Field Engineer: Equal Opportunity Employer
Field Engineer: Equal Opportunity Employer
Field Engineer: Equal Opportunity Employer
A: Working close to our customers means that you will Q: How is diversity put into action at Schlumberger? Q: Does the company sponsor degrees in higher
work in a variety of environments. Living conditions range education for employees?
A: We recruit where we work and we have an
from remote villages in the desert to large capital cities.
active program to recruit and promote women in A: We encourage and support advanced technical
Wherever you work, you will be connected through the
the organization. Today, as a result of this initiative, and management degrees based on business
Schlumberger intranet to a global network providing
our company has a diverse mix of executives needs. We have partnerships with several
support and sharing knowledge.
drawn from over 140 nationalities. Every person universities that provide formal degree programs
Q: What about the work schedule? has the same opportunity to reach the very top for our employees.
levels of Schlumberger.
A: This is not a typical Monday to Friday, 9-5 job. The work Q: How does Schlumberger approach corporate
is technically demanding and hours are long for Field Q: How do Schlumberger salaries and benefits responsibility or sustainable development?
Engineers. The work schedule varies depending on compare to those of other companies?
customer requirements. They can spend days or weeks on A: Schlumberger maintains the position that, while
A: Our goal is to attract and retain the best people its primary responsibility is to its owners, it has
assignments. However we recognize the need for rest and
from around the world, and to do so we provide responsibilities as an employer, a client, a supplier
days off.
competitive packages in the markets and and as a member of the communities in which it
Q: What possibilities exist for transfers and international industries in which we work. This is achieved operates. Whilst enabling the supply of safe and
through a variety of cash-based and deferred affordable energy is a critical contribution to social
benefits combinations. We also recognize and economic development, Schlumberger also
A: Career moves in Schlumberger can vary widely. They may individual contributions and reward personal contributes by creating jobs, recruiting where we
represent advancement along the same job path or involve a performance through expanding international live and work, paying taxes, investing in
change in business segment, function, or geographic careers, stock option awards and other financial educational infrastructure, sharing knowledge and
location. Throughout their careers, Schlumberger employees incentives. best practices in a variety of fields of expertise,
benefit from opportunities to take on a variety of assignments investing in research and development, and
for professional and personal growth. Schlumberger gains by Q: How do I balance work and family life?
participating actively in industry practice and
having broadly diverse and experienced teams working policy development. Schlumberger also
A: We believe a good balance between work and
throughout the world with great energy and enthusiasm. This contributes through community outreach centered
family life is healthy. Some of the programs we
continual knowledge-sharing accelerates the development of on the theme of education.
provide include generous vacation allowances,
our people and enriches our ability to serve our customers.
sponsored fitness programs, personal development
Q: What is the timing and duration of the training
A: Field Engineers spend between 4-5 years working in the Exceptional challenge... Unparalleled opportunity
field, starting with 30-36 months in a structured training
program, followed by up to two years as a stand-alone Field
Engineer. This experience prepares the Field Engineer