2nd Grade Los Machetes
2nd Grade Los Machetes
2nd Grade Los Machetes
3. Students will sing This Land is Your Land with accurate pitches and words.
Standards Addressed:
1. 2.2 The student will sing a repertoire of songs alone and with others, including
a. 1. singing melodic patterns that move upward, downward, and stay the same;
variety of cultures;
6. Tempo cards
1. Warm up (5 minutes)
a. Actors toolbox
3. Pictures of instruments.
b. Teach dance.
i. Practice each part without music, and then with music. Add all 3 parts
iii. Teacher will instruct the students to walk, and listen to hear what
count the triangle will sound. When the triangle sounds, they turn and
3. This is section A.
iv. Teacher will model and break down the movements for the B section.
v. Teacher will instruct students to hold up their right hand. Teacher will
Please walk back to your riser spots and listen to see if you recognize this song.
3. Ms. Eberly will pull one group a time to put tempo cards in
4. Review this land is your land at the end (just singing). (5 minutes)
a. Review the refrain, and some other verses, to prepare for their performance
at Heritage Night.
Review Los Machetes, add sticks to the dance. Talk more about what Machetes are.