Water: Fashion, Film + DVD, Travel
Water: Fashion, Film + DVD, Travel
Water: Fashion, Film + DVD, Travel
9 7 7 1 7 42 3 0 3 0 0 1
ISSN 1742-3030
Way to go...
N , F IL M + D V D , T R A V E L
Evokateur is a collaboration between
the inventive, electronic soundscapes
of a Mexican boy and the self-assured
vocals and discerning craft of an
English girl, holding your attention with
curiosity as you delve into the depths
of their natural chemistry. They are a
WHO IS MR. GAY EUROPE? BALLET dark, enigmatic electro pop duo who
are set to unleash their hot electronic
The Mr. Gay Europe Pageant is much
more than a beauty contest. The
has a basic innate charm and
INCREDIBLE gem Wolf Girl. This highly addictive
single is bold, sexy and powerful.
young man selected will be “more Although based on aggressive synth
Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe release
than just a pretty face and a nice is special, but real sounds and syncopated beats, the song
the music for their first ever full-
body”. While physical beauty will be is classy and seductively catchy due
length ballet, The Most Incredible
part of the judges’ considerations, has poise and seems secure with to Sarah Villaraus’s sultry vocals and
Thing this month. The ballet is a
it is a young man’s “inner beauty” himself, without coming across as irresistible hooks.
collaboration with choreographer
that will make the difference in arrogant Javier De Frutos and Britain’s
the selection. During the stage Wolf Girl is set for release on 14th
leading dance theatre, Sadler’s
competitions and particularly in the could be the young man a company March. It will come accompanied
Wells. Based on the Hans Christian
personal interviews, the jury will would like to be their representative by a radio edit and an alternative
Anderson story of the same title,
focus on a young man who: industrial remix by legends Gary
it runs at Sadler’s Wells in London
can be an ambassador of goodwill Numan and Ade Fenton.
from 17th -26th March.
shows an interest in the world and
people around him is the quintessential young man....
and a bit more.
Tennant and Lowe ADAM
proposed Andersen’s
displays patience, has a sympathetic
and considerate nature There is a web vote to select one of
story as the basis
for a new ballet to
the 17 contestants as the ‘People’s Sadler’s Wells in American Superstar Adam Lambert
will not be frightened by change, Choice’ to find out more about this London in 2007 after a friend, the then announces plans to release Glam Nation
or things and people different from his contest: Royal Ballet principal, Ivan Putrov, Live a CD/DVD, shot in Indianapolis,
own frame of reference, experience or asked Neil Tennant if Pet Shop Boys Indiana. It features 12 tracks plus
cultural background Mr Gay Europe would consider writing a piece of music a bonus cut and includes some of
13-17 April – Brasov, Rumania for him to dance to at Sadler’s Wells. Lambert’s most beloved performances
can articulate his thoughts and Coincidentally a couple of days later, such as “Ring of Fire”, “If I Had
conduct an intelligent conversation http://mrgayeurope.net Chris Lowe suggested to Neil Tennant You” and the Grammy nominated
that “The Most Incredible Thing” “Whataya Want From Me”. Although
FRISKY & MANNISH ON TOUR would make an excellent narrative
for a ballet and, inspired by this
the UK has been slow to latch on to
the force that is American Idol’s only
Following another smash-hit, sell-out POP, as sharp-witted music theorists synchronicity, they approached Sadler’s true superstar, we here at Bent think
Edinburgh Festival run, international Frisky & Mannish educate you on the Wells with the project. Subsequently that if you haven’t yet succumbed to
performances at the Sydney Opera finer details of pop-parody. Comedy- Javier De Frutos was invited to be the man’s talents then this may well
House and Melbourne Comedy music double act Lady Fitz Frisky the choreographer and director. The be a brilliant way of getting onboard
Festival, and a show stopping West- and Hansel Amadeus Mannish delight story is about a competition in a to experience the power and virtuosity
End debut, Frisky & Mannish take crowds with another instalment of mythical kingdom where the King of the Lambert voice.
the second instalment of their pop- flamboyant pop posturing and music- announces that whoever invents the
parody trilogy; The College Years on mash-ups, as they pay homage to some most incredible thing will win the hand Out: 22nd March - 19 Recordings /
a stereophonic tour of the UK from of pop history’s greatest contributors. of the Princess in marriage and half of RCA Records
April. the Kingdom. What follows is creative, www.adamofficial.com
www.friskyandmannish.co.uk destructive but ultimately happy.
Dust off your mortarboard and prepare
yourself to graduate with a diploma in Neil & Chris said: “This is a very
exciting project to be part of. In the
past we have written dance music so
to write music for a ballet seems like
a logical development. Also we have
always been fascinated by giving our
music a theatrical context.”
Fashion / Page 30
MARCH 2011
DVD + Film / Page 46 ISSUE 146
Publisher Photo Editor
Terry George Mark Hawkins,
[email protected]
Gordon Hopps IT Support
08712 246 511 Chris Chrisostomou
[email protected]
Finance Director
Advertising Director Ian Ellis
Darrell Hirst
08712 246 529 Accounts
[email protected] Louise Lee
08712 246 516
Travel / Page 50 Features Editor [email protected]
Adam Lowe
[email protected] Publishing Director
Michael Rothwell
London Editor
Simon Savidge Astrologer
[email protected] Philip Garcia
Designer Cover
Stephen Lubbock Chris Bailey
[email protected] www.terrygeorge.co.uk
Water / Page 36
Contributors: Beyonce, Lee Hudson, Chris Amos, Jason Guy,
Johan Volny, Les Lea, Darrell Hirst, Terry George, Adam Lowe,
Alex Wiggan, Adrian Gillan, Pedro Caiado.
My partner and I have just celebrated our 34th So, going along with PM David Cameron’s idea of
anniversary together and we’ve been ‘married’ for ‘The Big Society’, what are you going to volunteer to
five years. The news about the length of time we’ve do? Perhaps a stint on your local gay switchboard? Distribution and Availability Bent Ltd.
been co-habiting has garnered such responses as Visiting AIDS suffers in hospital? Perhaps support a 08712 246 529 APN House,
“Thirty-four years… that’s like 100 straight years charity in its fundraising endeavours? I suspect that Leeds
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person for so long?” “Bloody hell… do you hold Society’ isn’t going to make you do so because, and Tel: 08712 246 511
the gay world record…?” Also there was one who here’s a surprise for Cameron and his chums, people SUBSCRIPTION Fax: 08701 222 666
was simply stunned at the news, which literally left have been volunteering and helping out for years, Tel: 08712 246 529
him speechless and he departed shaking his head in without a stupid and patronising edict from central Web: mag.bent.com
disbelief. Then there are those who think we have the government. Only now with all the cuts, it will be Basic annual rate:
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UK £36.00
hang on to you hats as this might be a revelation. We least able to help themselves, will be left helpless… a
quite like each other, we’re comfortable with each great 19th Century tradition is making a comeback… International Call: 29 March
other’s noises and silences and we laugh nearly all the like rickets. +44 113 3449529
time… and not just at somebody else’s misfortune.
As Jim Royle would say: © Copyright, Bent Ltd. 2011. No Part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in an electronic or other retrievable system, or transmitted by any form or by any
I saw a headline recently that said: ‘Kylie Minogue “The Big Society… my arse.” means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise without the
Credits Good Underwear As The Secret To Her Sexiness’ prior permission of the publisher. Advertisers are reminded of their obligations under
photo: BBC the 1984 Trade Protection Act. Advertisers are responsible for the content of their
and I have to agree… there is nothing that makes me copy under the terms of the Act. The appearance or mention of any establishment,
product, individual or organisation within this publication, should not be taken as an
feel more sexy and up for a day of typing than knowing endorsement by the publishers of the same unless otherwise stated. The appearance,
that the little strip of material is keeping everything mention or likeness of any individual or organisation within this magazine should not
be construed as an indication of either the sexual preference or political persuasion
comfortably in its place. What makes it even better is of the same, unless otherwise stated. Contributions are welcomed on the under-
standing that any unsolicited manuscripts that they may be published without further
thinking about the little sweetie who got me them in correspondence, with a fee (if applicable) paid at standard rates as specified by
Bent Ltd. Work cannot be returned to the author unless agreed by the publisher.
the first place… and that brings an extra stimulus that
makes the day simply fly by. A product of a sustainable resource
We’ll help to keep your car on the road and you can be
assured that the price you pay will be the right one.
The Co-operative Motor Group, supporting communities.
‘Like’ us on Facebook
The theme of this year’s Manchester line-up of UK events including Pride
Pride parade ‘Best of British’ London and Brighton Pride. Kicking off her latestatest world
orld tour
our in
was selected from hundreds of February and arriving
arriv g in Manchester
anche for
five dates in April,
pril, Kylie
K ie mania
ma a is about
a to
suggestions made in a recent poll on Vicken Couligian, chair of Manchester
take over Poptastic…
the Pride website. Pride, said: “We’re absolutely
overwhelmed to have won this award In celebration
ation of Miss Minogue’s
M nogue 12th concert ertt h d
alike to rub shoulders, h
blow their d
Organisers are encouraging parade for the fifth time in as many years. It’s tour, Poptastic
astic are
e hold
holdingg two extra special
ial loans or pension and drink the night away.
participants to think outside the box a credit to everybody involved with the club
b nig
nights at Th
The Birdc
Birdcage, Manchester. Her er
hits have beeneen gracing
acing the dance floor for or Hailed as Kylietastic, this is a high camp, no
and be as creative as possible bearing festival from the organisers, volunteers nonsense celebration of everything Kylie. The
in mind the diversity of British society and sponsors to everyone who came s, but now
years, ow is the chance
chan to come together er
and enjoy Poptastic’s
optast O e
Official tribute to Kylie word is out we will have you spinning around
and culture. to enjoy the event. I’d like to take this wwith this step back in time and could be
thr ghout the
throughout e dec
opportunity to pay a special thanks to sshocked that you stayed until the early hours.
From fashion (Vivienne Westwood, all Pink Paper readers who voted for The nights
ghts are set to give concert goers the e
Alexander McQueen) and sport (Louis us and to everybody who helped make perf
perfect afte
after party to Kylie’s Aphrodite: Les K
Kylietastic - Monday 4th April, & Tuesday
5th April.
Hamilton, David Beckham, Amir Khan), last year’s Pride another success - we Folie our. With
Folies tour. W fans coming from all over
to music (The Beatles, The Spice Girls, couldn’t have done it without their he co
the try aand with nowhere better to head
ut to afterwards, the event is to be held only
out Ve
Venue: The Birdcage, Whithy Grove, The
Queen) and film (Charlie Chaplin, Harry support. We hope you will join us Ar
Arndale, Manchester.
a stone
stone’s throw away from the M.E.N arena.
Potter) there is a wealth of ideas to this summer to celebrate our 21st
choose from, and a number of different anniversary.” The perfect alternative gay night, Poptastic Do
Doors Open: 10pm
ways in which to celebrate British iis the place to be for hipsters and pop queens Tic
Tickets: Pay on the door.
culture. Manchester Pride is the city’s annual
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
Meanwhile, Manchester Pride 2010 has (LGBT) festival. This year’s event
been voted the ‘Best Festival or Pride takes place from 19th –29th August
Event’ by readers of the Pink Paper - and since 2003 has raised £895,000
Britain’s national gay news portal - for for local LGBT and HIV charities and
the fifth year running. groups.
The readers of Pink Paper voted for
Manchester Pride amongst a strong
Vintage Playing Cards has created £39 - A4 Frames (327 mm x 240 mm)
the perfect wedding gift with a range – words of up to five letters can be
of letter frames that have been hand personalised eg LOVE, KISS
crafted especially to celebrate the
special day. The letter frames contain
individual cards sourced from a 1930’s
spelling game which are put together
to spell words of endearment including
Love, Lust, Kiss & Cherish as well as
Mr and Mr. Or for a personal message
of celebration you can spell out a unique
message that means something special £49 - Large Frames ( 508 mm x 203
to the happy couple. The cards are then mm) - words of up to ten letters can be
double-mounted with cream and black, personalised e.g. Sweetheart, Cherish
into a stylish wood box frame.
To check out other ideas:
Poptastic’s 15th Birthday
irthd – C
Circuss Dee event is celebrating this impressive milestone
ICON’ Poptastique
Special Guest PA – BOY
with an equally impressive venue: The Ritz,
Eeek, and eeeek again, lil ol’ Britney thought Madonna should have won.
vers and
Lady lovers a d gentlemen,
gen men, boys and gays!
ys! A night of fun and debauchery, it is the perfect
has been voted as the “Greatest Gay However, until Madge brings out a new Welcome e to Cirque
que d
du Popt
Poptastic! opportunity to dress up in your best clown
Icon Of All Time”. album, or appears on Glee… Britney clobber, have a dance, get trashed and show
Rules. optas has never
Poptastic ver b way
been one to shy awayay appreciation to one of the longest running
With 31% of the votes she came in well fromom a goodood themed
t med night and this year eaar gay nights in the country. Remember, we
d erent We’re pulling out all the
is no different! he will be transforming The Ritz into a circus
ahead of her nearest rival Madonna Who do you think is the “Greatest Gay
sstopsps an
and unle
unleashing some of the best est
st of delights, so don’t be shy to show boys your
who could only garner 25%... Lady Icon Of All Time” and why? eentertainers
rtain s arou ng
around to give clubbers young g talent. This looks like being a busy one so get
Gaga got 22%. Now before you get an th night they deserve. Expect fi
and old the firee
re your ticket early!
your knickers in a twist about the Send you thoughts to: blo ers, sstilt walkers and a huge live PA
blowers, A
injustice of all this… it was a poll run [email protected] fro
from the o one and only BOY GEORGE! So roll up and prepare yourself for the only
birthday worth celebrating this year.
by the Orange County Equality Project
Born as a one-off event, it has become onene
in the USofA and even the organisers of the most popular alternative gay clubbing
g Circus De Poptastique When:Tuesday
exper rs
experiences in the country. Now, after years 12th April
EST of partying and thousands of pop hungryy
queens and indie kids passing through itss W
Where: The Ritz, Manchester
After a years hiatus Mr Eagle returns ns
this month to Eagle London with th
the biggest and best bloke beauty bea y
competition of 2011! It is alll abo aboutt
the men this year, we like ‘em rough rou
around the edges with a tw twinkle
kle in
the eye, masculine realness ss and
an butch
hem ves’
appeal but not afraid to be ‘themselves’.
Sound like you? Fancy ncy a chance
cha e of
winning a tasty £1000 0 cash
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holding the title
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Then don’t delay,y, apply
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on e today!
FREE entry B4 11pm
11pm, £5 aafter. r.
Heat 1 – 12th
2th M
Heat 2 – 19th
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Grand Fin
Final – 26
26th Ma
Appl onlin
Apply online at:
www. aglel don
On 13th March at 3.00 pm, Sheffield Eagles’ first Red Nose Day is Friday 18th March –
home game of the season, the team will be walking BBC TV
onto the pitch wearing a kit carrying the message
‘HOMOPHOBIA – TACKLE IT’ sponsored by LGBT £14.99 Chari-tees fromTK Maxx and
History Month and Pride Sports. The team will also www.rednoseday.com/shop
be presented with the Pride Sports Challenge Cup,
a trophy that will recognise, annually, Rugby League
teams which support LGBT History Month. Sheffield
Eagles RLFC are the first professional sports club in
the UK to make a public stand against homophobia in
sport. The team are not just wearing the kit, however,
they have supported a number of LGBT History The 24-inch Packard Bell Maestro White 240 LED
Month events, travelling across the country to show features a 16:9 widescreen display and is ideal to use
their commitment to dealing with this issue. For as a PC monitor, but is also capable of displaying HD
those of you who fancy a more ‘hands on’ experience, video content from HD devices such as Blu-ray™ disc
there will also be a fun touch rugby event before the players, HD camcorders and TV-sets thanks to the DVI
game run by Sheffield Eagles coaches, which is free port. Full HD 1920 x 1080 resolution presents vibrant,
to anyone attending the match in the afternoon. So highly detailed visuals for extremely enjoyable movies,
there’s a chance to give it a go before you watch the
professionals at work. LA RONDE videos and games. With up to 12,000,000:1 dynamic
contrast, smooth flicker-free images, VGA and DVI
All aboard the sexual merry-go-round at La Ronde, with HDCP connectivity, this is just stylishly perfect
Join us, help fill Bramall Lane Stadium in Sheffield for multimedia enjoyment.
the gay bar where anyone can have anyone - and
on 13 March 2011 and enjoy some great rugby
frequently does. Will they be happy? - Sometimes.
league! Availability and prices vary according to country.
Will they find love? - Maybe. Is it a laugh? – You
Tickets can be ordered for this game, from the
bet! Homo Promos presents a sparkling, tuneful
Sheffield United box office telephone:
new musical inspired by the classic Arthur
Schnitzler play, Reigen.
08719 951889
Replica shirts can be purchased from:
This La Ronde is set in the gay bar of a small English
city in the mid 1990s, and in the bedrooms of the
various principals. As the only gay bar in town, all
kinds of people have to mingle at La Ronde. And
explore their most intimate desires here too. 8
serial encounters in all that are presided over by the
Barman, the man who has seen it all before, and two
Bar Flies, who provide the comic commentary.
Mondays at Cruz 101 have always been a
good excuse for a night out and with the
continued success of our Disco Inferno
Featuring series we have some fantastic
CINDERELLA events for you in March.
Over the next few weeks you can catch me playing at Freakshow in Manchester
at Sub101 (www.clubfreakshow) and at the most anticipated club event in
Manchester for ages – the relaunch of Federation Manchester as it moves to
the world’s Number 1 Club as voted by Mixmag readers – Sankeys! As usual,
you can download my monthly podcast - simply search for ‘Jason Guy’ in iTunes
or download directly from www.jasonguy.podomatic.com.If you’d like to see
your track, club, or event featured here, contact me at [email protected].
Blanc Burn
7th March
21st March
Gay, bisexual, ambiguous… call him instruments that included junk-shop
what you will but this month sees Patrick organs and a home-built theremin. Elysium III are doing the easy thing and
Wolf take to the road to promote his He’s been in a pop collective (all very following Glee in copying—sorry, reworking—
latest single and up and coming album. noble) and one half of a noisy duo popular rock songs from the past few decades.
The enigmatic Wolf mixes electronics called Maison Crimineaux with his Rainbow’s ‘Since You’ve Been Gone’, Boston’s
and samples with a wide range of friend Fanny. There is still a touch of ‘More Than a Feeling’ and Bad Company’s ‘Feel
instruments including viola, keyboards, the strange about an appearance by Mr Like Makin’ Love’ all get the same makeover
ukulele, and percussion, all of which he Wolf but you should make the effort if we’ve seen time and time again over the years.
plays himself to form a fusion of jazz, he’s in your neighbourhood. I’m generally not amused by cover albums unless
folk and electronic music. they really take things in new directions—but
The new single “The City” is out on even the ‘new direction’ thing seems gimmicky
He began experimenting with sound 14th March and I wish people would just write new songs.
and four-track recording at the age of www.patrickwolf.com Next!
11, eventually building an arsenal of
The Bird and the Beat
7th March
Ironik has certainly upped his game as he OUT WITH THE FREAKS…
comes in with a heavily stringed and nicely
arranged single featuring British soulster Freakshow continue to pack them in each and For more info, photos, videos and DJ
every Saturday night to their new home Sub downloads go www.clubfreakshow.com or join
McLean. Ironik says that it is musically a
(Next Cruz101). Bringing their inimitable the official Freakshow group on facebook.
more complex song than his past efforts upfront soundtrack of chunky, fierce and tuff
but it really kicks off with the haunting house from Djs Nik Denton, Jason Guy, Gregg Freakshow
melody refrain of the title from McLean. Holden, Lee Yeomans, Psyche, Lawrence
Should be a huge hit and will touch many Clark & Andy Mac plus full Freakshow
Cla Each & Every Saturday
listeners. A touch of class! production, lasers and gilitter to make Sub 11pm until 5am
the most underground clubbing space in the
gay village. Add to this the most up-for-it @ Sub101 Princess Street, (Next to Cruz
crowd of clubbers and you truly get the only 101, please use Sub’s door to the left of
Boadicea show in town. the Cruz101’s main door)
21st March
Lay Your Love
7th March
into the boutique shop where he’s just
got a job as floor manager. Whatever.
It will happen. And it’ll happen sooner
rather than later (and then will happen driving past his house/work/local haunt. The WMC is the hottest date in star line-features Laidback Luke,
again). It’s getting really creepy now. the party calendar - a weeklong Michael Woods, Afrojack & Bobby
festival spread around South Burns, Kim Fai, 2000 And One,
Here are my tips for surviving the
inevitable run in with the ex: DON’T
be Scott Pilgrim’s girlfriend. Or Scott
Beach and downtown Miami with
most of Miami’s famous clubs,
such as Space, Cameo, Mansion,
Marc Romboy & Stephan Bodzin,
Joris Voorn, Kaiserdisco & Flavio
Diaz to name but a few, least not
ALWAYS dress as if you expect to see Ink, Twilo and Opium Garden forgetting Miami’s newest party
him. If you always assume he’ll pop Pilgrim, for that matter. playing host. The week culminates scene Dubstep.
up wherever you go—even if it’s just in the Ultra Music Festival, held
Waitrose—you’ll dress to kill. And then in Bicentennial Park, which is the Out: 14th March – Ministry of
if he sees you, then he’ll be reminded of single largest electronic music Sound
how fabulous you are. carry mace. Or a taser. Or a Hattori concert in the U.S. Hundreds of
Hanzo samurai sword. You never know DJs play for 14 hours in front of To be in with a chance to win a
DO surround yourself with beautiful when that irritating ex will need to be 50,000 people. copy of this fantastic 3CD set, just
boys. It always gets their goat. If you put down. Or when you’ll need to battle answer this simple question:
can’t find several sexy young boys to ninja vampires from outer space for the Underground Miami celebrates this Miami’s South Beach is known locally
gyrate against your thighs wherever last XS vest in H&M. year’s WMC with a sensational hot as – a. SoWi, b. SoBe, c. SoMe?
you go, find at least one. If you’re mix across 3CD’s. This year’s all
particularly ugly you may need to invest So bear these tips in mind and you
in an escort for the occasions when you should be fully equipped for dealing Turn to page
leave the house. Ring Juan. Tell him I
sent you.
with the hex of the vexed ex. Stray
from them at your own peril. WIN THESE! 62 for details
Copyright 2010 © Terrence Higgins Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (reg. no. 288527)
Company reg. no. 1778149 and a registered charity in Scotland (reg. no. SC039986)
GAY FILM FESTIVAL delight. Get to the Viaduct early to claim your spot…
it’s going to be a very busy evening.
With the sexiest bar-boys in the city, the
The 25th BFI London Lesbian and by the Festival programmers on 3 week kicks off on a Monday with the
Gay Film Festival will run from 31 March at BFI Southbank. Kandyfloss Boys, Kyle, Jack, Chris and
March to 6 April 2011. Rob stripped to the minimum… teasing
BFI Members will receive priority with treats galore and special drinks offers
The Festival will showcase a booking from 11 March and Public starting at just a £1.
broad programme of the best new booking opens on 18 March – www.
international queer cinema, alongside bfi.org.uk/join Photos: Darrell Hirst
highlights from the past 25 years,
shorts programmes and special events. Visit www.bfi.org.uk/llgff for
There will also be Education events further info and details on how
and experimental artist film and video. to book, or follow us on Facebook
and twitter.
There will be a special preview of the
LLGFF line-up with an introduction
You know we are heading towards DJ’s include Stuart Robinson, Christian
summer when Fibre and Queens Appleby, Nick Myers, John Marshall,
Court announce the start of their Nick Smith and Alex Kirkham from
Leeds is the 3rd largest city in the UK the city centre to Armley, where the
huge alfresco parties ‘The Courtyard Fibre plus Mickey Nelson and Glen
according to population, economic large and inviting Steam Sauna has
Parties’ which run on various dates Battensby from Queens Court. All the
importance and size of urban area. a continuing programme of special
throughout the summer. The first of usual production of sound, light, lasers
There’s a huge student population and events. According to police figures, the
these huge events takes place in the and decor add the finishing touches for
perhaps most notable for a city this gay quarter is one of the safest places
courtyard between Fibre and Queens what some people class as the highlight
size, a centre that is compact and easy in the city with regular patrols and a
Court on Easter Sunday 24th April in the Leeds clubbing calendar. The
to negotiate.Visitors always marvel at LGBT liaison officer to help with any
from 2pm-Midnight and if past years event dates are every bank holiday
how much Leeds has to offer and just related problems should they arise.
are anything to go by, expect to see Sunday so Easter Sunday 24th April,
how accessible and shopper friendly
at least another 2000 people there Sunday 1st May, Sunday 29th May and
the place is. The rejuvenated arcades One of the country’s top chefs Marco
with you! Sunday 28th August.
boast an incredible array of trendy, Pierre-White is from Leeds and his
label and boutique outlets and a ‘café legacy has meant the centre and
Each event has a happy hour from 2pm- For more details:
culture’ that seems to have taken off its surroundings boast a welter of
4pm where all drinks at all bars in both
big time in recent years. excellent restaurants, with a fantastic
venues are just £2.50 and admission www.barfibre.com
cross-section of culinary styles and
is just £3 if you get in before 7pm or www.queenscourtleeds.com
For the gay visitor Leeds has bars delicious food.
£5 after.
and clubs to suit just about everyone’s
taste. The oldest gay bar in Leeds, The This year on the 7th August Leeds hosts
New Penny, still has its army of loyal its 6th annual Pride, which kicks off in
followers, while less than a stone’s the afternoon in Millennium Square
through away the rest of the vibrant with a huge concert featuring big name
scene flourishes. The Bridge, Blayds, stars and local celebrities. Later, the
The Viaduct Showbar, Bar Fibre and party continues down in Lower Briggate
the ever present Queens Court are where the streets are cordoned off and,
situated at the bottom end of Lower according to 2010 figures, over 30,000
Briggate giving the city its own ‘gay people paid the event a visit.
quarter’. Also situated in this area
is the main club Mission and one of Leeds has a thriving gay scene and
the two gay saunas, Basement, which is justifiably proud that although the
is sandwiched between the Mission venues décor may change, the gay
complex. For the other sauna you’ll visitor is made more than welcome.
need to travel a couple of miles out of
Neon brights from HOM’s SS11 range of designer
men’s underwear. This Brooklyn Low Waist Maxi is
available in lime green with pink trim or vivid violet
with neon green. Each boxer brief hugs the body in
fantastically soft cotton rich fabric
When is watch not a watch but a lively, colourful,
fashionable piece of wrist candy for the technarati
who just love something different? Tokyoflash has a
simple philosophy; to design and create cutting edge
products unlike anything seen before… and it’s true,
these magnificent, if confusing, timepieces will have
everyone agog and desperate to know where you got
it. New, hip and clever items are constantly being
added to the range so log on and check these little
mothers out asap… you don’t really want to be the last
to have one… do you?
WATCH AND RUN www.sinstarclothing.co.uk
The Nike+ SportWatch GPS is designed to be simple
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SportWatch GPS captures location information The Spring ’11 Lyle & Scott Vintage collection
while showing runners their time, distance, pace, and illustrates a brand that successfully combines catwalk
calories burned on an easy-to-read screen featuring trends and contemporary street subculture, whilst
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receiver works in tandem with the shoe-based Nike+ it is today. Inspiration is taken from the 80’s Italian
Sensor to deliver highly accurate pace and distance Paninaro movement and the Vintage fit as always is
data. The new running watch, released in the UK in slim and sharp. The feel is super-confident and the
April. Thanks to its unique functionality, beautiful colour palette strong and bold.
design, and direct connection to www.nikeplus.com,
the world’s leading running community with almost 4 Vintage check shirt, £75
million members. Vintage chinos, £80
Vintage kit bag, £60
Following a successful launch into the UK underwear market,
Oiler & Boiler is to launch a range of men’s swimwear,
hitting stores in April.
on (or should that be jumping in) one, showing the assembled faces
the onesies bandwagon but I just how ‘with-the-times’ I really am…
want to say, I had the idea first. no I’d keep it for my own personal,
I’ve loved the idea of slipping and not public, romping moments.
into a fleecy fabric and covering
my entire body in its welcoming I didn’t know about the zippered
comfort for many years but never Onepiece ™ until I was in Holland
really knew where to look for a few weeks ago and saw a guy
such an item of clothing. Now, (who I suspect was in his early 20s)
Norwegian company Onepiece walking down the street wearing
™ has got every pop star, film one. My mouth fell open, and not
star, sporting celeb and wannabe just because he was really quite
modelling the very latest in geeky cute, and in such a colourful fleecy
comfort, I feel I’ve missed out on a ensemble it is almost impossible to
Dragon’s Den opportunity all those look anything but cute, it was the
years ago. exact item I had been searching for
all these years. I stopped him and
Of course George Dawes wore a big asked where he had bought such a
baby romper suit on TV’s Shooting splendid garment and he pointed to
Stars, so similar items have been the label. Eureka! No that wasn’t
seen but it was just not quite what the label it was the moment when
I was searching for. Perhaps, as the world made sense and I knew
a little tyke, I might have had a I could track the firm down via the
version of one myself, although I internet. Can you imagine my horror
don’t remember such an event if I when I found out that everyone was
did. Friends have bought me one- wearing one? My original concept
piece pyjamas with feet and a button stolen, and even worse, had become
down flap at the seat, and although the very item that everyone wanted
these were very nice, I knew there over Christmas; the one item that
just had to be something more, well, looks perfect indoors and out… all
substantial out there… but where? zippered in to keep you all snugly
and warm. I could have said “Bah
I’m sure there will be people who Humbug” but instead I put in my
think its all about regressing back to order and joined the happy throng of
my childhood but it isn’t - I’m almost fleecy, cosy-comfort wannabes.
certain I don’t want to look like an
ageing Teletubby… and I definitely If you’re thinking of ordering one of
don’t want to live in LaLaland. these and want to save yourself £20
However, there is something very then go to the One Piece website and
reassuring about the look, and the enter this discount code:
fact that X Factor’s One Direction
the world? actors haven’t come out, despite family, friends and supporters from
constant suggestions that half of Tinsel around the UK will be descending
Think about it; every year the BBC Town are fans of show tunes. There’s on Leeds for the weekend.
broadcasts the Sports Personality clearly an argument about being true
of the Year, where all the big names to one’s sexuality and standing proud Yorkshire Terriers FC have been
from the world of sport turn up to hob for gay rights in sports, but every guy’s hosting the 5 a side tournament
TIME knob with the likes of David Beckham, situation is different and it’s their life annually for 14 years and what started
Jenson Button and Phil Tufnell; yet no at the end of the day and their choice. out as a small, friendly tournament
one ever seems to talk about all the between a few friends from the Gay
gay men in sport. Most people are So it might seem as if finding a gay Football Supporters Network (GFSN)
now familiar with rugby player and sportsman in the industry is like trying has become one of the highlights in the
By Alex Wiggan gay football calendar, attracting record
openly gay sportsman Gareth Thomas, to find a pair of mating toucans hidden
who has pretty much become the in a Magic Eye picture, but it’s often numbers to Leeds year on year.
poster boy for homos in the game, but just a case of readjusting to what
with fit lads up and down the country you’re looking at in order to see the “It really is fantastic how much
preparing themselves for a scrum-half, bigger scene. There are many gay support we get each year for this
statistically speaking there’s got to football teams up and down the country, tournament.” said Robert Graham,
be quite a few gays out on the field; that may not be world famous but do Chair of Yorkshire Terriers FC. “We
hasn’t there? It can’t possibly be the exactly what the big leaguers can’t have never had to turn teams away yet
case that all the gays decided against a seem to do, which is basically be open but this year we really are reaching
career in sport because of being made about gay men playing football. Just the limits of how many we can host. As
to do double PE on a wet Wednesday take the Village Manchester Football the GFSN football league has grown
morning or forced to wear an un Club, one the North West’s gay football so has the number of teams wanting
flattering shorts and polo shirt combo teams. The club is actually split into to come to Leeds, experience the bars
for the cross-country, it’s more likely two teams with one of the teams and clubs and then enjoy a full day
that none have decided to step forward playing in the Manchester Accountants of football on the Sunday. Last year’s
and announce their off-the-pitch ball Sunday League. Yep, real-life gays, winners, Nottingham Ball Bois, are
control because of fear. playing real-life football! Then there’s back to defend the trophy but it really
the London Titan’s Football Club, could be anyone’s tournament.”
One of the big problems seems to be which if you hadn’t guessed, is a gay
the nature of the sporting industry in football club in London and they’ve The weekend kicks off, as always, on
general, where the best of the best even played football in other countries! the Saturday night, when teams will
compete to be the ultimate champions. Oh and it’s not just football, the gays be welcomed to The Loft Bar from
On the outside it’s a very macho (and bisexuals) are even taking over 7:30 until 11:00, the cup draw will
environment and so coming out and rugby games, just look out for the take place at about 10:00, before
announcing you’d prefer sequins on Kings Cross Steelers RFC, who have continuing the night’s merriment
your shorts would be seen by some, as been chasing each other around a field around the various bars Leeds has to
being a weakness. Just listen to the for years! There are gay swimming offer.
jibes, put downs and chants that most and badminton teams, gay sailing and
footballers are subjected to every marathon running enthusiasts, boxers Matches on the Sunday are scheduled
Saturday and it’s easy to see why none and gay grapplers fighting it out in the to start early and continue up until
of them sprout handlebar moustaches ring. There are plenty of gays out there almost 5. Afterwards our sponsors
and suggest playing Diana Ross tunes just ‘Doing It’ (to paraphrase a sports The Viaduct Show Bar will be hosting
during halftime. It’s surprising really company motto) and, if you want, you the awards ceremony and closing the
when you think about it, as after all can join them. So there may not be event.
didn’t the Olympians of Ancient Greece lots of sports stars rushing to announce
get all sweaty rolling around together their sexuality, but that doesn’t mean Everything is set for another fantastic
in the dirt? Surely that was more gay that no one is flying the flag for gay weekend and we welcome anyone
than a night of cocktails and dancing sporting heroes. Often it’s a game of interested to come along and join in
with Cilla Black?! It’s a tricky situation two halves, so if no one has stepped up the fun.
because most guys at some point have to the plate just yet, it doesn’t mean
felt uncomfortable when coming out, they won’t in time. www.terriersfc.co.uk
When it comes to scuba diving, Bond has the right idea.
Who wants to waste their energy swimming down into
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all the hard work? These handy gizmos have a built-in
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Amphibx Waterproof Armband for iPhone, iPod
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some with boys and girls but very few Also chat to us on Gaydar and Fitlads at
money’ Red with only boys… Yes. All you have to do is go to Google the same time. Look for “BLASTboys”.
and type in ‘child sex exploitation’ and We also run a drop-in for 18-25 year
Nose day I noticed in your publicity blurb it says there are loads of examples. Recently olds who are selling/exchanging sex and/
that you’ve spoken to over 8000 boys… there was the case of a postman down or working as escorts. Contact Phil, the
operation slip that seems quite a large number. south who via Facebook groomed young
lads, met them and forced them to have
project coordinator for further details.
[email protected]
into its hectic Yes, that is 8000 boys and young men in
secondary schools and educational youth
sex. Other cases are equally scary
and opportunistic... and you can’t get
or 07921 372896
settings in Leeds and Bradford. We go into away from it really. In terms of sexual If you would like to know how you can
fundraising schools and talk about sex exploitation, exploitation, for Blast, you’ve got to get involved with the BLAST Project
what it is, its different forms… think about the two groups involved. by becoming a volunteer please contact
mode. Those under 18 who are classed as Phil, the project coordinator on the
So it’s not 8000 lads looking for children who run the risk of being above number.
Comic Relief has a good reputation help… it’s you going on an outreach groomed and could or are being sex
of putting all the money it raises programme? exploited and the 18 and over who 1. National Working Group (NWG)
back into the communities where it is are being sexually exploited but who, A charity with a network of professionals
needed the most. Yes, it is us going out and delivering depending on their lifestyle, don’t see working with Child Sex Exploitation.
prevention group work to explain what it that way. For example: They are 01582 743026
One of the projects it helps fund is the Blast we’re about. escorting and are happy to swap the www.nationalworkinggroup.org/
Project, which is part of the Yorkshire sexual act for something else and don’t
MESMAC group of services, a charity How is that received in schools? see themselves as being sex exploited. 2. UK Network of Sex Work Projects
based in Leeds and Bradford supporting I think that’s because in this country A non-profit voluntary association of
boys and young men who are being, or Really well. You’ve got to think about the males are brought up not to be victims, agencies and individuals working with
at risk of being sexually exploited. This young lads who’d rather sit and speak to told to be big tough guys, don’t cry, sex workers.
also includes working with young men someone you can have a bit of a laugh don’t show your emotions… that’s an 0161 629 9861
who are selling sex and/or working as with, watch DVDs about sex etc rather element. www.uknswp.org/
escorts. Bent dropped in at their offices than doing double physics for an hour or
to chat with Project Coordinator, Phil so… but we’ve still got a really formal Has Facebook made kids more 3. Child Exploitation Online Protection
Mitchell about the work he and his team approach. In this area the teachers and vulnerable? (CEOP)
are involved in. schools always invite us back and say ‘can 0870 000 3344
we get more involved?’ which is great. Yes absolutely. It’s interesting because www.ceop.police.uk
The finance for Blast comes via two I think with the subject of child abuse we don’t want to say “don’t use www.thinkuknow.co.uk
charitable organisations, Comic Relief being in the media at the moment we are Facebook because it’s terrible” it can
and Esmee Fairburn, how did that getting more schools on board. Although be but so can anything. There are 4. Coalition for the Removal of Pimping
come about? some schools, Faith schools, put their risks in every single thing that people (CROP) (Supporting parents and carers
head in the sand and say that they don’t do but our job is to try and lower of sexually exploited children)
Comic Relief specifically has funding have a problem, they don’t want to know, those risks as much as possible. 0113 2403040
starting to thaw now After all, if I don’t pay attention, my legs will become
like tree-trunks – totally disproportionate to the rest
I’m so looking forward to this year’s spring and summer
and will be sure that I’m ready and in shape for it. So
of the body and (worst of all) no longer able to fit into let’s hear it for all the outdoor sports and boys in tight
that temperatures my tight cycling shorts! That would be a disaster, since shorts that we have to look forward to – not to mention
cycling-wear is my secret fetish – especially when it’s the outdoor sex!
are constantly being worn by cute twinks! Those shorts always show I hope to see you all on the beaches sometime soon
more than they hide!
above 5 degrees.
So with spring on the way it’s time to check your body http://exclusive.johan-volny.com/
and see if you’re prepared for the tank-top and Speedos
season. After all, with the prospect of us finally throwing
off our thick winter jackets – which make us look like
the Michelin Man!! – and changing into tee-shirts, swim-
shorts and flip-flops, now’s the time to get rid of the
pounds we’ve gained over the winter months. Of course,
we all loved sitting on the sofa, watching DVDs and
munching through the remainder of the festive biscuits,
rather than going to the gym or doing some skiing, but
now it’s time to get into shape – something that’s long
£34.99 - www.brunogmuender.com
By Michael Breyette
£18.99 - www.brunogmuender.com
Secret Summer
By Narvel Annable
Set in the 1960s Simeon Hogg is a young, British gay guy living in Detroit but
pining for the open spaces of his home town back in Derbyshire. The problem
is he is shacked up with a homo mafia hunk who just doesn’t like to lose his
possessions. Eventually, the hoodlum lifestyle gets too much for this delicate
English pansy and, with the help of a friend, goes on the run and escapes back
home… hotly pursued by the American pink mafia. This tale of love, friendship,
pain and passion also focuses on a time in the UK when gay lib was starting but
homophobia was all too prevalent. We also meet some of the characters who
have shaped our hero’s life.
The dance between the viewer and the viewed fuels the stories in this erotic The latest and boldest edition of the bestselling gay
opus as the fantasies of watching and being watched are vigorously explored. erotica series features 20 of the hottest and most well-
Voyeurism and exhibitionism, innocence and the depraved, sinful and sexual… written man-on-man sex stories to appear in print this
we can all guiltily admit to a lustful look at catching another guy ‘at it’… it year. From first experiences to one-night stands and sex
makes a pleasant day better and a boring day… oh so horny. between long-time lovers to explosive group sex – this
collection features men who let their passion and lust
£10.99 – Cleis Press loose for all to read and enjoy.
s Johnny Ferro Stephen Tyrone Williams
The gorgeous took a mail boat over to Eleuthera, what what do you do to relax? film competition is currently airing on
the Bahamians call a family island, and HBO and HBO On-Demand. And if you’re
beaches and towns it was like nothing I had seen: crystal S. For the most part, I am laid-back and in New York, you can catch me off-
clear water as far as you could see and chilled, but it doesn’t get more relaxing Broadway in Adam Rapp’s HALLWAY
of the Bahamas untouched beaches with pink sand. I’d than cooking a nice dinner with a glass of TRILOGY.
like to continue to travel and tell stories red with Miles Davis playing. J. I’ve just finished filming a pilot… but
are the setting for abroad. that’s all I can say at the moment.
Children of God, a J. It was amazing. There’s nothing like Who would you like to be stranded on
hearing “Cut!” and then just staying in a beach with?
strong and tender the water.
WIN THIS Turn to page
62 for details
S. Rumi, Nina Simone, and James
romantic drama How did the locals react to a mixed Baldwin
race/same sex love affair?
from first-time Have you appeared in many other gay CHILDREN OF GOD
filmmaker Kareem J. We tried to keep that out of the productions?
open while we were filming. The locals Beautifully paced
Mortimer. obviously knew us as the people making S. I don’t know what a gay production and with three
a movie on the island, but very few knew is, but I have played gay characters. separate story-
what it was about. I’ve done Moises Kaufman’s play, THE lines that merge at
S. Like any place, there was a mixture LARAMIE PROJECT in NYC. There’s the film’s climax,
of reactions. Some of them negative, the short film, FLOAT that Children of the filmmaker
Brokeback Mountain was banned in God is based and Michael Saul’s feature really has done
two countries worldwide: China and the called DON’T ASK, a part of his film a great job with
Bahamas. So I had an idea of what to collection CRUSH. his small budget.
expect. What I did not expect was that J. Nope, Children of God is the only one. The Bahamas
Children of God would make its World are bound by religious traditions that
Percolating under the hot sun and sand Premiere as the Opening Night film of Is there an actor you’d love to play discourage homosexuality and end up
are religious intolerance, political grand- the 2009 Bahamas International Film opposite or character you’d kill to forcing gay men into the closet, but
standing, family woes and hopefully Festival. So there were positive reactions, have? Romeo, a local Bahamian, has a fiancée
enough love to conquer them all. too. and is identified as straight, although
J. I’d love to be in a film with Johnny he’s been known to secretly play with
Johnny Ferro plays an art student in Johnny, you’ve recently won the Best Depp, though the billing might look the boys on the side. Johnny, a visiting
Nassau whose technique is perfect, Actor category at Atlanta’s Out on weird. “Starring Johnny Depp and but up-tight artist, needs to find a way
but he’s creatively blocked. On a trip to Film gay and lesbian film festival… do Johnny Ferro,” haha. I’ve always wanted to relax and let his creative juices flow
the island he meets Romeo, played by such honours go to your head… and to play the villain in a comic book movie, but when the two meet that ‘forbidden’
Stephen Tyrone Williams, a hot musician have you won any other awards? someone smart and completely crazy. I’d attraction is formed. Meanwhile, Lena is
and the pair begin a clumsy dance of really love to play the Riddler in the next a pastor’s wife. Her husband demonizes
attraction and romance. J. There were a few minutes after I found Dark Knight, but I think Joseph Gordon- homosexuality to further his career, yet
out that my head may have blown up a bit, Levitt got that one. he’s not all he seems and she needs to
Filming Children of God in the Bahamas especially knowing that James Franco S. It’s a long list. know more.
must have been a brilliant location to was the runner up, haha. Of course now
work… all that sun, sand and… sea? he’s been nominated for an Oscar, so that What will we be seeing you appear in Out: 12th March - £15.99
kind of pops that bubble. As for others, next? tla releasing
S. There was something comfortingly that was my only personal award, though S. If you were following SUNDANCE this
familiar and at the same time refreshingly the film itself has won quite a few. year you caught me in the World Premiere To be in with a chance to win a copy
new about the shoot. I’m a Southern boy of Andrew Dosunmu’s RESTLESS CITY. of this DVD, just answer this simple
and the hospitality of Nassau reminded Stephen, in the movie your character Prep School Boys Cinema’s STAG & question:
me of home. In the same breath, we is teaching Johnny to learn to relax… DOE, winner of the 2010 HBO’s short In which ocean are The Bahamas?
British Film Director How did you come to make Empire that, the fact that most of the action of
State? Empire State revolves around a vast
Ron Peck talks us nightclub. Plus most of the characters A production from cult British director
I moved to Bethnal Green in East London in the film were pushy, fighting for their Ron Peck (Nighthawks/Fighters), this
through his career around 1975, when it almost seemed like space, as was the gay population. The is a perfect mix of gangster action and
another city. In the late seventies and in film includes characters who are gay
and making 80s the eighties it began to undergo one of its and bisexual and we tried to integrate
the high camp of
the eighties East
East End gangster historic changes as the Docklands were them in the criss-cross action of the End club scene at
opened up for massive redevelopment. many stories and subplots. The Empire State
movie EMPIRE Money on a phenomenal scale and a nightclub in London’s
new population buying up property The club scene is very eighties – newly developed
STATE complete began to move into the area. It was suited clubbers, heavy make-up Docklands, a place
all about money. There was very high and a soundtrack featuring Jimmy
with gay characters unemployment and at the other end of Somerville, New Order and Yello.
where disparate lives
intersect. Illusory,
and a pulsating 80s the scale extremes of wealth. Just like Did you do much research into the dangerous and glamorous, it is both the
the era we’re moving into now. At the nightclub scene to recreate the playground of the rich, and an escape
gay sound track. same time, within East London, there authenticity or did you go to the from the poverty and squalor of the
was this phenomenon of American-style film with set ideas following your toughest reaches of the city. The Empire
bars and nightclubs with names like previous foray into this arena with State is also the arena for a fierce
‘Fifth Avenue’ and ‘Manhattan’. People Nighthawks? struggle between the hard men who for
cultivated a new heightened glamour, it decades ran the East End, and the new
was a world full of colour and shine. It That mix was part of the real world we breed of racketeers.
How did you become a filmmaker? was also the period of new fitness clubs, were dramatising. Benjy’s, a Mile End
new drugs… club which was one of the inspirations Out: 14th March - Blu Ray and DVD
I worked for a year to get enough money behind the film, was quite a tough place Network Releasing
together to go to the London Film School, Despite being a film about the East but very gay-friendly. It had a back
which was a very good experience, and End underworld Empire State has a street entrance to a gay S&M club that To be in with a chance to win a copy
after two years there four of us set up cult following among a gay audience. opened on the same nights that the main of this DVD, just answer this simple
a film company and started making Why do you think this is? club pulled in a more general crowd. question:
documentaries. This was 1972-74. What I liked was that it all crossed over The Empire State Building is in which
In 1978 we made our first feature, The gay world itself at that time was and mixed up. The same people might US city?
NIGHTHAWKS, which was accepted as becoming increasingly confident and be very macho and also gay. It was a
a British entry at Cannes, and that began commercialised. Clubs were a big part very exhilarating place with room for Turn to page
to open possibilities up a bit. of the gay scene so it might partly be everyone. WIN THIS 62 for details
By Chris Amos
Out 25th March
Flavius Aquila, marched north carrying their treasured
golden Eagle emblem. They never returned; Legion and
Eagle simply vanished into the mists. Hearing a rumour
that the Eagle has been seen in a tribal temple in the far
north, Flavius’ son Marcus (Tatum), determined to restore
the tarnished reputation of his father, is galvanized Guy Ritchie is rumoured to be stepping in for Zack
into action. Accompanied only by his slave Esca (Bell), Snyder to direct Xerxes, the planned sequel to
Marcus sets out into the vast and dangerous highlands of Snyder’s 2007 breakout hit 300. The film is based on
Scotland - to confront its savage tribes, make peace with a forthcoming Frank Miller graphic novel, assumed
his father’s memory, and retrieve the hallowed Eagle. to be picking up where Miller’s original novel left
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Fancy a party?
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We can offer our large bar area FREE with reasonably priced drinks, a catering
services with great deals, and we can also arrange Drag DJ’s to add that extra
sparkle to your night. As an extra bonus when the organiser books to stay here 01253 623406 PRIVATE HOTEL
at the hotel with ten or more people, the organiser’s stay will also be FREE. TO
51 BANKS ST. BLACKPOOL. FY1 2BE • Tea/Coffee making
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Web: www.mardigashotel.co.uk 41 - 43 Lord Street, • Car parking available
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With spring on the horizon thoughts might be turning It has been reported that this year’s annual Brighton
to having some time away by the seaside. The south Pride will see changes to the event including limiting
coast offers a variety of holiday options but Brighton numbers and charging for the very first time.
is without doubt the place favoured by gays, queens and
lesbians to let their collective hair down. Last year the festival attracted over 160,000 people but
the money donated and raised on the day didn’t reach the
Brighton has a thriving and diverse gay scene which ranges £350,000 it cost to stage and there were complaints about
from leather bars, to country and western line dancing, to the amount of litter and anti-social behaviour.
techno clubs, to basement bars and boutique hotels and
classy bed and breakfasts, where you are very unlikely to Spokeswoman Judith Manson said: “We’ve spent the
get turned away for wanting to sleep in the same bed as last five months listening. The message has been very
your partner. clear – Pride has to change to be safe and enjoyable for
Much of the Brighton gay scene is concentrated in the
Kemptown area of Brighton, the focal point being St She could not yet say how much entry would be, as festival
James’s Street and the Old Steine. It’s here you’ll find organisers are still consulting with East Sussex Fire and
most of the clubs, shops and bars mentioned in most guides, Rescue Service about capacity.
so many in fact that Kemptown has become known as
Brighton’s Gay Village. www.brightonpride.org/
Newcastle’s Number 1 Sauna has lots of really great stuff up and coming.
In the next month there’s going to be all sorts of fun and fantastic offers
to take them through spring
• With entry fees from just £5 you can’t go wrong at number 52. To qualify for
even better discount rates and a FREE visit, just txt 52offers to 88802.
• FREE ENTRY FOR A MONTH (the chance to win a monthly pass in their
FREE prize draw)
• MYSTERY LOCKER (an envelope per day containing a free weekend pass
will be placed randomly in a mystery locker)
• BEAT THE CLOCK (Pay the equivalent of the time you arrive up until 5pm)
• SUPER SAVER HOUR (A certain hour will be chosen within the week, come
at that time and get in at a much discounted rate)
There is a 24 hour drinks license and you can even enjoy a meal in the
restaurant. At weekends there is special entertainment so you can enjoy the
night to the full.
The management are confident that this will be one of the UK’s top venues and
rival the best that Europe has to offer.
Doors Open; Noon Tues 1st March - 110/112 Chapel street Salford,
Manchester M3 5DW
Please note this is a private members club and you will be required to register
on first visit with the annual membership at £5.
If you haven’t been before, Plastic Ivy is a busy, clean, and stylish sauna located just
outside of Leeds next to the motorways, and is very popular with married & bi guys,
as well as those wanting discretion.
You can find Plastic Ivy on the web where you can check out the latest special
offers, opening times, and latest photos of this discrete and friendly venue. So what
are you waiting for, go on, treat yourself, and your wallet too.
Ever since I was cast I knew I was The rest of the night is a bit of a
destined for greatness. Every person blur… cameras flashed, red carpets
I came into contact with had said how beckoned, and TV cameras scanned
special I was, how before too long I every millimetre of my golden body. I
would be on the front cover of every was happy to share the limelight as my
newspaper, magazine and leading the image was flashed proudly onto huge
TV news. I loved the attention. People screens all around the globe.
were awestruck by my very presence.
Their attention made me feel proud and Much later, I was standing on a table
confident, sparkle and gleam, not only surrounded by piles of white dust. The
with an exterior brightness but I knew hubbub had died down and I was alone
deep, deep down that every molecule with the world’s best actor. The last few
of my body was made so I would be the hours had been a mad frenzy but at last,
centre of attention. the fury had died down a little. It was
our first time alone and I was excited. I
My brothers, cast at the same time, also didn’t have any clue as to what happens
new what was expected of them. We next but I was ready to glow with pride
were not ordinary, we were exceptional every time he picked me up and gleam
and the nearer it got to the ceremony, and sparkle as much as possible for my
the more our faithful helpers polished winner.
our PR… ready for the big day.
I saw him strip. I saw him sniff some
My brother knew he was destined to be of the white powder that seemed to
accompanying the leading lady home, surround us both. He looked adoringly
while my other sibling felt destined to at me and said that he had waited all
know the exhilaration of being with his young life for this moment. He sat
the best newcomer and I, for my part, back naked in the easy chair and held
revelled in the idea of being the best me against his warm groin. He seemed
actor in a leading role. to love my gleaming surface as he
gently glided my solid smooth frame all
“…and the award goes to…” this was the across his breathless and sweating body.
moment I’d been born for. The moment He guided me up his legs and onto his
when all my hopes and ambitions crotch before slowly inserting my head
came together. I was already taut with into his anus. I had no idea what was
anticipation but at the announcement my happening as my entire body was slowly
body reverberated in sheer pleasure as I but forcefully pushed further and further
was swept up in the pure energy and joy up. As he pushed and pulled at my base
of the recipient. He was young, slightly I could feel his warm innards tightening
drunk yet throbbed with charisma. He and with a yell… everything tightened
held me triumphantly aloft and whooped around me.
Celebrity Horoscopes and
Psychic readings at:
Philip writes detailed monthly travel horoscopes
in addition to his existing content of weekly love
& gay horoscopes, daily horoscopes and weekly &
monthly in depth scripts for phone lines.
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