Book Let Shama Sharma Research Edit
Book Let Shama Sharma Research Edit
Book Let Shama Sharma Research Edit
Prepared By:
Ms. Shama Sharma
M.Sc. II Year
Aurovindo College of Nursing
Aurobindo College of Nursing, Bhopal (M.P.)
Prepared By:
Ms. Shama Sharma
M.Sc. II Year
Aurobindo College of Nursing
Guided by:
Mr. Shihabudeen M H
Associate Professor & HOD of Mental Health Nursing
Aurovindo College of Nursing
1. Objectives
Properties of Alcohol
Classification of Alcohol Drinkers
Signs and Symptoms
General objective:
The learners will acquire adequate knowledge about the Alcohol Dependence
Syndrome, especially regarding causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of
Alcohol Dependence Syndrome.
Specific objective:
1. Worldwide, 3 million deaths every year result from harmful use of alcohol, this
represents 5.3% of all deaths.
2. Alcohol use is quite common in India both in rural and urban areas with
prevalence rates varying from 23% to 74% in males in general and although it’s
not that common in females but it has been found to be prevalent at the rate 24%
to 48 % in females in certain sections and communities.
Properties of alcohol
Alcohol is available in the form of popular drinks as beer, wine, rum, liquor
It is a CNS depressant.
It is absorbed rapidly into the blood stream, but slowly on full stomach.
If, the alcohol concentration is 80-100 mg/100 ml of blood, the person loses
his self-control. 200-250 mg blood alcohol level causes coma and 500 mg
ultimately result into death.
The alcoholic drinkers are classified into many types. They are
Alcohol Dependence Syndrome can arise from different factors. After a long
period of drinking, your brain back relies on alcohol to generate certain chemicals. This
is something which makes stimulating for heavy drinkers to stop. Following are the
causes .
1. Biological factors
Research has revealed a link between alcoholism and biological factors especially
genetics and physiology. There is a special chemical in the brain that can make you
more susceptible to alcohol abuse. For instance, a specialist has indicated that alcohol
dependence may be associated with up to 51 genes in different chromosome regions. If
these genes are carried down through generations, a family member is much likely to
developing drinking problems.
2. Social factors
Social factors can add to a person’s view of drinking. Your culture, religion,
family, and work impact many of your behaviors that include drinking alcohol.
The beginning of college also makes you more sensitive to alcoholism. During
these times, you are looking to make new friends and improve relations with
others who want to fit in and be well-liked may cause you to participate in
actions that you wouldn’t normally take part in.
3. Psychological factors
The different psychological factors may raise the possibility of heavy drinking.
Every person handles the situations in their individual way. However, how you
cope with these emotions can impact certain behavioral traits.
As an example, people with high stress, anxiety depression, and other mental
1. Minor symptoms –
8. Denial of Problem
Acute Intoxication
Withdrawal Syndrome
Acute intoxication-
It is Characterized by,
Mood Lability
Impaired Judgment
Slurred Speech
Unsteady gait
Person Who Has been Drinking Heavily Over a Prolonged period of time, Any
Rapid Decrease in the amount of Alcohol in the Body is likely to Produce
Withdrawal Symptoms.
These are:
Delirium Tremens
It is Characterized by
Mild tremors
Delirium tremens-
The treatment includes both medical and psychological managements. Before starting
any treatment, it is very important to see the complete history of drinking pattern, family
pattern, environmental conditions, history of any medical or psychological disease, any
motivation for treatment.
The best way to stop alcohol is to stop it suddenly, unless the risks of discontinuation
are felt to be very high by the treating team. It will be given in first 7 - 14 days. It
involves much medical management to control the symptoms that are developed by
withdrawing the alcohol. It includes checking the temperature, pulse, respiration, blood
pressure, level of consciousness, small doses of sedatives, vitamin - B.
These can be given at outpatient level. If the alcoholic withdrawal problems are severe
and are associated with any other physical and psychological illness, suicidal ideas or
attempts and unable to stop alcohol in the home setting, the treatment involves
hospitalization, close observation, large dose of sedatives, 50 ml of 50% glucose, if
blood glucose level is less, if necessary, treatment for fits, connecting saline bottles to
maintain fluid & electrolyte balance, calm, quiet, safe and protective environment.
B. Second phase – active treatment phase
Relapse will be prevented by improving the qualities of life and adequate social support
like breaking relations with other drinkers, encouraging non-drinker friends,
developing new interests and habits, new ways of celebrating some positive feelings,
choosing alternative methods to avoid stress, yoga, meditation, other relaxation
techniques under supervision, regular follow-up to heath care centers.
Primary level
Secondary level
Tertiary level
It includes early detection and counseling. Peoples should be provided feedback on the
personal risks of alcohol use and other options to change. Alcoholics will be detected
for any medical and psychological problems and other effects of alcoholism. Proper
medical and psychological treatments will be given.
3. Tertiary prevention: