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Muna Hassan Observation #1 Fatima Al Zahra School Grade 2 28 sts

October 24, 2016 Odd and even numbers

Strengths Needs improvement

Has clear rules that are consistently reinforced The introductory lesson took a long time from the
Does a good job of moving through the room and calling on lesson and only a few of the sts were actively
sts in the back engaged.
Asks sts to explain their answer. Sts started to lose interest in all the 1:1 teacher
Tr used a cooperative learning strategy centered activities after the first 10 minutes.
Good selection of activities The cooperative learning strategy did not have a
Tr was able to bring the sts back to order after the second strong math focus
activity that became very loud and disruptive. The trs voice is constantly heard.
Tr prepared a back up activity for sts to move to when/if Group size is too big.
they completed their work. The level of explanation was too high too fast.
The higher level of differentiated activities was too
high for the sts, they could not read to solve.
There needs to be a way for the sts to self correct.

Competency Observations
Professionalism: Teacher was in class and prepared for the lesson ahead of time

Planning for learning: A lesson plan was prepared but the tr forgot to present it.

Implementing and Tr strongly implements her rules.

managing learning:

Monitoring and The teacher was monitoring the activities and documenting her findings.

At the start of the lesson the tr reminds the sts of rules and how to raise their hands. Each st has a flower on a stick
that has her name on it.
Tr is doing a very good job of reinforcing her rules and her system, but she seems a bit harsh, constantly hushing the
The tr took a risk and conducted a cooperative learning strategy, but as the girls looked for their partner they did not
discuss any math, they simply looked at and compared each others pictures to find their pair.
The teacher is getting frustrated that the sts are not understanding, but she has pitched her teaching at a level above
where the sts are. She is dependent on abstract thinking, and for some of their activities pictoral, but she did not move
them through a concrete stage.
Tr was rushing to make sure she showed everything that was on her lesson plan.
Muna Hasan Observation #2 October 31, 2016 Grade 2 Place Value

Strengths Needs improvement

Teacher reminds sts of class rules to start the lesson. The teacher is constantly talking, even when she
The teacher is a lot more friendly and kind sounding. does not need to be, repeating herself over and over
Good use of visuals. again.
Has excellent control over the class and has introduced Moving on when students are ready
management systems. Tr needs to make sure she SEES what the students
Materials are prepared in advance and placed on the tables. are doing and take the time to find out why they are
Good selection of activities. doing things the way they are.
Realized that many sts were making the same mistake,
stopped the lesson and recapped.

Competency Observations
Professionalism: Tr is in the class on time and prepared before the start of the lesson.

Planning for learning: A lesson plan has been prepared and presented.

Implementing and Uses a variety of teaching techniques.

managing learning:

Monitoring and Circulates amongst the students, making sure students are on task. Documentation of
assessment: student ability was seen.

Activities are relevant to the lesson and help to deepen student understanding.
This lesson feels more like a second grade lesson than the previous one.
Tr has prepared a number of activities and has the materials prepared and waiting in the middle of each table. She has
a complex system for accessing materials but the sts seem to understand it and it is working well.
The teacher is constantly talking, saying things like: who is ready, who is ready, put your hands up, hands, up, hands,
The teacher needs to reach a point in her lesson where she realizes that a large group of her students are ready to
move on. At that point there needs to be a parting from whole class activities and a tr focus on the weaker students
who do actually still need help. This will probably involve regrouping of students.
The purpose of circulating amongst the sts is to see whether they have understood or not and react accordingly.

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