Gay Express April 2014 Issue
Gay Express April 2014 Issue
Gay Express April 2014 Issue
to Hawaii!
Aloha Fresh
New Size,
New Website,
Still Yours!
Hot Scene
Get Leid in Honolulu
One Year of Same
Sex Weddings!
Rob & Vinnies Love Story
April 2014
10 King
CampJulian Clary
Julian Clary
& funny manman
& funny Steven K Amos
Steven K Amos
From the editor 12 Were
our Scene?
our Scene?
After a crazy busy few weeks the
17 Asia
team are so proud to bring you our
gorgeous resized, redesigned, express 18 Hot in Hawaii
Hawaiis Hot Scene
magazine and website and we hope A Guide To Getting
Gay Hotspots in Leid In Honolulu
you love it as much as we do!
20 Out
TakesFilm Festival
Film Festival
We welcome the awesome Regan
First First
Features Announced
Features Announced
Cotter (picutred with myself) as a
fun addition to our hilarious team. 22 Equality,
Family& &
28 Film
Historyof of
to win flights, and read our fab
Gareth Watkins
Gareth Exhibition:
Watkins 30 30
feature on the gayest spots
Honolulu has to offer. 31 Sandoval
RubensteinsPicks for
NZ musics Future Lordes
for NZ Musics Future Lordes
We celebrate one year of same-
sex weddings in New Zealand with 32 The
Queenstown Mark
18 10
the beautiful real-life love story of Garrision
Review reviews
of TheThe Public.
Public Kitchen
Rob and Vinnie. Theirs is a story
of two brave boys who found the 33 Alexia
SantamariasFoodie Bites
other half to make each other Foodie Bites
Phone 09 360 7671
Fax 09 360 7663
Oliver Hall
[email protected] K Road Club Closes
Advertising Christchurch conman Nicolas
Regan Cotter 021 479 911 Birch is returning to jail after illegally
[email protected] operating K Road club Revenge
while still on parole.
Richard Todd 021 441 309
[email protected] Birch was originally jailed in 2010 for
fraud,including promising money
Anthony Hotere 0219 423 18
to four 16 year old men and one 19
[email protected]
year old man, in return for sex.
Publisher and Design
Amy Jane Todd
NZ Idols Tranformation Released from prison in 2011, Birch
was not legally allowed to opperate
Former NZ Idol finalist Nikki Lee Carlson has spent the last seven years
[email protected] a company until 2015. Revenge
working out who she is. Reassured by the support around her, she is ready
Cornerstone Publications Ltd which is owned by Shortland St
to tell the world and perform music again.
actor Rudi Vodanovich, closed in
PO Box 47514
Im on a journey at the moment to become as feminine as I can be I mid-March and was yet to reopen
Ponsonby, Auckland 1144 dont know yet where that will take me, Nikki tells express when we met as express went to print.
212 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby at a K Road caf, looking very different from the handsome boy who had
Printer made it to the finals of New Zealand Idol. Nikki started dressing as a girl in
Guardian Print
2007. It got to the point where I didnt want to take it off. She says. I grew New Transgender
up wishing I was a girl. Now Im being the girl I always wanted to be. MP candidate
When I first left the house dressed like this. It felt like a second life, she tells
Kelly Ellis has successfully beaten
us admitting she was unsure of the reaction she would receive. Going into
Winston Peters sister Lynette Stewart
a shop or going out on the town even straight men have been supportive
to become the Labour candidate for
strangers have told me Im courageous I feel overwhelmed by the
the Whangerei electorate.
support and encouragement around me.
Ari Caukwell Diana Rands Her battles are not over as the
Still feeling connected to her masculine side, Nikki connects most with the
Evan Donnelly Sandoval trained lawyer will be competing
rarely-used label of bi-gender, which falls under the transgender umbrella.
Rubenstein for a seat that has been held by
Erin Fae
Nikki says the liberation she has felt being herself and honouring her desires National for 39 years. They dont
Mark Garrsion Alexia
has made her feel stronger and more confident then ever. Currently working have an incumbent MP sitting,
Tux Hika in retail, she is now keen to return to music. Being on Idol got me about five Ellis says, suggesting that her and
Ideas and opinions expressed in articles or advertisements in express years worth of gigs. After my dad passed away, I felt so lost and needed to Nationals Shane Reti are on a more
are not necessarily representative of Cornerstone Publications Ltd.
Publication of the name or photograph or likeness of any person
re-evaluate my life. even playing field than one many
in express is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual think. Reti may not be her only
orientation of such persons or organisations and any similarity Dressing up and working out who she was took over Nikkis
between individuals named or described in fiction articles and competition if rumours that Winston
actual persons living is purely coincidental. Publication of any letters/
passion for music, but she would now like to gett back into the
Peters will also compete for the seat
articles/photographs is at the discretion of the publishers and the business, this time performing as the person shee truly is. I
right is reserved to withhold/alter/edit and comment on any article, are true. If he does, he would suck
letter, or advertisement published. Permission must be gained sing a little differently now. When you present yourself
ourself like
prior to reproduction of any articles or photographs contained in
up much of Nationals grey vote
this - you naturally choose more feminine songss and sing a
express. expresss list of mail subscribers is confidential and is not sold, which would also work in my
rented or leased to anyone at any time. Orders for any products/ little softer.
services advertised in express are made by readers at their own risk. favour, she tells us.
The church have previously picketed concerts by the likes of Lady Gaga The mayors of New York and Boston
Game Of Thrones Giant for promoting homosexuality. They claimed on their website that Lordes joined the beverage companies by
boycotting the parades.
Comes Out concert needed to be protested because, the world has elevated her to
Kristian Nairn, better known as status of an idol, which is in part fuelled by Lorde scoring her second US
GOTs Hodor has come out in an number-one single with Team.
interview with Game Of Thrones In true Lorde fashion she responded by baiting the notoriously homophobic
fansite WinterIsComing. When asked church by tweeting, everyone wear rainbow clothing to that show.
about his extensive bear following everyone try to kiss church members who are same sex as you they will so
he replied, Well, in all honesty, love it christmas comin early in kansas city (sic). Days later the churchs
when y you talk about the g gay
y founder Fred Phelps, who had been critically ill, passed away.
community, you are talking about
Its been a gay old month for Lorde who has been praised in the media for
MY community!
tthe way she handled questions from Australias Kiss FM DJ Kyle Sandilands
In related GOT news, Finn about her relationship with Taylor Swift (picuted above right with Lorde).
Madonna Au Naturel
Jones who plays gay knight I see you guys [in] pictures everywhere. Are you guys together now? Not
Madonna celebrated the twenty-
Sir Loras Tyrell, has said that ttogether as in lesbians, Im not talking about Ellen together, Im talking fifth anniversary of her Like A Prayer
the forth season that starts about, like you guys are friendly right? Sandilands asked. Sounding
a album with an instagram pic of her
on Skys SoHo on Monday 7 peeved the Kiwi-born Grammy winner, shot back with, What do you mean
p showing off her armpit hair.
April, does not contain, y youre not talking about Ellen together? Is there something wrong with
She tagged the picture: Long
enough hot gay lesbians? Sandilands stammered, Oh my god no, I would love that! Are
hair Dont Care! #artforfreedom
sex, in an interview y you going to confirm now youre in a lesbian relationship with her?
#rebelheart #revolutionoflove. Bring
with Access
Dont even try it. Its not working, Lorde replied.
back the bush ladies!
Screening of 30 signicant
HIV AIDS moments from
the Film Archive collection
followed by reception:
TUESDAY 15 APRIL, 6.30pm
Free entry, at the Film Archive, 16 APRIL - 14 JUNE 2014
84 Taranaki St, Wellington.
Image credit: Detail of Kevin Todds panel (1954-1998),
artist Welby Ings, New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt. | April 2014 | 7
Tame Noema
There isnt a single part of
Tame that we dont want to
get our hands on. The caramel
complexion, the ink, the muscles
those eyes! All wrapped in jandals
stubbies and a singlet it makes
us proud to be Kiwi! Having sailed
through the NZ on Air funding
controversy, the GCs second
season on TV3 is helping us
get over our Monday blues.
The shows star, Tames
entrepreneurial skills are
finally paying off as his
topless waitering business
goes from strength to
strength. There is a
huge demand for
Maori boys on the
Gold Coast, he
says. And we can
see why!
ex | April | 11
Hot Newbies
at Family
Fri 21 March. Photos | Evan Donnelly
I think imitation is the sincerest Presidents. He admits the parties Jennifer Lopez and Lady Gaga, The White Party 2014
form of flattery, he tells us. Now have come a long way from an who has played the event twice. Friday 25 April Sunday April 27
there are White Party-styled events era where sexual preference was He assures us that all the celebs Tickets: www.jeffreysankertickets.
not only in a few other states here not talked about. Many had to who attend behave badly! One com
in the US, but around the world in attend secretly for fear of losing year we had a performer running
36 countries. All the gay cruises their jobs if someone found out down the halls naked, chasing Article | Oliver Hall
also have some type of White Party - especially members of the US boys everywhere.
themed event. Military. Now they are able to
attend freely and openly. If he could get anyone Jeff says
Jeffs success was even being his dream line-up would be Cher,
honoured last month with him Over the years the parties have Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Mariah
being inducted into the Palm secured impressive line-ups of Carey and Britney Spears. Hyping
Springs Walk of Stars where he including the liked of Grace Jones, this years anniversary by adding,
joined the likes of Leberace, Bob Boy George and Ke$ha. Jeff admits maybe we might even possibly
Hope and numerous former US to having favourites, selecting have something like that this year!
An Angelic
Sat 22 March. Photos | Evan Donnelly
People come
Are you tired of the hassle of dealing with multiple
insurance companies and banks to nd the best deal?
Now you can have your local AMP 360 Adviser
to us because
Sarita Williams on your side.
Like all our Advisers, Sarita can talk to you about life, health and
we go to them.
general insurance, and can give you options from the main lenders
if you are looking for a home loan.
She is passionate about providing the right advice for her clients,
and she ccan come to you.
Hot Scene
With same-sex marriage legalised and Honolulu Pride just around the corner, express chats with
Hawaiian Airlines Cabin Crew Ken Morita to give us the low down on Honolulus gay hotspots.
Honolulus Top Five Gay Night Spots telling us, Chef Chai Chaowasaree is one of
1) No visit to Honolulu is complete without visiting Hawaiis top chefs! Must try dishes include
Hawaiis biggest GLBTT nightclub Fusion Waikiki, the deconstructed scallop pot pie with lobster
2260 Juhio Avenue, is open Friday and Saturdays reduction with fingerling potatos, pearl onions,
but, the club does not get crowded until 2 am, mushrooms, baby carrots and spinach. This
he explains, usually everyone starts at either: healthy-eating focused establishment offers their
2) Popular bear bar Bacchus, 408 Lewers St. specialty steamed coconut milk ginger brown
rice, which can be substituted for, sauteed
3) Hawaiis only gay sports bar LoJax, 2256
zucchini linguine for those on low carb diets.
Kuhio Avenue.
Welcome to America!
4) Casual restaurant / bar In Between Waikiki,
2155 Lauula, known for its karaoke and hunky
barman Peter!
Best Local Secrets
5) Hulas Bar & Lei Stand, 34 Kapahulu Ave, at
For those who are looking to get off the
the Waikiki Grand Hotel boasts amazing views of
beaten gay path Ken reckons Imua Lounge
Queens Surf beach.
(815 Keeaumoku St) in the Ala Moana area of
Honolulu, and Chikos Tavern (930 Mccully St)
just outside Waikiki. These are two of the best kept
Best Views local secrets in town. While neither are advertised
When asked about best views of the city, Ken as being gay, he assures us they are both very
recommends Diamond Head Lookout telling us, GLBTT friendly and they both offer delicious local
it offers great views of Oahus south shoreline food, cheap drinks, live music and karaoke.
and youll probably meet other gay men there
as well. That would be because it is just up
the road from the Diamond Head Beach, Hawaiian Airlines flies three times a week from You will find the spirit of
Honolulus version of Urititi! The beachs nude Auckland to Honolulu offering connections to six
section is frequented almost exclusively by gay
aloha everywhere you
neighbour islands. In addition, Hawaiian Airlines
men. So no matter what direction youre looking is bringing mainland USA closer to New Zealand go in Honolulu as local
in youre bound to get an eye-full! offering 11 great destinations with convenient
residents embrace the
connections via Honolulu.
GLBTT community with open
Best Restaurant on the Island Visit or call 09
arms, Ken tells express.
Ken selects Chef Chais (1009 Kapiolani Blvd) 977 2227.
By Stephen Sinclair & Anthony McCarten
FRI & GOGO BOYS & DRAG SHOWS Featuring Tess Tickle, BOOK NOW
SAT Kita Mean & Ivy League from Midnight
Coming Up...
Tel: 09 361 1000
373 KRD, AK
Tickets will
go onsale
for Out Takes
on Monday 21
April through www.
Out and
Bye By
Bye Blondie (France) Heterosexual Jill (USA) Out Takes Film Festival
stival runs from
Writer a
and director Virginie Despentes Actor/director/producer/writer Michelle Ehlen Thursday 22 May Monday
follow-u to her seriously controversial follows up her unconventional debut feature 2 June at Rialto cinemas,
debut fefeature, Rape Me, is a much more Butch Jamie (about a butch lesbian actor Newmarket, Auckland.
mellow tale of lesbian love phew! Bye who gets a Hollywood role by pretending From Thursday 29 May
Bye Blo
Blondie (the band, not the hair colur) to be a man, winning the affections of her Wednesday 11 Juneune at
is a lo
love story of two exes who meet co-star in the process) with Heterosexual Jill. the Paramount cinema
nema in
up in their late forties and attempt to The story this time focuses on a reformed Wellington, and returns
eturns to
retrie the romance they had in their lesbian, who decides to prove her new found Christchurch fromm Thursday
twen when they bonded over a heterosexuality by spending time with her ex 12 Sunday 15 June
une at the
mut love of the sex-pistols. This tale (Ehlen), to prove she has no feelings left for Hollywood theatre e in Sumner.
of two aging outcasts is based on women and is ready to move on with men. A
Despentes novel of the same name. preposterous but amusing romp. Article | Oliver Hall
A new era of
express has arrived!
Fresh faces, fresh ideas and most importantly for you a fresh way of
promoting your business through the voice of the gay community.
Re-designed and re-vamped, the team at express invites you to join with
us in these exciting times. A new monthly, 40-page magazine
and brand new funky website combine for ultimate access
to the gay market. Less expensive and more effective than
ever before. So dont miss out!
& Love
Three fabulous reasons that Rob Sykes and Vinnue MacBride-Stewart tied the knot.
To mark the anniversary of parliament passing want is for them to feel that our modern
the marriage equality bill express brings you family is normal and that they are loved. He
our most lavish wedding feature ever. says, assuring us that his son, came through
it strong, and is a beautiful young man.
It was apparent when they met that Rob With the motivations of building a secure
(pictured in maroon) and Vinnie (in grey) family structure, and being head-over-heels
had a fair bit in common. Both the youngest in love, Vinnie maxed out his credit cards
children from deeply religious families to buy a diamond ring, took Rob for fish
(Vinnies catholic, Robs Mormon), both and chips on the beach at Mission Bay and
worked in the corporate world, both were proposed. Shaking with nerves, I asked Rob
the same age. if he would spend the rest of his life with me.
Vinnie remembers. It took him an hour or so
But when Vinnie first opened his NZdating to stop crying after he had said yes!
messages to see a simple, Cute pic bro, from
Rob who would have known that eight years Ten months of planning and thousands of
on they would be happily married husbands. dollars later, the two were Civil-Unionised
with a 95-guest ceremony in the same spot
He was one of the few people I met who on the beach that Vinnie had proposed,
had credit to text me back, jokes Vinnie, followed by a reception at the Ponsonbys
who admits, Though neither of us were Old Fire Station on Williamson Avenue.
looking for anything serious, we were seriously
dating within about a week. When you least As Louisa Walls Marriage Equality bill made it
expect things, wonderful things happen. into parliament, Rob and Vinnie put forward
passionate submissions including a deeply
When they met for the first time on the personal oral submission, where Vinnie spoke
second of January, Rob was impressed that of some of the horrendous scars inequality
when talking about his children (a son and had given members of our community.
a daughter, now respectively aged 12 and
14), Vinnie wasnt scared off. I learnt to trust When the bill passed Rob decided it was his
others with my babies as Vinnie became a turn to propose six years after the first proposal
part of their life, Rob tells us. and chose the lucky second (the same date
they met, proposed and civilly unionised on)
Sadly being a parent in a same-sex as the day to do it. Recruiting Robs best friend
relationship is still not easy, Rob describes an Tania to assist, he got her to call Vinnie to say
incident where his son was bullied because her car had broken down at Mission Bay and
of his two dads as, heartbreaking. All we she needed his help.
Or what about letting rip with your music and Highwic is open 10.30am-4.30pm on
light show in a marquee on the lawn? she says. Wednesdays to Sunday or by prior appointment.
As well as years of experience in weddings To book a time to talk with Christiane phone 09
and functions, Highwic staff are GLBTT friendly, 524 5729 or email [email protected].
professional and always up for a challenge.
Article | Oliver Hall
We love to make peoples dreams come
true. We offer heritage with a twist. Clients
can decorate Highwic to their hearts content,
provided they dont damage the original
A Moving Display
In 30, his second exhibition as Film Archive There was a joke, What does gay stand for? have a negative effect on the day-to-day lives
Curator-at-Large, Gareth Watkins reflects on Got AIDS Yet. Thats how many people saw it. of many people.
the history of HIV AIDS in New Zealand. It was one of my parents biggest fears of my
coming out Re-enforced in school when the In addition to the achieval footage, the New
The first death of a person in New Zealand with only mention of homosexuality was in health Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt has generously
an AIDS related illness was in 1984 when a young classes where we learnt about STIs and AIDS. allowed us to display five quilt panels, says
man returned from overseas to his home in New Watkins. These panels are living memorials
Plymouth. In 1986 a paper was published in the The exhibition is made up of seven screens; created by family, friends and groups to
New Zealand Medical Journal that described each randomly displaying themed sequences: acknowledge those that have passed. It is
the first 11 patients with AIDS to be treated at remembrance, media coverage, artistic responses, incredibly special to have them with us for the
Auckland Hospital. Over half died within 13 stigma, self-esteem, treatment, prevention and duration of the exhibition.
months of diagnosis. All were homosexual males, individuals and communities affected.
aged between 28 and 43. 30 opens 6.30pm Tuesday 15 April at the New
I thought it was particularly important to have Zealand Film Archieve, 84 Taranaki St, Te Aro,
The exhibitions title not only marks the 30th a sequence relating to self-esteem; as this is Wellington, with a screening of 30 significant HIV
anniversary of the first death in New Zealand, still a factor in risk-taking behaviours. A sense of AIDS moments from the Film Archive collection,
but it also highlights the age group that many of worthlessness and isolation are feelings shared followed by a reception. 30 will be exhibited until
these gay men were in, when they passed away. by many marginalised people. The Hero Festival, Saturday 14 June.
established by Rex Halliday in the early 1990s,
I didnt come out until the early 1990s and so began to tackle these issues within rainbow Article | Oliver Hall. Photo | Curator Gareth
this exhibition helps me understand some of our communities. Watkins beside Kevin Todds panel (1954-1998),
shared history, says Watkins. Shared in that artist Welby Ings, New Zealand AIDS Memorial
when I was going through high school, AIDS and It was also important to highlight the stigma Quilt. Panels from the quilt will feature in the 30
homosexuality were [though to be] intertwined. surrounding HIV AIDS and how that continues to exhibition, alongside film footage.
Taylor Momsen
Tayor is the reason we all love a
good girl gone bad. The 20 year
old started her career as a movie
actress, before becoming Jenny
Humphrey on the bitchy series
Gossip Girl. Jump forward five years,
Taylor has left acting behind and
become a fully-fledged member
of the church of rock and roll. Her
band, The Pretty Reckless have
just released their second album
Going To Hell. Having toured with
the likes of Marilyn Manson and
Evanescence, Taylor can rock out
with the best of them. Her rocknroll
looks have also scored her gigs as
the face of Galliano, UK high-street
staple New Look and Madonnas
Material Girl fashion line. Now guess
where that crucifix ends?
Hawaiian Party
Fri 14 March. Photos | Evan Donnelly
19 year old Indira Force has also
had the honour of opening for
Lorde, as lead singer of electronic-
trip band Doprah. Not content
with dominating alternative radio
charts with the band, her solo work
sees her collaborate with NZ music
darling, Lorde-producer Joel Little.
Two musical projects, both going
places very fast.
Young Hellions
As ex-Cat Venom band-mate Zowie
fades from the pop-music scene, her
former band-mate, Maeve Munro
steps into the spotlight with her solo
Randa project, Young Hellions. Blessed with
He played Big Day Out earlier this year, has been nominated for a VNZMA solid reviews (from infamous website
for his video Frankenstein (produced by fantastic beat-maker Totems) and The Corner, no less) and songs
seems to be the cause celebre regarding raps no longer having lengthy getting to apathy-inducing levels of
verses! Trans rapper Randas rhymes allude to pop culture, specifically the rotation on alternative radio, her self-
nineties which conjure up more nostalgia than seeing a boxed set of Friends titled EP is out now through MUZAI
at a car boot sale. Check out his latest releases Cosby Kid and Dan Aux Records. http://www.facebook.
collaboration Kelly Bundy. com/younghellions
32 | April 2014 |
g ay
o z
o. | April 2014 | 33
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Fri 21 March. Photos | Evan Donnelly
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Themes to look forward to in the next