Iii. Learning Procedure Teachers Activity Students Activity A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review
Iii. Learning Procedure Teachers Activity Students Activity A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review
Iii. Learning Procedure Teachers Activity Students Activity A. Preparatory Activities 1. Review
I. Objectives
At the end of the period, students must have:
1. determine the name of any major key signature
2. locate the “ do” of every key signature on the staff
3. read and sing notations of simple songs using the
syllable names and the movable “do” system
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Key Signature
B. References: MAPEH Textbook and Rudiments of music
C. Materials: Keyboard, Music, song charts, chalk board with staff
D. Time Allotment: 1 hour
Where can we find these different keys Key note is the first note of the
in music score? scale.
Where did we derive the key signatures? Key note is designated also as the
root, home tone, first of beginning
Yes that’s right ! note or tonic .
If you are an instrumentalist e.g. pianist,
violinist etc. why does he/ she needs to
know first the key before playing the
piece? Me, ma’am. Its because locating the
Who can answer? keys is the most important note of
the musical piece.
You are on the right track!
Also because , almost all compositions
begin and end on the key note. You will
know which notes needs neither to be
raised nor to be lowered. Yes Ma’am.
2. Motivation
Students will listen to the song
“Fallin” from the musical “ The students are actively
they’re Playing Our song” participating in the discussion.
Emphasize the functions/
importance of key signature.
B. Development of activities
1. (Students will try to locate the “ do”
Explain how to get the key in of the given key signature and write
sharp keys and flay keys and the name of the key)
home tone( do) as well.
(the teacher call somebody to
answer the question and explain
Very good .
To make it specific , our lesson
for today will be about the key
3. Abstraction
A key signature is a symbol at the
beginning of a song that tells us
which piano notes will be sharp
or flat for the rest of the song,
but even more than that, it tells
us what scale the song got its
notes from. With the above
example, we can see that every
B, E, and A in the song will be
flat. The scale that has 3 flats
(B♭, E♭, and A♭) is E♭ (E flat)
major, so the key signature is
actually telling us that this song
was created using the notes in
the E♭ (E flat) major scale.
Where does the Key Signature
come from?
A major scale sounds like it does (do, re,
mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do) because it is built
of a pattern of tones (T)
and semitones (S). This pattern
operates kind of like a recipe. If you
follow the recipe of tones and
semitones, any scale you build will
sound like a major scale. A semitone is
the smallest space between two notes.
On the guitar, each fret is one semitone.
On the piano, a semitone is a space
from one note to its next closest
neighbour (either a white note or a
black note)
4. Application
Application of key signature Ma’am the home -tone is on the
a. Key of G second line. G or sol will now be
Who can find the “do” in the called “do”
key of G? anymore? Yes? The basis is always in the key of c
That’s correct!
For example.
IV. Evaluation
Locate the “ do” of the given key signature and write the name of the key on the
space provided below.
V. Assignment
Tittle of the song “ o patag na bundok” A, ¾, sol
1. Identify the key , time signature, first and last note
2. Write the solfa syllables below each note.
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