303 599 1 SM
303 599 1 SM
303 599 1 SM
第 54 卷 第 3 期 Vol.54 No.3
2019 六 3 月
Research article
The environment friendly designing and running of electricity distribution structures are becoming vaster
with the conjunction of renewable electricity options into power distribution systems. This study presents
Moth Flame Optimization (MFO) approach to minimize total losses kW and energy cost and maximize
net savings with solving the voltage deviation problem through optimal site and size of capacitor banks in
electrical radial distribution networks. Two various load profiles are utilized to take a look at the modified
algorithm on IEEE 123-, and 13-bus check networks. The OpenDSS software is utilized to resolve the
power flowing via MATLAB programming interface. The results obtained are compared with IEEE
normal state and other two heuristic approaches in same study, namely, imperialist competitive algorithm
and particle swarm optimization. The proposed algorithm is more effective to minimise the total power
losses and total cost and maximise net savings and to enhance the voltage profile for various distribution
Keywords: Distribution Systems; Smart Grids; Voltage Optimization; Total Power Losses.
摘要 : 隨著可再生電力選擇與配電系統的結合,配電結構的環境友好設計和運行變得越來越大。本研究提
大限度地降低總損耗 kW 和能量成本,並最大化淨節省。利用兩種不同的負載配置文件來查看 IEEE 123 和
13 總線檢查網絡上的修改算法。 OpenDSS 軟件用於通過 MATLAB 編程接口解決功率流。將得到的結果與同
一研究中的 IEEE 正態和其他兩種啟發式方法進行了比較,即帝國主義競爭算法和粒子群優化算法。所提出
means which include the coordinated technique of operation of musical group (harmony search) [12],
tap changeable transformers, like capacitors, are and the direction finding method of moths in
wanted due to the fact masses fee are not fixed via nature, which is called transverse direction (moth
time and the production of new energy capacity flame optimization [MFO]) [13] were developed.
sources are sporadic. Optimization of Voltage As shown in the literature summary, the
(VO) is a tremendous technological know-how application of MFO has not been discussed so far
that has been rescuing a lot of money in lost to solve for capacitor size and placement in radial
electrical power since the commencing of the new distribution system. Therefore, this motivates to
millenary [1]. Rise request utilized to be utilize MFO to find best place and size of
administer by voltage decrease [2]. The capacitors capacitor in power distribution system to reduce
are using as another way to helping system total power loss and total cost and maximize net
operation for get better power factor, minimize savings and to enhance the voltage profile.
power losses and improve voltage profile [3]. The OpenDSS software is applied to implement power
capacitors are usually utilized to supply imaginary influx and load influx to discovery the parameters
power kVAr reparation in power distribution of power system such as voltage profile, power
systems. The installation of capacitors bank factor, power losses , real and imaginary power
includes definition of size kVAr and capacitors flow in every line, and etc. [14], [15]. Two test
location. Selecting better site of the capacitor will systems IEEE 13-, and 123-node are applied in
minimize the demand of the imaginary power, this work. Results acquired from the suggested
which therefore increase the pure savings and algorithm has been compared with those gained
utilized to keep voltage profile values within from IEEE standard case, PSO and ICA.
allowable limits. For example, in an algorithm MATLAB and an open power distribution system
that rely on genetic algorithm, Fuzzy Logic and simulation gadget OpenDSS [14], [15] are utilized
Dynamic Programming techniques are utilized for in the emulations.
best capacitor allocation in distribution network. The remnant of the paper is orderlies as
Flower pollination optimization algorithm and follows. Section II suggested the mathematical
power loss index was used for best sizing and problem formulation. Section III briefly dissect
locations of capacitors in power radial distribution MFO, ICA, and PSO and modified algorithms for
networks in [4]. Gravitational search algorithm solving the optimal capacitor placement problem.
was used for optimal capacitor placement in [5], Section IV presents the experiments and the
whereas a teaching–learning-based optimization simulation results. Finally, Section V presents the
was used for the same aim in [6]. Capacitors can conclusions, followed by the References used in
as well be utilized to reduce the effects of this paper.
harmonics in distribution networks; the harmony
search algorithm was utilized for this aim in [7]. 1. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM FORMULATION
Capacitor size and site problem have been
resolved through other heuristics, for example ant A. Objective function
colony algorithm [8], clonal selection algorithm The capacitors costs and the power losses cost
[8], and particle swarm optimization [9]. represent the total cost in power system. The aim
Making the better potential results with the of best capacitor placement and size of
ready resources are constantly an objective in distribution network is to improvement a specific
scientific and problems of engineering. Generally aim function such minimize losses and cost and
two approaches are utilizing to solve problems of enhance the voltage values and maximize annual
optimization. The first method is depend on savings. The aim function in this work can be
arithmetic analysis, whereas the second method is written as follows:
depend on numerical computations. Numeral
optimization procedures can be classified into
derivative and non-derivative. The non-derivative Minimize x = Pcost . P i loss
process are applied when the derivatives of the i=1
performed sample are difficult to discover or not Nc
exist a numerical task connected to the sample. + Capj cost . Capj
These techniques are generally enthused through j=1
nature. The greatest public sample is GA, which Nb
reverses the development operation in the natural
+ |Vk − 1|
world [10]. Afterward, approaches motivated
through the attitude of fish and birds (particle k=1
swarm optimization [PSO]) [11] improvised
第 54 卷 第 3 期 Vol.54 No.3
2019 六 3 月 June. 2019
Nb Mo11 ⋯ Mo1d
𝑖=1 Cap < Qj (3) Mo21 … Mo2d
j=1 Mo = (5)
⋮ ⋱ ⋮
Where, Nc indicate to the number of
Mon1 ⋯ Mond
capacitors, Capi show the size of capacitor i, Nb
indicate the number of buses, and Q is the where n denotes size of moths, and d represent
reactive power kVAr in bus j. size of dimensions.
The optimal capacitor location between bus 3. Compute and order the identical cost values
number two and number of buses in simulation for each an individual's.
system. The bus number one is represent
Salman et al. / Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University/ Vol.54.No.3 June 2019
OMo1 OF1
OMo2 OF2
OMo = (6) OF = (8)
⋮ ⋮
OMon OFn
Where n indicate to number of moths Where n indicate to size of moths, and d
4. Initialize inhabitance of flames and flames indicate to size of dimensions.
efficiency that is evenness sort population of 5. Reiterate until the stopping state is met.
moths, and sort moth’s cost values, 6. Compute the space of the ith moth for the jth
respectively. flame through neutralization:
Di = |Fj-Moi| (9)
7. Modernize moths site utilizing spiral task as
F11 ⋯ F1d Moi = Di . ebt . cos(2ℼt)+Fj (10)
F … F2d Where, Di space, b is a fixed number (b=1),
F = 21 (7)
⋮ ⋱ ⋮ and t is a random number in [-1, 1].
Fn1 ⋯ Fnd 8. Modernize flames site that is the same better
former and actual moth’s site, identical as
with flames efficiency.
No Yes
Repetition = 1
Modernize flames site that is equal better previous and Sort the population of moths and save as an
current site of moths initial flames population
Achieve the stop
Modernize flames size state?
At random generate the site and size of the capacitors by fixed lower and upper limits as in
Eq. (5)
Implement a load and power flow utilize the identified load profile
Choice better moth’s site and efficiency as a flames site and efficiency utilize Eqs. (11) and (12).
Modernize moths site (capacitors site and size) using Eqs. (9) and (10)
A colony in empire has been cost less of
Exchange site of colony and imperialist
Choice the feeblest colony from the frailest empire then give it to the empire which
owns the best probability to possess it
There an empire without colonies? o
Remove this empire
Achieve the stop state?
Implement a load and power flow utilize the identified load profile
Compute the aim function for all the inhabitants as in Eq. (1)
Choice the colonized countries and imperialist as in Eqs. (14) and (15)
Achieve the stop
ICA for resolve optimal capacitor site Step 5: Modernize the site and size of the
problem: Figure 4 shows a flowchart of the capacitors for wholly empires as in Equation
modify ICA algorithm, and the proceedings as (16).
follows: Step 6: Reiterate procedures 3–5 till the
ending case is seen.
Step 1: Initialize set fixed variables such
as: inhabitance size Npop, maximum repetition C. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
number Maxit, number of imperialist General approach: PSO is initially developed
countries Nimp, and number of colony by Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995, and was once
countries Ncol. Set voltage size, and capacitor stimulated by way of the public conduct of birds
sites and size limits. clustering and fishes education [18]. The birds in
Step 2: Create randomly the site and size a herd are described as particles in the PSO
of capacitors, then form the first country as method. These particles can be flying over a
follows: examine space. A particle’s site in the examine
countryi = [l1, . . . , lm, Cap1, . . . , Capm] (17) space look as one answer for the issue. New
Where, m is the amounts of capacitors various answer is created when a particle shift to
bank. a new site in the examine space. Each answer
Step 3: Utilize the particular load profile can be examine by the usage of an aim function
and solution candidates to implement a load that affords a value of the advantage of the
and power flux of the exam system as in answer. The path and speed of every element
Equations (1). can be transferring alongside every dimension of
Step 4: Define the colonized countries and the examine space; so, will be shifting with each
imperialist depend on cost values as in generation of motion. PSO is typically viewed to
Equations (14) and (15). be an evolutionary computation (EC) model.
Achieve the
stop state?
Other EC samples consist of evolutionary By utilize the above note, the method is execute
strategies (ES), evolutionary programming (EP), as follows:
genetic programming (GP), and Genetic 1. Initialize a set of fixed parameters
Algorithms (GA) [19]. Every particle (i) such as: size of the swarm, variable
preserve the following data [20]: of the problem, high quantity of
Xi = The actual site of the particle. iterations, maximum and minimum
Vi = The actual speed of the particle. bounds and etc.
Yi = The personal better site of the particle 2. At random initialization of particle
(pbest); the better site visited until now by locations depending on the fixed
the particle. parameters.
Ŷ = The global better site of the swarm 3. Randomly initialization of particle
(gbest); the better site visited until now by speeds depending on the fixed
the entire swarm. parameters.
Figure 5 shows a flowchart of the PSO 4. Reiterate till the ending case is seen.
algorithm. 5. Estimate the cost values utilize the
aim function.
6. Locate gbest and pbest value.
7. Locate the change element speed
vector as follows:
Implement a load and power flow utilize the identified load profile
Compute the aim function for all particle in the inhabitants as in Eq. (1)
Modernize particle velocity, capacitors site and size utilize Eqs. (18)- (20)
Achieve the
stop state?
Figure 9: Simulation I voltage values on IEEE 13-node trial system, MFO optimal capacitors
placement with standard case and without capacitor.
Salman et al. / Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University/ Vol.54.No.3 June 2019
Table 3: Simulation II, performance of MFO over without control, standard case, PSO method, ICA method on 13 bus
Title Witho Standa PSO ICA MFO
ut rd case
Total losses (kW) 130.3 110.8 107.7 107.9 107.5
% Loss reduction - 15% 17.3% 17.2% 17.5
Candidate buses - 675 675 675 675
611 633 684 652
634 634 634
652 633 645
Optimal capacitor size (kVAr) - 600 50 50 50
100 50 600 50
1500 1050 1500
50 50 50
Total kVAr - 700 1650 1750 1650
Annual cost for kW loss ($168/kW) 21890 18614 18093 18127 18060
.4 .4 .6 .2
Annual capacitor cost ($/kVAr) - 182 376.5 421.4 376.5
Total annual cost ($) 21890 18796 18470 18548 18436
.4 .4 .1 .6 .5
Net savings ($) 0 3094 3419. 3341. 3453.
9 8 9
% Savings 0.0% 14.1% 15.6% 15.3% 15.8
Minimum voltage (p.u.) 0.892 0.973 0.967 0.966 0.968
Maximum voltage (p.u.) 0.999 1.047 1.05 1.048 1.048
Mean voltage (p.u.) 0.946 1.004 1.010 1.009 1.01
Standard deviation voltage (p.u.) 0.035 0.021 0.024 0.024 0.023
第 54 卷 第 3 期 Vol.54 No.3
2019 六 3 月 June. 2019
Figure 10: Simulation II voltage values on IEEE 13-node trial system, MFO optimal capacitors
placement with standard case and without capacitor
Figure 11: MFO iteration versus total power losses (kW) on 13-node trial system in simulation I
Figure 12: MFO iteration versus total power losses (kW) on 13-node trial system in simulation II.
The results of the proposed algorithm in algorithms, without control, and standard case.
Tables 2 and 3 are better than those of other Figures 9 and 10 shows the voltage profile for
Salman et al. / Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University/ Vol.54.No.3 June 2019
standard case, without capacitors case and MFO matched with the standard IEEE state, without
optimal capacitors placement on IEEE 13-node capacitors installation case and other methods
trial system in simulation I and simulation II which is shown in Table 4 for simulation I and
respectively. The propose algorithm iteration Table 5 for simulation II.
versus total active power losses (kW) of The results of the proposed algorithm in
simulation I and II on 13-node trial system Tables 4 and 5 are better than those of other
shown in Figures 11 and 12 respectively. algorithms, without control, and standard case.
Figures 13 and 14 shows the voltage profile for
B. IEEE 123 bus exam system standard case, without capacitors case and MFO
The information around this test system like optimal capacitors placement on IEEE 123-node
line and bus data have been explain in [22]. The trial system in simulation I and simulation II
gross active power load kW and reactive power respectively. The proposed algorithm iteration
load kVAr of this trial system in simulation I is versus total active power losses (kW) of
2305 kW and 1920 kVAr respectively, and in simulation I, and II on 123-node trial system be
simulation II is 3435 kW and 1920 kVAr seen in Figures 15, and 16 respectively.
Table 4: Simulation I, performance of MFO over without control, standard case, PSO and ICA on 123 bus RDN.
Title Witho Standa PSO ICA MFO
ut rd case
Total losses (kW) 63 47.5 44.5 43.9 43.1
% Loss reduction - 24.6% 29.4% 30.3% 31.6%
Candidate buses - 83 76 72 76
88 49 47 70
90 114 114 114
92 15 160 44
Optimal capacitor size (kVAr) - 600 50 50 50
50 50 50 100
50 50 50 50
50 1650 100 150
Total kVAr - 750 1800 250 350
Annual cost for kW loss ($168/kW) 10584 7980 7476 7375.2 7240.8
Annual capacitor cost ($/kVAr) - 207 393.45 125 175
Total annual cost ($) 10584 8187 7869.45 7500.2 7415.8
Net savings ($) 0 2397 2714.55 3083.8 3168.2
% Savings 0.0% 22.7% 25.6% 29.1% 29.9%
Minimum voltage (p.u.) 0.933 0.996 0.997 0.999 0.99
Maximum voltage (p.u.) 0.999 1.048 1.04 1.039 1.045
Mean voltage (p.u.) 0.964 1.024 1.023 1.019 1.019
Standard deviation voltage (p.u.) 0.016 0.015 0.013 0.014 0.014
Figure 13: Simulation I voltage values on IEEE 123-node trial system, MFO optimal capacitors placement with
standard case and without capacitor.
Figure 14: Simulation II voltage values on IEEE 123-node trial system, MFO optimal
capacitors placement with standard case and without capacitor.
Figure 15: MFO iteration versus total power losses (kW) on 123 bus system in simulation I
Figure 16: MFO iteration versus total power losses (kW) on 123 bus system in simulation II.
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第 54 卷 第 3 期 Vol.54 No.3
2019 六 3 月 June. 2019