Mud Architecture: I J I R S E T
Mud Architecture: I J I R S E T
Mud Architecture: I J I R S E T
Sruthi G S
Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
Karnataka, India
Man has always built with natural materials, building with mud/earth; the most natural of all building
materials poses a special challenge. Architecture today is discriminated by cold hard, machine made
building materials. While all previous attempts to replace these with a more plastic, environmental
friendly material have resulted in a region of the structural of technical dimension of the architecture,
building with mud offers unique possibility of a synthesis. As an exploration into the possibilities of mud
as building material is especially relevant in country like India. The advantages and possibilities of mud
construction are endless. Conceptually the material can be used to combine traditional elements in
contemporary contest. A greater understanding of the possibilities of the material and the great strides it
has made with respect to application and use will enable a constructive redefining of its suitability for
different types of construction. Construction with mud is the answer to many of our waxing housing
problems and presents an exciting and down to earth alternative to the perpetuation of the concrete jungle.
Architecture involves use of various different construction materials that require a unique construction
technique. But most of these construction techniques are energy intensive techniques. All the natural
resources are depleting which has made it mandatory that we choose materials and construction systems
which require less energy for its execution. Mud construction system is less energy intensive and very
effective in different climatic conditions. Earth is one of man's oldest building materials and most ancient
civilizations used it in some form. It was easily available, cheap, and strong and required only simple
technology. In Egypt the grain stores of Ramasseum built in adobe in 1300BC still exist; the Great Wall
of China has sections built in rammed earth over 2000 years ago. Iran, India, Nepal, Yemen all have
examples of ancient cities and large buildings built in various forms of earthen construction. It is
significant that the oldest surviving examples of this building form are in the most arid areas of the world.
The strength of unsterilized earth walls comes from the bonding effect of dried clay. If this becomes wet
the strength is lost and indeed the wall will erode or even fail completely. Different countries have
different approaches to this problem. From the earliest times men built dwellings that were closest at
hand: out of fibers, leaves, stone or unbaked-sundried-mud. But the onset of the industrial revolution,
bricks of baked clay and mass-produced materials such as cement, steel and glass gradually supplanted
the basic element of traditional construction. The development of transportation made it possible to bring
Energy Consumption
In mud construction, minimum fossil fuel energy is consumed and is naturally abundant throughout the
world, where as in brick construction fossil energy is consumed for manufacturing process and
Recycling of modern materials for building construction is expensive. Recycling of soil does not need
fossil fuel and labour requirement is also less. The characteristic of recycled soil for construction remains
the same whereas in modern building material it acquires inferior character after recycling.
The abundance availability of soil in large areas helps the economically weaker section of the society to
afford the mud construction. It is easily adaptable and the technology can be transferred easily.
Housing demand
A huge deficit of housing demand in urban and rural areas linked with limited resources on all fronts
make it absolutely essential that the housing solution have o be best effective, through optimal and
efficient use of all resources of land and building material.
Soil suitable for the construction can be taken from the site itself. The top layer soil should e removed; it
will be full of organic matter. Dig a pit and see that there are different layers of soil. Excavate the sand
and clay for construction purpose. After finishing the work organic soil can be replaced. All soil types are
not suitable for construction. Sometimes two or more types can be combined to make a good mixture.
Gravel: alone is of no use for mud wall building - the tiny lumps of stone have nothing to bind them
together. Sand: similar to gravel, it is of no use for wall making by itself - but if mixed with clay, i.e.
sandy clays or clayey sands, it is the ideal mud wall building soil. Silt: by itself is also no good for
building walls. It will hold together but is not strong. Furthermore, it will not compact so it is also of no
Depending on the characteristics of the mud available, availability of supporting materials and technology
used, different manifestations of mud are used. These include Adobe or Sun-dried bricks, Cob, Rammed
earth, Pressed brick, Wattle and Daub etc. Cob: The word cob comes from Old English root meaning a
lump of rounded mass. Its a traditional building technique using hand formed lumps if earth mixed with
sand and straw. Cob is easy to learn and inexpensive to build. It dries to hardness similar to lean concrete.
This ancient technology doesnt contribute to deforestation, pollution or mining, nor depend on
materials or power tools. Cob is non-toxic and completely recyclable. Regular working windows
are embedded in the cob along with their lintels while the layers are building up. If fixed window is
needed we can use any kind of glass embedded into the cob. Cob houses have been known to last for
Adobe: Adobe is a natural building material made from sand, clay, water and some kind of fibrous or
organic material (sticks, straw and or manure),which the builders shapes into bricks using frames and dry
in sun. Adobe buildings are similar to cob and mud brick buildings. Adobe structures are extremely
durable, and account for some of the oldest existing building in the world. In hot climates, compared with
wooden buildings offer significant advantage due to their greater thermal mass, but they are known to be
particularly susceptible to earthquake damage. Buildings made up of sun-dried earth are common in the
West Asia, Northern Africa, West Africa, South America, Spain, Eastern Europe and East Anglia.
The compressive strength of rammed earth can be up to 4.3 MPa. This is less than that of a similar
thickness of concrete, but more than strong enough for use in domestic buildings. Indeed, properly built
rammed earth can withstand loads for thousands of years, as many still-standing ancient structures around
the world attest. Rammed earth using re-bar, wood or bamboo reinforcement can prevent failure caused
by earthquakes or heavy storms.
Wattle and Daub : Wattle and daub is a building material used for making walls, in which a woven lattice
of wooden strips called wattle is daubed with a sticky material usually made of some combination of wet
soil, clay, sand,animal dung ang straw. It is an important construction
materialin many parts of the world. The wattle is made by weaving thin branches or slats between upright
stakes. The wattle may be made in place to form the whole of a wall. Daub is generally created from a
mixture of certain ingradients from three categories: binders, aggregates and reinforcement. Binders hold
the mix together and can include clay, lime, chalk dust and limestone dust. Aggregates give the mix its
bulk and dimensional stablity through mateials such as earth, sand, crushed chalk and crushed stone.
Reinforcement is provided by staw hair, hay or other fiberous material and helps to hold mix together as
well as to control shrinkage and provide flexibility. The daub may be mixed by hand or by treading either
by humans or livestock it is then applied to the wattle and allowed to dry and oftenthen whitewashed to
increase its resistance to rain.
Compressed Earth Blocks: the soil, raw or stabilized , is slightly moistened, poured into a steeel press
and then compressed either with a manual or motorized press. It is developed from traditional rammed
earth. The input of soil stabilization allowed building higher with thinner walls, which have a much
better compressive strength and water resistance.
Earthbag construction: This method was developed from the bunkers made by the military
the basic construction method begins by digging a trench. Rows of woven bags (or tubes) are filled with
available inorganic material after the foundation is laid, each successive layer will have one or more
strands of barbed wire placed on top. The weight of this earth-filled bag pushes down on the barbed wire
strands, locking the bag in place on the row below. The most popular type of bag is made of woven
polypropylene. Organic/natural materials such as hemp, burlap or other naturalfiber bags (like "gunny
sacks") can be used.
Some types of soil like gravel, sand, silt on their own is not stable stabilizers can be added to make them
stable. Cement, is a modern contemporary stabilizer. It is good in most circumstances but there is always
the question of availability, cost, and the excessive use of energy in its production, etc. Lime, on the other
hand, is made from the same basic material as cement, but is thousands of years old, can be manufactured
almost anywhere, on the spot, for a fraction the energy and cost of cement and is a first class stabilizer for
mud. Slaked or un-slaked lime is both acceptable but slaked lime will give less trouble to the workers
The soil which was used for building walls can also be used as mortar. Too much of clay should be
avoided otherwise it will result in shrinkage cracks. Sieve the soil when dry so that gravel and pebbles are
all removed for a smooth mortar. If stabilizers such as lime or cement were used in the making of the
blocks, it is also required in the mortar. In fact twice as much stabilizer must be used in the mortar.
The finish of adobe, rammed earth and cob walls is often bit rough and the need for plaster is felt. The
mortar between the blocks should be left rough to act as a key to hold the plaster, which may be of mud,
or mud and any stabilizer such as cow dung, lime or cement etc. pressed earth blocks are very smooth and
is difficult to apply plaster on them. It is better to apply two or three coats of whitewash or thin slurry of
sieved earth with lime or cement mixed with it. Coloring matter may of course be added if required.
Building with earth is definitely an appropriate and cost and energy efficient technology that has a great
future. By using appropriate structural techniques and stabilization methods mud buildings can be used in
almost all climates. In this type of construction locally available materials are used and good amount of
money can be saved. Poor people can afford such a type of house building; in this context mud
architecture can be considered as an alternate housing technology.