The Little Liste: Lvashington, D.C

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Vol. 10
No. 1
at ~


lVashington, D.C.

4811 Illinois Avenue, N.W.



*PLANET EARTH HAS BEEN CALLED A SCHOOI, FOR GODS. Man today seems to be in the "Finish
ing School" stage. Science smashes one b-ai:ricr after another----yet when curing one
ill, leaves ten new ills in her train. The impact staggers~ The picture is getting
too big for mortal mind to encompass, for now we see only in sequence. Yet the melt
ing luminosity of the 4-D world is breaking oler the horizon. Tl:e VISION holds us.
It adds to Mystery~ It adds to Hagic~ Oft, too, it adds to Mirage~ We are feeling
our way into realms uncharted. "We are reaching out into a new and boundless frontier,"
says MacArthur----the Frontier of Space and the great new Frontiers of the Mind. Some
are audacious enough to think the latter will include a daring challenge even to Death
itself~ "I am come that ye may have Life, and have it more abundantly.1I Death, as
Earth knows it, is never the answer! ---neath is an Enenw----the "Last Enemy"----which,
according to Scripture, "shall be overcome." Some people are looking for the appearance
of some new kind of transition----"in the twinkling of an eye," as St. Paul sai.d; even
now, instances of this are being reported----a going in and out of 4-D at Will. One
teacher adjures: IIRise in the STRENGTH OF SPIRIT Take possession of your body and
govern its feeling ~action." And, foresees Geoffrey Hodson, "All your faculties
shall be increased, all your powers enhanced, till life becomes an Ecstasy, till un
suspected beauty reveals itself everywhere .Begone the sunken eye, the withered
cheek, the scowling glance----the God within you is struggling to be free"

"Even a bird must fill its Wings with sky, And put its breast against the sun to feel
The air pour into feather, wing and thigh, With heart as restless as a turning wheel.
A bird will track its dream into a cloud, And search the In:finite---its Spirit proud.
A bird must willingly believe in things Beyond the range of its aspiring wings."

Then hold the VISION high; without it, you perish~ "Know ye not that ye are Gods?"
...Ahead lies THE GREAT AMAZE~!!
* * * * *
*PRCMINENT BRITISH SCIENTIST HURLS CHALLENGE to timorous colleagues for their silence
on Saucers. Leonard G. Cramp, whose orthographic projections of UFO photos (in his
book Space, Gravity & the Flying Saucers) jolted Orthodoxy 8 years ago, now presents
a detailed theory of how the Saucers fly, & publicly challenges science & the tech
nical Press to face up to the facts. His "G Field Theory"---that these non-Earthly
spaceships are powered by a form of graVitational control---fits all UFO close-up
sightings to date. In the current "Flying saucer Review" (London) he presents dia
grams & much technical data to back up his case. He concludes that "fear of what our
colleagues may think" is the chief reason the scientific Press shies away from "what
may well be THE MOST IlfrRIGUING SCIENTIFIC WONDER" of our time!!
- 2

*SKY NEWS: "U.S. plans to land 3 robots on the Moon in '63" Mariner II probe to
date would indicate Venus is "lifeless lf on account of its heat; it rotates very
slowly, & opposite to Earth. Findings recall that Esoterists have long referred to
VENUS-ETHERIA (meaning the "ama" of Venus) as being of a vibratory rate beyond 3-D
detection, & believe herein exists a higher-type life, since everjthing is a rate
of vibration. Venus fly-by was the longest distaIi'Ce"(36 mil mi) that any instrument
has ever obeyed a command from Earth .. Talk thaI:; by using A-power on the Moon we
may be able to control movement of this satellite to the extent of changing Earth's
tides, etc., to our predetermined purposes U.S. has electric rocket in test
flight stage - (free energy?) . Russia is 'building a 20-acre raQio "eye" to gaze
into the farthest reaches of Space - "largest radio-telescope on Earth" - modeled
after Australian "cross" design . British Interplanetary Socy is urglng that Space
Science be taught in all schools . A nuclear physicist connected with Yale to~
LLP subscriber that our radio astronomers are picking up many non-natural sign~ls from
Space, but as yet cannot decipher them . British Almanac predicts for t63: "We
shall hear of space probes resulting in evidence that highly intelligent & amazingly
evolved life exists on planets other than our o~VJn" . A Dept. of Space Science is
being started at Rice Inst. - called 1st of its kind .. Peru tells U.N. it must set
up a world authority with FINAL & DECISIVE JURISDICTION" over Space; Britain adds,
"No country should be able to claim sovereignty oyer any celestial body" Rocket
eer von Braun quoted as saying we now have the kno\oT-how to "invade" Mars - says it
would cost "no more than a fair-sized war" ... Th,~re is an Int' 1 Inst. of SPACE LAW
much thought is now being given to the leGal Ethics of S:pace; foremost in this brain
stretching field is Atty Andrew J. Haley of Wash'n . A Russian mag, "Science & Life,"
says "the future model of aircraft will be ROUND" - & gives 2 amaZing drawings of
saucer-shaped craft - even lahels them "Flying Saucers."
*HERE & COMING: Here, the femininity now seen in many men is said to be caused by fe
male hormones fed to cattle & later eaten at the table::: . Here, a 3-D process for
home cameras that promises to make 2-D snapshots obsolete ... Here, 60% in Russia
never get to high school, admits Russian mag . Here, in Japan, IItalking letter"
that records 5 minutes of sound on a sheet of paper - easily played back on a small,
portable machine .... Here, much traveling, moving, shifting of our population - many
people getting to be nomads - suggests final "Clean-up" of the Planet, as if mankind
is preparing to "move" & is searching every last corner of the "house" to see that
nothing is forgotten. (Last Days!) .. Coming, Nattl Wildlife Week, Mar.17-23. ("If
you want to save our wildlife, fight pesticides.") . Here, new idea for curing city
traffic jams - men may run their offices from the home; closed-cirCUit TV links the
house with downtown office bldg, saving travel time, expense - even lives! (Ever
nearer we get to psychic descriptions of 4-D type of life) Here, long-awaited
Educational TV has made its "great leap forward" - nOl'T has 70-station network
Here, J. Paul Getty, "world's richest man," nets 1 mil $$ per DAY----!!
*NEW FRONTIERS OF THE MIND: "Knowledge shall be increased. it This is one of the Bib
lical signs of the Last Days. Here in Wash tn are 2 groups representing the Alpha &
Omega of this modern increase of Knowledge. The world has more than a billion illit
erates, but the Laubach Literacy Fund, l424-l6th st., N.W., has sworn to change that
situation & bring the light of 11teracy to our world. At the other end of the scale
is the Evelyn Wood Institute of Reading Dynamics, 7ll-l4th st., N.W., which came into
existence only 3 yrs ago; apparently it is in the field of Phenomena, because students
learn to read books as fast as they can turn the pages----& yet retain even ~ than
before. (See circulars enclosed.) When Reading Dynamics started here, the school
avoided publicity until it had a large enough teaching staff to take care of future
expansion. But the Little Listening Post, hearing of this new Far-out Front affair
"inadvertently" gave ita small mention. When we chanced to call in at the school
the other day just to see how things were going, we were told to our surprise that our
little mention back in 1960 was their first publicity----that it started a chain re
action----that people from several foreign countries (including 12 from N.Z. & some
from Australia) threw slippers & toothbrushes into their bags & sky-hopped to Washtn,
where they stayed 3 mos on purpose to take the course. Now the Institute lists among
its pupils Senators, Congressmen & top White House officials; & there are branches
thruout the U.S . Yes, Knowledge IS being increased!
- 3
*WAR--- (AND FLUNG SAUCERS LINGER WAR US: IIere, great Cave System in CUba----some
caves 1 stories deep----stored missiles can be brought out in 3 mins, says the Un
derground. Cuba proves to b~ a "trap" - only 90 mi away. Russian planes have been
flying over Southern States; worst threat is StffiS, for which our Sonar systems are
ever listening! . "We are d.rifting tOw-ard the oblivion that swallowed past civil
izations," says a noted spokesman of MAS (Ii' Socy cOIllposedof 60,000 AIDer scientists).
The U. S. is spendiup, 100 mil a yr' for hideous germ & chemical varfare. He' ve stock
piled enough wea?ons to OVEffiaLL the Soviet Union 25 times, declares physicist Ralph
Lapp. Our defense budget is now 1 bil a week Chinese Communist leadership has
reached the IJL"NATIC STAGE of acti.vcly desiring an H-bomb war, says Jos. Alsop. The
French Minister of Culture decries Earth1s destruction of forests, animal species,
etc. as being a prelude to the final, complete annihilation of mankind. Another
French leader writes, "Science, working for Big Money, is running things like an
'idiot mistress of the world'." And French Minister of Edu blames ignorance of the
ma--sse5; asks, '''Hhat will it take to put the Military in their place------the Apo
calypse?" ... In our Mid-west, a radioactive layer of soil has been found nn-:--under
the surface, due to e~rthworms carrying it down; Will contaminate roots of crops.
More strontium now found in average U.S. diet, reports FDA from recent samplings;
from Aug. '61 to Aug. '62, fallout rate is up from 610 to 13% of the "permissible"
level. Based on these figures, a graphic projection shows that by 1975, Planet
Earth will be "ON THE BEACH" (total death of all life, as depicted in this movie)
.. In N.Z., efforts are being made to start colonies to re-seed the devastated
world, in ca3e of a nuclear holocaust; article in Dec. bulletin of Socy for Social
Responsibility in Sci describes "Decontamination Fo,r111s," shelter homes & "gene pools"
- where a nucleus of humanity can be worthy progenitors for the future; pleads for
high-level people to come & join the sobering work .. Young physicist in the Min
ute Man missile program tells LLP that when his work takes him on trips, he's always
relieved to get home, because he doesn't know which trip will be the last; says he
is "living life to the hilt" as he goes; thinks the loTorld' s NUMBER IS UP
What does it all add to? ~Any feel we are at the end of an Age, & that so~e kind of
division of the sheep & the goats is near at hand. Fear, tension, anxiety increase;
"And unless these Days be shortened, there shall no flesh be spared," says Bible,
but - "I will hide thee for a little while, until the shadow of My wrath be over
passed." Saucers are in our skies, & huge Mother Ships are actually visible & have
been photographed in broad daylight with color motion picture cameras. What is their
mission? Are they waiting to rescue "The Remnant"?
*HEALTH FRONT: America is now alert to the poison-spray peril----much debate on all
levels, touched off by Rachel Carson's "SILENT SPRING". Fed agencies are getting
1000's of angry letters; the spray-makers admit "some instances of carelessness,"
but claim their program is indispensable - that without it we'd have food shortages,
etc. They fail to mention the real solutions----biological controls (gaining in
Europe), non-chemical sprays {pioneered by Purdue Univ.~spot-treatment of insect
breeding areas instead of blanket aerial spraying. Gov't is slowly moving into ac
tion, with special Boards (President's Sci Advisory Carom, etc.) & a Congressional
probe planned - your letters ARE effective------keep 'em flying! .JFK's move to
"ta.keexecutive action came after Rachel Carson's "command performance" lecture to a
group of 40 Gov't VIP's who meet regularly for vital-topic briefings . Radioactive
fallout was so high in Midwest that cows had to be kept under cover Sweden has
OUTLAWED Fluoridation - by verdict of their Supreme Court - (how long Will it take
U.S. to see the light? - Ed.) . One drug mfr now being sued for over 1 ~l $$, due
to side effects of their dr-ugs ... News report says 25~ of our draftees are being
rejected because they can't pass a basic intelligence test . Genl Fed of Women's
Clubs planning a "Project Alert" in Penna.; statewide study of "unknown" poisons in
environment . Canada's Manitoba Province may ban chlorinated hydrocarbon sprays .
. U.S. Public Health Service warns, "DON'T sMOKE!" Despite this, cigarette sales
set newall-time highs----498 bil cigs were smoked in '62! {No wonder industry could
spend 207 mil $$ for mesmeric adV'g----you MUST support this Big Biz - even if it
kills you!) .. Drug profits now rank No.1 of all U.S. products-;;mark-ups to f~
tastic levels - some are 20 times cost of ingredients----FOR SHAME .Here, Vltal
new weekly Health Newsletter by Rodale Press, Emmaus, Penna.; all the news you're
not being told!
- 4
*SAUCER FRONT: The UFO Crescendo Grows~ Sighting reports FLOOD the LLP--------from
Tokyo to New zealand to Btlenos Aires to Italy come detailed, dramatic descriptions
Here in U.S., the N.J. area still simmers after aut1.L'DIl "flap"; action was
widespread - Officer Geo. Je~iny & a do~. Hawthorne (NJ) police saw 2 disc-shaped,
solid-appearing objects over a. quarry near Oradell. Beams "like headliehts"
from one UFO; a police-car spotlieht was aimed upward, but the UFO dodged out of
range - Geo. Della Penta of NJ State Press shot 18ft of color:rD..m of the disc.
The Air Force did its darnedest to hush things up------parents of 8 schoolboys who
saw the UFO's were phoned by local police & were told to keep their sons from talking
about what they had seen, because "the Gov't requested a SECRECY POLICY." (Egad & egad!)
The influential Nevark News stated flatly: "Flying saucers are seen with great regu
larity by salle &-logicalliihabitants of the planet Earth. ~7hat they arc, where they
come from & what their mission is, has not yet been satisfactorily explained" ..
Across the globe, in Ja.pan a formation of '{ silvery "Mother Ships'; kept passengers
on an airliner agape for 30 mins; as plane swept past Mt .ABo, series of photos were
taken. The Mother Ships are featured in new slick Japanese Saucer mag, "BROT'"rIERS II ,
a 60-pg beautifully iJ~ustrated pub "dedicated to the New Age." It carries 1I0pen
Letter to the Govft of the U.S."-.--challenges U.S. to end its "pathetic & specious
succession of 'official denials' of existence of Flying saucers." Ed. calls-U.S.
action a "form of thought contre-l." Chief Researcher Yusu1te Matsumura is aeronauti
cal eng'r, was WW2 pilot and aviation writer. In Tokyo a "15th Armiversary" conclave
on Saucers was held; 100' s of COLOR SLIDES of UFO's over Japan were shown to large,
receptive audience; 3-day UFO exhibit in downtcwn dep't store seen by 1000's. For
past 5 yrs, hilltop sl~-watch gro~ps have been getting "responses to mentally-project
ed calls"---with STARTLING REGULARITY. Example: on Mt. Kamisoroi, jr hi students
saw an "intense orange disc, football size" which came & went 27 times in night sky~
(Are Saucers using Japan as a Proving Ground to show ease 1Jith which visual contact
can be made----by sincere, open-minded PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL? -Ed.) UFO's over
Indonesia: Col. J. Salatun, Ind. Air Force, writes of action since '53; "peak was
reached in Feb. '54, when many towns in Central & East Java reported luminous saucer
& cigar-shaped obJects"; DaY'ak fishermen deep in jungles of Kalimantan rO".red to with
in 100 meters of a hovering metallic Saucer that "emitted a strange, high-pitched
sound" & shot away. Re UFO's in Russia, the Col. adds: "Many UFO's have been seen &
photographed in USSR; Soviet fighter planes have pursued them in vain" (~) .. New
Zealand's Saucer "wave ll still goes on - newspapers tell the facts openly. A Mr. Ga
ley on North Is., who works outdoors at night &whose farm gives him great visibility,
has witnessed SO MANY UFO's that he "lacks time to make separate reports on themll
. Buenos Aires newspapers headlined a jolting incident in Uruguay - 3 officials of
the Highway Dept, in a field near Constantia, saw directly overhead an "enormous
spherical object, shining like polished aluminum giving off long rays of prismatic
light;" it hung there - swaying slightly - for 12" i mins, then disappeared "in a frac
tion of a second---at incredible speed" . Italian press playing up 3 recent Saucer
"contacts" there - latest is a Gov't man who claims 2 meetings with SPACESIITPS ON MT.
ETNA: 1st Visitors, in 46-ft disc, were 5'4", wore helmets & space suits, gave him
message - "Desist from H-bomb tests & disarm your hearts"; 2nd Visitors, in 82-ft
disc, were 7 ft tall, had similar message. Natil mag (Italy) says people from Space
"are circulating among us; their intentions are benevolent & pacific, since they
consider this planet only a way-station in the Cosmos."
*AT LAST---UFO NEWS FROM CHINA~ A published letter from a Saucer researcher on the
Chinese mainland now reveals the VIOLENCE with which the Communist Gov't treats the
subject of UFO's---proof in itself of the high nature of this work. The letter says
the research group was betrayed by one of its members. "During a meeting, officials
made a raid & shot our friends. The activity was marked as unlawful. They took our
jobs away & deported us from our own land." Despite this, the researchers found a
way to carryon! (Ed. note: let U.S. researchers prize their opportunity.) Writer
tells of a close-to-earth sighting he had 3 yrs before. "On maneuvers in Central
Asia, we members of the National Construction Troops were surprised by a large, oval
shaped yellow-orange ~enomenon that swooped over us, very low. Many areas saw it.
Even Radio Moscow reported it in their news broadcast." Tho poverty-stricken, these
Chinese are looking forward with great hope "to the establishment of the New Age."
- 5
*PUBLISHING NEWS: Such things as the N.Y. newspaper strike are a DISGRACE to the
nation----like the stopping or History----like the horny hand or a gangster clamped
over the Mouth of America! - the work of a few greedy, egocentric union leaders, who
are unwittingly about to bring the whole wrath of Automation down upon their own heads
- WATCH! Paper in Wiesbaden, Germany, front-pages article from LLP ("Saucers in-
High Places") - it was also reprinted in British, Dutch, Australian & Japanese period
icals .... Now being printed in Japan, "JUNIOR FLYING SAUCER NEWS" for boys & girls
allover the world - FREE for the asking; many UFO photos; write Cosmic Brotherhood
Assoc., Naka P.O. Box 12, Yokohama, Japan .. nThinking About the Unthinkable" by
Herman Kahn projects a great parade of thoughts re what might ultimately happen---IF!
says a new e!"a of barbarism is waiting to be ushered in Just out - Philip Wylie's
latest novel, "TRIUMPII"--=-S: "frightening vision of W.W. III" .. The mystery of Grav
ity, secret of the 4-D World, is really being challenged today---latest is an article
by famous spacewriter Arthur Clarke; titled "Beyond Gravity", it points out "the pos
sible charting of a path to levitation" .... UNESCO (Paris) now has LLP on its mail
ing list, under "Scientific Publications" ... Sir Bernard Lovell, Britain's wizard of
radio-astronoID.Y, scores With new tome, "The Exploration of Outer Space"; says U.S.
ceased to listen to signals from outer space at Greenbank because the Military pre
empted the funds! ... Readers Digest (over 65 mil readers) waging all-out WAR on
cigarettes; Feb's lead article titIel". . AND sum DF...ATH" will shock U. S. - 35~
of high school seniors are already "hookedll (for life). Italy has banned all cig adv.
Britain now lowering the boom. America - 'When? ... Ccming, another anti-Saucer book
by Dr. Menzel of Harvard "to finally deb~t them" - (years ago the Air Force told LLP
personally that Menzel did NOT have the answer. - Egad!)
*"MIDNIGHT SOUP": Private brand, made at The Little Listening Post: - Take Campbe11s
thick green pea soup, blend to proper consistency with tomato juice, enrich with evap
orated milk, season with butter; much used here around the Witching Hours~
*MA.ILBAG: Letter from D.Y., Cal., comes addressed to "The Parrot at The Little Listen
ing Post"---a gift in it, too - uh huhL J.W., Nev., writes, "I feel '63 is going
to be a 'World-shocking turning point ll C.L., Brisbane, Aus., writes they are step
ping up saucer work there - having success via TV programs .. V.P., Cal., says, "We
enjoy LLP's stimulating ideas that are simply not available in any other publication."
..A.S., Can., writes of passing of Wilbert Smith, foremost Canadian Communications
man & widely known saucer researcher; will be much missed ..... P.T., Md., writes,
"One gets the feeling that the UFO secrecy bubble is about to burst----how much longer
can the Air Force hold out?" K.K., electronics eng'r in Cal., writes he's made
some progress on Spirit Radio machine; says new developments in radar, infra-red &
LASERS will help toward electronic communication WITH A HIGHER DDfENSION! E.N.
postcards from "Land of the Midnight Sunil, 140 kIn above Arctic Circle: "Am research
ing 18 brs a daytt - (heads Saucer work in Sweden) .. Many thanks for all the beauti
ful Christmas cards, richly expressed wishes, & for the gifts which 'We're using to ut
most advantage - wish we had room to say more .....Air letter from E.L., Lima, Peru,
sends check - says, "Airmail LLP so I can get going----there is a world of Sa'Ll:.cer
sightings here again in So. America."
*WATCH THE NEXT ISSUE or the LLP for a very Deep & Different Explanation of why the
saucers are here!
*ALERT: Wanted to know who has Color Motion Pictures of UFO's; ir you know of those
who have them, please write The Little Listening Post. This is top urgency.

*THE LI'l'I'LE LISTENING POST is issued every few weeks, when the news "boils over", rrom
Washington, news Capital of the World. Its Ear is tuned to everything on the Far-out
Front, where the winds of uncertainty reign Everything & everypne is getting
VOCAL; every group has its own news sheet; & ditto machines, tape recorders, etc.
abound - everyone clamoring for the ears of others! The LLP is a scrutinizer------it
catches a sort of recapitulation going on over the Planet - a burrowing into every
unsearched corner - a "mopping up" as if we are getting ready to "move on" ..
WHAT LIES AHEAD?? Listen in with The Little Listening Post!!!
Six Issues for Three Dollars

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