Tarot - High Priestess
Tarot - High Priestess
Tarot - High Priestess
Develop your philosophical sense practice it and begin to "write your book". All memory is
recorded in your subconscious mind probe below and get to the bottom of things. Keep the
opposites in balance be still, remain patient and reflect. God has much more to reveal to you.
Consciousness results from two things; the "active" or question, which activates a principle and
the "passive" or answer, which reflects it. Be true to yourself, never compromise your visions
and you will find that which you seek. You are the peacemaker and you can see both sides
recognize that elements are at work that are not obvious on the surface. Listen to your "inner"
voice it will allow you to see the whole picture and arrive at a sensible response to the question
of what it is you really want. The language of the Master is love not psychology, philosophy
or science. Pure intellect only reflects, while LOVE "acts". Spirit is neither intellect nor
imagination it is Wisdom and LOVE combined. Happiness is your natural condition it is
your true Self come to know it now.
The ability to remain passive is power it gives your mind a chance to work, to reflect on what
past actions have taught you and to awaken the things inside it allows you to remember. The
transformation from one who "dares" to one who KNOWS takes place in four stages. The first
stage is a time of pure reflection when the repetition of an experience is imagined. The second
stage enters this reflection into your memory. In the third stage, this memory is assimilated into
thought and feeling it becomes a "message" or an "inner word". The fourth stage is reached
when this "inner word" or "message" becomes a verbal symbol or "writing".
Only through withdrawal from outer involvement is the unconscious allowed to emerge and the
inner voice of vision allowed to speak. Wisdom can not be expressed in rational terms, for they
limit, narrow and falsify it. Wisdom lies hidden safely beneath the smooth surface of your
conscious mind and only by stirring up your dreams and visions, can wisdom return to the light
of the conscious mind and intuitive understanding be conveyed.
Spiritual intuition permits contact between your consciousness and the world of pure experience
which must then be expressed outwards. To obtain this state of waking consciousness, which
is the reflection of your subconscious allow yourself to be seated. Establish an activepassive
state of consciousness a state of mind where your soul "listens attentively in silence" as you
apply yourself totally to a problem or question. Be yourself in any situation always have
complete faith in your feelings and KNOW that light will soon be shed on your situation. Listen
for the message, be patient and wait for the static to clear then communicate your truth, for
only in truth will you be of service to others and to yourself.
Here is the birth of duality, of energy, of prana, the feminine, of choice, of nurturing, of
potential. The beginning of life in the emotional body physical aspects of your emotions.
Reproduction. Birth of rhythm and flow. Mother of Mothers. The ultimate female. In any
position this may be a figure of great importance to the readee, such as a teacher or guide. The
root of all feminine principles. Subjectivity, Guardian of alternatives. Knowledge of the other.
Concerns of the element Water. Motivation. Fertility. This is the Gaia principle in the Physical
Plane of Earth, from which comes our concept of mother Earth as the source of life.
Questions to Answer: What rhythms or cycles do you need to be aware of? What knowledge
are you seeking? What do you need to remember or "discover"? What are you concealing? Is it
appropriate to do so? How can you best use your intuitive, psychic or dream abilities at this
time? Who is seeking your counsel, or whose are you seeking?
In the first position This is a lifetime dedicated to the work of the High Priestess. The main
thrust of the next century, even the next millennium, is to balance the feminine with the
masculine, by reasserting the feminine. Women must do this as well as men, for the effect of the
masculine is in them also, and indeed was brought about by both men and women. We have
done this to each other in partnership, and we must undo it together.
In the second position You are rooted in natural principles and can fall back on a storehouse
of excellent instincts. Natural foods, natural medicines, keep you and your loved ones fit.
Female energy is the main force in your environment, health, work, and perhaps even your
exercise/leisure athletics. A significant part of your foundation may derive from a person
embodying The High Priestess.
In the third position You are being washed with universal feminine truths. Valuing all
creation is uppermost, respecting nature and man's place as part of nature, working in harmony
with the environment instead of trying to dominate it. Great sensitivity to life.
In the fourth position This passion in this young heart was to be the classical heroine of
mythic proportions - prior to its reduction by a male dominated civilization. This is the
heroine/hero which lives in both woman and man waiting for their talents to be called on to save
the day. Perhaps there is even a historical or imaginary, feminine hero figure living in your
In the fifth position You have tremendous inner confidence in making decisions at this time,
partly because intuitive rightbrain functions are so accessible. Great capacity to listen and
In the sixth position In the near future, put more time and attention on yourself first and then
loved ones. This can also mean a creative project cryingout for completion. Look to your
deepest desires and bring them into the light.
In the seventh position Work to integrate the subconscious more fully with the conscious
mind. Begin or increase your study of the occult, mysticism, esoteric philosophy and/or
In the eighth position You are awash with healthy energy, creative projects on line and
productive. Mysticism is a positive force in your affairs. Environmental issues may be
dominating the moment.
In the ninth position The heart is immersed in the feminine world, in appreciation of nature
and the natural. There is great love of the Mother, with complete trust in her judgement and
ability to soothe your cares.
In the tenth position Here is the protecting umbrella of the Mother. A burst of creative
energy for you, and enough revelation to know what you are supposed to do with it.