Figura AG Super
Figura AG Super
Figura AG Super
1. Introduction
Initial Fitness
population evaluation Stop?
New Best
population SELECTION cromozome
CROSSOVER solution
The objective of the problem is to find number, location and discrete size
of capacitor to be placed in the system in such a way that the total cost of energy
loss, including the cost of capacitor is minimum, under energy quality
Objective function: the objective function for optimization can be stated
mathematically as [1, 2]:
Minimize: F (Q) = K e PT + K c (Qi ) (1)
i =1
where P is the active power loss at the power system with a time duration T,
K c (Qi ) is the cost of the ith capacitor of rating Qi , ncap the number of the
candidate locations for capacitor placement and K e is the energy cost of losses.
One of the main objectives of compensation problem is to place the minimum
number of capacitor so that installation cost could be minimum. Hence it will be
worth-while, if the installation cost of the capacitor could be incorporated in the
capacitor cost calculation itself. Both the installation cost and marginal cost of
capacitor has been considered separately. The capacitor cost is considered as the
linear function of its size:
K c (Qi ) = K ci + K c Qi (2)
where K ci is installation cost of the ith capacitor.
Constraints: Two types of constraints are imposed:
a) Reactive power constraints:
Qimin Qi Qimax i = 1,..., ncap
where X i is the value of the binary string Qi in the base 10. The maximum
number for the generations for the problem is 40.The parameters of the objective
function are: K e = 60[$ / MWh] , K ci = 100[$] , K c = 0.01[$ / MVAr ] and
= 1 .Thus as convergence criteria will be used the difference between average
fitness of entire population calculated in the last two consecutive generation
( = 10 7 ).
The main steps of algorithm of the proposed method are:
1. Form initial chromosomes equal to the population size as: [Q1Q2...Qncap ];
2. Evaluation of the fitness for each chromosome:
i) Convert each binary substring Q in string into decimal number representing
the size of the reactive power;
ii) Assign this reactive powers for the given location and carry out the power
flow calculation and to find out : power losses and nodal voltage.
iii) Calculate the objective function F with (1) then the fitness K/F.
3. Find the best fitted chromosome and send it to the solution vector and
calculate the mean of whole population fitness.
4. Set the generation number=1.
5. i) Select a number of individuals from the current population in proportion
with the selection rate, selection based on the rank method;
ii) Perform crossover and generate offspring;
iii)Mutate these offspring based mutation probability.
6. Calculate fitness for each offspring as in step 2 and step 3.
7. Combine the old population and new population to create a single population
best of both. For example, at t-th generation, total population size is NI(old
population).In step 5 a set of new population is obtained NIc in proportion
with the selection rate. When combining these old and new population,
results a population with NI+ NIc size, from wich will survive in the t+1-th
generation only NI individuals- the best fitted.
8. Repeat step 5 to step 7 till the solution converges or a maximum number of
generation is reached.
A test 6 buses - power system is given, represented in figure 2. The reactive
power compensation will be calculated for load buses 2, 4 and 5.The results
obtained after running the optimization program based on a GA are
represented in figures 3, 4 and 5.
1-NG 2 3-NG
5 4
6 -NE
a) b)
Fig. 2.- The 6 buses- test power system: single diagram (a) and daily power features P(t) and
Q(t) on load buses (b).
a) b)
Fig 3. Daily active power losses P (t) : initial steady state and optimal steady state (a),
Instantaneous compensation values Q (MVAr) in the load buses for optimal rating (b).
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