University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level
University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level
University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level
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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level 9704/01
May/June 2010 15 hours To be given to candidates, at the discretion of the Art Teacher, on receipt by the Centre. Candidates must have at least three weeks preparation time. The controlled test can be scheduled at any time provided that it is completed no later than 5 June 2010. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number, name and question number on the top right-hand corner of the front of each sheet of paper. Choose one of the options given overleaf from any of the sections. Your work for this paper may or may not be related to work submitted for Components 2, 3 or 4. Preparatory studies must be taken into the examination room and must be submitted for external assessment together with your final examination work. The submission will be assessed as a whole. The preparatory work must consist of not more than four sides of paper (two sheets) no larger than A1 size on which smaller works may be mounted. You may work on smaller paper if you choose. The examination assesses your response to visual stimuli and involves direct observation from primary sources, recording, analysis and 2D and/or 3D development. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together at the top left-hand corner of each sheet. All questions in this paper carry equal marks.
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2 Choose one of the following questions from any section. Record, analyse and develop your ideas from direct observation and personal experience.
Section A is appropriate for any Area of Study and may be chosen by any candidates, particularly those who prefer an open-ended starting point. Section B is appropriate for any Area of Study and may be chosen by any candidates, particularly those who prefer a specific starting point. Section C may only be chosen by candidates who prefer to be offered a specific design brief.
Section A 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pollution Bodywork Root and branch Relaxation Construction or deconstruction Backlighting
Section B 7 Several large flower stems arranged in a transparent container near to an ornate box overflowing with jewellery and adornments. One item of jewellery or one flower-head is placed separately in front. A coat, jacket or shirt hangs over the back of a chair. A hat or a small bag is placed on the seat of the chair, and a pair of boots or shoes on the floor beneath. A folded umbrella or sunshade leans against the chair. The whole or the upper half of a person dressed in the costume and headdress for a ceremony.
10 An outside eating area with a table, chairs and sunshade at a caf or in a garden or courtyard. 11 Interpret the whole or any part of this extract. On the day before the celebrations the family travelled into the city. In the evening they arrived at the rented apartment on the top floor of a block close to the centre. From a balcony they could look down on the roofs and gardens of the surrounding area. Visible between two buildings was the corner of the main street, where a man at an illuminated stall was selling banners, flags and souvenirs.
UCLES 2010 9704/01/M/J/10
3 Section C 12 A holiday company named WATERSIDE offers a range of resorts specialising in specific activities, such as fishing, sailing, swimming, surfing, diving and skiing. Design three logos for distinct activities using the company name. Show how each logo will be included with additional text and images of your choice in the layout of three separate leaflets.
13 Design the cover and a double page layout for the inside of a pamphlet for an association concerned with the preservation of the architectural heritage of your country or region. You may use any title, text or images which refer to the preservation of buildings in particular locations.
14 From observations of floral specimens indigenous to your region, design a large banner to be carried by two people at the opening parade of a flower festival.
15 Design the costumes for two participants in a ballet based on the idea of toys, dolls and puppets being magically brought to life.
UCLES 2010
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UCLES 2010