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Basis of Design
PORT METRO VANCOUVER | Roberts Bank Terminal 2

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Basis of Design
Roberts Bank Terminal 2
Environmental Impact Statement Phase
Container Capacity Improvement Program

2015-03-10-01-10400-BOD-0030-Rev0-PMV-RBT2 Basis of Design

PORT METRO VANCOUVER | Roberts Bank Terminal 2

Technical Report/Technical Data Report Disclaimer

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency determined the scope of the proposed
Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project (RBT2 or the Project) and the scope of the assessment in
the Final Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines (EISG) issued January 7, 2014. The
scope of the Project includes the project components and physical activities to be
considered in the environmental assessment. The scope of the assessment includes the
factors to be considered and the scope of those factors. The Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) has been prepared in accordance with the scope of the Project and the
scope of the assessment specified in the EISG. For each component of the natural or human
environment considered in the EIS, the geographic scope of the assessment depends on the
extent of potential effects.

At the time supporting technical studies were initiated in 2011, with the objective of
ensuring adequate information would be available to inform the environmental assessment
of the Project, neither the scope of the Project nor the scope of the assessment had been

Therefore, the scope of supporting studies may include physical activities that are not
included in the scope of the Project as determined by the Agency. Similarly, the scope of
supporting studies may also include spatial areas that are not expected to be affected by
the Project.

This out-of-scope information is included in the Technical Report (TR)/Technical Data Report
(TDR) for each study, but may not be considered in the assessment of potential effects of
the Project unless relevant for understanding the context of those effects or to assessing
potential cumulative effects.
PORT METRO VANCOUVER | Roberts Bank Terminal 2

Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1

1.1 GENERAL................................................................................................. 1

1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 1

1.3 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT............................................................................... 2

1.3.1 Marine Terminal ........................................................................... 2

1.3.2 Roberts Bank Causeway Improvements .......................................... 3

1.3.3 Roberts Bank Tug Basin Expansion ................................................. 3

2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ...............................................................................5

2.1 ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................ 5

2.2 UNITS .................................................................................................... 5

2.3 LANGUAGE ............................................................................................... 5

2.4 PROJECT DATUM AND SURVEY CONTROL ............................................................ 5


3.1 GENERAL................................................................................................. 5

3.2 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... 6

3.3 CANADIAN CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................. 6

3.4 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ......................................................................... 6

3.5 AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION .................................................................. 6

4.0 FACILITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................6

4.1 DESIGN LIFE ............................................................................................ 6

4.2 MARINE DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................ 7

4.2.1 Dredged Marine Approach Areas .................................................... 7

4.2.2 Berth Pocket ................................................................................ 7

4.2.3 Wharf Structure and Mooring Dolphin ............................................. 8

4.3 TERMINAL DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................ 10

4.3.1 Container and Intermodal Yards ................................................... 10

4.3.2 Reefer Storage Facilities .............................................................. 14

4.3.3 Truck Gates ............................................................................... 14

4.3.4 Terminal Buildings and Facilities ................................................... 14

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PORT METRO VANCOUVER | Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Administration Building ................................................. 14 Maintenance and Repair Building .................................... 15 Driver Service Building.................................................. 15 Longshore Break Room Building ..................................... 15 VACIS Facility .............................................................. 16 Personal Owned Vehicle (POV) Parking Facility ................. 16

4.3.5 Terminal Equipment Parking ........................................................ 16

4.3.6 Fuelling Facilities ........................................................................ 17

4.3.7 Electrical and Control Systems ..................................................... 17

4.3.8 Control Rooms and Local Control .................................................. 19

4.3.9 Stand-by Power ......................................................................... 19

4.3.10 UPS Feed .................................................................................. 20

4.3.11 Shore Power .............................................................................. 20

4.3.12 Utilities ..................................................................................... 20

4.3.13 Fencing and Security .................................................................. 20

4.3.14 Operations ................................................................................ 21

4.3.15 Staffing ..................................................................................... 22

4.3.16 Maintainability ........................................................................... 22

4.3.17 Sparing Philosophy ..................................................................... 22

4.4 ROBERTS BANK TUG BASIN EXPANSION .......................................................... 22


4.6 WIDENED CAUSEWAY ................................................................................ 24

4.7 RBT2 OVERPASS ..................................................................................... 24

4.8 VEHICLE ACCESS AND CONTROL SYSTEM ......................................................... 25

4.9 RAIL SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 25

4.9.1 T-Yard ...................................................................................... 28

4.9.2 DPU/Bad Order Setout Yard ......................................................... 28

4.9.3 North Yard ................................................................................ 28

4.9.4 Causeway Lead Track Improvements ............................................ 28

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5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS AND EFFECTS.......................................................29

5.1 WIND .................................................................................................. 29

5.2 SNOW .................................................................................................. 29

5.3 ICE ..................................................................................................... 29

5.4 TEMPERATURE ......................................................................................... 29

5.5 RAINFALL .............................................................................................. 30

5.6 SEISMIC DATA ........................................................................................ 30

6.0 METOCEAN DATA .........................................................................................31

6.1 WAVES ................................................................................................. 31

6.2 CURRENTS ............................................................................................. 31

6.3 WIND .................................................................................................. 31

6.4 DESIGN WATER LEVELS ............................................................................. 32

6.4.1 Normal Water Levels .................................................................. 32

6.4.2 Extreme Water Levels ................................................................. 33

6.4.3 Sea Level Rise ........................................................................... 33

7.0 GEOTECHNICAL DATA ..................................................................................33

8.0 MARINE DESIGN CRITERIA .........................................................................36

8.1 DESIGN VESSELS ..................................................................................... 36

8.2 WATER DEPTH ........................................................................................ 37

8.3 FENDER SYSTEM .................................................................................. 37

8.4 MOORING LOADS ..................................................................................... 38

8.5 ANGLES FOR LINE PULL .............................................................................. 38

8.6 SCOUR PROTECTION ................................................................................. 38

9.0 STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA .................................................................39

9.1 WHARF STRUCTURAL LOADS ........................................................................ 39

9.1.1 Container Handling Equipment and Vehicle Wheel Loads ................. 39

9.1.2 Wharf Storage Loads .................................................................. 39

9.1.3 Crane Loads .............................................................................. 40

9.2 YARD STRUCTURAL LOADS .......................................................................... 41

9.2.1 Container Handling Equipment and Vehicle Wheel Loads ................. 41

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9.2.2 Yard Storage Loads .................................................................... 42

9.2.3 Rail Loads ................................................................................. 42

9.2.4 Storage Load Allowance for Long Term Settlement ......................... 42

9.3 BUILDING LOADS ..................................................................................... 43

9.4 LOAD COMBINATIONS ................................................................................ 43

10.0 CIVIL DESIGN CRITERIA .............................................................................43

10.1 GRADES AND DRAINAGE ............................................................................. 43

10.2 SANITARY SEWER .................................................................................... 44

10.3 RAIL SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 45

10.4 CLEARANCES .......................................................................................... 45

10.4.1 Intermodal Yard ......................................................................... 45

10.4.2 Train and Railcar Data ................................................................ 46

10.4.3 Track Geometry ......................................................................... 46

10.4.4 Track Section Data ..................................................................... 48

10.5 WATER SERVICES .................................................................................... 48

10.6 FIRE PROTECTION .................................................................................... 49

10.7 FENCING ............................................................................................... 49

10.8 ROAD WORKS AND RBT2 OVERPASS.............................................................. 50

10.8.1 Roadway Design Criteria ............................................................. 50

11.0 ELECTRICAL DESIGN CRITERIA ...................................................................52

11.1 SYSTEM VOLTAGES ................................................................................... 52

11.2 SEISMIC RESISTANCE ................................................................................ 53

11.3 ELECTRIC MOTORS ................................................................................... 53

11.4 LIGHTING .............................................................................................. 53

12.0 SAFETY IN DESIGN ......................................................................................54

13.0 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................55

APPENDIX 1 BASIS OF DESIGN ABBREVIATIONS ...............................................58

APPENDIX 2 - CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................62

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List of Tables

Table A Seismic Performance Criteria (Three-berth Wharf Structure)...................... 10

Table B One-Hour Wind Speeds and Pressures for Varying Return Period from the
NBCC .................................................................................................. 29

Table C Site Specific Ground Motion Parameters .................................................. 30

Table D Design Wave Heights and Exceedance Frequency at the Project Site
(Offshore) ........................................................................................... 31

Table E Design Current Speeds ......................................................................... 31

Table F Sand Heads Directional Return Period Design Wind Speeds (km/h) ............. 32

Table G Design Water Levels at the Site (Not Including Sea Level Rise) .................. 33

Table H Container Vessel Characteristics ............................................................. 36

Table I Tug Basin Design Vessel Characteristics .................................................. 36

Table J Short-sea-shipping Berth Design Vessel Characteristics............................. 37

Table K Berthing Criteria (from PIANC) ............................................................... 38

Table L Crane Rail Loads .................................................................................. 41

Table M Railcar Design Data* ............................................................................ 46

Table N Train and Locomotive Data .................................................................... 46

Table O Track Geometry and Capacities .............................................................. 47

Table P Track Section Data ............................................................................... 48

Table Q Roadway Design Criteria ....................................................................... 51

Table R System Voltages .................................................................................. 52

Table S Motor Details ....................................................................................... 53

Table T Lighting Levels ..................................................................................... 54

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List of Figures

Figure A Proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Site Location ........................................ 2

Figure B Terminal Layout ..................................................................................... 4

Figure C Container Imports and Exports (Representative from Deltaport Terminal) ... 11

Figure D Automated Operating Zones .................................................................. 13

Figure E Rail Corridor Schematic Layout .............................................................. 27

Figure F Wind Rose for All Data from Sand Heads Station ...................................... 32

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PORT METRO VANCOUVER | Roberts Bank Terminal 2



This document presents the Basis of Design (BoD) for the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2)
development at Roberts Bank as part of Port Metro Vancouvers (PMVs) Container Capacity
Improvement Program (CCIP). The purpose of the BoD is to define the criteria to be used as
part of the engineering design. It is to be considered as an approved source of input data
for the engineering team and others as appropriate.

The investments that have been through Canadas Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor
Initiative, and will be made through Canadas New Building Canada Fund, have the clear
objective of enhancing Canadas national, provincial, and regional economies through
improvements to the transportation of goods between the Asia-Pacific Economies and North
American regions.

The opportunity for Canada to continue to be a major gateway will be realised through
efficient and integrated transportation services for shippers and their customers. PMVs
vision for a second major container terminal at Roberts Bank with a design capacity of
handling 2.4 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of containers per year is an
essential component of the overall transportation initiative.

Port Metro Vancouver has an opportunity to make orderly preparations for the provision of
new container capacity over the next 20 years to meet forecasts for increased container

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 is proposed to be a greenfield marine container terminal project

that supports Canadas trade and transportation objectives. The RBT2 Project would result
in the construction of a three-berth container terminal with a design capacity of 2.4 million
vessel TEUs annually.


The proposed RBT2 is located at Roberts Bank, adjacent to the existing Westshore
Terminals and Deltaport Terminal as shown in Figure A.

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Figure A Proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Site Location


The proposed RBT2 development includes the following components:

1.3.1 Marine Terminal

A marine terminal site with an estimated 108 ha of useable area, created by fill from
dredged and/or imported material (based on a preliminary 1,500 m average length x
700 m width footprint, with a 1,300 m berth length);

Three deep-sea berths and wharf structure equipped with Ship-to-Shore (STS)
gantry cranes capable of accommodating the latest and future generations of
container ships;

Mooring dolphin located at the east end of the wharf;

Dredged marine approach areas and berth pocket;

Navigational aids;

Provision for potential future short-sea-shipping;

Shoreline protection;

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Container Yard (CY) for handling and storage of containers;

Rail Intermodal Yard (IY) on the terminal with car repair capability allowances in the

Truck gate and driver support service facilities;

Fencing and gates;

Utility systems;

Power and lighting systems;

Security systems;

Vessel shore power (cold ironing) availability at the berths;

Power, conduit, raceway, cabling, and communications systems to support the

terminal operating system (TOS) and computerised automation control system

Terminal support facilities including administration building, CBSA building,

maintenance building, longshore break room building, equipment fuelling facilities,
and customs vehicle and cargo inspection system (VACIS) facilities; and

Parking structure and designated areas for terminal equipment and personal

The terminal layout is shown in Figure B and is based on the proposed equipment types
and terminal configuration developed in the AECOM Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Planning and
Capacity Study report.

1.3.2 Roberts Bank Causeway Improvements

Widening of the existing causeway for road and rail access and provision for utilities;

Rail support tracks and a dedicated rail link from the Roberts Bank Rail Corridor
(RBRC), including support/switching rail tracks located in a new RBT2 T-Yard on the

An overpass and access road over the rail tracks on the widened causeway that
would provide safe vehicular access from Roberts Bank Way North to RBT2;

A vehicle access control system (VACS) on the new access road to RBT2; and

A new DPU/Bad Order Setout Yard on the causeway dedicated to setting out mainline
and distributed power unit (DPU) locomotives, and bad order cars for

1.3.3 Roberts Bank Tug Basin Expansion

Additional tug moorage through expansion of the existing Roberts Bank tug facilities.

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Figure B Terminal Layout

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Key abbreviations used in this report are presented in Appendix 1.


In general, the SI system of units shall be used for this Project.


All documentation shall be in the English language.


All terminal elevations shall be referenced to chart (hydrographic) datum (CD). Off-terminal
road and rail elevations are referenced to geodetic datum (GD). Conversion from chart
datum to geodetic datum shall be as follows:

EL. 0.0 m Chart Datum = EL. -2.975 m Geodetic Datum.

The reference benchmark for the Project shall be the deep-seated monument 81H T001.
The UTM (NAD 83) coordinates and CD elevation of Monument 81H T001 are as follows:

Northing (m): 5429549.647

Easting (m): 488207.802

Elevation (m): 6.411




The precedence applying for use of the codes, standards, specifications, and regulatory
requirements for this Project is as follows:

1. Regulatory Requirements;
2. Canadian Standards; and
3. International Standards.

In the event of an inconsistency, conflict, or discrepancy between any of the standards,

specifications, and regulatory requirements, the most appropriate and stringent requirement

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applicable to the Project shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency, conflict, or

The RBT2 preliminary design completed in 2012 is based on the latest relevant codes and
standards as of January 2012. They are referred to in the Basis of Design as appropriate
and are listed in Appendix 2. Future design and construction shall accommodate updates in
codes and standards.


All aspects of the Project (i.e., design, construction, commissioning, and operation) shall
comply with the requirements of the latest versions of all relevant regulatory requirements.


The design, construction, and installation must comply with relevant Canadian codes and


Where applicable Canadian standards do not exist, or cannot be applied, other industry
recognised international standards and recommended practices, such as British standards,
US standards, and PIANC may be used.


Port Metro Vancouver is the authority having jurisdiction with the exception of emergency
services. The design shall be reviewed with The Corporation of Delta as the provider of
emergency services and the provider of water supply.


Design criteria for Project components are presented in Sections 4.2 to 11.0.


The facility shall be designed for the following service lives:

All wharf and buildings structures shall be designed for a minimum service life of
75 years;

The tug basin and wharf fender system shall be designed for a minimum service life
of 25 years;

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Pavements shall be designed for a minimum service life of 20 years; and

Site Services shall be designed for a minimum service life of 50 years.

The service lives are subject to the implementation of the following inspection and
maintenance strategies:

Routine inspection for deterioration and damage, under the direction of a

professional engineer; and

Repair of deteriorated and damaged areas.

Service Life is defined as the period of time over which the financial model indicates that it
will be economically practical to carry out regularly scheduled maintenance and periodic
refurbishment of the item in question in order to maintain the design load carrying capacity
and operational function.


The functional requirements for marine development for RBT2 are based on the reports
Functional Requirements - Design Vessels 09409-01-MA-REP-10016-200 Rev 0, and the
2012 AECOM Roberts Bank Terminal 2 - Fast-time Ship Navigation Simulation Study
Report, Rev. D.

4.2.1 Dredged Marine Approach Areas

The marine approach areas shall provide safe navigation for access and departure of fully
laden design vessels under the following conditions:

At all normal tide levels (i.e., above LLWL); and

Wind and wave conditions due to the 10-year storm event.

Dredged slopes shall be stable under the action of waves, current, and drainage from the
intertidal zone. Dredged slopes shall have slope protection as necessary to minimise
erosion. Dredged slopes shall have crest protection as necessary to minimise the formation
of dendritic channels.

4.2.2 Berth Pocket

Water depth at the berths shall provide safe under-keel clearance at LLWL for the fully laden
design vessel with allowance for out of trim, and wave induced motion in the 50-year storm

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4.2.3 Wharf Structure and Mooring Dolphin

The three-berth wharf structure at the terminal shall be designed to meet the following
functional requirements:

Accommodate one EEE class, 400 m long (18,000 TEU) vessel, and two
Panamax-2014 class, 366 m long (12,000 TEU) vessels simultaneously, at all normal
tide levels and laden conditions, with all vessels berthed port-side-to;

The berth length shall be 1,300 m based on the following considerations:

Avoid the need for mooring lines to cross;

Allow a minimum spacing between berthed vessels of 40 m; and

Allow adequate terminal vehicle circulation at the western and eastern

extremities of the berths (20 m clearance from a quay crane working the last
row of containers on vessels at the outer berths).

Allow adequate circulation along the wharf for lashing crews, vessel service vehicles,
and other two-way truck traffic between the STS crane legs and along the wharf

A section of the western terminal face shall be capable of being configured to

accommodate a potential future barge terminal to support short-sea-shipping of

Allow for hatch cover storage on the wharf deck between the STS portal legs;

The deck elevation of the berth structures shall be high enough to ensure that the
mean rate of discharge due to wave overtopping does not exceed the following

10 litres/s/m of berth during the 10-year storm event; and

50 litres/s/m of berth during the 50-year storm event.

The wave overtopping scenario may be considered independently of rainstorm


An allowance of 0.5 m for future sea level rise over the design life of the facility shall
be made in determining the wharf deck elevation;

An allowance of 0.25 m for post-construction settlement shall be made in

determining the wharf deck elevation;

The berth structures and their foundations shall be designed to accommodate future
vessels with draughts of up to 19 m. In the absence of specific data on these future
vessels, it has been determined that the corresponding berth navigation depth will be
assumed as EL -21.6 m CD. Due to the form of caisson wharf construction, this
requirement establishes the initial build depth of the caisson wharf;

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A mooring dolphin shall be located off-shore of the east end of the wharf to handle
the bow lines from the eastern most vessel;

The fender system shall be designed to accommodate berthing impact from the
design vessels at all normal tide levels and laden conditions, and forces from moored
vessels during the 50-year storm event;

Mooring bollards shall have sufficient capacity to resist mooring loads from the
largest design vessel during the 50-year storm event;

Scour and slope protection shall be provided to prevent erosion at the wharf
structure due to design vessel propeller wash, bow thrusters, wave action, and storm

The wharf structure shall be capable of accommodating the following equipment and

Ship-to-Shore gantry cranes;

Uniform distributed loads, and point loads due to vessel hatch covers; and

Wheel loads due to service vehicle traffic.

Vessel shore power facilities, shall be provided at each of the three berths;

Fire hydrants shall be provided along the wharf apron area adjacent to the security
fence line behind the landside STS crane rail;

Potable water service shall be provided in two ship servicing pits at each berth;

Electrical and communications service shall be provided in ship servicing pits at each

Wharf structures shall be designed as a minimum to meet or exceed the 475 year
seismic performance criteria outlined in Table A. These criteria are based on PIANC
guidelines and supplemented by MOTEMS criteria; and

The three-berth wharf and terminal shall not be designed explicitly to withstand a
tsunami event.

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Table A Seismic Performance Criteria (Three-berth Wharf Structure)

Design Level of Horizontal
Level of Operation
Level Structural Displacement Rotation
Service Criteria
Earthquake Damage at Top of

100 years Serviceable Fully operational Minor easily Not larger No more
repairable or no than 75 mm than
damage 0.5 degree

475 years Repairable Temporary loss Controlled Not larger No more

of operations repairable than 300 mm than
with 1 month to damage 1.0 degree
restore full

Subduction Repairable Temporary loss Significant Not larger No more

of operations damage is than 750 mm than
with acceptable, but 2.0 degrees
3 to 6 months to no collapse.
restore full Caisson re-float
operations not required.

2,475 years Near Long-term or Extensive Not larger No more

Collapse complete loss of damage in near than 3,000 than
serviceability collapse mm 8.0 degrees


4.3.1 Container and Intermodal Yards

The terminal shall be designed to accommodate 2.4 million Vessel TEUs per year. Up to
55% of this volume is expected to pass through the truck gates (Gate), and up to 70% of
this volume is expected to pass through the Rail intermodal yard. The total Gate and Rail
flow is greater than 100% to account for empty containers (Rail to Gate moves) which exit
the terminal and subsequently return to the terminal for Export. The Vessel/Gate/Rail
container movements from 2010-2011 Deltaport Terminal data are illustrated in Figure C.
The TEU per container ratio for the Project is expected to be 1.70 TEU to 1.75 TEU.

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Figure C Container Imports and Exports (Representative from Deltaport Terminal)

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The CY shall be divided into seven automated operating zones, shown in Figure D,
as follows:

STS/mobile horizontal-transfer equipment (MHTE) container buffer transfer zone


MHTE/Automated Stacking Crane (ASC) circulation zone;

MHTE/ASC container BTZ;

ASC container storage block zone;

ASC/Truck container transfer zone (CTZ);

ASC/MHTE intermodal container BTZ; and

MHTE/IY circulation zone.

The IY shall be divided into two automated operating zones, shown in Figure D, as

MHTE/Rail Mounted Gantry (RMG) crane container BTZ; and

RMG rail car container (un)loading zone.

Safety sub-zones shall be established in the IY that will allow manual (de)coning
operations to take place at one end of a string of rail cars while concurrently allowing
IY RMG operations in adjacent sub-zones.

IY Container Loading Mode: automated RMG Cranes

Container Handling to/from CY/IY and CY/Wharf: MHTE

CY Container Stacking Block Height/Width: 5 high x 10 wide

CY Empty Container Stacking Block Height/Width: 5 high x 10 wide

Container BTZ: 2 high x 6 wide

ASC/Truck CTZ: 6 stalls per runway

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Figure D Automated Operating Zones

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4.3.2 Reefer Storage Facilities

The reefer facilities shall be designed to meet the following functional requirements:

Reefer towers shall be installed within the ASC storage zone with surface aisle access
to facilitate manual reefer plugging and servicing;

Number of Reefer Outlets: 1,628; and

Reefer Area Stacking Height/Width: 5 high x 10 wide.

Two container slots on the first tier of each set of three racks per storage block shall be kept
clear, with a structural roof above for human circulation within that block.

4.3.3 Truck Gates

The terminal truck entry gate shall include lanes equipped with portals and/or T-poles
supporting Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Licence Plate Reader (LPR) cameras,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) readers, along with in-lane communications
pedestals, and stop arms. Equivalent technology shall be incorporated at the time of the
detail design.

4.3.4 Terminal Buildings and Facilities

The following buildings and facilities shall be incorporated into the terminal design to house
the various functions required in order to operate and maintain the terminal and its
equipment. Administration Building

The administration building shall include the following functional areas:

Terminal Management Offices;

Terminal Administration Offices;

Security Office;

Port Metro Vancouver Office;

Marine, CY, and IY Planning and Operations Centre;

CY ASC and MHTE Control Room;

IY RMG and Rail Control Room;

TOS and CACS Equipment Room;

Labour Relations and Dispatching Office;

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Conference and Meeting Rooms;

Lunch and Break-rooms;

Other Support Facilities;

Critical areas of the administration building shall be supported by stand-by power

facilities, and essential systems shall be backed up by Uninterruptible Power Supply
(UPS); and

LEED requirement: Silver (minimum), Gold (included in the preliminary design). Maintenance and Repair Building

The Maintenance and Repair Building shall include the following functional areas:

Maintenance Management Offices;

Support Office Facilities;

Crane Maintenance Facilities;

MHTE Service Bays;

Spreader Service Bays;

Steam Cleaning Service Areas with Oil/Water Separation and Processing;

Parts receiving and storage;

Lavatory, Shower, and Locker Facilities;

Lunch and Break Room Facilities;

First Aid Facilities with access from both the inside and outside of the building;

Lashing Gear Locker;

Other Support Facilities; and

Standby power for life safety elements within the maintenance and repair building. Driver Service Building

The Driver Service Building shall include the following functional areas:

Gate Management Offices;

Gate Clerk Operations;

Trouble Service Office and Service Counter; and

Gate Operations shall be fully supported by stand-by power facilities. Longshore Break Room Building

The Longshore Break Room Building shall include the following functional areas:

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Lashing Gear Locker; and

Lavatory and Break Room Facilities.

Note: This facility is to be expandable to incorporate potential future short-sea-shipping

terminal operational offices on a future second level. VACIS Facility

The VACIS Facility shall include the following functional areas:

Fenced VACIS Container Inspection Yard;

Personnel/MHTE Gate Interlock System;

ASC/chassis airlock for Customs container load-outs; and

Support Facilities. Personal Owned Vehicle (POV) Parking Facility

Provisions for longshore and terminal staff, plus visitor parking, shall be as follows:

Number of POV Parking Spots: 448; and

Dimensions of Parking Spots: 2.6 m wide x 5.5 m long (minimum).

4.3.5 Terminal Equipment Parking

Provisions for parking of terminal vehicles and support equipment shall be based on the

Terminal Tractors: 6

Terminal Chassis: 8

Mobile horizontal-transfer equipment: 86

Pickup Trucks: 30

Vans, etc.: 3

Top-Picks: 1

Man-Lifts: 4

Panel Truck: 3

Flatbed Delivery Truck: 1

2,000 litre Fuel Truck: 1

Forklifts: 6

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Street Sweeper: 1

15 Ton Rubber Tired Hydraulic Crane: 1

MHTE parking shall be accommodated within the automated circulation area behind the
wharf and within the MHTE fuelling area adjacent to the maintenance and repair building.

4.3.6 Fuelling Facilities

The fuelling facilities shall be designed to meet the following functional requirements:

Fuelling facilities shall be in accordance with Canadian Council of Ministers of the

Environment (CCME) guidelines, and located near the maintenance and repair

One system for both gasoline and diesel fuel would service the manually operated
terminal equipment. Two fuel pumping stations shall be provided for each system;

One system would be located adjacent to the automated section of the yard for
servicing the MHTE. Eight automated MHTE fuelling stations shall be provided within
the automated section of the yard;

Infrastructure for fuelling facilities shall be provided to suit above ground, monitored
tanks with integral fill and dispensing equipment so that no piping exists external to
the tanks, with one weeks storage capacity as follows:

Diesel Fuelling Tank: 150,000 L

Gasoline Fuelling Tank: 19,000 L

Fuelling facilities shall be secured inside the terminal fence and be protected on all
sides by guard posts.

4.3.7 Electrical and Control Systems

Electrical and control systems for the terminal shall be designed to meet the following
functional requirements:

Shore Power facilities shall be provided at each of the three berths at bow and stern
locations per berth as a minimum. Preliminary design allows for three locations per

Power to the terminals main substation shall be supplied by tapping off from the
existing BC Hydro 69 kV service line 60L58. The feasibility of this will be subject to a
future BC Hydro system impact study, for all anticipated Roberts Bank terminal
loads. Power demands for Deltaport Terminal and Westshore Terminals have not
been taken into consideration in the RBT2 design;

The main substation shall be an outdoor type substation;

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Terminal power distribution shall be fed underground from the main electrical

Recharging stations shall be provided to support all battery powered mobile


Lighting intensities and illumination levels shall be as tabulated in Section 11.0

Electrical Design Criteria, and if not listed, shall be in accordance with Illuminating
Engineering Society (IES) standards;

The controls methodology and approach for the terminal, and the degree of
automation will be fully defined and refined once a Terminal Operator Concessionaire
has been selected;

Standby power generators shall be provided to feed the reefer substations, and to
operate the essential loads for all the buildings, gate operations, terminal security
systems, and terminal security lighting;

All essential systems in the terminal shall be provided with filtered and surge
protected power via a UPS system. These would include terminal communications,
and computers operating automation systems; and

All buildings shall be provided with communications and data services, via
underground ducting.

The controls methodology, approach and degree of automation for the new facility will be
fully developed and refined once a Terminal Operator Concessionaire has been selected and
their system is integrated within the design. The computerised TOS and CACS are normally
specified and procured by the terminal operator. The conduit paths, communications links,
computer and telecommunications rooms, cable pulling spaces, and control rooms will be
configured to accommodate these systems once they are fully defined by the Terminal
Operator Concessionaire.

Currently the control systems and automation/manual safety interlocks for the terminal are
planned to be interlinked through the TOS and CACS and include the following:

Entry and Exit Gate operations;

ASC operations;

Automated RMG operations;

MHTE operations;

Automation/Manual airlocks and safety interlocks:

ASC service aisle gates;

Reefer service gates;

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VACIS operating area gates;

IY access gates and manual operating zones;

ASC/Truck container buffer transfer zone;

MHTE circulation area service access gates; and

Automation area intrusion detection systems.

4.3.8 Control Rooms and Local Control

Centres of operation and degree of centralised control will be fully developed and refined
once a Terminal Operator Concessionaire has been selected. The designed control centres
for the terminal are primarily located in the administration building and include the

Entry and Exit Gate operations;

ASC and MHTE operations; and

IY rail and container operations.

The operating status for the above functions would be monitored and controlled by gate
clerks and remote crane operators housed in control rooms within the administration
building. All airlock gate functions that interface automated and manual operational areas
would be interlinked and controlled through the CACS to preclude automated equipment
operation immediately adjacent to manual activities such as IY (de)coning, reefer service,
and ASC and MHTE maintenance.

The MHTE test area would be adjacent to, and controlled from, within the maintenance and
repair building.

4.3.9 Stand-by Power

Backup diesel engine powered generators shall be installed to provide stand-by power for
the following:

Essential loads for all the buildings;

Terminal security systems;

Terminal security lighting;

Reefer substations; and

Entry and Exit Gate Systems.

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4.3.10 UPS Feed

Uninterruptible Power Supply systems shall be installed to provide power for Mission
Critical systems in the terminal, including terminal communications, building controls, and
computers operating automation systems.

4.3.11 Shore Power

Three shore power facilities have been included in the preliminary design for each berth.
However, developing industry standards for container vessels indicate that bow and stern
connections only will prevail. Therefore, during detail design the prevailing industry
standards and best practices for container vessels will need to be revisited. Each vault shall
be provided with internal lighting, fibre optic communications, two power receptacles, and
pneumatic boosted hinged covers for ease of access.

4.3.12 Utilities

The utilities for the terminal shall be designed to meet the following functional

Oil interceptors shall be installed to treat storm drainage water;

On site sanitary treatment facilities shall be provided to meet effluent standards set
by regulatory authorities;

Fire protection shall be installed; and

Ship service water shall be provided at the wharf, shall be separately metered, and
shall be equipped with backflow protection.

4.3.13 Fencing and Security

Fencing and security gates shall be designed to meet the following functional requirements:

Fencing with intrusion sensing systems shall be installed around the perimeter of the
terminal and all automated operational areas including IY rail tracks, and locally
around high voltage equipment yards;

Security infrastructure, including intrusion sensing, security cameras, personnel and

vehicle access gates, card key readers, biometrics, and other such technologies shall
be designed to fulfill requirements of the terminal security plan;

Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) and fixed cameras shall be installed at gates, offices, CY, IY,
berths, and other areas as required for both security and operational oversight;

Card access readers and access control systems shall be installed at gates and

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Security systems shall be installed for equipment and truck identification;

Radiation Portal Monitors (RPMs) shall be provided in the MHTE circulation zone
behind the wharf, for screening of all import containers;

Manual/Automation Airlocks shall be installed to provide controlled and interlocked

safety access gates for staff access into all automated operational areas;

ASC service aisle and reefer tower access gates shall be interlocked with adjacent
ASC operations to preclude ASC operations when ASC and reefer service personnel
are present;

IY manual access gates shall be interlocked with RMG operations and/or railcar
movements to preclude IY operations when service and inter-box connector (IBC)
operations personnel (also referred to as coning and deconing personnel) are present
within the IY; and

New security technology that develops prior to the RBT2 final design and
construction shall be evaluated and applied as appropriate.

4.3.14 Operations

The operations at RBT2 shall be based on the following:

Berth Operating Days per Year: 358 days (Accounts for shutdowns for
statutory holidays and 10 shifts for Union

Rail System Operating Days per Year: 364 days (Accounts for shutdown for

CY Operating Days per Year: 358 days (Accounts for shutdowns for
statutory holidays and 10 shifts for Union

IY Operating Days per Year: 358 days (Accounts for shutdowns for
statutory holidays and 10 shifts for Union

Berth Operating Hours per Day: 24 hours;

Rail System Operating Hours per Day: 24 hours;

CY Operating Hours per Day: 22.5 hours;

IY Operating Hours per Day: 22.5 hours; and

Truck Gate Operating Hours per Day: 22.5 hours.

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4.3.15 Staffing

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 would be a year-round staffed facility with the following assumed
staffing levels associated with each of the following functions:

Administration: 100

Maintenance and Repair: 110

Equipment Operators: 70

4.3.16 Maintainability

The container handling equipment and support systems at RBT2 shall be designed to
minimise disruptions in operations due to equipment breakdowns and system failures. The
following support systems shall be provided at RBT2:

Appropriate maintenance facilities shall be provided for all equipment types being
employed in the terminal;

Appropriate spare parts storage facilities shall be provided;

Serviceable equipment shall be provided with safe and adequate access; and

Access platforms and man-lifts shall be provided to allow access to elevated

maintenance service points on container handling equipment and facility elements.

4.3.17 Sparing Philosophy

The on-terminal spare parts inventory shall be determined for the mix and number of each
type of equipment being employed on the terminal based upon recommendations from the
respective equipment suppliers. Suppliers of major container handling equipment shall be
required to have a ready stock of major replacement components such as reducers, motors,
brakes, etc. within North America with a one-days delivery time to the terminal guaranteed.


The tug basin shall be designed as an expansion of the existing Roberts Bank Tug Basin
facility. The expansion shall meet the following functional requirements:

Accommodation of two tug operation contractors, with separate floats/pontoons for

independent pedestrian access for the two operations;

Each operator to be provided with moorage for:

Three 30/80 class berthing/escort class tugs dedicated to operations at Roberts

Bank terminals (Deltaport Terminal, Westshore Terminals, and RBT2), length
30 m, beam 12.6 m, and draught 5.3 m;

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Two 18 m long line handling boats; and

Two 6 m long small craft.

Minimum width of mooring floats/pontoons to be 8 m. Re-use of the existing Mooring

Barge No. 912 is assumed. Nominal freeboard of newly constructed mooring
floats/pontoons to be 1.5 m;

Provision of a navigation water depth of 6.5 m below LLWL;

The perimeter dyke adjacent to the expanded tug basin (deepened to accommodate
the expanded tug basin) shall withstand the A100 seismic design event; and

As floating structures make up the majority of the tug berth facility, no allowance is
to be made for future sea level rise, nor is seismic loading considered applicable
(except as indicated for the perimeter dyke).


The shoreline protection, terminal land development, and causeway widening shall be
designed to meet the following functional requirements:

The shoreline protection shall be designed to withstand the loads from a 100-year
storm event;

The shoreline protection and the crest elevation of the reclaimed fills shall be
designed to ensure wave overtopping does not exceed 50 litres/s/m during the
50-year storm event;

Long Term Settlement:

Shoreline Protection Areas (Perimeter of Terminal Land Development Area):

275 110 mm over 5 to 15 years.

Terminal Land Development Area:

385 110 mm over 5 to 15 years;

S Bend (Widened causeway adjacent to Deltaport Terminal Pod 3 and Westshore

Terminals Pod 2) Area:

220 110 mm over 5 to 15 years;

West widened causeway from chainage 21 +300 to the S Bend Area:

165 55 mm over 5 to 15 years; and

East widened causeway from the mainland to chainage 21 + 300:

110 55 mm over 5 to 15 years.

Seismic performance of shoreline protection and reclaimed fills:

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1 in 100-Year Seismic Event:

Fully operational with minor (easily repairable) damage.

1 in 475-Year Seismic Event:

Lateral displacements not to exceed 1.0 m at crest of foreshore slope;

Temporary loss of operations: Rail realignment, and repairs to

structural elements and site services may be required to restore full
operations; and

Maximum downtime for repairs: Shall be two to three months to

restore full operations, with non-critical repairs allowed beyond that


The existing causeway leading from the foreshore to the Roberts Bank terminals shall be
widened on its north side to accommodate the transportation and servicing requirements for
RBT2. The causeway widening shall be designed to meet the following functional

Infrastructure to be accommodated on the widened part of the causeway shall


Yard and lead rail tracks to service the RBT2 IY;

RBT2 road overpass of Westshore Terminals coal tracks;

Three-lane access road to RBT2 with one lane being a truck staging lane located
between the RBT2 overpass and the RBT2 entrance gate;

Two-lane emergency access and sustainability route (8 m wide gravel road);

Overpass road lighting; and

Utility corridor in which the water main for RBT2 could be located, as well as
buried power distribution lines for railway switch lighting.


A new overpass shall be constructed to connect Roberts Bank Way North to the RBT2 access
road, and to separate road and rail traffic on the causeway. The overpass shall have the
following functional requirements:

Located on the north side of the existing causeway near the west end, and would
extend onto the widened causeway;

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Span four North Yard tracks leading to Westshore Terminals. The existing North Yard
tracks will require realignment to accommodate the overpass structure and approach

Provide a minimum vertical clearance of 7.2 m over rail tracks;

Allow for a signal-controlled intersection at the top of the overpass to connect road
access to RBT2, Westshore Terminals, and Deltaport Terminal Gate 2; and

Accommodate the TAC WB36 (turnpike double) design vehicle: a tractor-trailer with
two trailers, each capable of transporting a 16.2 m (53 ft.) domestic container.


A VACS shall be constructed to regulate access to RBT2. The VACS gate could be located
either along the RBT2 access road, or at the DTRRIP VACS location.

The VACS shall include two gates for westbound vehicles and one gate for eastbound trucks
exiting the terminals. The preliminary design and installation of the VACS gates for DTRRIP
governs lane widths, island widths and lengths, and lane taper dimensions.


The rail system shall be designed to meet the operating conditions and the requirements of
the RBT2 IY, causeway support tracks, and all connecting tracks to the mainline. Simulation
studies conducted by Mainline Management Inc. were used to define the infrastructure and
equipment requirements to be implemented as part of this Basis of Design.

Yard and support tracks shall be designed to meet the following functional requirements:

Accommodate inbound and outbound train lengths of 3,660 m (12,000 ft.);

Support tracks shall be used to support rail activity including railcar storage and crew

Support tracks shall be located in close proximity to the IY working tracks to

minimise railcar switching;

Support track shall have sufficient length to accommodate efficient breaking and
building of railcar strings in lengths appropriate for the IY tracks; and

Lead tracks shall be designed to accommodate inbound and outbound switching


Rail track switches servicing the IY adjacent to the terminal shall have both remote power
and manual controls. The remote switch operations shall be controlled from the rail
operation control centre located in the administration building.

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Automated IY RMG operation, and railcar positioning and servicing operations, shall be
interlinked to preclude concurrent manual and automated operations within the same zone.

The proposed rail schematic is shown in Figure E.

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Figure E Rail Corridor Schematic Layout

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4.9.1 T-Yard

The T-Yard is the largest rail feature on the widened causeway. The T-Yard shall have the
following functional requirements:

Nine rail tracks, including two lead tracks, for spotting railcar strings into the IY or
receiving railcar strings from the IY; and

Each pair of tracks shall have a maintenance road to be used to inspect railcars.

4.9.2 DPU/Bad Order Setout Yard

The DPU/Bad Order Setout Yard shall be located on the causeway as shown in Figure E.
The yard shall have the following functional requirements:

Two tracks for light servicing of locomotives and synchronising DPUs;

Four tracks for bad order car setout/repairs; and

A maintenance road on the south side of the DPU setout tracks to allow access for
servicing of locomotives.

The spacing between pairs of tracks shall be as follows:

12.2 m (40 ft.) of space between working repair tracks. This space is based on the
minimum manoeuvrable room required for the jacking equipment to lift railcars to be
repaired; and

4.3 m (14 ft.) of additional space between the DPU setout tracks (3 and 4) and track
P5 for a total width of 16.5 m (54 ft.). The extra space shall serve as a storage area
for wheel sets, room for servicing locomotives, and space for portable toilets and a
remote shelter.

The DPU/Bad Order Setout Yard shall be paved to allow for equipment with a tight-turn

4.9.3 North Yard

The North Yard is dedicated to rail traffic serving Westshore Terminals. For the RBT2
Project, the following work would be required in the North Yard:

Realignment as required to accommodate the RBT2 overpass.

4.9.4 Causeway Lead Track Improvements

An additional lead track (M5) at the mainland end of the causeway is proposed to allow
trains destined for RBT2 to bypass the North Yard.

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Environmental loads for structural design shall be in accordance with the data published in
the current supplement to the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC), or as developed
from analysis of other site-specific data obtained from Environment Canada or other
sources. The relevant NBCC data assumed in the preliminary design, together with other
site-specific information, is included here.

5.1 WIND

Design wind speeds shall be as specified in the NBCC for Ladner, BC and are shown in
Table B.

Table B One-Hour Wind Speeds and Pressures for Varying Return Period from
the NBCC

Return Period
10 Years 50 Years

One-Hour Wind Speed (km/h) 86 99

One-Hour Wind Pressure (kPa) 0.37 0.49

5.2 SNOW

Snow loads for the terminal shall be as specified in the NBCC for Ladner, BC, and are as

Ground Snow Load: SS 1.3 kPa

SR 0.2 kPa

5.3 ICE

It is anticipated that ice floes are negligible in the vicinity near the terminal.


Temperature effects shall be analysed in accordance with CAN/CSA-S6 (Canadian Highway

Bridge Design Code) using publicly available data from the Environment Canada Climate
Normals, Averages, and Extremes website. The extreme temperature values considered are
as follows:

Extreme Maximum: +33.3 deg. C

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Extreme Minimum: -17.8 deg. C


Rainfall data to be used for the design of terminal buildings shall be as specified in the NBCC
for Ladner, BC, and are as follows:

Fifteen (15) Minutes: 10 mm

One Day: 80 mm (extreme recorded at YVR is 89.4 mm)

Annual Total Precipitation: 1,000 mm (extreme recorded at YVR is 1,199 mm)

Rainfall for the remainder of the terminal shall be as per the Ladner
Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) data.


Roberts Bank Terminal 2 would be located in one of the areas of higher seismic risk
designations in Western Canada. Site-specific ground motion parameters as published by
Natural Resources Canada (NRC) for site coordinates of 49.022 degrees north and 123.173
degrees west are presented in Table C (see NRC website

Table C Site Specific Ground Motion Parameters

Return Period of Ground Motions

1 in 100-Year 1 in 475-Year 1 in 2,475-Year

Probability of Exceedance per Annum 0.01 0.002 0.0004

Probability of Exceedance in 50 Years 40% 10% 2%

PGA 0.14 g 0.30 g 0.56 g

Sa (0.2 s)* 0.27 g 0.60 g 1.12 g

Sa (0.5 s)* 0.18 g 0.39 g 0.75 g

Sa (1.0 s)* 0.09 g 0.20 g 0.36 g

Sa (2.0 s)* 0.04 g 0.09 g 0.18 g

*Spectral acceleration values

Applicable short and long period amplification factors, Fa and Fv, for the site will be
determined during detail design.

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Metocean data for analysis of mooring forces and design of scour and slope protection at the
site shall be based on site-specific studies using available wind and current data. This data
is presented in detail in the report Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Metocean Desktop Study,
Document number 2014-09-23-01-20000-REP-0026-Rev0. Information from the Metocean
Desktop study is provided in the following subsections.


The design wave heights immediately offshore of Roberts Bank are as provided in Table D.

Table D Design Wave Heights and Exceedance Frequency at the Project Site

Significant Wave Height (m)

Exceedance Frequency

1 in 100-Year Event 3.3 3.6

1 in 50-Year Event 3.0 3.3

1 in 10-Year Event 2.35 2.5


The maximum surface flood and ebb currents adjacent to Roberts Bank, according to the
available current measurement data, are provided in Table E.

Table E Design Current Speeds

Tide Condition
Flood Current (knots) Ebb Current (knots)

Current Speed 2.0 1.5

Current at the berths shall be determined by analysis.

6.3 WIND

Wind data used for the mooring analysis and determining wind generated wave heights are
based on historic data from the Sand Heads site. This is presented in the form of a wind
rose in Figure F.

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Figure F Wind Rose for All Data from Sand Heads Station

Based on the above wind rose data, it can be seen that the majority of the winds are from
the east direction with the predominant storm wind direction being southeast.

The design wind speeds at the site for various return periods by the site-exposed compass
directions is provided in Table F.

Table F Sand Heads Directional Return Period Design Wind Speeds (km/h)

Return Period (Year)

Storm Direction
1 2 5 10 25 30 50 100

All-Directions 74 78 82 86 89 90 92 95

E 49 55 60 63 67 68 70 73

SE 68 76 80 83 86 87 88 91

S 55 59 64 68 72 73 76 79

W 59 63 69 73 77 78 81 85

NW 64 69 76 80 87 88 91 95

N <50 <50 <50 54 63 65 70 76

Note: Above are hourly average wind speeds.


6.4.1 Normal Water Levels

Water levels for Tsawwassen as published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) and
referenced to CD, are as follows:

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Higher High Water Level (Large Tide): 4.8 m

High Water Level (Mean Tide): 4.1 m

Mean Water Level: 3.0 m

Low Water Level (Mean Tide): 1.1 m

Lower Low Water Level (Large Tide): 0.1 m

Allowance shall be made in the design for adjustments to tide levels to account for extreme
events and for future sea level rise during the lifetime of the facility.

6.4.2 Extreme Water Levels

The extreme water levels at the site were determined by extrapolating historical maximum
and minimum water levels at Point Atkinson and using the adjustment values presented in
the 2010 Tide Book (CHS's Canadian Tide and Current Tables) to determine associated
water heights at Tsawwassen. These design water levels are presented in metres referenced
to CD in Table G.

Table G Design Water Levels at the Site (Not Including Sea Level Rise)

Return Period (Year)

2 5 10 15 30 50 100

Extreme High Water Level (m, CD) 5.02 5.15 5.22 5.26 5.31 5.35 5.39

Extreme Low Water Level (m, CD) 0.02 -0.09 -0.14 -0.17 -0.20 -0.22 -0.25

6.4.3 Sea Level Rise

Allowance shall be made in the design for future sea level rise due to climate change.
According to BC Ministry of Environments most recent report (Ausenco Sandwell, 2011),
the predicted sea level rise by 2100 is 1.0 m. The Metocean study recommends 0.25 m be
added to the 50-year value in Table G and 0.5 m be added to the 100-year value in
Table G.


The proposed RBT2 Project is located at Roberts Bank which forms the western boundary of
the modern day Fraser River delta. The Fraser River delta is a geologically young feature,
being typically about 10,000 years old. Roberts Bank is an even younger feature than the
Fraser River delta, representing the geologically most recent depositions associated with

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deltaic formation, likely over no more than the last 2,000 years. Over the last few hundred
years, the Main Arm of the Fraser River has been discharging sediment to the Strait of
Georgia and has been shifting northwards along Roberts Bank to its current location.

The delta consists of layered sands and fine sediments washed down from the Coast
Mountains. Results of geotechnical investigations indicate that:

The RBT2 site is underlain by a granular soil unit consisting of loose to compact
recently deposited sands, silts, and inter-bedded sand and silts, that vary in
thickness from 75 m to in excess of 100 m;

This is followed by fine-grained clayey marine soils, that vary in thickness from
several metres to in excess of 30 m; and

This is followed by till-like soils to depths in excess of several hundred metres.

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 is located in a zone of high seismic risk in Western Canada. The
seismicity at the subject site results from the thrusting (sub-ducting) of the offshore Juan
de Fuca Plate beneath the continental North America Plate, that could result in earthquakes
of magnitude varying from M6 to M8+ occurring at epicentral distances varying from tens of
kilometres to about 130 km.

The upper interlayered sands and silts are prone to liquefaction and have the potential to
compress and settle upon loading. The lower marine soils are not prone to liquefaction, but
are compressible and have the potential to induce long-term site settlements upon loading.
The deep till-like soils form competent bearing strata.

Geotechnical data for design of foundations, seismic soil-structure interaction response, land
reclamation fill, and soil improvements were obtained from the site-specific geotechnical
investigations and evaluations carried out over the course of trade-off studies and
preliminary design of the facilities at RBT2 including:

Geotechnical Investigations for Terminal Layouts W1 and W2 - Golder Associates

Ltd., August 22, 2011;

Geotechnical Evaluations for Land Reclamation and Perimeter Dikes Golder

Associates Ltd., October 5, 2011;

Terminal 2 (T2) Preliminary Geotechnical Design Input - Golder Associates Ltd.

March 8, 2012; and

Pavement Design for Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2) - Golder Associates Ltd.
February 10, 2012.

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Stability of reclaimed areas, marine structures, buildings, causeway, rail/road corridors, and
utilities will require geotechnical assessments and input on:

Settlements (long and short term);

Stability of slopes and containment dykes;

Soil bearing pressures of shallow foundations and geotechnical load carrying capacity
of deep (pile) foundations;

Suitability of dredged material for use as reclamation fill;

Fill placement and compaction;

Seismic performance of site soils including permanent soil displacements and

soil/structure interaction response; and

Pavement Design.

The site soils will require extensive ground improvement measures to reduce liquefaction
potential, control earthquake-induced deformations, and enhance the load carrying capacity.
The site soils will also require preloading (surcharging) to reduce, but not eliminate, short-
term site settlements. The extent of ground improvement and duration of preloading will
affect post-construction performance of soils. Preliminary geotechnical design input is
summarised in the documents listed above.

The geotechnical design of marine structures, terminal facilities, and site utilities shall
conform to the project specific design criteria contained in this Basis of Design and
permissible settlement tolerances required for safe terminal operation.

Building foundations shall be designed in accordance with the design provisions in the latest
version of the NBCC and guidelines given in the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual.

Overall geotechnical design of the facilities including rail/road corridors, and site utilities
shall be in accordance with the professional engineering principles and practices generally
accepted as best industry practices in the Province of British Columbia.

The design of pavement structures shall be in accordance with the project specific criteria
and parameters contained in this Basis of Design and guidelines given in American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Structural Design
of Heavy Duty Pavements for Ports and Other Industries. A design life of 20 years shall be
considered with linearly increasing traffic volumes over the first 15 years, and constant

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Design vessels for the terminal shall be as shown in Table H.

Table H Container Vessel Characteristics

Unofficial Moulded Loaded

Capacity Deadweight LOA Beam
Vessel Name Displacement Depth Draught
(TEU) (tonnes) (m) (m)
(tonnes) (m) (m)

Emma Maersk 13,500 156,907 236,000 398 56.4 30 16.0

e Class

Maersk EEE 18,000 165,000 250,000 400 59 --- 14.5

Class **

Post-Panamax 12,000 140,000 --- 366 49 --- 15.2


Seaspan 4250 4,250 50,500 66,000 260 32.3 19.3 11.0

Note also that as per Section 4.2.3 the berth structure and its foundation shall be designed
to accommodate future vessels with draughts of up to 19 m. However, those future vessels
are not considered as design vessels for the purposes of navigation studies, mooring
analyses, marine fenders, or berth scour protection.

The primary design vessel for the tug basin shall be as shown in Table I. Other smaller
vessels that would use the tug basin include 18 m long line handling boats, and 6 m long
small craft, as listed in Section 4.4.

Table I Tug Basin Design Vessel Characteristics

Bollard Moulded
Horse LOA Beam
Vessel Name Pull Depth
Power (m) (m)
(tonnes) (m)

80 tonne tug 6,000 80 30 12.6 5.3

Design vessels for the potential future short-sea-shipping berth could be as shown in
Table J.

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Table J Short-sea-shipping Berth Design Vessel Characteristics

Moulded Loaded
LOA Beam
Vessel Name Depth Draught
(m) (m)
(m) (m)

200 Series Flat Deck Barge

80 20 5.5 5.0
(5,500 tonne capacity)


The minimum water depth at the RBT2 wharf shall be sufficient to accommodate the fully
laden largest design vessel with under-keel clearance to allow out of trim and wave induced
vessel motions in the 50-year storm event. Under-keel clearance is to be a minimum of
10% of loaded draught.

The minimum water depth at berth shall be 18.4 m at LLWL (i.e., EL -18.3 m).

The minimum depth in the approach areas to the RBT2 wharf shall be sufficient to
accommodate the fully laden design vessel with under-keel clearance to accommodate
squat effects, out of trim, and wave induced vessel motion in the 5-year storm event.

The minimum water depth at the approach areas shall be 18.4 m at LLWL (i.e., EL -18.3 m).

Since the preliminary design for RBT2 was based on a future potential container ship
draught of 19 m, the design water depth of the approach areas and the berth pocket is
21.7 m at LLWL (i.e., EL -21.6 m CD).


The fender system shall be designed to accept the berthing impact of the design vessels at
any tide level, and load conditions.

Berthing criteria shall be as shown in Table K.

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Table K Berthing Criteria (from PIANC)

Approach Velocity
Vessel Type Approach Angle Point of Impact (Perpendicular to
Berth Face)

Emma Maersk - e Class or 5 degrees point 0.12 m/s

Maersk EEE Class

Post-Panamax (2014) 5 degrees point 0.12 m/s

Seaspan 4250 10 degrees point 0.20 m/s


Mooring loads shall be determined based on dynamic mooring analysis. Mooring system
shall be designed to withstand loads under the 50-year storm event.


Breasting Lines (Plan): 90 degrees to 35 degrees

Breasting Lines (Vertical): Flat to +30 degrees

Spring Lines (Plan): 10 degrees

Spring Lines (Vertical): Flat to +30 degrees

Minimum Number of Bow Lines: 4

Minimum Number of Stern Lines: 4

Minimum Number of Bow Spring Lines: 2

Minimum Number of Stern Spring Lines: 2

Mooring line numbers are based on the design vessels in AECOMs Dynamic Mooring


Scour protection shall be designed to be stable under marine propulsion equipment for the
design vessels with the following assumed characteristics:

Emma Maersk e Class vessel: One main propeller 9.6 m diameter with six blades,
approximately 80,000 kW (110,000 BHP). Two bow thrusters and two stern
thrusters, each with 25 tons transverse thrust;

Maersk EEE Class vessel: Two engine/two propeller system, 9.8 m propeller
diameter, four blades per propeller, approximately 30,000 kW per engine. Bow
thrusters only with no stern thrusters (thrust details not available); and

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As noted in Section 4.2.3 and Section 8.1, the berth structures are to be designed
to accommodate future vessels with draughts of up to 19 m. However, those future
vessels are not considered as design vessels for the purposes of berth scour



The following imposed loads due to operational usage shall be accommodated on the wharf
structure. The structural loads are based on the proposed terminal operations as shown in
AECOMs preliminary design drawings.

9.1.1 Container Handling Equipment and Vehicle Wheel Loads

The following equipment and vehicle loads shall be accommodated on the wharf:

Terminal Tractor and Trailer Units:

Front Wheel: 27 kN

Rear Wheel: 40 kN

An impact allowance of 20% shall be added to the above loads.

9.1.2 Wharf Storage Loads

The following storage loads shall be accommodated on the wharf:

Uniformly Distributed:

Generally: 48 kPa

In Combination with Crane Loading: 36 kPa

During Wharf Construction: 24 kPa

Seaward of Waterside Crane Rail: 24 kPa

Beyond Crane Rail Stops: 24 kPa

Seismic Event: 10 kPa

Settlement Allowance: 10 kPa

Hatch Covers:

Self-Weight: 285 kN

Corner Load: 344 kN

Storage Location: Between crane rails

General Vehicle Allowance: 225 kN GVW + Dynamic Load allowance

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9.1.3 Crane Loads

The following live loads from a Tandem Lift STS Crane shall be accommodated on the wharf:

Lifting Capacity (Twin 40 ft. and Quad 20 ft.): 80 tonnes

Outreach (24 Containers) w/ 2 list: 70.5 m

Setback from wharf face: 6.4 m

Rail Gauge: 30.48 m

Back-Reach: 27.6 m

Wheel Spacing (at each truck): 1.375 m (minimum) - 1.5 m


Number of Wheels per Rail: 16 (2 gantry drive assemblies per

rail, 8 wheels per gantry drive

Distance between the load centres of the two corners on a rail = 13.3 m (minimum,
i.e., 3.675 m gap between centre wheels) to 14.1 m (maximum, i.e., 3.6 m gap
between centre wheels).

Overall length of crane (bumper to bumper): 27.0 m.

Loads from the crane wheels on each crane rail are presented in Table L.

Loads imparted by crane impact at each crane stop to be determined by rational analysis,
based on an assumed crane impact speed of 150 ft./min. (0.762 m/s), and a buffer impact
height of 1.20 m. The crane mass for this impact analysis (including trolley and lift system,
but no live load) is assumed to be 1,900,000 kg (1,900 tonnes). It is assumed that the
cranes hydraulic bumpers will absorb 50% of the cranes kinetic energy at impact, the
remaining 50% being transmitted into the crane stop system (25% per crane stop).

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Table L Crane Rail Loads

Vertical Loads
Horizontal Loads
Perpendicular Rail
Waterside Landside
Operating (Boom Down)
Normal Operating 115 90 10
Dead Load --- --- ---
Extreme Operating 130 105 13
Stowed (Boom Up)
Dead Load --- --- ---
Maximum Storm Wind (boom fully 130 110 13
Seismic (Operating with Wind but No Lift 135 120 13
Crane Stop --- --- ---

Consideration shall be given to loads resulting from the delivery of fully erected cranes.

Gantry equaliser assembly (per corner), four trucks, two wheels per truck, total eight
wheels; and

Maximum Lateral Load (applied at top of rail) = 18.6 tonnes per wheel.


The following imposed loads due to operational usage are to be accommodated in the CY
and IY.

9.2.1 Container Handling Equipment and Vehicle Wheel Loads

The following container handling equipment loads shall be accommodated within the
container yard:

CY Automated Stacking Crane:

The nominal weight of the machine: 200,000 kg

Maximum Vertical Operating Wheel Load: 312 kN

Maximum Horizontal Operating Wheel Load: 48 kN

Mobile Horizontal Transfer Equipment (based on Shuttle Carrier):

The nominal weight of the machine: 51,000 kg

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Maximum Vertical Operating Wheel Load (40 MT container): 264.0 kN

Maximum Vertical Operating Wheel Load (no container): 144 kN

IY Rail Mounted Gantry:

The nominal weight of the machine: 490,000 kg

Maximum Vertical Operating Wheel Load: 284 kN

Maximum Horizontal Operating Wheel Load: 58 kN.

Highway Trucks:

Maximum Axle Load: Based on Truck CL-625 in CSA-S6-06


The nominal weight of the machine: 68,950 kg

Maximum Vertical Operating Axle Load: 943 kN

9.2.2 Yard Storage Loads

The following storage loads shall be accommodated in the CY based on 5-high container

Container Stacking Loads:

Total Average Corner Load: 500 kN

Total Maximum Corner Load: 280 kN

9.2.3 Rail Loads

The following rail loads shall be accommodated in the IY:

Rail Locomotive:

American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA)

Coopers E90 loading.

Railcar Unit:

286,000 lbs. (1,272 kN) on four axles.

9.2.4 Storage Load Allowance for Long Term Settlement

An equivalent uniformly distributed sustained preload/storage load of 30 kPa on the

terminal area was considered in the long-term settlement analysis.

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All occupied and other critical buildings shall be designed in accordance with the NBCC,
which requires that buildings withstand the A2475 seismic event with no collapse.
Therefore, the soils underlying the Administration Building, Maintenance and Repair
Building, CBSA Building, the Parking Structure, and Main Substation Building shall be
densified to minimise the risk of soil liquefaction and the resulting large lateral ground
movements. No ground improvement is needed for the lightly loaded buildings with smaller

Live loads due to use and occupancy of buildings, catwalks, and miscellaneous structures
shall be in accordance with Part 4 of the NBCC.


Structural elements in the wharf, CY, and the IY shall be designed to resist the factored
loads and load combinations that will be finalised during detail design.



In general, drainage grades on the wharf and in the CY shall be 1.5% or less. Up to 2% will
be permissible in limited areas to promote drainage.

Grading contours shall be either parallel or perpendicular to the long axis of grounded
containers. Ridges and valleys shall be located in aisles between, or away from, container

In the IY, grades parallel to the tracks shall be 0.2% or less. Grades perpendicular to the
tracks shall be 1% or less.

Trench drains, manholes, and catch basins shall be located in areas to minimise conflict with
equipment operating areas. Underground structures and grates shall be designed to support
equipment wheel loading.

The following design criteria shall be used for storm drainage:

Storm drainage systems shall be designed using Ladner IDF data to accommodate
the rainfall flows generated from a 1 in 10-year rainstorm, with a 15-minute time of
concentration. The rational method of design may be used;

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All catch basin manholes and trench drain grates shall be rated for the design
loadings for the wharf apron, CY, IY, and other facilities;

Minimum cover in the wharf apron and CY is 1.0 m;

Minimum cover in the IY is 1.22 m;

All storm sewers in the IY shall be reinforced concrete Class IV; and

Slot drain interceptor pipes shall be minimum 375 mm diameter high-density

polyethylene pipe (HDPE), or corrugated steel pipe (CSP).

Collected drainage water shall be passed through oil interceptors that shall be installed to
CCME standards. Oil interceptor design flows shall be based on the 1 in 10-year flows. In
addition the storm outfalls shall be fitted with shutoff valves to terminate flow from site
should a sizeable spill occur. A sizeable spill is one in excess of 100 L.

Independent oil and waste containment systems shall be provided at the container/reefer
wash facility, at the fuelling facility, and at the transformer yards. Trash baskets shall be
provided to collect debris and grit for removal from the site. Drainage water from these
areas shall be collected via a closed drain system and passed through coalescing plate oil
water separators to the storm sewer system. Oil water separators shall be sized for a
minimum hydraulic flow rate of a 10-year return, one-hour storm event. In addition, the
containment systems shall be equipped with stop valves local to each facility to contain

Storm outfall structures shall consist of a prefabricated pipe outlet and a rip-rap pad. The
pipe outlet shall consist of an integral saddle, pipe, and apron. The pipe effluent velocities
shall be controlled to 1 m/s to minimise scouring. Outfall pipes shall be positioned with top
of pipe at -5.0 m CD.

All storm pipes crossing under rail tracks shall meet CN pipeline crossing specification

The roads on the causeway shall be graded for stormwater to drain into and infiltrate
through the gravel shoulder.


On site sanitary treatment facilities shall be provided to meet effluent standards set by the
Ministry of Environment. The characteristics of the discharge shall be:

Five-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5): 45 mg/L, maximum;

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Total Suspended Solids (Non-Filterable Residue): 45 mg/L, maximum; and

Toxicity: LT50 96 hours, minimum.

The following design criteria shall be used for sanitary sewers:

Minimum cover is 1.0 m;

All pipes shall be PVC DR 28, minimum diameter 150 mm;

Pipe shall be sized on basis of minimum velocity of 0.91 m/s; and

Ocean outfall elevation: Top of pipe at -10.0 m CD.


Rail design criteria shall be developed to meet the operating conditions and the
requirements of the RBT2 IY, causeway support tracks, and new track construction in the
T-Yard and DPU/Bad Order Setout Yard. In general, the rail design shall follow the BC Rail
Properties (BCRP) Design Brief Document No. 290050-PM-230-S0-0001, Rev. 1 regarding
track structure and geometry wherever possible and practicable. Exceptions to this standard
will require approval from BCRP.


A standard clearance envelope for industrial track shall be applied from all fixed features.
For determining clearances, mobile equipment on fixed runways working adjacent to tracks,
such as rail mounted gantry cranes shall be considered fixed features.

10.4.1 Intermodal Yard

The IY shall be configured with two parallel RMG runways, each servicing six working tracks
for the loading/unloading of double-stack rail cars. The characteristics of the IY shall be as

The IY shall be fenced to preclude uncontrolled manual access into the automated
RMG operating areas;

Airlock gates, remotely operated from the IY control centre in the administration
building, shall be provided to control train and service staff access into the
automated RMG operating areas;

Service aisles within the IY shall be paved;

In-ground compressed air supply piping shall be installed in pits to serve IY working

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A lock-out procedure shall be implemented to prevent switching of railcars in the IY

whenever people and equipment are working around railcars;

A train, or railcar, motion warning system shall be implemented in the IY;

RFID and OCR railcar position management/railcar position detection system shall be

MHTE crossing aisles shall be paved with cast concrete panels; and

The IY operating areas shall be zoned to allow concurrent automated

loading/unloading and manual (de)coning operations.

10.4.2 Train and Railcar Data

The terminal and rail support yards shall be designed for receiving containerised trains as
indicated in Table M and Table N.

Table M Railcar Design Data*

Description Parameter

Design Railcar Five-platform Double Stack

Length 80.81 m (265 ft. 1 in.) Maximum

Height (Maximum) 6.15 m (20 ft. 2 in.)

Light Weight 788 kN (177,200 lbs.)

Loaded Weight Limit 1,272 kN (286,000 lbs.) on 4 Axles

3,560 kN (800,500 lbs.) per 5 cars
*(Based on a Greenbriar Five Platform Double Stack Unit)

Table N Train and Locomotive Data

Description Parameter

Maximum Train Length 3,660 m (12,000 ft.)

Design Train Length 3,660 m (12,000 ft.)

Number of Locomotives Determined by Distributed Power


Maximum Design Speed for RBT2 IY Tracks 8.05 km/h (5 mph)

10.4.3 Track Geometry

Track and alignment shall be in accordance with AREMA guidelines. The parameters shown
in Table O shall be used for design purposes.

There are no significant grade limitations on the site.

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Support tracks shall have a 0% gradient or be so designed to prevent accidental fouling of

adjacent tracks.

Maximum degree of curvature for the rail layout is 9 degrees to permit breaking and
coupling of trains on curves as required.

Track Centres - as per Table O.

Table O Track Geometry and Capacities

Description Parameter

Design Speed (excluding RBT2 IY) 24.1 km/h (15 mph maximum)

Maximum Curvature 9 degrees (194.241 m radius)

Vertical Curve Length Minimum 30.5 m (100 ft.)

Vertical Curve Length Design As per AREMA Design Guidelines

Maximum Grades 0.2% Running Tracks

0% Support and IY Tracks
Track Centres 4.27 m (14 ft.) minimum in general

Track Centres - Causeway (T-Yard) 4.27 m (14 ft.) for Support Track Pairs;
8.53 m (28 ft.) between Support Track Pairs;
Allowance for maintenance road

Track Centres -Causeway (DPU/Bad Order 4.27 m (14 ft.) for Bad Order Track Pairs;
Setout Yard) 12.19 m (40 ft.) between Bad Order Track
Pairs16.46 m;
(54 ft.) between DPU Setout Tracks and P5

Track Centres - Intermodal Yard 6.88 m (22.6 ft.) for IY Track Pairs;
15.39 m (50.5 ft.) between IY Track Pairs

Railcar Clearances 2.55 m (8.38 ft.) Horizontal from Track Centre

and 7.01 m (23 ft.) Vertical from Top of Rail

Turnout Clearance 60.96 m (200 ft.) from Point of Switch to Foul


Minimum Turnout / Crossover Lead No. 12;

Yard No. 10;
Set-out No. 8 (Light Duty)

Minimum Number of Intermodal Working Tracks 6 in North IY, 6 in South IY

Total Length of Intermodal Working Tracks 14,725 m (48,300 ft.)

The track centres were determined in consultation with BCR and their Design Brief
290050-PM-230-S0-0001, Rev. 1.

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10.4.4 Track Section Data

Track structure for tracks outside of the IY shall be standard wood tie and ballast
construction on sub-ballast, consisting of jointed rail set on steel tie plates, fastened with
cut spikes, and mounted on No. 1 hardwood crossties based on BCRP Basis of Design

Where practical, lateral cross fall shall be applied across the track section between tracks to
promote positive drainage. Track section data is presented in Table P.

Table P Track Section Data

Description Parameter

Rail Section New 136 RE High Strength Rail in Curves and Turnouts;
New 136 RE Intermediate Rail on Tangents;
New 115 RE Rail in IY

Rail Joints Bolted (6-hole, AREMA std.)

Rail Plates 356 mm (14 in.)

Cross-Ties No. 1 Treated Hardwood with End Plates

Ballast 229 mm (9 in.) Depth Under Tie

Sub-Ballast 305 mm (12 in.) Depth

Turnouts No. 10 CN plan TS-011 A/V

Railcar Scale Not Required

Rail End Stops Suitable for Marine Terminal Application

Sub-ballast depth is subject to geotechnical review.


Fire and potable water is expected to be supplied from The Corporation of Delta to RBT2 by
a water main proposed to be constructed on the widened Roberts Bank causeway.

The water distribution system on the terminal shall be installed in accordance with NFPA
307 Standard for the Construction and Fire Protection of Marine Terminals, Piers and

Hydrants shall be provided throughout the site for fire flow supply. Wherever possible,
hydrants shall be located adjacent to high mast light poles and protected with bollards.
Hydrants in traffic areas shall be below grade to avoid damage.

Potable water shall be provided to all building facilities and ship berths.

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Metering shall be installed for ships water supply line complete with electric heat tracing.
Backflow from ships to site shall be prevented.


Fire protection shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 307 - Standard for the
Construction and Fire Protection of Marine Terminals, Piers, and Wharves.

The fire water distribution system shall be designed to satisfy 200 L/s fire flow demand at
all hydrants for fire protection for buildings, CY, and IY. The duration of fire flow demand
shall be 4.0 hours, in accordance with NFPA 307 guidelines.

The following design criteria shall apply to potable water and fire water:

Minimum cover shall be 1.0 m;

All water mains shall be rated for 1,380 kPa (200 psi) working pressure;

All water mains 100 mm - 300 mm diameter to be PVC C900 Class 200 DR 14. Mains
350 mm - 600 mm diameter to be PVC C905 Class 235, DR 18;

Fire hydrant leads shall be 150 mm diameter, PVC Class 200 DR 14;

Thrust blocks required at all bends and fittings;

Pipe sizes smaller than 100 mm diameter shall be HDPE;

Minimum pipe slope shall be 0.1%;

Water mains under rail tracks shall be encased with steel casing pipe; and

A mobile fire suppression system shall be utilised in the DPU/Bad Order Setout Yard.


All security fencing shall consist of a concrete barrier rail with posts and chain link mesh
above, topped with three strands of barbed wire mounted on 45 degree brackets having a
fence height of 3.0 m.

Security fencing shall be equipped with intrusion detection devices and positioned at the
following locations:

Perimeter of the entry and exit gate facilities;

Perimeter of the POV parking areas;

Perimeter of the IY;

Perimeter of the VACIS area;

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Western edge of the CY;

Between the IY MHTE circulation lanes and the CY truck manoeuvring area;

Between the wharf and the CY MHTE load lanes; and

Perimeter of the high voltage equipment yard.

The IY rail access gates shall be automated and controlled from the rail operations centre.

Vehicle access gates shall be operated by a card access system interlinked with the IY
automation control system for the RMGs.


By-laws, regulations, specifications, and design guidelines of the following relevant

authorities shall be adhered to:

Causeway Section: BC Ministry of Transportation Supplement to TAC Geometric

Design Guide;

RBT2 Overpass: CSA-S6-06 and BC Ministry of Transportation Supplement to CHBDC

S6-06; and

CY and other onsite facilities: The TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads
(1999), and the BC Ministry of Transportation Supplement to TAC Geometric Design

10.8.1 Roadway Design Criteria

Design criteria for roadways shall be as presented in Table Q.

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Table Q Roadway Design Criteria

Item Causeway Onsite Comments/Notes
Roads and

Design UAU UAU ULU UAU = Urban Arterial Undivided

Classification ULU = Urban Local Undivided

Posted Speed 80 50 30 ---


Design Speed 80 50 30 The application of where UAU 80

(km/h) or 50 apply will depend on
terminal access layout.

Basic Lanes 2 2 2 ---

Minimum Radius 250 90 20 These minimum Radii are for

(m) super-elevated roadway sections.

Minimum K Factor 25 - 32 11 - 12 4 Headlight control used road shall

Sag be illuminated.

Minimum K Factor 24 - 36 6-7 2 Based on TAC Stopping Sight

Crest distance.

Maximum Grade 5 5 6 5% for the UAU 50 is lower than

(%) the TAC 6% because of the large
number of trucks anticipated.

Minimum Grade 0.5 0.5 0.5 ---


Maximum Super- 6% 6% 4% ---

Elevation (%)

Minimum SSD (m) 114 - 140 60 - 65 30 ---

Minimum DSD (m) 315 200 --- Avoidance Manoeuvre E.

Lane Width (m) 3.6 3.6 3.6 Existing lane width is 3.6 m.

Vertical Clearance 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.0 m plus 200 mm for future
(m) overlays

Shoulder Width 2.5 2.5 1.5** ** In location where a disabled

(m) vehicle will cause major
disruptions to terminal
operations, a 2.5 m shoulder
should be used.

Design Vehicle TAC WB- TAC WB-36 TAC The WB-36 is a truck with two
36 WB-36 16.2 m trailers capable of
transporting two 53 ft. domestic
containers. The wheel base of the
truck is 36 m.

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The nominal transmission voltage provided by BC Hydro is 69 kV. However, the actual
voltage is closer to 64 kV. Other than for equipment ratings, the nominal voltage will be
used in the criteria description.

A 69 kV underground distribution service shall be supplied from BC Hydros line to the new
port facilitys main substation, which consists of an outdoor switchyard and an electrical
building. The main substations transformers are proposed to be outdoor, liquid filled, 64 kV
- 12.47 kV type with fully redundant secondary selective system.

System voltages shall be as presented in Table R.

Table R System Voltages

Description Voltage

Incoming power to the terminal 69 kV, 3-phase, 60 Hz

Incoming power to the area substations 12.47 kV, 3-phase, 60 Hz

STS Cranes, RMGs, ASCs and major equipment (as required) supply 12.47 kV, 3-phase, 60 Hz

Shore power 6.6 kV, 3-phase, 60 Hz

General 3-phase equipment above 149 kW except in cases where 4.16 kV, 3-phase, 60 Hz
there is consideration for minimising spares. For VFD applications
refer to the electric motors section

General 3-phase equipment 149 kW and below. For VFD applications 600 V, 3-phase, 60 Hz
refer to the electric motors section

Service and control voltage 120/208 V, 3-phase,

60 Hz;
120/240 V, single-phase,
60 Hz

Building interior lighting, utility loads, and services 120 V, single-phase,

60 Hz

PLC analog signals and instrument loops 24 VDC (4-20 mA)

PLC discrete signals 24 VDC;

120 V, single-phase,
60 Hz

Instrument power supply 120 V, single-phase,

60 Hz

Area exterior lighting 347 V, 208 V, or 120 V,

single-phase, 60 Hz

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Substation equipment, including transformers and switchgear shall be anchored to

foundations in accordance with the NBCC.

Electrical equipment vendor shall state the seismic load resisting capacity of their
equipment. Delivery schedules and costs preclude complete seismic analysis and testing, so
equipment supports only will be capable of providing seismic resistance.


All motors and associated drives shall be energy efficient and shall comply with IEEE 841
standards for inverter duty motor applications.

Motors shall generally conform to the provisions in Table S. Exceptions shall be evaluated
on a case-by-case basis.

Table S Motor Details

Power Voltage Phase Enclosure

Motors below 0.5 kW. 208 V 1 IP65, TEFC
Motors 0.5 kW to 149 kW. For VFD applications 373 kW and 575 V 3 IP65, TEFC
Motors above 149 kW except in cases where there is 4 kV 3 IP65, TEFC
consideration for minimising spares. For VFD applications
above 373 kW.


Lighting intensities and illumination levels shall be in accordance with IES standards and
consistent with local practices. Where equipment lighting and area lighting are both present,
the 150 Lux requirement recently associated with container loading and unloading areas has
been interpreted as the sum of yard lighting plus localised lighting being provided by the
machine that is performing the work. Since the interpretation of the 150 Lux requirement is
still under debate whether it applies to container handling terminals, or to container
loading/unloading docks at warehouses, this requirement will need to be revisited during
detail design, if deemed applicable.

General luminance levels for the various terminal areas shall be as shown in Table T.

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Table T Lighting Levels

Area Name Luminance (Minimum Average)

Control Rooms 500 Lux
Electrical Substations 500 Lux
Office Buildings 800 Lux
Operations Buildings 300 Lux
Stairways 20 Lux
Walkways 20 Lux
General Yard Areas 10 Lux
Machinery Platforms 100 Lux
Staffed Areas within the Container Yard 50 Lux
Intermodal Yard 50 Lux
Container Loading/Unloading Areas 150 Lux
Actual intent of regulation still under review.


A safe design approach begins in the design and planning phase with an emphasis on
making choices about the design, methods of construction, and materials used, based on
health, safety and environment (HSE) considerations. Reducing and controlling risks to
health and safety during the design process is a well-recognised strategy for preventing or
minimising occupational fatalities, injuries, and disease.

The opportunities to address HSE in the design and planning of construction works are
considerable. It is possible to design out hazards or incorporate risk control measures that
are compatible with the original design concept, and with the engineering and functional
requirements of a project.

The design process of the RBT2 Project shall follow the design Codes and Standards and
ensure that the final product is based on HSE considerations.

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AECOM, Roberts Bank Terminal 2 - Preliminary Design Drawings, December 2014

AECOM, Roberts Bank Terminal 2 - Dynamic Mooring Analysis, January 2012

AECOM, Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Planning and Capacity Study, Rev. 3, May 2012

AECOM, Roberts Bank Terminal 2 - Fast-time Ship Navigation Simulation Study Report,
Rev. D, April 2012

Ausenco Sandwell, BC Ministry of Environment: Climate Change Adaption Guidelines for

Sea Dikes and Coastal Flood Hazard Land Use Draft Policy Discussion Paper, January 2011,
website: www.env.gov.bc.ca

British Columbia Rail Properties, Design Brief - 290050-PM-230-S0-0001, Rev. 1,

June 1, 2011

Canadian Hydrographic Service, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Tide and Current
Tables 2010, Volume 5 Juan de Fuca Strait and Strait of Georgia, 2010

Environment Canada, Canadian Climate Normals,

website: http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals

Golder Associates Ltd., Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Geotechnical Investigations for Terminal
Layouts W1 and W2, Rev. V1, August 2011

Golder Associates Ltd., Geotechnical Evaluations for Land Reclamation and Perimeter
Dikes, October 5, 2011

Golder Associates Ltd., Pavement Design for Roberts Bank Terminal 2, February 2012

Golder Associates Ltd., Terminal 2 (T2) Preliminary Geotechnical Design Input,

March 8, 2012

Natural Resources Canada, Determine 2010 National Building Code of Canada seismic
hazard values, website: http://www.earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/hazard-

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PORT METRO VANCOUVER | Roberts Bank Terminal 2

Seaport, Functional Requirements - Design Vessels 09409-01-MA-REP-10016-200, Rev 0,

January 2012

WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd., Roberts Bank Terminal 2 - Metocean Desktop Study,
Rev. 0, September 2014

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Appendix 1 - Basis of Design Abbreviations

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Abbreviation Description

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation


AGV Automated Guided Vehicle

ANSI American National Standards Institute

API American Petroleum Institute

AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way


ASC Automated Stacking Crane

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

BC British Columbia

BCFC BC Fire Code

BCR British Columbia Railway

BCRP BCR Properties Ltd., a subsidiary of British Columbia Railway

Company, a Crown Corporation

BHP Brake Horse Power

BOD or BoD Basis of Design

BOD5 Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand

BTZ Buffer Transfer Zone

CACS Computerised Automation Control System

CBSA Canada Border Services Agency

CCIP Container Capacity Improvement Program

CCME Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment

CD Chart Datum

CEC Canadian Electric Code

CEM Coastal Engineering Manual

CHS Canadian Hydrographic Service

CN Canadian National Railway

CP Canadian Pacific Railway

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CSA Canadian Standards Association

CSP Corrugated Steel Pipe

CTZ Container Transfer Zone

CY Container Yard

DFO Fisheries and Oceans Canada

DPU Distributed Power Unit

DTRRIP Deltaport Terminal, Road and Rail Improvement Project

EA Environmental Assessment

EEE "Economic, Energy Efficient, Environmentally Improved" class of

container ship

EL Elevation

GD Geodetic Datum

HDPE High-density Polyethylene

HSE Health, Safety, and Environment

IBC Inter-box Connector (aka cone)

ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association

IDF Intensity Duration Frequency

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IES Illuminating Engineering Society

IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America

ISA International Society of Automation

ISO International Organization for Standardization

IY Intermodal Yard

LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LLWL Low Low Water Level

LOA Length overall

MHTE Mobile Horizontal Transfer Equipment

MOTEMS Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards

NBCC National Building Code of Canada

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

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NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NPC National Plumbing Code

OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum

OCR Optical Character Recognition

PGA Peak Ground Acceleration

PIANC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

PMV Port Metro Vancouver

POV Personal Owned Vehicle

PTZ Pan, Tilt, and Zoom

RBRC Roberts Bank Rail Corridor

RBT2 Roberts Bank Terminal 2

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

RMG Rail-Mounted Gantry Crane

RPM Radiation Portal Monitor

SI International System of Units

STS Ship-to-Shore (usually in conjunction with Crane)

TEFC Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (motor)

TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit

TOS Terminal Operating System

ULC Underwriters Laboratories of Canada

UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply

US or USA United States of America

UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

VACIS Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System

VACS Vehicle Access and Control System

WP WorleyParsons

YVR Vancouver International Airport

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Appendix 2 - Codes and Standards

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Current versions of the following codes and standards will be referenced where appropriate
for design, and in specifications, to define loads, performance, materials and quality:



Labour Canada


Canadian Geotechnical Society - Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual

Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards (MOTEMS)

Marine and Structural:

National Building Code of Canada

Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CAN/CSA-S6)

Environment Canada - Publication of Canadian Climate Normals

CSA Standard A23.3 - Design of Concrete Structures

CSA Standard S16 - Limit States Design of Steel Structures

Transport Canada - Marine Transportation Security Regulations

Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PIANC):

Guidelines for the Design of Fender Systems: 2002

Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures
Breakwaters with Vertical and Inclined Concrete Walls - Working Group
Approach Channels - A Guide for Design

BS 6349: British Standard Code of Practice for Maritime Structures, Part I to IV

International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF):

Mooring Equipment Guidelines

Guidelines and Recommendations for the Safe Mooring of Large Ships at
Piers and Sea Islands
Effective Mooring

American Petroleum Institute:

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API RP-2A-LFRD: Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and

Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms

US Army Corps of Engineers:

Shore Protection Manual

Engineering Manual EM-1110-2-1601 (96) Hydraulic Design of Flood
Control Structures
Hydraulic Design Criteria Sheet 712-1 (70) Stone Stability, Velocity vs.
Stone Diameter
Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM) EM 1110-2-1100, 2006


National Plumbing Code (NPC)

BC Fire Code (BCFC)

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 307 Standard for the Construction
and Fire Protection of Marine Terminals, Piers and Wharves

Transportation Association of Canada Geometric Design Guide for Canadian


British Columbia Ministry of Transportation, Supplement to TAC Geometric

Design Guide 2007

CN Engineering - Specification for Industrial Tracks

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

American Engineering and Maintenance Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way

Association (AREMA), Manual for Railway Engineering

Asphalt Institute - Thickness Design - Asphalt Pavement for Heavy Wheel Loads -
Manual Series No. 23

AASHTO Structured Design of Heavy Duty Pavements for Ports and Other

British Ports Association British Precast Concrete Federation, Structural Design

of Heavy Duty Pavements


CSA - Canadian Standards Association

CEC - CSA C22,1 Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 as adopted by the British
Columbia Safety Authority

NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NFPA - National Fire Protection Association

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NFPA 307- 2011 Edition - Standard for the Construction and Fire Protection of
Marine Terminals, Piers and Wharves

ULC - Underwriters Laboratories of Canada

ICEA - Insulated Cable Engineers Association

IES or IESNA - Illuminating Engineering Society of North America

ISA - International Society of Automation

ISO - International Organization for Standardization

IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

ANSI - American National Standards Institute

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