Op Ed Piece
Op Ed Piece
Op Ed Piece
There are many good things that foreigners taking this opportunity?
provide to the United States.
I think the U.S. companies, that hire H-1B
Economically, they bring in billions of dollars. employees, should be monitored more and
International students alone brought in 32.8 there should be more tracking that the
billion dollars and created more than 400,000 company must report. The only visas that are
jobs in 2015-16. Here in the state of Michigan monitored are F, M and J visas for
they brought in 1,066.4 million. At NMU, this international students. No other visas are
is a low estimate for tuition only, they monitored. As part of my job, I must verify
brought in at least $1,655,928 for the 2016- enrollment, address, phone numbers, major
17 academic year (based on 109 students per and other information for all international
semester). International students are not students each semester. They are limited to
eligible for Federal Financial Aid so all they work only on campus. To work off campus it
money received is cash or credit from their must be through an internship (application
home country and no debt to the United process required) or they will have to apply
States. for Optional Practical Training to seek
approval to work in their field of study for 12
Now let us move onto foreign visitors. In months after they graduate, at a cost of
January 2017, foreign visitors brought in $410, with no guaranteed approval.
$20.8 billion, which is up 1% from January
2016. Imagine all the jobs that are created to Another reason why foreigners are good for
provide services to all the visitors in the the United States is that not everybody has
tourism industry. the ability, or the need, to
study abroad to experience
A recent story by 60 minutes addressed the another culture. It gives us
issue of companies hiring foreigners on H-1B the opportunity to
(working visas) to come to the United States Armchair Travel, as Diana
and work for much less, often with no Vreeland stated in an
benefits. They do this so they can make more interview; to talk to a
money but they are also taking jobs away foreigner, learn about their culture, and
from other US workers. Is this really the make a new friend. Why do they do what
foreigners fault? People are always looking they do? What is the meaning? What is the
to better themselves. Let us take a look at a family structure or the value of family? I have
family from India. The average middle class Armchair Traveled all over the world
salary in India is $13,662. When they have an because I have had the opportunity to sit and
offer for a position that talk with many international students and
makes $40,000, or more, per scholars from NMU.
year, do you blame them for
We can also learn about the United State differently from another. It does not mean
from a foreigners perspective. I had a one is better but it can help us see a different
student from Kenya work for me in my office point of view. I can say that I have personally
and I asked her what is the one big difference learned a lot from working with NMU foreign
between the US and Kenya. She said people students and scholars in the past 16 years.
in the US are wasteful because they waste so
much water. In Kenya water is very precious During your time in college, get to know a
and in her village, they would lock their foreign student. Talk to them. Ask them
water supply so they would not lose any. questions. Do your Armchair Travel. You
Here you can let your water run as much as and the foreign student will both learn about
you want and you will not run out. Other each others culture. You never know when
students have told me that they have always you will need the knowledge that you learned
thought of the United States as the place from that student.
where their dreams can come true. The one
thing they did not realize is that dreams Sources
come true at a cost. It is expensive compared
to many places in the world. NAFSA International Student Economic Value
Tool. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2017,
I had a student come to NMU from Iraq and I from http://www.nafsa.org/Policy_and_Advocacy
could not wait to meet him. During one of my /Policy_Resources/Policy_Trends_and_Data/NAFS
conversations with him, he said, Thank you.
I said, I didnt do anything. Why are you 60 minutes examines H-1B visas outsourcing
thanking me? He said, I am thanking you American jobs
for saving my life. You helped me get "60 Minutes" examines H-1B visas outsourcing
admitted to NMU and helped me get out of American jobs. (2017, March 17). Retrieved
Iraq to pursue my dreams. I have to say I March 25, 2017,
was surprised. He told me more about Iraq - from http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/60-
some of the good and bad things, but he was minutes-examines-h-1b-visas-outsourcing-
still proud of his country because he wanted american-jobs/
to be sure to tell people that not everybody,
Personal Interview, Dr. Diana Vreeland, March 22,
from Iraq, wants to hurt America.
The biggest con about foreigners and the US U.S. Travel and Tourism Exports Near $21 Billion
that I am concerned about is safety. in January International visitors spending $672
Extremist groups like ISIS recruit people to million a day experiencing America. (2017, March
hurt the US and some of those recruited may 22). Retrieved March 25, 2017,
already be in the US (legally or from http://tinet.ita.doc.gov/tinews/archive/tine
illegally) or they may recruit U.S. ws2017/20170322.asp
citizens. I think it is sad that we
need so much security in airports Welcoming Foreign Students to U.S. Institutions is
Vital to American Public Policy. (n.d.). Retrieved
and that since 9/11 there are
March 25, 2017,
many people afraid to fly or go abroad. from http://www.nafsa.org/Policy_and_Advocacy
In the big picture of things, I think it is a great coming_Foreign_Students_to_U_S__Institutions_i
benefit to have foreigners in the United s_Vital_to_American_Public_Policy/
States. It is a way that foreigners and U.S.
citizens can learn from each other and try to
understand why one culture does things