Am Radio Kit: Elenco Electronics, Inc

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Assembly and Instruction Manual

Elenco Electronics, Inc.

Copyright 2010, 1999 by Elenco Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Revised 2010 REV-H 753108
No part of this book shall be reproduced by any means; electronic, photocopying, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.
If you are a student, and any parts are missing or damaged, please see instructor or bookstore.
If you purchased this kit from a distributor, catalog, etc., please contact Elenco Electronics (address/phone/e-
mail is at the back of this manual) for additional assistance, if needed. DO NOT contact your place of purchase
as they will not be able to help you.
Qty. Symbol Value Color Code Part #
r1 R6 10 5% 1/4W brown-black-black-gold 121000
r1 R4 150 5% 1/4W brown-green-brown-gold 131500
r1 R2 3.3k 5% 1/4W orange-orange-red-gold 143300
r1 R5 8.2k 5% 1/4W gray-red-red-gold 148200
r1 R1 100k 5% 1/4W brown-black-yellow-gold 161000
r1 R3 Potentiometer 50k & 192522
switch w/ Nut & Washer
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r1 C2 Variable Tuning Capacitor 211677
r1 C1 .01F Discap (103) 241031
r2 C3, C9 .047F Discap (473) 244700
r3 C4, C5, C8 10F Electrolytic Radial 271045
r2 C6, C7 470F Electrolytic Radial 284743
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r2 D1, D2 1N4148 Semiconductor Silicon Diode 314148
r1 IC2 LM-386 Integrated Circuit 330386
r1 IC1 484 / 7642 Integrated Circuit 33K484
Qty. Description Part # Qty. Description Part #
r1 Antenna with Holders 484004 r2 Screw M2.5 x 3.8mm 641310
r1 PC Board 517053 r1 Nut 2-56 644201
r1 Battery Holder 590096 r1 Socket IC 8-pin 664008
r1 Speaker 8 590102 r1 Label 720422
r1 Knob for Variable Capacitor 622040 r1 Speaker Pad 780128
r1 Knob for Potentiometer 622050 r4 Wire 2 814120
r1 Screw M2.5 x 7.5mm 641107 r1 Solder Lead-free 9LF99
r1 Screw 2-56 x 5/16 641231


Knob (dial) Speaker Pad

LM-386 Battery Holder
Discap Electrolytic
Screw Nut
Radial M2.5 x 3.8mm 2-56

Screw Screw
Label M2.5 x 8mm 2-56 x 5/16
50k Potentiometer
and Switch IC Socket
484 / 7642
Tuning Antenna with Holders (pot) Speaker

You Will Need:
9V Battery Long Nose Plier
25 or 30 watt Soldering Iron Side Cutters
Small Phillips and Slotted Screwdrivers


Use the following information as a guide in properly identifying the value of resistors.

BAND 1 BAND 2 Multiplier Resistance

1st Digit 2nd Digit Tolerance
Color Digit Color Digit Color Multiplier Color Tolerance BANDS
Black 0 Black 0 Black 1 Silver 10%
Brown 1 Brown 1 Brown 10 Gold 5% 1 2 Multiplier Tolerance
Red 2 Red 2 Red 100 Brown 1%
Orange 3 Orange 3 Orange 1,000 Red 2%
Yellow 4 Yellow 4 Yellow 10,000 Orange 3%
Green 5 Green 5 Green 100,000 Green 0.5%
Blue 6 Blue 6 Blue 1,000,000 Blue 0.25%
Violet 7 Violet 7 Silver 0.01 Violet 0.1%
Gray 8 Gray 8 Gold 0.1
White 9 White 9


Capacitors will be identified by their capacitance value in pF (picofarads), nF (nanofarads), or F (microfarads).
Most capacitors will have their actual value printed on them. Some capacitors may have their value printed in
the following manner. The maximum operating voltage may also be printed on the capacitor.

Electrolytic capacitors have a positive For the No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9

and a negative electrode. The Multiply By 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k .01 0.1
negative lead is indicated on the
packaging by a stripe with minus Second Digit Multiplier
signs and possibly arrowheads. 103K
First Digit 100V Tolerance*
If the capacitor is Maximum Working Voltage
connected with
incorrect polarity, it The value is 10 x 1,000 =
may heat up and 10,000pF or .01F 100V
Polarity Note: The letter R
either leak, or cause Marking * The letter M indicates a tolerance of +20% may be used at times
the capacitor to
The letter K indicates a tolerance of +10% to signify a decimal
explode. The letter J indicates a tolerance of +5% point; as in 3R3 = 3.3


Abbreviation Means Multiply Unit By Or 1. 1,000 pico units = 1 nano unit

p Pico .000000000001 10-12 2. 1,000 nano units = 1 micro unit
n nano .000000001 10-9
micro .000001 10-6 3. 1,000 micro units = 1 milli unit
m milli .001 10-3 4. 1,000 milli units = 1 unit
unit 1 100
5. 1,000 units = 1 kilo unit
k kilo 1,000 103
M mega 1,000,000 106 6. 1,000 kilo units = 1 mega unit

The AM-780K is a tuned radio frequency (TRF) in good soldering habits. Above all, take your time
receiver of the standard AM (amplitude modulation) and follow these easy step-by-step instructions.
broadcast frequencies (550kHz - 1600kHz). Easy- Remember, An ounce of prevention is worth a
to-build, using only two integral circuits (IC). pound of cure. Avoid making mistakes and no
problems will occur.
Assembly of your AM-780K AM Radio Kit will prove
to be an exciting project and give you much
satisfaction and personal achievement. Care must Construction Time: About 3 Hours.
be given to identifying the proper components and

The Model AM-780K AM Radio can be best The output from a diode detector of the 484/7642 is
understood by analysis of the block diagram shown typically 40 - 60mV. This audio signal is too weak to
in Figure 1. drive a speaker directly. Capacitor C3 filters out the
The coils on the ferrite rod antenna (L1 and L2) and radio frequency component of the signal, leaving a
the variable capacitors (C2) make up a tuned circuit clean audio signal.
(see schematic diagram below). It is a very selective
The amount of gain control is varied by potentiometer
filter. The frequency is selectable over a certain range
R3, which also varies the audio level and
by adjusting the tuning capacitor. The selectable
consequently the volume. Capacitor C5 couples the
signal is passed into IC1 (integrated circuit 484/7642)
audio signal from the volume control to the input of
where it is amplified and then detected. The 484/7642
the audio amplifier. Our kit uses the standard design
is a monolithic integral circuit equal to a ten transistor
for the audio amplifier on the base of the integral
tuned radio frequency circuit. The resistor R2 and the
circuit LM-386. To make the LM-386 a more versitile
capacitor C3 set the automatic gain control of IC1.
amplifier, two pins (1 and 8) are provided for gain
The 484/7642 requires a low voltage power supply
control. With pins 1 and 8 open, the gain at 20, the
(1.1 - 1.8V). The voltage drop across diodes D1, D2,
capacitor will go up to 200. Capacitor C7 blocks the
and resistor R4 is the correct supply voltage to IC1.
DC from the speaker while allowing the AC to pass.

Frequency Detector
IC 484 / 7642 IC LM-386 Speaker
Figure 1


Introduction Turn off iron when not in use or reduce temperature setting when
The most important factor in assembling your AM-780K AM Radio Kit is using a soldering station.
good soldering techniques. Using the proper soldering iron is of prime Tips should be cleaned frequently to remove oxidation before it becomes
importance. A small pencil type soldering iron of 25 - 40 watts is impossible to remove. Use Dry Tip Cleaner (Elenco #SH-1025) or Tip
recommended. The tip of the iron must be kept clean at all times and Cleaner (Elenco #TTC1). If you use a sponge to clean your tip, then use
well tinned. distilled water (tap water has impurities that accelerate corrosion).

Solder Safety Procedures

For many years leaded solder was the most common type of solder

used by the electronics industry, but it is now being replaced by lead- Always wear safety glasses or safety goggles to
free solder for health reasons. This kit contains lead-free solder, which protect your eyes when working with tools or
contains 99.3% tin, 0.7% copper, and has a rosin-flux core. soldering iron, and during all phases of testing.

Lead-free solder is different from lead solder: It has a higher melting Be sure there is adequate ventilation when soldering.
point than lead solder, so you need higher temperature for the solder to Locate soldering iron in an area where you do not have to go around
flow properly. Recommended tip temperature is approximately 700OF; it or reach over it. Keep it in a safe area away from the reach of
higher temperatures improve solder flow but accelerate tip decay. An children.
increase in soldering time may be required to achieve good results.
Soldering iron tips wear out faster since lead-free solders are more Do not hold solder in your mouth. Solder is a toxic substance.
corrosive and the higher soldering temperatures accelerate corrosion, Wash hands thoroughly after handling solder.
so proper tip care is important. The solder joint finish will look slightly
duller with lead-free solders. Assemble Components
In all of the following assembly steps, the components must be installed
Use these procedures to increase the life of your soldering iron tip when
on the top side of the PC board unless otherwise indicated. The top
using lead-free solder:
legend shows where each component goes. The leads pass through the
Keep the iron tinned at all times. corresponding holes in the board and are soldered on the foil side.
Use only rosin core solder.
Use the correct tip size for best heat transfer. The conical tip is the
most commonly used. DO NOT USE ACID CORE SOLDER!

What Good Soldering Looks Like Types of Poor Soldering Connections

A good solder connection should be bright, shiny, smooth, and uniformly
flowed over all surfaces.

Soldering Iron Rosin

Component Lead
1. Solder all components from the 1. Insufficient heat - the solder will
copper foil side only. Push the Foil not flow onto the lead as shown.
soldering iron tip against both the
lead and the circuit board foil.

Soldering iron positioned

Circuit Board

Soldering Iron Solder

2. Apply a small amount of solder to 2. Insufficient solder - let the
the iron tip. This allows the heat to Solder solder flow over the connection
leave the iron and onto the foil. until it is covered.
Immediately apply solder to the Use just enough solder to cover
opposite side of the connection, the connection. Gap
away from the iron. Allow the Component Lead
heated component and the circuit
foil to melt the solder.
3. Excessive solder - could make
connections that you did not
Soldering Iron intend to between adjacent foil
Solder areas or terminals.
3. Allow the solder to flow around
the connection. Then, remove
the solder and the iron and let the Foil
connection cool. The solder
should have flowed smoothly and Soldering Iron
not lump around the wire lead. 4. Solder bridges - occur when
solder runs between circuit paths
and creates a short circuit. This is
usually caused by using too much
4. Here is what a good solder solder.
connection looks like. To correct this, simply drag your
soldering iron across the solder
bridge as shown. Foil Drag

Place a check mark in the box provided next to each step to indicate that the step is completed.

D1 - 1N4148 Diode
D2 - 1N4148 Diode
(see Figure A)
R4 - 150 5% 1/4W Res.
R2 - 3.3k 5% 1/4W Res.
IC1 - 484 / 7642 IC
(see Figure B)
R1 - 100k 5% 1/4W Res.
C1 - .01F Discap (103)
C3 - .047F Discap (473)
C5 - 10F Electrolytic
C4 - 10F Electrolytic
C8 - 10F Electrolytic
(see Figure C)

Figure A
Mount diode with the band in the
same direction as marked on the PC
board. Solder and cut off the excess Figure C Figure Ca Figure D
Polarity Mark Mount capacitor C6 on the
back of the PC board in Insert the IC
Electrolytics have a the location shown. Make socket into the PC
polarity marking sure the lead with the board with the
Band polarity marking is in the notch in the
indicating the ()
lead. The PC board correct hole as shown. direction shown
is marked to show () (+) on the top legend.
Figure B the lead position. Mark
Solder the IC
Flat socket into place.
Mount the IC with Insert the IC into
the flat side in the Warning: If the capacitor is
the socket with

same direction as connected with incorrect polarity, the notch in the

marked on the PC or if it is subjected to voltage same direction as
board. Solder and exceeding its working voltage, it the notch on the
cut off the excess may heat up and either leak or socket.
leads. cause the capacitor to explode.

Figure E
Step 1: If the speaker pad
has center and outside Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
pieces, then remove them.
Peel the backing off of one
side of the speaker pad and Pad Backing
stick the pad onto the
Step 2: Remove the other PC Board
backing from the speaker pad. (solder side)
Step 3: Stick the speaker
onto the solder side of the PC Backing
board. Speaker
Step 4: Solder the 2 wires
from the speaker to the pads
+SP and SP.

C9 - .047F Discap (473)
R5 - 8.2k 5% 1/4W Res.
R6 - 10 5% 1/4W Res.
Socket IC 8-pin
IC2 - LM-386 IC
(see Figure D)
C6 - 470F Electrolytic
(see Figure Ca)
C7 - 470F Electrolytic
(see Figure C)
R3 - Potentiometer
Nut & Washer
Washer Nut
PC Board

Solder 5 lugs
to PC board.

Tuning Capacitor Speaker 8

2 M2.5 x 3.8mm Screws Speaker Pad
1 M2.5 x 7.5mm Screw 2 Wires
1 Knob (Dial) (see Figure E)
1 Label
(see Figures F and G)

Tuning Capacitor Figure G

Figure F Turn the dial fully clockwise.
Remove the protective backing
Your kit may contain a 3 lead or a 4 lead capacitor. Bend the leads as
from the label and align the 1600
shown. Fasten C1 into place on the top side of the PC board with two M2.5 with the arrow on the PC board.
x 3.8mm screws. Fasten the knob to the shaft of the gang with an M2.5 x NOTE: SAVE the protective
7.5mm screw. backing from the label for it will be
Knob Post used on page 8.
Foil Side

Screw Holes
Tuning Capacitor
3 Leads M2.5 x 7.5mm M2.5 x 3.8mm
Screw Screws
Solder leads
to pads Knob

Foil Side
4 Leads

r Bend the leads of the battery holder as shown in Figure H. Fasten the battery holder to the PC board with
a 2-56 x 5/16 screw and 2-56 nut. Solder the leads to the PC board pads as shown.
r Install the antenna coil as shown in Figure I.

2-56 Nut

Battery Holder
Figure H

Foil Side of
PC Board

2-56 x 5/16


Assemble and mount the antenna to the PC board as shown below.

r Put the tab of the first holder into the right hole and twist the tab 90O.
r Put the tab of the second holder into the left hole and twist the tab 90O. Figure I
r Slide the ferrite core through the left holder.
r Slide the antenna coil through the ferrite core.
r Slide the ferrite core through the right holder.
Note: If the end of a wire from the antenna should break off, strip the insulation off the end with a hot
soldering iron. Lay the wire down on a hard surface and stroke the wire with your iron. The insulation should
come off very easily. CAUTION: The soldering iron will burn the hard surface that you are working on.
1 (green) 2 (red) 3 (blue) 4 (white)
Antenna Coil

Ferrite Core

Foil Side of
PC Board

Solder the 4 colored wires to the PC board:

r Wire 1 (green) to the hole marked 1
r Wire 2 (red) to the hole marked 2
r Wire 3 (blue) to the hole marked 3
r Wire 4 (white) to the hole marked 4

r Using a small, slotted screwdriver, adjust the trimmer located on the back of the tuning capacitor to minimum
capacitance (as shown in Figure J).

3 Leads 4 Leads

Location for min. capacitance

Figure J

r Turn the power OFF. Put a fresh 9V battery into r Use the paper left over from the Radio Dial Label
the battery holder and turn the power ON. Adjust used in Figure G and fold it in half as shown in
the volume to a comfortable level. Tune the dial Figure K. Fold it in half once more as shown.
(around 1000kHz) until a weak station is heard. Now you have a shim to hold the coil in place.
Carefully slide the antenna coil on its ferrite core
until the station is at its loudest. r Slide the shim, in-between the coil and the ferrite
core as shown in Figure L.


Figure K Figure L

Contact Elenco Electronics if you have any problems. DO NOT contact your place of purchase as they will not
be able to help you.

1. One of the most frequently occurring problems is d) Have any solder bridges formed? A solder
poor solder connections. bridge may occur if you accidentally touch
a) Tug slightly on all parts to make sure that an adjacent foil by using too much solder or
they are indeed soldered. by dragging the soldering iron across
adjacent foils. Break the bridge with your
b) All solder connections should be shiny. soldering iron.
Resolder any that are not.
c) Solder should flow into a smooth puddle 2. Use a fresh 9V battery.
rather than a round ball. Resolder any
connection that has formed into a ball.

3. Make sure that all of the parts are placed in
their correct positions. Check if the IC, diode
and lytic orientations are correct.

4. Use a 2 wire to short capacitor C2 (see Figure M).

Turn the volume control up halfway:
a) Short by wire, the speaker terminals several C2
times. If you dont hear tapping from the
speaker, check the speaker, battery, battery
holder, capacitor C6 and the switch.
b) Short by wire, pins 4 and 5 of IC2 several
times. If you dont hear tapping from the
speaker, check the wires from the PC board to
the speaker and capacitor C7.
c) Short pins 2 and 3 of IC2 several times. If
you dont hear tapping from the speaker,
check IC2 and capacitor C8. Figure M
d) Short pins 1 and 3 of IC1 several times. If you
dont hear tapping from the speaker, check
capacitors C3, C4 and C5 and resistor R3.
e) Short pins 2 and 3 of IC1 several times. If
you dont hear tapping from the speaker,
check IC1, R1, R2, R4, R5, D1, D2 and C1.
Turn OFF power. Remove the short wire
from C2.
f) Check the antenna coils L1 and L2 and
capacitor C2. If you have an ohmmeter,
measure the resistance on the pads of
capacitor C2 (see Figure N). The

resistance should be approximately 11. If
the resistance is infinity, check the antenna
coils L1 and L2. If the resistance is around
0, check capacitor C2.

5. The DC voltage readings below should be used

for test conditions: Volume set to minimum,
battery voltage = 9V; all voltages are referenced
to the circuit common. Voltage readings can
vary +10%.

Note: C2 should be shorted. Figure N

(IC2) 1 - 1.32V (IC1) 1 (output) - .830V
2 - 8mV 2 (input) - .810V
3 - 0 3 (GND) - 0
4 - 0
5 - 4.35V
6 - 9V Anode of D1 - 1.33V
7 - 4.55V Anode of D2 - .720
8 - 1.33V


AGC Automatic Gain Control. FM Frequency Modulation.

AF Audio Frequency Frequency Wave or pulse repetition rate.

AM Amplitude Modulation Gain Signal multiplication.

Amplifier Converts input signal to output. IC Integrated Circuit.

Anode The positive terminal of a PC Board Printed Circuit Board.

Potentiometer Three-terminal variable
Antenna Any device that either radiates resistor, volume control.
a signal or pulls in a signal.
Power Supply An electronic circuit that
Baffle Used to ensure positive airflow. produces the necessary power
for another circuit.
Capacitor An electronic component that
has ability to store a charge Resistor An electronic component that
and block DC current. obstructs (resists) the flow of
Cathode The negative terminal of a
diode. Speaker An electronic device that turn
electric impulses into sound.
Coil A component with inductive
reactance. Transistor A semiconductor component
that can be used to amplify
Current Electrical flow. signals, or as electronic
Diode An electronic component that
changes alternating current to
direct current.

Elenco Electronics, Inc.
150 Carpenter Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 541-3800
e-mail: [email protected]

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