Models of Lessons 1

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5 Popular Models of

Lesson Plans
Direct Instruction / 5 Step Lesson

Description Teacher’s Role Students’ Roles

This type of lesson involves Teacher presents a topic, Students follow through each
carefully planned steps that build explains concept to be learned, step with the teacher in the lead.
upon one another. They consist of models new skills, helps They watch, ask questions, and
an anticipatory set, input, students try this skill while practice the new skill with the
modeling, guided practice, and checking for understanding, and teachers help, and then try it on
independent practice. Each of then assigns an activity that their own. This final step is often
these steps is reliant upon the demonstrates new skills. If done as homework or an
previous. checking for understanding assignment in the last part of the
results in low levels, the teacher lesson. In this type of a lesson
will loop back to input and students are good listeners and
modeling before moving ahead are responsible for asking for
again. help as they necessary.
Cooperative Learning
Description Teacher’s Role Students’ Roles

In this type of a lesson The teacher assigns students to Students work with peers to
often a problem is posed groups and often provides roles for complete a task or solve a problem.
and groups of students each group member and guidelines They keep each other accountable
work to resolve the for executing their task. The teacher and record their progress. As they
problem using skills and poses a problem and provides work together to complete the task
resources provided in students with tools and resources to or solve the problem, they should
class. In a cooperative accomplish it. She/he does not be discussing possible approaches
learning lesson individual answer questions often, but rather and respecting each other’s
and group accountability poses questions and redirects opinions. By the end they should
are necessary. student efforts towards successful be prepared to report out to the
outcomes. In a well-planned whole class what they learned in
cooperative lesson, students are some sort of organized fashion,
grouped in heterogeneous groups perhaps with a product of some
and given everything they need to sort. In this type of a lesson
complete a task of solving some sort students are first very interactive
of problem. The teacher is merely a and then reflective.
Concept Attainment

Description Teacher’s Role Students’ Roles

A concept attainment lesson The teacher in a concept Students listen and observe for the
uses an inductive structure attainment lesson must prepare first part of the lesson. Then
as opposed to the typical opportunities for observation. students are tasked with creating
deductive structure. They often prepare examples and generalizations about what they
Therefore the lesson begins non-examples to present to observed. Students are often
with several observations students without providing provided with structured time to
and moves towards the categories or labels. After all are discuss and record ideas. By the
students making presented, the teacher prompts end of the lesson, students often
generalizations about these students to create categories or work in groups to investigate their
observations. Once students labels to generalize. The teacher theory about the observations and
believe they have a plays the role of facilitator conduct further research. Students
conclusion, they test their throughout the lesson. The in concept attainment lessons must
theory. objective and concepts are be prepared to collaborate and
provided in detail at the end of respect multiple ideas.
the lesson instead of the

Description Teacher’s Role Students’ Roles

Inquiry lessons can focus The teacher in an inquiry lesson is Students in an inquiry lesson must
on standards based content, often concerned with how to often work in groups to conduct
but must be solely driven by trigger student curiosity and research. They must be somewhat
students’ curiosity. There connect the content personally for intrinsically motivated by curiosity.
are four steps to an inquiry students. The role that a teacher Students must use class time to
lesson: students develop fulfills is facilitation of the four research and present their findings.
questions, research topics steps. It is important for teachers In an inquiry lesson, the majority of
in class, present what they to remember that they should not the responsibility lies on the
learned, and then reflect on lead students to an answer, but students. The outcome of an
the process and outcome. provide support and skills needed inquiry lesson usually involves
to research. Most of a teacher’s students completing an authentic
work takes place before the lesson assessment such as a report,
by gathering resources and presentation, or project.
training students to research.
5 E Lesson
Description Teacher’s Role Students’ Roles

A 5 E lesson plan Throughout a 5 E lesson plan, the Students in a 5 E lesson should

involves constructing teacher is responsible for creating an be prepared to ask questions,
new knowledge based on interest in a topic (engage), facilitates work in groups, and engage in
prior knowledge. They opportunities for inquiry and cooperative careful listening throughout
follow these five steps: learning (explore), provides definitions various kinds of collaboration.
● Engage and clarification (explain), helps Typically, a 5 E lesson will
● Explore students connect new knowledge to require students to make multiple
● Explain prior knowledge and apply it (extend / connections and complete an
● Extend / Elaborate evaluate), and observes and records authentic assessment that allows
● Evaluate student progress while encouraging for various perspectives to be
reflection and self-evaluation (evaluate). shared and respected
In a 5 E lesson, the teacher carefully throughout.
plans each step and combines both
facilitation with presentation of new
Based on your standard,
subject area, and
personality, which type of
lesson may work for you?

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