Lesson Plan: Stage 1: Desired Results

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Natalie Ct April, 2017

Lesson Plan

Subject/Grade: Band, Grade 8 Lesson/Date: Thursday, April 6th

Room: #119, Music Room Time: 12:57-1:40

Stage 1: Desired Results

GLEs: Students will:
- recognize, interpret and perform rhythm, melody, harmony, form and
expression as they appear in musical notation. To develop and perform a
repertoire of quality literature. (Perform)
SLEs: Students will:
- perform three dynamic levels demonstrating crescendo and decrescendo. (D2)
- identify and perform phrases, achieving musical sensitivity through stylistic
practices such as: development of intensity; i.e., tension and release. (IPS2)
Learning Students will:
Objectives - perform (B) correct pitches (P) in A Klezmer Karnival (M). (Domain: Cognitive
and Psychomotor)
- examine and execute (B) the proper treatments of sharps and flats (P) in our
theory handout (M). (Domain: Cognitive and Psychomotor)

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Questions Summative
Assessment Listening Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Resources Score for Klezmer Karnival
Lesson: to Bring:
Time: Content/Description Notes/Assessments:
12:57- Introduction:
1:10 Learn more names!
Review from Kiwanis listen to the adjudicators
Complete the self-evaluation sheet (for marks)

1:10- Body we are not playing today:

1:35 Theory
Make sure you fill it out completely
o Odd numbers to line-to-line or space-to-
space, even go line-to-space or vice versa
o Harmonic versus melodic
o Watch your clefs!
o Write in quarter notes
o Draw your sharps in (on notes and in letter
o Note height dictates stem direction and
whether it should be on the right or left
Natalie Ct April, 2017
o Accidentals go before the note, but after the
note/letter name
Need to write clearly! (give example)
Copied from above, watch clefs again
Name the key signature what key
When naming the key, only put an accidental
in the name if that note has that accidental.
Ex: F major only has Bb, so its F. Eb major
has an Eb, so we put the flat in the name.
General how to write accidentals
o The holes in the middle show where the note
would be needs to be clear!

1:35- Closure:
1:40 Ask students to put their instruments away

Stage 4: Reflection
What went well? What could be done differently?
Many of them appreciated the Students need to be reminded to stop
detailed info. Everyone handed talking, and there needs to be a
their completed copy back. consequence for if they keep being
Should explain if they can make
corrections for marks or not.

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