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Coir (pronunciation: /'k???

r/), or coconut fibre, is a natural fibre extracted from the husk of

coconut and used in products such as floor mats, doormats, brushes, and mattresses. Coir
is the fibrous material found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a
coconut. Other uses of brown coir (made from ripe coconut) are in upholstery padding,
sacking and horticulture. White coir, harvested from unripe coconuts, is used for making
finer brushes, string, rope and fishing nets.[1]

The English word "coir" comes from the Malayalam and Tamil [2] word 'kayar' (??? in
Malayalam, ????? in Tamil).

Ropes and cordage made from coconut fibre have been in use from ancient times. Indian
navigators who sailed the seas to Malaya, Java, China, and the Gulf of Arabia centuries ago
used coir for their ship ropes. Arab writers of the 11th century AD referred to the extensive
use of coir for ship ropes and rigging.[3]

A coir industry in the UK was recorded before the second half of the 19th century. During
1840, Captain Widely, in co-operation with Captain Logan and Mr. Thomas Treloar,[4]
founded the known carpet firms of Treloar and Sons in Ludgate Hill, England, for the
manufacture of coir into various fabrics suitable for floor coverings.[3]
Coir fibres are found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut. The
individual fibre cells are narrow and hollow, with thick walls made of cellulose. They are
pale when immature, but later become hardened and yellowed as a layer of lignin is
deposited on their walls. Each cell is about 1 mm (0.04 in) long and 10 to 20 m (0.0004
to 0.0008 in) in diameter.[5] Fibres are typically 10 to 30 centimetres (4 to 12 in) long.[6]
The two varieties of coir are brown and white. Brown coir harvested from fully ripened
coconuts is thick, strong and has high abrasion resistance. It is typically used in mats,
brushes and sacking. Mature brown coir fibres contain more lignin and less cellulose than
fibres such as flax and cotton, so are stronger but less flexible. White coir fibres harvested
from coconuts before they are ripe are white or light brown in color and are smoother and
finer, but also weaker. They are generally spun to make yarn used in mats or rope.

The coir fibre is relatively waterproof, and is one of the few natural fibres resistant to
damage by saltwater. Fresh water is used to process brown coir, while seawater and fresh
water are both used in the production of white coir.[6]

Green coconuts, harvested after about six to 12 months on the palm, contain pliable white
fibres. Brown fibre is obtained by harvesting fully mature coconuts when the nutritious
layer surrounding the seed is ready to be processed into copra and desiccated coconut.
The fibrous layer of the fruit is then separated from the hard shell (manually) by driving
the fruit down onto a spike to split it (dehusking). A well-seasoned husker can manually
separate 2,000 coconuts per day. Machines are now available which crush the whole fruit
to give the loose fibres. These machines can process up to 2,000 coconuts per hour.

Brown fibre

The fibrous husks are soaked in pits or in nets in a slow-moving body of water to swell and
soften the fibres. The long bristle fibres are separated from the shorter mattress fibres
underneath the skin of the nut, a process known as wet-milling. The mattress fibres are
sifted to remove dirt and other rubbish, dried in the sun and packed into bales. Some
mattress fibre is allowed to retain more moisture so it retains its elasticity for twisted fibre
production. The coir fibre is elastic enough to twist without breaking and it holds a curl as
though permanently waved. Twisting is done by simply making a rope of the hank of fibre
and twisting it using a machine or by hand. The longer bristle fibre is washed in clean
water and then dried before being tied into bundles or hanks. It may then be cleaned and
'hackled' by steel combs to straighten the fibres and remove any shorter fibre pieces. Coir
bristle fibre can also be bleached and dyed to obtain hanks of different colours.[citation

White fibre

The immature husks are suspended in a river or water-filled pit for up to ten months.
During this time, micro-organisms break down the plant tissues surrounding the fibres to
loosen them a process known as retting. Segments of the husk are then beaten by hand
to separate out the long fibres which are subsequently dried and cleaned. Cleaned fibre is
ready for spinning into yarn using a simple one-handed system or a spinning wheel.

Researchers at CSIR's National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology in

Thiruvananthapuram have developed a biological process for the extraction of coir fibre
from coconut husk without polluting the environment. The technology uses enzymes to
separate the fibres by converting and solubilizing plant compounds to curb the pollution of
waters caused by retting of husks.[7]

Because coir is high in sodium and potassium, it is treated before use as a growth medium
for plants or fungi by soaking in a calcium buffering solution; most coir sold for growing
purposes is pre-treated.[8] Once any remaining salts have been leached out of the coir
pith, it and the coir bark become suitable substrates for cultivating fungi. Coir is naturally
rich in potassium, which can lead to magnesium deficiencies in soilless horticultural

Coir does provide a suitable substrate for horticultural use as a soilless potting medium.
The material's high lignin content is longer lasting, holds more water, and does not shrink
off the sides of the pot when dry allowing for easier rewetting. This light media has
advantages and disadvantages that can be corrected with the addition of the proper
amendment such as coarse sand for weight in interior plants like Draceana. Nutritive
amendments should also be considered. Calcium and magnesium will be lacking in coir
potting mixes, so a naturally good source of these nutrients is dolomitic lime which
contains both. The addition of beneficial microbes to the coir media have been successful
in tropical green house conditions and interior spaces as well. However, it is important to
note that the microbes will engage in growth and reproduction under moist atmospheres
producing fruiting bodies (mushrooms).

Bristle coir

Bristle coir is the longest variety of coir fibre. It is manufactured from retted coconut husks
through a process called defibring. The coir fibre thus extracted is then combed using steel
combs to make the fibre clean and to remove short fibres. Bristle coir fibre is used as
bristles in brushes for domestic and industrial applications.

Making coir rope in Kerala, India

Red coir is used in floor mats and doormats, brushes, mattresses, floor tiles and sacking. A
small amount is also made into twine. Pads of curled brown coir fibre, made by needle-
felting (a machine technique that mats the fibres together), are shaped and cut to fill
mattresses and for use in erosion control on river banks and hillsides. A major proportion
of brown coir pads are sprayed with rubber latex which bonds the fibres together
(rubberised coir) to be used as upholstery padding for the automobile industry in Europe.
The material is also used for insulation and packaging.

The major use of white coir is in rope manufacture. Mats of woven coir fibre are made from
the finer grades of bristle and white fibre using hand or mechanical looms. White coir also
is used to make fishing nets due to its strong resistance to saltwater.
In horticulture, coir is a substitute for sphagnum moss because it is free of bacteria and
fungal spores. Coir is also useful to deter snails from delicate plantings, and as a growing
medium in intensive glasshouse (greenhouse) horticulture.[citation needed]

Coconut coir from Mexico has been found to contain large numbers of colonies of the
beneficial fungus Aspergillus terreus, which acts as a biological control against plant
pathogenic fungi.[9]

Coir is also used as a substrate to grow mushrooms. The coir is usually mixed with
vermiculite and pasteurized with boiling water. After the coir/vermiculite mix has cooled to
room temperature, it is placed in a larger container, usually a plastic box. Previously
prepared spawn jars are then added, spawn is usually grown in jars using substrates such
as rye grains or wild bird seed. This spawn is the mushrooms mycelium and will colonize
the coir/vermiculite mix eventually fruiting mushrooms.

Coir is an allergen, as well as the latex and other materials used frequently in the
treatment of coir.[10]

Coir can be used as a terrarium substrate for reptiles or arachnids.[11][12]

Major producers

Total world coir fibre production is 250,000 tonnes (250,000 long tons; 280,000 short
tons). This industry is particularly important in some areas of the developing world. India,
mainly in Pollachi and the coastal region of Kerala State, produces 60% of the total world
supply of white coir fibre. Sri Lanka produces 36% of the total brown fibre output. Over
50% of the coir fibre produced annually throughout the world is consumed in the countries
of origin, mainly India. Together, India and Sri Lanka produce 90% of the coir produced
every ye

coconut husks

Ecocoboard - a new material made from coconut husks

An innovative method was developed to produce a new, high quality building board
material, Ecocoboard, from the fibrous coconut husks without addition of chemical
adhesives. Commercial use of the husks would substantially increase the profitability of
coconut farming and contribute to the economy and export of the Philippines.

From waste to building materials

Coconut trees typically are growing in the bountiful tropical coastal areas of Asia, Oceania,
Africa and Central America. Coconut husks, a waste product from the copra and coconut
oil production, are found there abundantly. An innovative method to produce Ecocoboard
was developed, which is a new, high quality building board material from the fibrous husk
without addition of chemical adhesives. Techno-economic evaluation of the process
showed that Ecocoboard can compete on the market for high quality wood based panels
and boards for building and furniture applications.

From waste to ecocoboards

From waste to ecocoboards

The use of coconut husks, which are now most often considered as waste, as a resource to
produce building materials to substitute wood products offers many advantages. The
Philippines for example have to import a large part of their wood based building materials,
and an alternative supply from local sources is of interest. In the Philippines 325 million
coconut trees are growing, yielding 12 billion nuts from which about 4 million tons of
Ecocoboard can be produced! Commercial use of the husks would substantially increase
the profitability of coconut farming and contribute to the economy and export of the

Supporting the local economy

The logistics of coconut husk supplies for a board manufacturing plant require the local
organisation of collection and pre-processing units (Coconut Community Centres), where
integrated whole nut processing is providing jobs and higher income to the farmers.
Besides the combined production of improved quality copra, coconut oil and charcoal, the
innovation of board manufacturing is adding value and supply of (cheap) housing material.
Development at the village level will have positive effects on education and the combat of
poverty. Such economic development will have the potential to contribute to the reverse of
the political unrest in the coconut communities. By creation of jobs and infrastructure in
the rural areas also the pressure on the ever expanding urbanization may be reduced.

This innovation is considered to offer a good opportunity to fulfil the urgent need for value
addition and income generation for the poorest farmers, for the development of the rural
communities, and the stimulation of the local economy.

The simple and robust technology that was developed for Ecocoboard production is
designed to promote the industrial development in the coconut growing countries.

Commercial implementation
Since the project was developed with public funding (CFC) no IP rights were claimed by the
research partners. Commercialisation of this novel technology requires therefore an
unconventional approach (franchise / fair trade / eco-labelling) to ensure that investments
are returned and also revenues for sustaining the farming communities are generated.

A detailed business plan has been developed and a blueprint of the lay out can be
replicated in many areas with sufficient coconut supplies.

The adaptation of the technology by transfer of knowhow to the industry in many

countries requires the organisation and involvement of many different stakeholders like
technicians, machine manufacturers and investors, marketers, building companies,

Publications 2006

Kokosplaten zeer hard

Dam, J.E.G. van , Jaeger, P. de (2006) De Ingenieur 118 (2006)7. - ISSN 0020-1146 - p.
33 - 33.

Coir based building and packaging materials : final report of project CFC/FIGHF/11

Snijder, M.H.B. , Keijsers, E.R.P. , Oever, M.J.A. van den , Dam, J.E.G. van (2006)
Wageningen : Agrotechnology & Food Innovations (Report / Wageningen UR,
Agrotechnology & Food Innovations 592) - ISBN 9067549940 - p.

Process for production of high density/high performance binderless boards from whole
coconut husk: Part 2: Coconut husk morphology, composition and properties

Dam, J.E.G. van , Oever, M.J.A. van den , Keijsers, E.R.P. , Putten, J.C. van der , Anayron,
C. , Josol, F. , Peralta, A. (2006) Industrial Crops and Products 24 (2006)2. - ISSN 0926-6690
- p. 96 - 104.

Publications 2005
Product development from renewable resources : agro-food chain entering construction

Dam, J.E.G. van (2005) Sustainable Building 1 (2005)1. - ISSN 1568-2919 - p. 22 - 25.

Renewable resources supplies for changing market demands in the bio-based economy.

Coconut husk also known as are the container which extracted from the outer surface of
coconut.Coconut Husk provides useful products and this is also one of the good product
from the coconut tree. Coconut tree is another miracle tree and this tree produces the
greater production to entire market. In my previous articles I have mentioned several
various important production from coconut fruit. So in here I am planing to mention the
important production which created by the outer shell of this coconut fruit.

Coco peat, coco husk chips, Coco crush and coir fiber are some of greater production from
outer shell of coconut fruit. Coconut husk has great capacity to produce various important
products to the modern market. Coconut husk is not used as a food but these husks
mainly use for creating a potting to grow plants and flowers. Coconut husk offer good
solution for greenhouse production as a raw material of soil. Coconut husk got the capacity
to absorb the nutrition and give them to the plant stably. Coconut husk decompose very
quickly and give good soil enrichment to the plants.

Coconut husk are mainly used as plant growing media (potting medium) for flowers such
orchids, roses and antrium. Apart from flower market this plant is also give great flexible
growing material for several other major food productions too. Coconut husk has the
capacity to keep moisture inside which help to grow plant healthier. Coconut husk also got
following property to support better for plant. Coconut husk has the capacity to keep
moisture inside which help to grow plant healthier. Coconut husk also got following
property which is vital for keep up plant.

Supply adequate moisture to the plant

Plant doesnt get much wet which harmful

Balance mineral without getting exceed

Maintain good temperature for plant

Maintain good ph value for plant

Reduce fungal growth in plant

100% natural production

Popular as a potting medium for lower cost too.

Most of Indian and Sri Lanka coconut husk producer produce this very attractive type of
these coconut husks form the raw materials. Normally these coconut base husk are a form
of chips which is small part of outer shell and these Coconut chips are produced by cutting
coconut husk in the small piece of slices. Coconut growing mediums such as coconut
husks and coconut chips has larger market share in natural growing medium market and
this is also environment friendly growing production.

coconut husk chips

coconut husk chips

There are various grades of coconut husks available and it is better to consider the grade
of husks before application. Coconut husk are also used as a bio fuel and this also a source
of charcoal too.Coconut husks are also used to produce various house hold product such
as carpets and other accessories which necessary to home. So according to above facts
coconut husks are considered as the best natural organic growing medium in world. Since
the product from coconut husks are 100% natural most of these product can easily
recyclable . I am planning to produce more and more information and valuable production
form this coconut trees in near future.

Coir (pronunciation: /'k???r/) is a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconut and used
in products such as floor mats, doormats, brushes, mattresses, etc. Coir is the fibrous
material found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut.


The thickest and most resistant of all commercial natural fibres, coir is a coarse, short fibre
extracted from the outer shell of coconuts. Its low decomposition rate means is a key
advantage for making durable geo-textiles.

The plant

Coir is extracted from the tissues surrounding the seed of the coconut palm (Cocos
nucifera), which is grown on 10 million ha of land throughout the tropics.

The fibre

Coir fibres measure up to 35 cm in length with a diameter of 12-25 microns. A coconut

harvest occurs once in 45 days. From 1000 coconuts it would be possible to extract 10 kgs
of coir. Among vegetable fibres, coir has one of the highest concentrations of lignin,
making it stronger but less flexible than cotton and unsuitable for dyeing. The tensile
strength of coir is low compared to abaca, but it has good resistance to microbial action
and salt water damage and needs no chemical treatment.

There are two types of coir: the more commonly used brown fibre, which is obtained from
mature coconuts, and finer white fibre, which is extracted from immature green coconuts
after soaking for up to 10 months. Mature coir fibres contain more lignin, a complex woody
chemical, and less cellulose than fibres such as flax or cotton.

Environmental benefits

Coir is a material which is widely used to overcome the problem of erosion. When woven
into geotextiles and placed on areas in need of erosion control it promotes new vegetation
by absorbing water and preventing top soil from drying out. Coir geotextiles have a natural
ability to retain moisture and protect from the suns radiation just like natural soil, and
unlike geo-synthetic materials, it provides good soil support for up to three years, allowing
natural vegetation to become established.

Uses of coir

Traditionally the coconuts were left to cure in water for several months (or in brine for a
longer period for white fibres) then the coir was extracted. However with technology there
is an increased use of coconut husk defibering machines.

Typically, white coir spun into yarn is used in the manufacture of rope and, thanks to its
strong resistance to salt water, in fishing nets. Brown coir is stronger and more widely
used than white coir. Applications include sacking, brushes, doormats, rugs, mattresses,
insulation panels and packaging.

Recognition of coir for sustainable vegetation and erosion control arises from the fact that
it is an abundant, renewable natural resource with an extremely low decomposition rate
and a high strength compared to other natural fibers. Coir is woven into thick textiles
which are applied like blankets on the ground in erosion prone areas. Geotextiles made
from coir are durable, absorb water, resist sunlight, facilitate seed germination, and are
100% biodegradable. These blankets have high strength retention and a slow rate of
degradation meaning they last for several years in field applications.

Coir is widely used in the upholstery industry, and it is a healthy substitute for processed
synthetic rubber. It is also used as a combination with natural rubber and is used for filling
up mattresses, automobile seats, sofas, settees, and seating systems. European
automobile producers upholster cars with pads of brown coir bonded with rubber latex.
Coir is used for insulation and finds application in panels, cold storages, food industry, etc.

Coir Ply

A substitute to plywood, coir ply is an innovative product that when is added together with
resin and limited pre-treated timber veneers. In India the product has been well accepted
by the market as an alternative to plywood. Substituting coir for other timber products
could also save a substantial amount of tropical trees being logged for this purpose.

Coir ply has all the properties of phenol-bonded ply with the added strength of fibre
reinforced phenol bonding. It has high degrees of surface abrasion resistance and resists
contraction/ expansion due to variations in temperatures.

By products

The waste product from milling the coir is peat or pith which makes for high quality mulch
and fertilizer. Coir peat compost developed from coir waste is an excellent organic
manure and soil conditioner applicable to agricultural crops.

Production and trade

The coir industry is fully developed only in India and Sri Lanka, but economically important
in Brazil, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Coconuts are typically grown by small-
scale farmers, who use local mills for fibre extraction.

Globally around 650 000 tonnes of coir are produced annually, mainly in India and Sri
Lanka. India and Sri Lanka are also the main exporters, followed by Thailand, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Around 80 percent of the coir produced is exported
in the form of raw fibre. Smaller quantities are exported as yarn, mats, matting and rugs.

Market outlook

India has made considerable efforts to promote coir industry including establishing an
annual International Coir Festival. The efforts support the market expansion for coir and
India hopes to further increase production by streamlining the fibre collection process to
meet demand. Research and development efforts are continuing to focus on the use of
coir in geotextiles and other new applications as the market shows promising prospects.
Coconuts are grown in more than 93 countries in the world and therefore there is
considerable scope to develop coir industry in further countries.

Coir Developments

Much of coir production is done by small holders meaning production is scattered and at
small volumes. Integrated farm level processing as a community/cooperative approach
would help to facilitate greater availability of technology to process the husk and extract
the fibre in volumes needed for industrial buyers. Since many of the developing countries
growing coconuts are not utilizing coconut husk to produce value added products,
providing such facilities can go along way to provide employment, increase the income of
coconut farmers and reduce poverty and provide environmental benefits associated with
use of the nutrient rich waste product.

A Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) funded project in Sri Lanka established a R & D
and Training Center in a rural area to demonstrate best practices in coir processing.
Improved production (increased quantities and higher quality) is to be matched with
improvements in the working conditions and production environment currently prevalent,
ultimately resulting in higher levels of profitability at the bottom-end of the coir production

Future Fibres logo


Coir producer map

Related links

Construction material from coconut waste

In tropical countries, coconuts are used for their pulp and milk.

Traditionally, products such as coconut mats and brushes are made from the husk, the
hard, hairy shell. Because the husk contains a lot of lignin which acts as a natural
adhesive, the department of Biobased Products at Wageningen UR discovered that
sustainable production of board material from the husk was also possible.

Biobased Products at Wageningen UR has developed a method to manufacture high-grade

board material from the husks of coconuts. The procedure for making boards is already
old. However, the difference compared with existing production methods is that the husk
is processed in a 100 per cent natural way into smooth boards or other forms. This process
does not require the addition of glue or chemical binders. The technology to produce
board material from coconut waste was developed in conjunction with institutes in the

Coconut fibres

The husk of a coconut comprises 30 per cent coconut fibres and 70 per cent flesh. Those
are separated from one another, after which traditional products, such as mats and
brushes, are made from the fibres. The flesh contains a significant amount of lignin, a
substance that is found in ligneous cell walls. In a melted form, that is suitable as an
adhesive for the coconut fibres.

The husk of the coconut is separated for the production of boards. The husk is processed
into small pieces and pressed under hot pressure into boards. As regards its properties,
such as sturdiness and fire safety, the board material (called ecoco boards) that is
obtained is comparable to or better than medium density fibreboard (MDF).

Sustainable and environmentally friendly

The use of coconut husks for the production of board material has a number of

The method is sustainable and environmentally friendly. The residual material of the
coconut is used in its entirety. It is a good alternative to wood and helps to prevent
deforestation. During production, glue and chemical agents do not need to be added.
Furthermore, the production is CO2 neutral.

It is inexpensive. The glue that has to be added when boards based on wood fibre are
made contributes to one third of the total production costs. Glue is not required to process
coconut husk into board material.

It can form an extra source of income for farmers in developing countries.

Coconut-producing countries

The board material that is made from coconut husk can be used for all kinds of
applications, for example, in the construction sector, such as wallboards, frames and
similar. The material is intended for both local consumers and for export, for example, the
furniture industry. The study is funded by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), a
collaborative project between 100 countries that supports and assists agricultural projects.

Biobased Products is currently considering the options for large-scale production. A

production factory is being set up to this end. The intention is to transfer knowledge and
technology to coconut-producing countries, such as Sri Lanka, India, the Philippines and


ScienceDirect: Binderless boards from whole coconut husk

Common Fund for Commodities(CFC)

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)


Sustainably-sourced, newly engineered wood made from coconut waste, supplying the
global market with a formaldehyde-free, bio-based wood alternative.

Coconut Husk Board

Coconut Husk Board has exceptional properties, surpassing industry standards for regular
engineered woods and is made from a truly sustainable, renewable source: the waste of
harvested coconuts. GoodHout will be committed to reducing our CO2 footprint and
enriching the lives of locals in coconut-producing developing countries.


Green building, commercial interiors, interior doors, floors, office furniture, design and
children's furniture... Watch this space. The new wood - sustainably-sourced from coconuts
Coir Board Facts on Coir: Lessons from the

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