Chapter 10-Alcohol (Notes) : Effects On The Body
Chapter 10-Alcohol (Notes) : Effects On The Body
Chapter 10-Alcohol (Notes) : Effects On The Body
Chapter 10- Alcohol (Notes)
Alcohol Affects the Body
Alcohol is the drug found in beer, wine, and liquor that causes a
change in a persons physical and emotional state. (results into
confusion and mood swings).
The physical and mental changes produced by drinking alcohol are
called intoxication.
Age teens who start drinking before age 15 are four times more
likely to become alcoholics than people who wait until theyre 21 to
Social environment (changes in mental state, emotional state, and
social state)
Genetics (kids raised by alcoholics are more likely to have a disease
or become alcoholic)
Risk-taking personality (more than usual)
Warning Signs of Alcoholism:
Alcohol may be used to deal with anger, disappointment, and
frustration (sometimes negative)
Alcoholics usually battle feelings of depression and hopelessness
Most drinkers cant recognize these symptoms in themselves denial
Alcohol Effects the Family and Society
Guilty feelings
feelings (blame for your actions)
Unpredictable behavior (ex: climb on roof)
Violence (punching someone)
Neglect and isolation (ignoring family members)
Protecting the alcoholic- Enabling means helping an addict avoid the
negative consequences of his or her own needs to meet the needs of
the addict.
Ignoring ones own needs- Codependency is the condition in which a
family member or friend sacrifices his or her own needs to meet the
needs of the addict.
Alcohol and pregnancy: Fatal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a set of
physical and mental defects that affects a fetus that has been exposed
to alcohol because of the mothers consumption of alcohol during her
Alcohol affects the society by the number of car wrecks, drowning,
murder, family violence, child abuse, rape, and assault associated with
alcohol use
Society is also affected in the sense that a lot of money is spent to
cover losses due to alcohol-related crime and treating alcohol-related
Alcohol treatment programs include AA, AL-Anon, and Alateen
Saying No to Alcohol