotterdam, town (soldiers), V 5, 118,
Mangku Rat I), IV-2 17. 214, 262.
Rethel H elmerich (J. W. 0.), planter Rotterdam, Maritime Museum, 111 122.
(gunung Truna Jaya), VI 308. Rotterdam, fort in Makasar, V 6, 189.
Retna Jumilah, princess of Madyun, wife Rouffaer (G. P.), author, I 21, 45, 55,
of Snapati Mataram, I 228; 11 110, 262, 268, 270, 286; 11 1, 4, 19, 54,
111. 58,60,64,69,113; 111 100, 122,204,
Retna Panjawi, queen-consort of Bra Wi- 263; IV-1 10-12, 109; IV-2 13, 17,
jaya 111 of Majapahit, I 262, 263. 46,47,49,80; VlOS.

Roux (X. F. M.le), author, 111 169. Rupa (karel, Mak. messenger, V 41,
Roy (J. Jz. de), author, 111 279. 146, 216.
Rubut (gunung), mountain (Truna Rus (Leendert), skipper, IV-2 97.
Jaya) , VI 285, 308, 309. Ruwah, 8th month (battle of Gegodog),
Rujit Nala (mantri) , envoy from Mata- IV-2 120.
ram, IV-l 39. Ruys (Jean), lieut., V 99,101,236,267,
Rum, legendary kingdom (Aji Saka), Is- 268.
tanbul, 19,307. Ruys, captain, VIII 38.
Rumphius (G. E.), scientist, 111 218,
281; IV-l 72,129; V 52.

S (Franc. de), navigator, 11 67. Sahwawrat (rd. mas), son of sult. Agung,
Saba (nyahi gel), daughter of ki ge4 IV-l 6.
Ssla, II 5, 6, 19. Said Kalkum, see Sayid.
Saba Kingking, cemetery, Banten, I 121; Saint-Martin (Isaac de), commander,
IV-l 41. III 198, 249; IV-l 194; IV-2 4, 19,
Saba Kingking (pg.), ruler of Demak, 51, 163, 164, 173, 180; V 30, 33-35,
murdered, I 76. 38, 39, 48, 53, 56, 78, 88, 91, 95,
Sabda Karti (ky.), bupati of Juwana, 96, 98, 100, 113, 122, 123, 138, 177,
IV-l 173, 187, 193; IV-2 107. 197, 209, 234, 235, 237-239, 241, 259,
Sabda Wangsa (Iurah), envoy, IV-l 124, 268, 271-273; VII 3, 5, 7, 23, 25, 28;
125, 153, 154. VIII 59, 150.
Sabrang Kulon (pg. ad.) of Demak, Sajarah Arya Tabanan, Bal. chronicle,
father-in-law of png. Mas of Madyun, I 300.
II 107. Sajarah Banten, chronicle of Banten, I
Sabrang Lor (pg.), ruler of Demak-Ja- 15, 22, 36, 38-41, 43, 82, 94, 105,
para, see also Sumangsang, I 37, 39, 106, 112, 114, 115, 122, 123, 203-205,
41, 42, 45-47, 49, 50, 251; 11 9, 26. 231, 249, 250, 268, 275, 276, 278,
Saca Dimarta, envoy from Cerbon, IV-l 279, 283, 302, 303, 313; II 6, 7, 18,
40. 20-23, 28, 35, 47, 48, 50, 59, 65, 82,
Sadana, divine partner of dwi Sri, Jav. 98, 126; 111 93, 158, 161, 222, 283;
rice myth, I 277. IV-l 38,41; V 146.
Scujng, district, Eastern Corner of Java, Sajarah Banten rant-rant, minor chro-
I 187, 188, 194, 297, 310; IX 19. nicle, I 36.
Safier, bastion of Batavia, 111 156. Sajarah Dalem, genealogical table of the
Sagara, sacred district, Eastern Corner of Mataram dynasty, I 17, 20, 48, 49,
Java, see also Segara, I 187, 297. 68, 84, 95, 100, 101, 152, 153, 157,
Saga ra Wana, cannon of sult. Agung, 160,162,164-166,170,172,173,176,
III 55, 156. 182, 261-263, 280, 282, 287, 288, 291-
Sahid (rd.), name of sunan Kali Jaga, 296, 307, 309, 311, 316; 11 1-3, 14,
186,114,131. 22, 49, 58, 59, 100, 107, 108; 111 1,
Sah N galam Akbar IlI, name of sult. 12, 26, 83, 135, 158, 161, 211, 221,
Tranggana of Demak, I 307. 247-249, 289; IV-l 1, 7, 9; IV-2 1,

3, 14, 15; V 113; VII 3-6, 8, 23, 27, Samboja (patih), husband of nyahi g4
31, 41, 42, 138, 240. Pinatih, I 140.
Sajarah Malayu, chronicIe of Malay Samengka, village, V 272.
kings, I 22, 23, 245,251. Sami (kali), river, V 121.
Sajarah Surabaya, chronicIe of Surabaya Sampang, district, West Madura, I 162,
mIers, I 161, 291. 169, 170, 172, 174, 185, 291, 298,
Sak a, see Aji Saka. 299; 111 83, 85-89, 91, 94, 153, 159;
Sak a era, I 9, 271; 111 204; IX 45. IV-1 29, 47, 49, 50, 54, 56-59, 61, 69,
Sakanda, Salokantara, tapa, man of reli- 88, 103, 109, 113, 115, 129, 136, 142,
gion in Blambangan, 111 257, 258. 144; IV-2 47, 49-51, 54, 56-59, 61,
Sakatah, mIer of Balga, West Madura, 68, 83, 88, 103, 109, 113, 115, 129,
I 173. 136, 138, 142, 144, 148, 150, 157,
Sakndr (Baron), Alexander the Great 168, 175, 176, 187; V 105, 180, 181,
(Jav. literature), 11 73, 74, 88; 111 184,241,249,253; VI 274; VII 14,
157. 18, 24; VIII 18, 49, 53, 57, 75, 80,
Sakti (Gusti Panji), mIer of Buleleng, 81, 85, 146, 147; IX 16, 17, 40, 67,
see also sekti, VI 276. 68,79,87.
Sala, "Solo", village, later kraton Sura- Sampang (pg.), later: pg. Cakra Ningrat
karta, I 209; 11 10, 22, 30; 111 9, I, 111 87, 92, 153; IV-1 25, 29.
14, 41, 91, 101, 111, 113, 156, 226; Sampang (pg.), pg. Cakra Ningrat 11,
IV-2 39; V 49, 56, 110, 135; VI 277; IV-2 48-51, 54-57, 59, 61, 80, 113,
VII 2, 7, 8, 27, 28, 31, 37, 41, 42; 119, 121, 122, 175, 187; V 4,5,64,
VIII 51,95. 65, 129, 177/78, 195,220,230,247-
Sala, river Bengawan, I 35, 130, 209, 250, 252-256; VII 19, 22; VIII 69,
249; 11 42, 89; 111 37, 47, 66, 78; 71.
IV-2 124, 142, 143, 182, 183; V 28, Samprangan, district in Bali, I 195.
41, 42, 68, 73, 113, 120, 122, 126, Samson, ship, V 77, 86.
134, 145; VII 28, 44; VIII 98; IX Sana Budaya, museum in Sala, 111 101.
79. Sanapatten (Patten), village, V 269.
Salakali, mountain (Tmna Jaya) , VI Sanco, Chinese trader in Japara, IV-1
309. 151.
Salam (encik, datuk) , envoy, see also Sat:tgang Garba, mythical king of traders
Wana Salam, IV-1 181, 182, 184. in Japara, I 86, 131, 156, 262, 269,
Salasilah ing Kadanurejan, genealogy of 270.
the Danu Reja family, I 270. Sangara (Jaka) , mythical king of croco-
Salatiga, town, IV-2 145. diles, in Semanggi, I 208, 209, 211,
Saleier, island, IV-2 73. 304, 305, 311.
Saleman (encik), Malay rebel, V 221. Sanggora, Sengora, seaport, I 38.
Salimbi, see Slimbi. Sang Hyang, title of the king of Paja-
Salokantara, Sakanda, tapa, man of re- jaran, I 117-119.
ligion in Blambangan, 111 257, 258. Sangka (Bagus ), arya Matahun, bupati
Salokantara, Jav. law hook, I 66, 165, of Jipang, I 280.
250. Sangyang Panengah, envoy of Mataram,
Saloran (tg.), patih of Mataram (sult. sent to Banten, IV-1 40.
Agung) , IV-1 5. "Saniet", SeUQang Gamda (Prawata,
Sa-Lor-ing-Pasar (ng.), pan. Snapati, Demak), I 259.
see Lor-ing-Pasar. Sanjata (ad., kil, ki Tambak Baya of
Samalangan, district in Acheh, I 22. Pajang, later commander in Surabaya,
"Sambawattij", rebel (Wana Kusuma), 111 45, 47-49, 95-98.
VII 44. Sanjaya, Old Jav. king in Central Java,
"Sambielangh" (ketib), man of religion see Senjaya, Sunjaya, 11 11, 12.
in Madura, IV-2 176. Sanrabone, Mak. mIer, V 189.
Samboja, kingdom, see Kamhoja, I 38, Sanskrit, Indian language, I 9.

"Santa Cartl~', courtier, V 142. Sari (ki mas), adipati of Demak (see
Santa Catharina (Lucas de), missionary, Wira Sari), I 58, 84; II 122.
111 230, 231. Sarkar (Jadunath), author, III 128.
Santa Guna, ruler of Blambangan, I 162, Sas, resident of Semarang, VIII 164.
190, 196, 197,300; II 56; IX 19. Sasak, people of Lombok, I 151; II 60;
S anta Maria (Manoel de), missionary, 111 259.
III 230, 232. Sasmita, or Wira Sasmita, envoy, IV-2
Santa Merta (pg.), of Madegan, uncle 35.
of ky. Prasna of Sampang, West Ma- Sasmita Sast ra (rd. mas), Wira Kusuma,
dura, III 83, 86; IV-2 61, 174. son of ky. Juru Kiting, first juru kunci
Santa Naya, envoy, IV-l 22. of Ima Giri, III 88.
Santang (nyahi Lara) , mythical ances- Sasra Nagara, Sasra Diningrat, patih of
tress, Sundanese region, I 277. Surakarta, I 129.
Santo Joseph (Pedro de), missionary, Sast ra Jiwa, Sastra Nala, envoys, IV-2
III 230, 232. 35, 36.
santri, man of religion, II 105; V 112, Sast ra Wijaya (R.), author, I 294; III
143. 87; IV-257.
Santr; (radn), Raja Pan<;lita, of Gresik, "Satang Poutang", lurah, IV-2 117.
I 20. Satmata (prabu, sunan) of Giri, I 139,
Santr; (kangjeng ky.), name of pg. 140-142,144,146,148,151,153,285;
Singasari, VIS. 11 260; III 219, 220, 273; V 13; IX
Sapar, 2nd month of Islamic year, IV-2 15.
16,22, 188, 191. Satrian, village, V 137, 139, 140.
"Sapiajangantar" (dem.), Jav. comman- Sawu (nyahi ge<;l) , daughter of sunan
der, V 267. Giri, later ratu Ibu, mother of Cakra
Sapu Jagad or Sapu Laga, legendary Ningrat II, IV-2 48.
hero, fighting for Majapahit in the Sawung Galing (tg.), commander under
Eastern Corner of Java, I 138, 208. Pragola of Pati, 111 138, 140.
Sapu Jagad, cannon of sult. Agung, III Sawung Galing, of Tembayat, VII 42.
125, 129; IV-1 33; VII 50. Sawur (kali), river, V 134.
"Sara Bao, Sarabauw", rebel, V 211, 219. Sayid (encik), Malay commander under
Saradan (kali), river, V 149. Truna Jaya, V 221; VI 281.
Sara Denta and Sara Denti, patinggis, Sayidin Panata Gama, title of sunan
headmen in Banyumas, partisans of Mangku Rat I, IV-l 1.
Surapati, VIII 41. Sayid Kalkum ing Wot Galeh, pan. mas
Sara Dipa, Marta Laya, deserter from Kajoran, IV-2 40.
Ka<;liri, commander under Snapati Schalk (Jansz.), shipwright (?), VIII
Mataram, II 117-119, 122, 123. 30.
Saradula, envoy, III 281. Schelvisch, ship, IV-2 110.
Sara Geni, company of soldiers, IV-2 90. Schenkenschans, vilIage (soldier), V 222,
Sara Lati (ki), foster-father of ratu Ku- 263.
Ion, queen-consort of Mangku Rat I, Schiedam, ship, III 190,233.
IV-2 31; VII 3,4. Schnitger (F. N.), orientalist, I 303.
Sara Nala, partisan of rd. Kajoran, V Schoel (W. F.), author, II 42.
184. Schoemann, German collector, I 247,
Sarangan (Iake of), in Madyun, V 122, 248.
135. Schol, ship, IV-l 105.
Sarangga, lurah, horse expert, IV-l 122. Schatte (Appolonius), captain, 111 24.
Sara Pada, Sripada, envoy, III 125, 129, Schouten (Dirck), senior merchant, IV-l
237. 81,84,85,88, 105.
Sarkat Islam, modern Islamic move- Schouten (Wouter), travelIer, III 63;
ment, I 269. IV-l 82.
Sari (Jasari), viIIage, V 122. Schrieke (B. J. 0.), orientalist, I 24, 31,

249, 251, 283, 317; 11 10, 11, 89; 19-23, 27, 32, 37, 38, 40, 41, 45, 48,
VIII 23. 54, 107-109, 111, 112; 111 135; V
Schuer (Jan v/d), skipper, V 86. 41, 42, 44, 80, 88, 89, 97, 102, 114;
Schuer, Schuyr (W. v/d), junior mer- IX 26, 27.
chant, IV-2 79, 128, 130-133, 147, Sla or Ssla (ky. get;l), mythical an-
148, 181, 190; V 8, 12, 15, 35, 146; cestor, I 30, 31, 224, 303; 11 5-13,
VII 26. 15-19,84; V 44,112,224; IX 22, 26.
Scott (Edm.), British merchant, I 82; Sla Kurung, mountain (Truna Jaya),
II 98. VI 309.
Sba Kingking (pg.), see Saba King- Sla Manglng, cave, Old Jav. shrine, in
king. Kadiri, V 157.
Se ca na Pura (tg.), commander under Sla Parang, kraton, Lombok, I 151; 11
Mangku Rat 11, V 79. 60.
Seca Nata, Wangsng Gati, Mad. rebel, Selatri, mountain (Truna Jaya) , VI 309.
V 72. Selim I the Great, sultan of Turkey, I
Seca Yuda (dem.), of Japara, V 266. 51.
Sda, deceased (posthumous names). Selimbi, village, toll-gate (Baya Lali),
Sda-ing-Kajenar, pan. Snapati Mata- 1II 120; V 28, 29, 40, 41, 55, 76,89,
ram, 1575-1601, I 232; 11 129. 90, 105, 106, 116, 120; VII 27, 28,
Sda-ing-Krapyak, 2nd king of Mataram, 31,33.
1601-1613, I 84, 90, 219, 233, 289, Selimbon, mountain (Truna Jaya), VI
314; 1111; IX 35-37. 308,309.
Sda-Lpn (pg.), son of Tranggana, Seltmann (F.), author, I 280.
sult. Demak, I 73, 75; 11 26, 27. Selugu, cannon in Japara, IV-2 91.
Sda-ing-Margi (sunan), ruler of Giri, I Siflup Driansah, Jan Alb. Sloot, V 56.
148; 11 60. Semanggi, quarter of Surakarta, I 208,
Sda-ing-Tegal Wangi, sunan Mangku 209, 304, 305.
Rat I, 1645-1677, IV-l 1; IV-2 188- Semanggi, river Bengawan, 111 45; IV-2
193; IX 54, 74. 142, 143, 182; V 120, 122, 139, 141.
Sda Puri (pg.), arya Wana Baya, ruler Semangka, village (Sragn), V 130-132.
of Sumenep, I 176. Sifmarang, seaport, district, I 13, 15, 34,
Sedayu, see Sidayu. 61-63, 107, 110, 145, 161, 164, 211,
siftf,ifkah, slametan, sacral community 216, 234, 249, 290, 311; 11 4, 67, 80,
meal,II 91; V 186. 81,96; 111 7, 65, 66, 166, 173, 174,
Sedekari, see Sidekari. 177, 180, 203, 218, 222, 226, 280;
Sdng Laut (ratu), youngest child of IV-l 17, 19, 40, 46, 47, 49, 53, 61,
Tranggana, sult. Demak, I 73. 62, 67, 69-71, 75, 76, 86, 89, 91, 93,
Segara Yasa, pond, see a1so Sagara, IV-l 99, 101-104, 107-111, 116, 117, 122,
12,13,124; IV-2 17. 123, 125, 130, 131, 146, 148, 167-169,
Seilale (pati van), Ambon. chief, V 78. 173, 176, 177, 179, 182, 184, 185,
Sifjana Pura (rd.), relative of pg. Pekik 190, 193, 194,203,206-208; IV-2 26,
of Surabaya, see also Sujana Pura, 40, 65, 69, 77, 79, 81, 83, 104, 110,
IV-28. 111, 126, 127, 133, 142, 144, 148,
Sifjana Pura (tg.), in ]apara, under 161, 182-187; V 13, 14, 17, 19, 26-
Mangku Rat 11, V 79. 28, 34, 41, 42, 51, 63, 66, 76, 78,
S ekar Dalima (ky.), pusaka gong from 103, 104, 116, 120, 121, 126, 162,
Cempa, I 20; 11 96. 190, 219, 220, 227, 241, 268; VII 3,
Sekar Katf,aton, daughter of sult. Pajang, 5, 9, 13, 16-18, 33, 34, 42; VIII 10,
beloved of rd. Pablan, 11 80. 12, 13, 22-25, 32, 34, 36, 37, 40, 46,
sifkti, superhuman power, see a1so sakti, 60, 61, 63, 65-69, 102, 110, 113, 115,
11 16, 17, 76. 116, 119, 121, 127-130, 139, 141, 153,
Sla or Ssla, sacred district, Central 154, 156, 157, 160, 163, 164, 166; IX
Java, I 31, 88, 223, 224, 262, 266, 11, 40, 59, 60, 63, 67, 73, 76, 77, 86,
303, 307, 312; 11 6-8, 10-13, IS, 16, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103.

sembah, ceremonious greeting, 11 76; Sngguruh, district, quarter of Malang,

111 205. East Java, I 58, 145-147, 180, 181,
Sembawa, Sumbawa, island, modality of 183, 189, 254, 263, 264, 286, 295;
Islam (Arab) in Lombok, I 100. IX 18.
Sembung (gunung), gunung Jati (Cer- Senjaya (kali), river (Tingkir, Central
bon), 1114,276. Java), see Sanjaya, Sunjaya, 11 11.
Semongan (kali), river, Central Java, sentana, royal relative, 11 121.
VIII 158. Sepanjang, village near Semarang, VIII
Sna (arya), pecat tanqa of Terung, I 157.
21, 159. Sepanjang, village near Surabaya, 111 98;
Snapati (pan.), ruler of Mataram, I IV-2 178; V 272.
30,80,81, 83, 84, 90, 101, 107, 116, Sepanjang (tg.), ruler of Surabaya, 111
124, 128, 135, 149, 150, 163, 164, 98,209,210,212.
167, 173, 177, 183, 184, 196, 197, SPanyol, see Spain, Spaniard, Spanish.
214, 215, 217-219, 223-233, 235, 237, Sept (ki), of Majapahit, architect in
252, 261-263, 274, 280, 287-290, 296, Demak and Cerbon, I 69, 265; 11 116.
297,302,306-316; 11 13,16,17,21- "Sepetat" (pat), rul er of "Gamda", Pa-
23, 41, 47, 50, 54, 66, 67, 70 etc.; suruhan, I 180, 181, 194.
111 1-3, 5, 9, 11, 22, 40, 44, 107, 113, Sepuh (pg.), sult. of Cerbon, V 61;
117, 120, 121, 157, 162, 199, 206, VIII 35.
268, 273, 289; IV-l 6, 38; IV-2 14, Srang, river, Central Java, I 34, 35,
40-42; V 2; VIII 3, 4, 9. 126; V 42, 85, 108, 111.
Snapati, ruler of Blambangan, VIII Serang Dayun, pusaka lance of rd. Bugan
151, 152. of Sumenep, IV-2 57.
Snapati land II (pg.), rulers of Pasir, S erat, in titles of books, see the specific
Banyumas, 11 74; 111 121. names.
Snapati-ing-Alaga (pan.), title-name of Serayu, river, I 56, 214, 290, 297, 308;
the first king of Mataram, I 225, 288, IX 8,29.
290, 292, 295; 11 70, 81; IX 9, 18, Sergeant (Willem), lieut., VIII 159.
21, 22, 25, 27, 29-33, 36. serimpi, female dancer at Court, VIII
Snapati-ing-Alaga, sult. Agung of Ma- 14.
taram, V 2. Serrurier (L.), Javanist, 111 213.
Snapati-ing-Alaga, pg. Puger, sunan Ssla, see Sla.
Paku-Buwana I, IV-2 186; VlO, 58, Ssla Sepuh (nyahi ag.), ancestress,
62, 94, 105, 128; VI 289. 11 7.
Snapati Jimbun, ruler of Demak, I 54, Stan Kober, criss of png. Alit, IV-l 29,
66, 129, 165. 31.
Snapati KarJiri, deserted from Ka~iri, Stana, village (Ngramb), I 59.
partisan of Snapati Mataram, I 83, Setia Guna, bupati of Tegal under
84, 229, 230, 234, 312, 315; 11 117- Mangku Rat 11, VII 32.
119,121-123; IX 32. Setia Yuda, ng. Jiwa Raga, envoy, VIII
Snapati Mangku Bumi, ruler of Pasir, I 43.
42, 56. Setomi (nyahi), pusaka cannon of Ma-
Snapati (or Surapati) Ngalaga of Te- taram, St. Thom, St. Thomas, IV-2
rung, I 159. 192; V 242, 243; VIII 51.
Se1;lr!ang Garur!a, holy pond, Prawata, I "Setoto", mountain Dana Reja, ]apara,
259; 11 25. 11 32.
Sendara, Sundara, mountain, Central shahbandar, harbour-master, I 284; IX
Java, 142. 62, 69.
Snr!i (lurah), tg. Urawan, under Mang- shhid, martyr in the Holy War, I 92;
ku Rat 11, see also Sumen4i, IV-2 35, IX 10.
36, 38, 125, 156; V 65. Shh Jahn, Great Mogul, emperor of
sennan, Jav. tournament, 111 290; V India, IV-l 80.
60, 266; VIII 14.

Shailendra, dynasty, 11 10. Silvernagel (Jan), captain, 111 191.

Sha{friya, mystical order of Islam, I 29. Silversteyn, ship, V 86, 92, 116.
Sherif of Mecca, I 252, 278. Simonsz. (Simon), customs collector,
Shi'a Muntadar, modality of Islam, I 276. IV-l 158, 160.
Shiras, town in Persia (horse), IV 80. "Sinacaya", envoy, VIII 116.
Shiva Chhatrapati, Shivaji, in India, 111 Sindang Laut (Japura, seaport, West
128. Java), 139.
Shiwa, Indian god, I 31, 312; 111 128. Sindu Karti, uncle of Truna Jaya, IV-2
Shiwaites in pre-Islamic Java, I 19, 67, 133, 144.
220. SilJQula, CiI:lC;\ula, mythical ancestor,
"Siabatan", village, V 164. snake (?), I 307.
Siam, Thailand, kingdom, I 38, 138, 192, Sindu Pati (ng.), envoy, VIII 43.
203, 284; IV-l 67,78,96, 139; IV-2 Sindu Reja, bupati under Pragola of
64; VIII 133. Pati, 111 138, 140.
Sida Arja, town, district, East Java, 111 Sindu Reja (arya), patih under Mangku
19, 29; IV-2 88, 100, 190; V 233, Rat 11, see also Prana Taka, V 11, 12,
273. 27, 66, 68, 117, 120, 131, 136, 141,
"Sida Guantij" (kali), river, V 158. 142, 145, 147, 148, 163, 167, 172,
Sida Murti, cannon of Tuban, 11148,49. 183, 185, 187, 214, 217, 229, 231,
Sida Paksa, locality, river, Paiton, East- 238, 240, 249, 261, 264; VI 293, 297,
ern Corner of Java, IV-2 106, 107; 299; VII 31, 33-37, 41, 44; VIII 17-
V 250. 19, 24, 25, 36, 37, 44, 48, 53, 67-69,
Sida Wini (rd.), son of pg. Benawa of 71,72,85,97,104,105,108-110,119-
Pajang, 11 99, 100; 111 46. 122, 126-128, 131, 132, 137, 140-143,
Sidayu, 8edayu, seaport, district, I 69, 145, 146, 154-156, 160, 162-164, 166;
74, 142, 143, 150, 162, 164, 182, 215, IX 89, 99, 102.
286, 287; 11 56-58, 62, 67, 96; III Sindu Sna (tg., pg.), of Pajang, son-in-
16, 30, 86, 97; IV-l 19, 109, 130; law of png. Agung Kajoran, IV-2 41;
IV-2 89, 93, 107, 138, 173, 182; V VII 3.
69, 77, 129, 145, 188-190, 196, 201, Sindu Wacana, envoy, IV-l 137.
232, 233, 254; VII 18; VIII 51, 57. "Sindy" (Iurah), ad. Urawan (?), see
Sidayu (river of), I 94. Sendi.
Siljayu (dem.), messenger, V 141, 148, Singa (ki), see Singa Ranu.
150, 151. Singa Barong, Balinese chief in Karta-
SiQayu (rangga) , local officer under su ra, VII 47; VIII 31, 40, 48, 95.
Mangku Rat I, IV-1 19, 130, 140; Singa Braja, Madurese chief, IV-2 177.
IV-2 84, 99, 103-109, 124, 125, 130. Singa Cipta (tg.), commander under
Sidekari, Sida Arja, town, district, 111 Mangku Rat 11, V 114.
19, 29; IV-2 88, 100, 190; V 233, Singa Derpa, lurah under png. Jaga
273. Raga, 111 10.
"Siganlaoetan" (ratu) , youngest child of Singa Derpa, Balinese chief, VIII 38.
Tranggana, sult. Demak, I 73. Singa Lodra (ki), cannon on mount
Silarong (pg.), brother of sult. Agung, Dana Raja, Japara, IV-2 130.
111 84, 85, 256-258; IV-1 29, 32; Singa Menggala, messenger, V 142, 144,
IV-2 22, 27-30. 156.
Silarong (pg.), adipati Mamenang, Singa Naya (rd.), commander under
brother of Mangku Rat 11, VII 35, Mangku Rat 11, IV-2 144.
45; IX 90. Singa Negara, executioner, 111 140; IV-2
Silingsingan (tg.), see also Pasisingan, 29.
and Telingsing, IV-1 28. Singa Padu (mas arya) , brother-in-Iaw
Sili Wangi, legendary king of Pakuwan of rd. Truna Jaya, IV-2 60; V 29,
Pajajaran, West Java, I 277. 250; VII 30.
Silva (Jos. de), Port. merchant, IV-2 64. Singa Perbangsa, commander of Kra-
Silva (Pedro de), viceroy, 111 231. wang under Mangku Rat I, IV-l 126.

Singaraja, town, Bali, I 269, 299. 265,269,271,273, 274; VII 49; VIII
Singa Ranu (tg.), patih of sult. Agung, 132, 137; IX 79.
III 29, 32, 39, 40, 44, 57, 58, 60, 84, Sinuhun, divine title in Bali, I 260.
112, 113, 116, 140, 141, 158, 161- Siou (aru), Makasar chief, IV-2 136.
163, 196, 197, 202; IV-l 5, 36, 39- Sirabut, "Siroeboed" rd. bagus Srubut,
42; IV-229. name of Snapati Matararn, 11 14,22.
Singasarn, residence of pg. Singa Sari, Sirna Baya, village, V 148.
IV-2 33. Sirna Bumi (segaran ing), pond in Ma-
Singasari, Old Jav. kingdom, East Java, tararn, lIL 22.
I 19, 175, 179, 183, 189, 194, 199, Siti ] enar (Sh), heterodox Islamic mys-
294; 11 13, 102; IX 17, 18. tic, I 63, 211, 216, 269, 305, 306; IX
Singa Sari, ruler of Blarnbangan under 8; see also Lemah Abang.
Bal. suzerainty, III 255. Sitinggil, raised terrace with audience
Singa Sari (arya) , rebel commander hall, I 259, 260, 270; 11 4, 25, 94, 95;
under Truna Jaya, V 184, 191. 111 2, 108-110, 122, 209, 282; IV-l
Singa Sari (pg.), brother of Snapati 3, 11, 12, 33; V 2, 241; VII 23;
Mataram, I 81; 11 101-103, 109; IX VIII 61, 90, 93.
31. Siwal( an), battlefield, I 309; III 35-39,
Singa Sari (pg.), brother of pan. Kra- 42; IX 37.
pyak, lIL 5. Siwalan (kali), river, V 121.
Singa Sari (pg.), brother of sunan Mang- Siyem, see Siam, Thailand.
ku Rat II, IV-2 3, 31-36, 52, 53, 80, Siyung Wanara, legendary king, Banyak
83, 88, 115-119, 121, 122, 125-127, Wi<;l, West Java, I 283.
140, 153, 156, 157, 184-186, 192; V Slamet Bullng, Bal. soldier, V 98.
14, 28,40,61,62, 94, 138; VII 3,4, Slamet Muljona, au thor, I 18.
15; IX 67,78. slametan, see seIekah.
Singa Sari (rd. ayu), ratu Blitar, beloved slasih flowers, basilicum, II 86, 87.
of Mangku Rat II, IV-2 33. Slinga, vilIage, district (Banyumas), I
Singa Wangsa (rd. or ng.), bupati of 254; VII 34, 35, 42, 44, 45; IX 88-
Pekalongan under Mangku Rat I, IV-l 90.
19, 174-176; IV-2 84, 103-109, 128, Sloot (Bartholt ), officer, V 55.
131, 133, 144, 145. Sloot (Jan Albert), captain, IV-2 112,
Singa Wangsa, bupati of Pekalongan un- 147; V 20, 24, 27-29, 31, 40, 41,49,
der Mangku Rat 11, VII 14. 53, 68, 76, 89, 105, 116, 120, 121,
Singa Wangsa (ng.), bupati of Kedu- 162; VII 22 28, 33, 34-36, 38, 39,
wang, V 143, 145. 41, 42, 44, 51; VIII 15, 106, 114,
Singa Wangsa (tg.), ambassador, VIII 115, 119, 141, 144, 149, 153, 155,
36. 158, 162, 164; IX 88, 89.
Singa Wangsa Karti, chief of Batang Sloot (Timon) from Boekelo, sergeant
under Mangku Rat I, IV-l 177. major in Batavia, V 55.
Singa Wedana (ng.), messenger, lIL 43. Snauw, ship, IV-2 130.
Singgahan, district (Tuban), IV -1 195. Snouck Hurgronje (C.), Arabist, I 258,
Singenap (ky. ad.), companion of png. 266.
Puger, under sult. Agung, see also Soca, district (Madura), IV-2 96, 97,
Sumenep, 111 161, 163. 113, 178, 179; VI 305; VIII 56.
Singhalese, Ceylonese, chulia, employed Soebardi, author, I 16, 283.
by Speelman, IV-2 174. Soedjana Tirta Kusuma, au thor, I 256.
Singkal, town in Ka<;liri, I 59, 145; V Soehari (S.), author, 111 263.
10, 43-47, 54-56, 60, 65, 69, 72, 77, Soemarsaid Moertono, historian, I 317.
108, 113, 152, 156-161, 168, 169, 172, Soka, female servant of Sekar KaIaton
173, 176, 179-181, 188, 196, 197, 201, of Pajang, 11 80.
205, 208, 209, 217, 220, 222, 223, Soka Sana, see Suka Sana.
228, 236, 241, 242, 246-250, 255, 262, Sokawati, Sukawati, district, Central Ja-

va, I 88-90, 263; 11 11; IV-2 138; Spice Islands, Moluccas, I 9, 24; 111
V 131. 19-21,54,63,78; IV-l 69; IX 5, 58,
Salbar, district, South Sumatra, I 205. 99.
Salichin Salam, author, I 98, 100, 266, Spijck, custom-house official, IV-l 48.
268. Sragn, town, district, I 90, 232; 11 129;
"Solo", see Sala. V 130, 131; IX 33.
Solor, island, 111 18,230,232; IV-I112. Sri, Jav. rice goddess, I 277, 311.
Solt (Paulus v.), Senior merchant, 111 Sri Gading (Briganding ?), viIIage, V 44,
15. 67, 71, 80, 88, 89, 91, 97, 101, 102,
Songennep, see Sumenep. 109,112; VII 30.
Sooburgh or Zeeburgh (Michiel), inter- Sri Langka, see Ceylon.
preter, 111 236. Sri Menganti, fore-court of the kraton,
SOT (Caket), or Lanang, river (Jipang), with gate, 111 107, 108; IV-IlO, 12,
11 31, 39, 40, 42. 29.
"Soro", see Sura, ruler of Palembang. Sripada, Sarapada, envoy, 111 183, 231,
"Soudemara", see Sudi Mara. 236, 242-246.
SOUTy (Andries), merchant, 111 20, 21, Sri Tanjung, Jav. poem, Banyuwangi, I
35, 38, 54, 279. 193, 298.
Soury (Pieter), merchant, 111276. Sri Wijaya, kingdom in Sumatra, I 199,
South Gaast 0/ Java, "Zuiderstrand", I 261.
223,271,313; IV-l 179; VI 285. Srubut (rd. bagus), name of Snapati
South-East Asia, I 1, 2, 5, 19, 25, 26, Mataram, 11 14, 22.
44, 238-240, 245-247. "Stadstuin" of SUTabaya, part of the
Southern Ocean (Indian Ocean), "Zuid- ancient royal residence, 111 15.
zee", I 206, 220, 222, 223, 260; 11 Stapel (F. W.), historian, I 256; 11 61;
75, 76, 85; III 104, 111, 291; IV-l VS.
177, 179; IV-2 9; V 17; IX 21, 22, Stappen or Statte (GuiIl. v/d), Heut., V
30, 77. 174, 236.
Southern Ocean Goddess, see Ratu Lara Steenwinckel (Isaak) , surgeon, V 273.
Kidui. Stein Gallen/els (P. v.), archaeologist, I
Souw Pan Djiang, Chinese rebel, VIII 290,298.
157. Steven (St. Stephan), cannon in Kadiri,
Spain, Spanish, Spaniard, 1270; 111 100, V 242,243.
224, 225. Stiel (Joh. Christoffel), ensign, V 165,
Specx (Jacques), governor general, 1629- 167.
'32, 111 147. Stoelt jen (Jan), prisoner of war, 111
SPeelman (Corn.) , governor general, 233,235.
1681-'84, 11 6, 20, 42; 111 14, 88, Stompneus, ship, IV-l 197; IV-2 90.
198, 200, 211, 221, 249; IV-l 64,69, Straeten (Danckert v/d), merchant, IV-l
72, 79, 165, 166, 194; IV-2 3, 4, 6, 158, 159, 161, 163, 164, 190.
14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 31, 32, 34, 44, 50, Struyck (Warnaer), ensign, V 14, 20,
51, 53, 56, 61-65, 71, 75, 76, 84-87, 31,38.
100, 133, 135, 137, 138, 141-143, 145- Struys, Batavian burgher, IV-2 81.
179,180-182,184,188,190,191,193; Struys (Abr.), lieut., V 105, 126, 235.
V 5, 6, 8, 9, 12-16, 18-21, 24-27, Struys (Jan), resident of Surabaya, VIII
29-37, 52-54, 57, 60, 62, 65, 69, 78, 49,57, 132.
85,89,91,93,94,113,128, 129, 146, St. Thom, French factory, V 56.
161,201,240,248,250; VI 287, 306; Sturler (W. L. de), author, I 301.
VII 1, 3-7, 9, 10, 14-16, 18, 20, 21, Stutterheim (W. F.), archaeologist, I 303;
23-25, 27-30,49, 52; VIII 10, 11, 14, 11 10, 19, 125; 111 22.
20,22,24,27-30,32,33,44,58, 108; Subardi, author, I 16, 283.
IX 58, 62, 68, 71-73, 76-78, 87, 102. Subu (encik), Malay commander, V 192.
Speuit (Herman v.), governor of Ambon, Subur (rara), sister of Snapati Mata-
111 207. ram, IV-2 41.

Succelenburg, fortress on Sumbawa, IV-2 suluk, Jav. mystical religious poem, I

75. 116,258; III 213.
Suda Mala, Jav. poem, East Java, I 193, Suma Brata, patih of Mangku Rat 11, V
298. 156; VIII 145, 163, 166.
Sudah, Sudu, battlefield (Jipang), 1215; Suma Dipura, of Kudus, bupati of Pati,
11 42. 1263.
Sudana, "Soedhono", village, river, V Sumambung, Semambung, village, V 263.
137. Suman(n)a kr.), Makasar chief, IV-1
"Sudayo" (pat), ruler of Surabaya, I 72; IV-262.
64, 74, 161; 11 25, 56; 111 13. Suma Nagara (tg.), commander under
Suderma (rd.), of Sumenep, pretender, sult. Agung, 111 253.
VIII 50, 55, 57, 58. Sumangsang (arya), ruler of Demak, see
Sudi Mara or Sida Mara, "Soudemara", also Sabrang Lor, I 36, 37, 40, 41, 45,
village, V 272; VII 43. 46; IX 7.
Sugriwa (I Gat. Bg.), au thor, 111 259. Suma Oriental, hook by Tom Pires, I
Su ijveren (Com.), soldier, V 165. 36, 87; IX 6, 10.
Sujana Pura (ky., tg.), commander un- Sumatra, I 9, 11, 19,21,22,24, 57,60,
der sult. Agung, see also Sejana Pura, 112, 120, 129, 152, 166, 199, 201,
I 174; 111 49, 84-86, 91, 117, 137, 202, 204, 205, 262, 279, 281, 301;
286; IV-227. 11 67, 68; 111 18,50,114, 165,280;
Sujanma (rd.), name of png. arya Panu- IV-1 53, 54, 56, 62, 176; V 1, 11; IX
lar, son of Mangku Rat I, V 138. 7, 8, 13, 43, 50, 56, 57, 97.
Sukadana, district, Borneo, I 152, 192, Sumbawa, island, see also Sembawa, I
284, 289; 111 17, 18, 73, 74, 79-81, 151; 11 56; III 254, 259, 262; IV-2
280; IV-1 37, 59, 63, 69, 108; IX 71, 73-75, 85, 86, 95, 136, 137; VIII
39, 57. 134; IX 68.
Suka Sana, forecourt of the kraton, where Sumber, district, III 119.
the king appears, IV-2 153, 157; VIII Sumbing, mountain, I 42.
93. Sumerf,ang, town, district, Priangan, I
Suka Pura, district, Priangan, IV-1 4, 5. 221; III 78, 91, 92, 101, 158, 159,
Sukawati, see Sokawati. 193-196,236, 286; IV-l 5; IX 45.
Sukitan: Tung Hsi Yang K'au (Chin. Sumerf,ang (pg.), bupati under sult.
hook), I 288. Agung, 111 45, 84, 92, 139, 193-196,
Sukmul, legendary father of Moor Jang- 286.
kung, 111 158. Sumelang Gandring, pusaka criss of Ma-
Suku Domas, residence of the legendary japahit, I 286.
wali Nyampo, I 245. Sumendi, pg. Pringga Laya, brother of
Sukuh (canli), Old Jav. shrine, mount pan. Krapyak, IV-2 14.
Lawu, I 208, 209. Sumendi, tg. Urawan of Surabaya, under
Sulat, island (Lomhok), I 151. Mangku Rat 11, see also Sendi, IV-2
Sulawesi, see Celebes. 38; VII 38.
Sulebar, Silebar, district, South Sumatra, Sumenep, Songneb, town, district, East
IV-1 40. Madura, I 164, 169, 173-178, 291,
Suleiman I the Magnificent, sult. of Tur- 293, 294; 11 57; III 38, 84, 86-89,
key, I 76. 93, 161, 163; IV-2 56-60, 68, 88,136,
Su long (encik), Sulon, merchant in Ja- 175, 176; VIII 50, 53-55, 57, 91, 93,
para, IV-1 162, 182, 184. 103, 109, 110, 147; IX 16, 17, 40,
Sulong (kr.), Makasar chief, IV-2 71. 96, 98.
sultan, title, I 50, 66, 113, 118, 150, 163, Sumeng Asta, cemetery (Sumenep), IV-2
182, 205, 227, 236, 252, 260, 278, 56.
291; 11 115; 111 2, 264, 268; IV-1 Sumengit, envoy, IV-1 29.
8; V 2; IX 3, 7, 12, 37,49,50, 54. Sumru, mountain, I 188, 206.
Sultan Mataram, sultan Agung, 111 268. Sumur Angsana, locality in Banten, IV-1

Sunda, Sundanese, Priangan, West Java, 64, 65, 68, 70-73, 75-79, 81-84, 91,
I 7, 8, 11, 42, 87, 106, 108-112, 115- 93-95,97,98, 126, 130-132, 136, 137,
118, 121-124, 131, 159, 169, 275, 278, 141, 144, 148, 159, 206-216, 218, 253,
282, 283, 309; 11 67; 111 153, 194- 254, 274, 289; IV-l 2, 49, 72, 109,
196, 234, 273, 289; IV-l 145; IX 2, 129, 130, 136, 138, 139, 143, 145,
11,17,44,45. 157, 194; IV-2 1,4,5, 7, 23,32,36,
Sunda Islands, Lesser-, IV-2 74. 39, 47, 50, 52-54, 57, 70, 80-83, 86-
Sunda Kalapa, Jakarta, I 109, 117-119, 88, 96-100, 103, 118, 119, 129, 135,
123, 277, 278; V 11; IX 12. 140, 141, 145, 149-151, 159, 162, 165,
Sundana (ky), bupati of Ken<;lal, 111 54. 166,168,170-175,177,179,180,182,
Sundara, mountain, see Sendara. 184; V 3, 5-9, 13, 18, 20-22, 24, 25,
Sungerlifb, see Sumenep and Singenap. 32, 33, 40, 41, 45, 47, 57, 65, 68-70,
Sungian, island, I 151. 72, 78, 80, 81, 108, 128, 129, 143,
Sun Ging, river (Kudus), I 266. 150, 169, 172-174, 180, 182, 187, 189,
Sunjaya, ruler of Surabaya, see also 190, 194-197, 200, 201, 208, 211, 212,
Sanjaya, Senjaya, I 64, 74, 161; 11 215, 216, 230, 231, 233, 234, 241,
25,56; 111 13. 249, 251, 254-256, 258,260, 261, 263,
Sunya Ragi, country seat, Cerbon, 111 265, 267, 269-272, 274, 276, 277; VI
110; VIII 63. 283, 286-289, 299, 304-306; VIII,
Supa (mpu), legendary blacksmith, I 286. 7, 17,18,20,36; VIII 9,10,12,27,
Supanta (dip.), ki Jejanggu, commander 30,37,47,48,50-57,60, 71,91, 115,
under Snapati Mataram, see also Jaya 131-133, 136-138, 140, 156; IX 3, 5,
Supanta,1I 122. 7, 9, 13, 15-22, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36-40,
Supatra (arya), Mad. commander, IV-2 42, 46, 48, 50, 54, 61, 66-70, 72, 73,
141, 182. 76-80, 82, 86, 87, 96, 100.
Supatra (ng.), messenger, V 115, 117. Surabaya (arya) , ancestor of Gedng
Supatra Langaspatty, rebel commander, Sura of Palembang, 11 66.
VII 19. SUTa Baya (carik), secretary of Mangku
Sura (ki gedng), "Soro", ruIer of Pa- Rat I, IV-2 157, 158.
lembang, I 202, 203, 302, 303; 11 65, Surabaya (pg.), descendant of sult.
66. Tranggana of Demak, I 73.
SUTa (encik), Malay informer from Ke<;lu Surabaya (pg.), ruler(s) of Surabaya, 11
(Surapati), VIII 38-40. 104,107-109,117,118; 111 28, 30.
SUTa Agul-agul, commander under sult. Surabaya (pg.), pg. Pekik, 111 211; IV-1
Agung, 111 148, 149, 157, 159, 160, 35, 157; IV-2 4-8, 24.
162, 244, 251-253; IV-l 2,3. SUTabaya (putri), daughter of png. Pe-
SUTa Antaka, mantri under Pragola of kik, III 212, 249.
Pati, 111 140. SUTabaya (tg.), tg. Pati, under Mangku
SUTa Antaka, messenger, see Surantaka. Rat I,IV-1 136, 138, 140-142, 147,
SUTabaya, seaport, district, kingdom, I 8, 150,157; IV-2 8, 11.
10, 12, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 48, 49, 54, SUTabaya (tg.), under Mangku Rat 11,
58, 64, 69, 70, 74, 77, 89, 92, 93, 101, VIII 90.
111, 115, 128-130, 133, 138-141, 143, Sura Cala, village, IV-2 80.
146, 147, 149, 150, 152, 156-159, 160, "Suracqsaksa", "priest", under Mangku
162-167, 169, 171-174, 179-182, 184, Rat I, IV-1 75.
188, 189, 194, 196, 197, 202, 205, Sura Dikara, of Blora, under Mangku
213, 215, 219, 227-229, 237, 240, 245, Rat 11, V 177.
246, 252, 262, 263, 266, 281, 282, SUTa Dipa (rd.), rebel, V 191.
287, 288, 290-292, 302, 309, 312, 314, SUTa DipuTa, mantri from Cerbon, VIII
315, 318; 11 25, 37, 56, 57, 59, 60, 105.
62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 92, 102, 104-109, Surakarta, kraton, kingdom, I 10, 11, 17,
113, 118, 122, 126; 111 7, 8, 12-22, 31, 48, 68, 69, 71, 95, 114, 119, 128,
25, 28-38, 41, 42, 45, 47, 50-54, 56, 137, 166, 194, 209, 223, 224, 256-258,

268, 280, 282, 291, 295, 306, 315, III 73, 179, 180, 246, 266-269; V 182;
318; II 12, 18, 51, 55, 89, 94; III IX 49.
55,56, 130,227,267; IV-1 17, 109; Su ra Wangsa (ky.), tg. Mataram, IV-1
V 85,119,121,131,243; IX 20, 26, 18,201; IV-2 79, 103.
41. Sura Wangsa, rebel, V 91.
Sura Leksana, Balinese commander, VII Sura Wijaya (tg.), Arya Matahun, bu-
38,39. pati of Jipang, I 280, 281.
surambi, hall in front of mosque, 111 Sura Wikrama (tg.), secretary, historian,
114, 115. IV-2 6, 7, 19, 20; V 91, 128, 156,
Sura Menggala, commander in East Java 261,262; VIII 36,110,119,121-122,
under Mangku Rat I, IV-2 102, 103. 124, 130, 147.
Sura Menggala (dem.), rebel comman- Sura Yata, messenger, V 27.
der, V 221. Sura Yuda, rebel chief, VIII 38.
Sura N ata (santri), "armed priest" of Su rek (Caspar v.), ambassador, 111 53,
Demak, I 68, 257; 111 5, 9. 54, 56, 57, 59, 99, 125.
Sura Nata (tg.), regents of Demak, see Surinam, Jav. immigrants, I 11.
also Endra Nata, I 68, 69, 95; 111 5, Suru, village, V 111.
280; IV-1 33, 108, 110, 116, 137, Suruh (rd.), see Susuruh, I 275.
142,143; IV-2 53, 142; V 14,19,29, suruhan, messenger, VIII 25.
30, 35, 38, 65, 67, 87, 88, 90, 96, Surya Alam, name of sultan of Pajang,
131,132, 141, 142,145, 147-149, 163, 11 55.
167, 172, 177, 179-181, 183-185, 194, Surya Kusuma (rd.), son of pg. Puger,
195, 206, 211, 217, 220, 228, 229, V 63.
231, 232, 253; VI 274; VIII 26, 27, Surya Menggala (tg. dem.), ambassador
67, 81, 85, 91, 110, 145, 155. of Jambi, 111 278.
Sura Natan, mosque, near the kraton, I Surya Nagara (pg. arya) , author, 11 4.
268; 111 9; IV-lID. Surya Nata (tg.), governor of Jambi
Surangga Marta (ki), lurah in Panaraga, under sult. Agung, 111 278; IV-1 66.
1119/10. Surya Pati (tg.), nephew of Cakra Ning-
Surantaka, messenger, V 114, 145, 148. rat I, IV-2 59.
Surantaka (ky. dem.), commander in "Susa Gati", rebel commander, V 221.
Surabaya, VIII 137; see also Sura susuhunan, royal ti tIe, I 31, 75, 78, 114,
Antaka. 259, 260, 266; 11 24, 25, 66; 111 75,
Sura Pati, Bal. condottiere, I 254, 290, 127-129,274; IV-1 5,8; V 2; IX41.
297; 11 14; V 38, 53, 55, 56, 66, 72, Susuhunan Ratu Mataram, sunan Mang-
167; VII 37, 46, 47, 49; VIII pas- ku Rat I, IV-1 175.
sim; IX 80, 90, 91, 94-103. Susukan, village, V 213.
Surapati N galaga (ing Terung), ancient Susuruh (Jaka) , rd. Suruh, legendary
title, I 158, 312. founder of Majapahit, I 131,275,282;
Sura Praja (kntol), son of Wangsa Di- 11 13.
pa, IV-2 156. Suta (ky.), tg. Pa!i, IV-1 33, 79, 89,
SUTa Pramja (mantri), messenger, 111 110, 111; IV-2 158.
140; VIII 136. Suta (si), envoy, IV-2 35.
Sura Pranala (ng.), messenger, V 11 O. Suta (ng.), courtier, V 137/138.
Sura Pringga, name of Surabaya, 111 13. Suta Antaka, see Sutantaka.
Sura Saji, name of Banten, I 121; IV-1 "Sutabieda", lurah of the crownprince
40, 42. (Mangku Rat 11), IV-2 117.
Sura(n) Tani (tg.), commander, patih Suta Daya (ky. m.), derk, IV-2 157.
under sult. Agung, 111 28-32, 116, Suta Dita, guardsman, IV-2 93.
117,289. Su ta Dita (mas) , rebel, pretender, Jaya
Sura Tanu, officer, lurah tamtama in Purusa, VII 43, 44, 47.
Pajang, 11 80. Suta Dria, messenger, V 138.
Suratte, Surat, seaport in India, I 278; Suta Gati (ng.), umbul in Surabaya, V

Suta Gati, spy, V 149. Su ta Sirrebon, Jav. soldier, V 98.

Su ta Jaya (ky. mas), Javanese clerk, Suta Truna, Jav. colonist in Bekasih,
employed by Couper, IV-2 157. IV-1 144.
Suta Jaya, guardsman, IV-2 93. Suta Truna, son of bupati Wira Atmaka
Suta Karti, lurah, horse expert, IV-1 of Japara, IV-1 206.
122. Suta Truna, murdered by rd. Truna
Su ta Karti, Kalang chief, partisan of Jaya, IV-2 60, 177.
Truna Jaya, V 221. Suta Wangsa (Iurah), envoy, IV-2 125.
Suta Krama, umbul of Surabaya, V 80, Su ta Wangsa, name of Mandaraka, patih
129. of Mangku Rat 11, V 65.
Suta Menggala (rd.), of Pana Raga, V Suta Wangsa, man of religion, messenger,
145. V 213.
Sutana, Mal. skipper, IV-2 88. Suta Wangsa (mas), messenger, V 143.
Suta Nanga (kentol), son of ng. Wira Suta Wijaya (rd. ng.), name of Snapati
Dikara, IV-1 181-183, 185, 187. Mataram, 11 22, 23, 41, 44, 45.
Su ta Nangdita, envoy, IV-2 35. Suwanda (nyahi riyal, mother of png.
Su ta Naya (ng.), patih of Pana Raga, Tanpa Nangkil, brother of sult. Agung,
V 145. 111 4.
Sutantaka, messenger, V 145, 153. Suwandana, son of tg. Bau Reksa, 111
Suta Pati, advisor of rd. Truna Jaya, V 179.
253. Suwla Cala, legendary king of M4ang
Su ta Patra, messenger, V 152. Kamulan, I 269, 310.
Su ta Praja, guardsman, IV-2 93. Swaan (W.), author, 111 96.
Suta Prana (ky. dem.), councillor of sult. Swanagaran, village (Prawata, Demak),
Agung, 111 118. 1259.
Suta Prana (Iurah), commander in Pa- Syuh Brasta, cannon of sult. Agung, 111
narukan, IV-2 87, 101. 55, 156.
Suta Prana, rebel, V 211.

Tabanan, Bal. kingdom, I 198, 300; 111 47; VIII 11, 21, 24, 25, 45-48, 55,
259,260. 56, 58-73, 75-78, 81, 84-100, 103,106,
Tabanan, Bal. soldier, V 165. 110, 111, 117, 120, 123, 126, 135,
Tack (Franois), captain, I 32; IV-2 139, 143, 144, 153, 154, 159, 160,
112; V 29, 37, 39, 41-43, 45, 46, 48, 162, 167; IX 79, 93, 94, 96-98, 102,
53-57, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 76, 87, 89, 103.
96, 102, 104, 105, 110, 114-120, 124, "Tagaril", sunan Gunung Jati, I 50, 112,
126, 128, 130, 136, 138, 142-145, 151, 276, 277; V 261; IX 11.
154, 158-160, 163, 164, 168, 177, 178, Taiwan, Formosa, IV-1 119.
185-187, 199, 201, 202, 204-209, 223- Tajem, female servant, IV-1 28.
225, 230-232, 234, 235, 237-241, 243, Taji, toIl-gate of Mataram(East), 1217.
244, 259, 268, 274; VII 28, 30, 35, 222,309; 11 49-51,121; 111 65, 69.

77, 139, 198-200; IV-l 27; IV-2 14, Tanga Wacana, rebel, V 162, 221.
99, 138-140, 144, 185; VII 15, 18, "Tanda Wissij", hills, Gresik, V 193.
27,28,42; IX 71. TatJges, name of Gresik, I 21, 284, 285.
Tajug, Kudus, town, I 97, 263, 266,267. tangu, sedan chair, II 49, 85.
Takmung (Dn), Bal. courtier, I 288; Tanduran, village, V 143.
II 61. Tanduran (jaka), legendary founder of
Tako (kare), sergeant, V 99; VUl 137. Majapahit, I 131.
Tako (kare), Mak. rebel, V 273. Tanete, kingdom, South Celebes, IV-2
talaga, pond in Giri, see also Telaga, I 81.
287. Tanete (aru), Mak. chief, V 270.
Talbeecq, lieut., IV-2 172, 173. Tangerang, town, West Java, IU 158.
Tal/o' or Tello, town, district, South Tanggul Angin (kali), kali Srang,
Celebes rulers, IU 281; IV-2 70, 71, river, V 108.
75,76,84,85, 135. Tangi Lamong (kali), river, V 192.
Tamalaba (ker.), Makasar chief, IV-2 Tangol, hills in Surakarta, V 115.
84. Tanjung (Sri), Jav. poem, Banyuwangi,
ta man, pleasure-garden, II 88. I 193.
Tambak, weir, dam with artificial lake, Tanjung, village, UI 5; V 85.
UI 110; IV-l 27. Tanjung Anyar, village, V 101.
Tambak Baya, town, district, UI 3, 32, Tanjung Geg, village, IV-l 42.
46; V 102. "Tankan", battlefield, V 138.
Tambak Baya (ki, ng.), vassal of ad. Tan Khoen Swie, editor of Jav. books,
Pajang, in Surabaya, I 219; U 59; I 282.
III 44-47. Tankil (kali), river, V 132.
Tambak Baya (rd. ayu ad.), daughter of Tanpa Nangkil (pg. dem.), brother of
king Jaya Lengkara of Surabaya, UI pan. Krapyak, UIl, 4, 45.
47. Tanpasisingan (tg.), courtier under sult.
Tambak Baya (arya), arya Kerta Sana, Agung, IV-l 5; see also Pasisingan.
partisan of Truna Jaya, V 72. Tantu Panggelaran, Old Jav. book, I 4,
Tambak Baya (ng.), man of religion, 297, 305.
rebel, VU 48. Tanu Menggala (ky., ng.), Wangsa
Tambakbayan, quarter of Surabaya, UI Dipa, bupati of Japara, IV-l 152,159,
15,47. 160, 177, 180; V 12, 85.
Tambak Uwos, Tambak Waja, battle- Tanu Menggala (ky.), son of the former,
field, I 84; III 4, 5, 8. IV-2 142, 156, 157.
"TambaP", village, V 196. Tanu Praja, envoy, IV-l 138.
Tambora, island (Sumbawa), IV-2 74. Tanu Praja, courtier, V 156.
Tameng Hita, commander under Mang Tanu Raga (ng.), of Pajang, V 120,
ku Rat I, IV-2 144. 121.
Tampa (rd.), see Tapa, Tompo. Tanu Reksa (rd.), courtier of Mangku
"Tampora" (Tempuran), in the Eastern Rat I, IV-2 26; VU 10.
Corner of Java, IV-2 105, 112-114. Tanu Wacana, Tanda Wacana, rebel
Tamtama, company of soldiers, I 68, 89, commander, V 162.
224; II 8, 9, 17, 20, 22, 31, 80. Tanu Wangsa, messenger, V 195.
Tamurangan, village, V 269. Tapa (rd.), brother of Mangku Rat 11,
Tanah Abang, cemetery, Batavia, V 53. see also Tompo, IV-2 192; V 64; VII
Tanara, bay, West Java, Banten, III 133, 4.
189; IV-l 42; IV-2 66. Tapa (ratu) , legendary name of Truna
"Tana Raksa", see Tanu Reksa. Jaya, IV-2 57.
tal/ga, official, in charge of the markets, Tapa Sana (pg.), see Tepa Sana (Tepas
140,250. Sana).
Tanga Negara, patih of png. Puger in tarqa, Islamic mystical brotherhood, I
Demak, III 4, 5. 29.

Tartary and China, trade, IV-1 139. Telles (Ant.), Port. viceroy, 111 229.
Tarub, vilJage, district, I 88, 262, 307; TeUo, see Tallo.
11 7, 11. Tellolo (kr.), Mak. commander, IV-2
Tarub (Jaka), legendary ancestor, I 266; 136.
11 5-7, 11. Tembaga (rd. mas), name of pg. ad.
Tasman (Abel), navigator, 111 276. Puger, 111 1,4.
Tawang Alun, roler of Blambangan, I Tembayat, Bayat, town, district, Central
298, 300; IV-1 25, 26; VIII 51, 151, Java, I 60, 62, 92, 141, 145, 211, 216,
152; IX 55, 56, 96, 102. 226, 255, 261, 267, 296, 303, 309,
Tayouhan (Taiwan), ship, 111 173. 311 313; 11 52, 85, 86,123; 111 197,
Tayu, cemetery, I 270. 199, 200, 202-205; IV-2 40; VII 2,
"Tchiong" (aro), Mak. commander, V 3, 11, 28, 36-39, 43, 44, 45, 48-51;
216. IX 30, 45, 71, 76, 81, 88, 90, 91, 95.
Teder (Joris), from Edinburg, soldier, V Tembayat (sunan); religious leader, I
115. 26, 61, 62, 81, 216, 234, 250, 255,
Teunan, "Tidunang", seaport, North 290; 11 81; 111 199, 202; IV-2 40;
Coast, see also Tudunan, I 43, 52. VII 2, 38; IX 8, 67, 86.
Teeuw (A.), orientalist, I 302; 111 87. "Tempora", Tempuran, village, IV-2
Tegal, town, district, I 44, 110; 111 69- 105, 112-114.
72, 75, 76, 81, 107, 114, 118, 120, T engah (pan. ), roler of Aros Baya, I
127, 131, 132, 146, 150, 172, 180, 173; III 83.
186-189, 231, 243, 246; IV-l 16,47, Tngah-tngah, district, Moluccas, I 152,
48; IV-2 133, 134, 144, 146, 148, 153.
158, 176, 184, 186-188, 189, 193,228, Tengger, highlands, I 141, 185, 186,
236, 244; V 8, 10-12, 16, 20, 22, 26, 192, 193, 284, 296, 297; III 263;
58, 60, 62, 68, 85, 86, 138, 146; VI IV-2 101; V 181; VIII 133; IX 18.
304; VII 29, 32, 33, 45, 48; VIII Tepa(s) Sana (pg.), branch of the Ma-
10, 13, 29, 37, 47, 65, 72, 104, 114, taram family, I 262; 111 200, 257,
115, 118, 156; IX 42, 44,47,74, 76- 280; IV-2 13-15, 141, 142, 143; IX 45.
78,90,97. Ternate, kingdom, Halmaheira, I 153;
Tegal (tg.), bupati, 111 106, 283. IV-l 180, 183; IV-2 102, 108; V 18,
Tegal Ampl, residence of Citra Tawa, 54, 57, 92, 155; VIII 113, 114; IX
IV-229. 15.
Tegal Wangi, viIlage, cemetery, IV-2 Ter Thoolen, ship, V 190, 257.
189, 190, 193; V 10; VIII 10, 43; Terung, riverport on the Brantas, I 21,
IX 76. 24, 27, 53, 93, 94, 96, 158-161, 164,
Tegal Wangi (Tegal Arom, Sda ing-), 200, 250, 290, 312; IV-2 172, 173,
posthumous name of sunan Mangku 179; IX 16.
Rat I, I 231; 11 114; 111 24,111,247, Ter(r)ung (aro), Mak. chief, V 270.
258; IV-l 1, 8, 9, 13-15, 22, 23, 31, Terusan, locality at the bifurcation of
34,38, 148; IV-2 4, 29, 31, 188,190; the Brantas (Kali Mas and Kali Po-
VlO, 59; VII 10, 50; VIII 145. rong), 111 94, 95; V 24, 47, 200,270,
Tja (arya), legendary roler of Tuban, 273; VI 287.
I 54, 132, 157, 262, 287, 290. Thailand, see Siam.
Tja Lakat, Tja Laku, man of religion The Hague, town, National Archives, V
of mount Kelud, V 132, 133, 136; 56, VI 273; VIII 59, 70.
VII 49; IX 90. The Ling Sing, mbah ky. Telingsing, le-
Telaga N gebel, lake, see also Talaga, V gendary ancestor, Kudus, I 97.
143. Thesel(Dan.), Senior merchant, 111173.
Telaga Pasir, lake Sarangan, V 122, 135. T hijen (WilJem v.), resident of Palem-
Telaga Wana, village, IV-2 185;VII 18. bang, 11 66, 67.
Telingsing (mbah ky.), legendary ances- Thionko, Chinese trader of Demak, vIn
tor, Kudus, I 97, 266; see also Siling- 156.

Thim (Joh. Hendrik), resident of Japara, Tomano or Towajo, Buginese soldier, V

VIII 71, 107, 108, 112-114. 258.
Thomas (Dirck), artillerist, V 51. Tomatala, Ambon. lieut., V 236.
Thomas (St.), cannon, see Setomi. Tombol (ki), envoy, IV-I 40.
Thong Honqua, Chinese trader of Bata- TomP, Tompo (rd. bagus or rd.),
via, IV-l 199,200. brother of Snapati Mataram, png.
Thonissen (Pieter), ensign, IV-l 47. Gagak Hening of Pajang, 11 99, 100.
"Tiben", Bal. captain, V 79, 98, 100, Tompo (rd.), rd. ayu Kleting Wungu,
137, 165-167, 236. sister of Mangku Rat 11, see also
"Tibore" (Raja) , ruler of Tambora, Tapa, V 240; VII 23.
IV-2 74. Tonkin, kingdom, IV-I 139.
Tidunang, see Tedunan. "Tontjock" (ng.), commander, IV-2 125.
Tiele (P. A.), historian, I 273; 111 18. Topayo, Mak. sergeant, V 96.
tiger fighting, J avo sport, 111 123. toPng, Jav. theatrical, masque, 111 200.
Timbanganten, district, West Java, 111 "Totetoelade", Mak. foliower of rd. Tru-
159. na Jaya, VI 299.
Timor, island, V 52, 55. Totombo hills, Kat;liri, V 22, 184, 253;
Timur (arya) , residing in Karang Ka- VII 21, 25, 31; IX 87, 88.
muning, Japara, I 48. "Toumadjouwers", To Wajo people,
Timur (rd. mas, pg. or pan.), of Demak, South Celebes, VI 299.
ruler of Madyun, I 59, 212; 11 25, 55, tournament, Jav. sennan, 111 122, 290.
107. Towajo, people of South Celebes, see also
tingang, kind of ship, 111 266. Wajo, V 192, 196, 216, 258; VI 283.
Tingkir, village, district, I 63, 98, 210, Toya Sumurup, see Banyu Sumurup.
211, 285, 305-307; 11 11, 16-18; VIII Tranggana, sultan of Demak, I 33, 37,
67, 71, 72. 41-43, 45, 47, 56, 58, 63, 65, 70, 72-
Tingkir (Jaka-), name of sult. Pajang, 75, 78, 84, 87, 94, 96, 97, 103-105,
I 59, 67, 68, 77, 79, 99, 101, 104, 113-115, 118-120, 128, 129, 134, 143,
105, 115, 121, 124, 128, 150, 161, 14~ 148, 161, 177, 178, 181, 182,
211-213, 257, 272, 306-308, 313, 316; 189, 191, 195, 198, 202, 212-214, 217,
11 9. 221, 236, 256, 271, 287, 294, 301,
Tingsoy, Karti Sarana, Chinese shahban- 302, 307; 11 16-18, 24, 26, 27, 35-36,
dar in Surabaya, IV-l 139. 57, 66, 98, 107, 110; 111 121; VII
Tinumpak (ratu mas), queen-consort of 48; IX 7-13, 18, 19,21,26,28,33.
sult. Agung, IV-l 1. "tranyata", Malayo-Javanese: "not clear",
Tiron (rd. arya), name of pg. Singa Sari, V 73.
IV-2 32, 34, 36, 53, 80. Trayem, toll-gate of Mataram (Kequ) ,
Tirta Wiguna (tg.), au thor, 11 59. 111 66, 82, 195, 234, 239; IV-2 145,
Tirta Yasa, pleasure-ground, Banten, 185; VII 18.
VIII 63. Trenggalk, town, district, East Java, V
Tisna Jaya, governor of Kudus, V 150. 22,24, 184, 252.
Tisna Yuda, legendary rul er of Tuban, Trita Yuda, Madurese of Aros Baya,
I 270. IV-2174.
"Toeym" (kare), Mak. lieut., V 84. Troostenburg de Bruijn (C. A. L. van),
Toh Jaya (tg.), Jav. commander, sack author, V 92.
of Tembayat, VII 38. Trouwerseiland, island, West Java Coast,
Toh Jiwa (rg.), bupati of Malang, 111 111 240.
28. Truijtman (Joh.), merchant, IV-l 44,
Toh Pati, bupati under Pragola of Pati, 57, 58, 105, 107, 112-116, 119.
III 138, 140. Truna Jaya, Mad. rebel, I 59, 219, 272,
Tol (pg. or ad.), of Pasir, Banyumas, 281; 11 12,58; 111 211, 232; IV-l 6;
and Bocor, 11 74; 111 121. IV-2 5, 6, 15, 39, 43, 44, 46-61, 70,
toll-gates of Mataram, see Pingit, Selim- 86,87,97,98,109-111, 113,115,118,
bi, Taji, Trayem.

119, 123, 125, 133-138, 140-143, 145- Tudunan, Tudunang, (kali), river S-
153,156,158,159, 161-179, 181, 183, rang, Central Java, see also Tec,lunan,
184, 187, 191, 192; V 4-7,9, 14,21- V 85,86,97,102,108, 111, 114/5.
24, 27, 29, 32, 43, 46, 48, 49, 51, 54, Tugu Mengangkang, legendary border
59, 61, 64, 67, 70-72, 98, 101, 105, (mounts Sumbing and Sendara), 142.
110, 116, 129, 130, 133, 142, 143, Tujan (karel, Mak. sergeant, V 99.
145, 150, 151, 153, 155-157, 161, 169, Tulang Bawang, district, South Sumatra,
178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 187, 189, 111 275; IV-l 40.
191, 194, 213, 217, 220, 227, 228, Tulmbang, town, see Palembang, I 200,
230, 232, 233, 239-241, 243, 245, 301.
247-250, 252-255, 267, 270; VI, VII Tuln, legendary country, I 20.
passim; VIII 9-12, 20, 22, 48-50, 112; Tuloio (dang), Mak. leader, IV-2 84-
IX 46, 67-73, 76-83, 86-89, 94, 96, 86.
101. Tumapel, Singasari, Old Jav. kraton, I
Truna Jaya (gunung), mountain, East 179, 189, 293, 294.
Java, VI 308, 309. Tumapel (dip. mas), nephew of panem-
Trusan, village, see Terosan. bahan Agung of Giri, commander in
"Tsi attap", see Ci Atap. Surabaya, V 13, 45, 49, 65, 69, 129,
"Tsi ompo", see Ci Ompo. 169, 189, 192, 194, 196, 217, 229,
Tuanku Rao, book by Parlindungan, I 231, 232, 238, 247, 249, 256, 275;
18, 276. IX 76, 79.
Tuban, seaport, district, kingdom, I 8, tumenggung, title of military comman-
27, 48, 49, 54, 57, 69, 87, 90, 93, 96, ders.
101, 114, 127, 130-136, 142, 144, 147, Tumenggung (raja) , roler of Palembang,
148, 150, 151, 157, 160-162, 164, 171, III 276.
180, 185, 215, 217, 230, 231, 240, Tumenggung (rd.), son of Wayahan Pa-
262, 263, 269, 270, 273, 281-284, 286- madekan of Tabanan, Bali, 111 260.
288,290,313,316; 11 58, 62, 67, 78, Tumenggung Mataram, title of grand-
85, 123-125, 132; III 18, 30-34, 38, viziers, see also patih, IV-l 14; IX 35.
41, 42, 44, 47-52, 77, 78, 135, 208, Tunggul Petung, mythical king, I 222.
216, 279, 289; IV-l 82, 177, 181, Tunggul Wulung, mythical fish, olor,
194; IV-2 9, 32, 89, 93, 118, 123- river Ompak (Snapati Mataram), 11
125, 173, 182; V 254; IX 10, 14, 76.
22, 32, 33, 38, 39, 50, 96. Tunglur (Tonglor) , village, fortress, V
Tuban (ad. or tg.), rolers, I 48, 133; 43, 146, 149, 151, 152, 154, 156, 157,
11 77, 78, 82, 83, 86, 91; 111 36, 37; 164, 240, 268.
V 77, 129, 146, 148, 164, 188, 190, Tuntang, river, I 66; VIII 157.
196, 201, 232, 233, 239; VII 18; VIII "Tu Ragam", (ky.), "highpriest", (Ab-
9, 19,57. dur-Rahman ?), pangulu under Mang-
Tuban (modin), man of religion, legen- ku Rat I, IV-2 153.
dary blacksmith, I 283. Turkey, Turks, I 51, 76, 113, 273; 111
Tuban (perdana pati), Ambonese roler. 99, 119.
I 253. Tuuk (H. Neubronner van der), orien-
Tuban Besi (perdana), chief of Hitu, talist, I 285, 296.
11 37. Tuwan di Bitay, theologian, Acheh, I

"Ua" (leb), Husain, ruler in Cerbon, Undagan (pg. or rd.), name of Cakra
I 38. Ningrat 11, IV-2 48, 49.
Udara, Mahudara (patih), legendary Undakan, viIlage (Prawata), I 259; 11
vizier of Majapahit, I 52, 246, 304. 25; V84,86.
Udug-udug Krawang, legendary border, Undung, locality (Kudus), I 49, 93, 266.
I 42. Ungaran, mountain, 11 81; 111 4, 8; V
Uhlenbeek (E. M.), linguist, I 293. 107; VIII 67.
Uithoorn, ship, V 233. Untung (ki), name of Sura Pati, VIII
Uja, messenger, V 254. 38; IX 95.
"Ujang Salang", seaport (Malaysia ?), Untung Jawa, river, Priangan, 111 194,
IV-1 196. 196.
Ujong Bayang, locality on the North "Unus" (pat), ruler of Japara, I 43-47,
Coast, Central Java, IV-1 106. 103, 142,251,277,304; IX 7.
Ujos "Oedjos", lurah, IV-1 122. Upa Santa (ky. dip.), commander under
Uju (rd.), (Waruju) prince of Demak, sult. Agung, 11 120; 111 88, 107, 11 7,
descendant of suIt. Tranggana, I 73. 120, 148, 149, 157, 160, 162.
Uju Bulu "Oedjoe Boeloe" (aru), Sou th U peh, Jav. settlement, Malaka, I 111.
Celebes chief, VI 286. Urawan (ad.), name of bupatis and vi-
Ujung (aru), Mak. chief, V 270. ziers, see also Ngurawan, I 179; 111
Ujung Mara, ancient name of Japara(?), 98; IV-2 36, 39; V 26, 65, 66, 69,
1269. 72,128,132,201,217,231,234,253,
Ujung Surabaya, Tanjung Prak, IV-2 254, 261-263, 266; VI 292, 297, 299;
98. VII 44, 49; VIII 18, 19, 36, 53, 68,
Ukur, district in Priangan, 111 101, 159, 88,89,91, 127, 145.
193-197, 234; IV-1 5; IX 45. U rawan (demang), messenger, courtier
Uldrigs (Pieter), hospital attendant, V of Surabaya, 111 95, 97.
182. Urawan (rd.), prince of Demak, descen-
Ulo, river, V 149. dant of suIt. Tranggana, I 73.
Uluk, diamond ring of Ratu Kali Nya- Usa, see Ua, Husain.
mat, 11 44, 45. Usana Jawa, Balinese legendary history,
umbul, steward of royal estates, 111 196; I 301.
IX 62. Usman, see Ngusman.
Undaan, see Undakan. UUr, battlefield, I 84, 230, 315.

Valek, ship, 111 64. 20, 36, 47, 61, 115; 111 14, 16, 17,
Vale (Amelis de), junior merchant, 34, 46, 57, 72 156, 157, 159, 160,
IV-1 186,190; IV-222. 217,240,268; IV-l 8, 72,119,191;
Valentijn (Franois), historian, I 22, IV-2 3, 6, Il, 10, 19, 20, 32, 33, 49,
152, 153, 252, 272, 289; 11 14, 15, 63, 191, 193; V 3, 7, 52, 53, 73, 91,

92, 98, 167, 201, 206, 210, 240, 244; Vlack (Pieter), commander, III 171,
VI 273, 281, 284, 292, 296, 298, 300, 177, 178.
302-306, 308; VII 4, 6, 32, 33; VIII Vlamingh v. Outshoorn (Arnold de), ad-
79, 104, 107, 110, 112, 133, 148. miral, IV-l 85; V 36.
Vastenburg, fort, III 226. Vliegende Swaan, ship, V 77, 196.
Veer (Jan Jeremiasz v/dl, prisoner of Vlieth (Jer. v.), admiraI, III 276, 277;
war, III 100, 235, 244. IV-2 97; V 55, 77, 86, 87, 96, 97,
Veld (S. G. In 'tl, author, I 289. 99, 101, 110, 111, 114, 115, 117, 119,
Venice, Venetians, I 273; III 24. 121, 130, 131, 135-137, 139-142, 145,
Ventura (Jac.), envoy, III 174, 176. 147, 156, 160, 164, 177, 181, 201,
Verbeek (R. D.), geologist, V 135, 143, 204, 205, 208, 210, 215, 223, 226,
140, 144. 231, 232, 234-236, 238, 252, 258, 259,
Verhoeven, Verhoeff (P. W.), admiraI, 261, 263, 268; VI 275, 277-279, 282,
III 20, 79. 283; VII 43; VIII 47, 49, 53-58, 61,
Ver HueU (Q. M. R.), naval officer. 66, 67, 85, 87, 88, 94, 96, 103, 150;
artist, author, III 122. IX 82, 96.
Verhuist (Abr.), skipper, III 102, 195, V.O.C. (Verenigde Oostindische Com-
233-235, 239, 240, 272; IX 47. pagnie), see Company.
Verhuist (Jacob), soldier, V 165. Volsch (Bemh.), junior, IV-l vi, 54, 84,
Verspreet (Abraham), ambassador, IV-1 85, 88, 91, 93, 95, 105, 127; IV-2 2.
6, 13, 176-180; IV-2 1,3,22,26,193. Vonck (Dirk), lieut., VIII 67, 84, 93,
Veth (P. J.), historian, geographer, I 55, 96.
258; II 64, 67; III 95, 263; V 80. Vondel (J. v/dl, Dutch poet (poem on
Viceroys of Port. India, III 20, 170, 171, Speelman's expedition to Makasar), V
226, 229, 231, 282, 284. 5.
Vicq (Rober de), governor of Ambon, Vonk (Pieter) from Armentires, soldier,
V 55. V 219,262.
Viegas (Vicente), R. C. missionary in Voorhoeve (P.), orientalist, VI-1 136.
Sou th Celebes, I 76. "Vorstenlanden", see Principalities (of
Viera (Franc.), Port. merchant, IV-l 70, Central Java), Pajang, Mataram, Kar-
72, 95. tasura, Surakarta, Y ogyakarta.
Vierkant, quarter in Batavia, V 57. Vos (Jan), ambassador, III 29, 30, 74-
Vietnam, see Annam. 76, 94, 100, 101, 103-108, 111, 114,
"Vira" (pat), ruler of Tuban, I 132, 127, 128, 137; IV-IlO, 12.
133. Vreede (A. C.), orientalist, I 309.
Visser (B. J. J.), historian, I 289; III Vries (Dav. Pz. de), author, III 146.
230, 232. "vrijburger", burgher, private citizen, see
V ssozo (Anth. ), Port. renegade in Cer- also Mardijker, VIII 26.
bon, III 25, 47, 50, 132. Vuuren (L. van), historian, I 290.

wadana, "speaker" of a group of persons, Waghenaer (Zacharias) , ambassador,
I 162. IV-l 168-174, 190; IV-2 21, 22, 25,
Wadat (sunan), celibate, name of sunan 26; V 20.
Bonang, I 133. Wahantifn Girang, old name of Banten,
Wadu Aji, Old Jav. hook, I 66. I 118.

Waja, village, IV-2 185. wangbang, title of man with spiritual

Waja Kusuma, lurah of the life-guards, authority, I 256.
IV-1205. Wangkawa (rd.), Kat:tluruwan, brother
Wajo, district in South Celebes, see also of sult. Demak, I 294.
To Wajo, V 192. Wanglu (ny. ged) , sister of ki gelj
Wala Dana, village, IV-2 28, 29. Ssla, 11 5, 6.
Walang Sungsang, mythical ancestor, Wangsa (tg. arya), commander in Sema-
Priangan, I 277. rang under sult. Agung, 111 173-176.
Walcheren, ship, 111 68, 165. Wangsa, rebel commander, V 151.
wali, waliyu'llah, Saint, apostIe of Islam Wangsa Antaka, messenger, see also
in Java, I 3, 17, 2B, 30, 32, 54, 63, Wangsantaka, Wangsa Taka, V lOB,
67, 70, 71, 93, 140, 141, 160, 212, 113, 1BB, 196,233.
247,252, 25B, 306; 11 9; 111 27, 97, Wangsa Baya, lurah, IV-1 29.
129, 224, 2BB; IV-2 2; V 2; VIII Wangsa Braja, Mad. chief, IV-2 60, 177.
121; IX 5, 6, 14. Wangsa Cakra, umbul, IV-1 195.
Walik (rd. aj.), name of ratu Panlan Wangsa Cipta (rd. ayu), daughter of
Sari, wife of png. Pekik, 111 211. Snapati Mataram, IV-2 41.
Wali Lanang, of Blambangan and Ma- Wangsa Citra, name of tg. Mangku Yu-
laka, father of prabu Satmata of Giri, da, from Kelu, V 6B.
I 140, 141. Wangsa Dangu, chief in Madura, IV-2
Wana Baya (arya) , png. Sda Puri of 60, 176, 177.
Sumenep, I 176. Wangsa Dersana, Mad. commander, V
Wana Ciri, district, Central Java, I 200, 190.
223,303,315; 11 123; VII 36, 43. Wangsa Dika, son of rd. Kajoran Amba-
Wana K erta, district (Pajang), 11 123; lik, IV-2 43; VII 2, B.
111 47, 209, 212; V 49-51; VI 293; Wangsa Dipa (ng.), Tanu Menggala,
VII 34, 35, 39-42, 49; IX B3, B9. bupati of Japara, IV-1 64, 159, 177,
Wana Krama, village, Surabaya, 111 7B. 180, 1B1, 192,203,206; IV-2 32, 61,
Wana Kusuma (ki), man of religion, 11 B4, 90, 93, 95, 103, 104, 116-119, 121-
52; VII 39; VIII 15, 133. 123, 127, 12B, 130-132, 142, 146-14B,
Wana Kusuma partisans, IV-2 40; V 153-156, 158-161, 183-1B5, 1BB, 190,
50; VII 36-39,43-51; VIII 14-17, 191; V B, 12,85, 138; VII 2, 3, 16,
40,51,78; IX B9-91, 94, 95. 20,25.
Wana Pala (ki), courtier of sult. Demak, Wangsa Dipraja, envoy, IV-l 41.
1210,211. Wangsa Dita (rd.), courtier of sult.
Wana Salam, village of the viziers of Agung, 111 253.
Demak, I 66, 256; V 109; VII 4B. Wangsa Dita, spy in Madura, IV-2 97.
Wana Sari, village, see Wana Kusuma, Wangsa Cati, lurah, horse expert, IV-l
VII 39; IX 89. 122.
Wana Yasa, village (Tegal), IV-2 1B9, Wangsa Cati (ng.), regent of Gembong,
190, 192; V 10; VII 32. IV-289.
Wa~cjan, legendary country across the Wangsa Ita, umbul of Gesik (Tuban),
sea, home of Bot:tlan Kejawan's mo- IV-1 195.
ther, I BB; 11 5. Wangsa Ita, treasurer under Mangku
W a~cjan (ratu), name of sult. Agung's Rat I, IV-2 94.
sister, Pat:tlan Sari, wife of png. Pek ik, Wangsa Ita, rebel, V 221.
I 69; III 249. Wangsa Jaya, rd. Bugan of Sumenep, in
Wa!lcjan Inggris, country across the sea, the rank of ajk kabayan, IV-2 58.
I 13B. Wangsa Karti (rd.), envoy, IV-1 169,
Wanderpoel (Harmen Dirx) , captain, 171, 172, 174, 175, 177.
VIII 96, 114, 115. Wangsa Kartika (rd.), son of png.
Wanng Pati (rg.), son of tg. Mangun Pringga Laya, 111 257, 258; IV-2 15.
Negara, IV-2 164; see also Panji W. Wangsa Marta, commander, IV-I 47.

Wangsa Menggala (ki), son of Wangsa waringin kurung, fenced banyan trees on
Dipa, IV-2 130, 154. the alun-alun, 11 8, 70; 111 10, 14,
Wangsa Menggala (ky.), Jav. rebel, V 106, 122, 209, 290; see also Wringin.
220. "Warsa Denti" of "Yayana" (Cahyana),
Wangsa Naka, servant of Jayeng Pati, Banyumas, VIII 41.
IV-2 177. Waru, village, district (Blora) , V 66.
Wangsa Nanga (rd.), envoy, IV-l 174. Waruk Tengah or Kalang, village, V
Wangsa Nata (ng.), Balinese commander 142.
in Kartasura, VIII 31, 40, 65, 66, Warung, Warong, district, Blora, I 228;
68, 70, 76-80, 82, 86, 89, 90, 93, 95. 11 107, 108; IV-2 138, 182; V 110,
Wangsa Naya, lurah from Japara, V 138. 125; VII 18; IX 32.
Wangsa Naya (ky.), soldier, VIII 137. Warwijck (Wijbr. v.), vice-admiraI, I
Wangsantaka, author, see also Wangsa 135; III 19.
Antaka, IV-2 56. Waston (Humphrey), merchant, 111 267.
Wangsa Pada (si), envoy, IV-l 94. Wasya (raja), chief from South Celebes,
Wangsa Pa ti, envoy, IV-2 65, 120, 127. IV-2 88.
Wangsa Pat ra, messenger, IV-l 174; "Waterkasteel", Taman Sari, park be-
IV-2 190. longing to the kraton of Y ogyakarta,
Wangsa Praja, umbul of Jenu (Tuban), 111 110; VIII 63.
IV-l 195. "Waterpoort", gate of the CastJe of Ba-
Wangsa Prana (ng.), umbul, steward in tavia, IV-2 147.
Japara, IV-1194, 205; IV-2 119,120, Wates, "Watas", village, district, IV-l
130-132, 173, 174. 144; V 18-20, 27, 28, 30,31,38, 67,
Wangsa Prana, bupati of Surabaya, V 13. 90,111,115,116,125,131,138,249;
Wangsa Raja (ng.), bupati of Semarang, VII 31, 33, 44; VIII 39.
111 280; IV-l 19, 67, 91, 103, 108- Watu Aji (ky.), legendary ancestor,
110, 113, 117, 125, 130, 131, 140, Ngromb, I 59.
143. Watu Takan, village, V 142.
Wangsa Su ta (si), envoy, IV-2 35. Watu Tinap, village, V 117, 118.
Wangsa Taka, shabandar of Juwana, see Wawala, village, IV-2 21.
also Wangsa Antaka, Wangsantaka, Wayah (ki), father of ratu Malang, IV-2
IV-l 122. 15-17.
Wangsa Truna, mantri jero, IV-2 23. Wayahan Indissan, Balinese soldier, V
Wangsng Gati (arya) , Mad. comman- 165.
der, IV-2 141, 182, 184, 185, 187; V Wayahan Pamadekan (Ngurah), of Ta-
29, 71, 91, 97, 112, 194, 250, 264, banan, Bali, I 300; 111 259, 260.
267; VII 19,30. wayang, Jav. puppet theatre, I 70, 71,
Wangsng Rana, rebel, pirate in Madu- 247, 258, 267, 295, 306, 307; III 203.
ra, VIII 48-50, 53, 54; IX 96. wayang bbr, scrolIs, I 211, 258, 306;
Wapen van Amsterdam, ship, 111 68. 11 16; III 24.
Wapen van Delft, ship, 111 223. wayang krbt, wayang bbr, 11 16.
Wardi (S.), author, I 31, 33, 280. wayang krucil, flat wooden puppets, III
Wareng, Bareng, village, IV-2 30. 213.
Warga, Sripada, spy, 111 71, 102, 150, wayang ku/it, leather puppets, 111 24,
160, 173, 174, 183, 189, 242. 105.
Warga Dalem (mas), local chief, com- wayang purwa, leather puppets, 111 23,
mander under Mangku Rat Il, V 213, 213.
250, 259. We(ii, village, district, I 62, 211, 230,
Warga Utama, rul er of Wirasaba, Ban- 315; Il 121-123; III 199, 200; IX
yumas, 11 65. 45.
waring, texture of plaited fibres or Weesick (Arent v.), prisoner of war, III
straw, flag of ''''ana Kusuma rebels, 7.
VII 47; VIII 15. Weesp, redoubt of Batavia, 111 151.

Werdi Sastra, au thor, I 294; 111 87; "Wiljandi", village, V 269.

IV-2 57. Willemsz (Michiel), lieutenant, IV-l 87.
Wertheim (W. F.), author, I 267. Wilwa, eagle rnarmelos, I 283.
Weru, village, 11 93, 94. Wilwa Tikta, Majapahit, see also Wila
WesdaTp (Arnout), captain, V 37, 55, Tikta, I 132,283.
56, 78, 96, 98, 107, 130-132, 135-137, Winanga (kali), river, IV-l 13.
141, 142, 145, 147, 148, 151, 155, Windu Aji, village, IV-2 189, 190.
158, 160, 161, 163-166, 168, 169, 174, Windu Sana, Old Jav. rnan of religion
184, 185. in KeQu, I 248.
Wesenhagen (Jan v.), shabandar, IV-2 Winangan, village, 111 28.
35. Wintang, Chin. founder of Kali Nyarnat,
Wessanen, ship, 111 181, 183; IV-l 86. 1270, 271.
Wessels (C.), author, I 260, 293, 296, Winter (J. W.), au thor, 11 51, 54; 111
298. 213.
Westeramstel, ship, V 272. Wira (pat), ruler of Tuban, I 132.
"W esterkwartieren" , western part of the Wira (ky.), governor of the Pasisir pro-
area of the Cornpany's activities (In- vinces under Mangku Rat I, see also
dia, Ceylon), V 54. Wira Atrnaka, IV-l 17, 19, 20, 84,
West/Tieslant, ship, IV-l 131. 91,92, 109, 208.
"Westgat", western inlet of the roads of Wira Angan (ky.), cornrnander, IV-2
Surabaya, IV-2 162. 125.
"Westkust", western coastal provinces of Wira Atmaja (rd.), cornrnander, IV-2
Surnatra, IV-l 176, 180. 100, 115, 140.
W tan (rd. ayu), queen-consort of sultan Wira Atmaka (ng.), bupati of Japara
Agung, 111 247; IV-l 1. under Mangku Rat I, see also Wira,
W tan (kangjeng ratu) , queen-consort of 11 111; IV-l 18, 21, 173, 177, 181,
sunan Mangku Rat I, IV-2 31; V 62. 188-197, 199-206; IV-2 34, 68, 79,
Wtan (ratu), ratu Malang, favourite of 82, 84, 89, 90, 92, 95.
Mangku Rat I, IV-2 15, 17, 18, 20. Wira Bajra, chief in Madura, IV-2 60.
Widas (kali), river, V 275. Wira Baya, Mad. soldiers, V 153.
Widikda (ky. dip.), tg. Upa Santa, 111 Wira Brata, arya Panalika, in Banyurnas,
160. VIII 39.
Widu (kali), river, V 140. W ira Brata (ng. ky.), of Surnenep, VIII
"Wieducks", local chief, VIII 39. 91.
Wija, tg. Mangun Oneng of Pati, V 67. Wira Bumi (panji), bupati under png.
Wijaya, victory, in royal narnes, I 204; Jaya Raga in Panaraga, 111 9, 31.
IX 17. Wira Bumi (panji), cornrnander under
Wijaya (prabu), king of Pajang, see Adi Mangku Rat I, IV-2 102, 120.
Wijaya, IV-2 41. Wira I;Jayu, cornrnander, IV-2 124.
Wijil (rd.), rnernber of the Kajoran Wira Dersana, Mad. rebel, V 162; VI
farnily, VII 35. 299.
Wijil (gunung), see Wujil. Wira Dika(ra) (ng.), bupati of Japara,
Wila Marta (ng.), cornrnander under IV-l 21, 135, 159-175, 177, 181-189,
sult. Pajang, 11 25, 7l. 192; IV-225.
Wila Praya, cornrnander of a Batavian Wira Dipa, son of Wira Negara, bupati
Jav. cornpany, V 236. of Parnekasan, IV-2 56; V 248.
Wila Tik(t)a (arya), legendary roler of Wira Dipa (lurah), rnessenger, IV-2 125.
Tuban, I 132-135, 283. Wira Cati, subordinate official, IV-2 89,
Wilde (Herman de), cornrnander, V 66; 130.
VIII 63. W ira Cu na (tg.), cornrnander, patih un-
Wilde Vereken, ship, 111 258. der sult. Agung, I 263; 111 90, 91,
Wilis, rnountain, 111 257; V 45, 143, 116, 142, 238, 249-251, 253, 272, 284-
157, 166, 171, 177, 191, 193, 202, 288, 291; IV-1 2-5, 14, 16, 23, 25,

26, 30-33, 74-79, 143; VII 10; IX Wira M erta (tg.), see Wila Marta.
48, 51, 54, 55. Wira Naga, Bal. commander, IV-1 26.
Wira ]aya (ky.), govemor of the Pasisir Wira Nagara, bupati of Pamekasan, IV-2
provinces, IV-1 17, 19-21, 47, 83, 84, 56; V 248.
91, 92, 94, 109, 134, 135, 145, 148, Wira Nagara, name of Sura Pati, VIII
150, 152-154, 160, 161, 186, 208; 133,139; IX 100.
IV-2 17,26, 115, 120, 124, 125; VII Wira Nata Pada (rd. arya) , courtier of
10; VIII 51. sult. Agung and Mangku Rat I, 111
Wiraka, mountain, VII 42. 128,161; IV-2 116, 121.
Wira Kapa, dwarf at the Court of Mang- Wira Naya, envoy, IV-1 41.
ku Rat 11, VIII 19. Wira Paksa (dem.), Banten commander,
Wira Kari (ng.), chief of Kalangs, V IV-1 42.
221. Wira Paksa (tg.), follower of rd. Truna
Wira Karti, patih under Mangku Rat I, Jaya, VI 281.
IV-1 18,40, 172, 173, 199, 201. Wira Pat i (ng.), commander under
Wira Kencana, ruler of Pasir, Banyumas, Mangku Rat I, IV-2 115.
11 74. Wira Patra (rd.), commander in Banten,
Wira Kerti, commander of tamtama sol- 111 158.
diers in Pajang, 11 80. Wira Patra (ky. ng.), patih of Mangku
Wira Kusuma (rd. arya) , nephew of sult. Rat I, IV-lIS, 16, 23, 30, 31, 33.
Agung, 111 88. Wira Patra, rebel, V 219.
Wira Kusuma (rd.), son of png. Kajoran, Wira Praba (ratu bagus) , in Banten,
rebel commander, IV-2 43, 182; VII descendant of sult. Demak, I 73.
8, 19. Wira Pura, of Tuban, IV-2 9.
Wira Kusuma (tg.), of Japara, V 114. Wira Raja, Banyak Wi<;l, Old Jav. ruler
W ira Leksana (ng.), commander under of Sumenep, I 175,293; IX 17.
Mangku Rat 11, VI 293, 296, 297. Wira Reja (ky. tg.), of Karang Lo Taji,
Wira Lodra, lurah, IV-1 29. father-in-law of Paku Buwana 111, 11
Wira Maja, see Wira Meja. 50, 51.
Wira Mantri, subordinate official, IV-2 Wira Reja (ng.), foster-father of rara
130. Oyi, IV-2 7, 8, 23, 24.
Wim Marta, messenger, V 108, 113. Wira Saba, town, district, East Java, I
Wira Marta (ng.), official, V 134. 58, 69, 94, 147, 150, 161, 162, 164,
Wim Meja (ng.), brother of rd. Kajoran, 165,215,228; 11 58,62,64,65, 110,
rebel commander, IV-2 43; VII 8, 29; 11 T; 111 12, 17, 32-35, 38, 54, 159;
VIII 39. IV-2 89; V 22, 172-174, 194, 195,
Wira Menggala (pg.), son of Snapati 211,251,252,269; VI 275, 276, 282,
Mataram, I 83, 11 117,118; IV-242. 286-288; VIII 132; IX 29, 37.
Wira Menggala (tg.), commander under Wira Saba, district in Banyumas, I 214,
sult. Agung, 111 158, 159, 253. 250, 308.
Wim Menggala (rd.), brother of pg. Wira Santika, lurah, 111 10.
Purbaya, IV-2 26, 27, 42-45; VII 5, Wim Sari, district, Central Java, I 58,
10, 12, 19. 84.
Wira Menggala (ng.), loyal commander Wira Sari (rd.), courtier of Mangku Rat
under Mangku Rat 11, V 114. I, IV-2 140.
Wira Menggala (tg.), commander under Wira Sari (arya) , Singa Sari, comman-
Mangku Rat I, later partisan of Truna der under Truna Jaya, V 184.
Jaya, IV-2 50, 115, 140, 144, 182, Wira Sasmita (ky.), envoy, IV-1 61.
183, 185, 187; V 9, 23, 29, 71, 91, Wira Seraya, courtier, IV-2 9.
112, 153, 219, 221; VII 6, 30, 37. Wira Setya (ky.), bupati of Japara, IV-1
Wira Menggala family, related with the 89, 140, 143, 146, 147, 149, 150.
Purbaya family, IV-2 42, 43; VII 6; Wira Suta (kntol), son of tg. Pati, IV-1
IX 86; see also Raja Menggala and 125, 126, 144; IV-2 133, 134, 148,
Rangga di M. 184.

Wira Suta, tg. Marta Laya of Tegal, V Wisa Praja, capt. of a Batavian Jav.
10. company, V 100, 101.
Wira Suta (mantri) , brother of Keta- Wiselius (J.A.B.), author, I 148,285;
wengan, of Kadiri, V 249, 250. 11 60, 106; 111 206, 208, 219.
Wira Suta, bupati of Bangil, partisan of Wissingh (Jan), assistant, IV-l 55.
Sura Pati, VIII 133, 139, 140. Wisyapur, town in India, V.O.C. trade,
Wirata (pg.), member of the Demak IV-l 139.
family, I 36. Wita Radya, pseudo history, Jav. litera-
Wira Tantaha, envoy, IV-l 41. ture, I 306.
Wiratmaka (ky.) of Japara, see Wira Woensel (Corn. v.), junior merchant,
Atmaka. IV-2 147, 171.
Wira Truna (rd.), dip. Mangku Bumi, Woh (ratu), daughter of Mangku Rat
patih of png. Puger, V 12, 63, 67, 11, IV-2 3; V 60, 113, 186.
105. Walters (0. W.), author, I 318.
Wira Utama(tg.), commander(Banten), Wonderaer (Seb.), senior merchant, 111
111 158. 144; IV-liS, 30, 75, 79; IV-2 154.
Wira Wajra, partisan of rd. Tmna Jaya Wongsa Baya, see Wangsa Baya.
in Madura, IV-2 177. Worsley (P. J.), au thor, I 299.
Wira Wangsa, author, I 306. Wat Galh, village, residence of sayid
Wira Wangsa, of Wira Saba, son of pg. Kalkum (Kajoran), VII 2; IX 86.
Pekik (?), V 251. Woude (Jan ter), shipwrecked sailor,
Wira Wangsa, commander, brother of tg. IV-l 112.
Pati, IV-l 47, 125; IV-2 124, 144. Wringin Pitu, residence of a bupati, IV-l
Wira Widigda (rd.), ng.), commander 169; see also waringin.
under Mangku Rat 11, V 11; VII 33; Wujil or Wijil (gunung), cemetery of
VIII 39. png. Silarong, IV-230.
W ira Yuda ( rd. ) , rebel commander, wuku, week of 7 days, I 254.
IV-2 182; VI 280; VII 5,19,38,42. Wulan (mas ayu) of Kajoran, wife of
Wirya Krama (panji), mier of Sura- Mangku Rat I, IV-2 41; VII 3, 4.
baya, I 162-164, 215, 287, 291, 292; Wuluh (kali), river, V 149.
11 59, 60, 63. Wuragil (ng.) of Pajang, sent to Sna-
Wirya Nagara, son of Cakra Ningrat of pati Mataram, 11 71; see also Ragil.
Madura, VIII 73, 75, 78, 79, 90, 139. Wuryah (rd. mas), png. Marta Pura,
Wisa Menggala, messenger, IV-l 174. brother of sult. Agung, 111 27.
Wyatt (D. W.), author, I 302.


X averius (Franciscus), R. C. missionary, Yogyakarta, kraton capitaI, I 11, 68, 69,

I 289. 114, 123, 224, 256, 257, 268, 296,
313; 11 11, 12, 49, 51, 55, 75, 120,
Yang plateau, highlands in the Eastern 121; III 3, 14, 105, 110-112, 234;
Corner of Java, I 187. IV-l 14, 17, 109; V 2, 49; VII 8;
Yasa DipuTa, au thor, I 78, 306. VIII 63.
"Yayana", see Cahyana. Yuda (lurah), son of encik Muda, of
Semarang, envoy, 111 173, 174, 177.

Yuda Karti (tg.), commander under sult. Zainu'l cAbidin, see Zeinall.
Agung, 111 253, 261. Zainu'l cAbidin, Port. renegate in De-
Yuda Karti, mantri kapeQak under mak, I 76, 119.
Mangku Rat I, IV-2 23. Zainul Kabir, Zainul Kubra, grandson of
Yuda Karti (ng.), envoy, V 102, 104. Husain, legendary ancestor, I 291.
Yuda Nagara (tg.), Macan Wulung, zakt, Islamic religious tax, I 271.
ruler of Sumenep, IV-2 57-59; vnl Zalm, ship, IV-1 194; IV-2 55.
54; IX 96. Zante, ship, IV-1 194, 197, 198.
Yuda Negara, Naya Citra, bupati of Zeeburgh (Mieh.), prisoner of war, 111
Semarang, V 219. 236; IV-1 45,86, 113, 122, 136.
Yuda Pat ra, umbul of Singgahan (Tu- Zeelst (Hendr. v.), merchant, IV-1 101,
ban), IV-1 195. 102.
Yuda Prana (tg.), commander under Zeelst (van), lieut., V 100, 101, 236.
sult. Agung, 111 76, 94, 97. "Zeinall" or "Zeynall" (pat), ruler of
Yuda Wangsa, lurah kapeQak, IV-2 23. Gresik, I 39, 139, 142, 143, 284.
Yuda Wangsa, mantri under Truna Jaya, zenana, harem, I 23, 25, 37, 112, 205,
VI 280. 262.
Yuda Wangsa (kyahi rangga), bupati of Zentgraaff (H. C.), author, V 276.
Semarang, vIn 23, 24, 37, 128, 129, Zieken (Lourents), from Christiania
161, 164. (soldier) , V 165.
Yunus (pat), pat Unus, ruler of Ja- Zilversteyn, ship, V 37, 39.
para, 143,47. "Zindy" (Iurah), envoy, IV-2 38.
Yusuf (pat), "Cucuf', ruler of Gresik, "Zisara", messenger, V 175.
1284. "Zuidergebergte", Southern Hills of Cen-
Yusup (molana), king of Ban!n, I 73, tra! Java, see Gunung Kidul.
106, 120, 123, 279; 11 35, 36; IX "Zuiderstrand, Zuidkust", see South
12, 13. Coast (of Java).
Yusup (sh), of Makasar, man of reli- Zuidpolsbroek, ship, V 257.
gion, IV-2 63, 64. "Zuidzee", see Southern Ocean.

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