Pandya 2015
Pandya 2015
Pandya 2015
89 197
2 authors, including:
Pandya Sundaram
Shri K .J. Polytechnic
All content following this page was uploaded by Pandya Sundaram on 27 April 2021.
Abstract- Optimal reactive power dispatch is one of the new functions which is derived based on a local voltage
major and important optimization problem in electrical power stability index,called ,DSY related with voltage stability
system operation and control. This is nothing but multi margin.The new objective function is tested on the New
objectives, nonlinear, minimization problem of power system England 39- bus test system. [4]
optimization. This paper focuses on this sub problem of optimal
power flow. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) is one of the Some researchers are dealing with a multi objective
best population based intelligent technique of optimization. The optimization problem with newly developed teaching learning
basic PSO algorithm is used for optimal reactive power dispatch. based optimization (TLBO) algorithm to solve ORPD problem
This approach applies to the IEEE-14 bus, IEEE-30 bus, IEEE- by minimizing the objective functions.[5-S].M.Varadarajan
57 bus and IEEE-39 New England bus test systems for presents the ORPD problem as a mixed integer nonlinear
minimization of active power loss. Simulation results are optimization problem with penalty coefficients for constraint
compared with the other optimization algorithm. handling. The algorithm is tested on standard IEEE-14, IEEE-
30 and IEEE-lIS bus test system [9].
Keywords- reactive power dispatch, optimal power flow,
particle swarm optimization,metaheuristic methods
For the last several decades, so many researchers focused A. Optimal reactive power dispatch
on the optimal operation of the power system. This is because Optimal reactive power dispatch [10-21] is a non-linear,
of demand of power system is increasing drastically. Also, non-convex optimization problem. The main goals of ORPD
there is increasing renewable energy sources required proper problem is to minimize the active power loss of the system
planning of the system. For reliability and efficiently working and to keep the voltage profile within the certain limits
of system power losses and voltage deviation should be followed by the equality and inequality constraints. The multi
rmmmum. objective optimal reactive power planning problem seeks to
The optimal power flow problem was first introduced by optimize one or more objective function while satisfying their
Carpentier in 1960s [l] and after then many researchers have defined constraints. In optimal reactive power planning all
worked on the OPF problem with the different methodology. control variables are set in such a way that, the system
Optimal reactive power dispatch problem is actually sub parameters are to be optimized. The optimal location and their
problem of optimal power flow (OPF).This ORPD is also values are also coming into the picture of the reactive power
multi objectives, nonlinear in nature. planning problems.
[ ][ ][ ]
system .The currents and voltages are related as
where Ng, Nt and NC signify the number of generating IG YGG YGL VG (6)
units, online tap setting transformers and reactive shunt =
compensators, respectively. The active powers(excluding slack
bus) and bus voltages of generators are treated as continuous Where IG,lL and VG,VL are currents and voltages of the
[ ]-[ ][ ]
variables.while, transformer tap setting and shunt reactors are generator buses and load buses
denoted as discrete variables. Also, x is the vector of dependent VI Zu. F1G /I
variables including:
I. Active power output, generated by slack bus PGI. G
Ng v.
L j I - I F - . L ((J ij + c5 i
- c5 j ) (8)
4. Line loading capacity of transmission lines SL. = '
i=1 V i
Hence, x can be expressed as: where Vi is the voltage magnitude of i l1 generator bus, Vj is
the voltage magnitude of jth PQ bus, 8ij is the phase angle of
xT= [PGI,VLl ....VLNpq,QGI ....Qe;Ng,SLl .....SLNll (3)
the term Fji, 8 i is the voltage phase angle of ith generator unit,
8j is the voltage phase angle of jth generator unit, and Npq is
Where Npq is the number of PQ buses, and NI is the total
the number of PQ buses. For all load buses ,calculate L-index.
number of transmission lines.
As mentioned above,the value of L-index is lies between zero
C. Objectivefunctions to one for each load bus. So, a global system L-index
describing the voltage stability of the entire system can be
The different objective functions in different literatures
defined by:
f3=L = max ( Lj ) j=1,2,3 ...........,Npq (9)
(I) The active power loss minimization
The aim of this objective function is to minimize the active The lower the value of L-index,larger the voltage stability
power loss of the system and defined as margin. Hence, in order to increase the voltage stability of the
power system and to move the system far from the voltage
. Nt! 2 2
fl= mlll (Pr) =I Gk(V.1 + V}· - 2V·V .cos ( 6· - 6 .) (4) collapse point, the voltage stability indicator L defined can be
I } 1 }
k=! employed.
where PL is the active power 10ss;Gk is the conductance of
the line connected between the i h and j'h lines; Vi and Vj are D. Constraints
the voltage magnitudes at bus i and bus j, respectively; 8 i and
The constraints considered in the literatures for optimal
8j are the voltage angles at bus i and bus j, respectively
reactive power dispatch problem are:-
(2) Improvement of voltage profile
(i) Equality constraints:-
The voltages of the system must be within their
permissible limits for reliable operation of the power system. The equality constraints g are typical power flow equations
So the voltage deviation of the system is within the tolerable which are defined as follows:
limits. Hence, the objective function is defined as Pe;i-PDi-Vi (Gij cos(8i-8j) + Bij sin(8i-8j)) = 0 i=1,2, .....,N(I 0)
QGi-Q Di-Vi (Gij sin(8i---bj)+ Bij cos (8i-8j)) = 0 i=I,2, .....,N(lI)
i =1 where N is the number of buses in the system. PGi and
where Npq is the number of load buses;Vi is the voltage of QGi are respectively the active and reactive power generations
i l1bus. at bus i; PDi and QDi are the active and reactive power loads
at bus i, respectively; Gij and Bij are the real and imaginary
(3) Improvement of voltage stability index parts of the ijth element of the bus admittance matrix,
respectively; Vi and Vj are the voltage magnitudes at bus i and
bus j, respectively; oi and oj are the voltage angle at bus i and t t
x:' : The position of i h particle at k h iteration
bus j, respectively.
X : constriction factor
(ii) Inequality constraints:
The inequality constraints are:- Here the weight factor 'w' is changing at iteration to
iteration provides the balancing between particle best and
(A) Generator constraints: Generator active power PG, global best solution according to the following equation:
generator reactive power QG, and generator voltage magnitude
VG are restricted by their lower and upper limits: w max -
w mm
w =
w max -
. X iter (21)
PGi.min::; PGi ::; P Gi.max i=l, .......Ng (12) I termax
QGLmin::; QCJi ::; QCJLmax i=l, .......Ng (13)
where W max :Inertia weight at beginning of iterations
VGi.min::; VGi ::; VGi.max i=l, .......Ng (14)
III. THE PROPOSED PSO ALGORITHM Step 2) Assign the initial agents (particles) as particle best Phes1
Particle swarm optimization is simple, fast and population
based algorithm. This was proposed by Eberhart and Kennedy Step 3) Evaluate the objective function with particle best Phest
[22-23] in year has been motivated by the behavior of and assigned ghest among all the Pbcst.
groups such as fish schooling and bird tlocking. Because of
Step 4) Change the velocity and position using equations (19)
inherent simplicity, it is fast and requires less memory. The
and (20) for each particle.
swarm initially has population of random velocity and is flown
through the problem space. All particles have a memory and Step 5) Compare the objective function for each particle with
track of best position (pbest) and the corresponding fitness that of its Phes1 . If it is better than pbcst. set current value as Phes1
value. The swarm has another best value called (gbest) which and locate it as a current location in the search area.
is the best value of all particle' pbest.All particles update its
position based upon its position, global best position and Step 6) According to fitness value, find the best agent and
previous velocity according to the following equations: reset as global best ghest.
Step 7) Repeat steps (4) to (6) till the specified iterations are
(19) met.
k k+1
X ;+l = Xi +X X Vi (20)
where v {'+1 :The velocity of i particle at (k+1) iteration
To verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed
w:Inertia weight of the particle algorithm, different IEEE bus test systems are used as test
systems. The PSO algorithm has been implemented in
k 1 t
Vi :The velocity of i h particle at k h iteration MATLAB programming language incorporated with
matpower 3.2 [24] package and numerical tests are carried out
CbC2 :Positive constants between 0-2.5 on a core i5, 3.20GHz, 4 GB RAM computer.
r l h :Random numbers between 0-1
A. IEEE-14 Bus power system
PbcsLi :Best position of i h particle The IEEE-14Bus system and system data and other
ghest :Global best position operating conditions are given in the [25]. The network
consists 20 branches, 5 generator-buses, 3 numbers of
k+l . . f· ·t . l . .
Xi :
The posltIOn 0 I h patlcIe at (k +l) h IteratIOn adjustable transformers and 2 reactive power compensators.
The IEEE-14 Bus contains 10 control variables and their
settings limits are shown in Table I.
30 Bus 11 -6 24
13 -6 24
Transformer tap settings l.05 0.95
Generator node 1.1 0.9
Qc.9(p.u) 0.20 0
Qc-14 0.20 0
VGl l.0995 - -
VG2 1.0778 l.097 l.094
IEEE BUS TEST Generation QMin QMax l.049 l.053
VG5 1.0459
SYSTEM Variables
VG8 1.0576 1.033 1.059
1 0 10
2 -40 50 VGll l.0526 l.092 l.099
14 Bus 3 0 40 VG13 l.0330 l.091 l.099
6 -6 24 TI 1.0050 l.01 0.99
8 -6 24
T2 l.0239 l.03 l.03
QC24 0.1315 - -
TOTAL ACTIVE 16.1810 16.38962 16.09292
:t 17
B. iEEE -30 Bus system and iEEE- 57 Bus test systems ro
The bus data and line data of IEEE-30 and IEEE-57 Bus 16.5
test systems are taken from [25].TableA shows the state
variables constraints. There are 6 generator nodes,4
16 L--=
6�O--= --
O�1�6 0�� 18=O--=
transformer tapsettings and 3 shunt reactive devices 0 20�- 4� 1 4�
80��1�OO�� 12=O � 200
Iteration number
connected in 30 bus system.So 13 control variables in IEEE
Fig.1 Convergence characteristics ofTEEE-30 Bus system
30- Bus test system. Similarly IEEE-57 Bus test systems
having 27 control variables as tabulated in Table.6.and
compared [18] with other cited results in references.
Convergence characteristic and comparison results of IEEE-30 CONTROL PSO DE DE-ABC ABC
Bus system are shown as below. This result also compares
VGI 1.0430 1.0555 1.0576 1.0708
with EP,SARGA and other optimization algorithms[26].Here
VG2 1.0510 1.0409 1.0426 1.0660
penalty function method is used for controlling the variables 1.0214 1.0191
VG3 1.0370 1.0606
within their maximum and minimum limits. The maximum or VG6 l.0218 0.9993 l.0000 l.0493
minimum limits of variables are rounded off for converting VG8 l.0383 l.01l0 l.0147 l.0714
discrete variables into continuous variables. There are 17 VG9 1.0159 0.9872 0.9892 1.0302
transformer tap setting and 3 shunts, so 20 discrete control VGI2 1.0438 1.0036 1.0013 1.0339
variables are used in IEEE-57 bus test system. Tl9 l.0434 l.2 1.1 0.98
T20 0.9598 l.06 l.04 l.08
T31 1.0330 1.08 1.02 1.02
T36 0.9598 0.92 0.98 l.04
IEEE BUS TEST Variables QMin QMax
T37 l.0068 0.92 l.08 1
T41 0.9642 1.08 1.0 0.92
1 0 10
T46 1.0093 0.94 0.9 0.98
30 Bus 2 -40 50
T54 1.0361 1.08 0.92 1.04
5 -40 40
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