The Science of Scientific Writing PDF
The Science of Scientific Writing PDF
The Science of Scientific Writing PDF
ABSTRACT.The purpose of scientific writing is to impart thoughts or ideas and their bases
and implications in such a manner that a reading audience, with at least a moderate knowl-
edge of science, can understand the material presented within a paper. This carries the
necessity of using words in a manner that clearly impart the intended meaning of the author
and not getting off the subject as reflected in the title. Also, the goal of scientific writing
is to produce a manuscript written from the perspective of strength, rather than weakness.
I discuss appropriate formation of titles such that the intended audience can find the title
through bibliographic sources. Also included, to aid in the writing of scientific manuscripts,
are discussions of words or sentences with unintended connotations, misuse of words, double
entendres, slang, contrived acronyms, jargon, danglers or orphaned clauses and superfluous
words. Finally, remember that the object of the art of scientific writing is to communicate in
the most concise and precise manner possible, it is not to paint pretty word pictures.
This discussion is my concept of the way that a scientific paper should or should not be
written. It is not intended to criticize, but to improve precision and enhance communi-
cation. Not everyone will agree with me, but those who follow these suggestions likely will
have fewer rejections and do less revising. In this era of publish or perish, it is imperative
to produce manuscripts based on quality research, but even the best research may be lost to
science if the scientific community is unable to understand the text in which it is presented.
Furthermore, the goal of scientific writing is to produce a manuscript written from the
perspective of strength, rather than weakness. Consequently, appropriate word usage,
syntax and punctuation are imperative.
Many people, when asked what is the most critical or far-reaching part of a scientific
paper, would answer: the results or conclusions drawn from the research conducted. I beg to
differ. The single most critical item in any scientific paper isthe title. Hundreds, if not
thousands, of people will read a title when searching for information on a particular topic in
the various bibliographic services on the internet or in libraries. And, a smaller number of
people will read a title in the Literature Cited sections of papers published in journals. So,
unless readers can understand the meaning of the title, the paper will never be read. Thus,
for the intended audience to be reached, clarity of intended meaning and proper order of
words used in a title should be of paramount concern to authors. Furthermore, everything
presented in a scientific paper must in some manner relate back to the title. If it does not,
then the title not only is inappropriate but the scientific paper will be buried in oblivion,
a fate that no author desires. The ultimate goal of every author is for many people to
read their published paper and have it of such a quality that it is cited often in papers by
other authors.
Titles should be composed of the fewest possible words that adequately describe the
contents of the paper. This does not mean the fewest possible number of wordstitles can
be too short as well as too long. An example of too short a title is: Predatory animal
studies. This title tells the reader only that predators were somehow involved in the
conducted research. Titles should tell the reader what, where, when and on what
species or group (if relevant) the research was conducted. Consequently, titles should form
a single coherent concept actually related to the content of the paper: not a sentence, brief
abstract, subtitle, hanging statement or, worst of all, a question. Also to be considered are
the unintended meanings created by poor word-order and watch-the-paw tricks.
Sentences.The primary problem with sentences for titles is they create dogma, for ex-
ample: Shrews (Soricomorpha: Soricidae) form an important component of ecosystems.
As any scientist should know, knowledge in science is ever evolving, consequently what is
considered true today, probably will be questioned tomorrow, and may be rejected at some
point in the future. Second, consider the words important or importance. Something
simply cannot be important without a reason, and usually it is the reason that is of interest
to the reader. Also, to whom are the shrews important? A better title would be: Shrews
(Soricomorpha: Soricidae) as a component of ecosystems.
For another example, think about the title: Dandelions as an important item in the diet
of cottontails. Are dandelions important because more cottontails eat them? Are they
important because cottontails eat more of them? Are they important because they pro-
vide some nutritional requirement of cottontails not available in other plants?
Consider the title Pollinator importance and temporal variation in a population of Phlox
divaricata (Polemoniaceae) published in The American Midland Naturalist. A pollinator can
contribute to, aid in, expedite or promote something, but a pollinator will never be im-
portant in and of itself. Also, what exactly do the authors mean by temporal variation.
Possibilities include: different times during which pollinators are active, seasonal or diurnal
variation in occurrence or numbers of P. divaricata present in a particular habitat, changes
occurring within a population of P. divaricata over a 24-h time period, among many others.
A more appropriate title would be: Contribution of pollinators to reproductive success of
a population of Phlox divaricata (Polemoniaceae).
Brief abstract.Consider the title: The role of rabbits in sylvatic plague epidemiology, with
special attention to human cases in New Mexico and use of the flourescent antibody tech-
nique for detection of Pasteurella pestis in field specimens published in Zoonoses Research.
A 32-word title is totally unreasonable. The authors of the paper should have used a title
like The role of rabbits in sylvatic plague epidemiology (8 words) or Identification of
Pasteurella pestis in rabbits by the flourescent antibody technique (11 words) depending on
which aspect of their research the authors wished to emphasize.
Subtitles.Consider the title: Phylogenetic studies of the rodent family Gerbillidae: I.
Chromosomal evolution in the southern African complex. What happens if number II is
never published? I know of a series in which 1, 2 and 4 were published, but 3 was rejected.
This means that the authors will forever be asked what happened to number 3. Also, the first
part is too general and imparts little information to readers.
Hanging titles.The title Sylvilagus nuttallii: a semiarboreal lagomorph published in the
Journal of Mammalogy is a good example. Just how is a computerized Key Word finder for
a bibliographic service supposed to determine how to file this title such that the intended
audience would ever have a chance of finding the paper? A useful version of the title would
have been: Tree-climbing behavior by mountain cottontails (Sylvilagus nuttallii). Authors
use hanging titles to be dramatic; however, authors should keep in mind that readers find
them terribly annoying and generally unintelligible.
Questions.Why is a title written in the form of a question the worst form of title? The
answer is simple. The entire manuscript can be stated as a single word: Yes. or No. (plus
literature cited, tables and figures, of course)! Consider the following example: Evaluating
The purpose of scientific writing is to impart thoughts or ideas and their bases and
implications in such a manner that a reading audience, with at least a moderate knowledge
of science, can understand the material presented within a paper. This carries the necessity
of using words in a manner that clearly impart the intended meaning of the author(s) and
not getting off the subject as reflected in the title. Thus, words or sentences with un-
intended connotations, misuse of words, double entendres, slang, contrived acronyms,
jargon, danglers or orphaned clauses and superfluous words have no place in scientific
writing. Also, proper use of word tense, number and voice is imperative. When writing
a manuscript, always remember that Websters Third New International Dictionary,
Unabridged is considered the final authority on the meanings and usages of words in the
English language.
Placement of modifiers.Writing is stronger when split compound verbs (except with
negatives) are avoided. Use plots were monitored continuously rather than plots were
continuously monitored. Too much emphasis is placed on the adverb. Avoid unnecessary
split infinitives. Use to examine carefully rather than to carefully examine. Again, too
much emphasis is placed on the adverb. And, always use infinitives rather than gerunds. To
go is easier than to stay rather than Going is easier than staying. Remember, word usage
and order, syntax and punctuation are different in scientific writing than speaking. When
speaking it is always possible for the listener to have a point clarified; however, a reader has
only what is printed on a page. Also to be considered is the need for proper and judicious
use of punctuation (i.e., commas, semicolons, colons, hyphens). The present trend is toward
less punctuation (particularly fewer commas), but such requires careful writing without
misplaced or dangling elements.
Get-ready sentences.Many times in Introduction, Results or Discussion sections of papers,
authors start a paragraph with a sentence that merely states what the author is going to tell
the reader in the paragraph. This is called a Topic Sentence or a Get-Ready Sentence
that actually only serves as filler in a manuscript. Such sentences may be appropriate literary
style, but are too expensive for science writing. Further, it may be considered a delay tactic in
writing while the author is trying to ascertain what to report to readers. There is no need to
tell readers what they will read. Simply discuss the subject and analyses of the paperas
reflected in the title. Consider a paper with the title: Sexual segregation in southern mule
deer. The introduction began with the sentence (literature citations omitted): The role of
sexual dimorphism in niche separation has been investigated for birds, fish, and plants. An
obvious question to ask is: What does this have to do with mule deer? Also, based on the
title, the paper has nothing to do with sexual dimorphism or niche separation.
Also is the problem of some authors who write about tables and figures in the text.
Examples would be, Table 1 contains the data collected on habitat characteristics or
Figure 3 illustrates the change in population levels from 19002000. Tables and figures
should never be subjects of sentences. They should be used only as support, for or against,
statements, contentions or hypotheses stated in the manuscript. Also, the text should be
about the subject matter; do not use names of authors as the subject of sentences. Fur-
thermore, avoid including great quantities of data and expecting readers to synthesize and
interprete the information in the manner intended.
Unintended connotations.Some words, such as mean can impart a different meaning
than intended if the writer is not careful. For example, Mean deer lengths . . .. Are these
longer then docile deer lengths? Try Mean lengths of deer . . .. Be careful of average for
the same reason. Exceptional deer may not be longer than average deer. Another commonly
misused word is since. It has a time connotation, i.e., from some time in the past to the
present. Thus, for clarity, do not use since as a synonym for because or as.
In morphometric and ecological studies commonly misused words are taken and made.
Examples are: Bilateral measurements . . . were taken on both sides and averaged . . .,
Five dimensions were made from each tree [or stream, prairie], or Measurements were
bait were fresh, it would attract animals)it takes a plural verb. Remember, scientific names
at all taxonomic levels take singular verbs. Lastly, collective nouns take singular verbs when the
group is regarded as a unit, but plural verbs when the individuals of the group are regarded
separately. Good examples would be: One thousand shrews is an adequate sample; however,
fewer than 500 shrews were trapped or To the mixture, 10 g was added.
Probably, the most common misuse of word tense is when authors refer to an area where
a study was conducted. Consider the examples: . . . the Rockerfeller Native Prairie is a 4.0-ha
remnant of mesic prairie that supports more than 165 native plant species, The small
prairie is surrounded by dense woody vegetation . . ., or The Little River estuary . . . consists
of 1.54 km2 of Spartina patens-dominated high marsh . . . published in The American Midland
Naturalist. If volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, fires, floods and ecological succession have
taught scientists anything, it is that environments, including study areas, can be referred to
in the present tense only when standing in the study area. Ecosystems are dynamic! So, refer
to characteristics of study areas as they were when the study was conductedalways in the
past tense.
Number.This refers to whether a word is singular (1 item) or plural (more than 1 item).
Within a sentence, never change number as this will create confusion. I am sure that the
most misused and misunderstood word, relative to number, is data. Singular, you would
refer to a datum. The word data is a plural noun that agrees with a plural verb or
pronoun. Examples would be: These data . . . or Data were . . .. This data . . . or Data
was . . ., used so commonly by the media, are wrong and when used with an active verb
produce a ludicrous image, for example, The data show . . .. Data may be interpreted by
an investigator or the investigator may draw inferences from data, but data never show
anything. Also, data do not have size, so avoid too little data to describe inadequate
samples, try too few data. Years ago, an anonymous reviewer of a manuscript in which the
author kept using the word data with singular verbs, finally just wrote the following poem
in a margin of the manuscript:
I never saw a little data,
I hope I never see some,
For they may be so small,
as to appear a single datum.
Although the hapless author was quite upset to be the recipient of this poem, appropriate
modifiers were applied in the published paper.
Active/passive voice.Consider the sentence: It was concluded that humans ate more
berries than bears written in passive voice. Readers of this sentence might think that the
authors are attempting to reduce their accountability for the results of their research. When
scientists produce a manuscript describing their research results they need to be willing to
take responsibility for the content of the manuscript. Thus, a stronger sentence in active
voice is: We (or I) concluded that humans ate more berries than bears. Sentences are
strengthened by use of the active voice in which the writer asserts that the person or thing
represented by the grammatical subject performs the action represented by the verb. Although popular
in prose writing, scientific writing is weakened by use of passive voice because it asserts that
the person or thing represented by the grammatical subject is subjected to or affected by the action
represented by the verb.
When all the analyses and writing are done, and a finished manuscript is in the authors
hands, if at all possible, it should be set aside for at least 1 wk (a month is better) while other
research is being conducted. This allows time for the authors mind to forget what was
implied in the writing of the set-aside manuscript. Then, read the manuscript aloud and
carefully when not in a hurry. Many times authors will find statements that suddenly make
no sense or paragraphs that do not flow properly or as intended. Thus, an opportunity is
presented that allows the author to refine the writing before editors and reviewers demolish
a manuscript for poor and unclear writing. The last thing any author should do before
sending the manuscript to a managing editor of a journal for consideration for publication
is to read the manuscript aloud to a critical listener. It is truly amazing how many strange
sentence structures, typographical errors, punctuation errors and omissions are discovered
by such a simple process. Finally, remember that the object of the art of scientific writing is
to communicate in the most concise and precise manner possible, it is not to paint pretty
word pictures.
Acknowledgments.I thank my husband, B. J. Verts, for allowing me to use titles of some of his
published papers and for allowing me to peruse lecture notes he used in a manuscript-preparation class.
Also, I thank all of the authors who wrote many of the illustrative examples of titles and text included
in this paper and journal editors who allowed them to be published. I thank J. H. Shaw and B. J. Verts
for their comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript.
Following is a selection of superfluous and often misused words in scientific writing not
included in text. A flyer distributed by the Iowa State University Experiment Station on word
usage served as a starting point.
ABOVE.. . . the above method or as mentioned above. A term often used in reference to
something preceeding, but not necessarily above; a loose reference, convenient for
writers, but not for readers. Also, remember, if something was mentioned previously, to do
so again is redundant. Compare with below.
ACCURATE.. . . an accurate estimate . . .. Accurate implies complete freedom from error or
absolute exactness. An estimate is an approximation. Try . . . a reliable estimate . . ..
AFFECT/EFFECT.Affect is a verb that means to influence. Effect, as a verb, means to bring
about; as a noun, it means result.
ALIQUOT.Means contained an exact number of times in something else. Commonly misused to
mean subsample.
ALONG WITH.Just with will suffice.
ALL OF/BOTH OF.Just all or both will suffice in most instances.
ALTERNATE/ALTERNATIVE.Alternate implies first one then the other. Alternative implies
a choice among 2 or more incompatible objects, situations, or courses of action.
AMONG.Use when comparing more than 2 items. Compare with between.
AND, HENCE/AND, THEREFORE/AND, THUS.The food supply was reduced and, thus, the
population declined. Use either the conjunction OR the conjunctive abverb, not both.
APPARENTLY/APPARENT.Mean obviously, clearly, plainly, evidently, seemingly, ostensibly, or
observably. Choose other wording to make the intent clear.
APPEAR/APPEARS.Use seem(s). He always appears on the scene, but never seems to
know what to do.
AS.A conjunction used in reference to a comparison; always associated with a verb [e.g.,
Pocket mice carry seeds in their cheekpouches as (NOT like) do kangaroo rats]. Do not
use in place of that or whether. Compare with like.
ASSUME.An active verb often used with an inanimate subject to produce a ludicrous
statement. The hypothesis assumes that . . . or The model assumes . . .. Hypotheses
and models cannot assume anything. However, to test a hypothesis or to use a model
certain assumptions often are required. The person who tests the hypothesis or uses the
model must make the assumptions.
AS WELL AS.Use and; it means the same.
AT THE PRESENT TIME/AT THIS POINT IN TIME.Use currently or now; they mean the same.
BELOW.See comments about above. Directions do not change ambiguity.
BETWEEN.Use when comparing only 2 items. Compare with among.
BY MEANS OF.Just by will suffice in most instances.
CASE.Can be ambiguous, misleading, or ludicrous because of different connotations. In
the case of Scotch whiskey . . .. Often used in padded sentences. If absolutely necessary,
use instance (e.g., in this instance).
CHARACTER/CHARACTERISTIC.Character refers to a variable feature (e.g., condition of the
tail). Characteristic refers to a condition of a character (feature or dimension) of an
organism (e.g., tail absent). Also, it can refer to a unique and diagnostic condition of a
character (or feature) found in a taxon.
CHECKED.Imprecise word because of the variety of possible meanings. Commonly used as
a synonym for examined or verified. An example would be, The traps were checked
. . .. Choose the more precise words so that clarity of meaning is maintained.
CLEAR-CUT/CLEAR-CUTTING.Clear-cut may be used as an adjective to mean precise, definite, or
distinct, or as a transitive verb to mean to remove all trees from an area. However, the word
(commonly with the hyphen omitted) has become a jargon term among foresters and
others to mean clear-cutting or even-aged forest management. Clear-cut may be used only as
an adjective or verb, never as a noun; clear-cutting is the noun that means the area from
which all trees were removed.
COMPARE WITH/COMPARE TO.To compare with means to examine differences and similar-
ities; to compare to means to represent as similar. Usually, one compares with and
contrasts to.
COMPRISE.Before common misuse, comprise meant to contain or include, but not to
constitute or to compose. The distinction seems useful and worth preserving. Therefore, The
whole comprises the parts, but the parts do not comprise the whole.
DECREASED.Do not use in place of lesser. Decreased means to diminish (as in, size, amount,
or strength). Lesser is used primarily as an adjective when making a comparison.
DIFFER FROM/DIFFER WITH.One thing differs from another, although you may differ with
your colleagues.
DIFFERENT FROM/DIFFERENT THAN.Always use Different from.
DONE.Commonly stated as: Research was done in the spring. Could mean either the
research was completed or conducted in the spring. Use the correct term to clarify your
intended meaning.
DUE TO.Due is an adjective often mistakenly used as a preposition. Due to implies
causality when only a relationship may be intended. Try related to or, if causality is
intended, use because of.
DURING THE COURSE OF/IN THE COURSE OF.Just during or in will suffice.
EITHER . . . OR/NEITHER . . . NOR.Apply to no more than 2 items or categories.
ESTROUS/ESTRUS.Estrous is an adjective, estrus is a noun. Among species that have
estrous cycles, females are receptive only during estrus.
FALL.This word has several meanings including to descend, to hang freely, to drop suddenly
and involuntarily, to flow down, sink, slump, subside, to come or occur at a certain time,
and commonly is used as a synonym for the season of Autumn. Always use the word Autumn
for the season occurring between summer and winter to remove any doubt as to intended
FARTHER/FURTHER.Farther is used as an adverb to mean to a greater distance in space or to
a more remote place; it is used as an adjective to mean more divergent in character or relationship
or more remote in time. Further is used as an adverb to mean in addition or moreover; it is used
as an adjective to mean going or extending beyond what exists; or as a verb to mean to help
forward, promote, or advance.
FAST.Foxes were fasted . . .. To fast, meaning to starve is an intransitive verb. You may
fast, but you cannot fast another organism, you starve it.
FELT.It was felt that . . .. One feels cloth, but believes ideas.
FORMER/LATTER.These words refer only to the first and second of only 2 items or categories.
GIVEN.Commonly stated as: At a given time . . .. This word has several meanings
including fixed, specific, or specified. Use the more precise term.
HIGH(ER)/LOW(ER).These words are used far too often. Commonly used imprecisely
or ambiguously for greater, less(er), larger, smaller, more, or few(er). Some-
times gobbledygook is produced, such as, Occurrences of higher concentrations
were lower at higher levels of effluent outflow. I have no idea what the authors actu-
ally meant.
INCIDENCE/PREVALENCE.Incidence means the number detected or reported per unit of time.
Prevalence means the number or proportion per sample. The prevalence of rabies in skunks
in 1961 was 23 per 1000 examined or The reported incidence of rabies in skunks in
northeastern Illinois averaged 23 per year.
INCREASED.Increased means an addition or enlargement (as in, size, quality, extent, number,
intensity, value, or substance). Do not use in place of greater. Greater means to be large
in spatial dimension, or remarkable in intensity, magnitude, power, or effectiveness.
IN ORDER THAT.Overly wordy, use to.
INTERESTING/INTERESTING TO NOTE.Let the reader decided what is interesting. What is
interesting to you may not be to the reader.
IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT.Overly wordy, use because.
IRREGARDLESS.Actually, this word does not exist! Use regardless or irrespective.
LAY/LIE.Lay (laid, laid, laying) is a transitive verb that requires an object to complete its
meaning. It means to put or set down, to produce and deposit, or to dispose over or along a surface.
Researchers lay traps on the ground or Traps were laid on the ground. Lie (lay,
lain, lying) is an intransitive verb that does not take an object. It means to be or stay in
a horizontal position, to have direction, or to occupy a certain place or position. The neonates lie
in their nest or Traps were lying on the ground.
LESS(ER)/FEW(ER).Less refers to quantity; few refers to number. He drank less beer
today, so there were fewer empty cans.
LIKE.A preposition, always associated with an object (nouns, pronouns, or noun phrases).
Used correctly when it replaces the phrases similar to or similarily to. Grasshopper
mice howl like [NOT as] coyotes. Compare with as.
LIVETRAP/LIVE TRAP.Livetrap (1 word) is a verb, whereas live trap (2 words) is a noun.
Therefore, animals are livetrapped in live traps. Hyphenate live trap only when used
as a noun modifier as in live-trap grid.
MAJORITY/VAST MAJORITY.Majority means more than half. Vast suggests immensity of extent.
Usually, most will be more precise.
MASS/WEIGHT.These 2 words often are confused. Bodies have mass, whereas forces are
measured in units of weight. Thus, The average mass of adult Microtus oregoni from the
Coast Range is 19.1 g or The pregnant Peromyscus weigh 6 g more than the heaviest
nulliparous specimen. That is, the pregnant one exerted a force greater than the
heaviest nulliparous one equivalent to the Earths pull on a 6-g mass.
MOISTER.Better to use more moist, more mesic, or wetter.
NON.A prefix, usually not hyphenated. Avoid overuse. Do not use non to substitute for
established negative prefixes or where not will serve. Use incorrect or not correct,
never noncorrect. Similarly, use unreliable or not reliable, uninfected or not
infected, and not significantly different.
hensible. Use correct, consistent with, or common to express positive concepts of
correctness, consistency, or commonness.
ONCE/WHEN/AFTER.Avoid use of once to mean when or after as once can mean one time,
formerly, simultaneously, or immediately. When (or After) [NOT once] the mouse located
the cache it began to fill its cheek pouches.
OUT/IN.. . . 14 out of 17 . . ., . . . 14 in 17 . . ., or . . . to find out if . . .. In most
instances, out or in can be omitted without altering the meaning. Use . . . 14 of 17 . . .,
. . . to find . . ., or . . . to determine . . ..
PARAMETER.A perfectly good word that means an arbitrary constant each of which values
characterizes a member of a system or a characteristic element or constant factor. However, the word
is misused in so many ways that it might be better to avoid its use. Try characteristic,
dimension, or distance.
PARTIALLY/PARTLY.Partially implies bias in favor of one or the other. Partly is the more precise
term when the concept of proportion or portion is meant.
PERCENT/PERCENTAGE.Use the percent sign (%) with numerals; use percentage in reference
to proportion of the whole expressed in hundredths. Compare with proportion.
PREDOMINATE/PREDOMINANT.Predominate is a verb, predominant an adjective. The
adverb is predominantly, not predominately.
PRIOR TO/PREVIOUS TO/SUBSEQUENT TO.Previous and prior are adjectives that modify
nouns. There are prior and previous events, that occur before something else.
Likewise, there are subsequent events that occur after something else. However, events
do not occur prior to, previous to, or subsequent to something else. Use before,
proceeding, or after as usage requires.
PROBLEM.Indicates a question open to inquiry or a proposition stating something to be done. Often
misused. The potassium problem in deer caused . . .. Instead, try Inadequate potas-
sium in deer caused . . . or Failure to meet potassium requirements in deer caused . . ..
PROPORTION.Use in the sense of part (e.g., the relation of one part to another or to the whole with
respect to magnitude, quantity, or degree). Compare with percent.
PROVEN.Proven is an adjective, but proved is the past participle. Be careful of this word;
rarely is anything proven in science. Hypotheses are tested and sometimes rejected,
but this is not proof.
PROVIDED/PROVIDING.Provided usually followed by that is the conjunction. Providing is
the participle.
REASON WHY.Omit why. The reason is the why.
SAID.Often used incorrectly as, Jones (1950) said . . . or Nothing was said. Instead,
use wrote, suggested, reported, or recorded.
SCAT.Commonly used as a synonym for fecal dropping. Consider substituting feces, fecal
droppings, fecal passage, fecal pellets, or excrement for greater clarity. Scat is
imprecise because of numerous other meanings: a tax, a shower of rain, to scatter, to smash, to
beat, to go away quickly, to move rapidly, to sing with meaningless syllables, and is the vernacular
name of the argusfish.