Cheat Sheet - Components & Databinding: Component Metadata

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Cheat Sheet Components &

Component Metadata
Components are normal TypeScript/ JS classes, transformed into
components by adding Metadata.
selector: my-selector,
template: `
<h1>A heading!</h1>
The @Component decorator (which applies the metadata) allows the
application of a variety of different metadata configurations.
The template metadata is always required, since that makes up a component.
Often times (always if not using routing), youll also need the selector

For a complete overview over the available metadata which you may add
inside the @Component decorator, visit this link:

NgModule is a concept introduced with RC5, which allows you to modularize
your Application whilst saving boilerplate code.
You can find a detailed guide here:
Upgrade Notes (RC4 to RC5) can be found here:

Templates & Styles

Templates and Styles may either be specified inline (i.e. inside the .ts file) or as
separate files (.html / .css).
In the latter case, in order to use relative paths, make sure to add the
moduleId: metadata to the @Component decorator.
Otherwise Angular 2 is not able to keep the relative path and find the
template/ style file when running in the browser.
View Encapsulation
Angular 2, by default, emulates the Shadow DOM behavior to apply styling to
This means, that styles are only applied to the elements of a component, even
if the style definition would meet a HTML element outside of that component.
Visit this link to learn more:

Databinding allows you to communicate between the component/ class body
and the template, as well as between different parts of your application.
Angular 2 knows four forms of Databinding:
1. String interpolation
2. Property Binding
<img [src]=img_src_path>
3. Event Binding
<button (click)=onClick()>
4. Two-Way Binding
<input type=text [(ngModel)]>
Also consult the official Angular 2 Cheat Sheet, which goes into more detail
about the different syntaxes etc:

Local References
Inside templates you may create local references like this:
<div #myDiv>
This will create a reference to the DIV HTML element which you may use
throughout the template (NOT inside the component class body!).
If you want to get a reference to this element in your component class body,
get it by using @ViewChild, like this:
@ViewChild(myDiv) referenceToDivElement;
Component Lifecycle
Angular 2 Components follow a lifecycle when created (which is taken care of
by Angular 2).
Consult this link for more information on the different hooks and when they
are reached:

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