Dakota State University College of Education Lesson Plan Format

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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Megan Smidt

Grade Level: Kindergarten
School: May Overby Elementary
Date: Jan. 30, 2017
Time: 10:10

Reflection from prior lesson:

The lesson yesterday was mostly math workshop. The students are losing focus and are
less engaged. They do like the opening with the song and talking about shapes, but they
are getting bored of doing the same thing every day. About half of the students did not
stay engaged enough in order to meet the first objective. The students met the other two
objectives because we were discussion them together. I think I will either change math
workshop or I will not do math workshop for the rest of this week. I need to adapt
tomorrows lesson some.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

MP4: Model with mathematics.

MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically.
MP7: Look for and make use of structure.
K.CC.4.c: Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one
K.G.1: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the
relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of,
behind, and next to.
K.G.4: Analyze and compare two- and three- dimensional shapes, in different sizes and
orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts, and
other attributes.
K.G.5: Model shapes in the world by building shapes with components and drawing

Lesson Objectives:

During worktime, students will be able to construct 2-D shapes with 90% accuracy.

After the lesson, students will develop language to describe and compare 2-D shapes and
their attributes with 80% accuracy.

During the class discussion, students will be able to relate 2-D shapes to real-world
objects with 90% accuracy.
Materials Needed:

Song about shapes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJxq0kR8yNc

Paper shapes
Drawing materials
Blank drawing paper
Rubber bands
Pattern blocks
Pattern block pictures
The Shape of Things book
Student Math Handbook Flip Chart Pg. 50

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

There are twenty-five students in this class. The classroom has five tables with five
students sitting at each table. There is a wide range of skill and developmental levels.
They like to work in groups and do well working together. There is a carpet at the front of
the classroom for whole class instruction and plenty of room for working in partners if
needed. Technology is available in the computer lab and there is a Promethean Board in
the classroom.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (10 minutes)

getting attention:

Look at the calendar. Is there something missing? What is missing? How do you
know that those two numbers are missing? What days of the week are the two
numbers that are missing?

Now, I would like you to spread out! I hope you are ready for our shape song!


relating to past experience and/or knowledge:

This week we have been talking about shapes. What is one thing you have
learned about shapes this week?
creating a need to know:

Why do you think we need to know different shapes? Shapes are so important!
We need to know them to be able to describe objects in the world to the people
around us!

sharing objective, in general terms:

Today we are going to learn more about shapes and how to describe them! We
are also going to learn how to relate 2-D or flat shapes to real-world objects and
how to construct shapes!

2. Content Delivery (30 minutes, Hands On Activity, Math Workshop)

Read The Shape of Things or show the students Shapes in the World on the
Student Math Handbook Flip Chart Pg. 50)

Lets look at the picture in front of you. The person who drew this illustration
used lots of different shapes to make a scene with. The scene is the water and land
and sky. What kinds of things are in this picture? What shapes were used to make
each thing? Wait time.

I heard that there were lots of lots of rectangles and circles used to make the
train. Why do you think the illustrator used those shapes for the train?

I will show the students my mural.

This is a mural I made. Do you see how I took different pieces and put them
together to make a picture. My picture has grass, sand, water, and a sky.

We are going to make our own shape mural on a piece of paper. We will use
different pieces like our pattern blocks and make a mural. I want you to think
about what you want to make your mural of. I want at least three different shapes
and three different colors. You could do a lake mural, or a house mural with grass,
or a mural of something else. You can only use one color of crayon for something
on the picture. If you do not want to completely cover the sky with a bunch of
pieces you may color just that part, but that is it. The rest has to be made out of
pattern blocks.

When we are creating our mural, lets think about what shapes we could use for
different pieces on the mural. What shape could we use to represent the sun?

What about clouds or maybe a fish?

When you are done with your mural and I have checked it over, then you may go
ahead and begin math workshop.
3. Closure (5 minutes)

Talk at your table about the answers to these questions:

What was your favorite part of making a mural?
What was your least favorite part?
Did you enjoy making the mural?

Now lets share as a class. What was your favorite part of making a mural? What
was your least favorite part? Did you enjoy making the mural?

B. Assessments Used


Discussion about shapes.

How do students talk about and describe the paper shapes?
How do students decide which shapes to use in designing a particular object or scene?
What attributes of shape do students comment on in the process of construction?
Do students put shapes together to make other shapes?

C. Differentiated Instruction

Students will receive aid on picking out their shape and talking about what shape it is
based on their skill level. They will also receive my help when I am walking around.
They would explain their shape to me, so I know how much about shapes they are
understanding. If students are having trouble with their mural, I might show them my
example or the picture in the book again. We will have a talk about what shapes they
might use to represent a different scene what they could make their scene be.

D. Resources

Pearson Investigations Series


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