Magnetic Hysteresis: Experiment-164 S
Magnetic Hysteresis: Experiment-164 S
Magnetic Hysteresis: Experiment-164 S
Experiment-164 S
Dr Jeethendra Kumar PK and Dr J Uchil*
KamalJeeth Instrumentation & Service Unit, No-610, JRD Tata Nagar, Bangalore-560 092. INDIA.
*Professor and Head, Dept. of P G Studies in Physics, SBMJ College, Bangalore-560 011. INDIA.
Email: [email protected]
Using 30x19 mm2 HP3C grade ferrite pot-core transformer of 400 turns each,
initial magnetization curve is drawn and relative permeability of the core
material is determined. By observing hysteresis loop on CRO, Retentivity,
Coercivity, and Energy losses are calculated.
Magnetic induction or magnetic flux (B) in any material is related to the magnetization (M)
produced by the applied magnetic field (H).
B = o (M + H) = H 1
where o is the permeability of free space having a value of 4x10-7 Am-1. is the
permeability of the medium and the ratio /o is called the relative permeability of the
r = 1+ 2
One of the characteristic features of magnetic materials is that they exhibit hysteresis loop in
M versus H (or B versus H) variations. The hysteresis loop is explained on the basis of
ferromagnetic domain structure of the magnetic material. The bulk material consists of a
large number of microscopic contiguous regions or domains in which atomic dipoles are all
aligned spontaneously (i.e. without the presence of applied magnetic field) in a particular
direction due to Heisenbergs exchange interaction [1,2]. However, the directions of
spontaneous magnetization are random in different domains so that the net magnetization of
the bulk material is zero in the absence of the applied magnetic field.
The B-H curve for a typical ferromagnetic material like iron (Fe) or a typical ferromagnetic
material like magnetite (Fe3O4) is shown in Figure-1. The non magnetized state of the sample
is represented by the origin (O). As the applied filed H is increased, the magnetic induction B
increases slowly at first and then rises rapidly and eventually attains a saturation value (BS).
When the filed is reversed, the induction does not retrace its original path (OA). The
induction decreases and retains a residual value (Br) when the field is brought back to zero. If
the field is continued to be applied in the opposite direction, the residual and remnant
induction reduces to zero when the applied reverse field is equal to Coercive field (HC). The
process of increase, saturation, residue and loss of induction can be explained in terms of the
process like domain growth, domain rotation and reversal of domains. The process of reversal
of domains continues to give a net saturated induction in the opposite direction. After
saturation in this direction, restoring the original field direction completes the hysteresis loop.
When the area under the hysteresis loop is small, such magnetic materials are termed as
Soft and if the area is very large they are known as Hard. Generally pure Fe, Co, Ni or
iron ferrite (FeOFe2O3), nickel ferrite (NiOFe2O3), manganese ferrite (MnO Fe2O3) are soft
magnetic materials and hence extensively used in transformer cores. Each time, the hysteresis
loop is traversed, energy equal to the area of the loop is dissipated as heat and this is known
as Hysteresis loss. The power loss due to hysteresis in transformer core is dependent on the
number of times the full loop is traversed per second.
Copper wire wound over an iron nail makes it a magnet when current is passed through the
wire. This is the fundamental effect of current. The current passing through the wire wound
around the iron nail produces magnetic field along the axis of the nail. The current acts like a
force creating magnetic field hence called as magnetizing force and denoted by H and
measured in Amphers per meter (A/m).
Magnetic domains
aligned in one direction
Magnetic domains
aligned in haphazard
Saturation point
Magnetic domains
aligned in opposite direction
H= 3
In actual practice many rounds of copper wire are wound one layer over the other as shown in
Figure-2 (a) on a plastic bobbin. Hence the magnetic length is taken as the average length of
the winding. In the present experiment total 800 turns of copper wire is wound on a plastic
bobbin. The first inner half of the bobbin encloses primary winding and the outer halves
enclose secondary winding. The core is placed inside the bobbin or covered like a pot from
all directions as shown in Figure-2(b). The coil forms the womb of the pot-core. The average
radius of the winding
d inner w
rav = + 4
2 4
l = 2rav 5
(a) (b)
A verage
m agent ic
W length
d inner
Induced EMF
The strength of the magnetic field produced along the core can be measured using a gauss
meter or by winding more copper wires around the core called secondary winding. This
induced emf is a measure of magnetic flux density B. The time varying magnetic field
produced by the primary winding in the core will induce an emf in the secondary winding. It
represents magnetic field strength along the center of the core. Winding of two or more wires
over a ferromagnetic material results in a transformer. The induced electromotive force (emf)
in the secondary winding is given by
E= B 6
B = BAC NS 7
E=- (BA C N S ) 8
B=- Edt 9
The integral on the RHS can be evaluated by substituting for E in terms of sine wave and
integrating over its period. However, there is an easy electronic method. Electronic circuits
can perform voltage integration. If the induced emf E is fed to an integrator circuit as shown
in Figure-3, the voltage across the capacitor is given by
VC = Edt 10
Hence B can be evaluated easily by substituting for Edt in equation-9 from equation-10.
B= VC 11
Seconadry winding E C Vc
While choosing value of RC the basic equality of timing has to be maintained for proper
integration of the input signal [3].
Hysteresis Curve
A B-H curve or hysteresis curve relates the magnetizing force with induced magnetic field.
To observe hysteresis curve a transformer, a CRO and an ac power supply is required. In this
experiment a ferrite core transformer is energized using 50Hz (T=20msec) mains supply.
During the first 5 milli seconds of input ac signal the voltage in the primary winding
increases from zero to a positive peak value. This increasing voltage magnetizes the core in
one direction (OA). During the next 5 milli seconds de-magnetization takes place (ABR).
During next 5 milli seconds de-magnetization continues to take place in the opposite
direction and attains the peak de-magnetization in the opposite direction (BRR). During the
last 5-milliseconds of input period, further magnetization takes place in the forward direction
(RS). The cycle repeats with magnetization in the forward direction from S to A. Hence
during the 20 milli seconds of the ac input signal, magnetization and de-magnetization takes
place in the material twice. Such fast changes that are taking place in the magnetic material
can not be recorded using moving coil meter or a digital meter. A CRO can pick-up such fast
changes that are taking place in the magnetic material. Hence a CRO is used in this
experiment. The bit-by-bit multiplexing action of X and Y channels of the CRO produces
point-by-point variations that are taking place inside the material by picking up induced emf
and magnetizing force. Hence the X input (Channel-1) represents magnetizing force, H, and
Y input (Channel-2) represents induced magnetic induction, B.
The initial magnetization curve for material is as shown in Figure-4. This is obtained by
applying ac input to the primary and recording the corresponding voltage across the
integrating capacitor. The curve starts with Ohmic relation in the beginning. There is no
appreciable magnetization due to applied field up to 2 volts. Above 2 volts, the curve starts
bending due to the alignment of magnetic domains and saturation is obtained. This curve is
known as initial magnetization curve that starts from the origin. The slope of the linear
portion of this curve gives permeability of the material of the core.
Grade Initial permeability*
HP2A 1250
HP2B 1250
HP3A 1760
HP3B 1760
HP3C 1760
HP4 2140
Commercial ferrite grades and their maximum relative permeability *(it is the maximum limit)
The ability of the material to increase the flux density or flux intensity within the material
when an electric current flows through a conductor wrapped around the magnetic material is
called permeability. Higher permeability materials will have steeper slope. Permeability of
ferrite varies from 100 to 10000 for different combinations and grades.
B (Tesla)
Slope =
H (A/m)
Figure-4: Initial magnetization curve
Slope = = 12
The relative permeability is calculated by dividing equation -12 by the permeability of free
space (o = 1.25 x 10-6)
Inductance Factor
Ferrite cores are available in variety of grades and combinations. To make transformer and
choke design easier, the manufacturers of ferrite provide the core area, core length, effective
permeability and inductor factor [4]. By knowing inductor factor the number of turns required
to make inductance can be obtained using an equation
AL= 13
The initial permeability can be calculated by measuring the inductance of the primary or the
secondary winding with LCR meter. By measuring inductance value without pot-core and
with pot-core the relative permeability of the material can be calculated using equation
r = 14
Since the number of primary turns and secondary turns are equal in this experiment, the
average of primary and secondary inductance is taken as L. The difference in the primary and
secondary inductance is very small.
Apparatus Used
Experimental Procedure
The parameters of the ferrite pot-core transformer is noted from the data sheet
Average inductance of the primary and secondary winding with pot-core L=760mH
Average inductance of the primary and secondary winding without pot-core L*= 2.58mH
Magnetic length
2. Channel-2 of the CRO (Or Y-input in case of single trace oscilloscope) is connected
across resistance RS (with positive to A and negative to B). The time base switch of
the CRO is turned to External position as shown in Figure-7(a).
3. The AC power supply voltage knob is set to 2V position and the voltage across the
resistance RS is measured.
Voltage across RS = 28mV peak to peak or = 9.9mV rms. Hence the current flowing
through RS
VS 9.9mV
I= = = 9.9mA
RS 1
Rs=1 Ohm
CRO-Common Ferrite pot-core CRO-Common
4. For different values of input AC the current flowing in the primary are recorded and
tabulated in Table-2.
5. Trial is repeated for all the 6 different switch positions of ac input supply. The
corresponding primary current is noted. Magnetizing force is calculated using
6. The CRO connection is now removed from AB. And connected across the integrating
capacitor to measure VC.
7. For ac input voltage at position 2V, the voltage across the capacitor is noted
RC 100 K x0.1x10 6
B= VC = 4
x0.7 = 25 x10 3 Tesla
Ns A c 400 x7 x10
Voltage Primary Current I Magnetizing Voltage across the Magnetic
across RS (mA) Force capacitor VC(V) Intensity
B (Tesla)
mV(PP) (PP) (rms) H(A/m) (PP) (rms) x10-3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 28 9.9 68.9 2.0 0.70 25.00
440 440 155.6 1082.6 3.6 1.27 44.98
760 760 268.7 1869.5 4.1 1.45 51.28
1080 1080 381.8 2656.4 4.4 1.55 54.82
1350 1350 477.3 3320.9 4.8 1.70 60.12
1600 1600 565.7 3936.0 5.0 1.77 62.60
Magnetizing force and induced magnetic intensity
Figure-7: (a) CRO Time base in the External position (b) spot adjusted to origin of the
co-ordinate axis.
8. Trial is repeated by changing input voltage. In each case voltage across the capacitor
is noted and B is calculated and presented in Table-2.
9. Initial magnetizing curve is drawn taking H along X-axis and B along Y-axis as
shown in Figure-8. The slope of the linear portion of the curve is determined.
BC 25x10 3
Slope = = = 3.628x10 4
AB 68.9
3.628x10 4
Relative permeability r = = = 290
o 1.25 x10 6
B (Tesla) 50
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
H (A/m)
L 760mH
r = = = 294.5
L* 2.58
10. To trace the hysteresis loop the circuit connections done as shown in Figure-9.
To channel-B To
( reprsent H channel-A (
on X axis) R=100K reprsent B on
Y axis)
Rs=1 Ohm
11. The CRO time base is set to external position and CRO-spot is coincided with the X-
Y-axis origin as shown in Figure-7(b) by adjusting the X and Y position knobs.
12. The input ac is set to 8 volts position and the hysteresis loop is obtained. The X and Y
input voltage knobs are adjusted so that a full screen hysteresis loop is obtained as
shown in Figure-10. A clear picture with point of saturation very clearly defined is
13. A transparent plastic sheet of CRO-screen size is placed over the hysteresis loop and
the hysteresis loop is traced using a sketch pen. The origin of the X-Y axis and
intersection on X-Y axis at four different axes are also marked properly. The X and Y
volts/div. Markings are also noted
X-axis X 1Volt
Y-axis X 5 Volts
The hysteresis curve traced for 8V is shown in Figure 11. At the point of saturation B =
54.82x10-3 Tesla and H =2656.4 A/m from Table-2. These two values are presented in the
curve as 12V on Y-axis and 2V on X-axis. Therefore
At the center of a cm graph sheet the Origin, X and Y axis are marked as shown in Figure-11.
The 8V hysteresis curve is placed on it coinciding the origin and point of X and Y axis
interactions. The numbers of 1mmx1mm squares enclosed inside the boundary of the
hysteresis curve are counted.
Energy lost in the core in each cycle = Area enclosed by the 8V hysteresis curve x volume
= 204x6.12x10-6 =1.248x10-3J
The results obtained are tabulated in Table-3. A small amount of power in milli Joules is
wasted in the core. This power loss appears as heat in the core and core become warm when
touched. This waste of power is about 2% of the input power to the transformer.
Parameters Value
Coercivity (A/m) 1328
Retentivity (Tesla) 0.0342
Initial core permeability 290
Area enclosed by the curve (TA/m) 204
Power loss (mJ) 62.4
Experimental results
0.2V to 0.5V per division. The left-most position of the X-gain knob is 0.2V/div. And the
right-most position of the X-gain knob is 0.5V/div. knowing this, the experiment can be
repeated as before either by choosing any one position for X-gain knob. A comparison of
results using single trace and dual trace oscilloscope for a different pot- core transformer is
listed in Table-4.
The exact material content of the pot-core transformer presented in this experiment is not
known. However, the accuracy of the experiment is checked using equation-14, for 50
different transformers. All the 50 transformers had different L values hence different initial
permeability varying from 150 to 620.
Parameters Philiphs PM3213 HTC St-16B
Dual Trace Single Trace
Initial permeability 512 520
Retentivity x10-3 (T) 27.43 24.11
Coercivity (A/m) 2250 2475
Loop area (TA/m) 284 287
Energy loss (mJ) 86.9 87.8
Comparison of BH curve parameters obtained in two different oscilloscopes for same
[4] Professional Ferrite Catalogue-85, Central Electronics Ltd, Ferrites soft magnetic
materials data book, 1985-86.
Experiment-165 S