Individual Lesson Plan Readiness

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Katherine Hewett

Individual Lesson Plan

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
● Goal(s): Students will identify two-dimensional shapes.
Students will classify two-dimensional shapes based on their properties.
Students will use geometric shapes to recreate an artwork.
● Objective(s):
○ 1. After being shown a Powerpoint with different shapes, students will
identify two-dimensional geometric shapes.
○ 2. After being given manipulative geometric shapes, students will
categorize shapes based on their number of sides.
○ 3. After viewing a topic-related artwork, students will create their own
version of the artwork using geometric shapes.
● Standard(s):
○ 1.G.1: Identify objects as two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Classify
and sort two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects by shape, size,
roundness and other attributes. Describe how two-dimensional shapes
make up the faces of three-dimensional objects.
○ 1.G.2: Distinguish between defining attributes of two- and three-
dimensional shapes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-
defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size). Create and draw
two-dimensional shapes with defining attributes.

II. Management:
A. Time
● Anticipatory Set: 10-15 minutes
● Instruction: 25-30 minutes
● Check for Understanding: 5-10 minutes
● Closure (Art Activity): 15-20 minutes

B. Space
● Anticipatory Set: sitting at desks, standing at desks, standing in different areas of
the room
● Instruction: sitting at the front of the room, sitting in front of posters
● Check for Understanding: sitting at desks
● Closure (Art Activity): sitting at desks

C. Behavior
● Students will sit quietly at their seats while I am presenting instruction of the
● Students will participate in class and partner discussions when appropriate.
● Students will raise their hands to ask/answer questions, and will wait until they
are called on to speak.
D. Materials
● Slips of paper with animal names and pictures
● Powerpoint with slides of shapes
● Construction paper
● Glue sticks
● White and black crayons
● Pre-cut shapes in different colors of construction paper
● Shape data sheet

III. Anticipatory Set:

● “We’re going to start today’s lesson by performing short skits. I’m going to
assign each student to be a different type of animal.” Walk around the room and
give each student a small slip of paper with their assigned animal.
● “Don’t show anyone what your animal is! Now go ahead and think of either a
sound or move that your animal makes. When you have thought of it, show me a
thumbs-up.” Wait until everyone has shown a thumbs-up.
● “I am going to call on each of you. When you are called on, you will make a
sound or gesture that your animal makes. After you are done, the class will guess
what your animal was. Each animal will then be sorted into categories such as
mammal, reptile, bird, and so on. Each category will stand in a different area of
the room. Who wants to go first?” Take student volunteers to begin their
● Go around the room until everyone has performed and all students are standing in
their appropriate areas.
● “Thank you everyone for your performances! You may now go back to your

IV. Purpose: “Today we are going to be learning about geometric shapes and how to classify
them. This is important because you will see shapes wherever you go, and you will need
to know what makes them different from other shapes.”

Plan for Instruction

V. Adaptations for Diverse Students:
● For students with visual/auditory impairments, have them sit closer to the front of
the class during instruction.
● Because students may still have underdeveloped fine motor skills, pre-cut the
shapes to be used during the art activity so time is not spent using scissors.
VI. Lesson Presentation:
● Have students sit at the front of the room. “We are going to learn about how to
classify geometric shapes. Can someone name some shapes for me?” Call on a
few students to name some shapes.
● “Those are all good examples. I’m going to show you some more shapes.” Show
Powerpoint slide with different shapes, showing both drawn and real-world
● Point to a picture of a triangle. “Who can tell me some things about this shape?”
Call on a number of students to name properties of a triangle, looking for answers
such as “three sides”, “three points”, “three angles”, etc.
● “Good! Now how about this shape?” Point to a picture of a square. Ask students
to name properties of the shape. Call on students to share properties with the
● Repeat this process with 1-2 more shapes.
● “Thank you everyone! There are multiple ways to classify shapes, but we’re only
going to look at one of those ways today. Talk with a partner about some ways
you think we can classify shapes.” Walk around the room and listen to student
conversations, and provide assistance as needed.
● Use a created signal to call the class back to attention once the conversations have
died down or start to become off-topic. “One way we can classify shapes is by the
number of sides. I have set up posters around the room with different numbers at
the top for the number of sides of the shapes. Let’s move to the poster with the 3
at the top.” Have students move accordingly.
● “Can you tell me what shape has three sides?” Have entire class answer
● “That’s right, a triangle has three sides. Can someone come up and draw a
triangle for me?” Have one student come up and draw a triangle on the poster.
● “Are there any more shapes with three sides? Nod your head for yes, shake your
head for no.” Look at students to make sure they are shaking their heads.
● “We don’t have any more shapes that have three sides. Let’s move on to shapes
with four sides.” Have students move to the poster with the 4 at the top.
● “There’s lots of shapes with four sides. Who can come up and draw some of those
for us?” Have 4-5 students draw 4-sided shapes on the poster. When they are
done drawing, have them say the name of the shape out loud for the class before
they sit back down.
● Repeat this process for the posters with 5- and 6-sided shapes.
● “We have one more poster to do. Let’s move to the poster with the 0 at the top.”
Have students move accordingly.
● “Now this is kind of tricky. What shape has no sides?” Give students a few
moments to think. “When you think you have the answer, raise your hand.” Wait
until the majority of students have their hands raised. Call on one student to share
the answer, “a circle”.
● “That’s right! A circle is still a shape, but it doesn’t have any sides.”
● Have everyone go back to their seats. “You are now going to complete an activity
on your own using the classifying skills we just used.”
● Complete the “check for understanding” activity.

VII. Check for Understanding:

● “Now that we have classified some shapes together, it’s your turn to classify them
on your own.”
● Give each student a small Ziploc bag with different shapes. “In these bags are
different shapes. At your desk, take some time to categorize them by their number
of sides. Have a pile for shapes with three sides, four sides, and so on.”
● Walk around the room to monitor activity. Provide assistance as needed.

VIII. Closure:
● “Now I am going to show you an artwork that uses some of the shapes we
classified today.”
● Show a Google image of the artwork.“This artwork is called ‘Mozart and Mozart
Upside Down and Backward’. Talk with a partner about some things you see in
the art.” Give students a couple of minutes to discuss their findings in the art
● Call the class back to attention using a signal. “Those are all really good things
you talked about. And there’s no right or wrong answer, so whatever you talked
about was good. We are now going to do an art activity to go along with this
● Pass out small bowls of cut-out shapes to each group, along with cups of white
and black crayons and a few glue sticks.
● “We are going to be making our own version of this artwork. The artist only used
squares and triangles in her art, but we are going to use other shapes like the
ones we classified today. Let me show you how we are going to make this.”
● Have all students come up to the front. “We’re going to start with a small piece
of colored construction paper. I have blue like the background of the art.” Hold
the paper up for all students to see.
● “Next I’m going to get a shape-I’ll start with a triangle-and place it somewhere
on my paper.” Holding the paper with a magnet, glue the shape to the paper in
front of the class using a glue stick.
● “Now I’m going to use another shape-a circle this time-and put it near my
triangle.” Glue the shape where it overlaps the previous shape. “Make sure that
your shapes overlap a little bit when you glue them. Now it’s your turn to make
your own!”
● “When you are done creating your art, fill out a shape data sheet. Write down
which shapes you used and how many you used to create your art.”
● “Use the white crayon to write your name if your background paper is a dark
color. Use the black crayon if your background paper is a light color.

Plan for Assessment

● Formative: During the posters interactive activity in the instruction, monitor
student participation. Make a mental note of those students who are actively
participating and those who seem to be disengaged. During the “Check for
Understanding” activity, walk around the classroom with a clipboard. For each
student, check that they are properly categorizing the shapes. Make notes.
● Summative: Have students do a matching activity on a test at the end of the unit.

Reflection and Post-Lesson Analysis

1. How many students achieved the objective? For those that did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace to differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
7. Was I able to effectively explain how to classify shapes before the students were sent to
do an activity on their own using this skill?
8. Did I stay focused on the topic of classifying shapes throughout the lesson or did I drift
off-topic too frequently?
9. Were students showing interest in the lesson, or did they look bored and unenthused?
10. Were students able to look at the number of sides of a shape in order to classify it?
Geometry Shapes Powerpoint Slide
Shape Data Sheet

I used these shapes to make my art!

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