1 Benchmark: Benchmark-Reviving The Professional Culture Grand Canyon University: EAD-513 Lauren Barnes 6/24/20
1 Benchmark: Benchmark-Reviving The Professional Culture Grand Canyon University: EAD-513 Lauren Barnes 6/24/20
1 Benchmark: Benchmark-Reviving The Professional Culture Grand Canyon University: EAD-513 Lauren Barnes 6/24/20
Lauren Barnes
For this case study I am taking over as the new principal of Maynard High School
how I will revive the school's culture. Maynard High School is a public high school in its
second year serving 1,100 students 9th-11th grade and will add 12th grade next year.
Currently there are forty-five teachers, the budget is allowing nine more teachers next
school year, however seven teachers have given their notice that they will not be
returning next year. The principal and one of three assistant principals resigned after the
first semester, and currently there is a transition principal and assistant principal from the
district who will be serving in these positions until the end of the school year. Other staff
members include; three counselors with one more position opening next school year, a
receptionist, an attendance clerk, an administrative assistant for the principal, and two
administrative assistants supporting the assistant principals. Currently there are some
issues with the school’s culture because not all teachers are receiving an evaluation, and
some have even been given written evaluations without a formal evaluation. Also,
teachers are not required to use the standard curriculum provided, and the professional
development plan has not been followed through by not being consistently offered.
District provides professional development days as well, but these are also not provided
to the greatest potential, because teachers are given quick presentations and then in their
classrooms alone the rest of the time. There are also minimal collaborative learning
To create a positive school culture there must be a strong mission and vision to
help guide the school in every decision made to help achieve its goals. Maynard High
School’s mission statement, “We strive to prepare all students to become lifelong learners
and responsible citizens ready to meet the challenges of the future. In partnership with
families and community, our goal is to create relevant learning opportunities for students
-- both inside and outside the classroom -- that help them develop the knowledge, critical
We honor quality and enable students to perform at their highest level of ability,” (Hart
High School. 2019). Maynard High School’s vision statement, “Maynard High School is
our diverse student body for future endeavors. We honor achievement and promote pride
in ourselves, in our school, and in our community,” (Hart High School. 2019).
Throughout the school year Maynard High School will be using the mission and vision to
achieve short-term and long-term outcomes. Within the first semester of taking over as
principal at Maynard High School I want all my teachers on board with implementing the
standard curriculum to help improve student test scores. I want teachers using the
curriculum that is provided so when we are collaborating about how to help our students,
we can have cross curricular discussions to help support our students achieve academic
success. Another short-term goal I want to achieve by the end of the semester is creating
schedules to meet once a week and discuss how things are going and find ways to
continue improving. I know we will have reached the outcome if teachers are showing
improvements during their formal observations and overall teacher to teacher, teacher to
student, and teacher to staff relationships are being built. At the end of the school year the
overall outcome I want the school to achieve is building relationships with parents,
students, and the community, if we do not have their support, we will not be a success.
Students need the support from not only their teachers but their parents, administration,
staff members, and the community. At the end of the school year we will send out a
survey to all staff, students, parents, and community partners to see if we have built
relationships and gained respect from our stakeholders. Another outcome I want to
achieve by the end of the upcoming school year is to increase teacher retention. To know
if Maynard High School is on track with achieving this goal, I will send out quarterly
surveys to teachers, asking their opinion on how their work environment is and what can
Collaboration of Data
“Schools are about people, and the foundation of a school’s climate and culture is
for success, and one way to do this is by collaboration. I will have an open-door policy
for all stakeholders; staff, students, families, and other community members. My goal is
to build relationships with each stakeholder so Maynard High School can serve each
individual need. Each week the leadership team will be sending out an email with
required to send out a weekly newsletter explaining what students will be learning and
any other updates and announcements that may be important for students and families to
know. Maynard High School’s goal is to create a positive school culture this year where
students are going home to tell parents the exciting things, they are doing in class each
day. We want our families and community to know we are doing everything we can to
provide opportunities for student success. “Providing positive data to the school
community and parents through communication also has its benefits,” (Brown, Vaughn,
2015, pg 33). In order for us to know we are creating a positive school environment we
must collect and analyze data. One way we will see if we are achieving our goals is by
looking at student attendance. This will be data we include in our weekly updates to
students and families, letting them know that our data is showing what days students are
more likely to miss and including articles about student success and attendance
correlation. We also want to know what we are doing well and what areas we need to
improve, by sending out quarterly surveys to students and families. This way we can
collect data from the surveys to determine what changes we need to make for the next
quarter so we can achieve our year end goal. After each quarter we will also look at our
students' test scores on benchmark assessments and communicate to students and families
how we are doing compared to other schools in the district. We will want to celebrate
when we are showing success in any of these areas by sending emails, during monthly
“We need leaders who not only want to work in collaboration with students, staff,
and families, but believe that working with others will lead to a better solution,”
(DeWitt,2017, pg 29). At the beginning of the year we will have a welcome back night
for students and families to come meet their teachers, staff, and the leadership team.
Throughout the year we will have family nights including, game night, curriculum night,
sports banquets. Within the quarterly surveys we will be asking students and families
what they think about events being held at the school and advice on what we need to
improve or continue doing. This information will help us respond to the interest of
students’ and families by building and sustaining positive school relationships with them.
To help build positive relationships with students and families I will be visible and
extracurricular activities I will talk with parents asking about how they are doing and
thanking them for coming to our events. It is important to build relationships with
The community surrounding our school has a huge impact on our school and our
students and staff have a huge impact on the community as well. My goal this next year
at Maynard High School is to build relationships with our community partners. We want
our students to add to society and to do so we will provide opportunities through school
programs for students to volunteer in the community. For example, FFA requires students
to serve so many hours of community service, our students will help improve our
community while serving these hours. Many of the sports teams will be looking for
sponsorships, and our local businesses will be who we want represented at our school.
We want our community to know we are serving our students to help them achieve
academic and social success. By sending our students out to volunteer and seek
sponsorships we will have prepared them to serve our community partners with respect
and dignity. Another way we'll be building relationships with the community is by
holding fundraisers at local businesses. Some businesses will host a night for schools to
receive proceeds from that night's sales. During these fundraisers it is important for
leadership to be visible and having conversations with the community to build positive
relationships. Maynard High School will also be sure to invite the community to attend
board meetings so they are informed about what is going on in the schools and how it
could impact the community. Our goal is to inform the community about what our school
Before one can advocate for the needs and priorities of students, families, and the
community they must be informed. To help myself and Maynard High School be
date on the ever-changing world of education. “Stay informed about education policy
with NASSP in order to advocate for school safety, Title II funding in schools, protecting
the rights of all students with the Equality Act, and The Prep Act to support principal
preparation programs,” (NASSP,2019). The leadership team will work together with the
district and read any new statutes that may affect students, families, or the community.
Encouraging staff, families, and the community to participate at board meetings will help
inform stakeholders about changes being made that may influence them directly. When
there are new statutes or funding going through the legislature as an educational leader, I
will make sure to call lawmakers to help the voices in education be heard.
“Great school leaders constantly pay attention. They build a culture focused on
student learning. They confront mediocre teaching. They invite. They inspire. They
support families, students, and school staff in ways that lead to improvement. They want
to be trusted, not simply liked,” Nichole Leighton. While creating my plan I always kept
the thought, “What is the greatest good of all students,” they are the main priority and
every decision made will affect their success. It is also my goal to create a positive
culture for Maynard High School and in doing so I am wanting to build relationships with
stakeholders based on trust. The mission and vision statements I have chosen for next
school year will establish a student-centered environment that promotes social justice
within the school. The mission statement clearly states that we will prepare all students
and work in partnership with families and the community to create opportunities for
justice by stating, “Within a safe and supportive environment, we provide a relevant, high
quality education and prepare our diverse study body for future endeavors,” (Hart High
School. 2019). Both short-term and long-term outcomes I have chosen will establish a
student-centered environment that promotes social justice within the school. By having
teachers use the standard curriculum to help improve test scores we are making sure
teachers are providing the best education for our students. We want to promote student
success and by creating professional learning communities, our staff will be collaborating
to create a positive learning environment that supports social justice. In order to provide
social justice, we will have to build relationships with students, families, and the
community to understand how to give equal opportunities to all, because equal does not
mean everyone gets the same. Therefore, by the end of the school year Maynard High
School will have built positive relationships with students, parents, and the community.
In order to continue providing a high-quality education for our students we must be able
to retain teachers every year. By achieving this outcome, we will be able to continue
school. In the plan, we will be making sure to collaborate with leadership, staff, students’
families, and other community members about data collected pertaining to the school’s
success overall. This action is directly aligned to PSEL standard one element b, “In
collaboration with members of the school and the community and using relevant data,
develop and promote a vision for the school on the successful learning and development
of each child and on instructional and organizational practices that promote such
with students and families about data and build relationships by participating in
helping them and gaining their support for our school as well. Students and staff will
participate in fundraisers and community service to help build a positive relationship with
our community partners. This action correlates to PSEL standard five element d,
student-centered environment. Maynard High School will advocate publicly for the needs
and priorities of students, families, and the community. “Take action and stand up to
improve education for all. Doing so can be easy and effective. Our students, teachers, and
for education by joining NASSP and being the voice for our students with lawmakers is
promoting social justice for each individual student. In order to continue improving
Brown Philip, Vaughn Lisa, 2015, Communication: The Unspoken key to School
Hart High School. 2019. Mission and Vision Statements. Retrieved From:
National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). Professional Standards for