Day 404

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Day 4 - Wednesday, March 8th 2017

Lesson Presentation
Learning activities
Complete the following table and answer the questions below

Types of activity the Describe what they were doing for each
students were engaged activity if it was used in the class
Whole class activities

singing and dancing about each day of the

Singing the days of the week and using hand movements to count the
week song days.

Small group/paired
activities Using different shapes and sizes of blocks to
create a tower or any type of building, working
Building towers in small groups of 3 to 2 students.

Independent activities

learning by using Each student worked Indivaguly some of them

tablets opened E-book stories, and some of them
opened writing apps and tried to write the
word they learned on the same day.
1. How does the teacher make sure the students are prepared for the
She askes them about their day.

2. How many tasks do they complete in one hour?

2 to 4 tasks

3. Did the teacher use a variety of different types of learning activities?


4. What materials did they use?

Mistry box with objects inside.

5. Were the instructions, explanations and questions clear and

appropriate for the students needs? Give examples.
the children must guess what is inside the box and the teacher gives
them hints by describing the object.

6. What strategies did the teacher use to ensure the students understand
what they are about to do?
She gave them hints.

7. How does s/he make sure all students are involved and attentive?

She gives all the students a chance to talk and who is shy she asks
them to join and asked for his opinion.
8. What signals can you identify that they have had enough?
There enjoy guessing its like a game to them they get excited to

9. What signals that they are proud of their achievement or disappointed?

When they answer correctly and the teacher claps for them they smile.

10. How do they demonstrate their frustration?

Some of them cry and the others hit other students.

11. Do they observe others?
Yes, they do when the teacher asks the same question again they
know the answer.

12. Do they interact with another child during the task?

Yes, they do talk.

13. What do they say or do while completing the tasks?

They cap for who answer correctly and say good job.

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