Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative Conjunctions
Konjungsi ini selalu digunakan berpasangan. Unsur-unsur kalimat yang dihubungkan harus
mempunyai kedudukan sejajar (parallel) sesuai dengan struktur gramatikal. Jika subjek
singular dan plural dihubungkan, maka subjek yang paling dekat akan menentukan apakah
verb itu singular atau plural.
These conjunctions are always used in pairs. The elements are connected
sentence should have parallel position (parallel) according to the grammatical
structure. If the subject is singular and the plural is connected, then the closest
subject will determine whether it is singular or plural verb.
-She can both speak and write Japanese.
- Both my sister and my brother play the piano.
- Im going to buy either a camera or a CD player with the money.
- Either she goes or I go.
- Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.
- He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.
- He is neither rich nor famous.
- Neither Toms mother nor his father spoke English.
- Whether you win this race or lose it doesn't matter as long as you do your best.
- She was uncertain whether to stay or leave.
- I didnt know whether to believe him or not.
Salah satu dari fungsi conjunction adalah untuk menghubungkan kata-
kata atau frase-frase yang memiliki fungsi sama dalam tata bahasa dalam
sebuah kalimat. Fungsi ini disebut "parallel structure". Conjunctions
yang digunakan dalam rumus ini adalah: "and, but, or, nor".
Secara rinci, untuk conjunction: and, but, or, nor merupakan
"coordinating conjunctions".
4. Infinitive + or + infinitive
She wants to watch TV or (to) listen to some music.
Satu struktur paralel (parallel structure) bisa berisi lebih dari dua
bagian. Dalam satu rangkaiannya, tanda baca koma digunakan untuk
memisahkan masing-masing unit. Tanda baca koma yang terakhir
(sebelum conjunction) boleh digunakan boleh juga tidak. Tetapi tanda
baca koma tidak digunakan jika hanya ada 2 unit dalam satu struktur
paralel. Silahkan perhatikan contoh kalimat di bawah ini;
Steve, Mark, and Bent are coming to dinner.
Luna raised her hand, snapped her fingers, and asked a question.
The colors in that fabric are red, gold, black, and blue