Alexei Leonov The Sun's Wind
Alexei Leonov The Sun's Wind
Alexei Leonov The Sun's Wind
E u
exei Leonov
Alexei Leonov
A. neoRO.
Ha aH2I1UUCKOM "Jl 3bIKe
H3naTeJIJ>CTBO " n por pecc", 1977
Translation in to English. Progress Pub lishers, 19 77 , illustrated
J1 70802880
014 (01)17
breathing, winking, smiling, and then dissolv-
ing in darkness.
Those of my friends who have been in
outer space never tire of saying:
"How beautiful is our planet, the Earth!"
Do you know why we say so? Because
kids like you live on this planet. And we see
you from our spaceships. Your smile helps us
in those unfathomable voids of no beginning,
n o end, no t op, and no bottom. We know that
you follow our flights. In fact, we have the
feeling y ou are beside us in the spacesh ip.
That is why we try so hard for our flights to
come off successfully.
My young friend,
This story and the drawings are specially
for you. I don't know your name or age. But I
do know that you are a friend. And what can
be better than friendship?
I trust I'll hear a lot of good things about
you. You represent the future, and the future
is always magnificent. That's why I;d like to
know more about you now, and to tell you
abou t my friends-the Soviet cosmonauts and
L astronau ts. You are probably dreaming o f
space flights. In that case, you'll want to
know how the Soyuz-Apollo flight was pre-
pared, and how it came off. But let's get
acquain ted before I begin my story. I am a
Soviet co smonau t and my name is Alexei
ow that we know each other, I want to
tell you that I saw yo u from outer space. No ,
I'm not joking. From space we can see all the
o cean s and continents, rivers, seas, deserts,
mountains, forests, and fields. We can even
distinguish the big cities, cities like Moscow,
the Soviet capital. You should see how beauti-
ful it is after dark. Especially from up high.
The pearly strings of light, the many-coloured
neon advertisements which look like the
embers of a large (ire, glowing red in an asto-
nishing variety of shades. And all of this alive,
You have probably heard this word
before, though you may 110t know what
exactly it stands for.
Let me explain. ASTP consists of the first
letters of the following words: Apollo Soyuz
Test Project.
At 3.20 p.m. Moscow time on July 15,
1975, spaceship Soyuz-19, manned by my
good friend flight engineer Valery Kubasov
and myself, lifted off from Baikonur, the
Soviet launching site (we call it the cosmo-
drome). Seven and a half hours later, when it
was night in Moscow and broad daylight in
the United States. the US spaceship Apollo
lifted off from Cape Canaveral manned by our
American friends Thomas Stafford. Vance
Brand and Donald Slayton. On July 17,
Apollo approached the Soviet ship, and at
7.12 p.m. Moscow time the two spacecraft
linked up. I'll tell you about our rendezvous
in due course. Just now I want to introduce
you to a little Moscow boy, Petya Grishin,
who rang up the Moscow press center issuing
reports about our flight, and said:
"Tell them they're marvellous! "
There were many other calls, telegrams,
and letters in Moscow and Houston. Very
many. But Petya Grishin's call was the first
after the docking. And like us cosmonauts,
the American astronauts were happy to learn
that the little boy in Moscow was pleased
with our performance.
On July 18 and 19, the mixed US-Soviet
crew carried out joint assignments. In the
afternoon of July 19, Apollo and Soyuz
undocked and then linked up once more
before parting. On July 21, the descent
vehicle of the Soviet spaceship landed 54 kilo-
meters northeast of the town of Arkalyk in
the Central Asian part of the Soviet Union,
and on July 25, the US spaceship splashed
down in the Pacific Ocean about
600 kilometers off Hawaii.
That, my young friend, is what the word
Let me first tell you why the Soviet-Ame-
rican space project was undertaken. That will
help you understand the background to the
flight and what we did in space.
Suppose a friend of yours is in trouble.
What are you going to do? Will you look on
how he suffers? Surely, you will rush to
his aid.
So far, only Soviet and American pilots
venture into outer space. But soon spaceships
of other countries will blast off for the stars.
What are we going to do if one of the space-
ships gets into trouble? I know your answer:
send up a rescue ship to pick up the ship-
wrecked spacefarers and bring them back to
You are absolutely right, my friend. That
is what other people think as well, because all
ordinary people want to help each other, and
to live in peace.
The Soviet Union and the United States
are very big countries. And world peace de-
pends mainly on their living in peace and ac-
All nations need peace. We Soviet people
have experienced the grief and suffering that
war leaves in its wake. Our country lost
20 million of its men and women, boys and
girls, in the past war. Altogether, the Second
World War started by the nazis claimed
50 million human lives.
We can never forget this, and do not want
innocent people dying from bombs and bul-
lets in any more wars. This does not mean
that we are afraid of anyone. Our country is
very strong and rich. But to be really strong
means helping the weak, and to be really rich
means sharing generously with the poor.
We want all people-grown-ups and child-
ren-to live in a world at peace. We want all
children to grow up healthy and beautiful. We
want need and poverty to be banished from
the Earth, and all nations to live happily. .
The average Americans, and all other
peoples, want the same thing. On our visits to
8 the United States my cosmonaut friends and I
Space filming
found Americans to be friendly and hospit- prospecting for oil, coal and iron ore, environ-
able. This makes them so much like us Rus- mental protection and much, much else that
sians. Americans try to make life comfortable. cannot be accomplished without international
They are very hard-working, and they work cooperation.
with zest. True, from childhood they learn to In short, people have many more reasons
count and earn money, which our children do to live in peace than they have reasons to
not do. quarrel.
We met American scientists, engineers, Space is one of those areas where people
and technicians. And when there was time we must work together. This is why the Soviet
visited fishermen, farmers, and cowboys. We and American people undertook the Apollo
sat at one table with them and spoke about .Soyuz Test Project to show the rest of the
the friendship of our two countries. Everyone world what nations can achieve if there is
we met spoke with warmth about the Soviet friendship.
Union and the Soviet people. .
The Soviet Union and the United States
have made great progress in exploring outer
space. The Soviet Union was the first to
launch an artificial earth satellite. And Yuri
Gagarin, a Soviet citizen, was the first human
being to spin round the world in a spaceship.
The Americans were the first to touch down
on the Moon. Both our countries have sent
rockets to Venus and Mars, and have built
large space stations in which people can live
and function for long stretches of time.
. But space flights are stilI a difficult, costly
and dangerous enterprise. This is why the
leaders of our two countries have agreed that
we should work together. And not just Rus-
sians and Americans will benefit from this
mutual assistance. AIl the other nations stand
to gain from it as well.
Besides, there are the secrets that space
stilI holds for us. They will be easier to crack
if we work together. The denizens of other
worlds, which you, my friend, will possibly
visit in years to come, could not care less who
their visitors are, Russians or Americans, for
to these still unknown creatures we earthmen
will look alike-with our pair of legs and arms,
our pair of eyes and ears, and one nose and
one mouth. Don't you think so?
It would be great for all people if there
were station-factories in orbit making . things
people need and cannot make on Earth due to
the force of gravity. Building these space
factories requires joint effort by several ,
countries. There is also weather forecasting,
HOW THE SPACESHIPS craft. The disadvantage of oxygen is that it
explodes from the tiniest spark.
WERE PREPARED But you will probably ask why this creat-
ed difficulties. Because we had t o decide how
The Soviet and , American srace scientists the Soviet cosmonauts and US astro nau ts
chose the Soyuz and Apollo spaceships for would transfer from on e vehicle to the other
e jo int project. Apollo had been designed without harm to themselves from the sharp
or flying to the Moon. It carries a large stock chan ge in atmosphere. (You have prob ably
o f fuel and can perform intricate maneuvers heard that sharp changes in the density o f air
- sp ace. Soyuz, too, can change orbits in cause people t o become drowsy and sick.) At
flight, but is designed for orbiting the Earth first it seemed simpler to have the same atmo-
and therefore carries less fuel. Since this was sphere in both ships, that is, ordinary air as in
the case Apollo was assigned to find and Soyuz. For this, the pressure inside Apollo
appro ach Soyuz in outer space. For this rea- . would have had to be raised. That would have
son it was called the active partner, while weakened its hull. And it is foolhardy to fly
So)'UZ, which waited for Apollo in orbit , was in space with a weak hull. Some technicians
e passive partner. If the Americans had toyed with the idea o f having a kind o f air-
ed the Gemini spacecraft, the situation lock between the two ships. But that sugges-
would have been reversed, for Soyuz ,carries tion was rejected, because the cosmonauts
o re fuel than Gemini. Gemini would have would then have to stay in the airlock for
bten launched as the passive partner to eight hours before the nitrogen in their blood
wait for Soyuz, the active partner, which disappeared co mpletely and it would be safe
ould track it and accomplish the rendez- for them to breathe the rarefied oxygen in
eous, . Apollo . First of all, it would be very tiring to
But how to call the two ships was not the stay that long in the airlo ck and, second, it
rna in difficulty: in either case the crews requi- would defeat one of the purposes of our expe-
red a tremendous amount of knowledge and riment, for if this were a rescue operatio n,
experience t o dock successfully. It was agreed with one ship rushing to the aid of the other,
that if any malfunction occurred during our every minute would coun t .
transfers from ship to ship, the Soyuz and We had still another choice-to have the
Apollo crews would remain where the trouble cosmonauts and astronauts put on the kind of
caught them, and the ships would undock and spacesuit that 1 wore for my "walk in space"
retu rn t o Earth independently. This meant (1 climb ed out of the craft and floated in
that I mi ght have splashed down in Apollo, space) during the flight of our Voskhod-2 in
and Thomas Stafford might have landed in March 1965. A spacesuit has everything to
Soyuz near the town of Arkalyk. support life and enable the spaceman to work
As you know, there was no mechanical in space. But what is good in op en space is
tro uble and we fulfilled all the items on the n ot always goo d in a spaceship. The spacesuit
ASTP program. would restrict our movements and, besides,
But let me tell you abou t the main dif- we would have to communicate with each
ficulty. Cosmonauts in their spacesh ips o ther by radio.
breathe ordinary air under normal sea-level The technicians found a goo d solu tion.
pressure. The American astron au ts breathe They lowered the pressure of the air in Soyuz
rarefied oxygen. Why? Because 'th e Soviet and, to prevent the cosmonauts from becom-
an d US space programs had developed separa- ing drowsy, raised the oxygen content. As a
ely and went different ways. The Americans result the pressure in the spaceship was no
had at first tried to make their spaceships as longer the same as on the seashore, but as it is
ligh t as possible. By using oxygen instead o f up on a mountain some three thousand
ordinary air they reduced the weight of their meters ab ove sea level. Yet, there was twice as 11
much oxygen as on the seashore. Now, we
could move safely fro m ship to ship and not
worry about the nitrogen in our blood.
But our difficulties did no t end there. I
have told you which of the two ships would
maneuver in space and which would stand by
until the maneuver ende d. I h ave also told
you that in case of dan ger each of us would
"remain where he was and descend to Earth.
You already know what was to be d one to the
at mo sphere in the spaceships to enable u s t o
visit each o ther. But I must still tell yo u abou t
the device that helped us transfer from ship
to ship.
The Americans already had a device of
their own for this purpose, and we had o ne,
too. Our device, a docking unit , enables cos-
monauts to transfer from Soyuz spaceships to
the Salyut orbital research stations. The Ame -
ricans have a different kind of docking unit,
through which they transfer fro m transport
craft to their Skylab space stations. Each has
its good sides, but neither was suitable for the
While the Soviet scientists w ere adapting
the atmosphere in Soyuz to the atmosphere in
Apollo, US scientists worked on die. . problem
I .
Spaceship Voskhod-2
_.. ~
A Houston winter
panel bend under my bare hands. The line could not draw a word of Russian out of him.
came free in the nick of time and I landed He just could not be persuaded to speak Rus-
feet first. sian. At best, he'd point at an object and
My buddies, who had observed my antics name it in English. But the words would not
in mid-air, were running to my aid across the stay in my head. There was no choice for me,
field. When I told them what had happened, however, and frequently I sat up until after
they wanted to see if they could bend the midnight memorizing words. As time went on
panel back to its original shape. Hard as they there came the satisfaction of feeling the
tried, each for himself and then jointly, the words come to mind by themselves and line
metal resisted their efforts. Then I said I'd do up into coherent sentences. All the samevmy
it, for hadn't I done it a few minutes before? English is nothing to brag about. All I can say
I took hold of the panel in both my hands, is that the US astronauts had as much trouble
used all my strength, but did not get any- with the Russian language.
where. I could not believe it at first. I had Stafford, Slayton and Brand had to work
bent the metal in mid-air, when fighting for very hard before they learned to pronounce
my life. Yet here, surrounded and helped by Russian words. Nor were they all that success-
my buddies, I could not do it. I tried ' and ful. Especially my friend Tom Stafford, who
tried. All in vain. In the end we had to use a has not shaken off his Oklahoma accent to
hammer. this day. And I don't think that our American
The Soviet cosmonauts knew about the friends are delighted by our English pronun-
plans for international cooperation in the ciation either. All the same, the 'five of us
exploration and use of outer space, for peace- learned to communicate splendidly in Rus-
ful purposes. Each of us hoped in his heart of ston, a word
we coined
in jest for our mixture
hearts that he'd be the one selected for the of English and Russian. It is compounded of
Soyuz-Apollo project. But when I was told I'd the first syllable of the word "Russian" and
be commander of the Soyuz main crew, the the last syllable of the word "Houston". Our
proposal came as a total surprise. Russton created many problems for the
The first thing I said was: Soviet and American ASTP technicians. No
, Lovely. But I don't know a translator, however good he was, and much
word of English! " less the technicians, could understand what
"You have two years and two months to we said to each other during our joint training.
learn," came the reply. I have gone into these details about the
The 'proposal to be on the main crew had language problem, because Russton was the
also staggered Valery Kubasov. What could be only "docking module" that kept together
more enticing? Valery is crazy about rockets, the many months of hard work by the thou-
had read up on US sP<lFe technology, and sands of Soviet and American specialists pre-
knew all about the Apollo-Soyuz program. paring the Soyuz-Apollo venture. In the end,
But he, too, didn't know a word of English. the flight directors decided that during the
In school and college, and later as a post- flight the three American astronauts would
graduate student, he had learned ' German. He speak Russian to us, and the Russian cosmo-
confessed to me one day that he was also nauts would speak English. This prevented us
awed by the responsibility that went with the from using long sentences and from complicat-
Apollo-Soyuz assignment. ing our speech with difficult or slang words.
Learning English did prove the most diffi- The first time the five of us met was on
cult part of our training. The first time I November 19, 1973, in Zvezdny (Star town),
entered the classroom I saw that , our teacher the Soviet cosmonauts' community. Our
was some 12 years younger than I. He stood American friends had a taste of Russian
up and introduced himself in English, though winter in all its splendor. We showed them
18 he was a Russian like me. From then on I around Moscow and rook them to the ancient
Russian cities of Suzdal and Vladimir. En It was a pleasure working with the Ameri-
route to Kaluga, the hometown of Konstantin cans, They are warmhear ted, and very brave.
Tsiolkovsky , the founder of astronau tics, And , lik e us, they love a goo d laugh .
Stafford, Brand and Slayton asked the driver During our joint training, Thomas Staf-
to stop the car a minute, got ou t and began fo rd complained only once. This was when we
ro mping about in the s now and throwing ended one stage of the training and o ur Ame-
snowballs like a bunch of kids. rican friends were going home. After the
Snow is really a lo t of fun. But in the farewell party and a taste of o ur space cuisine,
past 10 12 years it had snowed in Houston Stafford said:
ju st once, and the snow wasn't more th an five "There's still a lo t to be done, bu t I see no
cen timeters deep. Ye t it snarled up the traffic pro ble ms except one: with all this Russian
and children ' did not go to school. Becau se hospitality we've gaine d so much weight the
snow is some thing you have to get u sed to . booster rocket will have to be enlarged to
Here, in Russia. we h ave plenty of snow. Th at launch us int o orbit."
was why the US astronau ts behaved like kids. Kubasov parried :
And, of course, Kubasov and 1 joinedin. To " It is an old Russian cus tom. to feast visit-
make an d throw a good snowb all is an art, ing friends, and doubly so in outer space.
so mething you have to learn. And while you That's why we had this dinner to find o u t
learn , I advise yo u to keep yo ur face covered what you like best. "
and to watch your playmates. It wasn' t easy, however. to determine
The Sovie t cos monau ts and Am erican what the Americans liked best o f all. They
as tronauts are very fond of children . In many lik ed the tubes with borsch, the Georgian
wa ys they are like kids themselves. They 'lI kharcho mutton soup, the cabbage shchi, the
Dever admit it , though frankly 1 see nothing . veal, the tongue in aspic, the roasted pork,
" Tong in it. We trained and trained, getting to .and the Russian honey cakes . And at the end
know every little detail about Ap olIo and of the meal there was general merriment when
Soyu z. So why not go to the proj ection room we toasted each o ther with o ur tub es o f black
when you have some minutes to spare and see currant juice.
a few animated cartoons, which ch il dren' are AlI in all, Kubasov and I spent 18 weeks
so fo nd of allover the world? Our US friends training jointly with our American friends.
p articularly liked " You Just Wait! " and " The During these weeks we solved many a techni-
Bremen Musicians", which are two popular cal problem, mastered all the details of the
viet cartoons. They spe nt hours in the AST P program and-most important of all-
projection roo m, watching t he rapacio us and acq uired mutual underst anding and learned to
inventive wolf chase the happy-go-lucky h are. trust each o ther.
.And when the hare outwitte d the wolf- as it
always did- they laughed merrily.
We may have had difficulties mastering
each other's language, but with the tech nical
ide things were milch simpler. We liked
Apollo , an d the American s liked our Soyuz .
'e trained together on the devices and simula-
tors, as though we had already been launched.
The only thing missing were the g-Ioads
and the weightlessness. .The Soviet cosmo-
nau ts learne d everything abou t Ap olIo, and
the Americans abou t Soyuz. In fact, we knew
each o ther's c raft so welI we could' easily
'o p places or form mixed crews.
THOMAS STAFFORD Tom Stafford has acquired loud fame
(and I might add that he is "loud" in other
ways-he speaks loudly and laughs loudly and
contagiously). But fame has not robbed Tom
of his modesty. In fact, modesty is an essen-
tial trait of all the US astronauts, and this
makes us even more fond of them, because
like, most other people we have no liking for
conceit. Outwardly unhurried and prudent
(he always calculates everything in terms of
money and always wants to know what
cost, though he isn't tightfisted at all), Staf-
ford is like a wound-up or compressed spring
when it comes to flying, speed, and altitude.
If you offer.Tom to get into a new rocket this
minute and fly at the velocity of light to, say,
Jupiter, he'll probably first calculate how
much it'll cost, estimate his resources, and
then consent.
Tom was launched into orbit twice, in
Gemini-6 and Gemini-9, and splashed down
General Thomas Stafford was the with astonishing accuracy, a mere 640 meters
Apollo commander, and I'd like to say a off the mark. This is very close. And in 1969
few words ab.out this remarkable and fear- he flew in Apollo-l O on the: first Moon flight
less man. in history.
Lanky Tom was getting ready for his It was a reconnaissance venture, and the
fourth space flight. Nobody had yet been in program did not provide for a Moon landing.
space as many times as he. He had a reputa- That was left for others. Stafford's job was to
tion of being reckless, and our people did blaze the path to the Moon and back, and to
not regard his predilection for "speeding" as find and photograph a convenient lunar spot
the most laudable of traits in this truly for ' Apollo-Ll to land. .
brave man's character, especially out in . Stafford coped brilliantly with his assign-
space. ment. He and Surnan transfe~ed to the Moon
The American astronauts call Stafford capsule, parted from the command ship with
"Granddad" though he is not reall;y old. He has Young in it, entered a Moon orbit and made
children . like his buddies and like us, but no observations of the Moon mountains and
grandchildren. craters for eight hoursfrom an altitude of just
I think they call Stafford "Granddad" 12.8 kilometers, that is, ,from the usual alti-
because he is kind and level-minded, always tude of a modem jet airliner.
polite, always well-disposed, and also always Stafford also rehearsed descent to and
in good spirits. I watched him function in the lift-off from the Moon. In the beginning of
spaceship. Despite his kindness, he kept a the rehearsal he ran into difficulties not anti-
tlg ' on t he crew, everyone \ knew his
t gnp cipated in the program: the moment the
duties, and the men worked together \nooth- Moon capsule separated from Apollo-l0 it
ly. Yes, Stafford knows his job very well. began to spin. It took nerves of steel ' and a
thorough knowledge of the vehicle to stop DONALD SLAYTON
this uncontrolled rotation and enter the Moon
orbit. Stafford had both.
I drew Tom Stafford during our joint -
flight, and Tom autographed his portrait.
. ..
J had first met Donald Slayton, comman-
der of the US astronauts, at a congress of the
International Astronautical Federation back
in 1965. He was imperturbable, balanced in
his manner, and amicable.
For 10 years he waited to fly into space,
and was at last appointed pilot of the Apollo-
Soyuz docking module.
"Waited" is not the right word. He had
worked. He had worked hard, punishing
himself merciless!y, running two miles a day
and exercising in the gym. And when the
ASTP was still only a vague project and
Donald could have had no inkling of being
assigned to it, he began learning Russian.
Donald Slayton was one of the first seven
American astronauts. This was in 1959, and at
that time the USA was still building little
one-man Mercuries, of one of which Donald
hoped to become the pilot. But two months
before the launching of the second US space-
ship, on March 15, 1962, the doctors pro-
nounced him unfit. They said he had some
sort of heart ailment.
He was 'put in charge of all the astronauts.
He selected and supervised zhe training of 21
space crews. He had been the one who enlist- VANCE BRAND
ed Stafford and Brand as astronauts. And the
men whom he enlisted and trained kept going
up into space one after another, while he
stayed behind on Earth.
None would wager a penny that the
doctors were ever to let him fly a spaceship.
None, that is, but Slayton. He set himself a
gruelling routine. To begin with, he noticed
that his heart ' functioned flawlessly after a
good run round the park. He told the doctors,
but they had no explanation for it. Donald,
who, of course, wasn't getting any younger,
simply wouldn't admit defeat. He had always
considered himself perfectly healthy. And
finally in March 1972, exactly ten years after
the doctors had pronounced him unfit, they
permitted him to take an astronaut's training.
He began preparing at once for the joint
Soyuz-Apollo flight, for he had no time to
lose. For him time was precious. He was get-
ting on to fifty.
At a press-conference in Moscow shortly
after the Soyuz-Apollo mission, correspon-
Smiling Vance Brand was pilot of the
dents asked him how he had conquered his
Apollo command module. The other astro-
ailment. He replied:
nauts are very fond of Vance, and treat him
"1 was never ill. But it took me ten years
like a brother. He is polite, sincere, indust-
to prove it to the medicos."
rious. Also, he has an inquiring mind. And he
This is a sketch of Don Slayton.
is fond of children. He has four of his own. A
busy man, training endlessly, he does not get
to see them as much as he would wish. We
cosmonauts called him Vanya instead of
Vance. He learned to speak Russian better
than either Tom or Donald.
As in Donald's case, this was to be his first
venture into outer space. He had dreamed of
flying as a kid. Then he flew jet figh ters, and
later tested new planes and helicopters.
On April 12, 1961, when Yuri Gagarin
became the first man to fly into space, Vance
Brand had not yet joined the astronauts.
Recalling Gagarin's feat, Vance said:
"I had known 'someone would one day go
into outer space, but was staggered all ':tJhe
In 1966, Vance joined the astronauts. Five
times he was ready for lift-off-three times in
Apollo and twice irt Skylab. And all five
he had bad luck. Others were launched, HOW TO BECOME
he stayed behind. He became a ve-
among the back-up men, but lost A SPACEMAN?
of his good spirits and none of his faith.
\ -lSiting Baikonur during one of our joint Frankly, I haven't the slightest idea.
- - sessions, Vance said: Before becoming a spaceman myself I was a
- Baiko nur resembles the place in Califor- flier. And before becoming a flier I went to
",-here we have our 'Edwards Base. Good school. And before going to school I was an
that cosmonauts and astronauts lift off ordinary kid. Like you or your younger
similar terrain." brother. I liked to yank at girls' pigtails. That
. here is Vance Brand. I drew him in wasn't a nice thing to do, you 'll say. I know it
myself now, with two daughters of my ow n.
ButI never pulled very hard.and never made
girls cry, and, besides, aren't you and I
friends? And friends must tell each other the
truth. When I grew a bit older, I understood
that to be a man I must stand up for - the
weak. For this I had to learn to run, jump,
and swim.
Here is how I learned to swim. Kemerovo,
the Siberian town where I grew up, had a
large p ond. The neighborhood kids always
went there, and those of 'us who couldn't
swim came along. The older boys frolicked in
the water, chasing each other and splashing
about, and the spray sparkled all colors of the
rainbow in the sun, the swimmers squealed
with delight, and we who couldn't swim were
green with envy. Not much fun sitting on the
bank and watching o thers swim.
That made us think of a way of joining in
the fun. We tied knots at the bottom of o ur
pants; filled the pants with air by lashing
them against the surface of the water, and
then floated in the pond cradled b etween the
pants' legs.
One day the kids played a trick on me.
They pulled my "life-belt" ou t fr om under
me in deep water. You can probably guess
what happened. I went under, 'swallowed a
whole lot o f water, struggled back to the
surface, and yelled: "Help! " The shore was
far away, and it occurred to me that I'd prob-
ably drown
before anyone came to my rescue.
If anyone was going to save me, I'd h ave t o be
the one. And so I swung my arms, and swam
Running is another. I run and swim every day, work they get in school, they always co me
In all weather, sum mer or winter, in the with me to the swimming-pool. So there
autum n mud and the thaw of springtime. Five isn't a chance of my giving up sport so long
kilometers every day so you can wring out my as my little friends set the pace. '
sweatshirt" f ollowed by 500 meters in the
swi mming-pool. S omeone has est imate d that
in a year I run the dis tance of two hundred
cross-country marathons, penal nearly a
thousand kilometers on a bike, and cover' 300
kilometers on skis. If I h aven 't time in the
morning, I run and swim after work. Sport
h as become a vital necessity for me. Like the
air I breathe. In Zvezdny people laugh abou t
it. My tirelessness, they say, has tired the
train ers. But that's in jest. And in my daily
physical exe rcises, without which you can 't
be a cosmonaut, I can always rely on the sup-
po rt of my good fr iends-the boys and girls
24 fro m our house. No matter .ho w much home-
HOW I GREW UP were steaming in a halo of sparkling hoar-
frost. A human's tracks o n Earth-that little
and shor t-lived war m trace he leaves behind.
I grew up the day Mother first t ook me t o
The sun was magnificent that morning. Cast-
school. This Wa2 a long time ago. Before you
ing its gilded rays o nto the Ear th , it w as rising
were horn. Our country was only just getting
slowly over the rooftops. I . felt its warm
o n its feet. There were all kinds of shortages,
caress. Years later, flying in space, I saw the
includ ing shortages of textbooks and school-
same sun and recalled that September morn-
bags, let alone the kind with shoulder-straps
that kids go to school with today.
On the way to school, Mo ther wanted to
My h ometown Kemerovo w as the cap it al
take me to a barbershop, for m y h air had
o f Kuz bas, a vast coalmining region: But that
grown in the summer, I did not want to go in ,
wasn' t its only claim to distinction. It was
and was o bstinate. Secretl y, my b are toes
also known thereabouts for its sidewalks- .
scra tched the surface of the sidewalk, and I
beau tiful, wide, smooth sidewalks made o f
wa tched the tiny fro th o f vapor rising from
carefully planed timber planks. Walking along
the trace this left, and then the trace itsel f
our sidewalks was like walking o n a dance-
growing to the size of a giant's foo tp rin t.
floor. Especially o f an autumn morning, when .
After the hoar-frost had melted in o ne spot,
they were covered with cry stals of frozen I;d shift my foot slightly and begin scratching
dew. It was as though the sidewalk was radiat-
again . It was fun seeing what design this n ~w
. g fro m inside like a mother-of-pearl shell. prin t w ould leave on the sidewalk. Meanwhile
This wa s the white, pink and blue. effec t o f Mother fretted, urging me to enter the barber-
the sun's rays o n the myriad little p articles of shop and fearing w"e'd be late to school if I
rhi te frost. resisted much longer.
The night before, I had been given a When I tell my daughter Oksana how I
canvas satchel that had on ce seen service as became grown-up, she laughs at me. You
the bag of a gasmask, and had put all my don't have to be grown-up to leave warm
treasu res in it, all my picture books and m aga- tracks o n Earth, she says. Ch ildren's feet, to o,
zines, to take along to school. In the morning can warm the soil.
I was in the best of spirits, very proud o f I suppose she's right. Children do give o ff
yself', my left hand hanging on to Mum' s warmth. And it rises very high, reaching outer
band and my right clutching the strap o f my space. We cosmonau ts feel it, and it makes
satchel. I don't think the renowned Kemerovo things cosier for us o u t there so close to the
sidewalks had ever been more beautiful than stars.
o n that September morning. Crystals of
ozen dew sparkled and twinkled in the su n,
to me.
I hardly noticed that my feet were freez-
. The tops o f my shoes looked decent
enough , especially after the polish I had given
them the night before. But their soles were
worn through , and my toes touched the wood
o f the sidewalk. I loo ked over my shoulder
and was delighted to see that m y warm tracks
MY FIRST DISCOVERY should grow up to be fo nd of people and
nature, and art as well. A lik ing for art is the
I don't know why I remember the day I beginnin g o f creativity, and creativity is some-
first went to school so distinctly. Perhap s, thing yo u need in any j ob . I'll be happy if you
because it was the day I suddenly discovered get to lik e art, to appreciate its beauty and
that there was beau ty in ordinary things, that riches. He who appreciates art is him self a
you could spot it in things you had already creator.
seen hundreds of times.
Fo r the first time in my life I h ad wanted
to preserve my warm footprint s on the side -
walk , an d to tell everybody about my disco-
very. Look at the ' beauty around you, I
wante d to shout, and look at th is miraculous
early morning; take it with you, preserve it !
I didn't know yet how beauty is preserved
and passed on to othe r people. This was why I
was obstinate before the door of the b arber-
sho p.
I had learned to draw when I was very
little, .long before I began going to school. I
did not know whether people derived any
pleasure fro m my drawings. To be frank, I
never though t about it. I j ust liked drawing.
That was all.
Then came the war. Hardship and grief
en tered every Soviet hom e. It did not spare
.ours, too, though the battle-lines w ere far -
west of Siberia, across the Volga. We h ad a b ig
family -cas man y as nine only of u s children .
But we didn't complain, We knew that since
an enemy h ad invaded our land and wanted to
kill our people, he had to b e defeated and
expelled . .
We also knew that for all the grief, p eople
n eeded joy, the warmth of strong and gene-
rous hearts. Despite the wartime hardships
and the shortage of money , I aske d Mo ther to
buy me brushes and paints. Exciting, vivid,
clear and yet mysterious, sometimes say ing
more to people than words, color s h ad en t~red
my life and o pened a world of new beauty
fo r me . I would prob ably have become an
artist if I h ad not been captivated by other
colo rs-the colors o f the eternally magnificent
sky. I became a flier t o be closer t o it.
Why am I telling you this, my young
friend? Because it d oesn' t really matter
whethe r you become spaceman, doctor, archi-
26 teet or scientist . What matters is that you
MY FRIEND " Vcn uses " that fly to the distant planet
whose name they bear. You need more than a
VALERY KUBASOV powerful b o oster to reach Venus. You also
need a vast amo un t o f knowledge. Valery w as
o ne o f the men who calc ulated the traj ec-
In Oct ober 1969, Kub asov was lofted into
space in Soyuz-6. He was the first sp acem an
to perform a welding operation in ou ter
space. Tom Stafford describes him as the
" expert in space welding of metals". " If any-
thin g cracks, " o ur American friends jested,
"Kubasov will weld it." Kubasov dreams o f
space factories, and of flights to Mars and
Ve n us. But 1 wonder how he'll bear it without
his so n Dmitry, who was b orn in April 1971.
Kub asov spends all his free time with the boy.
We alw ays know where to lo ok for him. If
anyone ask s us, " Where is Kub aso v? " , we
answer wit hou t hesitation: "He' s bringing up
Dmi try." And we have never been wrong.
When we were ou t in space, the Ame ri-
cans and us, newspapermen asked Kub asov
The war has left a mar k on t he hearts of what he wished the childre n of the Earth-
mo st of my cos monaut fri ends. Tracing back which also means yo u, my friend- and he
Ku basov' s life story yo u will see what our answere d :
co untry has had to go through , and h ow " I wish them a lot of happin ess and that
swiftl y it has progressed. they should never be deprived o f their fathers
Vale ry was born in a little town calle d an d brothers."
Vyazniki near t he ancient Ru ssian city o f Vance Brand ' s wife J o an, whose profes-
Vlad imir. Vyazniki is on th e Klyazm a River, sio n of builder is as peaceful as Kubasov's,
an d during the spring floo ds the trees are in agrees with him. Asked what she thought o f
wa ter up to the knees and you can no longer th e joint wo rk done by Americans and Ru s-
d istinguish t he river bank s. sians in o u ter space, she said :
After th e war, Valery j oined a fisherm en ' s " I d on 't want my child ren ever to know
brigade lik e most of the other lo cal kid s. Few wha t war is. And lik ewise the ch ildren o f the
men were left in the town . Many hadn 't Russian cos monauts . American s h ave to be
re turned from the war and their place had to fr iends wi th the Russians. Vance think s so,
be taken by youngsters . And where o ne little an d I do too ."
bo y could n' t do the job, tw o o f th em di d it.
On finishing school, Kub aso v j oin ed the
Moscow Avia tio n Institu te and becam e a
zrnduate engineer. .
He was in his last year of college w hen t he
o vie t Union launched the world 's first artifi-
cial ear th satell ite , the first spu tnik. And
Vale ry was o ne o f t hose who were grip ped by
t he space fever. He became a space tech nician.
You have prob ably heard o f the So vie t 27
THE BACK-UP CREW Voronezh, a special school for boys who
wanted to be fliers. It had just been set up
OF SOYUZ and die premises were crowded, with fifty
- young men to a room in the hostel. Firewood
Yes, we know all -too well about war. was -scarce, and at times the ink froze in the
What Anatoly Filipchenko, commander of the inkwells. But they. studied hard. Later, Filip-
back-up crew of Soyuz, remembers most from chenko finished the Chuguyev Flying School
his childhood are the nazi air-raids. Born in and became a fighter pilot.
Ostrogozhsk, some 90 kilometers from He laughs uproariously every time he
Voronezh, Anatoly was a little boy when the recalls his first flight. Instead of handling the
war broke out. The nazis bombed Ostro- joystick, he had hung on to his seat, thinking
gozhsk many times, and for some reason the he would drop out of the cockpit if he didn't.
hospital was their main target. Anatoly lived In the excitement, he had forgotten that he
near the hospital. During the air-raids his was tightly strapped to the seat.
family and he took cover in the cellar. And On October 4, 1957, his mates told Filip-
one day when they emerged from the cellar; chenko about the launching of the world's
their house was gone and all the houses near- first artificial earth satellite, and he refused
by were in flames. Anatoly's house had been to believe them. At first he thought they
destroyed by a direct hit. were pulling his leg (fliers, like spacemen,
The back-up flight engineer, Nikolai are fond of a good joke). When Gagarin
Rukavishnikov, is from Siberia like myself. took off for outer space a bit later, Filip-
On June 22, 1941, he and other kids were chenko decided to join the cosmonauts despite
playing outside when an elder boy came up his age of 33.
and said our country had been attacked by Nikolai Rukavishnikov's space career, too,
the nazis. Hard times had come for , Nikolai began with Gagarin's flight. He was an engi-
and all other Soviet children. There was a ' neer in the design bureau headed by Sergei
shortage of exercise books, and the kids in Pavlovich Korolev, creator of the Soviet space
school did their written exercises on the rockets. But though Rukavishnikov had taken
margins of newspapers. In winter-and the part in the first earth satellite project, the
Siberian winter is freezing cold- th e class- news that it had gone into orbit staggered
rooms were practically unheated and the him.
kids' breath turned to vapor. There wasn't "I felt as though I had -had a glimpse' of
much food either, but in a special children's another world," he said later. "It was as
canteen the kids had a square meal once a though a void had opened before me. I began
day. Nikolai still remembers the Young Pio- to see things-the sky and the Earth-in a new
neer Camp where his mother sent him for the dimension. It occurred to me that where the
summer. There the kids worked in the fields sputnik was hurtling through space t~ere
and, as Nikolai describes it, "put on weight" was no such thing as -weather, or night,
on the sound peasant fare. or day." ,
But back to Anatoly Filipchenko. At Some time later Rukavishnikov came .to
-Zvezdny. He came with Vitaly Sevastyanov,
fifteen he went to a factory manned mainly
by women and boys like himself. They did a who had lectured there before and whom we
ten-hour shift day or night , making mines for already knew. Rukavishnikov was awed to see
the army and spare parts for tractors and so many cosmonauts at once. He took Sevast-
harvesters. Ever since, Filipchenko has the yanov aside and said..
deepest respect for plain working people "Where'd you bring me to? All I see
and puts fairness and team-work highest around me are Heroes of the , Soviet
of all. Union."
28 In 1944 he joined the Air Force School in Sevastyanov chuckled:
"You'll be a Hero yourself one day, flight, they had in a way completed the preli-
perhaps.' minary work on the ASTP program and were
And his prediction came true. In April ready any minute to replace us. Now we were
1971, Rukavishnikov was test engineer aboard on our own-Kubasov and myself, and our
spaceship Soyuz-l0. American friends Stafford, Brand and Slay-
Filipchenko and Rukavishnikov have a lot ton. Everything depended on how well we
in common. Both are reserved, calm and well- fulfilled the Earth's orders.
meaning. Both admire people who do their
job well and are modest. This is probably
because both of them know their own job,
and both are modest themselves. .R ukavishni-
ov once said:
"I'm the least famous of the cosmo-
In the Apollo-Soyuz project Filipchenko
and Rukavishnikov were assigned to test the
new Soyuz model-exactly like the one that
would take part in ASTP.
This was a preliminary flight, and -it was
to show us how well we had readied Soyuz ,
for its joint mission with Apollo. In this
fligh t, the Apollo docking unit was simulated
by a special docking ring that covered the
contact sensors of the Soyuz docking
Manned by Filipchenko and Rukavishni-
kov, Soyuz-16 did everything that Valery
Kubasov and I were to do on the joint mis-
sio n. This was in December 1974, or seven
and a half months before the Apollo-Soyuz
Ii ft-off. Filipchenko and Rukavishnikov
blazed the trail for us and, having done their
job under the ASTP program, were also plan-
ning to accompany us to Baikonur. During
the Soyuz-19 blast-off they were on the
launching site and maintained contact with us
in the sector where we entered orbit. For us,
Kubasov and myself, their voices represented
the voice of our country. And if for some
reason our Soyuz-19 had not met with Apollo
in orbit or had had to make an emergency
descent, they would have followed us into
orbit on a back-up Soyuz spacecraft for a
second try.
Filipchenko and Rukavishnikov had learned
the ASTP program as thoroughly as we,
had taken part in the joint training with the
US astronauts, and had -made friends with
them. Having accomplished the Soyuz-If
BEFORE LIFT-OFF There were special trainers in Moscow and
Houston whose job was to create problems
The many months of training were over. for us and for ground control. They would
So were the English lessons. A very strict think up some trick, and the next moment
examining board had tested our knowledge. one of the systems on the ship began to
All of us got top marks, but Valery Kubasov "malfunction". We were expected' to spot the
passed the exams particularly well. One very trouble at once and put things right.
eminent and very strict professor who had The simulated docking was only some
examined Kubasov, said: forty minutes away when the Houston trainer
"All the others deserve their top marks complained that the automats signalling ream- ,
alright, but Kubasov-" Words failed him and ness of the Soyuz docking unit weren't func-
he spread his arms, then added: "I wouldn't tioning. Ground control was perplexed: was
hesitate to let him take my chair as examiner." this a malfunction of the docking unit or
We were preparing for our final joint merely a blown-out fuse? A quick check
training-a simultaneous session by the two could .show, . but how were they to check if
crews at a distance of 16,000 kilometers from Soyuz was out of radio range at that mo-
each other. On June 29, 1975, Valery and 1 ment? Moscow Flight Control Center re-
took our stations in the Soyuz simulator in quested Houston to help establish contact
Zvezdny, and the Americans took theirs in with us. Houston replied that it had its hands
the Apollo simulator in Houston. The person- full finalizing the Apollo orbit and the Soyuz
nelin the Soviet and American flight control wasn't their headache. Though our Flight
centers, too, were on their job -. Control knew that all these negotiations were
. "Soyuz, this is Moscow. Good morning," just a game, they were annoyed with Houston
I heard over the earphones. "How d'you and were about to postpone the docking to a
feel? " later hour. That would give the Houston
"Moscow, this is Soyuz," I replied. people something to think abou t.
"Audibility perfect. Feel fine." The Soyuz crew saved the day: while
That final session was like a dress rehears- Moscow and Houston negotiated, Kubasov
al. We were going to "play through" the and I established off our own bat that the
whole flight program to a strict schedule, docking system was in working order and that
while the Soviet and American flight control ' the signal had "vanished" because the auto-
centers would see how well they were pre- matic devices informing ground control about
pared to control our flight. the state of the spaceship's various systems
The Soviet Center was taxed to the limit, had gone on the blink. :
for it had to manage two programs at once: The Soviet and American trainers were
the Apollo-Soyuz preparations, and the flight pleased. They knew perfectly well that the
of the Salyut-4 orbital station that had been docking system was flawless.
launched some time before, manned by our The joint training with all sorts of trump-
friends Pyotr Klimuk and Vitaly Sevastyanov. ed-up and tricky problems lasted three
Direct telephone and TV communications days-June 29 and 30, and July 1. This was
had been set up between Moscow and just as long as our American friends and we
Houston since June 27. You picked up the were going to work together in space. from the
red phone and Houston was on the line. The moment the ships approached each other to
line would be open round the clock until the the moment of their undocking and their two
Soyuz-Apollo flight was over. subsequent joint scientific experiments.
I heard Tom Stafford speaking Russian In the meantime, the final preparations
with his redoubtable Oklahoma accent: for the lift-offs were in full swing at the launch-
"Astronauts and cosmonauts can talk to ing sites. As early '!S June 16, the people at
30 each other, and with Moscow and Houston." Cape. Canaveral had begun filling Apollo's fuel
The Apollo launcher
tanks. The spacecraft and the Saturn launch WE SET OUT FOR
vehicle had taken on fuel, and now final tests
were being made of all systems aboard the
ship and launcher. In Baikonur, the Soviet On july 2, 1975, US astronauts Thomas
launching site, they had charged the fuel Stafford, Donald Slayton and Vance Brand
tanks of the Soyuz by july 1. flew from Houston to the Kennedy Space
On july 1 at dusk the joint training was Center on Cape Canaveral. The following day
completed. Igot in the last word to Houston: we left Zvezdny for Baikonur.
"Have sighted Apollo. Approaching for Partings are always a bit sad. The entire
link-up." population of Zvezdny and numerous guests
Ten minutes later I rushed to my office to came to see us off. They wished us luck. 1
discard the training suit, and rang up my said:
daughters Vicky and Oksana to see if they "Everything'll be okeh."
wanted to accompany me to the swim- At 3 p.m., our TU-134 jet took off and
ming-pool. set its course for Baikonur.
"But take your time," I said. "I still want . The night before, the four of us-Anatoly
to run my five kilometers." Filipchenko, Nikolai Rukavishnikov, Valery
Fitness is something you've got to think Kubasov and I-had visited Lenin's office in
of all the time. The doctors are unbendable. the Kremlin. It has. become a tradition . for us
They won't accept excuses. It had been cosmonauts to pay homage to Lenin before
agreed between the Soviet and American going to the launching site.
medical personnel to examine us 120 days I know of no other man who has done as
before the flight, and then again 45, 3D, 15 much for his people, for the people of the
and five days before it. All that time- they whole world. His short life-Lenin died at
kept a watchful eye on our physical condi- 53-is a striking exploit unexampled in world
tion. They subjected us to tests in a special history. I cannot stop admiring his greatness,
device where the blood was artificially drained
his brilliant mind and extraordinary modesty.
from one part of the body to another, and An 1848 issue of a Moscow newspapet
took all sorts of other tests (an unpleas- contained this brief item: "Townsman Nikifor
ant but necessary procedure which you are Nikitin has been exiled to a Kirghiz village
probably familiar with, my young friend). called Baikonur for seditious talk about flying
They also made - us endlessly turn the pedals to the Moon".
of energy gauges, etc., etc. And after all this a Then came 1917, and our impoverished
common cold could get you scratched from country where most people could neither read
the mission. No, 1 figured it was better to puff nor write was awakened to a new life by the
a few extra kilometers and swim in the pool Great October Socialist Revolution. And
to keep fit. Lenin was the man who stood at the head of
that Revolution.
Could those who had put out that old
paper ever have anticipated that a little over a
hundred years hence-a very short time in
terms of history-the remote and forsaken
"Kirghiz village called Baikonur" would
become the place from where people fired the
first artificial Earth satellite into outer space,
then launched Yuri Gagarin in his spaceship,
and from where they send spacecraft not only
to the Moon, but to .Mars and Venus?
32 And the credit for Baikonur's
, becoming
the first launching site into space is essentially encounters with him.
The first, when we were
Lenin's, and also a credit to the people who . invited to step inside the model of the
overthrew their oppressors under Lenin's Voskhod-2 spaceship. Korolev asked me to
leadership and became masters in their own perform the operation of entering and exiting
country. from the ship's airlock. Whether he had
Baikonur is dear to me. I had been among picked me accidentally or intentionally I do
the first to join the cosmonauts and instantly not know. But I was in seventh heaven. This
took to my new friends, especially Gagarin. was when it became the dream of my life to
Cosmonauts always give each other "call be the first to "walk" in space.
signs" or nicknames, and mine was "Blond". The second encounter was also "in Baiko-
Gagarin was a man of simple habits, nur, on the pad from which Pavel Belyaev
always in good spirits, and modest to the and I were later to be launched into space:
point of shyness. He never sidestepped any At that time, however, I was still on the
problems or pretended to be what he wasn't, threshold of my first lift-off. There was a
or limited himself by any convention of being crowd of people seeing me off. Korolev was
like others or not being like others. When in calm and very kind. During a launching every
difficulty he never pretended that things were second counts. So he was very brief:
easy, and when things went well he didn't "All I ask is that you should go out of the
pretend that he had no use for a bit of fun. ship and right back in again. And may the
And when he felt he had done something Sun's wind be a fair wind."
wrong, he did not hesitate t o admit it. "
I'll neverforget the day of April 12, 1961.
Gagarin was in the twentieth minute of his
historic flight. His call sign was Kedr (Cedar).
Flight control asked Kedr about his first
impressions of outer space-the very first
impressions that any human being had-and
what the Earth looked like from ou t there ,
and how "the ship's systems were w orking.
Gagarin replied quickly, curtly, calmly. There
is a tape of that radio conversation. He asked :
" I' m Cedar. How's my lane? Over." Lane is
what he "called "his orbit. I replied: "Cedar,
your "lane is just right. Over." And he said:
" Fine. My best to Blond." This was at
9.2 7 a.m.
I cherish the thought that the first name
ever pronounced in outer space was mine.
Soon, I was launched into space myself.
More, it was part of my mission to climb ou t
of the ship and take a " walk " in space. During
the "walk" I had a feeling of indescribable
freedom-nothing impeded my movements in
that bottomless cosmic ocean.
There is another name I always remember
gratefully . That o f Sergei Pavlovich Korole v. I
could speak of him for hours. All our life on
the cosmic fairway is associated with that fine
man. Best of all I remember two of my
THE LIFT-OFF The elevator took us to the top of the
rocket. We looked around. The last waves of
By tradition the spaceship is brought to the arm, the last farewells.
tire launching pad early in the morning. Our We took our stations in the spaceship.
49-meter-Iong Soyuz-19 was positioned at 7 Time began to run backwards.
a.m, onJuly 12. The only way I can describe my feelings
A rocket is a thing of extraordinary at that moment is that they were solemn and
beauty on Earth. But I knew that a flying joyous. We began a conversation with Flight
spaceship is 0 f still greater beauty against Control, awaiting the words now familiar to
the background of the twinkling constel- all our boys and girls:
lations. "Key on lift-off."
Fifteen years before, when Yuri Gagarin "One-"
was about to lift off into space; the words of "Two-"
the great Tsiolkovsky were cited here in Everything on board was in perfect shape.
Baikonur: "Earth to ship...." This meant the ,last of
"Humanity," he had said, "will not the support gantries that had held the rocket
always stay on the Earth. In pursuit of light upright had been removed. Then we heard the
and space it will at first venture to the edges order:
of , the ' atmosphere, and will ultimately "Ignition! "
conquer all the space around the Sun." And "Lift off! " .
I glanced at my watch. It was 3.20 p.m.
Tsiolkovsky's vision is coming true.
Moscow time.
All the final preparations for the
The Earth reported the situation second
Soyuz-19 lift-off were completed. Apollo, too,
by second. We heard every word, of it. The
we were notified, was ready for launching. g-Ioad rose perceptibly. The ship's velocity
Stafford radioed, "vsyo otchen o'kay," increased, tearing us free of the Earth's gravity.
which in Russian means, "everything is very When we reached outer space and the
okeh." g-Ioad gave way to weightlessness, Thomas
True, the weather in America had deterio- Stafford got through to us on the radio and
rated. There had been hurricanes and thun- said:
derstorms. To protect Apollo from the lightn- "See you soon."
ing it had been placed in cover. The TV commentator intervened, address-
Our coach drove to the launching pad. ing Stafford:
People were milling about at the foot of the "Patience, man. Not for another two
rocket. Dressed in our spacesuits-indispens- days."
able in space but none too comfortable to Apollo raced into spate from Cape
wear on Earth-Kubasov and I climbed out of Canaveral at 22.50 hours.
the coach. I made my report:
"The Soyuz-19 crew is ready for lift-off."
My first space call sign had been Almaz
(Diamond). And usually cosmonauts keep
their call sign in all subsequent flights. But
this time Kubasov and I had a new, joint call
sign: Soyuz. The Americans liked it. Just as
they liked the name of our ship: The word
soyuz, meaning union, they observed, stood
for the substance of our joint mission ' in
34 We, too, liked our call sign.
Soyuz in flight
THE ARITHMETIC pilot and handle the ship. All the compu ter
can do is prompt him how to do the job
OF OUR FLIGHT b etter. A spaceman must, therefore, be able
The work we had been training for during to solve difficult mathematical problems. If
the past more than two years and that the he doesn't know how, he is sure to lose his
whole world was awaiting with bated breath way In _space.
had begun. Soyuz-19 entered orbit very close After the first orbit correction, we repeat-
to plan. The first spins round the Earth ed the maneuver on our seventeenth spin t o
weren't a perfect circle. They were ellipses finalize the docking orbit. Now the craft was
186 kilometers away from the Earth at per- no longer travelling in an ellipse, but in a
igee, that is, the point closest to the Earth, perfect circle -round the Earth at an altitude
and 22 1 kilometers at apogee, the point far- of 225 kilometers. The Apollo crew, too,
thest from the Earth. When Ap ollo entered performed its first maneuver in order t o keep
ou ter space it was some 6,000 kilometers Soyuz within sight ing distance.
away from us. The Soyuz travelled on, while
Apollo followed along a lower orbit at a
higher velo city and gradually catching up.
On ou r fourth spin we performed the firs t
maneuver to shape the orbit in which we were
to rendezvous with Apollo. For this I orien ted
the ship for acceleration . Meanwhile, Kubasov
was readying the automats. At the fixed hour
we activated them, and the ship travelled on
like an autopiloted plane. Strictly on schedule
I fired the engine. The ship gained altitude
perceptibly. We felt a slight g-load. I turned
off the engine within about a second of the
prescribed time. Shaping the orbit as agreed
on Earth was a very responsible job. Here
is why.
Suppose in going into orbit the spaceship
exceeds the calculated velocity b y one meter
per second. On the face of it , a meter per
second is a trifle. But at the other end of the
orbit this "trifle" will amount to a deviation
of three and a half kilometers. Furthermore,
the ship will take a "mere" two seconds more
than the calculated time t o perform a curcuit
round the Earth. And its location will deviate
by as much as 15 kilometers, from the origi-
nally calculated. The longer the vehicle is in
outer space the greater this -deviation
becomes, until t he two ships that are to
rendezvous in space lose each other entirely.
Mere humans would have their hands
more than full coping with this problem on
their own. This is why swift and clever
36 co mputers are used. All the same, man must
ASTP medals, and other souvenirs. Besides, can .and Soviet scientists
. and technicians who
we had a box with the seeds of tree species have worked together for three years to insure
that grow in Russia, and our American friends the success of this very historic and very suc-
had one with the seeds of American trees. cessful experiment in international coopera-
This had been Tom Stafford's excellent idea. tion.
We exchanged the boxes in space, and when "It's taken us many years to open this door
. we got home we planted the seeds of friend- to useful cooperation in space between our
ship in our native soil. two countries, and I'm confident that the day
But all this came later. Let's get back to is not far off when space for millions made
the story of our docking. We opened our possible by this first joint effort will be more
hatch and waited for Apollo to open the or less commonplace."
hatch leading to the docking shaft, the air Then, as good friends always do, we visit-
lock. We saw the hatch tremble and slowly ed each other. At first, Thomas Stafford and
move aside. Tom Stafford's grinning face Donald Slayton came to us. We gave each
appeared in the opening, and his loud and . other the flags of our countries, and had din-
happy voice said: ner. Like that first time on Earth, we "clinked
"How are things, Alexei? Come here, glasses" with our tubes of black currant juice.
please. To me." He picked the Russian words In the meantime, Kubasov went off to visit
carefully, and was visibly excited. Uncertain : Vance Brand in A p o l l o . ' 45
Out in space every minute counts. So, ships, to participate in new flights. Before
after the meal we got down to our work. long there will be the space shuttle program
Donald Slayton and Kubasov, the space and I would sure like to be on .it. I hope
welder, began the joint "universal furnace" Alexei will have a spaceship by then designed
experiment. Tom Stafford and I signed a for a new joint flight. Mankind is on the road
document recording the world's first interna- of progress. There will be new space hard-
tional space docking and assembled the com- ware. I hope there will be new and better
memorative medals out of the halves that each spacecraft for joint missions, and that they
of the crews had brought along. When I visited will be more useful for all of us on Earth."
Apollo the following day, July 18, 1975, Staf- I agree completely. I should certainly like
ford and I put together two commemorative to be on a ship that will stay a long time in
panels bearing the national emblems of the space and from which I could look down with
Soviet Union and the United States out of the eyes of an artist on the so diverse face of
little metal plates which we had brought with 'the Earth, on its many colors, impress this
us. Each of the panels also bore the date of upon my memory and paint it for all people.
the docking. I should like to rise to altitudes higher than
During the crew "swaps" we did our best those we fly at today. The Earth must look
to work efficiently and harmoniously, just as quite different from there.
though the five of us were one crew. Nothing
less than that would have done. You may
recall, my young friend, that in case of a seri-
ous malfunction in the Soyuz-Apollo space
home each of us was to remain where he was,
where the alarm .caught him, and return to
Earth. For this we had to kriow each other's
spaceship as thoroughly as our own.
Our joint flight came off magnificently,
and, as you know, there had been no malfunc-
We held a press-conference from outer
space. The questions were of all kinds. There
was this one, for example: what did you have
My young friend, I have told you about
the Apollo-Soyuz space flight and showed
you my drawings of it. This flight initiated a
new, international -approach to the explora-
tion of outer space. Before long other ships
will lift off for the stars, and other people will
be at the controls of the clever, dependable
and so very useful spacecraft.
Perhaps you, too, will fly in one of these
rockets. My young friend, I wish you success
from the bottom of my heart.
And may the Sun's wind be a fair wind.
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