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Pangborn Elementary School


Title I
Parent Involvement Plan

Where the journey for college and career readiness begins.

We will create a community of literate independent diverse
individuals who will think critically, creatively, and
collaboratively to communicate their 21st century learning.

Dear Pangborn families, Please complete, detach, and return this page of
the booklet to your childs teacher. All students
Parents and staff members worked together to develop who return this form will receive a small incentive.
goals and activities for the Pangborn Elementary School
Title I Parent Involvement Plan and the Title I School-Parent Thank You!
Partnership Compact.

Title I Federal guidelines state that schools receiving Title I _____ I have reviewed the Pangborn Elementary Title I
funds must have a written parent involvement plan that was Parent Involvement Plan. At this time, I do not
developed with input from parents. In this booklet, you will have any suggestions for changes/additions.
find the ideas that were jointly developed by parents and
staff. We greatly appreciate the parents who came out to
support this effort. In addition, we want to give all of our _____I have reviewed the Pangborn Elementary Title I
parents the chance to provide input and suggestions, as Parent Involvement Plan and would like you to
well. consider the following changes/additions
(see comment space below).
Please take time to review this booklet. Then complete
the back page and return it to school with your child.
All students who return this form will receive a small
_____I would like Anna Haupt, Title I School-Family
incentive. Liaison, to contact regarding my comments below.

We sincerely appreciate the teamwork of parents, teachers, Comments: _________________________________

and students that leads to overall student success! ___________________________________________
Eric Meredith
**Please print.
Pangborn Elementary School
Parent Name: _______________________________

**For additional information on Title I and Parent Involvement, Student Name: ______________________________
please visit the following websites:

MSDE Parent Involvement Website Grade/Teacher: _____________________________

Maryland Parent Information Resource Center Phone Number: ______________________________

Washington County Public Schools E-mail: _____________________________________

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Pangborn Elementary School strives to create a full partnership
with parents, family members, and the community.

Research shows that parent involvement improves the

academic and social development of students.

Thank you for your

support and your Regardless of socioeconomic conditions, we believe that all
students will be prepared for college and career readiness.

continued dedication to A solid educational foundation begins with a positive partnership

between school and families.

your childs education!

Pangborn Elementary recognizes that parents and other family
members are the childs first teachers.
Parents and family members are encouraged to:
provide a home environment that supports learning
Stress the importance of education
Cooperate with teachers and school administrators in
matters relating to their childs education. Take part in
school program planning and decision making.

Pangborn Elementary School will support the following keep

components of parent involvement:
Student Learning
Pangborn Elementary School accepts the Washington County Decision Making & Advocacy
Public Schools Parent Involvement Policy and has aligned its Collaboration
school-level Title I Parent Involvement Plan accordingly.

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The school and family will provide two-way communication
about academic opportunities, school performance, student
progress, and school-family partnerships. COLLABORATION
The school, community organizations, agencies, and busi-
nesses will work together effectively and efficiently to
Pangborn Elementary School will:
strengthen the school, families, and student learning.
Hold a Back to School Night for families to meet the
teachers and receive information on grade level/yearly
curriculum goals and expectations, as well as a Title I Pangborn Elementary School will:
Distribute the WCPS Title I Program Parent Information
Work closely with local agencies, businesses, and
organizations to help coordinate and integrate programs
Distribute the Title I School-Parent Partnership Compact to better serve the needs of our families and students.
and Parent Involvement Plan
(Examples: Washington County Community Action
Send home student planners daily.
Council, Washington County Health Department,
Send home school newsletters.
Washington County Department of Social Services,
Hold Parent-Teacher Conferences in November to
Priority Partners, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Washington
discuss student progress and grade level expectations. County, etc.).
2015-2016 Conference Date: November 2nd or 3rd TBD
Work closely with area churches to provide volunteers,
Utilize various means of communication to include:
school supplies, clothing, financial support, etc. for
newsletters, planners, emails, phone calls, social media,
student needs throughout the year.
websites, etc.
To the extent practicable, provide information in a format
and/or in a language that parents with limited English
proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of
migratory children can understand.

4 9
Parents, families, the school, and community members will
be included in the educational decisions that affect children, The school and community will work together to support
families, and school improvement. parenting skills and developmental activities that prepare
young children for school and promote ongoing achieve-
ment. We will also raise awareness of what is expected of
Pangborn Elementary School will: students on an academic level.

Provide opportunities annually for all Title I families and

staff to review and provide input, feedback, and sugges- Pangborn Elementary School will:
tions through surveys and/or meetings concerning the
following documents: Assist families with basic needs.
-Title I Parent Involvement Plan Provide home visits as needed, by Title I School-Family
-Title I Parent Involvement Budget Liaison, guidance counselor, and/or administration to
-Title I School-Family Partnership Compact. support student learning, link families to needed
community services, etc.
Have at least one parent representative serve on the Offer various parent workshops to address understand-
Parent Involvment Committee (a subcommittee of the ing of Common Core Curriculum, parent skills,
School Improvement Team) and provide input community outreach programs, etc.
concerning parental needs. Provide transportation, if needed, for families to
Request feedback through questionnaires after all participate in school-sponsored functions such as
Family Night events and activities, and with take-home Parent-Teacher Conferences, IEP meetings, Family
materials provided by the Title I School-Family Liaison. Curriculum Nights, etc.
Encourage all families to complete the annual Title I Host Family Curriculum Nights that focus on reading and
School & Family Partnership Survey. math and provide opportunities for families to work
Conduct an annual survey for families, used to educate together to learns hands-on ideas to use at home
school staff about how to partner with parents in their Send home two monthly newsletters:
childrens educational process. -Recipes for Success
Facilitate an annual Focus Group from which the report -Parents Make the Difference
will be utilized to guide School Improvement Team dis- To the extent feasible, coordinate and integrate
cussion and implementation of professional development programs purposed to increase parent involvement with
opportunities suggested by participants. other Federal programs such as Head Start as well as
other community agencies such as Health Dept., Library,

8 5
Families will be provided with resources, information, work-
shops, and activities that will encourage academic success
both at school and at home.

Pangborn Elementary School will:

Sponsor two Family Curriculum Nights to provide infor-

mation and strategies along with take-home activities for
parents on how to improve their childrens academic
Sponsor two Parent Academy sessions to present
parents with information pertaining to but not limited to:
ParentVue, Common Core State Standards, Report
Card, etc.
Provide families with information pertaining to assess-
ments to include test expectations, sample questions,
and general test-taking tips and strategies (ex.. PARCC) VOLUNTEERING
Provide learning materials to assist parents in working
Parents, families, and community members will be
with their children to improve academic achievement.
Provide assistance to parents in understanding the encouraged to volunteer to help improve schools and
support students and teachers in any capacity.
States academic content standards and student
achievement standards, state and local academic as-
sessments, and the requirements of Title I. Pangborn Elementary School will:
Encourage families and community members to partici-
pate in volunteering within the school through
orientations, workshops, etc.
The Title I School-Family Liaison will conduct an annual
Volunteer Interest Survey, to determine volunteer
interests, needs, and availability.
Encourage involvement in the PTO, and volunteering for
PTO sponsored events such as Book Fair,
Grandparents Day, Trunk-Or-Treat, Field Day, etc.
Recognize volunteers annually at and end-of-the-year

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