Whispered Secrets
Whispered Secrets
Whispered Secrets
Welcome, GMs and Players! Welcome to a new experience designed exclusively for you
to celebrate the release of our most ambitious product yet, the Second City Boxed Set for
the 4th Edition of the L5R RPG. The purpose of this particular adventure is threefold.
First and foremost, we hope to provide a unique and enjoyable experience for you, our
beloved fans, as you attend the greatest gaming convention on the planet. Secondly, we
want to provide a preview of the manner of content that you can expect from the Second
City Boxed Set, content that you may have already seen previewed in the Naked Steel
online column at RPG.net. Finally, we want to provide you with a means to offer direct
impact on the setting of Rokugan and its Colonies, while at the same time tying your
experience in with the primary storyline event taking place for the L5R CCG at GenCon
Those of you who are reading this are either preparing to be part of this
experience at the convention as a GM, for which you have our enormous gratitude, or
you participated in the experience and have received a copy of this module as part of the
experience. Either way, we are delighted that you now have the opportunity to take this
adventure with you and find other ways to use it. Whether you utilize the NPCs and
setting as part of another game, play the adventure through as written, or even just keep it
as a journal of your characters exploits, we hope that you will remember the experience
fondly for a long time. Thank you for being a part of it.
Adventure Overview
The adventure begins in the Second City, the shining jewel of the Colonies and the
representation of the Imperial City in that distant land. The characters, whomever they
may be, are relatively recent arrivals within the region, which results in them being
largely unfamiliar with the political hierarchy of the city and the clans that make their
home there. Because of their unfamiliarity and their reputation from the Empire (fame or
infamy, whichever is more suitable to the characters in question), they are recruited by a
powerful agent from within the Ministry of the Left to conduct an investigation on behalf
of the Imperial Governors bureaucracy. It seems a figure within the Governors court has
been acting very strangely in recent weeks and seems to be operating with an unknown
agenda that the Ministry wishes to ensure is not malevolent, but the intricate web of
politics that mires the city is such that a relatively outside group is required in order to
ensure that the investigation is not compromised before it begins.
The object of the investigation is a prominent and popular courtier named Doji
Nikaitsu. The Cranes behavior has been somewhat unusual in past weeks, not enough so
to warrant direct action, but certainly enough to inspire suspicion and concern among
certain circles. The truth of the matter is that Nikaitsu has been acting rather strangely,
and there is a very good reason for it: he is being mentally manipulated by an immortal
sorcerer from a distant land. This incredibly unlikely scenario was brought about by
suspicious but completely innocent means: Nikaitsu was presented with a gift by an old
friend from the Scorpion Clan. This gift took the form of a crystal netsuke crafted from
an outcropping the Scorpion discovered during their recent explorations of the southern
reaches of the Colonies. What no one, not even the Scorpion, realized is that the crystal
was part of a sorcerous network created by an ancient member of the immortal race
known as the Ashalan, and used to monitor the Colonies during his centuries-long
slumber in a place of seclusion in the Colonies. Using Nikaitsu as a pawn, the creature,
who is known among its people as Crystal Wind, is attempting to create sympathy among
the people of the Second City so that it can make a more overt attempt to reach them and
establish diplomatic relations with the Colonials, to its own benefit of course.
As the investigation progresses, the characters will come into conflict with the
Scorpion, who are beginning their own investigation into the matter, as well as with the
various individuals who are succumbing in various degrees to Crystal Winds influence.
This, in addition to the typical social difficulties that accompany any a stay in any city of
such size and political importance. However their investigation proceeds, however, the
characters and their inquiries are part of the mounting pressure that ultimately drives
Naikatsu to commit seppuku during a moment of clarity. The mans death causes no small
amount of consternation among the citys residents, and specifically among those who
employed the characters to investigate the matter discretely. Presumably the death should
spur them onward to find out the truth, however. This presents them with a case of
strange bedfellows in the way of the Scorpion Clan.
The Scorpion Clan is aware that Crystal Wind exists, but they are not aware of his
continuing awareness of the world and his attempts to influence others through the crystal
that have unwittingly brought back to the Second City. The Scorpion are content to use
the characters as a resource initially, but as they discover more about what is going on
they attempt to misdirect and confuse them in order to preserve the secret of their own
involvement in Crystal Winds influence. This will inevitably lead them to a
confrontation with a cabal of Scorpion who have come fully under Crystal Winds
influence, and who are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that the misguided
idealism of their manipulator is brought to fruition.
Potential Opponents
One of the most significant opponents during the characters investigation of Doji
Nikaitsu is one that they may never recognize, and certainly they will never understand
his motivations. Otomo Akio is a powerful man within the Second City, and holds the
position of karo to the Chancellor of the Left. He is well known in the Governors Court
and throughout the city as a whole. His demeanor suggests a Crane heritage, but that is
just one of the many deceptions that he maintains. In truth, he has much more in common
with the Scorpion than any Crane.
Akio is keenly interested in Nikaitsus behavior because it is atypical and it breaks
the routine of the Second City, something that he considers both unusual and potentially
dangerous. Akio has a hand in a great many endeavors and events within the city, and
anything that disturbs the routine is an unwelcome presence. His interest in the
characters investigation is not a wholesome one, and he will attempt to find out what
they have discovered and, if possible, derail their investigation to pursue the truth
himself. Although he has a large number of staff and agents who serve him as a result of
the status he commands within his family and the Ministry, his dealings with the
characters will be through his other staff, a number of ronin who work for coin and who
either will not disclose the name of their employer or who, in many cases, actually do not
know whom they serve.
The reasons for Akios interest, his agenda, and the truth behind what he does and
how he does it is considerably more sinister than it first appears. More about Otomo Akio
and his organization can be found in the Second City Boxed Set.
Bayushi Tanzaki
Another potential opponent is a Scorpion courtier named Bayushi Tanzaki. He is a bit
more knowledgeable about the situation than Akio, but vastly less powerful in terms of
his level of influence and resources. Tanzaki is aware of Crystal Winds existence and
fears that the entitys influence has somehow extended to members of his own clan,
although he has no idea how such a thing might be possible and has absolutely nothing
but his own intuition to support this theory. Thus far he has not even informed other
members of his clan about his suspicions, but he has been keeping a very close eye on a
magistrate with whom he has worked before, and who is close friends with Doji Nikaitsu,
named Bayushi Manami.
Brooding and sinister, Daidoji Baiko is never far from Nikaitsus side, and is
perhaps the only thing in the world that can turn some people away from his company.
Baikos sensei was a unique individual whose controversial teachings instructed his
students to be as menacing as possible, and Baiko was his greatest pupil. Despite her
demeanor, she is a lovely woman and is perhaps the best-read member of the Crane
contingent in the entire Second City, save the members of the clans priesthood.
Academically, Baiko recognizes that she might be in love with Nikaitsu, but she has
never spent any time genuinely considering the matter.
Gaining general information on Nikaitsu is very simple, although more detailed
information can be slightly more difficult acquire. All the information that is given in
Nikaitsus description above can be very easily acquired through an Investigation or
Courtier Skill Roll (TN 5). More in depth information can be acquired as follows:
Nikaitsus recent change of heart and wavering focus has left his personal affairs
in a general state of chaos. Nikaitsus perspective, altered as it has been by external
influences, finds this largely irrelevant in the interests of his greater goal, even though he
does not fully comprehend why he feels that his new passion is so overwhelmingly
important. Because of his shifting focus, there are a number of endeavors throughout the
Second City that have recently altered as a result of his involvement. Any of these can be
identified by a simple Investigation Skill Roll (TN 10), although a separate roll is
required to learn of and gain information on each individual one.
The Twin Masks Playhouse This particular business is a theater in the Artisan
District. Until a year ago, it was very minor, but Nikaitsus patronage has turned it into
one of the up-and-coming playhouses in the entire city. Or it had, anyway, until Nikaitsus
abrupt disinterest left the Twin Masks foundering and in desperate need of patronage. On
the one hand, a cabal of interested patrons have descended upon the playhouse and
offered their combined influence and sponsorship, which has exceeded that even of
Nikaitsu. On the other, unfortunately, the new sponsors are more much more hands-on,
and their combined and conflicting influences has reduced the quality of the works
performed at the Twin Masks to a shadow of their former selves. The playhouse has
already lost the interest of a great many fans of the arts, and many members of the
playhouses staff and artisans are extremely upset about the matter. Naturally, they blame
Nikaitsu. To say there is some hostility toward the Crane courtier would be something of
an understatement.
Suzume Harutai A young Sparrow trained by the Kakita, Harutai is an up and
coming duelist in the Second City. His reputation has been kept very low-key, partially by
Nikaitsus influence. Nikaitsu encouraged him to remain quiet and maintain a low profile
in order to ensure that he could one day be used as a champion by a Crane and shock the
entire city with his completely unexpected victory. Nikaitsus rather abrupt recent
abandonment of their plans in this area have left an extremely bad taste in Harutais
mouth, and he is now virtually without allies in the entire city. He is scrapping for a fight
in an attempt to prove himself, and will seek any excuse to have a legitimate duel with a
recognized duelist (potentially including the player characters). Even if the player
characters do not prove suitable targets, they may have to deal with his presence
otherwise, as he is considering provoking a confrontation with Nikaitsus yojimbo.
Moshi Turako This beautiful young woman is from an extremely wealthy but
otherwise unremarkable branch of the Moshi family, and one that has profited to great
extent by embracing the mercantile traditions of the Yoritomo family. Nikaitsu had been
courting the young woman for some months, interested in the wealth that such a union
would bring and, later on, the potential political ramifications if marrying Turako could
impact the dispensation of the Crane-Mantis conflict brewing in the southern Colonies.
So interested in this was Nikaitsu that he made some overtures to Turakos father,
overtures which were very positively received, but like so many of his other interests, he
abruptly stopped courting Turako some weeks previously. The Moshi are furious and
some discussion has been had about a possible duel to avenge the slight to Turako and her
fathers honor.
The Sacred Blade The Sacred Blade is a merchant ship that plies its trade along
the river connecting the Second City to the southern coastline of the Colonies,
terminating at the Crane port called the Aerie. The captain of this vessel is a Minor Clan
samurai named Kasuga Kyo, a member of the Tortoise Clan and a man of both profitable
enterprises and questionable moral fiber. Kyo and Nikaitsu entered into a patronage
agreement six months previously, when Kyos business was suffering considerably in the
wake of an unseasonable storm that damaged his vessel and other holdings. Since that
time, Nikaitsu has placed a number of restrictions on him that, while increasing his
business, have left Kyo feeling somewhat unsatisfied. However, Nikaitsus recent
disinterest and allowed him to return to business as usual, which pleases the Tortoise
captain greatly. He is highly evasive regarding the topic of Nikaitsu, fearful of bringing
the Cranes attention back to their joint endeavors. However, he is more than happy to
point out that the Cranes recent odd behavior coincides with a hunting trip he took with
an old friend named Bayushi Manami some weeks ago.
Potential Distractions
In addition to the normal goings on in the Second City, there are several events that might
distract the players from the matter at hand but which can be added in to increase the
diversity of the experience with this module. Some suggestions for additional events that
might attract the players interest include the following:
The Festival of Fresh Waters During the characters arrival in the Second City,
the residents are in the midst of celebrating ht Festival of Fresh Waters. This week-long
event lacks the elaborate revelry that accompanies major holidays in the Empire, such as
the Bon Festival, but does tend to generate a reasonable amount of merriment on behalf
of the citys denizens during the evening hours, when the heat abates enough to permit
celebrations to be enjoyed. The festival celebrates an incident more than a decade ago
when the Second City, still largely under construction at that time, was attacked by
insurgents from the Cult of Ruhmal, which was still a significant threat in the Colonies at
that time. The fighting throughout the region was fierce and lasted the better part of three
days, during which time the river immediately west of the Second City was contaminated
by blood and corpses. It took an additional three days after the battle was over before
shugenja declared that the river was safe to drink once again. This was the occasion of the
first Festival of Fresh Waters, which was as much a celebration of victory and glory as it
was the actual sanctity of the river itself.
The Festival has a great deal of rituals involving the purification of water, and
there are numerous ceremonies concerning the river and other sources of water, including
wells and small streams and creeks that feed the area. The pious spend their time
venerating the water kami. Everyone else spends their time drinking and making excuses
to have a good time. This may either be to the benefit of the player characters, if
individuals they wish to speak to may be somewhere along the spectrum of inebriation
and thus feeling uninhibited, or to their detriment, as those pious individuals may be less
inclined to tolerate interruption during the festival.
Ivory Legion Trials The recently appointed Ivory Champion, Shinjo Tselu, is in
the process of building his own military force, an arm of the Governors influence that
can operate independently throughout the Colonies without weakening the defenses of
the Second City by calling away those soldiers barracked there for that purpose. Since the
great majority of bushi within the city are fulfilling duties either for their clans or in the
citys defense already, it is a difficult process to find suitable candidates for this duty;
many who are not otherwise committed are not of an acceptable caliber to serve in such a
prestigious post, Tselu believes. Thus, he holds regular trials, once per month, wherein
candidates who are interested in joining his organization can prove their mettle in a series
of challenges that are designed to weed the weak from the worthy. Tselu, rather
inexperienced in matters of this nature, has patterned his trials after more prestigious
events such as the Topaz and Emerald Championships. Although the trials are primarily
martial in nature, they are not exclusively so, and no one is prohibited from participating.
A great many ronin can often be found here, attempting to secure their future by
impressing the Ivory Champion with their diverse skills.
Eventually, combat is almost certainly the outcome. Crystal Wind will only accept the
characters agreement to remain out of the affair, which of course they are honor-bound
not to do. The only possible outcome that they would be able to agree to would be to drop
their investigation and then promptly inform Otomo Haruko of everything they have
learned. Unfortunately for them, Crystal Wind is supernaturally adept at detecting lies,
and will know their intentions. When this occurs, he will regretfully attempt to kill or at
least incapacitate them so that they can be removed from the matter until he is satisfied
his influence cannot be proven.
The following profile applies both to the true Manami, who is gravely wounded and
will not be a great deal of assistance in any combat despite his wish to contribute, and the
representation of Crystal Winds consciousness, who will utilize both its own natural
abilities as well as Manamis skills.
Dominated Apes
Air: 1 Earth: 2 Fire: 2 Water: 1
Reflexes 3 Stamina 4 Agility 4 Strength 5
Initiative: 4k3
Attack: Smash 5k4 (Simple) or Bite 4k4 (Complex)
Damage: 5k2 (smash) or 3k3 (bite)
Armor TN: 20
Reduction: 4
Wounds: 10: +5; 20: +10; 30: +15; 40: Dead
Skills: Athletics (climbing) 3
Special Abilities: Fear 1
Dominated Tiger
Air: 2 Earth: 3 Fire: 2 Water: 3
Reflexes 4 Stamina 4 Agility 4 Strength 4
Initiative: 5k4
Attack: Claws 6k4 (Complex) or Bite 4k4 (Complex)
Damage: 5k2 (claws) or 3k3 (bite)
Armor TN: 25
Reduction: 4
Wounds: 24: +10; 48: Dead
Skills: Hunting 4, Stealth 4
As with most adventures, it is impossible to predict exactly how this affair will end,
although there are several safe conclusions to be drawn. Assuming that the characters
behave in a manner commensurate with the relatively honorable samurai they are
depicting in the adventure, the following can be roughly assumed:
The outcropping of crystals used by the Ashalan to extend his influence over
various samurai is destroyed. This is likely a high priority for the characters,
although it is possible that less scrupulous shugenja or perhaps Scorpion might be
interested in preserving some of the crystal for further study. This can lead to an
interesting epilogue conflict between the player characters if desired.
The influence of Crystal Wind within the Second City is disrupted. No clan
would wish to see the influence of an immortal gaijin sorcerer allowed in their
most important political landscape, so it is a safe assumption that the characters
will take steps to end this. This can be achieved in numerous ways, the simplest of
which is to inform Otomo Haruko of what has happened. If this is done, she will
see to it that the crystals are quietly taken and destroyed by Seppun shugenja, and
her gratitude, as well as the gratitude of the Ministry, will be significant. Some
characters, such as the Crab, Phoenix, or Scorpion, may instead wish to inform
their clans and allow them to deal with the matter in the body of the Witch-
Hunters, Inquisitors, or Kuroiban. This can also be done, although it will create
friction between those clans and the Second Ministry in the process. This can
create interesting hostility between the characters and important people within the
Second City.
Pre-Generated Characters
For the purposes of this adventure, we are supplying a number of pre-generated
characters for players to choose from in order to make sure that the events of the module
are balanced against the power level of the characters, and to prevent any unfortunate
complications arising from particularly unique character backgrounds. This is not to say
that we do not celebrate the ingenuity of our players. Far from it! But we want to ensure a
smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Furthermore, we will be taking
information from the results of each table participating in this event, and the personalities
introduced as a result of this adventure will have a life beyond what takes place with your
game. You are now participating in the living storyline of the Legend of the Five Rings
brand! Congratulations (and/or condolences, depending upon your personal views).
Please keep in mind that while we have created these characters with an eye
toward ensuring that they are unique and possess the tools necessary to complete this
adventure, we have not supplied a tremendous amount of personality or background for
them beyond a few hints and suggestions. Everything there is subject to change, and we
encourage you to make these characters your own.
During a visit to a maternal uncle who lived in the Unicorn lands, young Ju was
entranced by a strange sound emanating from the Moto estate where he was staying. The
sound was beyond addicting, and he began studying all manner of music from the
Unicorn lands, soon earning a place among the clans finest students of the arts. However,
Ju and his family neither wished to see him abandon his studies with the Yasuki courtiers,
for his duties would certainly one day lead him to the courts of the Crab and beyond. Ju
managed to accomplish both, although it was clear to his sensei that he court would never
be his great love. Still, he fulfilled his duties admirably, and his musical abilities
enhanced his presence in court, so there was no harm done.
Recently, Ju has traveled to the Second City in hopes of finding more musical lore
from the dead nation that he can incorporate into his performance abilities. There are
certain courts in the Empire where such things would be in very high demand indeed, and
Ju has great hopes of advancing the cause of the Crab by doing exactly that.
Kakita Kyoya is a far cry from what people expect when they encounter a Kakita
duelist, and strangers are not the only ones to think so. Kyoyas own family hardly knew
what to make of him. His poor demeanor, foul temperament, and general disregard for
sacred traditions ensured that he had little place in any court of importance anywhere
around the Emerald Empire. Only the most minor courts in unimportant regions were
deemed suitable for his presence, and even then only when there was no possible loss he
could incur on behalf of the Crane. Eventually there were no more suitable placements
for him, and he was banished to the Colonies, where he would be comfortably out of
Kyoyas true interest is in battle, although his personality is such that he will
never receive a military appointment without some significant, life-changing event. He is
of course a more than competent duelist, and enjoys putting his skills to use. When not in
a formal duel, however, he prefers to use his naginata, which confers upon him superior
reach that he finds most useful in combat.
Years ago, during the early days of the ere that gave rise to the War of Dark Fire
and the Destroyer War, the Dragon Clan maintained a meager embassy in the distant
metropolis of Medinaat-al-Salaam. There were never more than a half-dozen Dragon in
the city at any one time, and many years passed with solitary samurai keeping watch over
the so-called Jewel of the Desert, alert to any possible threat to Rokugan. Raya was born
there, and some allege that her mother was in fact a gaijin. The truth has never been
disclosed, and Raya will not speak of it, but her exotic features lend credence to the idea.
Regardless of the truth, Raya has always presented as an excellent student of the Kitsuki
method, and her results have never been questionable. Despite this, the rumors of her
parentage have cast a shadow over her career, and ultimately she was deployed to the
Colonies in hopes that the environment there would be less of an obstacle for her duties.
Ikoma Harumi was a man in great demand. Even since childhood he was the
picture of a virtuous samurai, and for this reason he was betrothed to a noble Asahina girl
several years older than him. Harumis youth was spent training with his Matsu cousins,
with much of his free time spent absorbing all he could find that about the arts. It was in
this pursuit that he met Shosuro Tenkuro, a shy and demure Scorpion. The young
womans demeanor was, to Harumi, precisely what a lady of the court should be, and he
could not help but fall in love with her. Sadly, one of his letters to her was eventually
exposed to his betrothed, and the Crane demanded satisfaction. Harumis bride-to-be
arranged the death of his true love.
Harumis demeanor since that day has been much changed. His is brooding and
surly, and has abandoned the dojo and taken up the mantle of a Deathseeker. His sensei,
however, has ensured that he has not abandoned his duties, and so while his behavior of
late is somewhat scandalous, he has not yet progressed into a full-fledged disgrace.
For centuries, sumai has been a popular form of entertainment among the samurai
caste, and there has perhaps never been a greater fan than Isawa Chenko. The otherwise
polite and retiring young priest of the kami becomes an animated, manic lunatic in the
presence of a sumai match, and enjoys discussing it with anyone who has even the most
passing interest in the subject. The normally voluminous robes of a shugenja conceal the
most ardent display of Chenkos passion: he is quite the passing sumai practitioner
himself. Although his actions are not inappropriate in the eyes of most Phoenix, they are
at best socially awkward and terribly embarrassing, so it is perhaps no surprise that
Chenko has found himself in the Second City, where a great many socially questionable
young people have found themselves rather than continue to bring unwanted attention to
their clans.
Buraindo once had a different name, and a much different life. He could see, then,
but there was precious little worth looking at. When a fever took his vision, he found it
difficult to care. His family could not bear the burden of a non-working mouth, however,
and he soon found his way to a monastery, a monastery of the Spider Clan. It was there,
within the cold stone walls, that Buraindo found a new name, and his life truly began.
His training with the Spider has awakened in Buraindo a zest for life that he
previously could never have imagined. He seeks to forget his past, relishes his present,
and is obsessed with the future. The elements have allowed him to overcome his
shortcomings, and given him new strength, but he always strives to see what might come
Kaminos family has risen to prominence within the Ide by conducting a brisk and
successful trade with horses in the Second City, and expanded to the devastated lands
around the city to breed herds in the new territories of the Colonies. Kamino has dreamed
of finding glory in battle since he was a child, and his fondest wish is to ride into battle at
the side of his Utaku, Moto, and Shinjo kinsmen. Unfortunately, the success of his
familys business ensured that he would be pressed into service maintaining the herds and
caravans of their network of holdings. Presently, Kaminos only real source of joy in his
life is his friendship with Hida Maki, whom he constantly presses for lurid stories of
battle and suggestions on honing his tactical knowledge.
Iso is a simple man in every possible sense of the word. He leads a life of simple
pleasures, such as a beautiful sunset or the company of laughing children. He enjoys
simple fare, with no taste for sake or extravagant foods. He has no ambitions or agendas,
for he is simple in thought as he is in life. Iso has lived much of his life on the charity of
others, others who recognized the benefit of having a man with such sheer physical
power as an ally. But things never seem to work out long-term, and Iso has moved around
his entire life. Recently, he found himself working alongside a Unicorn merchant caravan
and ended up in the Colonies. Things here are very different, and Iso is not altogether
sure that he likes it, but there are still those who treat him with kindness, and that makes
up for all the others who are cruel and hateful.
Questions to Be Answered!
As part of your GenCon 2012 experience, we would like to gather some information on
how this adventure played out, so that we can incorporate certain elements into the
overall story of L5R. If you are receiving this after the convention, please ignore this
page. I mean, you dont have to ignore it; you can totally send in your answers, but the
data were collecting will just be from the convention, so probably all that will happen is
well look at your sheet, smile in appreciating that people are enjoying our game, maybe
say something vaguely paternal like oh, this is adorable, and then move on with the
process of making games. But know that you are appreciated no matter what! We love
you guys!
1. What character(s) took the lead during the investigation in the Second City?
2. What character(s) led the fight against Crystal Wind during the fight inside the
3. Did any characters succumb to the Ashalans influence during the battle at the
crystal outcropping?