Unimolecular Photochemistry of Anthracene
Unimolecular Photochemistry of Anthracene
Unimolecular Photochemistry of Anthracene
145-172 145
I. IntmdUctlon 145
11. Electron Spectral RoparUes of Anthracenes 146
111. Photochemlsby of Nonplanar Anthracenes 147
IV. Photolytic Transformatbns of AnUuacenes 149
V. Intramolecular Energy Transfer in Substituted 151
A. photophyalcal Effects 151
E. Isomerlzatlom, InvoMng Energy Transfer 153
VI. Chemlcal Consequences of Intrarolecular 153
Electron Transfer
VII. Excited-State Reactlona of AnthryLSubstmned 154
Alkenes. Azomethlnes. and Azines
A. Geometrical Isomerlzatlon and 154
Cycloaddition Reaclbns Hans-Diater Becker was ban In Qemmny in 1931. He SMied
E. Dehydrocyclizatlons 157 chemistryfrom 195110 1959attheUniversltyofCiimkr(len,where
VIII. lmerization of NonConjugathrely Llnked 157 he dM his doctoral research under lhe direction of G. 0. Schenck
Blchromophorlc Anthracenes on b e n z ~ s M z e phdochmlcal
d autoxldntlonsof organic
compounds. ARer postdoctoral studies at Chalmers University of
A. Anthracenophanes and Anthracene Crow 158 TechnologyinGolhenburg.Sweden (1959-1960),meUniversityof
Ethers Wisconsin in Madison (1960-1961), and Iowa State Unlversity In
E. Dhnthrylalkanes and Theh Derivatives 159 Ames (1961-1962). he joined the General Electrlc Research
Laboratory in Schenectady. New York. in 1963. He lefl GE in 1970
C. DimethylsllyKinked BIchr~nophorIc 162 lo assume a research position at the Department of Organic
Anthracenes Chemislry at Chalmers University of Technologyand lbUniversity
D. Anlhryhlkyl Ethers 162 of Gothenburg. His experimental engagement during the past 15
IX. Retrospective Comemplatlons and Conclusions 164 years In lhe synthesis. slructural studies. and photochemislry of
chromophorically substituted anthracenes has been summarized
X. References 165 recently in a conhibution to me Advances in Fiwtochemlsby. His
previous investigations have dean with photochemical react!
invoivlng phenols, the oxidation of phenols and phenolic benzyl
I. Introduction alcohols. quinone dehydrogenations. and photochemical Isomer-
lkatbns of spirwpxy-substltuted 2,4-cyclohexadenones.and their
Duringthecourseofhiastudiesonsolidhydrocarbons various Did-Alder products.
that were obtainable from coal tar by distillation, J.
Fritzache discovered in 1866 that saturated solutions gated, mainly in order to establish the scope of the
of anthracene (1) upon exposure to sunlight gave a dimerization. Also, research was focused on the struc-
colorless crystalline precipitate which regenerated ture and stereochemistry of the photoproducta, which
anthracene upon melting.1.2 The dimeric nature of the were generally found to be derived by head-to-tail 4s
+ 4s cycloaddition involving the central ring of the
anthracene r-system.*0-36
2 m hr - X The essentials of anthracene photochemistry as seen
by 1963/1964were the subject of a contribution to the
firat volume of the Aduances in Photochemistry and
t 2 were discussed in a review of photochemical reactions
or organic molecule^.^^ A large number of subsequent
photoproduct was established in 1891 by molecular detailed studies on the mechanism of dimerization, and
weight determination, and the correct structure was on the deactivation of photoexcited anthracenes by
proposed before the turn of the Mechanism fluorescence and phosphorescence then provided fun-
studies on the photochemicalformationof dianthracene damentally important r e ~ u l t s ,which
3 ~ ~ were
~ reviewed
(2) commenced as early as 1905.6 In particular, the in a textbook on organic photochemistry published in
photophysical aspects and the reversibility of the 1976.% By that time, much of our present-day knowl-
reaction were studied during the following50 years.7-19 edge about intramolecular energy-transfer processes
Between 1955 and 1965,concomitant with the re- had been gained by investigating bichromophoric
newed interest in organic photochemistry, many of the compounds in which the anthracene chromophore was
easily available substituted anthracenes were investi- one of the two interacting s-sy~tems.~-~~ Moreover,
0009-2665/93/07936145$12.M)/0 @ 1993 Amnican chemical Sociay
146 Chemlcal Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 1
the photochemistry of anthracene derivatives, in con- (SI)is 76 kcdmol. The energy level of the lowest triplet
junction with elegant ground-state reactions, had state (TI)is 42 kcal/mol above that of SO.Significantly,
enriched organic chemistry with some remarkable novel the second triplet state (Tz)of anthracene lies 74 kcal/
structures, namely, 9,lO-dehydrodianthracene(31, 9,- mol above SO,i.e. 2 kcal/mol below SI,and intersystem
ltY-dehydrodianthracene (4), 9,Ydidehydrodianthracene crossing from the SI state to the triplet state proceeds
(5), and 9,Y,10,10'-tetradehydrodianthracene (6hBtmZ efficiently with a quantum yield of 0.7. The quantum
yield of fluorescence is 0.3, and it has been established
for numerous substituted anthracenes that the sum of
quantum yields of fluorescence and of intersystem
crossing to the triplet state typically is unity. Thus,
for many anthracene derivatives, deactivation of the SI
state by internal conversion is negligibleqMg
3 4 The effects of substituenta on the electronic absorp
tion and emission spectra of anthracenes have been of
longstanding interest, and the fluorescence properties
of substituted anthracenes have been studied in
det~d.'~+'l Substitution of the anthracene chromophore
lowers the SIenergy level, thus changing the excited-
state properties by affecting the energy gap between
the SI and TZstates and, consequently, the quantum
yield of intersystem crossing. By the same token, the
5 6 quantum yields of fluorescence at room temperature
vary greatly for the multitude of known anthracene
The present review deals with unimolecular photo- derivatives. For example, 9,lO-diphenylethynyl-sub-
chemical reactions of anthracene derivatives, including stituted anthracene fluoresces with a quantum yield of
intramolecular reactions of bichromophoric anthracenes, about unity, while the quantum yield of fluorescence
most of which were studied during the past 20 years. for 9-bromoanthracene, in which the halogen may
The limitation of the scope of the review by excluding enhance the rate of intersystem crossing, is about
bimolecular photochemistry was deemed mandatory 0.01.769829899-Carbonyl-substituted anthracene deriv-
in view of the overwhelming number of articles dealing atives, in general, are nonfluorescent due to efficient
with addition reactions, and with the photophysical population of the triplet state.g2 For a variety of
consequences of bimolecular interactions. For several substituted anthracenes, such as 9-anthramide, inter-
topics involvingelectronicallyexcited anthracenes, such action with polar solvents will alter the nature of the
as the formation of intramolecular exciplexes, twisted lowest excited state, as can be evidenced from the
intramolecular charge transfer (TICT)states, adiabatic marked solvent dependence of the fluorescence spec-
cycloreversions, and rotational isomerism in anthryl- trum, and in solvent dependent In
substituted ethylenes, comprehensivereviews have been some cases, such as that of 9-tert-butylanthracene
published previously.B3* Likewise, the role of an- discussed in section 111, the low fluorescence quantum
thracene derivatives in photochromic systems has been yield (0.011) is associated with the deactivation of the
treated elsewhere.67 S1 state by both internal conversion and intramolecular
chemical reaction, rather than with intersystem crossing
I I . Electron Spectral Propertles of Anthracenes to the triplet state.82 The fluorescence quenching of
The electronic absorption and emission spectra of anthracene by carbon tetrachloride is due to intermo-
anthracene are being described in detail in most lecular reaction of photoexcited anthracene with the
textbooks and monographs on photochemistry and
spectroscopy.6g72Therefore, this section will be limited The relationship between molecular geometry and
to a brief outline of only those spectroscopic features electron spectral properties has been investigated both
which are of direct relevance to the unimolecular experimentally and theoretically. Of particular interest
photochemistry of anthracenes. are A-chromophorically substituted anthracenes, such
For anthracene, the electronic absorption of photo- as 9-phenylanthracene, in which coplanarity of the two
chemical interest is characterized by a series of vibra- A-systems,i.e. conjugation in the electronicground state,
tionally spaced bands around 350 nm. The longest is precluded for steric reasons.@* In general, the shape
wavelength transition near 380 nm has an extinction of of the fluorescence spectrum and the shape of the
about 9 OOO M-' cm-'. The short wavelength absorption absorption spectrum are characterized by a mirror-
around 254 nm, having an extinction of about 200 OOO image relationship, and Stokesshiftstypically are about
M-' cm-l, is hardly ever utilized in photochemical 150 cm-', if the differences between the geometry of
context for practical reasons, since electronicexcitation the electronic ground state SOand the emitting excited
of the photoproducts, generally absorbing light in this state SIare small. Large Stokes shifts of up to 10 O00
region of the spectrum,is undesirable. It is worth noting cm-l, indicative of large differences between the ge-
that irradiation of solutions of anthracene in cyclo- ometry of the SOstate and that of the SI state, have
hexane with unfiltered light from a mercury lamp does been found to characterize the luminescence of various
not give dianthracene, as had been claimed,73but yields 9-anthrylethylene derivatives and 1,2-di9-anthryleth-
a degradation product of unknown structure.39 ylenes, which cannot assume a planar ground-state
The energy difference between the electronic ground geometry for steric Moreover, topolog-
state (So)of anthracene and ita first excited singlet state ically facilitated intramolecular charge-transfer inter-
Unimolecular Photochemistry of Anthracenes Chemlcal Reviews, 1993, Vd. 93,No. 1 147
section VIII.A), and the subject has been reviewed b: R' = I? = methoxy
C: R' R2 ethoxy
re~ent1y.l~~ d: R'
R2 -isopropoxy
suggested to isomerize photochemically to give 9-meth-
oxy(Dewar anthracene) (24), since it had been found yields the isomeric dibenzonorbornadiene derivative
28, whose formation involves the skeletalrearrangement
0 0 0 / 0 /
& % &A
25 26
(33), which are photochemically converted into the For substituted anthracenes, the course of their
correspondingDewar isomers, anthracenophane 34 does intramolecular photolytic transformations is governed
not isomerize photochemically but yields dimeric by the nature of the substituent and by their excited-
products by 2u 2a cycloaddition involving the 1,2 state interactions with the anthracene *-system. The
b ~ n d . ' ~ * lThe
~ ~ photochemical dimerization of 34 is examples of unimolecular photochemistry thus are
suggested to proceed via an excited triplet state.16gIt limited to those anthracene derivatives in which the
is worth noting that the 1,2 bond in anthracenophane substituent typically is characterized by lone-pair
34 also is highly reactive in ground-state reactions with electrons. Frequently, primary products of unimolec-
ele~trophiles.'~~J~~ ular photochemical reactions of anthracenes are un-
stable and may react further, particularly by oxidation
~ H Z
0 0
~ H P
or dimerization. For example, the photochemistry of
9-hydroxyanthracene (39) is complicated not only
because of the solvent-dependent ground-state equi-
librium with anthrone (40), but also by the facile
32 33 34
\ 0L0 &
41 42
detailed preparative study, the intramolecular reaction the carbonyl substituent become feasible." In fluid
of an upper n7r* triplet state of nitroanthracene was solution, 9-anthryl ketones typically are nonfluorescent
suggested to lead to 9-anthryl nitrite (42) via an because of efficient intersystem crossing to the triplet
oxaziridine intermediate.'= The observed formation state.92 Picosecond laser experiments indicate that
of 44 was accounted for by cleavage of 9-anthryl nitrite deactivation of the excited singlet state (a**) of
leading to nitric oxide and 9-anthryloxy radical 43, 9-anthryl ketones to the lowest excited triplet state
which can dimerize or give anthraquinone monoxime (TIT**) involves very fast intersystem crossing from
via a radical recombination process. S1mr* to an upper triplet state with n7r* character.200
Within the group of carbonyl-substituted anthracenes,
9-anthryl a-bromoalkyl ketones are unique insofar as
the a-bromoalkyl ketone moiety is characterized by a
photochemically labile carbon-halogen bond. Thus,
\ / \ / the unimolecular photochemistry of both 9-(w-bro-
43 U
moacety1)anthracene (49a) and 9-(cr-bromopropionyl)-
anthracene (49b) involves cleavage of the carbon-
In a series of spectroscopic investigations on 9-ni- bromine bond. Photoexcited 49a isomerizesmainly by
troanthracene, 9-benzoyl-lO-nitroanthracene, and 9-cy- carbon-halogen addition to the 1,2-bond to give the
ano-10-nitroanthracene, the photochemical formation labile primary product 50a, from which hydrogen
of 9-anthryloxy radicals as primary products has been bromide is eliminated either photochemically or ther-
confirmed, including by electron-spin resonance spectra. mally. Byproducts formed in the photolysis of (bro-
Moreover, the kinetics of pico- and nanosecond spec- moacety1)anthracene 49a are 9-bromoanthracene,
troscopic experiments indicate that, followingexcitation 9-acetylanthracene, and anthracene. In the case of 9-(a-
to the Sl(m*) singlet state, the lowest excited triplet bromopropionyl)anthracene,the main photoproducts
state (Tl(7r**) is populated via the internal conversion isolated were 2-methyl-1-aceanthrenone (51b;43 %) and
of T,(ns*) .187J91 9-anthryl vinyl ketone (52,42 % ). At -196 "C, irradi-
In terms of unimolecular phochemistry, the excited- ation of 49b leads exclusively to 52, suggesting that
state properties of sodium 9-anthracenecarboxylate (45) changesin the molecular geometry of 49b are important
resemble those of 9-nitroanthracene insofar as 10,lO'- for the formation of the intermediate 50b.
bianthronyl(44), as well as anthracene, can be formed
as byproducts, depending on reaction conditions.lg5
Dimerization by 47r + 47r cycloaddition generally is the
predominant photochemical reaction of sodium 9-an-
thra~enecarboxylate.~~ Irradiation in degassed solution
has been found to give carbon monoxide and the anion
of 9-hydroxyanthracene (47)whose formation has been
Na' -O.c.o 0-c-o- 4a
&y&-& 0 0 0 0 0 0
b: R CH3
45 4a 47
Unequivocal evidence for the involvement of radicals
rationalized by the intermediacy of 46.Ig5 has been obtained in the photolysis of a-(9-anthryloxy)-
9-(Trimethylsily1)anthracene(48) has been found to acetophenone (531, which was found to disappear with
undergo smooth photolytic protodesilylation in meth- a quantum yield of 0.24 upon irradiation in methanol
anol solution,yielding anthracene with a quantum yield solution.2MThe CIDNP spectrum in acetonitrile obxc
of -0.1. It is worth noting that the desilylation 308 nm) reveals as minor products acetophenone, its
competes efficiently with the photochemical dimer- enol, and 1,f-dibenzoylethane. The main photoproduct
ization even at fairly high concentrations of 48. The of 53 has not been isolated, but the CIDNP spectrum
result has been attributed to solvent interaction by observed during the photolysis is in agreement with
hydrogen bonding with the SI state of 48." the structure of the anthrone derivative 54, which is
formed by radical coupling. The photochemical rear-
0 0 0 CH30H '0 0
hv(@-0.1) Ar '
The rearrangement of the anthracene derivative 55 0 Ai
by direct excitation to give the dearomatized product 61
56, formally, also proceeds by way of @-bondcleavage
H Ar Ar
(13 84 65
b m
Reviews on various aspects of energy transfer have
been published previously, and intramolecular energy
59 60 transfer continues to be a topic of general interest.211-216
The following discussion will be limited to recent resulta
on the photophysical and photochemical consequences
The photochemical isomerization of l-(g-anthryl)- of singlet and triplet energy-transfer reactions involving
2-benzoylethylenes 61/62 leading to 5H-dibenzo[a,d]- anthracene derivatives.
cycloheptenes 65 proceeds smoothly, albeit with low
quantum efficiency, as a process competing with 1. Andhrecene-Tethered Dyes
geometrical cis-trans isomerization. The enlargement Intramolecular singlet energy transfer from an-
of the central ring of the anthracene *-system has been thracene to Rose Bengal has been established in an
rationalized by a 4r + 2u cycloaddition leading to 65 emission spectroscopic investigation of anthracene-
via intermediates 63/64.210 tethered derivatives.217The increase of the Rose Bengal
152 Chemical Revlewe, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 1 Becker
fluorescenceintensity was found to be less than expeded Table I. Fluorescence Quantum Yields of
from the degree of quenching observed for the emission o-(g-Anthryl)propiophenones70a-e in Cyclohexane and
from the locally excited anthracene. The excitation
spectra for the emission from anthracene-tethered Rose
Bengal derivatives differ from the corresponding ab- comd R R' CsHl2 CHsCN
sorption spectra, indicating the formation of intramo-
78 79 80
sulfonium groups as electron acceptors are rearrange- to be a prerequisite for the cleavage to occur, as benzyl
ment and solvolysis reactions. For example, photoex- 9,10-dimethoxyanthracene-2-sulfonate was found to be
citation of the anthracene chromophore in (p-cyanoben- ph~tostable.~~.~~~
zyl)methyl(9-anthryl)sulfonium hexafluorophosphate
(84) in acetonitrile (A > 400 nm) gives hexafluorophos-
phoric acid (100% yield) with a quantum yield of 0.77,
and all five regioisomeric (p-cyanobenzyl)-substituted
9-(methy1thio)anthracenes85 (56% yield) with a quan-
tum yield of 0.43. The relative preponderance of the
hv m-
/ /
C H 2 O C N
V I I . Excnec-State Reactions ot
Anthwi-Substituted Alkenes, AzmetMnes, and
Photochemical transformations of anthryl-substi-
tuted alkenes, particularly their geometrical isomer-
CN ization, have been investigated extensively during the
84 85 past 10 years, since it was found that various anthryl-
substituted trans-alkenes resist photochemical con-
9,lO isomer (68%)over the 1,9 (E%), 2,9 (lo%),3,9 version to the cis isomer.100J02~248,247
The mechanistic
(2%),and 4,9 isomers ( 5 % ) has been attributed to a aspects of photochemical one-way isomerization of
9,lO-bridged sulfonium ion intermediate. Solvolytic aromatic olefins are being reviewed elsewhere in the
formation of 9-(methy1thio)anthraceneand the N-acetyl current issue of Chemical Reviews. As for the photo-
derivative of p-cyanobenzylamine, proceeding with a chemical s-cis/s-trans isomerization (rotamerization)
quantum yield of 0.34, competeswith the photochemical of anthryl-substituted alkenes such as 93a/93b,this
rearrangement. Likewise, irradiation of the 9-phenyl- topic has recently been treated comprehensively and
anthracene derived sulfonium salt 86 in acetonitrile will not be considered here.68*248
was found to give rearrangement products 87 (0= 0.15)
and the corresponding solvolysis products (0 =
0.17).240*241 &+yJJq-
/ / /
hv /
830 em
W b
0 0
q b: R I C&CO
88 8s
The formation of 9,10-dimethoxyanthracene-2-sul-
fonic acid (0 = 0.101, p,p-dinitrobibenzyl, and 9,lO-
dimethoxy-2-(p-nitrobenzyl)anthracene(92)by pho-
toexcitation of the anthracene chromophore in p- Geometrical isomerization and competing intramo-
ni trobenzyl9,lO-dimethoxyanthracene-2-sulfonate(91) lecular cycloaddition reactions characterize the pho-
in acetonitrilesolution is typical of radical ion chemistry. tochemistry of (9-anthry1)alkenes which contain an
The presence of an electron-withdrawing substituent additional anthracene chromophore (cf. section V1II.B).
in the para position of the benzyl moiety appears Thus, irradiation of trans-1,3-di(9-anthryl)propene(98)
Unimolecular PhotochemisQ of Anthracenes Chemical Revlews, 1993, Vol. 93,No. 1 155
Table 11. Quantum Yields of E / Z Isomerization of the anthracene preclude planar ground-state confor-
(9-Anthry1)alkenes94-97 in Dichloromethane mations, so that electronic conjugation of the styryl
a and anthracene x-systems is impaired even for the trans
compd R E-4 Z-E ref isomer 10Sa.lo3 In cyclohexane solution, cis-Bstyryl-
94496a CH&O 0.39 0.32 102
94b195b CSHSCO 0.28 0.1 102
96aI97a H 0.008 0.005 249
96b197b Me 0.055 0.004 250
9-styrylanthracene by either methoxy or nitro groups
also was found to facilitate photochemical E
isomerization. For example, the photochemical con-
Z -
version of the 11 la,b into their corresponding2 isomers
4~ + 2n qclomer
112a,bproceeds in cyclohexanesolution with quantum
yields of 0.23 and 0.14, respectively. The corresponding
55 quantum yields for the reverse reaction are 0.23 and
0.045, respectively.
Considerable experimental and theoretical efforts The photochemistry of the parent trans-1,2-di(9-
have been devoted to the photochemistry of styryl- anthry1)ethylene (114a) resembles that 9-styrylan-
a n t h r a c e n e ~ . ~ It
l -has
~ ~ been
~ established for both cis- thracene lOSa insofar as geometrical isomerization of
and tram-9-styrylanthracene (107a/ 10Sa) that steric the ethylene double bond is not observed. Surprisingly,
repulsions involving the vinyl group and H-1/H-8 of the cis isomer 113a also is characterized by extremely
156 Chemical Revlews, 1993, Vd. 93, No. 1
Table 111. Quantum Yields of Geometrical Table IV. Quantum Yields of Geometrical
Isomerization of Substituted 9-Styrylanthracenes Isomerization and Cycloaddition for
107/108 in Cyclohexane and in A c e t ~ n i t r i W ~ l , " ~ l,!&Di(S-anthryl)ethylenes113/114 (in CeHlr)
113/114 R* R* 114-113 113-114 113+cycl addition
cis-trans trans-cis a H H <<0.0001 0.0007 0.0007 4r+2r
R' R2 (C&dCH&N) (CsHdCHsCN) b H CHO 0.22 0.015 <0.001 4r+2r
c H MeOCO 0.20 0.015 <0.001 4r+2r
107a/lOSa H H 0.22/0.41 <0.01/0.003 d H Me0 0.088 0.053 0.0012 4r+4r
107b/108b H NMez 0.18/0.40 0.24/0.22 e Me0 Me0 0.26 0.049 0.0025 4r+4r
107c/10& H OMe 0.17/0.25 0.0210.33 f Me Me0 ? <0.01 0.20 4r+4r
107d/108d H Me 0.19/0.36 <0.01/0.18
107e/lOSe H CN 0.47/0.46 <0.01/0.41 anthracene 7r'-systems,undergoes intramolecular 4 r +
lOlf/lOSf H CHO 0.7010.35 0.02/0.38
107g/lOSg H C&&O 0.45/0.32 0.20/0.26 47r cycloaddition with a quantum yield of 0.20.'@
107h/108h H NO2 0.51/0.05 0.13/0.02 Irradiation of di-9-anthrylcyclopropenone (117) in
107i/lOSi CHO H 0.41/0.34 010 cyclohexane, by contrast, does not result in dianthryl-
107j/tOSj CHO C&&O ? o/o ethylene photochemistry,but decarbonylationsmoothly
leads to di(9-anthrybacetylene (118)with a quantum
yield of 0.14.108+2so
ization of bichromophoric anthracenes thus resembles been detected in rigid solution, and it has been
the bimolecular reaction of anthracene. However, established, that the cycloaddition reaction involves
subsequent systematic studies on bichromophoric an- deactivation of the excimer state.m In a process
thracenes have revealed that other modes of cycload- competing with the intramolecular 4 r + 4u cycload-
dition than 4u + 47r head-to-head dimerization are dition, 151 undergoes geometrical isomerization to give
possible. By and large, the unimolecular photochem- anti-[2.2](1,4)anthracenophane (153) which is char-
istry of non-conjugatively linked bichromophoric an- acterized by structured fluorescence (@ = 0.27).%
thracenes is found to be intimately related to their Probably due to steric constraints, [2.51(9,lO)anthra-
ground-state molecular geometry and may also be cenophane (154)does not isomerize photochemically
governed by substituents which affect the intrinsic by cycloaddition.292
quantum yield of intersystem crossing from the excited Several [3.31(1,4)naphthaleno(9,lO)anthracenophanes
singlet to the triplet state. and diaza[3.3lparacyclo(9,10)anthracenophanes such
as 155 and 156 have been found to undergo thermally
A. Anthracenophanes and Anthraceno Crown reversible photoisomerization by 4u + 4u cycloaddition
Ethers with quantum yields of about 10-30%.295-m As for
dithia[3,3lparacyclo(9,l0)anthracenophanes,their pho-
The spectroscopic and photochemical properties of tochemistry is characterized by sulfur extrusion, as
anthracenophanes, crown ethers, and cryptands have exemplified by the conversion of 157 into 15tIaw This
been reviewed previously, so that only some principal type of reaction has been of value in cyclophane
features of their photochemistry are outlined be- synthesis. However, attempts to extrude sulfur by
irradiation of dithia13,31(2,7)anthracenophane have not
The thermally reversible photochemical isomeriza- been successful.B8
tion of 12.21(9,lO)anthracenophane (149) has been
investigated most thoroughly, and the structures of both
149 and its photoisomer formed by intramolecular 417
+ 47r cycloaddition have been established by X-ray
diffraction.282-290 The anthraceneskeletons in 149were
found to be bent about the 9,lO-axis by 19 (161), and
the distance between the bond-forming carbon atoms A d
(9,9:10,10) is only 2.77 A.26g Photochemical isomer- 155 156
ization of 149 proceeds even in rigid matrix at 4 K. In
solution at room temperature (and at 77 K), anthra-
cenophane 149 is nonfluorescent, there is no excimer
state observable, and the quantum yield of photo-
chemical isomerization is 0.36. Evidence for biradical
157 158
166 167
*& L x
Both di(9-anthrybmethane (162a)and di(9-anthry1)- 0.20 and 0.26, r e s p e c t i ~ e l y . ~Oxygen
~ * ~ ~ quenching
methanol (162b),and its 10-methoxy derivative 162c,
isomerize photochemically by 4s + 4s cycloaddition to
give the corresponding cyclopropane derivatives 163a-
By contrast, the photochemical isomerization of
0 0
8, 1ToI
160 Chemical Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93,No. 1
Table VI. Substituent Effects on the Quantum Yields Table VII. Quantum Yield8 of Fluoreacenca (h)in
of Fluorescence (OF) and Isomerization of Cyclohexane and Quantum Yields of Isomerization by
Dianthrylethanes 168 by Cycloaddition (OB)in 4r + 4% Cycloaddition (h) in Benzene for
168 R' R2 @ F h tip of 169" propano-likedanthracene @F @st
a H H 0.20 0.26 385 years 1,3-di(9-anthryl)propane 0.47O 0.14O
b H CH3 0.15 0.26 38 years 1,3-di(9-anthryl)-l-propanol 0.27 0.14
c H CHsO 0.14 0.24 39 years 1,3-di(9-anthryl)-2-propanol 0.48 0.046
d H CH3COO 0.40 0.14 130 years 1,3-di(g-anthryl)-2-methyl-2-propanol 0.24 0.021
e H cas 0.61 0.034 187 days 1,3-di(9-anthryl)-2-propanone 0.009 0.26
f CH3 CH3 0.16 0.14 33 min 1,3-di(g-anthryl)-2-butanone 0.007 0.22
g CHsO CH30 0.30 0.11 142 min l,3-di(9-anthryl)-l-butanone <0.001 0.40
h CHsCOO CH3O 0.45 0.068 260 min 1,3-di(9-anthryl)-l-propanone <0.001 0.66
i CH3COO CH3COO 0.74 0.015 234 min 1,3-di(9-anthryl)-2-methyl-
1-propanone <0.001 0.72
a t1lz is the half-life in solution at 25 O C . a In methylcyclohexane;from ref 311.
171 h 172
Untlar Photochemistry of Anthracenes Ctmmical Rovbws, 1883, Vol. 83, No. 1 161
meso-Hydro-9,9-anthroin(182)isomerizes photo-
chemically (@ = 0.15) by 4r + 4r cycloaddition, but
gives two stereoisomeric (cis and trans) 1,2-cyclobu-
tanediols 184/185. The formation of the trans isomer
185 indicates photoexcited meso-hydro-9,9-anthroin
undergoes stereoisomerizationto give racemic d,Z-hydro-
9,9-anthroin (183)by reversible scission of the central
single bond.
1 1 187
182 183
Photochemical isomerization by intramolecular 4 r
Ihv 1 hv
+ 4% cycloaddition has been established for 1,4-di(9-
anthry1)butane (@R = 0.061), but not for any of the
higher a,w-di(9-anthryl)alkane homologues. It ie ob-
vious from the quantum yields of reaction (@& of
fluorescence from the locally excited state (&M), and
of excimer fluorescence (hexC) listed in Table VI11 that
184 18.5 deactivation of the first excited singlet state by fluo-
rescence becomes dominant when intramolecular cy-
The photochemical isomerization of propano-linked cloaddition becomes less favorable?ll In line with
bisanthracenes 186-195 (A = 9-anthryl) has been found earlier observations on a series of a,w-dipyrenylalkanes,
to occur exclusively by 4r + 4r cycloaddition, and quantum yields of excimer luminescence vary with the
typical quantum yields of reaction and fluorescence length of the alkane chain.3u For 1,2-di(g-anthryl)-
are summarized in Table VII?22 Both l,&di(g-anthryl)- ethane and 1,3-di(9-anthryl)propane,the question of
excimer formation continues to be of interest, although
I I I I excimer emission has been detectable only under special
I environmental conditions.32b331
In a recent emission spectroscopic investigation of
FHZ FHz a,w-di(9-anthryl)alkanesof varying chain length (C3,
A A A A Cg, C7, CIO,C12, C14, and CIS),picosecond time-resolved
188 187 160 189 measurementshave revealed intramolecular excitation
hopping for photoexcited 1,7-di(9-anthryl)hepteand
HO CH. Ho 4 its higher homologues.332
It should be pointed out that the quantum yields of
disappearance of a,w-di(g-anthryl)alkanesare not to
1901 1- be considered quantum yields of isomerization, because
intermolecularcycloaddition may become an important
1-butanols 190a (lR,3S/lS,3R)and 190b (lR,3R/lS,3S) competing reaction if intramolecular cycloaddition
isomerize with identical quantum yields (0.23), but proceeds with low quantum yield. Thus, irradiation of
stereochemical differences may be reflected in the di-9-anthrylsuccinate (198)was found to give a polymer
different quantum yields of fluorescence (0.15 and 0.07, by intermolecular head-to-tail 417 + 4r cycl~addition.~~
respectively). Photochemical isomerization of racemic +
Polymer formation by intermolecular 4r 47r cycload-
1,3-di(9-anthryl)propan-l-o1(187) in a chiral matrix of ditions of various linked bis-anthracenes has been
poly(methy1tglutamate) was found to proceed enan- studied in some For a series of bisan-
tioselectively. At 90 % conversion, an enantiomeric thracenes derived from 1-anthracene-and 2-anthracene-
excess of more than 30 % was observed. In a separate carboxylic acid, such as 199,irradiation was found to
experiment, it was established that the 1 isomer of 187 give both intramolecular head-to-head and head-to-
undergoes intramolecular 4r 4r cycloaddition about tail 4r + 41 cycloaddition products.397 The photo-
20% faster than the d isomer.323 chemical isomerization of di-9-anthryl glutarate (200)
The involvement of the excited triplet state in the has been found to involve a head-to-tail 47r + 4r
isomerization by 4r + 47r cycloaddition has been cycloaddition, although another major photoproduct
established by oxygen quenching and sensitization of unknown structure is formed as
experiments for nonfluorescent propano-linked an-
thracenes 193-195 which are characterized by the
presence of a 9-anthroyl group. The highly efficient
isomerization of 1,3-di(9-anthryl)-l-propanone (193;@R
= 0.65) and its 2-methyl derivative 195 (@R = 0.72)
probably reflects an excimer geometry of parallel
aligned overlapping anthracene r-systems. Spatially
more crowded diastereomeric 1,3-di(9-anthryl)-2-meth-
yl-1-butanones 196 (2R,3S/2S,3R) and 197 (2R,3Rl
2S,3S) undergo intramolecular 4r + 4r cycloaddition The problem of intermolecular reactions competing
with quantum yields of 0.19 and 0.17, respectively. with intramolecular photochemistry of bichromophoric
162 Chemical Revlews. 1993, Vol. 93, No. 1
& 0 0
+ 4 r cycloaddition with equal quantum efficiency (a
= 0.25).366 However, the conformational differences
0 0
2 l l M ( R * 4Hs) b: n - 2
(we Table X )
217a-b 218a-b
Analogous to the 10,lO'-diphenyl derivative of 1,2-
di(9-anthry1)ethane 168 mentioned above (section VI- between the meso and d,l forms are borne out in their
ILB), photoexcited bis [( 10-phenyl-9-anthry1)methyll distinctly different fluorescence properties. The meso
ether (211a;n = 1) does not isomerize, but is charac- form, which may assume a conformationof fuUy eclipsed
terized by high fluorescence quantum yield of 0.55. More parallel aligned anthracene r-systems, was found to be
important, 21 la in fluid solution at room temperature nonfluorescent. By contrast, the d,l diastereomers in
exhibits both structured fluorescence, from the locally cyclohexane solution at room temperature are fluo-
excited state (a = 0.211, and red-shifted broad excimer rescent (a -0.01), and the emission derives mainly from
emission (a = 0.34), indicating geometrically favored an excimer state (Amm -480 nm). Since a sandwich
intramolecular interaction of overlapping anthracene arrangement of two anthracene moieties in the d,Z
moieties.360 The fluorescence properties of 211a are diastereomers 218 is precluded for structural reasons,
dependent on solvent viscosity and have been exploited the geometry of the luminescent excimer most likely is
in probing molecular motions in polymer^.^" characterized by only partially overlapping anthracene
Dual emission in solution at room temperature also r-system~.~~~~~~
characterizes the excited state properties of the bis- Some 9-anthryl (9-anthryllmethyl ethers have only
(10-phenyl-9-anthryl) ether 211b (n = 2). However, recently become available and were found to isomerize
extending the methyl ether linkage in 211a by an photochemically by way of rearrangement to give 10-
oxymethylene group markedly alters the kinetics of substituted 9-anthrones.m Thus, photoexcited 219 in
excimer formation. Thus, the quantum yield of excimer toluene solution disappears with a remarkably high
emission has decreased to 0.21, and emission from the quantum yield of 0.57. Preparative irradiations, carried
locally excited state of 211b is as high as 0.69.366 out in ethyl acetate solution with light of wavelengths
For the series of 9-anthryl-substituted ethers 212- > 400 nm, lead to anthrone derivatives 220 and 221 in
215,quantum yields for the photochemical isomeriza-
tion by 4 r + 4 r cycloaddition (ad and fluorescence
(&) have been determined. In general, the ether-linked
bis-anthracenes isomerize with higher quantum effi-
ciency than the correspondinga,w-di(9-anthryl)alkanes.
The (Qanthry1)methyl ether of (1-anthry1)methanol
(216) isomerizes with a quantum yield of 0.15 by
dissymmetrical 4u + 4 r cycloaddition involving the
9,lO and 1',4' positions of the 9-anthryl and 1-anthryl
164 Chemical Revlews, 1993, Vol. 93,No. 1
an approximate ratio of 4:l. In view of the CIDNP teristic of his compound.367In a comprehensive paper
evidence obtained for the photochemical homolytic published in two parts in 1868/1869,Fritzache proposed
@-cleavageof (9-ary1oxy)acetophenones(seesection IV), that his hydrocarbon C14H10, melting at 210-212 C,
the photochemical formation of the minor product 221 should be called photene (Photen).38eFor another
by an analogous radical mechanism appears probable. hydrocarbon, of somewhat lower melting point (196 C),
As for the major product, namely,anthronyl-substituted but very similar photochemical properties, he proposed
dihydroanthracene derivative 220,another conceivable the name phosene (Phosen), to indicate both their
pathway may involve an intramolecular 4a + 4a behavior towards light, and their close relationship.
cycloaddition of 219, leading to an oxymethylene For the photoproducts of photene and phosene,
annelated dianthracene. Cleavage of the oxetane Fritzsche suggested the names paraphotene and para-
moiety in a thermal reaction would account for the phosene, respectively, and he had some experimental
observed product 220. evidenceto presume that paraphoeenemaybe is formed
Indications for the involvement of a cycloaddition from two molecules of phosene, and heat only halves
step in the migratory rearrangement of 9-anthryloxy paraphosene (peut-&tre,le paraphdne serait-il form6
compounds to 9-anthrones has been obtained in an par deux molbcules de phoshe, et la chaleur ne fabait-
investigation of the trichromophoric anthracene 222, elle que dbdoubler le paraphos~nem).38eb*m Fritzsche
which isomerizes with a quantum yield of 0.16.% For also remarked on a light-sensitive impurity he named
222, there are two intramolecular 4a + 4a cycloaddition Chrysogen, which caused the yellow color of crude
reactions possible, and two isomeric photoprodudshave photene.
been isolated. Photoisomer 224 deriving by intramo- As for artificially prepared anthracene, Fritzsche
lecular 47r + 4a cycloaddition of the cis-dianthryleth- found the samplea he had obtained from his revered
ylene moiety in 222 is formed in only 13% yield. The friend Limpricht, and from Messrs. GrHbe and
major product, isolated in 67% yield, is the allene Liebermannto be photene, contaminated by a small
derivative 223. Ita stereochemistry about the allene amount of phosene. Fritzsche also checked a sample
moiety indeed is such as to have the methoxy group of Berthelots anthracene, and proclaimed it to be pure
and the 9-anthronyl moiety cis oriented, as would be photene. This belated and seemingly obstinate claim
expected from either a concerted rearrangement of 222, to the name photene may seem remarkable, but
or from ring opening of a thermally labile oxetane should be seen in light of the significance which
intermediate. anthracene had gained in 1868by ita preparation from
alizarin.386 The discovery of the synthesis of alizarin
from anthracene only one year later, when the structure
of anthracene was still unknown, was to become the
m foundation of a chemical ind~stry.~~O
Concerning phosene, Barbier in 1874concluded from
+ a reinvestigation that it was a mixture of anthracene
and phenanthrene, which in 1872, the year after
Fritzsches death, had been discovered in crude
a n t h r a ~ e n e ? ~ Since
l-~~~ phenanthrene does not dimer-
ize upon irradiation, Fritzsches paraphoeene thus
must have been dianthracene.
223 Ironically, the proposal of the correct structure of
dianthracene (2) by Orndorff and Cameron in 1895 is
I X . Retrospective Contemplatbns and based on their assumption that anthracene existed in
Conclusions cis and trans stereoisomeric forms 22Sa/22Sb.6 Arm-
strongs correct anthracene structure 226 of 1890,
In the realm of organic photochemistry, Fritzsches wherein C is the nucleus of benzene, was rejected
name is intimately associated with the dimerization of because it did not represent the chemical conduct of
anthracene.= However, Fritzsche himself emphatically anthracene.
rejected the idea that the hydrocarbon, which he had
isolated from coal tar about 10years before he described H
conjugation without bridged structures", and that "the (20) Co&n,C. A.;Orgel,L. E.;Taylor, W.; Weh, J.The&~ctureand
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9:lO-bridge must be of outstanding importance in 2962.
anthra~ene".~"~ The problem of "bridged anthracene" (21) Creene, F. D.; Misrock, S. L.; Wolfe, J. R. The rtructure of
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