1. Advanced Heart Failure/Transplantation Programme, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US;
2. Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US; 3. Pulmonary Hypertension
Programme, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US
The development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in patients with heart failure is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In this
article, the authors examine recent changes to the definition of PH in the setting of left heart disease (PH-LHD), and discuss its epidemiology,
pathophysiology and prognosis. They also explore the complexities of diagnosing PH-LHD and the current evidence for the use of medical
therapies, promising clinical trials and the role of left ventricular assist device and transplantation.
Pulmonary hypertension, heart failure, pre-capillary, post-capillary, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, heart failure with preserved
ejection fraction, pulmonary vasodilators
Open Access: This work is open access under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 License which allows users to copy, redistribute and make derivative works for non-
commercial purposes, provided the original work is cited correctly.
Heart failure (HF) remains one of the most common medical conditions DPG <7 mmHg and/or PVR ≤3 Wood units (WU), and represents the
worldwide, placing a continuously growing burden on healthcare majority of PH-LHD, with the predominant causative factor being
providers. Within the HF population itself, the subset of patients who elevation in left-sided pressures. By comparison, combined post- and
develop pulmonary hypertension (PH-LHD) has been identified as pre-capillary PH (CpcPH), the group previously referred to as having
having a significantly higher morbidity and mortality.1 There are limited out-of-proportion or reactive PH-LHD, with a prevalence of 12–38%,
therapeutic options for PH-LHD and it often complicates the use of was defined as PH-LHD with DPG ≥7 mmHg and/or PVR >3 WU.2,3
standard treatment approaches. This article will focus on PH-LHD as it
relates to patients with both HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) In 2018, the 6th World Symposium on Pulmonary Hypertension
– left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <40% – and HF with preserved recommended changing the definitions of PH, with the goal of identifying
ejection fraction (HFpEF) – patients with LVEF >50%. patients with earlier stages of PH who could potentially benefit from
interventions. This recommendation was to define precapillary PH as
Definition mPAP >20 mmHg in the setting of an elevated PVR.4 The rationale for this
Previously, PH was defined by a mean pulmonary artery pressure change was based on previous studies that found a mPAP cut-off of 20
(mPAP) ≥25 mmHg with PH-LHD; with the WHO defining group II PH as mmHg is two standard deviations above normal mPAP value.5,6 The
mPAP ≥25 mmHg in the setting of a pulmonary artery wedge pressure group also suggested updates to the definitions of PH-LHD; IpcPH was
(PAWP) >15 mmHg.2 There is a continuum of disease comprising PH- defined as mPAP >20 mmHg, PAWP >15 mmHg and PVR <3 WU. CpcPH
LHD pathophysiology and several haemodynamic variables have was defined as mPAP >20 mmHg, PAWP >15 mmHg and PVR ≥3 WU. The
traditionally been incorporated into the definition of PH-LHD to rationale for a change away from DPG to PVR exclusively included
differentiate between these two subgroups. These variables include concern for the fidelity and interpretation of the DPG measurement.4,5 A
the diastolic pressure gradient (DPG), which is defined as the difference summary of these changes is presented in Table 1.
between the diastolic pulmonary artery pressure and the PAWP; the
transpulmonary gradient (TPG), defined as the mPAP–PAWP; and Prevalence, Prognosis and Pathophysiology
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), defined as the TPG divided by PH-LHD is remarkably common, accounting for 65–80% of all PH
the cardiac output. patients, with the prevalence of PH estimated at 40–75% in people with
HFrEF, and 36–83% in people with HFpEF.3,7–10 PH is a poor prognostic
According to the 2015 European Society of Cardiology and the European indicator in all HF patients, with PASP >45 mmHg on echocardiography
Respiratory Society guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of PH, being associated with increased 5-year mortality, independent of the
isolated post-capillary PH (IpcPH), is defined as PH-LHD with severity of HF and other comorbidities.11,12
Table 1: Definition of Pulmonary Hypertension informative measures for assessment have been evaluated for the PH-
LHD population.
Current 2018 WHO
Guidelines Update There has been a focus on assessing the RV–PA interaction and/or
PH afterload elevation in people with PH-LHD. This includes the
Mean pulmonary artery pressure ≥25 mmHg >20 mmHg assessment of septal flattening (particularly in systole), RV dilatation,
RV to LV ratio, RV apex angle and RV systolic impairment (as measured
Group II PH
by RV fractional area change or tricuspid annular plane systolic
Pulmonary artery wedge pressure >15 mmHg >15 mmHg
excursion (TAPSE) and RV longitudinal strain (as measured by 2D and
Isolated Post-capillary PH
3D speckle tracking) (Figure 2).22 Furthermore, the right ventricular
Diastolic pressure gradient <7 mmHg N/A outflow tract (RVOT) pulse wave Doppler profile contains several
Pulmonary vascular resistance ≤3 WU <3 WU parameters to inform the underlying haemodynamic profile of a given
Combined Post- and Pre-capillary PH patient or population with PH-LHD including acceleration time,
Diastolic pressure gradient ≥7 mmHg N/A velocity time integral (VTI) and presence/absence/timing of systolic
Pulmonary vascular resistance >3 WU ≥3 WU notching.21,23 These right heart metrics should be evaluated in
PH = pulmonary hypertension; WU = Wood unit. conjunction with standard left heart metrics, including LA size,
estimated LA pressure (by mitral inflow and tissue Doppler
assessment), LV size and function, and valvular dysfunction, which in
The pathophysiology of PH-LHD is thought to be a continuum, where turn can then aid in distinguishing IpcPH and CpcPH.16
the initial transmission of elevated left-sided filling pressures into the
pulmonary circulation is followed by superimposed components, such The ratio of TAPSE/PASP has been described as an index of right
as pulmonary vasoconstriction, decreased nitric oxide availability and ventriculo-arterial coupling independent of LV dysfunction, and has
desensitisation to natriuretic peptide-induced vasodilatation. This been validated with invasive haemodynamics by Tello et al.24 Gerges
process leads to pulmonary vascular remodelling including thickening et al. demonstrated this as being valuable in being able to differentiate
of the alveolar-capillary membrane, medial hypertrophy, intimal and between IpcPH and CpcPH in the setting of both HFrEF and HFpEF.25
adventitial fibrosis and small vessel luminal occlusion (Figure 1).3 Guazzi et al. showed it could be used to prognosticate in HFpEF
patients, with higher TAPSE/PASP correlating with higher levels of
More recently, Fayyaz et al. studied pulmonary arterial and venous natriuretic peptides, worse systemic and pulmonary haemodynamics
remodelling in autopsy specimens from patients with PH-HFpEF and and abnormal exercise aerobic capacity.26
PH-HFrEF compared with normal controls and those with pulmonary
veno-occlusive disease (PVOD). They found that more venous intimal With recent attention to PAC across the PH spectrum, including in PH-
thickening was present compared with arterial intimal thickening in LHD, with increased pulsatile load (secondary to elevated PAWP)
those with PH-LHD, and this was similar to changes seen in people reducing PAC, we have described a non-invasive surrogate for PAC
with PVOD. These changes correlated with PH severity, suggesting that using the RVOT–VTI/PASP relationship, which we showed stratifies
the pulmonary venous remodelling promoted and dictated the patients with IpcPH and CpcPH as compared with pulmonary arterial
development and severity of PH in the HF population.13 Additionally, hypertension (PAH), and correlated with the 6-minute walk
recent work has further assessed the impact of left-sided valvular distance.14,27–29
disease on PH, with nearly 50% of patients with severe aortic stenosis
having PH, of whom 12% had CpcPH, which was associated with Right Heart Catheterisation
higher PAWP, lower pulmonary arterial compliance (PAC) and was a In patients with suspected PH-LHD, right heart catheterisation (RHC) is
significant predictor of mortality.14 required to prove the diagnosis and to differentiate between pre-
capillary PH (PAH) and PH-LHD and to further distinguish IpcPH and
Diagnosis CpcPH. Although the procedure is relatively safe and is now routine
Echocardiography practice in most centres, there is a hesitancy to apply this as routine in
Echocardiography is one of the mainstays of investigation of LHD in all PH-LHD patients, given its invasive nature and potential for
general and efforts have been made to diagnose and monitor PH-LHD misinterpretation of the data. Our recommendation is that RHC should
using routine echocardiography. This has been well summarised in a be performed in the following circumstances:
recent review by Maeder et al.9,15,16 Pulmonary artery systolic pressure
(PASP), the most well-known parameter, can be estimated by • diagnostic uncertainty based on noninvasive testing;
measuring peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity, applying the modified • disproportionate symptoms compared with echocardiographic
Bernoulli equation (4v2) and adding estimated right atrial pressure findings;
(most commonly using inferior vena cava size and collapsibility).17–19 • progressive symptoms despite optimal medical therapy;
Studies have shown a good correlation with invasive haemodynamic • when advanced therapies are planned especially transplantation or
measurements, although PASP estimates often have reduced accuracy mechanical circulatory support.
due to: the technical ability required to acquire quality images;
problems with tricuspid regurgitation velocity (low, absent or of poor One major drawback with RHC in this patient population is that the
quality or with severe tricuspid regurgitation); or when right atrial pivotal measurement, PAWP, is the most prone to errors and extra time
volume is unable to be assessed or is inaccurately estimated.20 and care should be taken while documenting PAWP. To minimise this
Additionally, PASP alone cannot determine the underlying error, the reference level needs to be at the mid-thoracic position and
haemodynamic PH phenotype.21 Therefore, other more reliable and the catheter tip position should be verified (with either fluoroscopy and
with aspiration and assessment of PAWP blood) and the PAWP should Figure 1: Pathophysiology of Pulmonary
be measured at the end of the expiratory phase of normal respiration Hypertension in Heart Failure
to minimise respirophasic variations.30,31 If there are still concerns
about the accuracy of the PAWP measurement, then direct Combined pre- and Isolated
measurement of the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) can post-capillary post-capillary
pulmonary hypertension pulmonary hypertension
be performed. However it must be remembered that LVEDP is a
measure of LV preload and LV diastolic compliance, and this is not a
true surrogate for PAWP, which is both the best reflection of the total
effect of LHD on the pulmonary circulation and has been shown to be pulmonary
a better predictor of outcomes, especially in the HFpEF population.32–34 venous
Reduced NO ‘backward’
In addition to standard measurements, other procedural techniques availability transmission of
may be required in patients with PH-LHD. These patients are frequently Desensitisation
on diuretic therapy, which can lead to artificially lower PAWP to vasodilatation
measurements than are normal for the patient; in this case a 500 cc IV
fluid challenge can be performed with reassessment of haemodynamic
measurements. This can be especially helpful in patients with HFpEF,
Increased pulmonary venous
where there can be vast differences in haemodynamics based on pressures
volume status.35 Also, testing during exercise is important in this
population as it is both required to diagnose or confirm HFpEF,
especially if resting PAWP is <15 mmHg, and it is a useful in ‘unmasking’
exercise-induced PH where there may be a disproportionate rise in
mPAP in relation to changes in cardiac output.36 Increased LA pressure
Optimising Goal-directed Therapy
The main goal of management in this population should be optimisation Increased LV Mitral Loss of LA
of underlying medical therapies, using device therapy and addressing pressure regurgitation compliance
Classical hypothesis of the post-capillary hemodynamic profile – backward transmission of
underlying valvular disease where indicated. In particular, the use of elevated left ventricular filling pressures into the pulmonary circulation leading to pulmonary
adequate diuretic therapy, an often under-emphasised avenue of vascular remodelling and this pulmonary hypertension. LA = left atrial; LV = left ventricular.
CpcPH = combined post- and pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension; IpcPH = isolated post-capillary pulmonary hypertension.
Table 2: Summary of Clinical Trials of Pulmonary Hypertension-specific Therapy in Heart Failure with Preserved
Ejection Fraction
Table 3: Summary of Clinical Trials of Pulmonary Hypertension-specific Therapy in Heart Failure with Reduced
Ejection Fraction
recently, Bermejo et al. found worse outcomes after long-term sildenafil With PH-HFpEF (HELP) study (NCT03541603) evaluating levosimendan, a
use compared with placebo in patients’ status after corrective valvular calcium sensitiser with inotropic, lusitropic and vasodilatory properties;
surgery.43 Furthermore, riociguat, a nitric oxide pathway soluble a randomised, placebo controlled trial of organic nitrites, Oral Nitrite
guanylate cyclase stimulator, was studied in the Acute hemodynamic in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension and Heart Failure With
effects of riociguat in patients with PH associated with diastolic heart Preserved Ejection Fraction (NCT03015402); and a phase II clinical trial
failure (DILATE-1) study and showed that, while there was safety using of metformin – Metformin for PH HFpEF (NCT03629340) – among others.
this medication, there was no significant benefit with regards to
haemodynamic endpoints.44 Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction
A number of trials have been performed in the broader HFrEF
The Safety and Efficacy of Bosentan in Patients With Diastolic Heart population, but at this stage data are lacking to support the use of PH-
Failure and Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension (BADDHY) trial used specific therapy. Initial clinic trials using bosentan, IV prostacyclins and
bosentan, a dual endothelin A and B antagonist.45 It had to be prematurely darusentan (a selective endothelin AT antagonists) were all negative.48–52
halted as there was a trend to harm in the treatment arm. Macitentan in A major criticism of these studies is that they failed to focus on the PH-
PH due to left ventricular dysfunction (MELODY-1) was a phase II trial LHD population and often had higher doses of these therapies than
studying macitentan, a dual endothelin A and B antagonist, in CpcPH due used in the PAH population.
to either HFpEF or HFrEF (although overwhelmingly a HFpEF population),
and showed increased fluid retention in the treatment arm within 4 More focused studies have been performed to assess the potential
weeks of initiating therapy and worsening functional class without an efficacy of sildenafil. In a single arm, open-label study, Lewis et al.
improvement in haemodynamic variables and a non-significant decrease showed a significant improvement in haemodynamics and
in NT-proBNP in the macitentan arm.46 Finally, organic nitrates as a direct cardiopulmonary exercise testing parameters (including VO2 max and
activator of the nitric oxide pathway has been investigated as a novel increase in ventilation with respect to CO2 output) with 50 mg sildenafil,
therapeutic area. Simon et al. conducted a phase II dosing clinical trial while Guazzi et al. performed a single-centre, randomised trial that
that demonstrated a reduction in PAWP and PA pressures from inhaled showed improvements in haemodynamics, echocardiographic markers
nitric oxide, and this effect was greater in HFpEF patients compared with of left ventricular diastolic function and cardiac geometry, as well as
those with PH alone.47 functional status (by CPET) and quality of life.53–55 However, double-
blind, placebo-controlled trials with PDE5 inhibitors have been plagued
There are currently a number of ongoing trials in PH-HFpEF patients, by poor recruitment. The Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibition With
including the Hemodynamic Evaluation of Levosimendan in Patients Tadalafil Changes Outcomes in Heart Failure (PITCH-HF; NCT01910389),
evaluating tadalafil, was terminated after funding was withdrawn due Thus, while the data suggest that LVAD therapy is associated with
to a number of factors, including poor enrolment. improvements in cardiopulmonary haemodynamics acutely and over
time, there are patients who have persistent PH and/or RV failure (early
There have been two other recently published studies using PH-specific or late) after LVAD implantation. While several smaller trials suggest
therapy. The Study to Test the Effects of Riociguat in Patients With haemodynamic benefit from the use of PH-specific therapy, and we use
Pulmonary Hypertension Associated With Left Ventricular Systolic such therapy in isolated cases, there is currently a lack of large
Dysfunction (LEPHT) evaluating riociguat failed to show a reduction in randomised data to support its use more broadly across this population.
PAP or PVR after 16 weeks of treatment.56 The Study to Evaluate
Whether Macitentan is an Effective and Safe Treatment for Patients Transplantation
With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction and Pulmonary Orthotropic heart transplantation (OHT) is still considered the definitive
Vascular Disease (SERENADE; NCT03153111) trial is a phase IIb trial treatment for end-stage HFrEF. Unfortunately, patients with PH-LHD
which is currently underway. have worse outcomes post-transplantation, specifically those patients
with a PVR >2.5 WU who do not demonstrate reversibility with
Left Ventricular Assist Device vasodilator challenge, have significantly higher risk of mortality due to
Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) therapy has become a mainstay RV failure at 3 months (33%; 14% related to RV failure versus 6%).65 This
in the treatment of end-stage HFrEF, with multiple devices now FDA was further shown in an analysis of the United Network for Organ
approved for both bridge-to-transplant (BTT) and destination therapy Sharing (registry that showed pre-transplant PVR >2.5 WU was an
(DT).57 Many studies have shown reversal of PH-LHD with LVAD independent predictor of mortality), although the degree of elevation of
support causing both mechanical unloading of the left ventricle, and PVR modestly increased mortality in a non-linear manner.66
the persistent reductions in filling pressures leading to reverse
remodelling of the pulmonary vasculature changes in CpcPH. This has These studies demonstrate that the evaluation of PH-LHD in the context
been shown in a number of single-centre observational studies in the of OHT must be both dynamic and repeated, and that a stepwise
pre-transplant population and in a more recent study which showed approach to the transplant candidate with an elevated PVR is vital in
significant reduction in PH when compared with medical therapy in a patients where the PVR remains elevated. Without a viable mechanical
similar population.58–62 support option, as may be the case in the congenital population, selected
patients may be eligible for combined heart–lung transplantation. This
However, there is a subgroup that has persistent CpcPH after LVAD option, however, is not without significant pitfalls, because this procedure
implantation and there is no consensus on treatment for this group. is performed at only a select number of centres and has a high post-
There have been several small trials evaluating the role of sildenafil operative morbidity and mortality when compared with OHT.67
after LVAD placement. In a single-centre study, Tedford et al. showed
sildenafil treatment led to a significant reduction in mPAP, improved Conclusion
cardiac output and reduction in PVR in LVAD patients with residual PH-LHD is a major problem for patients with both HFrEF and HFpEF
elevated pulmonary pressures more than 1-month post implant.63 and limited targeted treatment options have proven beneficial for this
Other agents, including bosentan, have been evaluated.64 The Clinical population. Although trials to this date have been negative, the
Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Macitentan in Patients With combination of more nuanced phenotyping of this patient population
Pulmonary Hypertension After Left Ventricular Assist Device combined with novel modalities is providing hope of advances
Implantation (SOPRANO; NCT02554903) study is ongoing. in treatment.
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